Promotion of Co2 Fracturing For CCUS
Promotion of Co2 Fracturing For CCUS
Promotion of Co2 Fracturing For CCUS
REVIEWED BY Lei Hou 1, Jiangfeng Luo 1, Peibin Gong 2*, Ya Ji 1* and Lei Zhang 3
Gang Lei, 1
China University of Geosciences Wuhan, China China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2Drilling Technology
Timothy A. Barckholtz, Research Institute of SINOPEC, Shengli Oilfield Service Corporation, Dongying, China, 3School of
ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, China
United States
Daigang Wang,
China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
1 Introduction
Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is an essential technique for achieving
the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement, particularly the target of limiting global warming
to 1.5°C (Zheng et al., 2022a; Shen et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2022; Zhu et al., 2022). It plays a
crucial role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the concentration of
carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere (Lab, 2022; Hou et al., 2024a). CCUS enables the
capture of CO2 emissions from various industrial processes, such as power generation,
cement production, and steel manufacturing, and then stores the CO2 underground or
utilizes it in other applications (Sharifzadeh et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020). This allows for
the continued utilization of these traditional assets while simultaneously reducing their
carbon footprint. Among all the approaches to carbon sinks, geological storage of CO2 can
permanently remove the largest amount of carbon in a short time compared to other
methods such as afforestation, agricultural practices, and chemical applications, among
others (Busch et al., 2008; Tao and Clarens, 2013; Godec et al., 2014; Levine et al., 2016).
Shengli Oil Field China Power plant Oil reservoir 2.0 Upgrading
Weyburn (Boundary Dam) CA and United States Power plant Oil reservoir 1.0 Since 1998
The ideal underground reservoirs for CO2 storage primarily enhance the performance of CO2. Field trials have indicated that
include oil and gas reservoirs, saline formations, and salt caverns the flowback rate of CO2 after hydraulic injection is significantly
(Rutqvist et al., 2008; Gilfillan et al., 2009; Jia et al., 2019). In this lower compared to that after EOR (Yiyu et al., 2021; Honglei et al.,
study, we specifically focus on oil and gas reservoirs due to their well- 2022). However, the CO2 fracturing technique is still in the field-trial
known geological conditions and well-constructed infrastructures. stage compared to CO2 EOR. It injects CO2 at much higher
These factors significantly improve the efficiency, economy, and pressures and rates than in EOR injections, resulting in increased
safety of CO2 injection and storage (Tayari et al., 2015). The investment and challenges (Jing et al., 2022). Furthermore, there
utilization of CO2 in oil fields has a long history, particularly in exists a gap between previous laboratory-scale efforts and practical
the context of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques since the field applications at a larger scale.
1950s (Crawford et al., 1963; Lillies and King, 1982). The injection of This study focuses on identifying the disparity and
CO2 drives and displaces in situ oil and gas, especially the heavier deficiencies between the theory and practice of CO2 fracturing,
components, by reducing their viscosity and increasing their with the aim of bridging this gap. Firstly, CO2 fracturing is
mobility. This process enhances the ultimate recovery of oil and redefined and limited to supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2)
gas. The remarkable performance of CO2 injection in both the oil fracturing, which presents a more environmentally friendly
and gas industry and as a carbon sink has drawn worldwide solution for CCUS in the oil and gas industry. Secondly, an
attention. Currently, approximately 80% of the CCUS projects extensive literature review is carried out to summarize the
worldwide inject CO2 into oil and gas formations for EOR, as performances of fracture creation and proppant transport by
illustrated in Table 1 (Institute, 2021). CO2—the major tasks of a hydraulic fracturing fluid. By
However, CCUS in oil fields is facing several technical and conducting a systematic analysis of research findings and field
environmental challenges. One of the most significant issues is the trials related to CO2 fracturing, we propose several promising
efficiency of CO2 storage through the EOR process, which has been research directions that can advance the field and enhance the
reported as low as 20% in previous studies (Zhang R.-H. et al., 2021). efficiency of CO2 fracturing in practical applications. Through
In other words, approximately 80% of the injected CO2 is these efforts, we anticipate the CO2 fracturing technique to
reproduced along with the extracted oil and gas, necessitating the become an essential supplement and approach for CCUS in oil
separation and reinjection of CO2. Additionally, the migration of and gas reservoirs.
CO2 over geological timescales is currently difficult to predict.
Extensive monitoring devices are installed from the surface to
track the movement of injected CO2 in representative CCUS 2 History and restricted definition of
sites, such as the Weyburn project. The continuous movement of CO2 fracturing
CO2 is monitored over time and injections. This is primarily due to
the interconnected pore system in the rock matrix, which provides a The history of CO2 fracturing can be traced back to the 1970s
pathway through which the mature oil and gas migrate from the when it was first experimented with as a method for enhancing oil
source rock into the geological structure, reflecting the nature of a recovery. Initial trials focused on using CO2 as a miscible fluid to
conventional oil and gas reservoir (Goodman et al., 2020). displace oil from reservoirs, with CO2 being injected as a liquid from
The CO2 fracturing technique is an alternative approach to CO2 the wellhead. In order to enhance the performance of CO2 fracturing
storage, distinct from EOR, and is typically employed in and flooding, CO2 was combined with foam-based fracturing
unconventional formations characterized by extremely low techniques, leading to the development of CO2 foam fracturing
permeability and water sensitivity (Hou et al., 2024b). As a in the early 2000s (Martin and Taber, 1992; Yost et al., 1993). The
relatively new technique, CO2 has demonstrated its efficiency as use of foam in CO2 fracturing offers several advantages over
a working fluid in reducing the breakdown pressure of the formation traditional hydraulic fracturing methods. Firstly, the foam acts as
and increasing the stimulated volume following hydraulic injection a carrier for the CO2, reducing the amount of CO2 required to
(Hou et al., 2021). Extensive laboratory research has been conducted achieve the desired fracturing effect. Secondly, the viscosity of CO2
to elucidate the rock-mechanical and flow-dynamical characteristics foam is significantly improved, enhancing the transport capacity of
of CO2 fracturing (Xiangzeng et al., 2014; Wang H. et al., 2019). proppants (Lv et al., 2017). However, the behavior and stability of
Corresponding chemical additives have also been developed to CO2 foam under formation conditions present challenges due to the
TABLE 2 Comparisons between the fractures created by SC-CO2 and water-based fluids (Zhang et al., 2017a; Li et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021; Feng and
Firoozabadi, 2023).
80 50.1
Shale 12/10/8 (Triaxial 60 15.16 Irregular multiple fractures Zhang et al. (2017a)
stress) of different lengths and
Hot Dry 10/7.5/5 (Triaxial 32 ~20.3 Zhang et al. (2021a)
Rock stress)
Water Hot Dry 10/7.5/5 (Triaxial 32 ~37.5 Simulation Zhang et al. (2021b)
Rock stress)
phase change of CO2 from a gaseous to a supercritical phase. The is distinct from other forms of CO2 fracturing such as CO2 foam. For
quality of the foam plays a crucial role in fracture generation, one reason, the focus on supercritical CO2 fracturing is justified by its
propagation, and production enhancement. Moreover, the use of similarity to the process of CO2 storage, as it eliminates the use of
water in CO2 foam is inevitable, which can lead to permeability and water and demonstrates higher efficiency in CO2 storage (Hou et al.,
conductivity losses in water-sensitive formations. 2020; Hou and Elsworth, 2021). The flowback rate of fracturing
With the revolution of unconventional oil and gas, a more specific injected CO2 is lower than other forms of CO2 storage, for
definition of CO2 fracturing has emerged - supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2) instance, CO2-EOR (Hou et al., 2024b). This indicates a higher
fracturing, also known as water-free fracturing (Middleton et al., 2015; efficiency of permanent CO2 storage. This approach presents a
Sanguinito et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019). This technique utilizes 100% more environmentally friendly solution for CCUS in the oil and
CO2 as the primary fracturing fluid to prevent damage caused by water gas field. For the other reason, CO2 fracturing represents one of the
in unconventional formations. In reservoirs buried approximately most promising approaches to large-scale carbon sinks. If water-based
800 m deeper, the injected CO2 undergoes a transition into a fracturing operations could be replaced by CO2 fracturing, one single
supercritical phase state, characterized by temperatures and pressures horizontal well may store more than ten thousand tons of CO2.
above the critical point (7.3 MPa, 31°C). The phase state transition of Considering that thousands of wells may be fractured in a single oil or
CO2 (from supercritical state to liquid state) has been observed and gas field, the CO2 storage capacity by CO2 fracturing shows enormous
illustrated in Figure 1. In the process of supercritical CO2 fracturing, potential. Therefore, the promotion of CO2 fracturing for CCUS
CO2 is initially pressurized and heated to reach its supercritical state at represents a critical approach to carbon sinks and carbon neutrality.
the surface. This supercritical CO2 is then mixed with proppant and
injected into the wellbore to fracture the targeted reservoir zone.
Supercritical CO2 exhibits high density, low viscosity, low surface 3 Results
tension, high diffusion coefficient, and excellent heat and mass
transfer properties (Hou et al., 2021). As a fracturing fluid, it does 3.1 Fracture creation by CO2
not harm the reservoir, effectively avoiding near-wellbore formation
damage, protecting the oil and gas reservoir, improving reservoir Fractures formed through supercritical CO2 fracturing exhibit
permeability, and facilitating easy flowback, compared with the distinct characteristics that are influenced by the properties of
traditional water-based fracturing fluids. Moreover, supercritical CO2 supercritical CO2. One notable effect is the reduction in the
fracturing fluid can dehydrate tight clay formations, open up sandstone breakdown pressure of the formation, allowing for easier penetration
pore channels, and reduce the skin factor of the wellbore. into the rock matrix due to its low viscosity, high diffusivity, and absence
In this study, we adopt a specific definition of CO2 fracturing, of surface tension. Supercritical CO2 exhibits a lower viscosity (three
specifically referring to supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2) fracturing, which magnitudes or even smaller) compared to alternative fracturing fluids
like water-based fluids (Kuang et al., 2023). This attribute allows for
smoother flow through minuscule pores and fractures within the 3.2 Proppant transport by CO2
reservoir rock, enabling deeper penetration into the rock matrix and
generating fractures with enhanced tortuosity. This characteristic allows In addition to the more challenging conditions for proppant
the injected fluid to effectively access the pre-existing fracture, and as the transport, a significant hurdle in CO2 fracturing is the low viscosity
induced fracture propagates along its path, there is a significant of supercritical CO2, which is similar to gaseous CO2. As a result,
reduction (~50%) in breakdown pressure (Zhang et al., 2017a; Li proppant particles settle rapidly, leading to the formation of
et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021; Feng and Firoozabadi, 2023), as accumulations known as dunes (Hou et al., 2015). These dunes
summarized in Table 2. vary in shape and size as continuous injections progress. Within
Laboratory tests have indicated that fractures created by CO2 have fractures, the proppant is then transported in the form of these
higher tortuosity, as illustrated in Figure 2 (Song et al., 2019). dunes, creating a dynamic and complex process, unlike water-based
Tortuosity pertains to the extent of deviation from a linear high-viscosity fluids that evenly suspend the proppant (Hou et al.,
trajectory observed in fractures. The higher degree of fracture 2022a; Hou et al., 2022b). When the mass flow remains constant,
tortuosity indicates that CO2 follow intricate routes within the altering the injection temperature to a higher value or reducing the
reservoir rock, thereby augmenting their interaction surface. injection pressure will lead to a decrease in both viscosity and
Additionally, CO2 fracturing holds the potential to generate a density of supercritical CO2, resulting in evolutions of
more intricate network of interconnected fractures within the equilibrium height and distance for dune transport, as presented
reservoir, surpassing the complexity of fractures induced by water- in Figure 4 (Zheng et al., 2022b).
The fracture morphology created by CO2 and fracturing fluids. Reproduced with permission from Ref. Song et al. (2019), copyright (2019) Elsevier.
Effects of injection temperature and pressure on dune equilibrium height and length based on experiments. Reproduced with permission from Ref.
Zheng et al. (2022b), copyright (2022) Elsevier.
Synthetical analyses of fracture creation and proppant transport regarding CO2 fracturing.
Fluid Component Pure CO2 Pure CO2 and gel Pure CO2 and gel
3 3
Injecting Rate 3.8 m /min ~2 m /min ~4 m3/min
Recovery of CO2 after injections in (A) CO2 huff-and-puff case and (B) CO2 fracturing case. Reproduced with permission from Ref. Hou et al.
(2024a), copyright (2024) Elsevier.
captured CO2 from power plants to oil and gas fields. Pipelines 4.3 Gap between theory and practice
may be necessary for the continuous transport of CO2 for huff-
and-puff, EOR or direct storage in relatively fixed sites Although fundamental research has highlighted the advantages
(Onyebuchi et al., 2018). Trucks may be essential for and feasibility of CO2 fracturing, field trials have encountered
fracturing operations to transport CO 2 from one site to significant challenges, as summarized in Table 3. To reveal the
another (Gao et al., 2011). Both pipelines and trucks will disparity between the theory and practice of CO2 fracturing, we
increase the investments in construction and equipment, as compared key injection parameters recorded during field operations
well as the potential for extra CO2 emissions. Therefore, CO2 using different fracturing fluids, as presented in Figure 8. Initially, in
transport has become a common issue for all kinds of CO2 conventional reservoirs, guar gel (referred to as the first generation
storage because of the geographical distance between CO 2 of fracturing fluid) was used to create large bi-wing fractures with a
sources and storage sites. For CO 2 fracturing, a hybrid high concentration of large proppants. Subsequently, slickwater
transport system may be a solution to improve the flexibility (with lower viscosity) was employed at a much higher pump rate
of CO2 transport from site to site. to carry smaller proppants at lower concentrations, achieving a
Comparison of hydraulic parameters for field operations among the three generations of fracturing fluid.
balance between fracturing efficiency and investment-production underground fractures. Correspondingly, the stimulated
ratio (Barati and Liang, 2014; Zhang et al., 2017b). CO2 fracturing, reservoir volume is restricted for enhancing oil/gas production.
known as the third generation of fracturing fluid, is considered Regarding the CO2 storage concern, the low fracturing scale
environmentally friendly. Pump rates and injection scales are both reduces the usage of CO2 during fracturing operations. The
reduced for CO2 fracturing, reflecting its status as a limited artificial fracture volume will further decrease the
developing technique. inventory capacity of CO2 storage in unconventional reservoirs,
Compared to conventional fluids, the disparity between because the artificial fracture may contribute most to the capacity
fundamental research and field application primarily lies in of CO2 storage (Hou et al., 2024a; Hou et al., 2024b). Therefore, the
pump rate and operation scale, as depicted in Figure 8. Current relatively low fracturing scale may represent the other critical gap
efforts to thicken CO2 may draw inspiration from the success of between the theory and practice of CO2 fracturing in accordance
first-generation fluids, characterized by high viscosity gel. However, with the aforementioned rationale.
the second-generation fluid (represented by low-viscosity
slickwater) compensates for the low-viscosity drawback with a
high pump rate, which offers valuable insights. Therefore, the 5 Conclusion
utilization of friction reducers becomes another crucial technique
for CO2 fracturing. Correspondingly, the performance of CO2 (1) The primary disparity between theory and practice in CO2
thickener (enhanced CO2 viscosity after the high-pump-rate fracturing lies in pump rate and operation scale.
shear) becomes an essential criterion for the relevant research, (2) New research directions for improving both fracture
which currently is barely reported. Other valuable insights propagation and proppant transport in CO2 fracturing
include enhancing fracturing scales through the development of include the use of friction reducers, addressing flow loss
low-cost additives, increasing the proportion of fine proppant, and caused by leak-off and distribution in fracture networks,
adopting hybrid approaches that incorporate water-based fluids and enhancing the shear viscosity of thickened CO2.
(inspired by Cases B and C). (3) Field operations of CO2 fracturing can be optimized by
The relatively low pump rate may represent one of the most enhancing scales through the incorporation of low-cost
significant gaps between the theory and practice of CO2 fracturing. additives, increasing the proportion of fine proppant, and
Firstly, the proppant usually settles down rapidly in low-viscosity utilizing a hybrid approach that integrates
fluids (CO2 and slickwater). The horizontal transport distance of conventional fluids.
the proppant before its settlement reduces under a low pump rate
condition due to the lower horizontal dragging force (Hou et al.,
2017b; Hou et al., 2019). This significantly constrains the proppant Author contributions
transport capability of supercritical CO2, and then the scale of
proppant injection in fields (Table 3). Secondly, the high diffusion LH: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Methodology,
feature of supercritical CO2 induces a high leak-off of fluid from Writing–original draft, Writing–review and editing. JL:
fractures into the formation. The low pump rate may weaken the Writing–review and editing. PG: Data curation, Methodology,
supplementary fluid in fractures, thus constraining the Writing–review and editing. YJ: Conceptualization, Investigation,
propagation of fracture networks. Meanwhile, the relatively low Writing–review and editing. LZ: Data curation, Investigation,
fracturing scale further deteriorates the development of Writing–review and editing.
Funding The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted
in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that
The authors declare that financial support was received for the could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This research
is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
under the grant 42377138. Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and
Conflict of interest do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or
those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that
Author PG was employed by Shengli Oilfield Service may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
Corporation. manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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