Workbook Answers

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Answer Key
3 1 hasn’t taken, started
Unit 1 2 bought, had reduced
3 Have ... heard, sent
Page 5
4 have eaten, got, hadn’t made
Vocabulary 5 have never kept up, opened, had moved
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Possible answers:
Possible answers: 1 We have been planning it all week.
1 understood the issue 2 She’s been talking about it for months.
2 phone calls 3 It’s been snowing since yesterday.
3 the party decorations 4 How long has he been living there?
4 his phone
Page 7
5 they finally met
6 had stolen a necklace 5 1 stopped 7 Have ... done
7 story 2 had hacked 8 consulted
8 I wanted everyone to see them 3 did ... discover 9 has been working
9 sharing photos, ideas and information 4 have been 10 have been
10 on the phone 5 noticed 11 had never used
6 had charged
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Possible answers: 6 1 My friend was texting somebody while we were
1 text every day 5 plans for university 2 chatting.
YouTube videos 6 nod and smile 2 Sorry I’m late. I know you’ve been waiting for
a long time.
3 an emergency 7 photos
3 Jim should know about this website. I will share
4 news websites this link with him.
3 1 noticed 4 lightened up 4 My iPad hasn’t been working properly since my
brother dropped it last night.
2 misunderstood 5 spread
5 By the time WhatsApp was developed, people had
3 managed 6 developed been using emoticons for years.
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 7 1 ¿Con qué frecuencia subes fotos a Instagram? 2
5 1 social media 5 express their feelings 2 is spreading Anoche me di cuenta de que Sam había visto mi
6 developed
3 ¿Cómo vas a mantenerte en contacto con tu
3 post 7 share
4 in this day and age 8 challenge
4 Nunca he expresado mis sentimientos en
Page 6 clase. 5 No te preocupes. Te informaré después
del examen.
8 1 Alexa has been the bank manager for a year. 2
1 1 do ... think 7 was doing After I had examined all the phones, I chose the
2 takes 8 reported cheapest model.
3 prefers 9 did ... explain 3 The company is going to open a new office abroad
next year.
4 misses out on 10 became
4 While we were flying to London, the pilot made
5 learned 11 are having
several announcements.
6 improves 12 will make 5 How long have you known?
2 Possible answers: 6 We probably won’t see them again.
1 I go to the cinema with my friends every week. Page 8
2 I am going to the beach this weekend.
3 In 2020, we will have flying cars.
4 I’m volunteering at a hospital these days. 1 Possible answers:
5 I haven’t run in a long time. 1 I’d say I spend two hours a day online.
6 I forgot to water the plants yesterday. 2 I’d probably go crazy!
3 I’d miss the social media sites.
4 I think I’d be angry with him.
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3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Workbook Answer Key
2 1b2e3a4d5f6c
4 1 shoes 3 match 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 watch 4 cash
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5 A: So tell me about yourself. What are your favourite Page 11
B: Well,1 I’m really into computer games. One day I Vocabulary Focus
hope to start my own company.
1 1 loneliness 6 improvement
A: So how many hours do you spend playing
2 punctuation 7 communication
computer games?
3 popularity 8 personality
B: 2 I’d say at least three hours a day, sometimes even
more. 4 disappointment 9 expression
Personally, I prefer playing games than watching 5 happiness
A: What kind of games do you play?
2 1 amused 4 challenging
2 terrifying 5 thrilled
B: Almost everything, 4 but I’m really into Starcraft.
A: So 5 why do you think you’d be suitable for the 3 embarrassing 6 discouraged
job? 3 1 homeless 5 careless
B: 6 I’d probably come up with a lot of great ideas. 2 painless 6 hopeless
I’m really creative and love designing stuff.
3 helpless 7 useful
Page 9 4 wonderful 8 thoughtless
Reading 4 1 thoughtful 4 amusing
1 1c 2 embarrassing 5 careful
3 discouraged
2 1a2c3b4b
5 1 description 4 seriousness
3 1 they were seeking safety 2 developed 5 complexity
2 we learn about events
3 combined
3 for police brutality
4 people post fakes, fabrications and misinformation Page 12
5 will be replaced by social media Check Your Progress
4 1 widespread 4 monster 1 Possible answers:
2 breaking news 5 newsworthy 1 said 4 videos
3 tracking 2 friends 5 details
Page 10 3 photos

Writing 2 1 worldwide 4 develop

2 face-to-face 5 challenge
1 1 a, c 3 chat 6 talk this over
We were obviously very upset when we heard the
terrible news. 3 1 complex 5 view
2 a, c 2 commenting 6 In this day and age 3
It’s quite difficult for me to walk quickly. posted 7 gets to the point
3 b, c 4 properly 8 social media
Personally, I thought he wasn’t a really good
4 1 have already commented, uploaded, is going to
post, Have ... seen
4 a, c
2 reported, had attended, believe, will attend 3 was
Unfortunately, our waiter was highly
chatting, came, saw, didn’t give, had happened 4
unpleasant. 5 a, b
have been waiting, hasn’t arrived, will show up
I was quite surprised that he could play the piano
a bit. 5 1 Hannah wasn’t a vegetarian two years ago.
2 I haven’t smoked for a year.
2 1 really 5 loudly
3 How long have you been feeling this way? 4 We
2 a bit 6 Hopefully
were chatting while we were driving home. 5 We
3 casually 7 Unfortunately
arrived an hour after the concert had started. 6 He
4 completely
rarely goes on Facebook.
7 We haven’t spoken since last Sunday.
8 I hadn’t met my cousins until last year.

2 Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books

Workbook Answer Key In another few years, all pupils will be studying from
3 By next year, they will have installed security
6 Possible answers: cameras in all public areas.
4 It won’t be landing for another few hours.
5 By next week, we will have settled back into our
Page 14
1 was meeting friends, my parents were swimming 6 Unfortunately, the technician won’t have repaired it
2 met a famous actor by this evening.
3 meet at the sports centre
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 have been meeting volunteers
Possible answers:
5 hadn’t met the new student
1 will be watching a film
2 will be travelling in the US
Unit 2
3 will have finished it
Page 13 4 will be snowing

Vocabulary 3 1 will be using 2 will have joined

1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3 will have become 4 will be transporting
Possible answers: 4 1 By Monday, I will have bought a new computer. 2
1 my smartphone By Sunday, my parents will have celebrated 20
2 my bank’s website years of marriage.
3 a smart watch 3 At 11.00, she won’t be studying online.
4 to change the TV channel 4 By next week, the app won’t be completed.
5 skydiving
Page 15
6 immigration laws
7 computer programmer 5 1 This time tomorrow, my parents will be flying to
8 a self-driving car
2 By the year 2100, doctors will have found a cure for
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. cancer.
Possible answers: 3 In a few years’ time, people will be using selfie-pay
1 You press the button.
4 Will Janet have built her drone by the end of the
2 It’s old and slow.
3 A great camera and voice recognition.
5 By tomorrow evening, Jason will have made a
4 Headphones and speakers. decision.
5 Send voice messages.
6 1 Para el año 2050, los científicos habrán inventado
6 Google. coches voladores.
7 Vacuuming and washing floors. 2 Dentro de diez años, todo el mundo estará usando
drones equipados con cámaras.
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 Las ventas de las impresoras 3D se incrementarán
4 Possible answers: en los próximos cinco años.
1 Her dress was beautiful. 4 ¿Esta nueva tendencia se habrá pasado de moda
2 There were big rocks everywhere. para el año 2020?
5 Para cuando llegues allí, tu bolso habrá desaparecido.
3 Nobody has heard from her.
4 He hurt my feelings. 7 1 still hasn’t appeared
5 It’s very heavy. 2 is going to change / will be changing
6 There’s a lot of additional work. 3 will be building
5 1 searching 6 enable 4 will enable
2 hi-tech 7 convenient 5 discovered
3 device 8 downside 6 is adopting
4 operate 9 invented 7 is developing
5 equipped 8 utilises
Grammar 9 will have completed
10 is
1 1 In the near future, more people will be driving them. 2
Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books 3

3 1 as well as / in addition to
Page 16
2 in addition to / as well as
Speaking 3 Furthermore
4 Although
1 1 One advantage 3 On the other hand 2 On
5 Despite
the one hand 4 Personally, I

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 1 for 5 for

Possible answers: 2 against 6 against
1 they both show new technology 3 against 7 against
2 a machine is doing something people normally do 4 against
3 a robot waiter, a self-driving car 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 the woman needs to help the robot, the car doesn’t
need help from the driver 6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5 in picture A, the robot has a face to make it look Page 19
more human-like
Vocabulary Focus
3 1 /g/ 2 /Y/
1 1 assistance
4 1 /s/ 3 /Y/ 5 /Y/ 7 /Y/ 2 equipped with everything you need
2 /Y/ 4 /g/ 6 /g/ 8 /g/
3 injuries
5 1 I’d like to upgrade my phone services. 2 What is the 4 ability to do this
difference between these two devices? 3 One 5 aware that they had broken up
advantage is that it is equipped with the latest 6 sense that something was wrong
4 What is this robot capable of doing? 2 1 experienced in 3 disappointed in 2
5 Personally, I prefer chatting face-to-face with jealous of 4 aware of
someone. 3 1 of 5 at
Page 17 2 in 6 on
3 with 7 about
4 for 8 of
1 1 Kay 6 Steve Accept all logical and grammatically correct
2 Jared 7 Kay continuations.
3 Alan 8 Jared 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 Steve 9 Jared Possible answers:
5 Kay 10 Alan 1 alone 5 drowned
2 1d2b3d 2 know 6 agree
3 electricity 7 cooking
3 1 get 3 showed up 4 know
2 took over 4 point out
5 1 keep an eye on 5 keep track of
Page 18
2 save money 6 keep a diary
Writing 3 keep a promise 7 save the day

1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 save face

Possible answers: Page 20

1 he doesn’t know how to use it yet
Check You Progress
2 cutting-edge
3 it makes life easier 1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Possible answers:
4 they should allow their children to use computers 2
1 It was hard to walk there.
1 In spite of being scary, human-like robots are very
popular in Japan. 2 She has beautiful eyes.
2 In addition to a wonderful beach, there’s a heated 3 She’s very rude.
pool at the hotel as well. 4 She’s angry with me.
3 While the previous model wasn’t user-friendly, the 5 They don’t have smartphones.
new tablet is. 6 We don’t need all the details.
Workbook Answer Key 7 Tuesday would be better.
8 I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.
4 Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books

5 1 incomes 4 attended
2 Possible answers: 2 curriculum 5 compulsory
1 easy 3 again 3 remarkable 6 achieved
2 expensive 4 manage
Page 22
3 1 search 5 developing Grammar
2 enabled 6 capable of
3 costly 7 sharing 1 1 where 5 which
4 view 8 worldwide 2 whose 6 who
3 when / that 7 where
4 1 had scanned, appeared 4 that / which 8 when
2 won’t lend, will be using
3 are heating, turn on 2 sentences 3 and 7
5 1 I’ve been a teacher for two years. 3 1 whose job is to study rocks
2 He had got his driving licence before he bought 2 who fights for children’s right to education
a second-hand car. 3 which has two moons
3 The café owner is going to install WiFi soon. 4 4 where a major film festival takes place
While I was having my first skiing lesson, I fell. / I 5 when the teacher gave the assignment
fell while I was having my first skiing lesson.
4 1 The family reunion, where I met all of my cousins,
6 1 are working was successful.
2 interacts / will interact 2 Tokyo, which is an enormous city, is going to host
3 are trying / have been trying the 2020 Olympic Games. / Tokyo, which is going
to host the 2020 Olympic Games, is an enormous
4 had built
5 began
3 Indian food, which uses many unusual spices, can
6 respond be very spicy. / Indian food, which can be very
7 will have discovered spicy, uses many unusual spices.
8 will play / will be playing 4 Maria, who spent weeks working on her painting,
won first prize in the art competition. / Maria, who
Unit 3 won first prize in the art competition, spent weeks
working on her painting.
Page 21 5 My favourite jacket, which you borrowed, is
6 I’ll never forget the holiday when we rented a
1 1 pay attention house on the beach.
2 curriculum 7 Paul, who lectures regularly, gave a fascinating talk
on holistic medicine. / Paul, who gave a fascinating
3 pressure
talk on holistic medicine, lectures regularly.
4 disrupt
8 The local animal shelter, whose volunteers are
5 strict dedicated individuals, is having a pet adoption
6 sense of belonging day.
7 compulsory
Page 23
8 revise
5 1 that / which 5 which
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 2 whose 6 who / that
3 1 income 4 appear 3 where 7 when
2 step 5 struggle 4 who / that 8 when / that
3 allow 6 delighted
6 1 Discipline is needed to control classes which are
4 1 F; An accomplishment is something you work for. very large.
2 F; If you beg for something, you don’t work hard 2 Students whose applications are not handed in on
for it. time won’t be accepted.
3T 3 Tererai lived in a hut which / that had no
4 F; Aid organisations work with people of all ages. electricity.

5 F; You study at university to get a degree. 6 T 4 Tinogona, which means “It is achievable”, has
become Tererai’s motto.
5 The students won’t forget the day (when) they
Workbook Answer Key
performed Othello.
Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books 5
that her father encouraged her to defy tradition.”
(lines 4-7)
2 F; “Sakena was accepted at the medical school in
7 1 Los alumnos que se estresen antes de los exámenes Kabul. However, she couldn’t attend because there
pueden recibir ayuda de profesionales. wasn’t a dormitory for female students.”
2 La educación obligatoria, que era poco común en el (lines 9-11)
pasado, ahora es casi universal.
3 F; “Sakena opened her first school in a tent with the
3 Mi mejor amigo, quien acaba de ser aceptado en la aid of a local mullah
universidad, va a estudiar una ingeniería. …” (lines 25-26)
4 T; “Sakena has received many awards and
4 Obtendré mi título en Harvard, donde siempre he
international recognition
querido estudiar. …” (lines 36-37)
5 Los alumnos se quedan atrás en colegios donde los 4 1 defy 3 hardships
profesores no les prestan la atención suficiente.
2 heartbroken 4 banned
8 1 have found
Page 26
2 who
3 has taught / has been teaching Writing
4 which / that 1 1 The fans will cheer the soccer team at the city
5 has changed stadium next Saturday.
6 has made / makes 2 Harry always buys his wife flowers on her birthday.
7 had integrated 3 I was walking the dog in the park early in the
8 which / that morning.
9 have become 4 Jessica didn’t leave me the homework on her
10 will use desk. 2 1 Yesterday, Westbourne Secondary School
first Careers Day
Page 24 held its ….
2 The school was buzzing with excitement
Speaking ….
3 Students ended the day by filling in an online
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. questionnaire.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 The organisers
… are planning to make Careers
3 1 -gree 4 of Day an annual event
2 home- 5 -lone
3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 bet- 6 -cause
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 1 revise (vise) 4 disrupt (rupt)
2 degree (gree) 5 income (in) Page 27

3 secure (cure) 6 pressure (pres) Vocabulary Focus

5 1 It seems to me that homework shouldn’t be 1 1 unbelievable 4 appearance
compulsory. 2 accomplishments `5 educators
2 As far as I’m concerned, the school curriculum isn’t
3 poor 6 fulfilling
very interesting.
3 In my opinion, it’s important to take a gap year 2 1 fall behind 5 put off
before choosing a profession to study. 2 catch on 6 make up
4 From my point of view, it’s not a good idea to travel 3 drop out 7 get on with
4 go over
5 If you ask me, it’s not very useful.
3 1 personal 6 traditional
Page 25
2 acceptable 7 energetic
Reading 3 impressive 8 luxurious
4 various 9 achievable
1 1b
5 nervous
2 1D2A3C4F5B
Workbook Answer Key 4 1 is famous
2 is (very) energetic
3 various items on the menu
3 1 F; “Since in Afghanistan girls traditionally get
married in their early teens, Sakena was fortunate 4 Internet is used universally / is universal
5 he is attractive 6 (very) competitive

6 Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books

Workbook Answer Key 6 neighbourhood
7 money
Page 28 8 village

2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

1 I disagree. I don’t like crowded cities.
3 Possible answers:
2 I disagree. Alleys can be dangerous.
3 I agree. It’s quiet and the air is clean.
1 1 viewed 5 went missing 4 I agree. There’s a lot of crime.
2 missed 6 avoided
4 1 were free of charge
3 begged 7 shared
2 a lot of unemployment in this town
4 disrupted 8 paid attention
3 set foot in my home
2 1 attend 4 in equal-sized homes
2 encourage 5 let the dog in
3 curriculum 6 a lack of interest in the film
4 enabled
5 1 mayor 5 giant
5 sense of belonging
2 trek 6 commute
6 energetic
3 neighbourhood 7 clear
7 challenges
4 isolation
8 remarkable
9 managed 6 1 slums 5 unemployment 2 destroyed 6
10 supports litter
3 cleared 7 pay a fine
Grammar 4 residents 8 quality of life
3 1 who / that 7 whose Page 30
2 where 8 that / which
3 who / that 9 has been teaching
4 encouraged 10 founded 1 1 shouldn’t walk alone in the alley
5 lived / was living 11 shares 2 might not turn up to the meeting
6 has helped 12 (will) rise 3 must commute by train
4 can’t help us this morning
4 1 They will have been driving for 10 hours by the time
they get home. / By the time they get home, they will have 5 don’t have to bring anything
been driving for 10 hours. 6 May
2 The lecturer has been talking since 11.00. 3 Jennifer, … park in your space today
who has got excellent references, received three job 2 1 can’t
offers. / Jennifer, who received three job offers, has got 2 must / should / have to
excellent references. 3 has to
4 He probably won’t agree with me. 4 Can / Could
5 We haven’t been speaking / spoken to each other 5 might / may
for a year.
6 must
6 The exam, which was very long, went well. /
7 couldn’t / weren’t able to
The exam, which went well, was very long.
8 can
Unit 4 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Page 29 Possible answers:
1 I should have left earlier.
Vocabulary 2 He might have got lost.
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3 She could have been hurt.
Possible answers: 4 I would have visited you.
1 goes down 5 There must have been an accident.
2 build many buildings
4 1 should have paid
3 move your car
2 must have met
4 many people move to a city
3 couldn’t recognise
5 park
4 would have held
5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5 must / has to use
6 couldn’t have said

Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books 7

it’s affordable and empty
3 they’re signs of people living in a building
Page 31 4 whether people would move to the city
5 walk around a big empty city
6 1 They will be able to apply for a council house next Workbook Answer Key
2 They shouldn’t have destroyed the forest to build
houses in the 1980s. 3 1 off the beaten track 4 spot
3 They can’t have known that plastic bags are 2 draw 5 ran into
banned. I’m sure they would have respected the 3 unaffordable
4 Could we have learnt from previous mistakes? 5 Page 34
Sarah needn’t have waited in the queue to get the Writing
tickets last night.
1 1 I have to stop off at the supermarket as we’ve run
7 1 Las bibliotecas deberían abrir siempre durante out of milk.
todo el día. We’ve run out of milk, so I have to stop off at the
2 Una tasa de criminalidad alta podría convertirse en supermarket.
un problema grave. 2 The concert was cancelled due to low ticket sales.
3 Justin parece triste. Puede que lo hayan rechazado The ticket sales were low. Therefore, the concert
en la entrevista. was cancelled.
4 No deben construir nunca un rascacielos cerca de 3 The air pollution in China is a major problem. As a
este lugar emblemático. result, many people wear masks.
5 Las autoridades deberían haber despejado la acera As a result of the air pollution in China, many
anoche, pero no lo hicieron. people wear masks there.
8 1 has become 6 doesn’t generate 2 which 4 Bill didn’t read the sign carefully. Consequently, he
7 began received a parking ticket.
3 has reduced 8 reached Bill received a parking ticket since he didn’t read
the sign carefully.
4 saves 9 when
5 comes 10 has changed 2 1 because, since
2 For this reason, Consequently
Page 32
3 as a result of, due to
3 1 support 4 against
1 1d2a3c4e5b 2 against 5 support
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 3 support 6 against

3 1 /I/ 2 /P/ 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

4 1 soup 2 foot 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5 1 A: It doesn’t look like we’re going to come to an Page 35
Vocabulary Focus
B: Then let’s agree to disagree.
2 A: Do you now understand what I mean? 1 1 a resident of London
B: Yes, it’s hard to admit, but I see your 2 he is unemployed
point. 3 A: Do you agree that city life is more fun 3 isolation (living) here
than country life? 4 (often / sometimes) inequality between men and
B: Absolutely! There’s no way I could live in the women
country. 5 a lot of violence in the film
6 important things that we should discuss
Page 33

Reading 2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Possible answers:
1 1c2b3d4c5b 1 talking 3 sugar
2 1 the city was going to be empty as well 2 2 city 4 field
2 illegible 6 impossible
3 1 turn against 4 turn up
3 irresponsible 7 unhealthy
2 turn down 5 turn back
4 inequality
3 turn out 6 turn into

4 1 illegal 5 dissatisfied

8 Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books

Workbook Answer Key 3 she saw his new film
4 watch TV
5 1 underpaid 4 codesigned 5 who lie

Unit 5
3 Accept all logical answers. Page 37
2 misbehaving 5 overcrowded
3 megastorm 6 reread Vocabulary

Page 36 1 1 b 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 e 6 d 2 Accept all logical and

grammatically correct answers.
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Possible answers:
1 1 I get my message across 1 move 7 eyes
2 has gone missing 2 room 8 beautiful
3 doesn’t have a sense of belonging at this school 3 flood 9 water
4 got the dessert free of charge 4 phone 10 dress
5 paid a fine of €100 for speeding 5 old 11 golden
2 1 upgrade` 4 attend 6 problems
2 allow 5 operate 4 1 fell in love 6 close friends
3 avoid 2 engaged 7 get along
3 1 giant 3 took it for granted 8 value
2 commute 4 break up 9 growing apart
3 notice 5 damage

4 gets the message across Page 38

5 set foot
6 social media
7 posted 1 1 weren’t, would make
8 free of charge 2 will go, finish
3 invites, won’t attend
4 1 decided, had already left, shouldn’t have waited 2
4 happens, plays / wouldn’t happen, didn’t play 5
is going to announce, have been waiting, must /
have to travel, will enjoy enter, turn

3 may / might appear, must / need to / have to pass, 2 1 hadn’t gone to different schools, they wouldn’t
will be practising have grown apart
4 didn’t enjoy, was ignoring / ignored, wouldn’t have 2 hadn’t ignored her boyfriend’s text messages, he
gone, insisted, won’t listen wouldn’t have got angry with her

5 1 You must not use a mobile phone here. 2 While Mark 3 would have recognised Pam if she hadn’t cut her
hair very short
was trying to upgrade his computer, he deleted all
his files. / Mark deleted all his files while he was 4 hadn’t hidden my valuable possessions very well,
the thieves would have found them
trying to upgrade his computer. 3 They have been
skiing for 10 years. 5 would have been able to stay with my relatives if
they hadn’t been out of the country
4 I no longer live in Miami, where I was born. 5
I won’t have arrived by nine o’clock. 3 1 I would rent it if I had enough money. 2 She won’t get
6 Your dog may / might have run away. in touch until she finishes her trek in Nepal.
3 If you go onto Facebook, you will find them. 4
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. We would have slept better if we hadn’t had a
Possible answers: room facing the street.
1 should have left home earlier
5 A plane ticket costs less if you don’t travel during
2 we will be on holiday the tourist season.
3 If Lucas didn’t work most evenings, I’d get together
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. with him.
Page 39 4 As soon as my parents are / get home, we can tell
them the news.
5 1 If Tanya doesn’t work harder, her boss might fire her.
5 He won’t buy a car until he saves enough money. 6
2 If they hadn’t slept late, they wouldn’t have missed If I were you, I wouldn’t date him.
the train.

Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books 9

Page 41

6 1 I’ll never forgive you if you lie to me one day. 2 If I Reading

were you, I wouldn’t ignore your boyfriend. 3 I 1 1d2b3b4c
always feel better when someone hugs me. 4 Your Workbook Answer Key
boyfriend would make a better impression if he
were wearing smarter clothes.
2 1 His son helped him record his story for StoryCorps. 2
5 We wouldn’t have become close friends if we hadn’t
He was terrified of how she would react.
met at school 10 years ago.
3 Because Linsk broke the glasses in the playground,
7 1 Si mi hermano y yo nos lleváramos bien, no he stole from Pearl.
discutiríamos tan a menudo. 4 He probably felt guilty.
2 No sabrás si te gusta Sean a no ser que salgas con 5 Yes. He probably felt relieved after he shared it.
él. 3 Yo, en tu lugar, pasaría página.
3 1 without a second thought 4 tracking down 2
4 Te enamorarás de Susan cuando la conozcas
settling 5 holding onto 3 hard to come by
mejor. 5 No nos habríamos distanciado si Maggie no
se hubiera mudado a Boston. Page 42

8 1 heard 6 couldn’t drive Writing

2 who / that 7 could have asked
1 1 At first, I didn’t / couldn’t admit the truth. 2
3 found out 8 left
As soon as I saw her, I fell in love.
4 hadn’t spoken 9 can’t drive
3 They studied together for a few weeks. Eventually,
5 which 10 could have appeared Page 40 he asked her to go out.

Speaking 4 While we were swimming in the sea, somebody

shouted for help.
1 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 5 I fell asleep after I heard he had arrived safely.
Possible answers:
1 talk to him about it
2 Possible answers:
2 keep raising your hand 1 When 5 Then
3 break up with him 2 eventually 6 during
4 go anyway 3 Finally 7 before
5 I should just tell him 4 First
6 ask him nicely to stop 3 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
4 1 climb 4 know 5 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
2 weight 5 muscles
Page 43
3 discipline 6 exhausted
Vocabulary Focus
5 A: My parents are so strict. 1
I feel like I’ve got no
freedom. I have to tell them where I am all the time. B: 1 1 a description of him
If I were you, I’d try to discuss your feelings with 2 your generosity
them. 3 It could be that they’re just very worried
3 friendship is valuable to me
about you.
A: Perhaps, but I think it’s 4 a matter of trust. They 4 you always disapproving of my friends
don’t like my friends. They think they’re a bad 5 proud of our company
influence on me. 6 many possessions
B: Well, you should find out what they don’t like
about them. 6 Maybe if you talk it over, the 2 1 store 5 sofa
situation will improve. 2 shopping centre 6 garden
3 lift 7 package
3 1 for 3 in 5 of 7 about 2 on 4 on 6 in 8 in
4 apartment 8 saleswoman
Accept all logical and grammatically correct
Accept all logical and grammatically correct continuations.

10 Advantage 1 Workbook Answer Key © B Burlington Books

Workbook Answer Key Brown, whose son has gone missing, is going
through a very difficult time.

4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 4 Dylan and I have been playing tennis together for
two months.
5 Sebastian won’t propose to Alicia until he buys the
engagement ring.
Unit 6 6 You don’t have to tell me all the details.
Possible answers: 7 I’ve been living in London, where I met my
1 a He’s abroad. girlfriend, for five years.
b He had an accident. Page 45
c He’s a young actor.
2 a She was looking for me.
b You have the same eyes. 1 1 afford, split the cost
3 a I’m nervous about it. 2 borrow, pay them back
b It’s for raising money for the poor. 3 expenses, short of
4 a It’s not my fault. 4 salary, savings account
b Take some responsibility. 5 lent, owe
5 a You didn’t hurt my feelings. 6 pocket money, note
b You were right to go first.
2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
Page 44 Possible answers:
1 I made a profit.
Check Your Progress
2 I always wait for a discount.
1 1 doesn’t treat me well 3 I’m on a budget.
2 must stand still 4 It only accepts cash.
3 is the length of this river 5 I’m going to purchase them.
4 got any income
5 is user-friendly
3 1 That dress suits Anna.
2 There’s an extra fee for their services.
6 accepted their dinner invitation
7 share this car 3 There’s a long queue.
4 I was charged £20 for this shirt.
2 1 pavement 6 isolation 5 Lisa requests my help / that I help her.
2 express their feelings 7 talking something over 3 6 We made the best of the situation.
delighted 8 support
4 tears 9 attempt
4 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
5 living through Possible answers:
1 he’s new here
3 1 heard 7 can cause 2 they couldn’t afford to buy one
2 will be working 8 broke up 3 you spend all your money on clothes
3 will give 9 had been studying 4 were 10 4 hanging pictures
believes 5 the floor
5 who / that 11 should discuss
6 had been considering 5 1 discount 7 requested
2 cash 8 expenses
4 1 If people hadn’t complained about the food, the new
3 salary 9 afforded
Chinese restaurant wouldn’t have closed. / The new
Chinese restaurant wouldn't have closed if people hadn't 4 short of 10 suit
complained about the food 5 make the best of it
2 They should have called us, but they didn’t. 3 Mr 6 odd jobs
4 hasn’t been confirmed
Page 46
5 must be done
Grammar 6 was being painted
1 1 was given 7 had been cancelled
2 will be paid 8 can be collected
3 has been closed 9 mustn’t be eaten

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