Akshi Enterprises: Samakshi

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GSTIN: 07GUXPS6099L1Z3 Mob.


Dr. Vikrant Jain Dental Clinic, T-479, Gali Pahar Wali, Ahata Kidara
Pahari Dhiraj, Delhi -110006


I, Samakshi Kumar (Proprietor) authorised signatory of M/s AKSHI ENTERPRISES having its
registered office at “T-479, GALI PAHAR WALI AHATA KIDARA PAHARI DHIRAJ, Pahari
Dhiraj, New Delhi,-110006” do hereby undertake that we are accepting of all terms &
conditions published in the Bid (Tender Document/ Corrigendum) & we have carefully read
all the terms & conditions tender.

Yours Faithfully
Digitally signed by

Samakshi Samakshi
Date: 2023.10.04
23:47:44 +05'30'
Samakshi Kumar

has been SILVER CERTIFIED for completing the online assessment

that covered BASIC functionality of the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal.


TYPE OF ENTERPRISE * MICRO ( Based on FY 2020-21 )



S.No. Name of Unit(s)


Name of
Village/Town DELHI Block
Road/Street/Lane City DELHI
State DELHI District CENTRAL , Pin 110006
Mobile 8285151197 Email: Samakshiusha@gmail.com



NATIONAL INDUSTRY SNo. NIC 2 Digit NIC 4 Digit NIC 5 Digit Activity
1 62 - Computer 6202 - Computer 62020 - Computer Services
programming, consultancy and consultancy and
consultancy computer facilities computer facilities
and related management management activities
activities activities
2 78 - 7810 - Activities of 78100 - Activities of Services
Employment employment employment placement
activities placement agencies
3 78 - 7830 - Human 78300 - Human Services
Employment resources resources provision and
activities provision and management of human
management of resources functions
human resources
4 80 - Security 8010 - Private 80100 - Private security Services
and security activities activities
5 80 - Security 8020 - Security 80200 - Security Services
and systems service systems service
investigation activities activities
6 80 - Security 8030 - 80300 - Investigation Services
and Investigation activities
investigation activities
7 86 - Human 8690 - Other 86909 - Other human Services
health human health health activities n.e.c.
activities activities (including independent
ambulance activities)
8 96 - Other 9609 - Other 96098 - General Services
personal personal service household maintenance
service activities n.e.c. activities like grooming
activities of the floor, dusting,
cleaning of utensils etc.


* In case of graduation (upward/reverse) of status of an enterprise, the benefit of the Government Schemes will be availed as per
the provisions of Notification No. S.O. 2119(E) dated 26.06.2020 issued by the M/o MSME.
Disclaimer: This is computer generated statement, no signature required. Printed from https://udyamregistration.gov.in & Date of printing:-

For any assistance, you may contact:

1. District Industries Centre: DELHI ( DELHI )


5/23/22, 9:26 PM Print : Udyam Registration Certificate



TYPE OF ENTERPRISE * MICRO ( Based on FY 2019-20 )



S.No. Name of Unit(s)

1 Services Provider

Flat/Door/Block No. T-479, Name of Premises/ Building T-479, GALI PAHAR WALI
Village/Town Delhi Block AHATA KIDARA
State DELHI District CENTRAL , Pin 110006
Mobile 8285151197 Email: samakshiusha@gmail.com



SNo. NIC 2 Digit NIC 4 Digit NIC 5 Digit Activity

1 18 - Printing and 1811 - Printing 18113 - Printing of postage stams, taxation Manufacturing
reproduction of recorded stamps, cheques and other security papers
2 62 - Computer 6202 - Computer consultancy and 62020 - Computer consultancy and computer Services
programming, consultancy computer facilities management facilities management activities
and related activities activities
3 78 - Employment activities 7810 - Activities of employment 78100 - Activities of employment placement Services
placement agencies agencies
NATIONAL INDUSTRY 4 78 - Employment activities 7830 - Human resources provision 78300 - Human resources provision and Services
CLASSIFICATION CODE(S) and management of human management of human resources functions
resources functions
5 80 - Security and 8010 - Private security activities 80100 - Private security activities Services
investigation activities
6 84 - Public administration 8422 - Defence activities 84220 - Defence activities Services
and defence; compulsory
social security
7 96 - Other personal service 9609 - Other personal service 96098 - General household maintenance Services
activities activities n.e.c. activities like grooming of the floor, dusting,
cleaning of utensils etc.


* In case of graduation (upward/reverse) of status of an enterprise, the benefit of the Government Schemes will be availed as per the provisions of Notification No. S.O. 2119(E) dated
26.06.2020 issued by the M/o MSME.
This certificate is temporarily generated based on data of AY 2020-21 due to non-availability of data of AY 2021-22. This will be updated on receipt of data of AY 2021-22.

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Disclaimer: This is computer generated statement, no signature required. Printed from https://udyamregistration.gov.in & Date of printing:- 23/05/2022

For any assistance, you may contact:

1. District Industries Centre: DELHI ( DELHI )


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Department of Labour
Government of National Capital Territory of
5- Shamnath Marg, Delhi-110054
Form C
Registration Certificate of Establishment
Certificate No. :2022265436 Date :21/8/2022
Name of the establishment : Akshi Enterprises
Samakshi Kumar D/o Mr. Harnish
Name of the Occupier/Employer :
Postal address of the establishment : T479 Gali Pahar Wali Ahata Kidara
Pahari Dhiraj
New Delhi Delhi 110006
Registration No. : 2022265436
Category of Establishment : Commercial Establishment
Nature Of Business : Manpower & Labor Export
It is hereby certified that the establishment as mentioned herein has been
registered as a Commercial Establishment under Delhi Shops &
Establishment Act, 1954, on this 21 day of August ,2022.


This Certificate is based on the information provided by the

Occupier/ Employer and has not been verified.Therefore, it shall
not be valid for opening of Bank Account/Grant of loan and
Execution of any agreement.


1. The Occupier/Employer is required to notify the Chief Inspector of

any change in respect of information contained in the form.
2. This is computer generated certificate and does not require signature.


[Under rule 17(1) of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules,


Acknowledgement Number: - Date of Application: -

Details of the Establishment

1. Name and location of the establishment: AKSHI ENTERPRISES, T-479, GALI PAHAR
WALI, AHATA KIDARA PAHARI DHIRAJ, Sadar Bazar, Delhi, New Delhi, 110006
2. Postal Address of the establishment: T-479, GALI PAHAR WALI, AHATA KIDARA PAHARI
DHIRAJ, Sadar Bazar, New Delhi, Delhi - 110006
3. Permanent Account Number (PAN)/ Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
(GSTIN)/ Labour Identification Number (LIN): GUXPS6099L
4. Full name and address of the Principal Employer: Samakshi, Manager, T-479, GALI
PAHAR WALI, AHATA KIDARA PAHARI DHIRAJ, Sadar Bazar, New Delhi, Delhi - 110006
5. Full name and address of the Manager or person responsible for supervision and
control of the establishment: Ashish Sharma , 7071/A, GA Pahar Wail, Sadar Bazar,
New Delhi, Delhi - 110006
6. Nature of work carried on in the establishment: We are a facility management
provider and we provide all types of services
7. Maximum Number of contract labour to be employed in the establishment on any day:
Details of Contractors
Number of
contract Estimated Estimated
Serial Name andPAN/GSTIN/LIN Mobile labour to be date of date of
e-mail ID of
NumberAddress Number Number employed in commencement
the of work of work
on any day:
: T-479,
1 8285151197 samakshiusha@gmail.com , 10 - -
Delhi -

8. Amount of Registration Fee : INR 60 ( Transaction Id : )

9. Jurisdiction Submitted Area : ALC NEW DELHI III ( ALCNEWDELHI3 )

Signature of the Principal Employer

Note: This is an online application summary applied on Shram Suvidha Portal.

(A statutory Body under the Ministry of Labour and Employment,



No : 10001035588CPM Date : 02/09/2022

M/s Akshi Enterprises T-479, Gali Pahar Wali
Ahata Kidara Pahari Dhiraj CENTRAL
DELHI - 110006

Sub: Allotment of Code Number to establishment M/s GUXPS6099L under Employees' Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952-regarding.

Sir/Madam ,

Based on the information submitted online by you, your establishment is registered with Employees' Provident Fund
Organisation with the following code number :

Code Number : DLCPM2743197000

This code number is allotted based on the following declarations by you:

1. Name of Establishment : GUXPS6099L

2. PAN of Establishment : GUXPS6099L

3. Date on which employment : 05/05/2022

strength crossed 19
4. Section under which : 0001(3)(b)


6. Ownership Type : Proprietorship Firm

7. The address proof of the : - Any license/certificate/number issued by any Govt.

establishment is

Application Number : 10001035588 Page 1 of 2

Code Number : DLCPM2743197000

8. The proof of date of set up 05/05/2022 is Small Scale Industry Registration Certificate

9. As at the time of application, your establishment is having the following licenses and registrations:

S.No. License Under License Number Date Issued By Place of Issue

10506 Registration as a Small UDYAM-DL-01- 05/05/2022 Goverment Of India Delhi

37 Scale Industry 0018177
10. As on date of your application, your establishment is not registered with ESIC.

11. As on date of your application, your establishment is not having LIN.

M/s Akshi Enterprises T-479, Gali Pahar Wali 110006

Please note that this intimation letter is generated with the Owners' Details in Form 5A and the intimated letter will be valid
only if the Form 5A is enclosed.

Important information:

1. By virtue of this registration, you are required to comply with the provision of the EPF & MP Act 1952. The
obligations/duties/responsibilities cast upon you as an employer of this establishment and penalties, on account of non-
compliance with the same, are explained on our website www.epfindia.gov.in. You are required to go through them
2. Remittance of dues under the provisions of the Act is to be made only through a Challan generated through the Unified
portal. (The process for registration on the portal, preparation of the ECR txt file and related information is available on the
website and the portal).

3. In case this letter is produced as a proof of the code number of the establishment, before any person including
any Inspector from EPFO, the Form 5A generated through the portal at the time of registration should be a part of
this letter. The remittance details of the establishment will be available on the EPFO website through the link
"Establishment Search" where all payments from December 2016 onwards with the names of employees are

4. Please quote the Code Number DLCPM2743197000 for all the future correspondence with EPFO.

This is a system generated letter and needs no signature.

Employees' Provident Fund Organisation

Dated: 02/09/2022

Application Number : 10001035588 Page 2 of 2

Code Number : DLCPM2743197000

Regional Office C-11 Regd. with a.d.
Regional Office, ESI Corporation, 3rd & 4th Floor, DDA Office
Complex, Rajendra Bhawan, Rajendra Place, New Delhi

To Dated : 2/9/2022

M/s Akshi Enterprises

T-479, Gali Pahar Wali
Ahata Kidara Pahari Dhiraj,110006

Subject:- Implementation of the E.S.I. Act, 1948 and Registration of Employees of

the Factories and Establishments under Section 1(5) of the Act, as

Dear Sir(s),

1. It is informed that under section 1(3) of the esi. act, 1948 is applicable to all
factories/establishments covered under the act within the area where your factory/establishment is

2. It is further informed that the appropriate government has extended the provisions of the act to
other establishments under section 1(5) of the act in this area

3. Under section 2 a of the act such a factory/establishment is required to register itself under the
act and chapter iv thereof casts a responsibility on the principal employer thereof to get his
employees registered and pay contributions in respect of these employees covered under the act.

4. On the basis of the particulars in respect of your factory/establishment submitted by you, the
report of the inspection conducted by the Social Security Officer, who inspected your
establishment on -NA-, your establishment falls within the purview of Section 1(5) of the Act with
effect from 08-06-2022. In case, however, subsequent facts reveal that your establishment was
coverable from a date prior to the date mentioned above, you shall make yourself liable to comply
with the provisions of the Act from such earlier date.

5. It is requested to take immediate steps for registration of your employees by submitting

declaration forms online, payment of contribution, maintenance of records etc. from the date of
coverage of your factory/establishment under the act. **You are also requested to submit
employer’s registration form (form 01) as required under the provisions of sec.2-a of the esi act ,
1948 read with regulation 10-b of the esi(general), regulations, 1950.

6. For the sake of convenience your establishment has been allotted code No
11001413560001099 which may kindly be used in all communications sent to this office and on
all forms at the place indicated for the purpose. The Branch Office of the Corporation situated at
Branch Office ESI Corporation, Opposite Mori Gate Bus Terminal has been instructed to
render necessary assistance to you in connection with registration of your employees. In case you
find any difficulty or for any other purpose which may be necessary in connection with the Scheme
you are requested to contact the Manager of the above Branch Office who will render necessary
help in the matter.

7. A State wise list of ESI Dispensaries is available on our website www.esic.nic.in under the link
Directories which can be downloaded. It is requested that publicity may be given about the
Employees’ State Insurance Dispensaries to enable your employees to choose their E.S.I.
8. The corporation officials would be pleased to give all necessary and possible guidance to you in
discharging your duties and obligations under the esi act, 1948 and I am confident of prompt and
timely compliance under the provisions of the ESI act and regulations on your part.

9. All the Branches of State Bank of India are authorized to accept the ESI Contribution .

10. The brochures/leaflets containing benefits available under the scheme and obligation of the
employer etc are available on our website www.esic.nic.in under the link Publications which may
be downloaded for wide publicity for the smooth functioning of the scheme

11. Please indicate your code no. on all correspondences to avoid delay

Yours faithfully,

Asstt./Dy. Director
Encl. : As state above

Copy for information and necessary action to:

Name of the principal employer : Samakshi

No. of employees : 14

Government of India
Form GST REG-06
[See Rule 10(1)]

Registration Certificate

Registration Number : 07GUXPS6099L1Z3

1. Legal Name SAMAKSHI

2. Trade Name, if any AKSHI ENTERPRISES

3. Constitution of Business Proprietorship

4. Address of Principal Place of Dr Vikrant Jain Dental Clinic, T-479, GALI PAHAR WALI
Business AHATA KIDARA PAHARI DHIRAJ, Pahari Dhiraj, New Delhi,
Central Delhi, Delhi, 110006

5. Date of Liability

6. Period of Validity From 05/05/2022 To Not Applicable

7. Type of Registration Regular

8. Particulars of Approving Authority Delhi

Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by DS GOODS AND
Date: 2022.05.05 12:32:16 IST

Name Renu Arora

Designation Sales Tax Officer Class II / AVATO

Jurisdictional Office Ward 32

9. Date of issue of Certificate 05/05/2022

Note: The registration certificate is required to be prominently displayed at all places of business in the State.

This is a system generated digitally signed Registration Certificate issued based on the approval of application granted on 05/05/2022 by
the jurisdictional authority.
Annexure A



Trade Name, if any AKSHI ENTERPRISES

Details of Additional Places of Business

Total Number of Additional Places of Business in the State 0

Annexure B



Trade Name, if any AKSHI ENTERPRISES

Details of Proprietor


Designation/Status Proprietor

Resident of State Delhi


Contract No: GEMC-511687787163481

Contract Generated Date: 06-Sep-
Bid/RA No: GEM/2022/B/2305306

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central PSU Designation: ASSISTANT MANAGER
Ministry: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Contact No.: -8876221101-
Department: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Email ID: buyer70.bpcl.wb@gembuyer.in
Organisation Name: Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd GSTIN: -
Address: MAMMIT,
AIZAWL, MIZORAM-796421, India

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: Senior Manager Designation: Shivam Sharma
Designation of Financial Approval: Senior Manger Email ID: pay36.bpcl.wb@gembuyer.in
Address: HOWRAH,
Howrah, WEST BENGAL-711316, India

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -8876221101-
Email ID: buyer70.bpcl.wb@gembuyer.in
GSTIN: - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Admin; Administrative Operator or Office
Address: LENGPUI AIRPORT, SUB DIVISION - REIEK, Assistant or Executive Assistant
AIZAWL, MIZORAM-796421, India

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 2KN7220006069846
Contact No.: 08285151197
Email ID: samakshiusha@gmail.com
Central Delhi, DELHI-110006, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-DL-01-0018177
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Female

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 07-Sep-2022 Service End Date : 06-Mar-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Number of Resources Percentage of Service charge

to be hired inclusive of GST (INR)

Skill Category Skilled

Type of Function Admin

Experience 5 years

Educational Qualification Diploma

Administrative Operator or Office Assistant or Executive

List of Profiles

District NA

Engineering(Civil/Mech/Elec./IT /Comp Sc./Electronics/


Zipcode NA

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Post Graduation Not Required

EDLI (INR per day) 0

Bonus (INR per day) 99.96

1 0.850
EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 12

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per


Optional Allowances 2 (INR per


Optional Allowances 3 (INR per


Minimum daily wage (INR)

exclusive of GST

Number of working days in a


Provident Fund (INR per day) 144

ESI (INR per day) 39

Tenure/ Duration of
Employment (in months)

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 355579.04

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 355579.04

Additional Details

Title for Optional Allowances 3 : Leave with wages

Designation : Contract Diploma Engineer
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : HRA and Transport Allowance
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : Northeast Allowance

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 355579.04

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement for Manpower Hiring Services

1 Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower Hiring Service Provider. The purpose of this
agreement is to facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises or any other premises designated by Buyer. This Agreement outlines the
scope of work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services for mutual understanding of the stakeholders. The
Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless either superseded by a revised agreement
mutually endorsed by the stakeholders or terminated by either of the parties thereof.

The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:

1. General terms and conditions for Services;

2. Service Specific STC of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service;

BID/ Reverse Auction specific ATC.

The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC supersedes Service specific STC which supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with scope of work and service level agreement as enumerated in the document shall be construed to be part
of the Contract between Buyer and Service Provider.

2 Objectivesand Goals
The objective of this agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:

1. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
2. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer

Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified

1. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons

The agreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the
same. The agreement can also be revised/ modified on mutual consent of the stakeholders.
3 Parties to the Agreement
The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement

The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ penalties in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions. It is assumed that all stakeholders have read and understood the same before signing the document.

4 Scope of Services
The scope of service requires the Service Provider istoprovide Manpower Hiring Services in the Buyer’s premises or the Buyer’s designated premises.The Service
Provider would be required to provide sufficient and qualified manpower, capable of supporting the functioning of the project/ department in a manner desired by the
Buyer.The services shall be rendered as per the agreement signed between the parties.The services maybe required for one or more locations.

Buyers of this service will have the option to choose the desired manpower on thebasis of type of function, educational qualification, work experience, skill categories
as per their requirement.Buyer will also provide additional details like duration of requirement, number of manpower required etc. Service Providers will quote price as
per the given service parameters.

4.1 Service Details and Standards

1. Service Provider; while providing the services shall be compliant with all the applicable laws with respect to Buyer’s organization, region or premises. List of
central labour laws under Ministry of Labour and Employment is given as Annexure 1, Service Provider shall follow all the laws applicable for Buyer.
2. Buyer will be required to select the manpower as per available type of manpower category, in case the category is not available; Buyer will select Other
category and provide manual inputs.

It is the responsibility of the Service Provider to provide manpower as per Buyer's requirement. The person deployed should not below the age of 18 years old.

1. The persons deployed should be efficient while handling the assigned work and complete the assigned work in given timelines. The Service Provider shall be
responsible for any act of indiscipline on the part of the persons deployed.
2. The Service Provider should have a legal status, it can be a registered Proprietorship Firm/ Partnership Firm/ Company under Companies Act having legal entity
with all statutory licenses/ registration for carrying out such activities like registration with labour department, PF Act, 1952, ESI Act, 1948, Income Tax Act etc.
3. The Service Provider shall ensure that all the relevant licenses/ registrations/ permissions which may be required for providing the services are valid during the
entire period of the contract; failing to which shall attract the appropriate penalties. The documents relevant in this regard shall be provided by the Service
Provider to the Buyer on demand.

Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should be in
compliance with all the labour laws. In case of continuous work (24 hours), Service Provider shall be responsible to change the shifts and manpower in
compliance with the labour law, maximum working hours, minimum wages, overtime and/ or any other conditions mentioned in the contract.
In case of services hired on annual basis and 5 working days, the manpower will be entitled to 08 days of casual leaves per year on pro-rata basis and in case
of 6 working days, the manpower will be entitled to 15 days casual leave per year on pro-rata basis. Beyond specified leaves as applicable, leave will be
treated as leave without pay (LWP) for which necessary deduction will be made by the Buyer in the billed amount if no replacement is provided.

1. Employers share of EPF, ESI, ELDI, Insuranceand other relevant/ mandatory compliances shall be deposited to the respective authorities with proof of deposit of
both employee and employer share by withinfirst 7 working days of the succeeding month. Employee share of EPF and ESI contribution shall be recovered from
the gross remuneration and balance amount is to be released to the persons employed.
2. The Service Provider shall be required to keep the Buyer updated about the change of address, change of the Management etc. from time to time.
3. The Service Provider shall be solely responsible for the redressal of grievances/ resolution of disputes relating to persons deployed. The Buyer shall, in no way
be responsible for settlement of such issues whatsoever.

After award of the contract, if the Service Provider is found to be charging any money/charges/fees/penalties in whatever form, manner, or name, from the
manpower resources engaged by it for deployment to the Buyer/ Client’s site, the Buyer will have the right to terminate the contract forthwith along with
forfeiture of Performance Security amount deposited by the Service Provider. The Buyer may also blacklist/debar the Service Provider, as deemed fit by the
Buyer. Any such amount received from its manpower by the Service Provider may be recovered by the Buyer from the pending bills of the Service Provider and
paid directly to the concerned person/manpower.

Any violation of contractual obligations by the Service Provider/ manpower shall attract penalties, before imposing a penalty, the Buyer will provide 3 days
prior notice to the Service Provider to make its representation. The Service Provider confirms and agrees that penalty whenever becomes payable, shall be
deducted by the Buyer from the payments due to the Service Provider.

In case the submission of monthly bills is delayed by the Service Provider beyond 15 days from the last day of the month in which the services have been
provided, the entire liability towards payment of interest/penalty to the tax authorities shall be borne by the Service Provider.

4.2 Defined Timelines

1. If Buyer requires additional manpower during the contract period; Buyer shall inform about thesamewith specific requirements to the Service Provider 2months
prior to the employment start date.
2. The manpower deployed shall be punctual and reach Buyer’s premise/ designated premise on the time defined by Buyer, prior information shall be given to
Buyer for any delay/ absence. In case, deployed person comes late/leaves early on three occasions, one-day wage shall be deducted.

Service Provider shall adhere to the timeline given by Buyer for providing the required manpower on Buyer’s premise/ designated premise.

1. In case of non-availability of specifically demanded manpower; the Service Provider shall communicate the same to Buyer at least 1month prior to the
employment start date.

4.3 Service Assumptions

1. The Service Provider shall not sublet any part of the Contract. The Service Provider shall be responsible and liable to deliver the services as per the contract.
2. The manpower provided by the Service Provider shall not be deemed employees of the Buyer department hence the compliance of the applicable acts/ laws
will be the sole responsibility of the Service Provider.

The Service Provider must assess all the proposedcandidates of desired requirement on the parameters of educational qualification, work experience, skill
assessment, pre-interviewing, short-listing and proposing to Buyer all pre-screened candidates (“Services”).

1. The Service Provider would be required to provide sufficient and qualified manpower, capable of supporting the functioning of the project/department in a
manner desired by the Buyer. Any mismatch in demand and supply of the manpower such as number of employees, educational qualification, sectoral/ desired
work experience etc. may lead to penalties and/or replacement of the resource with the matching skillset or profile desired by the Buyer.
2. The persons deployed by the Service Provider shall not claim nor shall be entitled to pay, perks and other facilities admissible to regular/ confirmed employees
during the currency or after expiry of the Agreement.
3. No medical facilities or reimbursement or any sort of medical claims thereof in respect of employees provided by the Service Provider will be entertained by
the Buyer.

The working hours and days of the outsourced manpower shall be as per the existing applicable rules of the Buyer. The deployed manpower shall get the
benefit of holidays as notified/ declared by the Buyer. However, outsourced manpowerhas to work on holidays, if necessary and required based on demand of
The requirement of the manpower may increase or decrease during the period of initial contract also. In case of decrease in the requirement, the same will be
informed to the Service Provider and additional manpower shall be withdrawn at the given time. If the requirement is increased, the Service Provider shall
provide additional manpower on the same terms and conditions in reasonable time.

1. The persons deployed shall, during the course of their work be shall perform integrity to the Buyer and shall not disclose/ share any qualified documents and
information which they are not supposed to divulge to Service Provider/ third parties. In view of this, they shall be required to sign the confidentiality clause and
breach of this condition shall make the Service Provider as well as the person deployed liable for penal action under the applicable laws besides, action for
breach of contract and termination of contract.
2. The Buyer will in no way be responsible for the violation of any rules and/or infringement of any other laws from the time being in force, either by the
manpower or by the Service Provider. The manpower as well as the Service Provider shall comply with the relevant rules and regulations applicable at present
and as may be enforced from time to time, for which the Buyer will not be liable or responsible in any manner. The onus of compliance to all the applicable
laws/acts/rules shall only rest with the Service Provider.
3. The Buyer shall have the right, within reason, to have any personnel removed who is considered to be undesirable with proper reasoning or otherwise and
similarly the Service Provider reserves the right to remove any personnel with prior intimation to the Buyer in case of any emergencies.

The Service Provider shall nominate a coordinator/ Single Point of Contact (SPOC) who shall be responsible for regular interaction with the Buyer Department so
that optimal services of the persons deployed could be availed without any disruption.
For all intents and purposes, the Service Provider shall be the "Employer'' within the meaning of different Rules & Acts in respect of manpower so deployed.
The persons deployed by the Service Provider shall not have any claim whatsoever like employer and employee relationship against the Buyer Department.
No deployed manpower shall be allowed to stay in the Buyer’s premise/ designated premise unnecessarily after working hours without Buyer’s permission.

1. Any damages/ losses caused by deployed manpower shall be borne by the Service Provider. The Buyer Department shall not be responsible for any financial
loss or any injury to any person deployed by the Service Provider in the course of their performing the functions/duties, or for payment towards any

The Total Price includes Minimum Wage, ESI, EPF, EDLI,Insurance, Other non-mandatory variables defined by the Buyer in the bid document, Admin Charge
and GST on the mentioned components. Service Provider will thus quote over and above the following components as a Service Charge and Special Allowance
if any:

1. Minimum Wage+ ESI + EPF + EDLI + Insurance + Other non-mandatory variables defined by the Buyer in the bid document + Admin Charges+ GST (on the
Minimum Wage, ESI, EPF, ELDI and Insurance component), which is provided by the Buyer Department and the rest (GST on the component provided by the
Buyer) is added by the platform.
2. In case of any changes in the minimum wages as per the Applicable Laws during the Contract period, Buyer shall pay the Service Provider the difference in
wage from the amount mentioned in the contract on pro rata basis.

The cost of the Contract shall be valid for initial contract period. No price escalation, other than minimum wages revision, shall be entertained by the Buyer
during the period.

The wages of every person employed in any establishment upon or in which less than one thousand persons are employed, shall be paid before expiry of the
seventh day after the last day wage-period in respect of which the wages are payable. In any other establishment, wages of every person employed shall be
paid before expiry of tenth day after last day wage-period. Payment of salary/ wages to the employees shall be made in their bank accounts only, no cash or
kind payment shall be made.

The claims in bills regarding Employees State Insurance, Provident Fund etc. shall be necessarily accompanied with the documentary proof pertaining to the
concerned month bill. A requisite portion of the bill/whole of the bill amount will be held up till such proof is furnished, at the discretion of the Buyer.

4.4 Limitations of Service Delivery (if any)

1. The Service Provider will provide manpower services as per the service categories/ manpowerselected by the Buyer.
2. The Buyer will have option to replace the proposedmanpower in case of non-performance, non-delivery or in anyother exceptional case, however replacement
of the manpower will be in same category with same degree of skills, educational qualification and number of years of experience, also prior approval for the
same shall be obtained from Buyer.

5 Service Provider's Obligation

Service Provider’s obligations will include the following-

1. The service provider shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions related to Labour Law (Central/State), Minimum Wages Act, PF, ESI Act,
Payment of Bonus Act, Contract Labour(R&A) Act, Workmen Compensation Act etc. as applicable from time to time.
2. The Service Provider shall maintain all statutory registers under the Law and shall produce the same, on demand, to the Buyer Department or any other
authority under Law.

The Service Provider shall provide the documentary proof for the qualifications and experience of the manpower deployed by them. The biodata/ resume,
qualification and experience of the said manpower should be certified by the Service Provider. In case any of such document is found to be false at any stage,
it would be deemed to be a breach of terms of contract making the Service Provider liable for legal action.

1. The Service Provider shall be responsible for police verification, character and antecedents verification of the manpower. The same may be verified by the
Buyer at the time of joining of the manpower, if he/she so desires.
2. The Service Provider shall furnish the following documents in respect of the manpower deployed by them to Buyer's premise/ designated premise in the given
time limit:
3. List of persons deployed (monthly)
4. Biodata/ resume with antecedents details (at the time of deployment)
5. Copy of Aadhaar Card of the candidates (at the time of deployment)
6. Identity Cards issued by Service Provider bearing photograph (within 8 days of joining)
7. Identity proof and residential proof (at the time of deployment)
8. Copy of police verification certificate (at the time of deployment)
9. Copy of birth certificate, if required (at the time of deployment - for domicile purpose)
10. All selected manpower shall wear Identity Card provided by the Service Provider every day during working hours.
The Service Provider shall issue the letter of deployment to every deployed manpower and a copy of same shall be submitted to Buyer.
In an event of deployed manpower availing leave, and if required by Buyer, suitable substitute(s) shall be provided by Service Provider as per mutual
understanding with Buyer.

1. Consequent to poor performance of deployed manpower, Service Provider shall immediately replace the deployed manpower thereby maintaining service levels
and continuity.
2. The Service Provider shall be responsible for timely payment of take-home remuneration to the manpower and deposit of EPF and ESI (both employee and
employer share), failing which a penalty will be deducted.
3. The Service Provider shall also deposit EPF and ESI of both employer and employee share within 15th day of the month of payment for the support staff
engaged from their account and prefer the bill to the Buyer for reimbursement of employer share only.

The Service Provider shall furnish statement of amount paid for the month to the manpower deployed along with cheque number and date and Bank account
from which the payment has been made. Service Provider shall furnish copy of bank statement in support of amount paid as and when required by Buyer.
The Service Provider shall submit before the Buyer Department, one copy of the return within 7 days from the date of filing of monthly/ quarterly/ half yearly/
annual return if any before the EPF and ESI authorities.
All applicable taxes and duties except GST, shall be payable by the Service Provider and the Buyer shall not entertain any claims whatsoever with respect to
the same.

1. The Service Provider shall ensure regular payment to the deployed manpower to their entitlements like monthly salaries/ wages etc. and submit the
documentary proof of the salary paid as per the terms and conditions of the contract. Bill for the subsequent month will be paid only after submission of
certificate of disbursement of wages of previous month.

The Breakup of the salary/ payment components shall be provided to the Buyer. The Buyer will provide Minimum Wage as per the Notification applicable in
their area for the category of Resource they want to procure.

6 Buyer's Obligations
Buyer’s obligations will include the following-

1. The attendance of the manpower shall be entered in the register provided by the Service Provider and/or in the Aadhaar based Biometric attendance system at
the Buyer's premises.
2. The Buyer shall provide work space (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, Buyer shall also arrange
necessary gate/ entry pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.

Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications and
machinery etc., if required.

1. Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery,
printer, electricity, internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools and softwares etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose
2. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's
premise/ designated premise.
3. TA/ DA shall be payable directly by the Buyer on production of travel documents in original and approval of appropriate authority of the Buyer for undertaking
such travel for the project/assignment.

4. Price Variation Clause:

"It is advisable to include Price Variation Clause in the long term contracts to take care of the increase/decrease in prices of various ingredients which majorly
affect the overall price of the service. Buyers are therefore advised to include the Price Variation Clause (PVC) in the bid document through ATC for long term
contracts. The additional payment, if any, on account of PVC can be done offline till such time online functionality is developed on GeM."

7 Service Tracking
Tracking of services ensures quality of service delivery in time bound manner, effective service tracking helps in analyzing Service Provider’s performance as well as
Buyer’s timely inputs for services and leads to immediate actions against the defaulters if any. Service tracking shall be mandatory for the both Buyer and Service
Provider, non-tracking of the same may lead to a fine/ penalty on either party.

7.1 Attendance Sheet

1. The Buyer shall be responsible to maintain the attendance in attendance sheet/ register or Aadhar based biometric attendance machine (whichever is
applicable) at Buyer’s premise/ designated premise. Buyer shall share a copy of the same with Service Provider at the end of every month.

7.2 Logbook
1. The service provider shall update the logbook on the GeM portal as per the logbook process flow.

Once the service provider updates the logbook online, the Buyer shall either accept or reject these entries within the prescribed time lime. The buyer will also
record the any service non delivery or non-performance issues, and subsequent penalties Failure to take action on logbook entries updated by service provider
shall be deemed as accepted.

1. The Service Provider can raise an issue against the rejection of any entry by the buyer within prescribe timelines of such rejection with the designated
representative of the Buyer.

7.3 ServicePerformance and Feedback

1. Feedback from the Human Resources Committee/ SPOC of the Buyer shall be maintained (weekly/ monthly, bi-annually) by the Service Provider. The same can
be used to track the service standards. Feedback should be taken without any bias of either party. Buyer can also ask for submission of service feedback notes/
documents at the time of payment towards services delivered.
2. The SinglePoint of Contact (SPOC) for the issues arising out of this agreement will be the Service Provider or a designated representative who shall be any
employee of the Service Provider in administrative and managerial capacity and in a position of authority to resolve issues. Nonetheless, the Service Provider
shall be solely responsible for maintaining the quality and level of service provided.

Such service tracking initiatives not only ensures the quality and punctuality of service delivery also reduces the chances of flaws in delivery mechanism. If any
variation in attendance sheet, logbook, service feedback is found during the tracking; immediate action can be taken against the party.

8 Penalties and Fine

Penalties and fine can be imposed on either party in case they have caused loss to other party, loss can be financial as well as reputational. These losses may occur
due to breach of contract/ agreement, faulty services, non/ delayed payment to the Service Provider for the services availed. Amount of penalties/ fine shall be settled/
recovered during next payments/ final settlements of the Service Provider.

Penalties and fine are detailed below-

Penalty/ Fine
1st Instance 2nd Instance 3rd Instance

Up to 15 Days, @1 % per day of the Up to 15 Days, @2 % per day of the

Non-deployment of total manpower total value and Beyond 15 days total value and Beyond 15 days Cancellation of the contract with
1 mentioned in the contract as per the cancellation of the contract with cancellation of the contract with cancellation charges @ 10% of the
date of joining cancellation charges @ 10% of the cancellation charges @ 10% of the order value
order value. order value.

Cancellation of the contract with

cancellation charges @ 10% of the
If employee is found disclosing any
order value along with recovery of
2 confidential information/ document to - -
losses caused (if any) and legal action
the Service Provider/ any third parties
against the Service Provider depending
on the gravity of the act

Immediate payment in actuals,

Immediate payment in actuals, equivalent to the value of the article
If the employee is found responsible for Cancellation of the contract with
equivalent to the value of the article theft/ lost/ damaged. Replacement of
3 any theft, loss of material/ articles and cancellation charges @ 10% of the
theft/ lost/ damaged. Replacement of employee within 2 days/ cancellation of
damages order value
employee within 2 days contract as decided by the buyer
depending on the gravity of the act.

Warning/ counselling/ Immediate

Warning/ counselling of employee as replacement of employee within 2 days Cancellation of the contract with
If the employee is found responsible for
4 decided by the Buyer depending on the as decided by the Buyer and Warning cancellation charges @ 10% of the
disobedience/ misconduct
gravity of the act to Service Provider depending on the order value
gravity of the act

Substitute within 2 days failing which, Substitute within 2 days failing which,@
@ 1 % per day of the total value 3 % per day of the total value
If the employee is absent or takes leave (excluding service tax etc.) of the (excluding service tax etc.) of the Cancellation of the contract with
5 for more than 2 days without informing absent resources up to 15 days. absent resources up to 15 days. cancellation charges @ 10% of the
or taking prior approval. Beyond 15 days, cancellation of the Beyond 15 days, cancellation of the order value
contract with cancellation charges @ contract with cancellation charges @
10% of the order value 10% of the order value

If the employee is found responsible for Immediate replacement within 2 days/

adopting illegal and foul methods or cancellation of the contract with Cancellation of the contract with
6 exercising any corrupt practice in cancellation charges @ 10%, as cancellation charges @ 10% of the -
collusion with any third party or decided by the buyer depending on the order value
officials at the workplace gravity of the act.

Rs. 200 per day for each default, hold

Delay in payments of take-home on all type of payments to Service
Rs. 100 per day for each default, Cancellation of the contract with
remuneration by the Service Provider Provider till the said amount is
7 warning to Service Provider to deposit cancellation charges @ 10% of the
and deposit of EPF and ESI (both deposited to respective stakeholders
the said amount within 7 working days order value
employee and employer share) and proof of same is submitted to

9 Payment Terms
This section provides details about the terms and conditions of payment towards the services, it may also include deduction of payment in case of faulty service.

Some notable points under payment terms are-

9.1 Payment Condition

1. The cost of services quoted by the Service Provider shall cover all aspects of service delivery and include all the components of salary/ wages (minimum wage,
insurance, PF, ESI etc.) and taxes, as applicable.
2. The payment shall be made as per the financial quotes submitted by the Service Provider and accepted by the Buyer.

No advance payment shall be made to the Service Provider.

9.2 Payment Cycle

1. Payment shall be made once the services are delivered, and the Service Provider submits the invoice for the same.
2. The Buyer shall make the payment within prescribed timelines as per the payment process flow upon submission of invoice, logbook and service feedback.

9.3 Payment Process

1. Payment shall be made only after submission of invoices, attendance sheet, logbook, service feedback, non-submission of the same may lead to delay/
deduction in payment.
2. All the penalties/ fine/ interest (if applicable) shall be settled before making the payments. Service Provider shall not have any objection on the same.

Payment shall be made through bank transfer only, in no circumstance cash/ cheque payment shall be made.

10 Amendment of Contract
During service delivery period someconditions may occur when the Buyer and/ or Service Provider may require to amend the Agreement, some of such conditions may
be as followed-

1. Amendment of the Contract after event of Force Majeure:In case of occurrence of any exceptional event/ circumstance which has affected either party directly
to perform the agreed services, the agreement can be amended. However, cause, evidence and nature of such effect shall be notified to the other party.
2. Amendment in statutory variations: All statutory variations leading to increase in the cost of the contract will be debited to the buyer accounts.

Amendment of the Contract as per both parties’ consent: Amendment of the Contract shall be done as per mutual consent of both parties; no party shall be
made liable to pay/ get any compensation for agreement amendment. However, the variation put together shall not reduce or exceed 25% of contract value.

11 Termination of Contract
The Agreement shall be come to an end either on completion of the Contract Period or shall be terminated for the following reasons:

1. Mutual consent:The contract may be terminated based on mutual consent in case the services are no longer required. Termination based on mutual consent
will not attract any penalties or shall not be liable for any extra payments other than payment of invoices raised till the time of termination including notice
2. Breach of contractual obligations: Any incidents considered as the breach of contract will result in immediate termination of services. The Buyer shall have the
right to terminate the Contract effective immediately by giving written notice to the Service Provider if, the Service Provider breaches a material provision of
this Contract where that breach is not capable of remedy; or if the Service Provider breaches any provision of this Contract and fails to remedy the breach
within 14 days after receiving notice requiring it to do so.

Breach of SLAs: The contract may also be terminated if i)the cumulative penalties rise to 10% of the contract value or,ii) repeated breach of any SLA beyond 3
instances as per buyer discretion.

However, termination of this Contract shall not affect any accrued rights or remedies of either party.

12 Undertaking
The Service Provider hereby undertakes to not charge any money/fees/penalties in whatever manner, name, or form, or take any monetary/non-monetary
considerations, or make any unlawful deductions from its manpower/employees/resources engaged by it and, to be deployed at the Buyer/Client site. The Service
Provider further agrees that it will not indulge in any unethical practices and acknowledges that any non-compliance of the aforesaid undertaking will be treated as a
material breach of the Contract, in which case the Buyer and GeM shall have the right to take appropriate independent actions including termination of the Contract
and actions as per the GeM Incident Management Policy.

13 Formulae Used
13.1 Total :-
)*$number_of_working_days)*1.18 + ($percentage_of_service_charge*

13.2 Cumulative Cost :-


13.3 Terms Used in Formulae:-

1. $number_of_working_days – Number of working days in a month
2. $tenure_duration_of_employment – Tenure/Duration of Employment (in Month)
3. $basic_pay – Minimum daily wages (INR) exclusive of GST
4. $provident_fund – Provident Fund (INR per day)
5. $eldi – ELDI (INR per day)
6. $esi – ESI (INR per day)
7. $bonus – Bonus (INR per day)
8. $epf_admin_charge – EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)
9. $non_mandatory_1 – Optional Allowance 1 (INR per day)
10. $non_mandatory_2 – Optional Allowance 2 (INR per day)
11. $non_mandatory_3 – Optional Allowance 3 (INR per day)

Annexure - 1
List of central labour laws under Ministry of Labour and Employment[1]-

1. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948

2. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
3. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
4. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
5. The Trade Unions Act, 1926
6. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.
7. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
8. The Weekly Holidays Act, 1942
9. The Factories Act, 1948
10. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951
11. The Mines Act, 1952
12. The Building and Other Constructions Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
13. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961
14. The Beedi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act, 1966
15. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.
16. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
17. The Sales Promotion Employees (Conditions of Service) Act, 1976
18. The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979
19. The Cine Workers and Cinema Theatre Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1981
20. The Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986
21. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
22. The Working Journalists and Other Newspapers Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955
23. The Working Journalists (Fixation of rates of Wages) Act, 1958
24. The Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923
25. The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
26. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
27. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
28. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
29. The Unorganized Workers’ Social Security Act, 2008
30. The Building and Other Construction Workers Cess Act, 1996
31. The Mica Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1946
32. The Cine Workers Welfare (Cess) Act, 1981
33. The Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1981
34. The Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972
35. The Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore Mines and Chrome Ore Mines Labour Welfare (Cess) Act, 1976
36. The Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore Mines and Chrome Ore Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1976
37. The Beedi Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1976
38. The Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1976
39. The Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988
40. The Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959


Additional Required Data/Document(s) : Buyer

1. Annual turnover Required by Buyer in Crores : NA

2. The Bidder should have executed at least X No. projects with contract value not less than yy for each contract of providing manpower services
to Central/ State Government Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies in last N financial years : NA
3. The Bidder should have executed at least X No. projects with supply of xx..no. of manpower in each contract of providing manpower services to
Central/ State Government Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies in last N financial years : NA
4. Geographic Presence: Office registration certificate : NA
5. Scope of work & Job description :click here
6. Buyer to upload undertaking that Minimum Wages indicated by him during Bid Creation are as per applicable Minimum Wages Actclick
: here

Additional Data/Document(s) : Seller

1. Statutory Auditor Certificate :click here

2. Auditor Certificate For Profit Making Entity In Last 3 Yrs c
: lick here
3. Registration Certificate For Geographical Presence As Required By Buye :click here
4. Certificate (Requested in ATC) :click here
5. Project Experience And Certificates With Respect To Eligibility Criteria c
: lick here
6. Copy Of Labour Licence/pf/epf/esi Registration Letter/certificate :click here
7. Copy Of Certificate For Incorporation/registration Of Bidding Entity Under Appropriate Act/authority In India click
: here

Terms and Conditions

1. General Terms and Conditions-

1.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions, conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the
1.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance
with the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC)
and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions (ATC), as applicable

2. Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions-

2.1 Generic:
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time
of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during
the currency of the contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.

2.2 Payment:
PAYMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES: Service Provider is required to pay Salaries / wages of contracted staff deployed at buyer location first i.e. on
their own and then claim payment from Buyer alongwith all statutory documents like, PF, ESIC etc. as well as the bank statement of payment done
to staff.
2.3 Buyer Added Bid Specific Scope Of Work(SOW):
File Attachment Click here to view the file.

Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required.


ENP.ER.19.AZL DATE: 05.09.2022


AHATA KIDARA, Pahari Dhiraj, New Delhi,
Central Delhi- 110006


GEM Bidding No.: GEM/2022/B/2305306; Dated - 29-06-2022.

With reference to our above tender, we have pleasure in awarding you the above referred job on the
terms and conditions as mentioned below:

1. Estimated value:
The contract value will be of Rs. 3,55,579.04 (Three Lakh Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy
Nine rupees and Four paise only) inclusive of all taxes & duties as per enclosed schedule.
2. Completion Time : 05 Months from the date of issue of LOI.
3. Mobilisation to site : Please contact Mr. Abhilekh Sonowal
4. Payment Terms : As per terms & conditions of the above Tender.
5. LD Clause
If the successful tenderer does not complete the work within the Scheduled time, the company
reserves the right to recover liquidated damages at 0.5% of the total executed contract value for every
week of delay or part thereof subject to a max. of 5% of the total executed contract value until the
work is satisfactorily completed and handed over.
6. Security Deposit: You are required to pay security deposit of Rs. 10,000.00 amount. The security
deposit may be in the form of DD in the name of Bharat Petroleum Co. Ltd. payable at Kolkata.
7. The taxes, duties, rates, and cess shall be final. New tax, if any, introduced later shall be on BPCL
account from the date of bid submission (or extended date, if any) up to contract period. During
contractual period, any variation in existing taxes, duties, rates and cess shall be borne by BPCL. Any
upward statutory variation in taxes, duties and cess (including .any new tax) beyond contractual
completion date shall be borne by the bidder. However, in case of downward variation, the same shall
be passed on to BPCL.
8. Memorandum of agreement will be executed shortly.

Please sign the duplicate copy of LOI duly stamped and return to us as a token of acceptance.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
ganguly Digitally signed by
ganguly debashish

debashish Date: 2022.09.07

15:22:28 +05'30'


CC: Abhilekh Sonowal, Site Engineer

Contract No: GEMC-511687748928717

Contract Generated Date: 10-Nov-
Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2022/B/2529704

Organisation Details Buyer Details

Type: Central Government Designation: SO
Ministry: Ministry of Defence Contact No.: 0172-2672083-2083
Department: Department of Defence Research & Development Email ID: sumesh.kumar1974@gov.in
Organisation Name: Office of DG R & D (R & M) GSTIN: 38PTLC13785C1DI
Office Zone: CCE R and D Estates North M-1026, Sector- 29A, Chandigarh 160030,

Financial Approval Detail Paying Authority Details

IFD Concurrence: No Payment Mode: CGDA-CDA
Designation of Administrative Chief Construction Engineer (R&D) Estates North, Designation: SO
Approval: Chandigarh Email ID: sumesh.kumar1974@gov.in
Designation of Financial Chief Construction Engineer (R&D) Estates North, GSTIN: 38PTLC13785C1DI
Approval: Chandigarh M-1026, Sector- 29A, Chandigarh 160030,

Consignee Details

S.No Consignee Name & Address Service Description

Contact: -
Email ID: dk.jaswal@gov.in
1 GSTIN: - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Sweeper
Address: EMU(R&D) Tezpur, Defence Reaserch Laboratory, Tezpur,
SONITPUR, ASSAM-784501, India

Service Provider Details

GeM Seller ID: 2KN7220006069846
Contact No.: 08285151197
Email ID: samakshiusha@gmail.com
Central Delhi, DELHI-110006, -
MSME verified: Yes
MSME Registration number: UDYAM-DL-01-0018177
MSE Social Category: General
MSE Gender: Female

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee

Service Details

Service Start Date (latest by) : 15-Nov-2022 Service End Date : 13-Nov-2023

Category Name : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle : monthly

Description Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST (INR)

Zipcode NA

Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles Sweeper

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Specialization Not Required

Type of Function Others

Skill Category Unskilled

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Educational Qualification High School

District NA

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 443 1 0.850

Bonus (INR per day) 39

EDLI (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 15

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 60

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR
per day )+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18
+ (Perce ntage of Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per
day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR
per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100 )*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons (INR) 206542.28

Total Addon Value (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons (INR) 206542.28

Additional Details

Designation : Conservancy Staff (Unskilled)

Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0

Amount of Contract
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes (INR) 206542.28

SLA Details

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to
facilitate implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of
work, Buyer’s obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of
services or end of contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any
conflicting provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of
the Contract/Agreement between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service
Provider. The goals of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized
agents, permitted assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-
adherence to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary
gate/ entry pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all
the labor laws.
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and
machinery etc., if required.’
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery,
printer, electricity, internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687751761465
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 07-Jan-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2022/B/2849470

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Government Designation|पद : Abhishek Srivastava
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Defence Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 0512-2213051-
Department| वभाग : Department of Military Affairs Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : abhishek.srivastava2@navy.gov.in
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : N/A GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Office Zone|कायालय े : Naval Armament Inspectorate Kanpur Chief Inspector of Naval Armament Naval Armament
Inspectorate at Ordinance Factory Kanpur Armapur Post,
Address|पता :
Kalpi Road, Kanpur- 208009,

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: BUYER
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|भुगतान का
Chief Inspector of Naval Armament CGDA-CDA
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : Abhishek Srivastava
Chief Inspector of Naval Armament
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : abhishek.srivastava2@navy.gov.in
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Chief Inspector of Naval Armament Naval Armament
Inspectorate at Ordinance Factory Kanpur Armapur Post,
Kalpi Road, Kanpur- 208009,

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 0512-2213051-
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : omkara.1005@navy.gov.in
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
1 Address|पता : Chief Inspector of Naval Armament Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Admin; Multi-tasking Staff
Naval Armament Inspectorate at Ordinance Factory
Kanpur Armapur Post, Kalpi Road, Kanpur- 208009,

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 2KN7220006069846
Company Name|कंपनी का नाम : AKSHI ENTERPRISES
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 08285151197
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : samakshiusha@gmail.com
Address|पता :
Central Delhi, DELHI-110006, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-DL-01-0018177
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Female
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 07GUXPS6099L1Z3

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Buyer

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 15-Jan-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 14-Mar-2023

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Specialization Not Required

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Experience 0 to 3 Years

District NA

Educational Qualification Not Required

Skill Category Unskilled

Post Graduation Not Required

List of Profiles Multi-tasking Staff

Zipcode NA

Type of Function Admin

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 711 1 0.850

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EDLI (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2.844

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 23.11

Number of working days in a month 24

Provident Fund (INR per day) 92.43

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 2

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 47314.7

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 47314.7

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Title for Optional Allowances 1 :

Title for Optional Allowances 2 :

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 47314.7

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687725258242
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 02-Mar-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/3046459

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Government Designation|पद : BSO GE NORTH TEZPUR
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Defence Contact No.|संपक नंबर : -8427743379-
Department| वभाग : Department of Military Affairs Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : sishurd1711-cgo@gov.in
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : Indian Army GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Address|पता :
SONITPUR, ASSAM-784501, India

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: PAO
Designation of Administrative Payment Mode|भुगतान का
Payment to be make by AO Tezpur under code head CGDA-UNIT
Approval| तरीका:
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: Designation|पद : GE N Tezpur
Designation of Financial Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : getezpur.north@gov.in
Approval| Garrison Engineer GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Sonitpur, ASSAM-784501, India

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : -8427743379-
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : sishurd1711-cgo@gov.in
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
1 Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Electrician
SONITPUR, ASSAM-784501, India

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 2KN7220006069846
Company Name|कंपनी का नाम : AKSHI ENTERPRISES
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 08285151197
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : samakshiusha@gmail.com
Address|पता :
Central Delhi, DELHI-110006, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-DL-01-0018177
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Female
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 07GUXPS6099L1Z3

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Buyer

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 10-Mar-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 09-Feb-2024

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Educational Qualification ITI

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Skill Category Semi-skilled

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Zipcode NA

Specialization Not Required

Type of Function Others

List of Profiles Electrician

District NA

Post Graduation Not Required

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 557 3 3.850

EDLI (INR per day) 0

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 2.78

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Number of working days in a month 30

Provident Fund (INR per day) 66.84

ESI (INR per day) 18.1

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 11

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 777735.41

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 777735.41

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Designation : AE (Civ)
Title for Optional Allowances 3 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 1 : 0
Title for Optional Allowances 2 : 0

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श

Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 777735.41

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery, printer, electricity,
internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687758722689
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 03-Mar-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/3155663

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Autonomous Designation|पद : Office Incharge
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Education Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 0373-2863301-
Department| वभाग : Department of School Education and Literacy Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : buycon43.kvsk.as@gembuyer.in
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Address|पता :
DIBRUGARH, ASSAM-786102, India

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: PAO
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|भुगतान का
Principal Offline
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : Senior Most Teacher
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : p.authority-1860@kvs.gov.in
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Dibrugarh, ASSAM-786102, India

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

S.No| .सं. Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 0373-2863301-
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
1 GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Unskilled; Others; Mali/Gardner Helper
DIBRUGARH, ASSAM-786102, India

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 2KN7220006069846
Company Name|कंपनी का नाम : AKSHI ENTERPRISES
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 08285151197
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : samakshiusha@gmail.com
Address|पता :
Central Delhi, DELHI-110006, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-DL-01-0018177
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Female
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 07GUXPS6099L1Z3

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Buyer

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 01-Apr-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 31-Mar-2024

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Description| ववरण Number of Resources to be hired Percentage of Service charge inclusive of GST

Zipcode NA

Post Graduation Not Required

District NA

List of Profiles Mali/Gardner Helper

Skill Category Unskilled

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Educational Qualification Not Required

Type of Function Others

Specialization Not Required

Experience 0 to 3 Years

EDLI (INR per day) 0 1 3.850

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST 419

Number of working days in a month 26

Provident Fund (INR per day) 54.47

ESI (INR per day) 13.62

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) 12

Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 185177.98

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 185177.98

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श

Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 185177.98

Price Break up offered|मू य वभाजन क पेशकश क : Price Break up offered Document link| ाइज़ ेक अप ऑफ़र कए गए द तावेज़ लंक

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
pass to Buyer's premise/ designated premise for the manpower.
ii. Working shifts (includes day and night shift) if any, and daily working hours shall be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Service Provider and should follow all the labor
iii. The Buyer shall directly or in consultation with the Service Provider provide the necessary training to the manpower for Buyer specific tools, applications, and machinery etc., if
iv. The Buyer shall provide, free of charge unimpeded access to all the infrastructure which is required to perform the Services. It may include use of stationery, printer, electricity,
internet, Buyer specific servers, data drives, tools, and software etc. However, use of such infrastructure shall be limited for official purpose only.
v. The Buyer shall make necessary arrangements for use of basic facilities like water pots/ machines, cafeteria, washrooms etc. for manpower working at Buyer's premise/
designated premise.
vi. TA/ DA shall be payable directly by the Buyer, in case of travel included in the scope of work, on production of travel documents in original and approval of appropriate authority
of the Buyer for undertaking such travel for the project/assignment.
vii. In case of services hired on annual basis and 5 working days, the manpower will be entitled to 08 days of casual leaves per year on pro-rata basis and in case of 6 working days,
the manpower will be entitled to 15 days casual leave per year on pro-rata basis. Beyond specified leaves as applicable, leave will be treated as leave without pay (LWP) for which
Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687768112247
Contract Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 04-Mar-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/3100886

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central Government Designation|पद : AO Civil
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Defence Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 022-22006650-
Department| वभाग : Department of Defence Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : maha.dte-ao@nccindia.nic.in
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : Director General of National Cadet Corps (DGNCC) GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
Office Zone|कायालय े : NCC Directorate Maharashtra Mumbai AFI Building Bombay Hospital Lane Dhobitalao,
Address|पता :

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: BUYER
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|भुगतान का
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : AO Civil
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : maha.dte-ao@nccindia.nic.in
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : -
AFI Building Bombay Hospital Lane Dhobitalao,
Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA-400020, India

Consignee Details|परे षती ववरण

Consignee Name & Address|परे षती नाम & पता Service Description|सेवा ववरण

Contact|संपक : 022-22006650-
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : maha.dte-ao@nccindia.nic.in
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : - Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Skilled; Finance/Accounts; Accounting Operator or Accounts
Address|पता : AFI Building Bombay Hospital Lane Assistants or Accounts Executive

Service Provider Details|सेवा दाता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : 2KN7220006069846
Company Name|कंपनी का नाम : AKSHI ENTERPRISES
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 08285151197
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी : samakshiusha@gmail.com
Address|पता :
Central Delhi, DELHI-110006, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : Yes
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : UDYAM-DL-01-0018177
MSE Social Category|एमएसई सामा जक ेणी : General
MSE Gender|एमएसई लंग ेणी : Female
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 07GUXPS6099L1Z3

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Consignee

Service Details|सेवा ववरण

Service Start Date (latest by)|सेवा ारंभ दनांक (नवीनतम) : 06-Mar-2023 Service End Date|सेवा समा त त थ : 05-Apr-2023

Category Name| ेणी नाम : Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage

Billing Cycle| ब लंग च : monthly

Number of Resources to be Percentage of Service charge inclusive of

Description| ववरण
hired GST

Post Graduation Not Required

District NA

Zipcode NA

Experience 0 to 3 Years

Educational Qualification Graduate

Specialization Commerce

Skill Category Skilled

Type of Function Finance/Accounts

Specialization for PG Not Applicable

Accounting Operator or Accounts Assistants or Accounts

List of Profiles
Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of
866 1 3.850

Bonus (INR per day) 0

EDLI (INR per day) 8.66

EPF Admin Charge (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day) 0

Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day) 0

ESI (INR per day) 28.145

Number of working days in a month 23

Provident Fund (INR per day) 103.92

Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in


Total Amount (Formula)|कुल रा श (सू ) :

( (((Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (I NR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin Charge (INR per day
)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Option al Allowances 3 (INR per day) )*Number of working days in a month)*1.18 + (Perce ntage of
Service charge inclusive of GST*(Minimum daily wage (INR) exclusive of GST+ESI (INR per day)+Provident Fund (INR per day)+EDLI (INR per day)+Bonus (INR per day)+EPF Admin
Charge (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 1 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 2 (INR per day)+Optional Allowances 3 (INR per day))*Number of working days in a month)/100
)*Number of Resources to be hired*Tenure/ Duration of Employment (in months) )

Total Value without Addons |ऐडऑन के बना कुल मू य (INR) 28213.97

Total Addon Value|कुल एडऑन मू य (INR) 0

Total Value Including Addons|ऐडऑन स हत कुल मू य (INR) 28213.97

Additional Details|अ त र त जानका रया

Title for Optional Allowances 1 :

Title for Optional Allowances 3 :
Title for Optional Allowances 2 :
Designation : 0

Amount of Contract|अनुबंध क रा श
Total Contract Value Including All Duties and Taxes|सभी शु क और कर स हत कुल अनुबंध मू य (INR) 28213.97

Price Break up offered|मू य वभाजन क पेशकश क : Price Break up offered Document link| ाइज़ ेक अप ऑफ़र कए गए द तावेज़ लंक

SLA Details|एसएलए ववरण

Service Level Agreement

Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage Based

1 Agreement Overview

This is a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between the Buyer and Manpower HiringAgency/Service Provider. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate
implementation of Manpower Hiring Service at the Buyer’s premises, or any other premises approved by the Buyer. This Agreement outlines the scope of work, Buyer’s
obligations, special terms and conditions related to service delivery and payment of services. The Agreement remains valid till completion of scope of services or end of
contractual duration (whichever is earlier) unless mutually extended by both the parties.
The Services contracts placed through GeM shall be governed by following set of Terms and Conditions:
I. General terms and conditions for Services;( “GTC”)
II. Service Specific Standard Terms and Conditions (“STC”) of the Services contracts shall include the service level agreement (SLA) for the service.
III. BID/ Reverse Auction specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC) as specified by the buyer.
The above terms and conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e., ATC shall supersede Service specific STC which shall supersede GTC, whenever there are any conflicting
provisions. The above set of terms and conditions along with the scope of work and SLA as enumerated in this document shall be construed to be part of the Contract/Agreement
between the Buyer and Service Provider.
2 Objectives and Goals
The objective of this Agreement is to ensure that all the commitments and obligations are in place to ensure consistent delivery of services to Buyer by Service Provider. The goals
of this agreement are to:
I. Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities of both parties
II. Present a clear, concise, and measurable description of services offered to the Buyer
III. Establish terms and conditions for all the involved stakeholders, it also includes the actions to be taken in case of failure to comply with conditions specified
IV. To ensure that both the parties understand the consequences in case of termination of services due to any of the stated reasons
ThisAgreement will act as a reference document that both the parties have understood the above-mentioned terms and conditions and have agreed to comply by the same.

3 Parties to the Agreement

The main stakeholders associated with this agreement are below-

1. Buyer: Buyer is responsible to provide clear instructions, approvals and timely payments for the services availed
2. ServiceProvider: Service provider is responsible to provide all the required services in timely manner. Service provider may also include seller, any authorized agents, permitted
assignees, successors and nominees as described in the agreement
The responsibilities and obligations of the stakeholders have been outlined in this document. The document also encompasses service level/ deductions in case of non-adherence
to the defined terms and conditions.

4 Terms & Conditions:

4.1 Buyer’s Obligations:
i. The Buyer shall provide workspace (seating area, work desk, furniture etc.) for the manpower hired through Service Provider, the Buyer shall also arrange necessary gate/ entry
BRER dto3ttovatofsu
L23220MH1952GO1008931 #herat
CIN: L23220MH1952GO1008931

Ref: HDR/OPS/ENGG. /2022-23/12

Date: 17.03.2023
Vendor Code- 379675
Dear Sir,


GEM Bid No. GEM/2023/B/3111944 GEM Contract No. GEMC-511687744790180)

We write with reference to your offer against Gem-Contract
GEM Bid No.
GEM/2023/B/3111944, GEM Contract No. GEMC-511687744790180) for the job of "PROvIDING
HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES AT HARIDWAR DEPOT". We are pleased to inform you that your offer for
the above work has been accepted on the terms and conditions as per above tender.

1 Estimated value of the contract:

The contract value of the subject work shall be Rs. 507277.15/- (Rupees Five Lacs Seven
Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-Seven and Fifteen paisa only) inclusive of all taxes and
duties subject to unit rates (quoted by you) of actual quantity of service.

2. Mobilization to Site:

You are required to mobilize your manpower to the site.

Time Schedule:

The period of contract shall be of one year from the date of LOI i.e., from 17.03.2023 to
17.03.2024. The contract shall be extended by one year if services are found to be
satisfactory during the period of contract and both parties mutually agree to continue
contract at same terms and conditions

Security Deposit/Performance Bank Guarantee:

You are requested to deposit security amount of 3% total contract value ( 15,219) in the
form of bank guarantee in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Haridwar Depot,
which will be retained by us for a period of six months after the contract is completed.
Hence you are requested to deposit the security deposit for a period of 18 months.

5. Contract Agreement:

afran dtoatogmo fBu, ara: RAag adans, armën-ser ds, aar (3HZTaa)-246763-w 01334-282200
zfores axitsa: HTZA MT, 4 d 6 wsta ds, trd sRe, tz daa5.688, gaj-400 001
Haridwar PO.L Depot, Vil Samaspur Katewad. Lakdhang-Kotdwar Road. Handwar (Uitaraknand)- 246763. Tel 01334-282200
Registered ORice Bharat 8havan, 4 &6 Cummbhoy Road. Batard Estate P8 No. 688 Mumbai 400 001
Website www.bharatpetroteum n
aar dto3tovaofsut HARIDWAR PO.L. DEPOT
date of this letter. Till such time this lormatagreementwith BPCL within fifteen
days from the
documents shall constitute the
letter of intent together with following GEM Bid
hitherto as to the subject thereof and agreement and the understanding between the
shall superseded any other parties
correspondence exchanged: discussions held or

Gem Contract No.

ii) GEM Bid No.
6. Bills:
The payment shall be processed on monthly basis only against submission of
Please also note that continuation of contract is valid tax invoices.
the right to terminate the contract
purely based on performance and
company reserves
(in case of any default from your
without assigning any reason by giving one-month end) at any point of time
advance notice.
7. Scope of Inspection:

The entire job of housekeeping services is to be performed under the direct supervision of BPCL
Haridwar POL depot team.

Please treat this letter of intent as work order and do

the needful to commence the
Please sign and send the duplicate copy of this letter as job immediately.
token of your acceptance.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Abhayvir Singh
Manager I/C BPCL Haridwar Depot

Encl: as above






r dtoantovno Bu, T RRYI a s , anrsm-ster ds, zRzn (3Hrs)-246763-0t: 01334-282200

zfures atftsa: HTET a , 4 pd 6 a u t a ds, tas FeE, t r aiaas. 688, g-400 001

Haridwar POL Depat. Vill:Samaspur Katewad, Laicthang-Kotdwar Road Handwar (Utarakhand)- 246763, Tel 01334-282200
Registered Offce Bharat Bhavan 4&6 Cummbhoy Road Ballad Estate PB No. 688. Mumbat 400 001
Webste www.bharatpetoleum.
Father's Name
DHIRAJ,Baratooti,Baratooti,NORTH DELHI,DELHI,110006
E-Mail samakshiusha@gmail.com
Status Individual Assessment Year 2023-2024
Ward Year Ended 31.3.2023
PAN GUXPS6099L Date of Birth 25/12/1996
Residential Status Resident Gender Male
Nature of Business OTHER SERVICES-Other services n.e.c.(21008)
Filing Status Original
Return Filed On 29/07/2023 Acknowledgement No.: 851344550290723
Aadhaar No: 262127460966 Mobile No Linked with
Bank Name STATE BANK OF INDIA, , A/C NO:41286938320 ,Type: ,IFSC:
Tele: 8285151197 Mob:8285151197

Computation of Total Income [As per Normal Provision

Income from Salary (Chapter IV A) 83000

Employer Status: Other

Salary 133000
Less: Standard Deduction u/s 16(ia) 50000

Income from Business or Profession (Chapter IV D) 379985

Profit as per Profit and Loss a/c 379985
Total 379985

Income from Other Sources (Chapter IV F) 1205

Interest From Saving Bank A/c 1205

Gross Total Income 464190

Less: Deductions (Chapter VI-A)

u/s 80TTA (Interest From Saving Bank Account.) 1205
Total Income 462985
Round off u/s 288 A 462990
Adjusted total income (ATI) is not more than Rs. 20 lakh hence AMT not applicable.

Tax Due 10650

Rebate u/s 87A 10650
T.D.S./T.C.S 23266
NAME OF ASSESSEE : AKSHI ENTERPRISES A.Y. 2023-2024 PAN : GUXPS6099L Code :9971726575

Refundable (Round off u/s 288B) 23270

Tax calculation on Normal income of Rs 462990/-

Exemption Limit :250000
Tax on (462990-250000) =212990 @5% = 10650
Total Tax = 10650

T.D.S./ T.C.S. From

Non-Salary(as per Annexure) 23266

Bank Account Detail

S. No. Bank Address Account No MICR NO IFSC Code Type
1 STATE BANK OF INDIA 41286938320 SBIN0000596 (Primary)

GST Turnover Detail

S.NO. GSTIN Turnover
1 07GUXPS6099L1Z3 288302
TOTAL 288302

Details of T.D.S. on Non-Salary

S.No Name of the Deductor Tax deduction Amount Paid/credited Total Tax Amount out of (5)
A/C No. of the deducted claimed for this year

1 DELU04814F 121825 2437 2437
2 PNEB10837B 200892 20089 20089
3 PTLC13785C 40717 740 740
TOTAL 363434 23266 23266

Head wise Summary on Income and TDS thereon

Head Section Amount As per Location of Income for TDS
Paid/Credited As Computation Comparison

per 26AS
Business 363434 637086 (Total of Sales/ Gross 23266
receipts of business and
Gross receipts from
Profession in Trading
Account + Total of other
income ) in profit & Loss
A/c :637086

Total 363434 637086 23266

Detail of assets and income given in return form

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Assets
S.No Particulars Amount S.No Particulars Amount

Page 2
NAME OF ASSESSEE : AKSHI ENTERPRISES A.Y. 2023-2024 PAN : GUXPS6099L Code :9971726575

1. Partner/Member 0 1 Fixed Assets 0

2. Secured Loans 0 2. Inventories 0
3. Unsecured Loans 0 3. Sundry debtors 12695

Page 3
NAME OF ASSESSEE : AKSHI ENTERPRISES A.Y. 2023-2024 PAN : GUXPS6099L Code :9971726575

4. Advances 0 4. Balance with banks 0

5. Sundry Creditors 14269 5. Cash in hand 24695
6. Other liabilities 0 6. Loan and advances 0
7. Other Assets 0
Total 14269 Total 37390

CompuTax : 9971726575 [AKSHI ENTERPRISES]

Page 4
Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2023

Amount Amount Amount Amount

Liabilities Assets
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Current assets, loans and
Proprietor's fund 345087 371315
Proprietors Capital Current assets
OPENING CAPITAL 153473 Sundry Debtors 140587
NET PROFIT 379985 Cash and Bank Balance
DRAWINGS -188371 345087 Cash-in hand 34854
Current liabilities and
26228 Balance with Banks 195874
Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors 26228
TOTAL 371315 TOTAL 371315

DATE:- 15.09.2023
Trading And Profit & Loss A\c for the Year ending 31st March 2023

Amount Amount Amount Amount

Particulars Particulars
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
Sales/Gross Receipts of
To Power and fuel 10450 288302
Compensation to employees 180000 By Sales of Services 288302
To Salaries and wages 180000 Other Income 348784
To Entertainment 12578 By Any Other Income
To Conveyance expenses 47743 MISC INCOME 348784 348784
To Telephone expenses 1290
To Festival celebration expenses 5040
To Net Profit before Tax 379985
To Balance carried to balance
By Net Profit before Tax 379985
TOTAL 379985 TOTAL 379985

DATE:- 15.09.2023

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