Qiqc Report Draft
Qiqc Report Draft
Qiqc Report Draft
Student Information
Full Name Roll No.
Swarup Kuamr Giri 22134006
Department of Physics
National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER)
Bhubaneshwar, India
May 5, 2024
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The importance of matrix product states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
4.1 Solution 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6 References 12
A Appendix A title 13
Project : Matrix Product State
1 | Introduction
1.1 | The importance of matrix product states
Quantum many-body systems, particularly strongly correlated systems within condensed matter physics,
are extremely important in modern physics. Examples of systems with intriguing properties include
spin glasses [16], frustrated magnets [18], and superconductors [3]. Even simple models of these systems
present a challenge to both analytical and numerical solution approaches due to the large number of
interacting degrees of freedom. The dimension of the underlying Hilbert space increases exponentially
with the number of particles in a system. If it can be described by differential systems on a symplectic
manifold, and there are as many constants of motion as degrees of freedom, it can be solved analytically,
and the system is called ”integrable” [5].
However, the vast majority of such models are not integrable and must be treated numerically. To
determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hamiltonian scale disproportionate to the number of
particles or total system length, ”brute force” diagonalization methods can only be applied to small
systems because of limited computing power. Fortunately, most physical systems can be adequately
described by focusing on local interactions, which locate the important ground states in a small portion of
the vast Hilbert space.
For such a system, the matrix product state (MPS) formalism proves to be an effective variational approach
for rebuilding the ground states at zero temperature with minimal processing power. It is analogous
to parametrizing a more compact submanifold of Hilbert space, describing only the sectors with less
entanglement between the system’s subparts by construction. Interesting states include those with low
energy and a few excited thermal states. It has been demonstrated [6] that the ground and thermal states
of Hamiltonians with local interactions follow the area law for entanglement, which immediately connects
low-energy states to those with low entanglement.
The popularity of MPS in recent years stems from the DMRG method, developed by S. White et al. in
the 1990s [20].
The primary goal of this thesis is to provide an introduction to tensor networks and the reformulated
DMRG as part of the MPS formalism from a quantum information perspective. A DMRG program will
be tested for the Ising and BLBQ Heisenberg models, comparing the numerical results to the available
analytical solutions.
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Some paragraphs on measuring observables with the MPS obtained by the DMRG software are a crossover
to the demonstration section.
{|0⟩1 , |1⟩1 } ∈ H1 , {|0⟩2 , |1⟩2 } ∈ H2 , {|0⟩1 |0⟩2 , |1⟩1 |1⟩2 , |0⟩1 |1⟩2 , |1⟩1 |0⟩2 } ∈ H3 , (2.1)
assuming m ≤ min (dim (HA ) , dim (HB ))and ⟨α | α′ ⟩A = ⟨α | α′ ⟩B = δαα′ . The singular value decomposi-
tion results in an orthonormal basis for both HA and HB .
1. |α⟩A , |α⟩B are known as Schmidt vectors.
2. m = 1 ⇔ |ψA,B ⟩ is separate.
3. Schmidt rank, or m, is a first measure of entanglement. The more m, the more intertwined the state.
The entropy can be determined by decomposing the state using SVD to read out the singular values,
which directly refer to the entanglement of the bond between the two subsystems, or by computing the
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reduced density matrix. The reduced density matrix of a state with common orthonormal basis |ψ⟩ of two
systems A and B is defined as the partial trace of the common density matrix ϱAB = ϱA ⊗ ϱB ,
The von Neumann entropy is calculated using the reduced density matrix ϱA/B .
SA/B ≡ − tr ϱA/B log ϱA/B
λ2α log λ2α .
Figure 2.1: Tensor graph examples. Scalar, vector, matrix, and rank-3 tensor are shown in order from
left to right. Each index is represented by a tensor leg.
Equation 2.2 illustrates a contraction of index β. The non-contracted indices α and λ are termed open
indices. These standards produce a graphical depiction of contractions. As a result, Figure 2 shows a
matrix multiplication that is equivalent to Equation 2.2.
This notation visually represents a complex contraction and highlights several aspects that are hidden in
a large number of indices, such as the cyclic property of a trace of a matrix product (see Fig. 3).
Figure 2.3: Trace of a matrix product in graphical and analytical notation, using sum convention.
Assuming A and B are (m × m) matrices, matrix multiplication in Eq. 2.2 requires O(m3 ) operations for
contraction.This number of operations cannot be lowered using simple matrix multiplication methods,
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however, when dealing with more complicated tensor contractions, the sequential arrangement must be
considered. For example, both contractions in Fig. 4
provide the same outcome but require a different number of operations. This is necessary for programming
the contraction and determining the optimized computation time.
Figure 2.4: Trace of a matrix product in graphical and analytical notation, using sum convention.
For a 1D spin-1 chain of length L, B = L − 1 for an open boundary condition (OBC) and B = L
for a periodic boundary condition (PBC), with L + 1 ≡ 1. Each particle can inhabit one of three
orthonormal states. |σϵ{|+⟩, |0⟩, |−⟩}. The spin operators can be expressed component by component:
⃗l = S x , S y , S z .T
S l l l
Slj = I ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗S j ⊗ I · · · ⊗ I jϵ{x, y, z}
| {z } | {z }
l−1 L−l
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|1, +1⟩ = √ (|+⟩l |0⟩l+1 − |0⟩l |+⟩l+1 ) ,
|1, 0⟩ = √ (|+⟩l |−⟩l+1 − |−⟩l |+⟩l+1 ) ,
|1, −1⟩ = √ (|−⟩l |0⟩l+1 − |0⟩l |−⟩l+1 ) ,
|0, 0⟩ = √ (|+⟩l |−⟩l+1 + |−⟩l |+⟩l+1 − |0⟩l |0⟩l+1 ) .
The three triplet states are defined as
|+⟩ = | ↑↑⟩, |0⟩ = √ (| ↑↓⟩ + | ↓↑⟩), |−⟩ = | ↓↓⟩. (2.4)
To understand the formalism and structure of MPS, consider the introduction of a mapping, which results
in a simple non-trivial tensor network as a solution for the ground state.
According to Eq. 2.4, the Hamiltonian’s ground state in Eq. 2.3 should be made up of linkages that never
result in a total spin-2 state. A spin-1 chain can achieve this state by projecting two symmetric spin-1/2
subcomponents onto a triplet state at each lattice point. All spin-1/2 pairings between adjacent spin-1
systems contract to a singlet state with spin zero.
Figure 2.5: AKLT is the state for Open boundary conditions. The grey tensors with a leg at the bottom
represent the contraction of two (blue) virtual spin-1/2 to one physical spin. The zigzag line represents
singlet boundaries between adjacent spin-1/2. By construction, the boundary spin-1/2 is free.
Let |a⟩ = |a1 . . . aL ⟩ , |b⟩ = |b1 . . . bL ⟩ denote the left and right spin1/2 on each point. The state |ψ⟩ can
be expressed as its subcomponents. XX
|ψ⟩ = cab |ab⟩.
a b
It is now possible to write the complete state using singlet-bonded spin-1/2 particles.
|ψΣ ⟩ = Σb1 a2 Σb2 a3 . . . ΣbL−1 aL |ab⟩
a b
The state is represented as a matrix product, with local states made up of two constituents. To incorporate
the projection to physical spin-1, design a mapping operator Mab ′ that acts on |σ⟩⟨ab|. In matrix form,
this yields !
0 √1
+ 1 0 0 2 − 0 0
M = , M = √1
, M = .
0 0 2
0 0 1
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or equivalently by the AKLT matrices Aσ ∝ M σ Σ, normalised in the thermodynamic limit (system size
L→∞) q
q ! 1
0 2 − 3 0 0 0
+ 0 −
A = 3 , A = q , A = q .
0 0 0 1 − 23 0
with rank 3 tensors. A[i] represents site-dependent dimensions. The 1D matrix product state is represented
by (mi × mi+1 × di ). Except for the borders, the matrices Aσi in the AKLT model are all equivalent
and have the dimension ((mi = 2) × (mi+1 = 2) × (di = 3)). As a result, the whole phrase simplifies. To
summarize briefly: The ground state can be rewritten as an MPS by introducing maximally entangled
Figure 2.6: Starting from Ψσ1 ,...,σL , the MPS can be obtained using sequential reshaping, SVD, and
permutation, as needed.
1. Create a tensor Ψσ1 ...σL with dimensions (3 × 3 · · · × 3 × 3) to represent the 3L coefficients cσ1 ,...,σL .
| {z }
2. Transform the tensor into a matrix Ψσ1 ...σL → Ψ̃σ1 (σ2 ...σL ) .
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4. Reshape Uσ1 α1 into a tensor Uασ11 ≡ Γσα11 , and reshape the matrix Λα1 α1 Vα+1 (σ2 ...σL ) → Ṽ(α1 σ2 )(σ3 ...σL )
and create an additional SVD to gain
At each step, the matrices U, Λ, V , and Γ vary. Thus, the coefficients cσ1 ...σL are obtained by the
contraction of L separate Γ matrices.
[1] [2] [L−1] [L]
Cσ1 ...σL = Γσ1 Γσ2 . . . ΓσL−1 ΓσL (2.6)
A naı̈ve decomposition would result in the splitting of matrices with exponential rising dimensions.
However, the SVD shows that these dimensions may be greatly reduced since information between two
subsystems is constrained. In the AKLT condition, the Schmidt rank is even constant at m = 2.
To compute expectation values, it is more advantageous to use an analogue representation for operators O
[1] [2] [L−1] [L]
⟨σ|O|σ ′ ⟩ = Ωσ1 σ′ Ωσ2 σ′ . . . ΩσL−1 σ′ Ωσ L σ ′
1 2 L−1 L
may be decomposed similarly to Fig. 6 using SSVD, but with two physical indices σi , σi′ instead of only
one. This means that in graphical notation, each tensor of a matrix product operator (MPO) at site j has
rank-4, and the pictorial representation consists of two vertical lines, one for an ingoing quantum number
and one for an outgoing one. The finished MPO includes two physical legs vertically and two auxiliary
legs horizontally (see Fig. 7). The boundary tensors can also be written using dummy indices.
σ ,σ ′
Figure 2.7: The MPO chain has L sites. At site j, each tensor Ωαjj ,βlj contains two physical indices
σj , σj′ as well as two auxiliary indices αj , βj .
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Project : Matrix Product State
Fortunately, given an operator described as a sum of local operators (for example, the link model
Hamiltonian or magnetization), the MPO form may be immediately P written′ down. Consider the local
block Ωσσ and its projector |σ⟩ ⟨σ ′ | to obtain a local operator Ω̂i = σσ′ Ω.σσ |σ⟩ ⟨σ ′ | applies to the local
quantum numbers σ and σ ′ . The total operator is a composite of operators acting on many local Hilbert
O = Ω̂1 Ω̂2 . . . Ω̂L
As a result, contractions of these operator-valued tensors produce a total of tensor products of their
respective operators. A simple example should demonstrate the fundamental notion underlying the
compact Hamiltonian form. The 1D Ising Hamiltonian in a transverse field with OBC is given by
HIsing = − Jij Six Sjx − Γ Siz . (2.8)
i=1,j=1 i=1
The Hamiltonian is formally represented as S x/z = 12 σx/z . In this thesis, ℏ = c0 = 1 for simplicity. In
the following, we assume that this coupling is constant for each particle pair: Jij = 0 for j ̸= i + 1 and
Ji,i+1 = const. = J.
Specifically, the Hamiltonian has the form
H = − JSx ⊗ Sx ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ I − hSz ⊗ I ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ I
− I ⊗ JSx ⊗ Sx ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ I − I ⊗ hSz ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ I
− I ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ I ⊗ JSx ⊗ Sx − I ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ hSz ⊗ I
− I ⊗ I ⊗ . . . ⊗ I ⊗ hSz .
The tensors in Fig. 8 provide an efficient way to express this Hamiltonian. The assignment of matrices to
vertical legs only allows for combinations that exist in the Hamiltonian.
Figure 2.8: The Ising model’s local tensors are represented in MPO. The ”else = 0” condition ensures
that only terms from the sum can appear in the final contraction.
σi σ ′ σj σ ′ P σ σ′ σj σ′
After a contraction of two local Hamiltonian tensors Ωαβ i j = γ Ωαγi i Ωγβ j , multiplications that do
not occur in the sum are forbidden by the last condition in Fig. 8. Furthermore, except for an increase in
matrix size, they maintain the MPS form invariant:
X σ σ′ σ σ′ σL−1 σ ′ σ σ′ σ′ σ′ σ′ σ′
O|ψ⟩ = 1 1
Ω1,b 1
Ωb12,b22 . . . ΩbL−1 bL−1
ΩbLL,1L Γ1,a
1 L−1
Γ 2 . . . ΓaL−1
1 a1 ,a2 ,aL ΓaL,1 |σ⟩
a,b,σ,σ ′
X σ1 σ ′ σ1′
σ σ′ σ′
σ σ′
σ σ ′ σL ′
= Ω1,b1σ1 Γ1,a 1
Ωb12,b22 Γa12,a2 . . . ΩbL−1 bLL−1 ΓaL−1 ,aL ΩbLL,1L ΓaL,1 |σ⟩
a,b,σ,σ ′
[1] [2] [L−1] [L] [j] [j]σ
= Nσ1 Nσ2 . . . NσL−1 NσL |σ⟩, with Nσj = N(bj ajj ),(bj+1 ,aj+1 ) .
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4.1 | Solution 4
Analytical Calculation:-
We know, k = 2 and κ = 4
Let’s choose A=1,ℏ = 1,m=1 for our whole calculation.
C 2 B 1 − i κk
= , = (4.1)
A 1 + i κk A 1 + i κk
Again, √
k = 2mE/ℏ (4.2)
κ = 2m(Vo − E)/ℏ (4.3)
From Equation (4.2) and Equation (4.3), putting the value of ℏ,m ; we get E=2,Vo =10.
From the total energy,
E = T + Vo (4.4)
2 import cmath
3 from math import *
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14 if x > 0:
15 return C * cmath . exp ( - kappa * x )
17 else :
18 return A * cmath . exp (1 j * k * x ) + B * cmath . exp ( -1 j * k * x )
28 def main () :
29 nametoval = { " k " : 2 , " kappa " : 4 , " A " : 1 , " C " : 2 / (1 + 2 j ) ," B " : (1 - 2 j ) /
(1 + 2 j ) ,}
30 x = -1.0 # Particle located at x < 0
41 if __name__ == ’ __main__ ’:
42 main ()
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A | Appendix A title
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