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Rugby Players
-It is not allowed to pass the ball forward. The ball is also not allowed to fall
Two teams of fifteen players each.
forward, which is called knock-on or Avant.
-The ball can only advance by carrying it or kicking it forward.
-A tackled or tackled (knocked down) player must immediately pass or
release the ball. The tackling player must also immediately release the tackled
-A scrum/scrum restarts play after a forward pass or knock-on
-A line-out restarts play when the ball leaves the field of play.
-A Test/Try is awarded when the ball is carried beyond the goal line It is played in two continuous periods of 40 minutes
each with a 5-minute intermission.

-Front tackle:

form a scrum What does Touch mean in rugby?

5 points are awarded for

The "Touch Rugby" is a variant of
performing a test/try.
It is formed by two groups of strikers who what we know as Rugby but
-Side tackle: without contact. The only contact
approach leaning against each other, so
that the ball is put into play on the 2 points are awarded for allowed between the opponents is
the touch with the defender's hand
ground, in the tunnel that is formed converting the extra kick after a to the attacker to stop their
between them. try/try. advance in the game.

3 points are awarded for scoring a

-Tackling from behind: field goal (hit) after a foul has KICK TO STICKS
been committed. THE PLAYER HAS TO PASS THE
3 points are awarded for STICKS OR BETWEEN THE
converting a drop into open play.

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