Ldersgate Ollege Ncorporated: Adaptive Teaching Guide
Ldersgate Ollege Ncorporated: Adaptive Teaching Guide
Ldersgate Ollege Ncorporated: Adaptive Teaching Guide
Most Essential Topic # 3: Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for Professions
Lesson # 1: Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for Professions
Prerequisites Assessment:
Directions: Read and understand each statement. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_______1. It is a form of literary criticism in which a work is analyzed and evaluated in terms of its content, style, and merit.
a. Literature Review c. Project Proposal
b. Book review/ Article review d. Movie Review
_______2. It is a collection of published research about your topic by recognized scholars and researchers.
a. Literature Review c. Project Proposal
b. Book review/ Article review d. Movie Review
_______3. It is an expanded paper that presents interpretations and analyses of a phenomenon based on experiments and previous information that the readers can better understand.
a. Project Proposal c. Research Report
b. Literature review d. Position Paper
_______4. It is a document that is written for problem solving, service provision, event planning, or equipment selling.
a. Project Proposal c. Research Report
b. Literature review d. Position Paper
_______5. It is written with the purpose of persuading the readers and taking them to your side by presenting a personal stance on the issue.
a. Project Proposal c. Research Report
b. Literature review d. Position Paper
_______6. It is a highly persuasive and informative document that aims to address a particular problem or issue.
a. Project Proposal c. Project Material
b. Project Cost d. Project Budget
_______7. This type of review makes the writer conveys opinions about the book but supports them with evidence.
a. Project Proposal c. Book Review
b. Literature review d. Position Paper
_______8. It is an Academic and Professional Writing where writers try to convince the readers of the best way of addressing the problem at hand.
a. Project Budget c. Project Material
b. Project Cost d. Project Proposal
_______9. A component in which the writer writes the ways how the research was conducted, the ways of interpreting the gathered data, selecting its population sampling, etc.
a. Project Budget c. background of the study
b. Methodology d. Analysis and Interpretation
_______10. This is the objective analysis of a literary or scientific article that emphasizes whether the author supported his main points with reasonable and applicable arguments based on facts.
a. Book Review c. Literature Review
b. Article Critique d. Research Report
Answer Key:
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. C
Video Tutorial:
Book Review or Article Critique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3TjY-OKv34
Literature Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIYC6zG265E
Research Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvrqAgFBMBY
Project Proposal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsGBuu88WE0
Position Paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w6i5RYrcGM
Introduction: In this lesson, the learner will identify the unique features of pieces of writing and requirements in composing texts that are useful across disciplines such as Book Review or Article
Critique, Literature Review, Research Report, Project Proposal, and Position Paper. In addition, the students will learn how to utilize the features of and requirements in composing their own texts.
The lesson will run for 960 minutes and if the need arises the teacher can be reached through e-mail (russelcorpuz27@gmail.com) or using the contact number 09369062862.
• Analyze and interpret
• Critically evaluate
• Write in well-structured paragraphs
• summarizes the key findings of the review
• offers the reviewer’s justification of the conducted research
• reflects the in-text citations
• contains complete and correct citations
In developing your reasoning, you may now begin constructing a convincing argument. In doing this, you have to list your reasons for your
position statement. Identify the strongest position and weakest position.
Anticipating counter-argument and restating your theses statement
You have to list down the counter-arguments that you predict in your paper. Begin analyzing each counterargument and refuting each
In doing so, you may also want to consider changing your thesis statement based on the counterarguments cannot be refuted fully.
The characters featured in this book are Mole, Rat, Toad, Badger, & Otter. Toad showing bigheaded & childlike traits. Mole shows
traits of reasoning and sensible behavior patterns. Badger shows traits of kindness and hospitality. Otter possesses traits of intelligence.
All these characters participate equally in the narrative of both thrilling and neo-noir.
Body “When are you going to be sensible, and think of your friends, and try and be a credit to them?” One of the problems with Toad
is that he enjoys crashing motor vehicles. As a result, Rat tries to talk some sense into him. Though, this doesn’t work. Toad is illustrated
as a child stuck in an adult’s body. Furthermore, Rat always re-enforces the act of growing up onto Toad, and not to be careless for
As a result of Toad’s motorcar crimes, he is sent to a deepest, darkest dungeon to pay for his crimes. “Toad Hall ... is an eligible self-
contained gentleman’s residence ... replete with every modern convenience.” Toad, being the character showing the most affluence owns
his own manner house. Having regained his big-headedness. During his sentence, he started to boast about this mansion and great
wealth. While being chained to a black weight. Furthermore, surviving on a diet of bobilit and squeak.
“Now then, follow me! Mole first, ‘cos I’m very pleased with him; Rat next; Toad last.” Badger starts an invasion at Toad Hall. With this
in mind, Mole begins to show traits of maturity. As a result of this invasion, Toad’s behavior illustrates the opposite of Mole. His ordeal is
going back to the dungeon, like a child being anxious about going to their bedroom for misbehaving.
“For it has roused a longing in me that is a pain.” While in search of a missing infant otter, Rat becomes faced with noise coming from
a piper. The quote focuses on the main idea of the author’s intention in writing the novel. The focuses being: The reasons which cause
life to be worthwhile. The sounds travel through Rat likes blades. With this in mind, the focus is intended to be answered between the
Conclusion The characters having a variety of different personalities and views of the world. Their human-like features are included
with their animal-like traits. In terms of Mole has a good sense of smell. The book is aimed at showing animals living British-life, in the
summer-time. The animals have a justice system; hence Toad was sent to pay for his motor-car crimes. The mansion was invaded by the
other animals while Toad was imprisoned and during his escape. Toad’s behavior is terrible and affects the rest of the animals.
The story plays an important part in historical children’s literature. In modern-day, it is still read by children. The story features human-
like animals who all have their own ordeals. Mole and Rat being the kindest animals featured in the story, as Toad being the most
immature and self-observed. Making this story amusing and eye-opening to a young audience. With British humor and an excellent
narrative, it is definitely worth a read, even to a grown-up audience.
Citations: Kenneth Grahame, “The Wind in the Willows, June 15, 1908.
Link: https://www.myperfectwords.com/blog/book-review-writing/book-review-examples
Nonverbal Communication
To many, nonverbal communication may take a back seat to verbal communication. It is often overlooked and may be deemed
unimportant. However, this aspect of communication speaks volumes. Nonverbal communication may consist of looking, smiling,
frowning, touching, or expressions of surprise as seen in Weisfeld and Stack’s research study (2002). Women have been found to exhibit
these forms of communication more often than men. Weisfeld and Stack studied nonverbal behaviors related to the closeness of a
couple and found that women looked at their partners for a significantly longer amount of time as compared to men. The average length
of a wife’s look was 7.5 seconds while the husband’s was 4.5 seconds. However, while men express less emotion and nonverbal
communication, this may not necessarily mean that they are not listening when their wives speak to them. For instance, Weisfeld and
Stack theorized that men may show less emotion because they have been taught to dampen emotions such as anger. When a husband
and wife have a disagreement, the situation can escalate quickly if the husband fully expresses his emotions by becoming violent.
Therefore, it was suggested that many men fail to show emotion in general because they have trained themselves to be “emotionless” in
these conflict situations. Sabatelli, Buck, and Dyer (1982) also suggested that this is true. In their study focusing on nonverbal
communication and its relationship to marital complaints, they found that wives who had husbands who were good communicators
tended to have more complaints about their husbands. Their hypothesis was that because men are expected to tone down their
emotions, having good nonverbal communication skills may be seen as socially unacceptable to their wives.
It is important to consider who the more effective communicator is so that we can learn from each other on how to communicate
better. Noller (1980) found that there is a connection between a couple’s marital adjustment and their skill at communication. She had
each participant first take the Marital Adjustment Test (Locke & Wallace, 1959) to determine their overall marital satisfaction. Then, after
the couples’ communication was studied, the results showed that those with low marital adjustment demonstrated considerably fewer
good nonverbal communications than those with high marital adjustment. However, the question must be raised: Do couples have a
higher marital adjustment because they have good communication, or do couples have good communication because they are happy
within their marriage?
Women were found to be better nonverbal communicators across several studies (Noller, 1980; Sabatelli et al., 1982). However,
being an effective communicator involves both encoding and decoding messages. Women have a natural tendency to be more
expressive. Therefore, men were found to make more errors than women when encoding messages (Noller, 1980). However, it was also
found that women were not better decoders, or receivers of messages, than men. Though it is quite possible that this was due to the
husbands’ poor ability to encode messages effectively. The same was found in other studies (Sabatelli et al., 1982; Koerner & Fitzpatrick,
2002). Additional findings by Sabatelli et al. and Koerner and Fitzpatrick also suggest that familiarity plays a role in how effective
nonverbal communication is. In both of their studies, participants encoded and decoded messages to their partners. The interaction was
recorded and evaluated by judges who attempted to decode the same interactions. Both studies revealed that the spouses were
significantly more skilled at decoding their partners’ messages, implying that couples may become more successful at interpreting their
spouses’ nonverbal communication over time.
Link: https://library.famu.edu/c.php?g=577356&p=3982818
Introduction The profile of the Australian workforce has altered markedly since the end of World War II. Australia has transform ed
from a nation of predominantly Anglo-Celtic culture and almost full employment to one of rich cultural diversity with relatively high
unemployment. This report examines ways in which our workforce has changed, focusing on the following categories: women’s
workforce participation rates, migrant workers’ participation rates, employment categories, unemployment rates and demographic
profiles. This report will also consider new influences affecting the workforce. This report is an assessable com ponent of the Preparation
for Tertiary Studies course at Victoria University of Technology, Werribee Campus.
Methodology Information for this report was sourced from various secondary sources, all listed in the Reference List. Data from
publications by the Australian Bureau of Statistics also proved valuable. This report is not a comprehensive review of the available
literature, but provides a broad overview of the topic.
Scope of the report Wherever the term ‘workforce’ on its own is u sed, it is in reference to the Australian workforce. Where the
information refers to a particular state, this will be noted. The period under consideration is 1945 to 2000, although where available data
does not cover the entire period, this is stated. The report focuses on several key aspects of the Australian workforce, and is not a com
prehensive account of al l changes that have occurred in the workforce since World War II.
Link: https://www.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/campuses-services/pdfs/sample-research-report.pdf
1. Conducts a needs assessment on the cleanliness of the community
2. Validate the data validate
3. Gather cleaning materials (brooms, garbage bags, etc.)
4. Ask barangay officials to supervise the cleanliness drive the community
5. Put up posters regarding environmental awareness
1. 20 pcs garbage bags - ₱ 200
2. 3 Brooms - ₱ 100
3. 3 Dust pan - ₱ 130
4. 2 Sickle - ₱ 250
5. 2 Rake - ₱ 300
Travel Expenses:
Jeep Rental: ₱1000
1. Lunch: ₱800
2. Snacks: ₱300
VIII. Evaluation
1. Individual Report
2. Summary Report
Link: https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/iloilo-science-and-technology-university/bsed/project-proposal/28960888
D. Project Proposal
Directions: Due to the covid-19 pandemic, there are many students who refrain from going back to school due to several reasons such as financial
problems, fear of socialization, and others. Make a project proposal on how to address this current issue. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
E. Position Paper
Directions: List down 10 global issues that are circulating social media platforms and give 1 reason why they are worth listening or reading to. From the
list that you made, choose 1 issue that interests you the most and make a position paper on why it is the most valuable one in your entire list.
Synthesis: In this lesson, the learner will identify the unique features of pieces of writings and requirements in composing texts that are useful across disciplines such as Book Review or Article
Critique, Literature Review, Research Report, Project Proposal, and Position Paper. In addition, the students will learn how to utilize the features of and requirements in composing their own texts.
RUA of a Student’s Learning:
A. Determine the parts/steps of B. Determine the parts/steps of C. Determine the parts/steps of D. Determine the parts/steps of E. Determine the parts/steps of
Book Review or Article Critique Literature Review in the text that Research Report in the text that Project Proposal in the text that Position Paper in the text that you
in the text that you have made. you have made. you have made. you have made. have made.
Post-lesson Remediation Activity: The teacher will provide feedback on the outputs submitted by the students and conduct a tutorial session as the need arises. Then, give more examples or
activity to capture or achieve the target competencies and skills of the lesson.
For more examples of Boor Review For more examples of Literature For more examples of Research For more examples of Project For more examples of Position Paper,
or Article Critique, visit this link: Review, visit this link: Report, visit this link: Proposal, visit this link: https://project- visit this link:
https://reedsy.com/discovery/blog/b https://libguides.navitas.com/literature- https://www.slideshare.net/AyeshaHam proposal.casual.pm/ https://becomeawritertoday.com/positio
ook-review-examples review/examples id3/research-report-example n-essays/
Subject Teacher
Subject Teacher
Subject Teacher