Workbook Answers
Workbook Answers
Workbook Answers
Answer Key
3 1 hasn’t taken, started
Unit 1 2 bought, had reduced
3 Have ... heard, sent
Page 5
4 have eaten, got, hadn’t made
Vocabulary 5 have never kept up, opened, had moved
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Possible answers:
Possible answers: 1 We have been planning it all week.
1 understood the issue 2 She’s been talking about it for months.
2 phone calls 3 It’s been snowing since yesterday.
3 the party decorations 4 How long has he been living there?
4 his phone
Page 7
5 they finally met
6 had stolen a necklace 5 1 stopped 7 Have ... done
7 story 2 had hacked 8 consulted
8 I wanted everyone to see them 3 did ... discover 9 has been working
9 sharing photos, ideas and information 4 have been 10 have been
10 on the phone 5 noticed 11 had never used
6 had charged
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Possible answers: 6 1 My friend was texting somebody while we were
1 text every day 5 plans for university 2 chatting.
YouTube videos 6 nod and smile 2 Sorry I’m late. I know you’ve been waiting for
a long time.
3 an emergency 7 photos
3 Jim should know about this website. I will share
4 news websites this link with him.
3 1 noticed 4 lightened up 4 My iPad hasn’t been working properly since my
brother dropped it last night.
2 misunderstood 5 spread
5 By the time WhatsApp was developed, people had
3 managed 6 developed been using emoticons for years.
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 7 1 ¿Con qué frecuencia subes fotos a Instagram? 2
5 1 social media 5 express their feelings 2 is spreading Anoche me di cuenta de que Sam había visto mi
6 developed
3 ¿Cómo vas a mantenerte en contacto con tu
3 post 7 share
4 in this day and age 8 challenge
4 Nunca he expresado mis sentimientos en
Page 6 clase. 5 No te preocupes. Te informaré después
del examen.
8 1 Alexa has been the bank manager for a year. 2
1 1 do ... think 7 was doing After I had examined all the phones, I chose the
2 takes 8 reported cheapest model.
3 prefers 9 did ... explain 3 The company is going to open a new office abroad
next year.
4 misses out on 10 became
4 While we were flying to London, the pilot made
5 learned 11 are having
several announcements.
6 improves 12 will make 5 How long have you known?
2 Possible answers: 6 We probably won’t see them again.
1 I go to the cinema with my friends every week. Page 8
2 I am going to the beach this weekend.
3 In 2020, we will have flying cars.
4 I’m volunteering at a hospital these days. 1 Possible answers:
5 I haven’t run in a long time. 1 I’d say I spend two hours a day online.
6 I forgot to water the plants yesterday. 2 I’d probably go crazy!
3 I’d miss the social media sites.
4 I think I’d be angry with him.
Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books 1
3 1 as well as / in addition to
Page 16
2 in addition to / as well as
Speaking 3 Furthermore
4 Although
1 1 One advantage 3 On the other hand 2 On
5 Despite
the one hand 4 Personally, I
5 1 incomes 4 attended
2 Possible answers: 2 curriculum 5 compulsory
1 easy 3 again 3 remarkable 6 achieved
2 expensive 4 manage
Page 22
3 1 search 5 developing Grammar
2 enabled 6 capable of
3 costly 7 sharing 1 1 where 5 which
4 view 8 worldwide 2 whose 6 who
3 when / that 7 where
4 1 had scanned, appeared 4 that / which 8 when
2 won’t lend, will be using
3 are heating, turn on 2 sentences 3 and 7
5 1 I’ve been a teacher for two years. 3 1 whose job is to study rocks
2 He had got his driving licence before he bought 2 who fights for children’s right to education
a second-hand car. 3 which has two moons
3 The café owner is going to install WiFi soon. 4 4 where a major film festival takes place
While I was having my first skiing lesson, I fell. / I 5 when the teacher gave the assignment
fell while I was having my first skiing lesson.
4 1 The family reunion, where I met all of my cousins,
6 1 are working was successful.
2 interacts / will interact 2 Tokyo, which is an enormous city, is going to host
3 are trying / have been trying the 2020 Olympic Games. / Tokyo, which is going
to host the 2020 Olympic Games, is an enormous
4 had built
5 began
3 Indian food, which uses many unusual spices, can
6 respond be very spicy. / Indian food, which can be very
7 will have discovered spicy, uses many unusual spices.
8 will play / will be playing 4 Maria, who spent weeks working on her painting,
won first prize in the art competition. / Maria, who
Unit 3 won first prize in the art competition, spent weeks
working on her painting.
Page 21 5 My favourite jacket, which you borrowed, is
6 I’ll never forget the holiday when we rented a
1 1 pay attention house on the beach.
2 curriculum 7 Paul, who lectures regularly, gave a fascinating talk
on holistic medicine. / Paul, who gave a fascinating
3 pressure
talk on holistic medicine, lectures regularly.
4 disrupt
8 The local animal shelter, whose volunteers are
5 strict dedicated individuals, is having a pet adoption
6 sense of belonging day.
7 compulsory
Page 23
8 revise
5 1 that / which 5 which
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2 whose 6 who / that
3 1 income 4 appear 3 where 7 when
2 step 5 struggle 4 who / that 8 when / that
3 allow 6 delighted
6 1 Discipline is needed to control classes which are
4 1 F; An accomplishment is something you work for. very large.
2 F; If you beg for something, you don’t work hard 2 Students whose applications are not handed in on
for it. time won’t be accepted.
3T 3 Tererai lived in a hut which / that had no
4 F; Aid organisations work with people of all ages. electricity.
5 F; You study at university to get a degree. 6 T 4 Tinogona, which means “It is achievable”, has
become Tererai’s motto.
5 The students won’t forget the day (when) they
Workbook Answer Key
performed Othello.
Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books 5
that her father encouraged her to defy tradition.”
(lines 4-7)
2 F; “Sakena was accepted at the medical school in
7 1 Los alumnos que se estresen antes de los exámenes Kabul. However, she couldn’t attend because there
pueden recibir ayuda de profesionales. wasn’t a dormitory for female students.”
2 La educación obligatoria, que era poco común en el (lines 9-11)
pasado, ahora es casi universal.
3 F; “Sakena opened her first school in a tent with the
3 Mi mejor amigo, quien acaba de ser aceptado en la aid of a local mullah
universidad, va a estudiar una ingeniería. …” (lines 25-26)
4 T; “Sakena has received many awards and
4 Obtendré mi título en Harvard, donde siempre he
international recognition
querido estudiar. …” (lines 36-37)
5 Los alumnos se quedan atrás en colegios donde los 4 1 defy 3 hardships
profesores no les prestan la atención suficiente.
2 heartbroken 4 banned
8 1 have found
Page 26
2 who
3 has taught / has been teaching Writing
4 which / that 1 1 The fans will cheer the soccer team at the city
5 has changed stadium next Saturday.
6 has made / makes 2 Harry always buys his wife flowers on her birthday.
7 had integrated 3 I was walking the dog in the park early in the
8 which / that morning.
9 have become 4 Jessica didn’t leave me the homework on her
10 will use desk. 2 1 Yesterday, Westbourne Secondary School
first Careers Day
Page 24 held its ….
2 The school was buzzing with excitement
Speaking ….
3 Students ended the day by filling in an online
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. questionnaire.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 The organisers
… are planning to make Careers
3 1 -gree 4 of Day an annual event
2 home- 5 -lone
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 bet- 6 -cause
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 1 revise (vise) 4 disrupt (rupt)
2 degree (gree) 5 income (in) Page 27
4 1 illegal 5 dissatisfied
Unit 5
3 Accept all logical answers. Page 37
2 misbehaving 5 overcrowded
3 megastorm 6 reread Vocabulary
3 may / might appear, must / need to / have to pass, 2 1 hadn’t gone to different schools, they wouldn’t
will be practising have grown apart
4 didn’t enjoy, was ignoring / ignored, wouldn’t have 2 hadn’t ignored her boyfriend’s text messages, he
gone, insisted, won’t listen wouldn’t have got angry with her
5 1 You must not use a mobile phone here. 2 While Mark 3 would have recognised Pam if she hadn’t cut her
hair very short
was trying to upgrade his computer, he deleted all
his files. / Mark deleted all his files while he was 4 hadn’t hidden my valuable possessions very well,
the thieves would have found them
trying to upgrade his computer. 3 They have been
skiing for 10 years. 5 would have been able to stay with my relatives if
they hadn’t been out of the country
4 I no longer live in Miami, where I was born. 5
I won’t have arrived by nine o’clock. 3 1 I would rent it if I had enough money. 2 She won’t get
6 Your dog may / might have run away. in touch until she finishes her trek in Nepal.
3 If you go onto Facebook, you will find them. 4
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. We would have slept better if we hadn’t had a
Possible answers: room facing the street.
1 should have left home earlier
5 A plane ticket costs less if you don’t travel during
2 we will be on holiday the tourist season.
3 If Lucas didn’t work most evenings, I’d get together
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. with him.
Page 39 4 As soon as my parents are / get home, we can tell
them the news.
5 1 If Tanya doesn’t work harder, her boss might fire her.
5 He won’t buy a car until he saves enough money. 6
2 If they hadn’t slept late, they wouldn’t have missed If I were you, I wouldn’t date him.
the train.
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Dylan and I have been playing tennis together for
two months.
5 Sebastian won’t propose to Alicia until he buys the
engagement ring.
Unit 6 6 You don’t have to tell me all the details.
Possible answers: 7 I’ve been living in London, where I met my
1 a He’s abroad. girlfriend, for five years.
b He had an accident. Page 45
c He’s a young actor.
2 a She was looking for me.
b You have the same eyes. 1 1 afford, split the cost
3 a I’m nervous about it. 2 borrow, pay them back
b It’s for raising money for the poor. 3 expenses, short of
4 a It’s not my fault. 4 salary, savings account
b Take some responsibility. 5 lent, owe
5 a You didn’t hurt my feelings. 6 pocket money, note
b You were right to go first.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Page 44 Possible answers:
1 I made a profit.
Check Your Progress
2 I always wait for a discount.
1 1 doesn’t treat me well 3 I’m on a budget.
2 must stand still 4 It only accepts cash.
3 is the length of this river 5 I’m going to purchase them.
4 got any income
5 is user-friendly
3 1 That dress suits Anna.
2 There’s an extra fee for their services.
6 accepted their dinner invitation
7 share this car 3 There’s a long queue.
4 I was charged £20 for this shirt.
2 1 pavement 6 isolation 5 Lisa requests my help / that I help her.
2 express their feelings 7 talking something over 3 6 We made the best of the situation.
delighted 8 support
4 tears 9 attempt
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5 living through Possible answers:
1 he’s new here
3 1 heard 7 can cause 2 they couldn’t afford to buy one
2 will be working 8 broke up 3 you spend all your money on clothes
3 will give 9 had been studying 4 were 10 4 hanging pictures
believes 5 the floor
5 who / that 11 should discuss
6 had been considering 5 1 discount 7 requested
2 cash 8 expenses
4 1 If people hadn’t complained about the food, the new
3 salary 9 afforded
Chinese restaurant wouldn’t have closed. / The new
Chinese restaurant wouldn't have closed if people hadn't 4 short of 10 suit
complained about the food 5 make the best of it
2 They should have called us, but they didn’t. 3 Mr 6 odd jobs
4 hasn’t been confirmed
Page 46
5 must be done
Grammar 6 was being painted
1 1 was given 7 had been cancelled
2 will be paid 8 can be collected
3 has been closed 9 mustn’t be eaten