Kcse Physics Topicals
Kcse Physics Topicals
Kcse Physics Topicals
2. The figure shows a measuring cylinder which contains water initially at level A.
Determine the density of the solid. (Give your answer to 1 decimal point)
A butcher has a beam balance and masses 0.5 kg and 2 kg. How would he
the diameter of the molecules is equivalent to the side of a cube having the
4. Determine the density in kg/m3 of a solid whose mass is 40g and whose
dimensions in cm are 30 x 4 x 3
6. Figure 1 shows the reading on a burette after 55 drops of a liquid have
been used.
If the initial reading was at 0cm mark, determine the volume of one drop.
(2 marks)
Given that the mass of the solid is 567g, determine the density of the solid in gcm-
. (Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.
8. A thin wire was wound 30 times closely over a boiling tube. The total length of
the windings was found to be 9.3 mm. Calculate the radius of the wire.
9. (a) Given that a kilogram of copper contains about 1025 atoms and that density
10. A drop of oil of volume 1.0 x 10-3 spreads out on clean water surface to a film of
11. A small drop of oil has a volume of 5 x 10-8m3. When it is put on the surface of
12. The density of concentrated Sulphuric acid is 1.8gcm-3. Calculate the volume of
13. 1600 cm3 of fresh water of density l g/cm3 are mixed with 1400cm3 of seawater of
1. A student was heard saying “the mass of a ball on the moon is one sixth its
2. In the study of a free fall, it is assumed that the force f acting on a given
4. Distinguish between mass and weight of a body stating the units for each.
5. State with reason the purpose of the oil that circulates in a motorcar
6. Name two types of forces which can act between objects without contact.
catches fire. The cylinder explodes. Give a reason for the explosion.
8. Give a reason why the weight of a body varies from place to place
10. The figure below represents a rock balanced at point O. G is the center of
(a) Draw and label on the figure the forces acting on the rock
(b) If the portion of the rock represented by the shaded part is chopped off,
11. The figure shows a non- uniform log of mass 100kg balanced on a pivot
Determine the distance of the centre of gravity of the log from the pivot
12. 2003: The figure below show two identical trolleys with loads A and B. The
Given that the density of A is greater than that of B, explain why the
13. 2004: Fig 2 shows a beaker placed on a bench. A block of ice is placed in the
beaker as shown. State and explain the change in the stability of the beaker
15. (a) Give a reason why water is not a suitable liquid for use in a barometer
area A2 of the load piston is 25 times the A1 of the effort piston, A2 =
(i) Write an expression for the pressure exerted on the liquid by the
(iii) Give a reason why gas is not suitable for use in place of the liquid
16. 2005: Fig 2 shows a solid cylinder standing on a horizontal surface. The cylinder
is in stable equilibrium
On the horizontal space provided, sketch the cylinder in neutral
equilibrium. (1 mark)
17. Fig 8 shows water drops on two surfaces. In 8 (a), the glass surface is
18. A see – saw of length 5 m is pivoted at the centre. A student of mass 50kg sits at
one end and is balanced by another student of mass ‘m’ sitting at a distance of 1m
19. An astronaut is on the moon. He drops a hammer from a height of 3.2m and it
takes 2.0s to hit the lunar landscape. What is the acceleration due to gravity of the
20. An unloaded spring has a length of 15cm and when under a load of 24N it has a
length of 12cm. What will be the load on the spring when length is 10cm?
21. Two copper spheres M and N are joined by a light rod such that their center of
mass are 30cm apart: if the radius of M is 2 times the radius of N, find the
22. In the diagram below the system is in equilibrium. Determine the value of F1 in N.
23. Fig 3 shows a device for closing a steam outlet. The area of the piston is 4.0 x 10-
m2 and the pressure of the steam in the boiler is 2.0 x 105Nm2. Determine the
weight W that will just hold the bar in the horizontal position shown.
24. The total weight of a car with passengers is 25,000N. The area of contact of each
of the four tyres with the ground is 0.025m2. Determine the minimum car tyre
25. A drum which is 2m high contains water to a depth of 0.5 m and oil of density
0.5g/cm3 extends to the top. Find the pressure exerted at the bottom of drum by
26. Figure 2 shows a non- uniform rod, lying in a horizontal position. Vertical force
of 5N and 4 N can just lift the rod when applied at the end A and B respectively.
1. Give a reason why a concrete beam reinforced with steel does not crack
(i) What three other items, not shown in the fig would be needed in order
3. 2001: State the reason why it may not be possible to suck liquid into your mouth
Figure 3 shows the levels of two liquids A and B after some air has been sucked
out of the tubes through the tap. Use this information and the figure to answer
questions 4 and 5.
4. The total weight of a car with passengers is 25000N. The area of contact
- Give a reason why gas is not suitable for use in place of the
liquid in a jack.
5. State the mode by which heat travels from the cube to the balloons.
(1 mark)
6. The face of the cube towards A is bright and shiny and the face
towards B is dull- black. State with reason the adjustments that
7. Explain why the pressure of a gas increases when the mass of the gas in the
container is increased.
8. The lift pump is effective for pumping water as long as the well is less than 10m
deep. Explain.
10. State one property of a barometer liquid and explain its effects.
1. State the reason for the rise in the levels of the liquids when air is
(a) Explain the role of the smoke particles, lens and microscope in the
experiment. (6 marks)
(b) State and explain the nature of the observed motion of the smoke particles.
(3 marks)
(c) State what will be observed about the motion of the smoke particles if the
1. 1990: The figure below shows an arrangement for a solar water purifier for dirty.
(iii) State why the solar water purifier continues to work when sunrays
(iv) Explain the green house effect process in the purifier above.
2. 2003: The figures (a) and (b) show a convex mirror and a plane mirror of equal
By sketching a pair of incident and reflected rays for each (a) and (b) show
how the convex mirror provides to the eye, a wider field of view than the
plane mirror.
3. 2004: Figure 12 shows a parabolic surface with a source of light placed at its
focal point F.
Draw rays to show reflection from the surface when rays from the source
On the same diagram draw the appropriate rays and locate the image
formed. ( 3 marks)
6. Figure 3 shows an object, O in front of a concave mirror and its
(a) On the same diagram appropriate ray(s) to locate the principal focus
(b) Determine the focal length of the mirror (scale 1:5) (1 mark)
1. An electric heater is placed at equal distances from two similar cans A and
shiny while that of can B is dull black. State with reasons, which of the
cans will be at higher temperature after the heater is switched on for some
2. In the set up shown in figure 4, it is observed that the level of the water
Explain this observation.
3. When a Bunsen Burner is lit below a wire gauze, it is noted that the flame
initially burns below the gauze as shown in figure (i), after sometime, the
flame burns below as well as above the gauze as shown in figure (ii)
4. In a vacuum flask the walls enclosing the vacuum are silvered on the
Figure 4 shows two identical balloons A and B. The balloons were filled with
equal amounts of the same type of gas. The balloons are suspended at distances
X1 and X2 from a metal cube filled with boiling water and placed on an insulating
5. State the mode by which heat travels from the cube to the balloons
(1 mark)
6. The face of the cube towards A is bright and shiny and the face
10. Describe ONE advantage and ONE Disadvantage of anomalous behavior of
(b) Stating the specific parts in the flask explain how heat loss is reduced through:
(i) Conduction
(ii) Convection
(iii) Radiation
12. In the diagram below the ice remains in solid state for several minutes as heating
2. The figure below shows an object O being viewed using two inclined
Complete the diagram by sketching rays to show the position of the image
On the same diagram, draw rays to locate the position of the image 1 as
as shown below.
What is the time shown on the watch face?
7. (a) Give two main reasons why concave mirrors are unsuitable as driving mirrors
9. In the space provided below, sketch a labeled diagram to show how a pinhole
(3 marks)
10. A building standing 100m from a pinhole camera produces on the screen of the
1. Two isolated and insulated spheres A and B carry the same positive
charge. Sketch the electric lines of force of their field when placed close to
3. The fig shows sketches of two types of houses built in a lighting prone
area. State with reason which house is safer to stay in during lighting and
4. The diagram below shows a circuit with a capacitor C and a lamp L. When
the sketch is closed at Y, the lamp L lights. When the switch is closed at
5. In the clothing and textile industries the machines experiences
these forces.
(b) Describe how the type of charge on a charged metal rod can be
(c) The fig. Shows hollow negatively charged sphere with a metal
were brought near the cap of the electroscope. Give a reason for
your answer.
(d) State two ways of charging the magnitude of the deflection of the
leaf of an electroscope.
9. Explain why the leaf of an uncharged object is brought near the cap.
10. A glass rod can be charged positively by rubbing it with silk. Explain what
1. A student learnt that a battery of eight dry cells each 1.5V has a total e.m.f
of 12V the same as a car battery. He connected in series eight new dry
batteries to his car but found that they could not start the engine.
4. A current of 0.08A passes in a circuit for 2.5 minutes. How much charge
series. Explain.
8. Explain why the bulb in figure 10 (b) will be brighter than each of the
9. Give the reason why the cells in figure 10 (b) Can be used for a longer
11. A student wishes to investigate the relationship between current and
diagram including two cells, rheostat, ammeter, voltmeter and the device
12. State one advantage of an alkaline cell over a lead acid cell
(1 mark)
device, X
(i) State with a reason whether the device obeys Ohm’s laws (2 marks)
(ii) Determine the resistance of the device X when the current through it is
(iii)When the device X is connected in the circuit below, the voltage across it
is 0.70V.
Calculate the value of the resistance R.
(c) The cell in figure 10 has an emf of 2.1V and negligible internal resistance.
Determine the
14. Explain clearly the precautionary measures you would take to maintain the
efficiency of an accumulator?
15. State the advantage of Nickel-cadmium battery over the lead -acid type
17. When ammeter is connected between the two plates of a simple cell, the pointer
1. The graph in the figure shows the relationship between the attractive
flow through the wire in the direction shown. State the direction of motion
of the wire.
3. The diagram in the figure below shows a flexible wire in a magnetic field.
(i) Explain the behaviour of the wire when the switch K is turned on
4. You are provided with two iron bars, X and Y, one is magnetized and the
other is not. Explain how you would identify the magnetized bar without
using a magnet.
6. Give two reasons why soft irons is used as a core of the coil of an electric
the switch K is closed, the plotting compass shows a deflection. State two
9. State three factors which determine the magnitude of the force on a current
method of testing
11. The figure below shows two parallel current- carrying conductors A and B
placed close to each other. The direction of the current is into the plane of
the experiment.
(b) In an experiment to magnetize two substances P and Q using
15. How can it be shown that the strength of a magnet is concentrated at the
17. Fig 12 shows how magnets are stored in pairs with keepers at the end.
(2 marks)
18. In figure 13 the arrow indicates the direction of the current in the
19. Fig 14 shows a soft iron ring placed between the poles of magnet. Copy
20. Fig 16 shows a soft iron core placed between poles of two magnets. Copy
21. The figure below shows two parallel thick copper conductors connected to
a d.c power supply. A rider made from a thin copper wire is placed on the
conductors. State and explain what is observed on the rider when the
Sketch the magnetic field pattern in the space between the poles.
(2 marks)
23. Figure 2 shows a horse- Shoe magnet whose poles are labeled and
two other magnets near it. Iron nails are attracted to the lower ends
24. Sketch the electrostatic field pattern due to the arrangement of the charges shown
in fig 6 (1 mark)
25. Fig 7 shows the features of a dry cell (Leclanche) use the information in the figure
(a) Name parts A, B, C, D
26. Three magnets were brought near 3 pieces of material steel, soft from iron and
27. The figure shows the circular path followed by an electric beam in a magnetic
(a) A force acts on the electrons as they follow this circular path. Show on the
(b) Draw on the diagram the direction of the magnetic field responsible for the
28. Draw the magnetic field pattern in the diagram below and indicate the direction of
29. The force of a conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field can be varied by
changing among others, the magnitude of the current and the magnetic field
strength. Name two other factors that can be changed to vary the force.
30. The figure below shows a soft iron ring placed between poles of two magnets.
31. Four bars of metal A, B, C and D are tested for magnetism. B attracts both A and
A and C sometime attract one another and sometimes repel one another. What
(a) Bar A
(b) Bar B
(c) Bar D
circuit between X and Y by drawing the windings on the two arms of the core
such that A and B are both North poles when the switch S is closed. Indicate the
33. (a) State TWO factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet.
balanced by the magnet and the weight shown. The iron core is fixed to
the bench.
(i) State and explain the effect on the meter rule when the switch S is
(iii) Suggest how the set up can be adapted to measure the current
against the number of turns. The current was kept constant throughout the
Number of turn, n 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
(ii) Use the domain theory to explain the nature of the curve.
(iii) Sketch on the same axes, the curve that would be obtained using a
higher current.
1. describe one method of determining the diameter of the oil drop? (3 mks)
an oil molecule.
4. An oil drop of average diameter 0.7mm spreading out into a roughly circular
(ii) State two assumptions to be made in (i) above when calculating the
5. The Screw of micrometer screw gauge has a pitch of 0.5mm. The thimble is
divided into 50 equal divisions. What is the smallest unit it can measure?
Figure 1 shows a metal cube of mass 1.75g placed between the jaws of a
micrometer screw gauge. The magnified portion of the scale is also shown. The
reading on the gauge when the jaws were fully closed without the cube was
0.012cm. Use this information and the figure to answer questions 6 and 7.
7. Determine the density of the metal cube giving your answer correct to three
significant figures.
8. In an oil drop experiment the diameter of the oil was found to be 0.4mm and the
drop was placed on a clean water surface. It spread into a circular parch of
9. Name an instrument that would use for measuring the depth if a blind hole nearly
900mm deep.
10. Suggest a suitable instrument that can be used for measuring the width of an
11. What is the reading indicated by the scale of the vernier caliper below?
12. Name the instrument that would be most suitable for measuring the thickness of
13. The micrometer screw gauge shown has a thimble scale of 50 divisions
14. In an experiment to estimate the radius of oil molecule 200 identical drops of oil
of density 800kg/m3 are run from a burette. The reading on the burette changes
One of these drops is placed on a large water surface dusted lightly using chalk
What is the mass of one drop of oil in kg?
1. The figure below shows a uniform bar of length 1 m pivoted near one end. The
Given that the reading of the spring balance is 0.6N. Determine the weight of the
The area of the piston is 4.0 x 10-4 m2 and the pressure of the steam in the boiler
is 2.0 x 105Nm-2. Determine the weight W that just holds the bar in the horizontal
position shown.
3. The figure below shows force F1 and F2 acting on a metre rule such that it is in
Mark on the figure a third force F3 acting on the rule such that the equilibrium is
(b) Two men P and Q carried a uniform ladder 3.6 m long weighing 1200N. P
held the ladder from one end while Q supported the ladder at a point 0.4m
5. The figure shows a uniform half metre rod that is balanced over a pivot using a
Given that the tension in the spring is 9N, determine the weight of the rod.
6. The diagram below shows a uniform bar of lengths 6m. If the weight of the bar is
15N, determine x.
9. Why is it very difficult to open a door from a point too close to hinges
10. Why are people who are maimed or have lost one leg provided with crutches?
11. A uniform half- metre rod is balanced by a weight of 38N at one end. If the pivot
is placed 10cm from the same end, calculate the weight of the rod.
12. Two forces of 10N and 20N when applied at ends A and B respectively are just
1. The figure shows two identical trolleys with loads A and B. The loads are
Given that the density of A is greater than that of B, explain why the trolley in
in stable equilibrium.
4. State the necessary conditions for equilibrium of body which is acted upon by a
number of forces
6. The figure below show a beaker placed on a bench. A block of ice is placed in the
beaker as shown. State and explain the changes in the stability of the beaker
7. The figure below shows beaker containing water at 00. The beaker is placed on a
State and explain the changes in stability of beaker when water freezes
1. The figure (fig 1) on the grid shows an object O in front of a concave mirror and
(a) On the same diagram draw appropriate ray(s) to locate the principal focus,
F, of the mirror.
Use a suitable construction on the same diagram: determine the radius of curative
of the mirror.
3. Fig 3 shows a vertical object O, placed in front of a convex mirror.
On the same diagram draw the appropriate rays and locate the image formed.
5. Fig 4 shows two parallel rays incident on a concave mirror. F is the focal point of
the mirror.
On the same diagram sketch the path of the rays after striking the mirror
6. Fig 5 shows a parabolic surface with a source of light placed at its focal point F.
Draw rays to show reflection from the surface when rays from the source strike
7. Fig 6 (a) and (b) shows a convex mirror and a plane mirror of equal aperture.
By sketching a pair of incident and reflected rays for each (a) and (b) shows how
the convex mirror provides to the eye, a wide field of new than the plane mirror.
(iii) Concave mirrors
10. State the advantages a diverging mirror has over a plane mirror when used as a
11. State characteristics of an image observed in a concave mirror when the object is
12. If a concave mirror has a focal length of 10cm. Find the two positions where an
object can be placed to give in each case, an image twice the height of the object.
1. Fig 4 shows a simple microphone in which sound waves from the person talking
(a) Explain how a varying current is induced in the coil when the diaphragm vibrates
(b) State two ways in which the induced current in (a) above can be increased
2. Fig 5 shows an electric generator. The points P and Q are connected to a Cathode
Sketch on the axes provided the graph of the voltage output as seen on the CRO,
given that when t= 0, the coil is at the position shown in the figure.
soft- iron core is rotated in a magnetic field to generate an e.m.f. Use this
(a) State two factors other than the speed of rotation that affect the magnitude
4. Fig 6 shows a wire XY at right angle to a magnetic field. XY is part of a circuit
containing a galvanometer.
When XY is moved, the current flows in the direction shown. State the direction
in which XY is moved.
between X and Y by drawing the windings on the two arms of the core such that
A and B are both North poles when switch S is closed. Indicate the direction of
6. State, with reasons, the material which you would consider most suitable for an
9. An iron rod XY is placed inside a coil of wire. What type of magnetic pole is
induced at the end x when the current flows through the coil?
10. An un insulated copper wire XY lies over the fixed wire A and B connected to a
battery when the key in the circuit is closed, the wire XY experiences a force.
(i) In which direction does the wire XY- experience the force?
(iv) What is the effect of reversing both the magnetic field and
(vi) Name an instrument which uses this effect
(a) Name the parts labeled X1 and X2 and state their functions.
(c) When the switch k is closed state the forces acting on the sides of the
(d) What can be done to increase the speed of rotation of the motor?
12. State FOUR reasons why the efficiency of an electric motor is always less than
2. 1990: Identify the girders in the structure that can be replaced by a string
3. It is easier to bend an iron rod than a glass rod of the same dimensions at
spiral spring varies with the compression force, F The figure shows
the variation.
(i) Draw a diagram of a possible set up of the apparatus
(ii) Over which range of the force does the spring obey Hooker’s law?
(iii) Suggest a reason for the shape of the graph between 40N and 60N
(b) Two identical springs of spring constant 3N/cm are used to support
(c) State two factors that govern the strengths of a spiral of given
5. 1994: (a) State Hooke’s Law)
(b) Long uniform beams are to be supported near their ends by two
supports X and Y, Which are fixed to the ground and at the same
but when it is turned through an angle of 900 the sag is the same.
the notch does not extend? Give a reason for your answer.
applied on the beam as shown. Mark on the diagram the position X where
7. The figure shows a wire A and a spring B made of the same material. The
thickness of the wire is the same in both cases. Masses are added on each of the
Sketch the graph of extension against load for each. (Hooks Law is obeyed.)
9. A spiral spring stretches by 0.6 cm when a mass of 300g is suspended on it. What
2. State one effect that would be observed when water waves pass from deep to
shallow water.
(i) Wavelength
(ii) Amplitude
(iv) Frequency
(b) Distinguish between the waves stated in 3 (a) above
9. (a) Fig 1 shows a displacement – time graph of a wave. The velocity of the
wave is 50cm/s.
Determine the
(i) Amplitude
(ii) Period
(iii) Wavelength
(iv) Frequency
(b) State ONE factor that does not change as water moves from shallow to
deep part.
10. Give an example which show that speed of a wave depends on the medium in
which it travels.
12. Best FM station broadcasts on a frequency of 250 KHz and the wavelength of its
signals is 1200m.
(ii) The wavelength of the signal of another station that broadcasts on a
frequency of 200KHZ.
2. When a sound wave travels from a dense to a less dense gas, its velocity
3. Standing waves are set up in a rope resulting in a series of nodes and antinodes.
4. Two identical sources of sound S1 and S2 are emitting the same frequency.
Explain with reasons, the observations that will be made by an observe listening
to the sound emitted who was moving slowly along the lines, PQ and MN
T(N) 8 18 32 50 72 98
(ii) Determine the gradient of the graph and hence obtain an equation relating
6. A gun is fired and an echo heard at the same place 0.5s later. How far is
the barrier, which reflected the sound from the gun? (Speed of sound
explosion and hears the sound 2 seconds later. How far was the explosion
9. (a)
(ii) A mineworker stands between two vertical cliffs 400m from the
nearest cliff. The cliffs are distance apart. Every time he strikes the
rock once, he hears two echoes the first one comes after 2.5s while
b. The value d
10. A girl standing 600m away from a cliff bangs two pieces of wood together
and hears an echo 3.5 seconds later. Determine the speed of sound in air at
that place.
11. What is an echo?
13. Fig 1 shows air molecules in front of a hollow wooden box P set vibrating by a
(a) What is the purpose of fixing the tuning fork on the box which is open on
one end?
(d) Given that the speed of sound in air is 330ms-1. Calculate the wavelength
of the waves.
14. Sound is very faint in high altitudes than at sea level. Why?
16. State two factors that affect the frequency of the note produced by a vibrating
the pipes opening in order to spray water furthest. Other than pressure,
during both the up stroke and down stroke of the piston pump.
3. A pupil blows a current of air over the surface of a sheet of paper held
close to its mouth. State and explain what happens to the paper.
4. Two table Tennis balls are in the same level while suspended from
threads a short distance apart. A stream of air is blown between the balls
direction shown by the arrow. Copy the diagram and show on it the
6. State how the pressure in a moving fluid varies with speed of the water is
7. Water flows in a horizontal smooth pipe. State the changes that would be
observed in the nature of the flow if the speed of the water is steadily
8. The figure below shows a pith ball in a flask. When a jet of air is blown
over the mouth of the flask as shown, the pith ball is observed to rise from
the bottom.
Figure 2 shows a tube of varying cross sectional area. V1V2V3 and V4 represents
the speeds of water as it flows steadily though the sections of the tube.
Arrange the speeds V1, V2,V3 and V4 in decreasing order starting with the highest.
10. Water flows along a horizontal pipe of cross sectional area 30cm2. The speed of
the water is 4m/s but it reaches 7.5m/s in a constriction in the pipe. Calculate the
11. A heart pumps blood at a rate of 1.8 x 103 cm3/ min though its aorta is of cross
sectional area 0.6 cm3. The blood spreads into a capillary network that is
1. a) The diagram below shows part of the motion of a tennis ball, which is
i) Describe the motion of the ball relating it to different positions of the ball
2. Sketch a velocity- time graph showing the motion of a ball vertically upwards with an
initial velocity of u.
3. Calculate the acceleration shown by the tickers-tape that was made using a ticker timer
vibrating at 50HZ.
5.An object is projected vertically upwards at a speed of 15m/s. How long will it take to
6.A block slides off a horizontal table 4 meters high with a velocity of 12-m/s. Find:
a) The horizontal distance from the table at which the block hits the floor.
b) The horizontal and vertical components of the velocity when it reaches the
7.A particle initially at A moves along an arc AB of a horizontal circle of radius 4m and
displacement AB.
8.The figure represents dots made by a ticker-timer. The dots were made at a frequency
a) What is time interval between two consecutive dots?
b) The arrow on the tape indicates the dots made at time t = 0. Copy the
diagram and indicate in a similar way the dots made at t= 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.3s.
c) Determine the average velocities of the tape over time intervals -0.02s to
d) Draw a suitable graph and from it determine the acceleration of the tape.
9.A mass is projected horizontally from height of 5m above the ground with a velocity of
30m/s. Calculate:
c) The vertical velocity with which the mass hits the ground
10. The data in the table below represents the motion over a period of 7
Time s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
D is m 0 20 40 60 80 95 105 110
11. a) A body accelerates uniformly from initial velocity, U to the final velocity
i) V= U + at ii) s= ut + ½ at2 iii) V2 =U2 + 2 as
come to rest. What distance does it cover from the time it started to
12. An object dropped from a height h attains a velocity of 6m/s just before
eventually the stone lands without bouncing on the ground below the
ii) If the driver reaction time is 0.2s, Determine the shortest stopping
14.: The figure shows a speed-time graph for part of the journey of a motorcar.
15. Draw axes and sketch a graph of velocity (v versus time (t) for uniformly
16. a) The figure below shows the displacement time graph of the motion of a
i) A and B
ii) B and C
iii) C and D
b) A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a vertical tower and strikes
the ground at a point 50m from the bottom of the tower. Given that the
iii) Vertical velocity of the ball, just before striking the ground. (Take
16. The graph bellows shows how the velocity varies with time for a body
17. A bullet is fired horizontally from a platform 15m high. If the initial speed
bullet. (3mks)
18. Fig 14 shows the velocity-time graph for a small metal sphere falling
On the axes provided sketch the graph of momentum against time for the
Given that the reading of the spring balance is 0.6N, determine the weight
The graph in figure 6 shows the velocity of a car in the first 8 seconds as it
accelerates from rest along a straight line. Use the graph to answer question 19
and 20.
Determine the distance traveled 3.0 seconds after the start. (3mks)
21. A bomber flying horizontally at 100m/s releases a bomb from a height of 300m.
c) The magnitude and direction of the velocity when hitting the ground?
22 An airplane is flying horizontally over a camp at 250m/s and drops a pack. How far
from the camp will the pack land if the plane was flying 300m above the ground?
23. An object is projected horizontally at a velocity of 40m/s from a cliff 20m high.
b) The distance from the foot of the cliff when the object hits the ground.
24. A ball-bearing X is dropped vertically downwards, from the edge of a table and it
takes 0.5s to hit the floor below. Another bearing Y leaves the edge of the table
25. A helicopter, which was ascending vertically at a steady velocity of 20m/s, released a
i) State the direction in which the parcel moved immediately it was released.
ii) Calculate the time taken by the parcel to reach the ground from the maximum
iii) Calculate the velocity of the parcel when it strikes the ground.
iv) Calculate the maximum height above the ground the parcel reached.
v) What was the height of the helicopter at the instant the parcel was dropped.
26. A stone is thrown horizontally from a building that is 50 m high above a horizontal
ground. The stone hits the ground at a point, which is 65m from the foot of the
electric light is fixed at corner A of the tank. A light ray from the slit
a) i) Determine the angle of refraction for the ray shown in the diagram.
b) Determine the angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction is 900
2. The figure shows the path of a yellow light through a glass prism. The
a) Determine the refractive index of the prism material for the light. (Speed
b) Show on the figure the critical angle C and determine the value.
d) On the same figure, sketch the path of the light after striking the prism if
the prism was replaced by another of similar shape but lower refractive
3. 2002: The figure below shows two rays A and B entering a semi circular glass
block which has critical angle of 420. The rays are incident at an air glass
boundary at point O
Complete the path of the two rays from point O. Label A1 and B1 the
corresponding rays.
Show on a diagram the patch taken by the ray on striking the liquid-air
looking into the container from the position shown is unable to see the
Sketch two rays from a point on the coin to show how the observer is able to
see the image of the coin after the container is filled with water.
Sketch the path of the rays as it passes through the prism. Critical angle
7. Calculate the refractive index of glass given that the velocity of light in air is 3x 108
8. The real thickness of crown glass block of refractive index 1.58 is 10cm is 10cm.
-2 optical pins
a) Explain briefly how you would determine the refraction index of water using the
materials provided.
b) The data below shows the results obtained when such an experiment was performed
Apparent depth cm 22 37 52 66 81 96
ii) From the graph, determine the refractive index of the liquid.
10. Paraffin has a greater refractive index than that of water. Comment about the relative
12. Explain with the aid of a diagram, how a suitable glass prism may be used to turn a
15. The graph shown below shows, the apparent depth (y-axis) against real depth. Use it
16. The refractive index for air-water boundary is 4/3. Calculate the critical cycle for
water–air interface.
1. Two masses of 3kg and 7kg are connected by a light string. The 3 kg mass rests on
a smooth incline plane 300 to the horizontal. The 7 kg mass hangs freely
i) Draw a diagram showing the bodies and identify the forces acting on the 3
kg mass.
to air is negligible and the burning of the fuel is steady. Explain its
rest. Both bodies stick together. Calculate the velocity of the bodies after
A very small steel ball is released from rest at the surface of the liquid as
shown. Sketch the velocity- time graph for the motion of the ball from the
time it is released to the time just before it reaches the bottom of the
600N acts on it for 0.1s. Calculate the velocity with which the body
on collision.
i) Copy the diagram and show the forces acting on the block.
iii) Calculate the time taken by the block to cover the distance of
b) The table shows the value of the resultant force, F, and the time t
for a bullet traveling inside the gun barrel after the trigger is
i) The time required for the bullet to travel the length of the
barrel assuming that the force becomes zero just at the end
of the barrel.
iii) Given that the bullet emerges from the muzzle of the gun
9. 1993: The diagram shows two identical strings A and B attached to a large mass
M. String A is attached to the ceiling. State the reason why string B cuts
10. 1994: The fig. shows a 2 kg block attached to 0.5 kg mass by a light inextensible
string which passes over a pulley. The force of friction between the
horizontal bench and block is 3N. The block is released from rest so that
the string.
Some plasticine is dropped on the trolley and sticks to it. State with a
12. Fig. 4 shows a block of mass 30.0 kg being pulled up a slope by force P at
a) i) On the same figure name and indicate other forces acting on the
ii) Determine the component of the weight acting on the trolley down
the slope
b) On reaching the top of the slope, the block is left to run freely down the
i) Which one of the forces previously acting on the block would then
iii) What is the effect of increasing the angle of slope on your answer
in (ii) above?
13. 2002: A high jumper usually lands on a thick soft mattress. Explain how the
the body. When the same force acts on a body of mass 2m, it causes an
The figure above shows two trolleys of mass 2.0 kg and 1.5 kg traveling
16. Two identical stones A and B are released from the same height above the
ground. B falls through air while A falls through water. Sketch the graphs
of kinetic energy (KE) against time (t) for each stone. Label the graph
dropped on the trolley and sticks on it. Explain why the trolley slows
down. (2 mks)
a stop. The values of d were measured and recorded for various values of
i) Determine the slope, s, of the graph
ii) Given that u2 = 20kd, where k is a constant for the bench surface,
(c) A car of mass 800kg starts from the rest and accelerates at 1.2ms-2.
determine its momentum after it has moved 400m from the starting
19. A force of 6N acts on a 2kg trolley and accelerates at 2 m/s2. Calculate the retarding
20. A boulder is sliding down a slope, with a uniform acceleration of 3 ms -2; calculate its
21. A man whose mass is 70 kg stands on a spring weighing machine. When the lift
starts to ascend its acceleration is 2.45m/s. What is the reading on the scale?
22. A bullet of mass 22 g traveling at a velocity of 18/ms penetrates a sand bag and is
23. A bullet of mass 10g traveling horizontally with a velocity of 300m/s strikes a block
of wood of mass 290g which rests on rough horizontal floor. After impact they move
Calculate the coefficient of sliding friction between the block and the floor.
its velocity changes to a final value V. Use this information to show that the gain
is kinetic energy E= ½ MV 2
24. Under a driving force of 400N a car of mass 1250 kg has an acceleration of 2.5 m/s.
25. An apple of mass 100g falls a distance of 2.5m to the ground from a branch of a tree.
a) Calculate the speed at which it hits the ground and the time taken for it to fall.
b) Assuming the apple takes 100 milliseconds to come to rest. Calculate the average
26. A helicopter of mass 3000 kg rises vertically at a constant speed of 25 ms-1 if the
acceleration due to gravity is 10 ms-2; determine the resultant force working on the
1. 1990: The figure shows positions of a ball bouncing on a floor. State the energy
changes at C.
a) Explain why a burn from the steam of boiling water more severe that of water
b) An energy saving stove when burning steadily has an efficiency of 69%. The
Calculate: -
c) A pump uses 1g of a mixture of petrol and alcohol in the ratio 4:1 by mass to
ii) If the pump is 40% efficient, what mass of this mixture is needed to raise
the water? (1g of alcohol = 7000J, of petrol= 48000J)
vapour phase.
The mass is displaced by a small distance and then released and allowed to
oscillate. What form of energy does the mass have at a point midway
between A and B?
. What makes the amplitude of osculation of a simple pendulum to decrease with time?
6. A screw advances 1mm when the screw is turned through two revolutions.
kinetic energy, state the other form of kinetic energy possessed by the ball.
9. A workshop has the following simple machines for lifting heavy loads, a
wheel and axle, and a movable pulley. The wheel has a diameter of 30cm
ii) Assuming that the machines are perfect. Calculate the mechanical
advantage for each of the machines and show which machine is more
10. A body has 16 Joules of kinetic energy. What would be its kinetic energy
11. Define the efficiency of a machine and give a reason why it can never be
12. a) The fig shows a loaded wheelbarrow. Indicate and label on the
14. The fig. below shows a force distance graph for a car being on a horizontal
b) If the velocity just before reaching point D is 6m/s, calculate the power
c) An electric pump can raise water from a lower-level reservoir to the high
level reservoir to the high level reservoir at the rate of 3.0 x 105 kg per
hour. The vertical height of the water is raised 360m. If the rate of energy
loss in form of heat is 200 kW, determine the efficiency of the pump.
15. The figure below shows how the potential Energy (P.E) of a ball thrown
vertically upwards.
On the same axes, plot a graph of kinetic energy of the ball.
16. Using a pulley system, a girl lifts a load of 1800N using an effort of
400N. If the system is 65% efficient, determine the velocity ratio of the
i) Work done
18. A certain machine uses an effort of 400N to raise a load of 600N. If the
19. Figure 5 shows a uniform bar of length 1.0 pivoted near one end. The bar
Given that the reading of the spring balance is 0.6N. Determine the weight
of the bar.
20. When an electric pump whose efficiency is 70% raises water to a height of 15m,
21. In the arrangement shown, the mass of 30 kg hanging on the pulley helps to raise the
unknown load. The person pulling up the other string finds that he had to do 800
b) State the assumptions you make in calculating the value (a) above
23. Gitonga has a mass of 60kg and climbs up a slop of 200m long and inclined at an
angle of 100 to the horizontal. Calculate the minimum work done by Gitonga.
24. A force of 8N stretches a spring by 10cm. How much work is done in stretching this
spring by 13cm?
25. A simple pendulum is released from rest and it swings towards its lowest position. If
the speed at the lowest position is 1.0m/s, calculate the vertical height of the bob
when it is released.
1. A student learnt that a battery of eight dry cells each 1.5v has a total e.m.f of 12V the
same as a car battery. He connected in series eight new dry batteries to his car but
found that they could not start the engine. Give a reason for this observation
2. a) You are required to determine the resistance per unit length of a nichrome wire x,
you are provided with A.D.C. power supply an ammeter and voltmeter.
i) Draw a circuit diagram to show how you would connect the circuit.
ii) Describe how you would use the circuit in (a) (i) above to determine the
ii) A filament lamp and a thermostat are ohmic devices to a certain extent.
c) i) Explain why moving coil meters are unstable for the use of alternating
3. Study the circuit diagram. Determine the potential drop across the 3 resistor.
4. State two conditions that are necessary for a conductor to obey Ohm’s law.
c) Two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series to a 10V battery. The current
flowing then is 0.5A. When R1 only is connected to the battery the current
flowing is 0.8A.
Calculate the
i) Value of R2
ii) Current flowing when R1 and R2 are connected in parallel with the same
6. A current of 0.08A passes in circuit for 2.5 minutes. How much charge passes
current flowing and the potential difference across both. Sketch a suitable circuit
8. a) In the circuit diagram shown, calculate the effective resistance between Y and Z.
9. In the circuit diagram five resistors are connected to a battery of e.m.f. 4V, and
i) The total resistance of the circuit.
10. An electric bulb with a filament of resistance 480 is connected to a 240V mains
11. A student wishes to investigate the relationship between current and voltage for a
certain device X. In the space provide, draw a circuit diagram including two cells,
rheostat, ammeter, voltmeter and the device X that would be suitable in obtaining the
desired results.
12. In the circuit diagram shown in figure 7, the ammeter has negligible resistance.
i) State with a reason whether the device obeys Ohm’s laws.
ii) Determine the resistance of the device, X, when the current through it is
60m A.
iii) When the device, X, is connected in the circuit below, the voltage across it
is 0.70V.
c) The cell in figure 10 has an emf of 2.1V and negligible internal resistance.
Determine the
14. The diagram below shows an electrc circuit. When the switch is close the ammeter
reading is 0.3A
15. a) In the circuit diagram shown, calculate the effective resistance between Y and Z
b) Determine the current through the 3 resistor.
16. A battery of e.m.f. 3v drives a current through a 20 resistor. The p.d across the
17. A torch uses two identical dry cells connected in series. When a bulb of resistance 2.0
ohm’s is connected across the cells the pd across the bulb is 2.0 v. When a bulb of
resistance 1.5 ohms is used, the p.d is 1.8v, calculate the e.mf and internal resistance
of each cell.
18. Suppose a high–resistance voltmeter reads 1.5v connected across a dry battery on
open circuit and 1.2v. when the same battery is in a closed circuit when it is supplying
i) Open circuit
What is
19. When a resistor is connected across the terminals of a battery a current of 0.20A
What is the time taken for 2.0 coulombs of charge to pass a given point in the circuit?
If e.m.f of the battery is 4.0v and its internal resistance is 0.20hm determine the rate at
parallel with a 100 resistor. The current through the combination and the p.d
2.0 x 107 Hz. What is the longest wavelength of this range? Velocity of
3. State one effect that would be observed when water waves pass from deep
to shallow water.
4. The fig. shows a wave profile. Determine the frequency of the wave.
5. What happens to the wavelength of a water wave when it moves from the
Calculate the time taken to reach a wall 102m from the source.
b) i) State one condition not involving a phase difference for
constructive interference.
11. In an experiment using a ripple tank the frequency, f of the electric pulse
generator was reduced to one third of its original value. How does the
new wave length compare with the initial wavelength? Explain your
The sketch graph shows the results of an experiment to study diffraction
iii) Explain how the peaks labelled A and B and troughs labeled C are
14. Circular water waves generated by a point source at the centre O of the
pond are observed to have the pattern shown in the Fig. Explain the
i) State the function of the double silt.
17. The Fig. shows an experimental arrangement. S1 and S2 are narrow slits.
a longitudinal wave.
(b) The fig shows the displacement of a practice in progressive wave
21. Figures 5 (a) and (b). Show wave fronts incident on barriers blocking part of the
On the same figures sketch the wave fronts to show the behaviour of the waves as
they pass each barrier and after passing the barrier. (1mk)
22. A source generates 40 waves per second. If the wavelength is 8.5cm. Calculate the
time waves takes to reach a wall 120 meters from the source.
23. A gun is fired and an echo heard at the same place 0.5 s later. How far is the barrier
which reflected the sound from the gun? (Velocity of sound = 340 m/s)
24. A man standing between two parallel walls fires a gun. He hears an echo after 1.5
seconds and another one after 2.5 seconds and yet another one after 4 seconds.
Determine the separation of the walls. (Take velocity of sound 340 m/s)
b) Describe how the type of charge on a charged metal rod can be determined.
c) The fig. shows a hollow negatively charged sphere with metal disk attached to an
insulator placed inside. State what would happen to the leaf of an uncharged
electroscope if the metal disk were brought near the cap of electroscope. Give a
d) State two ways of charging the magnitude of the deflection of the leaf of an
i) The charge stored in the 2F capacitor
2. The figure below represents two parallel plates of a capacitor separated by a distance
d. Each plate has an area of A square units. Suggest two adjustments that can be
3. The Fig. Shows part of a circuit containing three capacitors. Write an expression for
5. The capacitors in the circuit in Fig. 14 are identical and initially uncharged.
Switch S1 is opened and switch S2 closed. Determine the final reading of the
voltmeter, V.
b) In the circuit diagram shown in Fig. 4 each cell has an e.m..f of 1.5 and internal
capacitor is then connected to another uncharged capacitor. The p.d. across the
8 Three capacitors of 1.5F, 2.0 F and 3.0 F are connected in series to p.d. of 12V.
b) The total charge stored in the arrangement
9 In the circuit of the figure 3 C1=2 F, C2 =C3 = 0.5 F and E is a 6V battery.
10. In an experiment to study the variation of charge stored on capacitor and the potential
b) Energy stored in the capacitor when the p.d across its plate is 10V.
1. An electric bulb rated 40W is operating on 240V mains. Determine the resistance of
its filament
3. How many 100W electric irons could be safely connected to a 240V moving circuit
7. An electrical appliance is rated as 240V, 200W. What does this information mean?
a) The current through the heating element when the heater is on.
9. An electric toy is rated 100W, 240V. Calculate the resistance of the toy when
operating normally.
1. An electric heater rated 6000W is used to heat 1kg of ice initially at -100c
2 a) Explain why a burn from the steam of boiling water more severe
Calculate; -
of a liquid in a vapour phase.
the heater is switched on for 15 minutes, the temperature of the liquid rises
4. State two factors that would raise the boiling point of water to above 1000c
(Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg -1K and specific heat capacity
Determine the
6. A heating element rated 2.5 KW is used to raise the temperature of 3.0 kg
reduces the supply potential slightly. Explain the effect on the rate of
was placed in a container with an outlet and the heater placed in the ice as
shown in Fig. 2. The heater was connected to a power supply and switched
a) Other than the current and voltage, state the measurement that would be
taken to determine the quantity of heat absorbed by the melted ice in unit
time. (2mks)
c) It is found that the power determined in this experiment is lower than the
Fig 11 shows the variation of temperature ‘’ with time t, when an immersion heater
is used to heat a certain liquid. Study the figure and answer questions 9 and 10.
9. State the reason for the shape of the graph in the section labelled BC.
10. Sketch on the same axes the graph for another liquid of the same mass but
higher specific heat capacity when heated from the same temperature.
(1 mk)
11State two factors that affect the melting point of ice. (2mks)
volatile liquid circulates the capillary tubes under the action of the
compression pump.
c) Steam of mass 3.0g at 1000c is passes into water of mass 400g at 100c.
i) Derive an expression for the heat lost by the steam as it condenses
ii) Derive an expression for the heat gained by the water. (2mks)
13. A can together with stirrer of total head capacity 60j/k contains 200g of water at 100
c. dry steam at 1000c is passed in while the water is stirred until the whole reaches a
14. An immersion heater which takes a current of 3A from 240V mains raised the
15. 100g of boiling water are poured into a metal vessel weighing 800g at a temperature
of 200c if the final temperature is 500c. What is the specific heat capacity of the
16. 0.02kg of ice and 0.01kg of water 00c are in a container. Steam at 1000c is passed in
until all the ice is just melted. How much water is now in the container?
17. In a domestic oil-fired boiler, 0.5kg of water flows through the boiler every second.
The water enters the boiler at a temperature of 300c and leaves at a temperature of
700c, re-entering the boilers after flowing around the radiators at 300c. 3.0x 107J of
heat is given to the water by each kilogram of oil burnt. The specific heat capacity of
Use the information above to calculate the energy absorbed by the water every second
Use the same information above to calculate the mass of oil which would need to be
18. You are provided with two beakers. The first beaker contains hot water at 700c. The
second beaker contains cold water at 200c. The mass of hot water is thrice that of
cold water. The contents of both beakers are mixed. What is the temperature of the
19. Calculate the heat evolved when 100g of copper are cooled from 900c to 100c.
19. An-immersion heater rated 150w is placed in a liquid of mass 5 kg. When the heater
is switched on for 25 minutes, the temperature of the liquid rises from 20 - 2700c.
Determine the specific heat capacity of the liquid. (Assume no heat losses)
2. On a certain day when the temperature is 370c, the pressure in an open gas
jar is 640mm of mercury. The jar is then sealed and cooled to the
temperature of 170c.
i) Copy the table and add values of 1/L (mm-1)
open end of the tube he measured the corresponding values of the length I
(b) The table shows the results obtained using the set up.
(ii) Copy the table and add the values of I/V (cm3) and plot a
volume of air.
5. a) i) Draw and label a diagram of the apparatus you would use to verify
Charle’s law.
6. The figure shows changes in pressure, P, and volume V for a fixed mass of
a certain gas. Write down a statement of the gas law, which holds true
from A to B. (2)
7. a) State the law that relates the volume of a gas to the temperature of
the gas.
investigate one of the laws. The glass tube has a uniform bore and
it is graduated in millimeters.
i) Describe how the experiment is carried out and explain how
8. Draw axes and sketch the P – V graph for a gas obeying Boyle’s Law.
filled with oxygen gas and B with hydrogen gas masses. If the containers
are maintained at the same temperature, state with reason, the container in
10. a) The figure below shows a simple set up for pressure law apparatus.
b) The graph in the figure below shows the relationship between the
constant volume.
i) Given that the relationship between pressure, P, and temperature, t
to zero in practice?
11. Draw axes and sketch a graph of pressure (p) against reciprocal of volume
Determine the volume when the temperature rises to 353 k at the same
pressure (3mks)
The graph in figure 7 shows the relationship between the pressure and temperature for
an ideal gas. Use this information in the figure to answer questions 13 and 14.
13. State the unit of the horizontal axis. (1mk)
15. A balloon filled with organ gas a volume of 200 cm3 at the earth’s surface where the
a height where the temperature is 00C and the pressure 100mm of mercury, calculate
17. An empty barometer tube of length 90cm is lowered vertically with its mouth
downwards into a tank of water. What will be the depth at the top of the tube when
the water has risen 15cm inside the tube, given that the atmospheric pressure is 10m
head of water?
18. A hand pump suitable for inflating a football has a cylinder which is 0.24m in length
and an internal cross-sectional area of 5.0 x 10-4 m2. To inflate the football the pump
handle is pushed in and air is pumped through a one-way valve. The valve opens to
let air in to the ball when the air pressure in the pump has reached 150 000 pa.
a) If the pressure in the pump is initially 100 000 pa, calculate how far the piston
(b) When the one-way valve opens the total pressure in the cylinder will be 150 000
pa. What force will be exerted on the piston by the air in the cylinder?
1. The figure below shows how a distant object is focused in a defective eye.
2. a) You are provided with a rectangular glass block, two pins and a
determine the refractive index of the glass using real and apparent
image method.
is formed on it?
between the converging lens and the screen. How far should the
screen be from the diverging leans in order to receive a focused
c) Two lenses L1 and L2 placed 12cm from each other. The focal
Draw rays to locate the position of the image. Determine the image
in figure 16.
Sketch a ray diagram to show the image of the object. (3mks)
determine the focal length of the lens when provided with the
represents 4 cm).
ii) On the same diagram, sketch the appropriate lens to correct the defect
6. a) Figures 11 (a) and (b) show diagrams of the human eye.
sightedness. (1mk)
i) Name the parts labelled A and B. (2mks)
to be formed. (2mks)
iii) State the functions of the shutter and the parts labelled A and B
the screen and the object is 80cm. If the image is 3 times the height
7. An image formed on a screen is three times the size of the object. The object and the
screen are 80cm apart when the image is sharply focused. Determine the focal length
of the lens.
8. A luminous object and a screen are placed on an optical bench a converging lens is
placed between them to throw a sharp image of the object on the screen, the
magnification is found to be 2.5. The lens is now moved 30cm nearer to the screen
and a sharp image is again formed. Calculate the focal length of the lens.
9. An object is placed 16cm from a converging lens of focal length 12cm. Find.
10. An object is placed 15cm from a diverging lens and the image is formed 6cm from
11. Calculate the power of a lens whose focal length is given as 10cm.
12. Explain differences between the eye and the camera. State also the similarities.
1. A light inextensible string of length L is fixed at its upper end and support
shown. The maximum tension the string can withstand without breaking is
2N. Assuming the string breaks when the radius is maximum, calculate
the velocity of the mass when the string breaks, given that L 1.25m, and
m= 0.1kg.
The speed of the mass is gradually increased until the string breaks. The
string breaks when the mass is at its lowest position A and at a speed of
a) Show on the diagram.
i) The initial direction of the mass at the point the string breaks.
ii) The path of the mass from A until it strikes the ground at a
point b.
b) Calculate;
i) The time the mass takes to reach the ground after breaking off.
ii) The horizontal distance the mass travels before it strikes the
iii) The vertical velocity with which the mass strikes the ground.
3. State the principle by which a speed governor limits the speed of a vehicle.
4. The rear wheel of a certain car has a diameter of 40cm. At a certain speed
of the car, the wheel makes 7 revolutions per second. A small stone
embedded in the tyre tread flies off initially at an angle of 450 to the
between the tyres and the road that will prevent the car from
sliding off.
of centripetal force with the radius r of the circle in which a body
rotates. Describe how the set up can be used to carry out the
Mass, m(g) 60 50 40 30 20
Radius, r (cm) 50 41 33 24 16
(in metre)
ii) Given that the mass of the body is 100g, use the graph to
(b) A body moving with uniform angular velocity found to have
table with a string whose tension can be measure. (This device for
The tension, T, on the string was measured for various values of angular velocity,
The distance r of the body from the centre was maintained at 30cm. Table 1
Table 1
ii) From the graph, determine the mass, m, of the body given that T=
iii) Determine the constant C and suggest what it represents in the set up.
Determine the:
ii) Force exerted on the child by the seat of the swing when passing
i) State two factors that determine whether a particular mass slides off
ii) It is found that masses slide off at angular velocities @A, @B. @c of in
to the centre of the table by a thin thread. The distance from the centre of
the table to the block is 15cm. If the maximum tension the thread can
withstand is 5.6N, determine the maximum angular velocity the table can
11. Find the maximum speed with which a car of mass 100kg can take a corner of radius
20m if the coefficient of friction between the road and the tyres is 0.5.
12. An object of mass 0.5kg is rotated in a horizontal circle by a string 1m long. The
maximum tension in the string before it breaks is 50N. Calculate the greatest number
13. An astronaut is trained in a centrifuge that has an arm length of 6m. If the astronaut
can stand the acceleration of 9g. What is the maximum number of revolutions per
14. A small body of 200g revolves uniformly on a horizontal frictionless surface attached
by a cord 20cm long to a pin set on the surface. If the body makes two revolutions per
15. A circular highway curve on a level ground makes a turn 900. The highway carries
traffic at 120km/h. Knowing that the centripetal force on the vehicle is not to exceed
/10 of its weight, calculate the length of the curve.
16. A turntable of record player makes 33 revolutions per minute. What is the linear
17. An object 0.5kg on the end of a string is whirled around in a vertical circle of radius
2m, with a speed of 10m/s. What is the maximum tension in the string?
1. State how a hydrometer may be used to test whether a car battery is fully
2. Determine the density of glass that weighs 0.5N in air and 0.3N in water.
4. A solid displaced 5.5 cm3 of paraffin when floating and 20cm3. Calculate
5 The figure below shows a cube of a certain wood whose density is the
same as that of water. The cube is held on the surface of the water in a
which is attached to a spring balance. The long side is vertical and the
i) Calculate the force due to the liquid on the lower upper surface of the
ii) Calculate the up thrust and determine the reading on the spring balance.
7. A solid copper sphere will sink in water while a hollow copper sphere of
2kg is balanced by a mass of 1.5 placed 30cm from the pivot as shown.
ii) When the same block of wood is partially immersed in water, the
1.5kg mass need to be placed at 20cm from the pivot to balance it.
9. A block of glass of mass 250g floats in mercury. What volume of the glass
lies under the surface of the mercury? (Density of mercury is 13.6 x 103).
10. When a piece of metal is placed on water, it sinks. But when the same
b) Figure 13 shows a simple hydrometer.
i) State the purpose of the lead shots in the glass bulb (1mk)
density. (2mks)
c) Figure 14 shows a cork floating on water and held to the bottom of the
ii) Describe how each of the forces mentioned in (i) above changes
when water is added into the beaker until it fills up. (3mks)
12. The ball B shown below has a mass of 12kg and a volume of 50litres. It is held in
position in sea water of density 104 kgm-3 by a light cable fixed to the bottom so that
/5 of its volume is below the surface determine the tension in the cable.
13. A balloon of volume 1.2x107 cm3 is filled with hydrogen gas of density 9.0 x 10-
/g/cm3. Determine the weight of the fabric of the balloon.
14. A boat whose dimensions are equivalent to those of a rectangular figure of 5m long
by 2m wide floats in fresh water. If this boat sinks 10cm deeper as a result of
15. One fifth of the volume of an iceberg stands above the water surface. If the density of
16. A hydrometer of mass 10g is placed in paraffin of density 0.8g/cm3. Determine the
length of the paraffin if its bulb has a volume of 4cm3 and its stem has a cross section
17. An object of mass 50g floats with 20% of its volume above the water surface as
a) Calculate the up thrust experienced by the object.
18. A piece of marble of mass 1.4kg and relative density 2.8 is supported by a light string
from a spring balance. It is then lowered into the water fully. Determine the up thrust.
19. The block of wood of mass 80g is pulled just below the water surface by a piece of
copper of density 9g/cm3 using a string of negligible weight. What is the mass of the
piece of copper?
20. If the body weight 1.80N in air and 1.62N when submerged in a liquid of relative
material, phototransistor
7. State the difference between X-rays and gamma rays in the way in which
8. Other than a photographic film state one other detectors of
i) X-rays
ii) UV,
13. State one common property for electromagnetic waves and state one use of
14. State one common properties for electromagnetic waves and state one use of
16. Complete the table below to show the name and use of some types of electromagnetic
Normal photography
Gamma rays
i) Microwaves
ii) Infrared
deflects towards the coil, the pointer deflects towards the right as
following cases.
i) The north pole of the magnet is held stationary near p.
ii) The south pole of the magnet is made to approach the coil
from Q.
c) Two coils T and S are wound on a soft iron core as shown. T has
3. Calculate the peak value of an alternating current which has a root mean
11,000V to 450V.
6. Name any two ways by which a transformer loses energy.
i) Voltages Vp and Vs
8. (a)
per second at the output than at the input terminals’. Explain why the
of energy.
ii) A transformer of 480 turns in the primary coil used to connect a 9-volt
a.c. electric device to a 240V a.c. mains power supply. Calculate the
11. A transformer in a welding machine supplies 6 volts from a 240V mains
supply. If the current used in the welding is 30A. Determine the current in
the mains.
12. A hair drier is rated 2500W, 240v. Determine its resistance. (3mks)
i) Explain how a varying current is induced in the cell when the diaphragm
vibrates. (3mks)
ii) State two ways in which the induced current (i) above can be increased.
c) A transformer with 1200 turns in the primary circuit and 120 turns in the
15. An ac flows in a resistor of 100Ω. If the peak value of the voltage across the resistor
is 60V. Calculate.
of 60V to a motor from an A.C mains supply of 240V. If the efficiency of the
17. An immersion heater rated 300W is used continuously for 45 minutes per day.
18. A radio transmitter directs pulses of waves towards a satellite from which reflections
are received 10 millisecond after transmission. Determine the distance of the satellite
19. An electric bulb with a filament resistance 300 is connected to a 2v main supply,
20. A 50w bulb is used continuously for 36 hours. Determine the cost of energy
2. Name a device used to change light energy directly into electrical energy.
supply, through a 10A fuse. Determine whether the fuse is suitable or not.
8. Find the maximum number of 75W bulbs that can be connected to a 13A
9. Determine the cost of using an electrical iron box rated 1500W, for a total
11. Electrical energy costs Kshs. 1 per Kwh unit. Find the cost of using an electric heater
12. The figure below represents part of the main circuit.
ii) Explain why there are fuses of different rating in the distribution box.
13. Calculate the power of a devise which has a p.d of 250V applied across it when a
14. An electric iron box is rated 2500W and uses a voltage of 240V. Given that
electricity costs Kshs. 1.10 per Kwh, what is the cost of using it for 6 hours?
1. State two differences between the cathode ray tube (CRT) of a T.V and the
3. How does the energy of ultra violet light compare to that of yellow light
is plank’s constant?
i) Name the parts labelled A and B. (2mks)
iv) At what part of the cathode ray tube would the time base be
connected? (1mk)
screen when the output of an a.c generator was connected to the input of
the CRO. The time-base calibration of the CRP was set at 20 milliseconds
i) Determine the pick voltage of the generator. (2mks)
iii) On the same grid, redraw the graph for the same voltage when the time
7. Sketch the picture seen on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope when the
oscilloscope is adjusted so that the spot is in the middle of the screen and the output
terminals from a transformer connected to the mains are connected across the Y-
8. The diagram shows the screen of a cathode ray tube, and behind it the position of the
X and y plates which deflect the electron beam. The beam forms a spot on the screen.
a) Draw a labelled diagram showing a side view of the cathode ray tube.
c) The “X-shift” control on the front of the cathode ray oscilloscope moves the spot
sideways on the screen. What kind of voltage direct, alternating or zero) does it
apply to:
i) The X plates
The ‘time–base’ voltage normally applied to the X-plates in a RCO varies with
time as shown.
ii) Illustrate on the diagram above what is seen on the screen if an alternating voltage
9. The control grid in a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used to control the brightness
10. State and explain three uses of main parts of a CRT in an oscilloscope.
of 15.0 mA.
c) Determine the velocity with which the electrons strike the target.
i) Intensity
i) What is the velocity with which the electron strikes the target?
ii) State the energy changes that take place at the target.
4. Name the metal used to shield X-rays operators from the radiation. Give
5. State the properties of X-rays, which makes it possible to detect cracks in
6. State one difference between hard X-rays and soft X-rays. (1mk)
7. A target was bombarded by electron accelerated by a voltage of 106 V. If all the K.E
of the emitted X-rays. (Electronic charge = -1.6 x 10-19C, planks constant = 6.6 x 10
Js, velocity of electromagnetic waves = 3.0 x 108ms-1)
11. X-rays are produced by a tube operating at 1 x 104V. Calculate their wavelength.
12. State and explain the effect of increasing the EHT in an X- ray tube on the X-rays
1. Light of frequency 5.5x 1014 HZ is made to strike a surface whose work function
is 2.5ev. Show that photoelectric effect will not take place. H= 6.6 X 1034Js
iii) State one reason for using a particular radiation such as ultraviolet for a
given photocell.
iv) Explain how the set-up shown in the diagram may be used as an automatic
as to produce photoelectrons. Give a reason why some of the ejected
K(J) x 10-19 10 13 20 40
incident light.
ii) Determine the work function of the surface used (h=6.663 x 10-
6. Name a device used to convert light energy directly into electric energy.
on the metal are found to have a maximum energy of 8.0 x 10-19 J. If the
work function of the metal is 3.2 x 10-19 j, determine the wavelength of the
light used.
8. The figure below shows ultra violet light striking a polished zinc plate
Explain the following observation
ii) When the same experiment was repeated with a positively charged
9. The work function of a certain material is 3.2 ev. Determine the threshold
frequency for the material. (1 electron volt (eV) = 1.6 x 10-19 and planks
eye. (1mk)
The graph in figure 8 shows the variation of photoelectric current with applied
voltage when a surface was illuminated with light of a certain frequency. Use this
11. On the same axes, sketch the graph of when light of higher
(1 mk)
12. Calculate the energy of a photon of red light and ultra-violet light
13. The wavelength of light from a sodium lamp is 5.9 x 10-7m. A 200W sodium vapour
14. The threshold frequency for potassium is 5.37 x 1014 HZ. When the surface of
16. A metal has a work function of 2eV. Calculate the threshold wavelength of the metal
i) Medicine
ii) Agriculture.
2. One of the isotopes of Uranium has a half life of 576 hours.
i) Complete the table to show how the mass varies with time from an
ii) Explain whether the mass of the isotope will eventually reduce to zero.
3. State two factors that determine the extent of the damage to the body cell
14 X u
C = N B
6 7 y
8. Alpha particles are more ionizing than Beta particles. Give one reason for this.
9. In a sample there are 5.12 x 1020 atoms of Krypton 92 initially. If the half-
life of Krypton is 3.0s, determine the number of atoms that will have decayed
after 6s
10. Cobalt 60 is a radioisotope that has a half-life of 5.25 years. What fraction
12. a) Fig 2 shows the path of radiation from a radioactive source after
Identify the radiation.
A K B Y x Y C
90 88
the Geiger tube and recorded by the Geiger cooler. The pressure
i) State the change in the metal foil that will lead to a decrease in the
iii) State the change in the roller pressure that should be made as a result
iv) Give a reason for your answer in (c) (iii) above.
234 a 230
Bi X Y
83 84 b
14. a) A nucleus of an element X of atomic mass 238 and atomic number 92 decays by
emitting 8 alpha particles and 10 beta particles and finally forms a nucleus of an
radioactive source. In each case name the type of radiation described and give a
Type or radiation
Type or radiation
Type of radiation
15. The half-life of a certain radioactive substance is 57 days. Explain the meaning of this
(i) Give the reason why the mica window is made thin.
(ii) Explain how the radiation entering the tube through the window is
17. Balance the nuclear reaction equation below.
24 0
Nay +
11 -1e
18. Given that 5g of cobalt-60 is kept in a laboratory and it has a half-life of 5 years.
1. 1989: Sketch curves to show the variation of current and time as displayed on
this task.
good conductor.
i) What is doping?
7. Using the components symbols shown in the fig, sketch a series circuit
8. (a)
9. In the circuit below, when the switch s is closed, the voltmeter shows a
When the cell terminals are reversed and the switch is closed, the
11. You are provided with a diode, a resisitor R, an a.c source of low voltage
and connecting wires. In the space provided, sketch the circuit diagram for
a half-wave rectifier and indicate the terminals where the output voltage v0
12. Explain how doping produces an n-type semiconductor for a pure semiconductor
material. (3mks)
14. The diagram below shows a rectifier circuit for an alternating current (a.c) input.
ii) Draw the traces of the signal obtained on CRO connected across QS and PR.
2. Put 0.5kg mass together with meat and balance them against the 2 kg.
X3 = 3x 10-23 cm3
X = 3.11 x 10 -8 cm3
5. 1.5 kg
8. 4.1 X 10 -8M
9. a) 4.06 X 10-10m
b) That atoms are spherical and that mass is uniformly distributed on the
10. 0.001mm
11. i) 5x10-7m
13. 1.12g/cm3
3. By going between two moving parts so that the parts slid on oil instead of
each other.
beam balance.
8. Because gravitational force varies with distance from the centre of the
earth. Since weight depends on the gravitational pull, then it also varies.
9. The soap reduces the surface tension and hence the weight of pin becomes
10. Draw two arrowed lines one from C1 downwards and the other from O
relatively more.
1000N x X = 20N x 2m
X= 0.04m
12. Over all c.o g lower since the heavier the base the lower the C.O.G.
13. When the melts the c.o.g. is lowered hence it becomes more stable
relatively more.
0.2 x W = 0.3 x 5
W = 7.5N
15. a) Very low density hence, a very big column required (11m)
b) i) p=F1
17. In (a) adhesive forces between glass and wax are weaker than cohesive
- w = mg = 1.4N
19. 83.3kg
21. 40N
22. 3.33cm
23. 25N
24. 20N
25. 250k Pa
i) Dirty water is drawn to the larger container through capillary action in the cloth.
- Condensed water on the glass window collects at its lower end and pure water is
iv) Infra red rays can pass through the glass. Re radiated rays are of longer
wavelength than the infra red rays and cannot pass trough the glass, hence some heat
i) - Heater
- Pinter/ Indicator
ii) Making the wire straight/ remove kinks; making it steady / taut/ tensional force/
vertical position.
3. Concrete mixture and steel have approximately the same linear expansively.
4. X2 should be made larger than X1 since B receives radiation at a higher rate. It must
be moved Radiation
Sucking air reduces pressure inside the tube; so that atmosphere pressure forces the
a) Smoke particles- smoke particles are large than air molecules and light enough to
Lens- focuses the light from the lamp on the smoke particle; causing them to be
speed increases.
3. In (i), Gauze conducts heat away temperature above is lower than ignition
- Since B receives radiation at a higher rate, it must be moved further from source for
rates to be equal.
= 2x 300
8. Measure P1Q1 in cm (i.e. length of image on the screen as shown below)
9. 4:05 p.m
b) Very small images, giving the illusion that the objects are far away.
Where o= object
h= pin-hole
u- Object distance
v- Image distance
13. u =100m
hi= 0.5cm
v/u = hi/h0
ho = hi x u/v
= 5m x 100m/10cm
3. Metal roofed house. Because there is less resistance of the flow of charges
The other one would burn or have the people inside struck by the
4. At x the capacitor is charged only once and the keeps charging and
discharging in opposite directions hence current keeps alternating at the
a) Ability to store charge given by the quantity of charge it can store per unit p.d
b) Bring it near a charged electroscope (say +vely). If not, charge the electroscope – vely
and bring the rod near. If divergence is observed then they have the same charge.
Note that if decrease in divergence is observed in both cases then the rod is simply a
c) Nothing would happen to the leaf of the electroscope. This is because in a hollow
- Charged body
e) i) Q= CV
= 2x10
= 20C
1/c = 2/3
C= 3/2 = 1.5uF
1. Dry cells have a very high internal resistance hence give very little current
5. When connected in parallel, the total effective resistance is much less. The
6. Large amounts of current can be drawn from them without damaging them
7. Q=it
- = 0.5 x 4x60
- = 120c
8. The overall resistance of cells and bulb is least and hence more current flows
9. Each will provide about half of the power supplied to the bulb. So they
are drained of power at a slower rate than rate than in figure 10(a).
1= 1.5
0.13 = 1.5
R = 1.5Ω
a) The ratio of the pd across the ends of a metal conductor to the current passing
through it is a constant.
b) i) It does not obey Ohm’s law; because the current – voltage graph is not
linear throughout;
= (0.74 – 0.70)V
= 0.40V
30 x10-3 A
= 1.33
iii) From the graph current flowing when pd is 0.70 is 60mA
R= 5.3V
= 88.3
R= 5.3V
iii) V= 1R = 10 x 2.1
= 0.95V
15. i) The level of the acid in the accumulator should be inspected regularly. Add
distilled water.
ii) The terminals should be kept clean and smeared with grease.
iii) While charging the current used should be that specified by the manufacturer.
iv) The level of acid should be maintained 1cm above the plates.
18. Electrical energy is produced by chemical reaction between the plates of the cell
(Zinc and copper) and the dilute sulphuric acid. Electrons are produced which flow
- With current switched off record the initial reading of spring balance (Fo)
- Vary the current (I) and each time record the corresponding values of I and the
force F.
- For each value of F, subtract F-to get the magnetic force due to the current on the
iron (fm)
2. 1990: When the current increases the domains align themselves more until all of
them are the same perfectly lightened direction (magnetic saturation). The
5. Suspend each of them in the earth’s magnetic field. Change their rest
position and record the final direction in which key will rest. Repeat this
each of the rods. It is noted that, the magnetized rod will rest in the earths
random polarities.
magnetic field around it and looses its magnetism immediately the field is
8. In fields the lines are parallel and the force acting on a small
13. a) i) and ii) 1996 1992 suspend each of them in the earth’s magnetic
field. Change their rest position and record the final direction in which
key will rest. Repeat this procedure several times and record the
magnetized rod will rest in the earth North-south direction each time if is
b) When magnetizing current is increased, the dipoles align more and more
to attain saturation. This means that P is easily magnetized and also easily
demagnetise- than Q. This also means that P can form temporary magnet
compared to hard ones. Soft ones form temporary magnets while hard
15. 1 Vibration energy helps to turn the dipoles since they are in constant
16. By using iron powder; more of it is attracted to the poles than at the sides.
17. Upwards
18. By making the magnetic ends to be removed and create complete loops
20. Upwards
21. Rider rolls inwards i.e. into the U-shaped magnet.
i) When dropped at centre, the drop starts spreading outwards. To ensure uniform
spread, the wooden planks are moved outwards very slowly at the same speed
when in parallel. The powder helps to show the extent of spread otherwise it
d= 2.083 x 10-6mm
= 2.083 x 10 -9m
iii) Assumptions:
- The patch is assumed to be monolayer.
3. Density p = m/v;
(0.550)3 cm3
= 10.5cm3
0.6 x 70cm = w x 30
W= 0.6 x 70
W = mg = 4.2
= 1.4N
W= 8x 15x10
Weight, w= 20N
3. Solution
5kg = 50N
50x = 15 x (3 – x)
50 x = 45-15x
65x= 45
X=45/65 = 0.692m
4. For a system in equilibrium. The sum of clockwise moments about the same point
must be equal to the sum of anticlockwise moments about the same point.
Peddling a bicycle
Opening/closing a door
6. The distance is small hence the moment produced is not enough to open the door. A
7. It provides them with the necessary support and also makes them stable as they move
8. Solution
38 x 10/100 = wx 25/100
3.8= 0.25W
W= 3.8
= 15.2N
= (10 +20) N
= 30N
30x= 20x2
X = 4/3 = 1.33 m
10. Solution
1.6= 3y -0.2
3y= 1.6 + 0.2 = 1.8m
Y= 0.6m
1. The c.o.g is lower since the heavier base the lower the c.o.g.
4. i) The sum of upward forces should be equal to the sum of downward forces.
ii) The sum of clockwise moments should be equal to the sum of anticlockwise
Light material is used for making the upper part of the bus.
6. When the ice melts, water contracts hence centre of gravity lower. The beaker
1. On the graph
=15 cm
r= 1.5x 2
= 3.0 cm
4. -Image that cannot be formed on a screen.
10. (i)
Convex mirror
Used in supermarkets
Parabolic mirrors
Car headlights
Concave mirrors
Shaving mirrors
Used by dentists
/u – 1/v = 1/f
/u – 1/2u = 1/10
/2u = 1/10
14.u= 10/2
U= 5cm
Real image
1/u + 1/v = 1/f
U= 3x10/2 = 15
U= 15cm
1. a) As the diaphragm vibrates, it causes the coil to move back and forth, in the
magnetic field cutting the field lines. This causes varying current to be induced in
-(Angle of inclination)
6. Soft iron – Iron produces a stronger magnet but looses it magnetism quickly. Also it
7. i) Heating the magnet strongly until it is red hot and then cooling it suddenly.
ii) Keeping it in a solenoid through which an alternating current is flowing when the
current is still passing the magnet is slowly removed to a distance from the
Thumb – Motion
iii) -When the wire is positioned at right angle to the magnetic field.
iv) No effect
- Replacing the magnet with a weaker one.
6. a) -Commutator
-They are the split - rugs which reversed the current in the coil every half-cycled
c) -The lengths AB and CD of the coil are current carrying conductors in a strong
Flux leakage
8. - Electric bell
- Telephone receiver
1. (a) i)
iii) The spring becomes shortest possible (NO further compression is possible)
F= ke
E= 15/3 = 5cm
3. a) Provided the elastic limit is not exceeded their extension e of a spiral spring is
directly proportional to the external applied force.
E(mm) 0 11 19 29 41 51
ii) Brittleness- This is the quality of material which makes it to break just after
iii) Ductility- This is the quality of a material which leads to permanent change in
iv) Stiffness- This is the resistance of a material to withstand forces which tends to
5. a) The extension (e) of spring is directly proportional to the applied force (f)
b) i) Y-axis – Extension
ii) OP- Shows that the extension on the spring increases in proportion to the
PN- spring not obeying Hookes law. It does not regain original length.
6. F=ke
F= Ke but e= 6/10cm = 6/10 x100
F= mg = (300/1000 x 10) N
= 3N
= (3 6/100)
= (3 x 1000/6) N/m
= 500Nm-1
7. Solution
= (2 +4)cm
= 6cm
8. Solution
a) F= ke
k= f/e = mg/e
but mg = 210/1000 x 10
= 2.1N
e= 10.5cm = 0.105
= 2.1/0.105 Nm-1
= 20Nm-1
F= ke
= 20x 7.5/100
= 2x 7.5/10 =15/10N
b) e=f/k
= 550/100 x 1020
= /20m
= 0.275m
= 27.5cm
9. Solution
e= (10.8-6) cm = 4.8cm
= 0.048m
F= 100/1000 x 10
= 1N
K= f/e = 1N/0.048m
= 20.83 N/m
F = ke
= (20.83 x 0.018) N
= 0.375n
= 0.075kg
= 37.5g
1. 1½ → 3.5 x 10-3
But f = 1/T
1 7 x 10-3
= 1x 3
= 3 x 103
3. f= 40Hz =8.5m
V= f
= 40 x 8.5
= 340m/s
T= d/s = 102/340
= 0.3sec
4. It can be polarized
waves don’t.
iii) Periodic time – It is the time taken to complete one oscillation. SI Unit is
8. a) i) Transverse wave
b) Transverse wave is one in which the movement of each particle is at right angle to
the direction of travel of the wave. While longitudinal is where the movement of
9. (a) i) Amplitude = 0.6cm
iii) Wavelength
= 50 x 2
iv) Frequency
= 0.5HZ
b) Frequency
10. In refraction of water waves, the wave speed is reduced in shallower region in a ripple
11. Water waves hitting the beaches have energy which causes weathering.
V= f
3.0 x 108
= 1.5 x 103
3. At rest
4. i) Ups and down in the loudness of sound i.e. loud and soft sounds as crosses on
ii) Constant loud sound since he is equidistant from both speakers and constructive
f2 = (grad) T + C)
f2=(grad) T +C)
f2=2800 T + y-intercept
x =82.5m
9. 1996: (i) Transverse-oscillations are perpendicular to direction of wave
Speed of sound
2.5 x s = 400 x 2
S=320 m/s
d= 1,120m
= 600 x 2 = 1200m
Time 3.5
12. A source of sound i.e. an electric bell is suspended inside a bell jar. Using a suction
pump air is pumped out of the jar when the lowest pressure is attained, one can see
the hammer striking the bell but the ringing can no longer be heard. Sound cannot
13. a) Box act as amplifiers. The air inside the box is forced to vibrate as the box
b) X-Compressions
c) Longitudinal – The movement of air molecules is parallel to the direction of travel
d) Solution
Since V= f
Then x = v/f
800 m
= 0.4125m
14. Solution – Air is less dense at the top of mountains or high altitude regions making
transmission poor.
15. i) Intensity and loudness- Intensity is the power carried by a wave and it depends on
the distance from the source while loudness is the power of sound to reach the ear
ii) Frequency and pitch – Frequency is the number of cycles made per second while
pitch is how high on musical scale the note produced by an oscillator is.
1. Velocity
2. Forward (upstroke) - The valve opens, pressure forces water flow into the air chamber
and air is compressed. Backward (down stroke) - valve closes; compressed air
3. The paper rises up because the pressure above becomes less than the pressure below.
4. Balls move towards each other; pressure in the space between them decreases to
5. hx=hz.>hy
7. At low speeds the speed is streamlined while at high speeds, the flow is turbulent.
8. Air over the mouth of the bottle moves faster than air under.
Pressure above the mouth of the bottle is less than pressure inside the bottle (hence
9. At steady rate the sum of the pressure, the potential energy per unit volume and
Provided a finish is non-viscous, incompressible and its flow streamline and increase
When the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure in the fluid decreases and vice versa.
30 x 4 = 7.5 x A2
A2= 16 cm2
12. a) 50(cm/s)
b) 26.53 (cm/s)
c) Displacement = area
= ½ x 2 x 19.8 = 19.8m
= V1 = 0.022m = 1.1ms-1
Note: the average velocity between any two dots = the velocity of a point
half way between the pts. Label the pts A.B.C.D & E label a pt x and y
half way between D and E respectively (i.e. halfway in time not distance)
T 0.06 0.06
5. v-u +at
4 = 0+5t2
t = 0.8944
= 12 x 0.8944
= 10.73m
V= 0+10x0.8944
V= 8.944m/s
Displacement is distance covered in a straight line i.e. AB since <OBA =
(d) Note: The average velocities above represent the actual velocities
Vel V1 V2 V3 V4
Plot v against t and draw the best line of fit. Find gradient =
9. (a) Initial vertical velocity = 0, a = g; s= 5m
S = 0 + 5t2
T= 1s
(c) Vv =UV + gt
Vv = 0 + 10 x 1 = 10m/s
Note: the graph is a straight line for the first 4 seconds then a curve
= 6.5s (V2)
Acc = V2 - V1 ≈4.9m/s2
a = (v - u) t
v = u + at.... (i)
s = (u + u + at)t = ut +2t2
v2 = (u + at)2
v2 = u2 + 2aut + a2t2
v2 = u2 + 2as
(b) u = 50m/s
a =2m/s2 V = 0
v2 = u2 + 2as
0 = 2500 - 4s
S= 625m
mgh = 1/2mv2
/2 v2 = gh
/2 x 36/10 = h
L = 1.8m
13. (a)
(b) (i) u = 20m/s, t=2s, v=0
V = u + at
0 = 20 + a x 2
A = -10m/s
Deceleration = 10m/s2
v2 = u2 + 2as
0 = 400 - 20s
s = 20m
V2=u2 + 2as
a= u2-900
15. (a) (i) Time between two dots = 1/f =1/50 = 0.02s
0.02 x 5
= 0.4 + 0.1
= 0.5s.
V2=2gh V2=0+2gh
V=√2gh V=√2gh
16. (a)
(iii) Particle moving at cost. vel in the opp. direction i.e. towards origin.
45 = 0+5t2
(iii) Vv = Uv + at
Vv = 0 + 10 x 3
Vv = 30m/s
=20m + 20m
15 – 0 + 5t2
16 x 3
17 x 0.2 = 14.11m/s2
22. 1936.5m
26. 20.6m/s
27. 40.9°
29. 31.25m, 2.5s
1. 1989:
Sin r 4 = 82.20
C= 48.60
Va = n
Vw 3
Vp 1.88 x 10 8
Sin C=1/1.6
c) Sin Q = 1.6
Sin 21.2
Q= 35.40
C= 45.6
= 3x 108
= 2.4 x 108
= 1.25
8. g = Real thickness
Apparent thickness
1.58= 10
Apparent thickness
Apparent thickness = 10/1.58 = 6.33cm
9 a)
- Using the metre rule, measure the apparatus distance x and the real
= Real depth
Apparent depth
w = y/x
i) Graph
ii) 1 = Real depth = gradient of the graph
Apparent depth
constant i.e.
= Sin I in medium 1
Sin r in medium 2
b) i)
a1 = Sin i
sin r
= 1.581
Sin C
1.581= 1
Sin C
1 1 = 0.6325
Sin C 1.581
C= sin -1 0.6325
= 39.230
Sin r in 2
= 0.9277
12. Solution;
Ray meets longest side of prism at 900 and passes undeviated. It makes an angle of
450 with normal at O1 and is totally internally reflected. The reflected ray makes an
angle of 450 with normal at O2 and is totally reflected as shown. Total deviation = (4
x 45)0 = 1800
Prism periscope
Optical fibre
Prism binocular
15. Solution;
Real depth
= 10/20 = ½
Apparent depth
g = 1/gradient
16. Solution;
wg =
1. 1989
R - Reaction
W - Weight
T - Tension
F= ma
55= (7 + 3) a
a= 5.5m/s2
- The total mass of the rocket decreases as the fuel burns but thrust force
is constant
- The gravitational pull decreases with increase in distance from the
3. P.E = K.E
10 x 2 5 x 20
V= 4m/s
4. Total force downward = weight of the girl = 400N. Since the lift is moving
upwards the upward force T, is greater than 400N therefore from F=ma
T= 480N= reading
6. Force upward = 600N, Force downward = 50N (wt).Therefore Net force =
550N upwards.
V = 11m/s
7. (a) (i) The body continues in its uniform state of motion velocity
V2 = U2 + 2as
0= 625 + 40a
a= -15.625m/s2
F= ma = 800x – 15.625
= -12500N
(b) Since one is moving towards the other one is +ve while the other is
v= -0.02867m/s
= -2.867 x10-2m/s
8. (a) (i)
= 5 x 10 x 0.5-6
= 19N
(ii) F= ma
19=5a = a = 3.8m/s2
U= 0m/s
S= 0.25m
t =?
s= ut + ½ at2
0.25 = 0+ 1.9t2
t2 = 0.3627s
= 0.36s
Impulse = Ft = Mv – Mu
Therefore m= 0.03kg
9. M tends to remain in its state of uniform rest due to its inertia. This
protects string A
Using F= ma
2= (2+ 0.5)a
a= 0.8m/s2
s= 0.6m
V2 = U2 + 2as
= 0+ 2+ 0.8 + 0.6
= 0.96
Therefore V= 0.9798
V= 0.098m/s
decrease in velocity.
= 52.1 + 20
p= mgsinӨ + Fr
p= 52.1 + 20
72. 1N
(b) (i) Frictional force
(ii) F= ma
32.1 = 30a
a= 1.07m/s2
f= (Change in momentum)
Time taken
When time is more the force that will decelerate the jumper will be smaller (safer)
F= ma
F= 2ma
1= a1
i.e. a2 = (½) a1 OR read the value of x- intercept i.e. when a=0 m=mo and
14. Since one is moving towards the other one has +ve vel while the other is –ve
V= 0.02867m/s
= -2.867 x 10-2m/s
decrease in velocity.
(a) A body at rest or in motion at uniform velocity tends to stay in that state
(b) (i) Slope s= 97.5 - 0 (m/s)2
16 - 0
20k = s = 6.09
V2 – U2 = 2as
V2 – 0= 2x 1.2 x 400
Momentum P = mv
24790 (table)
17. 2N
18. 7.75m/s
21. 875N
22. (a) 7.07 m/s, 0.71s,
23. 30000N
2. (a) Steam has more energy and would release its latent heat of
(b) (i) Q= m1
= 0.03 x 336000
= 10080J
Po x 100 = 60
56 x 100 = 60
Pi = 93.33w
= 16,800J
= 6720J.
(c) /5 g of alcohol will give 2.7 x 104J
/5 of petrol will give 3.84 x 104 J
= 43. 8 x 103J
w.d = mgh = 1000 x 200 x 10 = 2 x 106
4 x 43.8 x 103
= 114.2g
Heat →K.e
3. : K.e
= 64J
7. Rotational K.e
8. u= 25m/s, v= 0m/s
s= 20m
v2 = u2 + 2as
O= 625 + 40a
a= -15.625 m/s2
F= ma = 800 x – 16.625
= 12, 500N
9. (a)
10. 16 = ½ mv2
K.e = ½ m (2V1)2 =
12. (a)
E= Effort
W= Weight
R= Reaction
(b) Effort decreases because the far the force applied is from the pivot,
moment/turning effect.
(a) Total work done= area under graph i.e between the x-axis and the line
w.d = 240000J. (Note that w.d is a scalar quantity and thus the –ve is
consider as +ve)
T 3600
E = Po x 100 = 300 x 100 = 60%
P1 500
MA = 1800= 4.5
MA x 100 = 65
VR = 4.5 x 100
v.r = 6.9
= 20,000 x 3
= 60000J
t 6
= 10kw
1.5 x 100 = 75
VR = 2
19. 50kg
22. 0.676J
23. 0.05m
1. Dry cells have a very high internal resistance hence give very little current that
start a vehicle.
2. (i)
(b) (i) The current flowing through a resistor is directly proportional to the p.d.
(ii) If the temperature is controlled to remain constant then they obey ohm’s
(c) Every time the current is reversed the direction of key pointer also
(d) (i) For the two 3Ω resistors in parallel their total = product/sum=1.5 Ω
RT = 7.5 Ω
RT 7.5
I through the 3 Ω is equal to I through the Ω since total resistance in each route
p.d = 4/3 x 3 = 3V
5. (a) The current flowing through a resistor is directly proportional to the p.d
- By varying R obtain a set of corresponding values for I and p.d
- Tabulate them
- Plot V against I
(R2 + 12.5) = 20
R2 = 7.5 Ω
I= 10/4.6875 = 2.133A
8. 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 = 2 RT = 1.5 Ω
RT 6+ 3 + 6 = 6 = 3
RT 4
3 x 1 = 0.75A
I = 0.25 A
= (5 x 5) = 2.5 Ω
(5 + 5)
(iii) Note currents through Y and Q are equal since the resistance values are
Py – Pp = 0 (earthed)
Py = IV
PQ – 0= 0.5
PQ = 0.5V
(iv) P.DYQ = Py – PQ = 0.5V
R 480
= 14400J
= 14.4KJ
12. I = 1.5
0.13 = 1.5
10 + r
R= 1.5Ω
13. (a) The ratio of the pd across the ends of a metal conductor to the current
(i) It does not obey Ohm’s law; because the current – voltage graph is not
linear throughout
(0.74 – 0.70)V
(80- 50)mA
= 0.40V
30 x 10-3A
= 1.33 Ω
R= 5.3V
= 88.3 Ω
30 20 60
R= 12 Ω
Total resistance = 10 + 12 = 22 Ω
(iii) V= IR = 10 x 2.1
= 0.95V
- Alkaline cell last longer than lead acid cell
I= 1.5
R+ r
0.13 = 1.5
10 + r
R= 1.5 Ω
(a) The ratio of the pd across the ends of a metal conductor to the current
(b) (i) It does not obey Ohm’s law because the current – voltage graph is
= (0.74 – 0.70) V
(80 – 50)mA
= 0.40V
30x 10-3 A
= 1.33 Ω
R= 5.3V
= 88.3 Ω
30 20 60
R = 12 Ω
Total resistance = 10 + 12 = 22 Ω
R 22
(iii) V= 1R = 10 x 2.1/22
= 0.95V
14. 2V
15. 4 Ω, 0.5A
16. 1.43 Ω
20. No answer
1. Make the glass sooty. Make very small markings with the edge of a razor
blade. The marking (slits) run parallel, to each other light passes through
0.5 x 106
4. T = 0.45
6. f = 40.λ = 8.5m
V= f λ = 40 x 8.5
= 340m/s
7. The slit and the wavelength of the wave have to be of the same order.
8. (a) T= I = 1 = 0.25s
F 4
= 1.25 = 5 wavelengths
9. n= V air
V medium
V= 3 x 108 = 2 x 108m/s
11. C= f λ
12. (a) Stationary waves has nodes and antinodes but progressive wave
(b) (i) By using a pin to rule two parallel lines about a third of a
allowed to dry.
(ii) Light meters
of one wavelength.
13. Wavelength
14. Tank becoming shallower outwards from the centre. The speed of waves
15. They block certain directions of vibration of the light going through the
(ii) Central white fringe and fringe of different colours on either side
of central fringe
(ii) Central white fringe and fringes of other colours on either side of
white fringe
(b) (i) No energy was lost, therefore the intensity remained the same and
19. Mechanical waves require a material medium to travel through while the em
waves do not.
T = 0.007s f= 3 x 5 = 15 cm
20. 0.35S
21. 85M
22. 680M
1. ( a) (ii) Ability to store charge given by the quality of charge it can store
(b) Bring it near a charged electroscope (say +ve). If there is divergence then
the rod is +vely charged. If not, charge the electroscope -vely and bring
the rod near. If divergence is observed then they have the same charge.
Note that if decrease in divergence is observed in both cases then the rod
(c) Nothing would happen to the leaf of the electroscope. This is because in a
hollow charged conductor, the charges are distributed on the surface of the
(i) Q= CV
= 2 x 10
= 20 μC
C= 3/2 = 1.5 u F
Parallel Ct = 1.5 + 2
= 3.5 Uf
2. Parallel = CT = C1 + C2
1/CT = (C1 + C2) + C3
C3 (C1 + C2)
CT = C3 (C1 + C2)
C1 + C2 + C3
Charge stored in C2 is Q = CV = 3C
I = E = 3.0 = 0.26A
RT 11.5
Q= CV = 1.4 x 3
= 4.2 μ C
5. QT = CV = 400 μc
CT = (2 + x)
QT = 80
(400uc) = 80
X= 3 μF
Q= 200 x 5
= 1000 μf
Q= 15 μf
1000 = V
V= 66.7V
(ii) Q=C
Q= 66.7 x 5
= 333.5 μf
Q = 10 Q = 10
V 66.7
Q= 66.7 x 10
= 66.7μf
(a) 1 = 1/1.5 + ½ + 1/3
1/CT = 1.5
Ct = 0.67 μc
(b) Q= CTV
= 0.67 x 12
Q= 8.04 μc
(c) 8.04uc this is because they are in series arrangement therefore the quantity
8. For parallel CT = C1 + C2
= 1.0 μF
QT = CV = 2/3 x 6 = 4 μC
QC1 = CV = QT = 4 μC
(b) Q= CV
6.0 – 2.0
= 0.16
= 4.0
= 0.04 μF
= ½ x 40 x 10-6
= 2.00 x 10-4J.
1. P = V2
40 = 2402/R
R= 1440 Ω
2. P= V1
W/t = V1
/10 x 60 = V x 2
V= 15000
10 x 60 x 2
= 150
3. Solution
= 3.12 = 3A
4. Solution
R1 = V2/p………….. (i)
R1/R1 = V2 /P V2/8p
= V2/p x 8p/V2 =8
5. Solution
(i) Amount of current, I
6. Is the rate at which electrical energy is converted to useful work per unit time?
operating normally, the electrical power outputs is 200 watts i.e. 200J of electrical
8. (a) Solution
Electrical power P = VI
120 = 240I
I = 120/240 = 0.5A
V= 1R
R= V/J
= 240/0.5 = 480Ω
9. Solution
P= V2/R
R= V2/P
= 240 x 240
= 24 x 24 = 576Ω
1. 1989
6 x 103
= 0.5025 x 103
(ii) Some heat is used to heat up the heater, some is absorbed by the container/
2. 1991: (a) It has more heat energy than water at the same temperature.
T 100
= 56W
= 16,800J
= 60J
(c) (i) /5g alcohol gives 5.4 x 103J
/5 petrol gives 38.4 x 103J
43.8 x 103 40
Energy input
43.3 x 103
MC∆ θ= Vlt
2 x C x 10 = 90 x 15 x 60
4. 2004: - Increased Pressure
- Impurities
5. 2003:
x 25 x 25
= 7,350J = 487.5J
L= 2.3185 x 106
Or L= 2.32 x 106J/kg
6. p x t = MC ∆ θ
T= 252s
= 4.2 min
7. 2004: Decrease in V increases I hence the heating rate increase (P= 12R)
Power = m x Lf
12. 2007
(ii) In the freezing compartment the pressure in the volatile liquid is
13. 7g
14. 1167s
16. 32.51g
17. 84000 J/s, 2.8g
18. 57.50C
19. 3120J
V= Const x T
Or y =mx
But P2 = 1/3 P1
V2 = P1 x V1 = P1 x 10 = 30cm3
P2 /3 P1
2. 1989:
P1 = P2
T1 T2
T1 310
= 692.3 mm Hg
3. 1990:
Raise or lower the open end and record corresponding values of pressure
the glass tube. As the temperature of air in the tube rises, it expands and
pushes the mercury index further up the tube. The volume of air can be got
from the length up to the level of the mercury index and temperature from
the thermometer. The mercury thread is always at the same length so the
against temperature gives straight line which when extrapolated cuts the
(b) V1 = V2
T1 T2
V2 = 20 x 327
= 21.8cm3
P 1
1 or density
P Density
6. (a) Charle’s Law – For a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure the volume is
(b) (i)
(ii) Limitations
9. (a) - Heating of water/gas
different values
(b) (i)
400 – 105
3270C = 600K
P1 = P2 = 2.1 x 105 = P2
T1 T2 300 600
P2 = 4.2 x 105 p.a
11. 2004: V1 = V2
T1 T2
V2 =T2 x V1
= 353 x 200 ml
= 241 ml
13. 2007 The pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its
P T at constant volume
14. 1416 cm3
15. 0.0022m3
16. 1.25m
17. qa 0.08m
18. b 75N
Adjust the position of the search pin until there is no parallax. Measure A and R
Apparent depth A
u v f
v 10 15 30
v= 30 cm
- Now for the diverging lens, V= -15cm since the image is vertical
v 37.5 15
V= 25 cm
(c) (i) Draw rays to form 1st image due to L1. This image will be treated as the
object for L2. Use lines (Not rays to obtain the position of the final image
(ii) Measure height of I2 and divide by height of object
u v
- Adjust until a sharp image is formed
(b) Draw one ray from top of object straight through the optical centre
of the lens a
- Draw another ray parallel to the principal axis which should pass
(a) (i)
(ii) The distance between the lens is adjusted so that the image is
(iii) Shutter- Opens for some given time to alloy rays from the object to
Since v + u = 80
U = 80 – v
V =3
80 – v
V= 240 – 3v
V= 60 cm
(ii) From above u = 20cm
F v u 60 20
7. f= 15cm
8. f= 14.3cm
9. Given information
10. u= 16cm
f = 12cm
Applying l = l + l
f u v
then I = l + l
v f u
12 V16
= l = 4 -3 =1
V 48 48
Hence distance = 48
- Inverted
- Magnified
(iii) Magnification, m= v = 48 cm = 3
u 16 cm
11. Solution
Given information
V= -6 cm
U = + 15cm
Applying I = I + I
F u v
15 6
I = -3 = -1
F 30 10
F= -10
F= 10 cm
12. Solution
P= I
P = 1/10 = 1/10/100 m
= 110/100 m
= 1 x 100/10
Similarity Differences
- In the eye, retina act as the variable while that of the camera
T= F = Mv2
2 = 0.1 x V2
V2 = 2 x 1.25
V= 5m/s
t = √ (2 x 5)
= 1 seconds
(ii) S = Ut = 30 x 1 = 30m
(iii) V2 = U2 + 2as
V= √(2 x 10 x 5)
= 10m
4. V= wr
But w = θ = 2 x 7 = 14 rads -1
T 1
V= 14 x 0.20
= 8.8 m/s
mg; Fix the mass m and measure r; repeat for different values of m.
(b) Force- Mg. Calculate and fill a column for force and another for
radius in m
(ii) Gradient of the graph
0.525 – 0.075
W2 = 1.167 = 11.67
W= √11. 67
= 3.42 rads-1
7. 2f = 2 x 8
w= θ = 130 = 10rads-1
t 13
So 300 = 10
10t = 170
t = 17 sec
(c) (i) Plot the graph which is a straight line.
9. (a) Pe → Ke
mgh = ½ mv2
Or V2 = 2gh.
V = √(2x10x0.9)
V = √18 = 1.24m/s
(b) F = mg + Mv2
= 200 + 20 x 18
= 290N
10. 10m/s
13. 6.32N
14. 1744N
15. 0.41 m/s
16. 30N
1. Place it in the acid and read at the level of the acid surface. In a fully
= (0.2 103) kg
Density of glass = m
= 0.5 0.2 x 1
g g 103
= 2500 kg/m3
Volume 40
Vol 20
14. Metal is denser than water. Metal and the piece of wood have a general
density (combined density) less than that of water and floats just below the
P = gh
Force = P x A = gh x A
= 0.96N
Force = P x A = gh x A
= 0.32N
= 2.16
= 1.52N
16. Solid copper is denser than water hence the solid sphere sinks, weight is greater
than upthrust. Hollow sphere experiences an upthrust equal ti its weight so it will
float/density of hollow sphere is less than that of water i.e. volume of water
17. (i) Clockwise moments = Anticlockwise moment.
2.0g x = 1.5g x 30
2x = 45 x = 22.5cm
= 20 x 1.5
M = 30/22.5 = 1.33Kg
Upthrust = 0.67Kg.
13.6 x 103
19. The cube moves into the water, motion being opposed by liquid friction and
increasing upthrust motion stops when the whole of the cube is completely under
(c) A floating body displaces its own weight of the liquid on which it floats.
either side.
20. 296N
21. 14.52 kg
22. 1000 Kg
23. 0.969g/cm3
24. 17cm
(b) 70cm3
(c) 0.7143g/cm3
26. 5N
27. 3.33g
4. v = f x wavelength.
= v = 3.0 x 10ms-1
f 95.6 x 106s-1
= 3.14 m
7. X-rays are produced from changes in energy from electron jumps in the
shells of an atom while gamma rays are produced from energy changes in
- They all travel at 3 x 10-8m/s.
- Transverse
- All transverse.
14. (a) Radio waves, infrared, visible light, U-V radiation, X-rays.
15. X-rays.
(iii) X-rays
Np Is R 100
Is = 100 x 205
= 4.2A
2. 1max = √2 x 3
= 4.24 A
Ns 450
4. Vr.m.s. = 220
= 155.6V
5. - Hysteresis loses.
- Copper loses.
- Iron loses.
6. (i) Ns = 5
Np = 6
(ii) Is = 6
Ip = 5
7. (a) (i) Len’s law – The induced current flow is a direction such as
(b) (i) Tables per coulombs means voltage and coulomb’s seconds
(ii) Ns = Vs = Ns = 9v Ns = 18 turns.
Np Vp 480 240v
10. Vs = Ip Ip = Vs x Is = 9 x 30 = 1.125A
Vp Is Vp 240
R 2500
(f) The indicated current flows in such a direction that its magnetic effect
(g) (i) As the diaphragm vibrates, it causes the coil to move back and
forth in the magnetic field cutting the field lines; this causes a
(ii) Increasing number of turns in the coil increasing the strength of the
(h) (i) Vp = Np
Vs Ng
400 = 1200
Vs 120
Vs = 40V.
(ii) Ps = Pp = 600w
Is = 600 = 15A
(b) 0.42A
(c) 18w
(b) 31.25A
14. 94.5 cts
16. 1.6w
1. I = V/R
= 240 A
= 0.48 A
Time taken
15000 = 2 x v
10 x 60
V= 15000 = 150
2 x 10 x 60 12
4. 2000: P = V2/R
40 = 240 x 240
R = 240 x 240
= 140
6. E = Pt
= 60 x 36 x 60 x 60J
E in Kwh = 60 x 36 x 60 x 60 Kwh
1000 x 60 x 60
= 2.16 kwh
8. Maximum power = VI
= (240 x 13)w
= 3120
= 41.6
= 45Kwh
= Kshs. 360/=
R1 = V2/P, R2 = V2/8P
R1 = V2 x 8p =8
R2 p V2
10. Current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to potential
difference across its ends provided temperature and other physical quantities
remain constant.
= 36Kwh
= (36 x 1) = 36Kwh.
12. (a) When a fault occurs on an electrical appliances damage will still be done
(b) There are different circuits and each carries a different amount of current.
= (0.5 x 250)W
= Kshs. 125W
= Kshs. 16.50
3. E = hf = hc
5 x 10-19
Λ = 3.978 x 10-7
4. Low negative voltage is applied on control grid, which controls the number of
B – Filament
(theremionic emission)
(iii) Accelerating
T = 8 x 20 x 10-3
= 0.16s
F=1= 1 = 6.25Hz
T 0.16
6. Low negative voltage is applied on control grid, which control the number of
external circuit.
V= √ (2eV)
grating separation. Lead because it is very dense, has high atomic mass.
Electron charge = 1.6 x 10-19 C
1.6 x 10-19
(c) ½ mv2 = ev
V= √ 2eV
9.1 x 10-31
of sheets, Paper.
6. Hard X- rays are more penetrating than soft X- rays due to their higher
(b) 36,875V
9. 3.1 x 10-11m.
10. The fins are used to cool the copper rod which conducts heat away from the
= 1.6 x 10 – 15 Houles
Energy of x- rays is hf
Where f= c
λ mm
λ mm
1.6 x 10-15
λ mm = 1.24 x 10-10m
12. Hard x- rays produced higher EHT results in faster electrons hence higher energy
x- rays.
= 3.63 x 10-19 J
1.6 x 10-19
2. θ = E = hf f = E = 8.0 x 10-18
h 3.34 x 10-34
f= 3.35 x 1015
3.35 x 1015
hf = hfo + ½ mv2
f 11.2 x 10-19
= 1.76 x 10-7m
(iii) The energy of the radiation must be greater than the work function
beam cuts off the circuit: use with relay to switch on a second
4. Electrons ejected from inside the metal lose more energy on the way out
while those on the surface require very little work function to be removed.
5. (i)
= 7.95 x 10-19
7. (i) Photo – electric effect takes place releasing the extra electrons.
(ii) The electrons released are attracted back by the positive charge.
f0 = 7.76 x 1014Hz
9. 2007: PP2
14. This is the minimum amount of work required to free an electron from a metal
15. No = hf0
f0 = w0
= 2.0 x 1.6 x 10-19 Hz
6.63 x 10-34
16. eV = ½ meV2
V2 = 2ev
Me 9 x 10-31
(ii) -When an alpha or beta particle or gamma ray enters the tube
through the mica window, they ionize the gas inside the tube.
(b) (i) Medicine: Deep penetrating gamma rays are used in the treatment
of cancerous growth.
2. (i)
(ii) It will be zero
3. -Dosage
-Type of radiation
-Penetrating power
7. 14 X 0
C → N + B
6 7 y
14 = x + 0 thus x = 14
6 = 7 + y thus y = -1
14 14 40
C = N+e
6 7 -1
9. After 3s number decayed
= 3.84 x 1020
10. No of T½ = 4
(ii) X- 88
Y – 228
(iii) Increase roller pressure
of them.
(v) Alpha particles have low penetration power and so will not
(vi) If a half life is short, decay rate reduces very fast with time
a= 234
b= 82
13. (a) 23
/9 X → 8 (8/2 ) + 10 (4/1 β) + Y
decreases by 2
(iii) Beta particles: easily deflected because they are light and carries
little charge.
14. The substance takes 57 days to reduce its remaining mass by half.
15. (i) Alpha particles are weak in penetrating solid. So it has to be thin to
(ii) It causes ionization of the gas inside. The +ve ions move to the –ve plate
and –ve ions move to the +ve terminal. This causes a flow of charge which
16. 24 24 0
Na → Y + e
11 12 -1
0 5
5 2.5
10 1.25
15 0.625
spoiled. It should give deflection when connected in one way and not the other.
Connect diode and check whether current flows reverse terminals of diode and
check again.
their conduction
(ii) The group V elements form covalent bonds with the semiconductor atoms
7. (i) Semiconductors are from group 4 while conductors are from group 1,2 or
as temp increases. The conductors are good conductors at low temp and
8. Positive holes
- Diode is forward – biased: current flows
12. Is the atom introduced into the semiconductor (doping) to provide an extra
13. :
14. No answer
15. Intrinsic semiconductors are pure materials which conduct electricity under
Extrinsic semiconductors are materials that have been fitted with impurities.
16. (i)
1. A drug manufacturer gives the mass of the active ingredient in a tablet as 5 mg.
2. The masses of equal volumes of a certain liquid and of water were found to be mv
and mw respectively. Given that the density of water is 1gcm-3, express the
a) On the same diagram show with arrows the other two forces acting on the
b) State how each of the two forces named (a) above is affected when the
4. Water is known to boil at 1000C. A student heated some water and noticed that it
boiled at 1010C.
5. Fig: 2 shows a flask filled with water. The flask is fitted with a cork through
which a tube is inserted. When the flask is cooled, the water level rises slightly,
6. Fig. 3 shows a hot water bath with metal rods inserted through one of its sides.
Some wax is fixed at the end of each rod. Use this information to answer
questions 6 and 7.
7. Besides the length of the rods that is kept constant, what else should be kept
constant when comparing the property for the different metal rods? (1mk)
8. Fig. 4 shows a conical flask 15cm high, filled with a liquid of density 1200kgm-3.
Determine the pressure at the point marked X, at the bottom of the flask. (3mks)
10. Fig. 5 shows a toy resting on top of a closed bottle. Use the information on the
Mark on the diagram, point Q, the approximate centre of gravity of the toy.
11. Giving a reason, name the state of equilibrium of the toy. (2mks)
12. Fig. 6 shows a sheet of paper rolled into a tube.
When a fast stream of air is blown into the tube as shown in the diagram the paper
13. The graphs in Fig. 7 represent the relations between extension e and mass m
Given that the two springs are made of same materials, give a reason why the
When the temperature of the water is raised the system is observed to tilt to the
the edge of the bench. The brass mass on the top of the trolley flies off on
impact and lands on the ground 2.5m from the edge of the bench.
(i) The time taken by the brass mass to reach the ground; (2mks)
(ii) The speed at which the trolley struck the barrier. (2mks)
b) You are provided with the apparatus shown in Fig. 9 and a stop watch.
Describe an experiment to determine the specific latent heat of steam, l,
using the set up. In your answer clearly explain the measurements to be
17. a) What is meant by absolute zero temperature? (1mk)
b) State two factors that are kept constant, in order to determine the
relationship. (2mks)
(i) What was the volume of the gas at 00C? (1mk)
(ii) At what temperature would the volume of the gas be zero? (1mk)
(iii) Explain why the temperature in part (ii) above cannot be achieved.
250C, and at a pressure of 9.5x 104pa. the gas in the cylinder was then
cooled to 100C.
18. (a) Define the term velocity ratio of a machine. (1mk)
(b) Fig. 12 shows part of a hydraulic press. The plunger is the position where
effort is applied while the Ram piston is the position where load is applied.
The plunger has cross-section area, a m2 while the Ram piston has cross-
When the plunger moves down a distance d the Ram piston moves up a
distance D.
(i) State the property of liquid pressure on which the working of the
(ii) Derive an impression for the velocity ratio (V.R) in terms of A and
a. (4mks)
b) A uniform metal strip is 3.0cm wide, 0.6cm thick d 100cm long. The
The strip placed n a pivot and kept in equilibrium by forces as shown in fig. 13
(iii) X is the distance from the end of the plank to the point of application of
force F. Force F is now applied at various points nearer to the pivot so that
1. Figure 1 shows three point sources of light with an opaque object placed between
leaf electroscope B is placed on the same bench and moved close to A until the
caps touch. State and explain what is observed on the leaves of A and B.
wires. Draw a diagram for a circuit that could be used to investigate the variation
of the potential difference across the cell with the current drawn from the cell.
4. An un-magnetized steel rod is clamped facing North-South direction and then
The object is now moved along the principal axis until a virtual image is
(i) Draw the object O in the new position along the principal axis;
6. Figure 3 shows a flat spring made of iron clamped horizontally on the bench over
a solenoid.
When the switch is closed, the spring vibrates. Explain this observation. (3mks)
7. Figure 4 shows a hack-saw blade clamped horizontally on a bench and the free
The movement o a 0 b 0 a 0 b
The speed of the waves in medium (2) is higher than that in medium (1). On the
same diagram complete the figure to show the wavefronts after crossing the
boundary. (2mks)
Giving a reason for your answer in each case, state the reading of the
(i) Open
(ii) Closed
10. A heating coil is rated 100W, 240V. At what rate would it dissipate energy if it is
11. Figure 7 shows how rays from a distant and a near object are focused inside a
Name the defect and state the cause of this defect. (1mk)
Cause of defect…………………………………………………………………
12. A narrow beam of electrons in a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) strike the screen
producing a spot. State what is observed on the screen if a low frequency a.c
13. The accelerating potential of a certain X-ray tube is increased. State the change
14. A radioactive isotope of copper decays to form an isotope of Zinc as shown below
69 69
Cu Zn + radiation
29 30
Name the radiation emitted and give a reason for your answer
15. a) State one factor that affects the speed of sound in a solid. (1mk)
b) An observer stands half-way between two vertical cliffs that are L metres
apart. He moves directly towards one cliff and after a distance x=10cm
from the centre, he strikes a gong and measures the time interval, t,
between the echoes heard from the two cliffs. He moves a further 10m and
again strikes the gong and measure the time interval between the echoes.
The process is repeated several times. The graph in Figure 8 shows the
relation between the time interval, t and the distance, x from the centre.
(i) From the graph, determine the value of x for which the time
(ii) Given that t= 4/vx where v is the speed of sound in air, determine
(c) A search boat uses a signal of frequency 6.0 x 104 Hz to detect a sunken
ship directly below. Two reflected signals are received; one after 0.1
seconds from sunken boat and the other after 0.14 seconds from the sea
(i) The speed of the signal in water. (3mks)
(ii) The depth of the sunken ship below the boat ( 2 mks)
16. (a) State two conditions necessary for total internal reflection to occur
( 2 mks)
(b) Figure 9 shows a ray of light incident on the boundary between two media
1 and at an angle θ
Show that the refractive index for a ray of light traveling from medium 1
M2 = 1
Sin θ (2 mks)
(c) Figure 10 shows a ray of light incident on one face of a block of ice of
(iii) Angle θ, the greatest angle for which the total internal reflection is
possible ( 2 mks)
17. (a) Three resistors of resistance 2.0 , 4.0 and 6.0 are connected together
in a circuit.
(b) In figure 11 the voltmeter reads 2.1 V when the switch is open. When the
switch is closed, the voltmeter reads 1.8 V and the ammeter reads 0.1A.
When the switch is closed, the galvanometer shows a reading and then
returns to zero. When the switch is then opened, the galvanometer shows a
reading in the opposite direction and then returns to zero. Explain these
observations. ( 3 mks)
(i) A soft- iron core ( 2 mks)
(c) An ideal transformer has 2000 turns in the primary circuit and 200 turns in
the secondary circuit. When the primary circuit is connected to a 400V a.c.
19. (a) X- rays are used for detecting cracks inside metal beams
(i) Name the parts labeled A and B ( 2 mks)
(ii) Explain how a change in the potential across PQ changes the intensity of
(iii) During the operation of the tube, the target becomes very hot. Explain
(iv) What property of lead makes it suitable for use as shielding material?
(1 mk)
Assuming all the energy goes to produce X- rays, determine the frequency
For water V = Mw
For liquid V = M1
Mw = Mv
1 p
P = Mv
Relative density = Mv = Pv
Mw 1
P = Mv
3. (a)
(b) R (reaction) increases while F (Friction) reduces or R approaches W while
F reduces
5. When flask is cooled it contracts/ volume reduces water due to poor conductivity
of glass, subsequently as both cool the contraction of glass is less than that of
= 1200 x 10 x 15 x `0-2
= 1800 pa
= 8.58 x 104 Pa
P= PA + hpg
= 8.58 x 104 Pa
- Forces of attraction in liquids are higher/ stronger/ larger / greater than in gases.
11. – Stable equilibrium
12. Fast stream of air reduces pressure inside the tube. Pressure from outside is
greater than inside hence collapses or pressure differences causes the paper to
13. Diameter of the coils is different or wires have different thickness or number of
turns per unit length is different or length of the springs is different cross-
the (resultants external) force producing the change and takes place in the
49 = 0 + ½ a x 72
9= 2 m/s2
= u+v t or
If = 0 + v x7
= 14m/s
V = u + at Either
= 14m/s
V2 = u2 + 2as
= 0 + 2 x 49
V= 2 x 2 x 49
= 14m/s
1.2 = 0 + ½ x 10 x t2
t= /5 = 0.49
V2 = u2 + 2gs
V= u + gt
V2 = 0 + 2 x 10 x 1.2 = 24
V= 24 = 4.899
= 0 + 10 x t
t = 0.4899
16. (a) Heat capacity of a body is the energy required to raise the temperature of
Pt = (mi – mf) L
L= pt
mi – mf
Initial mass = mi
Final mass = mf
Time taken- t
Heat given = heat gained + heat gained + heat of heat by water by
calorimeter vaporization.
= 40 (34 – 25) = 40 x 9
= 360J
(ii) MwCw x ∆θ
= 3.780J
= 0.15cm x 66 = 9.9 cm or
= 360 + 3780
= 4140J
(d) P1 V1 = P2 V2
T1 T2
But V1 = V2
P2 = P1 x T2 = 95 x 103 x 283
T1 298
18. (a)
by ram
/D = A/9
V.R = A/9
(c) (i) M.A Load/ Effort or substitution
= 4.5 x 103
= 33 1/3
= 33.3
V.R 45
= 74%
= 100 – 74 = 26%
6075 6075
W = mg = 486 x 10 = 4.86N
W = mg but M = PV
W = Pvf
= 4.86 N
20F = 15 x 4.86
F= 15 x 4.86 = 3.645N
R= F + W
F = R – W
= 8.505 – 4.86
= 3.645N
(iv) As X increases the distance between F and pivot reduces so
-Rays of light are completely blocked from the region or no light reaches this
2. –The leaf in A falls some distance while the leaf in B rises a little distance
4. Hammering causes the domains (dipoles) in the rod to vibrate, when settling some
of the domains align themselves in the N- S direction due to the earths magnetic
5. (i)
6. When the switch is closed so that current flows the inner core in the
solenoid is magnetized attracting the flat spring, this causes a break in contact
disconnecting the current so that magnetism is lost releasing the spring and
9. (i) V = 0V
Reason No current
(ii) V = 3v
10. P = V2 R= 2402
R 100
Cause of defect. Extended eyeball ½ lens, has short focal length lens is too
(ii) V = 4x
/t = slope x 10-1 = (0.51)-1
V = 43 x 4 = 337m/s
337 x 4.7 = 2L
L= 792m
Distance = 98 x 2m
V= 98 x 2 98
0.14 0.4
= 1400m/s
(ii) Distance = v x t
= 1400 x 0.10
= 70m
16. (a) -Light must travel from denser to less dense medium
Sin r
Since i = 90, r = θ
12 = Sin 90
Sin θ
12 = 1/ Sin θ
Sin r Sin 90
12 = 1 =1
12 Sin θ
(c) (i) Sin θ = Sin c = 1 = 1 = 0.763
n 1.31
θ = 49.80 (49.760)
(ii) X = 90 - θ
= 40.240
Sin x
θ = 57.8
(b) (i) 2.1V
(ii) The difference in reading is the p.d across the internal resistance
0.1r = 0.3V
r= 0.3 = 3
(iii) When current is being drawn from the cell the p.d across the
0.1 x R = 1.8V
R = 1.8 = 18
18. (a) When the switch is closed , flux in the coil on LHS grows and links
When the I is steady No. flux change and hence no. when the switch is
opened, the flux collapses even in the boil on RHS inducing current in
opposite director.
(ii) Laminated core reduces losses due to eddy currents, this is because
(resistance) considerably.
Vp = Np
Vs Ns
Np = 400V Vs=?
Np = 2000 Ns = 200
2000 = 400
200 Vs
2000 = Vs Vs = 40V
200 400
Power = IS VS = 800W
Is = 800W
= 20A
(ii) Pp = Ps
800w = 400 x Ip
Ip = 24
(b) (i)
No. of electrons (Intensity of e-s) (Temperature of cathode)
x- rays
(c) Energy of e- s = ev = QV
= 6.62 x 10-34 Js x f
f = 2.9 x 1018 HZ
Metre rule
Stop watch
(a) Fix the thread between the two wooden blocks and fasten in the clamp. Adjust the
thread so that length L shown the figure below is 50cm. Fix the metre rule
horizontally to the bench using the cello tape provided. Adjust the clamps so that
(i) Displace the pendulum bob by a horizontal distance x = 10cm and measure the
(ii) Repeat the experiment to find h for each of the following values. X = 25 cm,
20 400
25 625
30 900
35 1225
40 1600
45 2025
(iii) Plot the graph of X2/h cm against h starting the X2/h axis scale from 50cm and h-
axis scale from zero. Draw the best line through the points.
(b) Raise the clamp slightly without changing the length I so the pendulum bob is free
to swing. Displace the bob through a horizontal distance of about 10cm and let it
free to swing.
(i) Determine the periodic, T for one complete oscillation by timing twenty
Time for 20 oscillations = (1 mark)
Period T (1 mark)
Two bosses
A metre rule
A pendulum bob
Piece of thread
Proceed as follows
a) Tie the thread provided to the pendulum bob securely so that it is the centre of the
thread (put the thread through the hole or loop of the bob up to the centre and then
make a knot).
b) Use your pen to mark on the loose ends of the thread, point A and B 50 cm from
c) Fix the bosses on the stands at points 60 cm above the bench. Suspend the bob
between the two stands by tying the loose ends of the thread to the bosses at the
points marked in (b) above. See below (A and B are the marked points).
d) Adjust the position of one of the stands (by moving it closer to the other) So that
the distance d is 50cm. Give the bob a small displacement perpendicular to the
plane containing the two portions of the thread and then release it. Measure t1 the
time for 10 oscillations Repeat the measurement and record in table below.
e) Repeat the procedure in (d) for other values of d shown in the table and complete
the table.
Distance (cm) 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
T4 (S4)
d2 (sm2)
T4 = pd4 + q
I. p and q (5 marks)
Metre rule
100g mass
50g mass
Proceed as follows:
(a) Balance the metre rule horizontal by suspending it from the stand and clamp with
G = _______cm (1 mark)
(b) Suspend the 100g mass from the metre rule at a point such that x=5 cm from point
G. With 100g mass completely immersed in water in the beaker hang the 50g
mass from the metre rule and adjust its position until the system is in equilibrium
P=_______ (1 mark)
Repeat the procedure for values of x= 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 25 cm…….. record the values
NOTE: ensure that during each case the position of the thread through G does not change.
X 0.32
Two masses
A stopwatch or clock
(a) Suspend the bar by the wire such that the length of the wire between the clamp
Note: ensure that the wire is tightly clamped using the pieces of wood provided
and that the metal bar lies horizontally by straightening the wire.
(b) Place the masses on the first mark (r=2cm) on either side of the centre of the bar.
(c) Displace the bar slightly as shown in the figure so that it performs oscillations
This may be achieved by turning the bar about the centre and then releasing it.
(d) Measure and record in the table provided the time t for 10 oscillations. Determine
the period T.
(e) Repeat b, c and d above for other values of r shown on the table. Complete the
R (m)
R2 (m2)
T2 (S2)
Gradient (3 marks)
Intercept (1 mark)
Determine the constant C (2 marks)
(6 marks)
- Labeling
- Plotting
- Straight line
- Evaluating of gradient
(ii) - Substitution
- Removal of square root
- P the subject
- Evaluation of P
Distance d (cm) 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Time t for 10 13.6 13.44 13.06 12.77 12.38 12.0 11.65 10.84 10.09
Periodic time(s) 1.36 1.344 1.306 1.277 1.238 1.2 1.165 1.084 1.009
T4(S4) 3.42 3.26 2.91 2.66 2.35 2.07 1.84 1.38 1.03
D2 (sm2) 2500 3025 3610 4225 4900 5625 6400 7225 8100
P = gradient ∆T4
= 3.42 – 2.07
2500 – 5625
= 1.35
(a) G = 50 0.5cm
(b) P = 58.6cm
5 58.6 8.6
10 67.3 17.3
15 75.8 25.8
20 84.6 84.6
25 93.1 43.1
(ii) Slope = ∆Y
D= 0.8g/cm3
Time for 10 osci. (s) 19.0 20.7 23.51 27.0 30.9 35.0
Consistent scale accommodating all values
0.0144 – 0.0064
= 4.96
= 620S2/m2
Intercept = 3.4 s2
C= 4x (3.142)2
5 x 620
4 x (3.142)2
= 1.097 x 10-2m2
- A metre rule
- A stop watch
Proceed as follows
The thread tied to the mass should be held firmly between the two blocks of wood and
clamped to the upper end of the stand so that the mass hangs freely. The distance L
between the point of support and the centre of the mass is 100cm. Ensure that L remains
constant throughout the experiment. Adjust the lower clamp so that the optical pin
(a) Adjust the position of the lower clamp so that the pin is at the distance X= 35cm
above the centre of the mass. Displace the mass slightly to one side and release it
so that it swings in a plane perpendicular to the pin and the thread hits the pin as
shown in figure 2.
(b) Repeat the procedure in (b) for other values of X shown in table 1.
Table 1
Distance x (cm) 35 40 45 50 55 60
T = T/20 = (s)
- A Voltemeter
- A switch
Proceed as follows
(a) (i) Record the voltemeter reading E, when the crocodile clips are connected
together (R=0)
E = __________ volts
Open the switch and separate the crocodile clips. Indicate by ticking
(ii) Now connect the crocodile clips across resistance R= 1000. Close the
switch and record in table 2 the voltemetre reading V. Open the switch
(b) Repeat the procedure in (b) (ii) for other values of resistance R shown in the table.
Table 2
I (v-1)
(c) On the grid provided plot the graph of R (y-axis) against I/V (5 marks)
Hint: Draw your axes to include point (0, 0) half way up the page i.e the
Question 1
- Copper wire
- A stop watch
(a) Clamp the cork so that the optical pin is horizontal. Hang the copper wire from
the pin by the loop as shown in figure 1. Ensure the wire is straight and the length
X between the lower tip and the optical pin is 32 cm. If the length exceeds 32 cm
reduce by cutting at the lower tip using the wire cutters provided.
(b) Displace the lower tip of the wire slightly in a plane perpendicular to the optical
pin and then release it. Measure the time t for 20 oscillations of the wire and
(c) Repeat the procedure in (b) above for other values of X shown in the table. (Note
that each length X is obtained by cutting off an appropriate length from the lower
tip of the wire. For example to get X= 28cm cut off 4 cm from the lower end).
Length X (cm) 32 28 24 20 16 12
Period (T = t/20(S)
T2 (S2)
S= 8 π
- A cylindrical container
- Some water
- A stop watch
- A boiling tube
- Some sand
- A rubber band
Proceed as follows:
(f) Tie the rubber band round the boiling tube so that it is at a distance L= 12 cm
from the bottom of the tube (see fig 21). Pour water into cylindrical container
until the level is about 2.0 cm from the top of the beaker. Float the boiling tube in
the water in the container. Add sand gradually into the boiling tube until the tube
(g) Depress the boiling tube slightly and release so that is oscillates vertically without
touching the sides of the container. Measure and record in table 2 the time t1, for
five oscillations of the boiling tube, Repeat the procedure two more times to
obtain t2, and t3 and record the values in table 2. Complete the table.
Table 2
T= (t1 + t2 + t3) 5
(3 marks)
(h) Evaluate P=40L given that L is the length of the tube up to the rubber band in (f)
Questions 2
- Four (4) optical pins
Proceed as follows
(a) Place the plain sheet of paper on the soft board. Trace the triangular outline of the
prism on the sheet of paper. Remove the prism and use a ruler to extend the three
(b) On the side AB of the triangular outline, draw a normal at a point half-way
between A and B. This normal will be used for the rest of this experiment.
(c) Draw a line at an angle I = 300 to the normal. Stick two pins P1 and p2 vertically
(d) Place the prism accurately on the outline. By viewing through the prism from side
AC stick two other P3 and P4 vertically such that they are in line with the images
of pins P1 P2. Remove the prism and the pins. Draw a line joining marks made by
P3 and P4. Extended this line to meet AC. (see figure 3 (b). Measure and record in
(e) Repeat the procedures in (c) and (d) above for other values of I shown in table 3.
Angle θ (deg)
Angle of emergence
(f) (i) On the grid provided plot the graph of the angle of emergence E (y- axis)
(ii) Use the graph to find i0 the angle of incidence at which I = E (1 mark)
(iii) Evaluate
(I) y = 2i0 – R
(II) b= 2 sin i0
- A candle
- A metre rule
(g) Arrange the lightened candle, the lens and the screen as shown in figure 4. Adjust
the position of the screen until a sharp inverted image of the candle is formed on
the screen.
V= _____cm
(ii) Determine the focal length of the lens using the formula f= uv/u+v (1 mk)
(h) Now arrange the lightened candle, the screen with cross wires and the lens as
shown in figure 5. Ensure that the centre of the lens, the cross-wires and the
candle flame lie on the same horizontal line. The candle flames should be placed
(i) Adjust the position of the lens until a sharp image of the cross-wire is formed on
the screen next to the cross-wires. (Hint you have to rotate the lens slightly about
a vertical axis so that the image of the cross-wires falls on the screen next to the
D ________ cm (1 mark)
(ii) Evaluate:
(I) L= df
f-d (1 mark)
(II) X= L+1
2f (1 mark)
1. (c)
Table 1
Distance X (cm) 35 40 45 50 55 60
osc (s)
T= t (s) 29.5 – 33.5 31.3 – 35.3 32.5 – 36.5 33.4 – 37.4 34.2-38.2 34.6
(1 mark)
(c) Substitution of n
2. (b) (i)
1. (c)
Length X (cm) 32 28 24 20 16 12
Time t for 20 oscillations (S) 18.50 17.40 16.10 14.60 13.30 11.20
(d) Graph
=0.24 = 0.0267 s2
9 cm
(ii) S = 8π2
3k 0.0267 = 8π2
k = 8π
3x 0.0267
= 313. 767