Crs Questions

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12, Otabor Street, Opp. First Bank-Uniben, EDPA, Ugbowo, Edo State
Second Term Examination 2023/2024 Session
Class: GRADE 3 (SS3)

1. “I find no crime in this man” who made this statement? (a)Caiaphas (b)Annas
(C)Pontius Pilate (d)Herod Antipas (e)The Centurion
2. What statement from Jesus made Vinegar to be offered to him (a)It is finished (b)I thirst
(c)my God, My God why hast thou forsaken me (d)Today you would be with me in
3. The Inscription placed on the Cross of Christ according to Mark Gospel read what? (a)Are
you the King of the Jews (b)This is Jesus, the King of the Jews (c)Are you the Christ, the
son of the Blessed? (d)The King of the Jews (e)This is the King of the Jews
4. According to Matthew’s Gospel, who were the women who witnessed the Crucifixion of
Jesus (a)Mary Magdalene (b)Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James and Joseph,
(c)Mary and Martha (d)Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James, Salome (d)Mary
Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mazy the Wife of Clopas
5. According to the Circumcision Ordinance, anyone who is not circumcised (a)Would be
stoned outside the city (b)Would die instantly (c)would be afflicted with Leprosy
(d)Would be cut off from the People (e)would be eaten by Worms
6. The place where Jacob saw Angels ascending and descending was formerly called (a) Bethel
(b)Gilgal (c)Luz (d)Peniel (e)Hebron
7. One important effect of the voice from heaven at the transfiguration was that it shows
(a)Jesus‟ sovereignty (b)that Jesus was recognized by Moses and Elijah (c)afflrms His
Sonship (d)affirms his messiah-ship
8. Paul and Barnabas were called gods at (a)Lystra (b)Derbe (c)Iconium (d)Paphos
9. As a result of the persecution on the church, all were scattered except (a)Deacons (b)Apostles
(c)Widows (d)Believers
10. Who was the first to preach in Samaria? (a)Peter (b)John (c)Philip (d)James (e)Paul
11. After Baptising the Minister of Candace, the Spirit took Philip to (a)Caesarea (b)Azotus
(c)Jerusalem (d)Gaza (e)Rome
12. commissioned Paul and Barnabas for their first missionary Journey (a)Elders (b)Peter
and John (c)Holy Spirit (d)Jesus
13. At the brook of Cherit fed Elijah (a)Raven (b)His servant (c)Angel (d)God
14. “Out of the eater came something to eat: Out of the strong came something sweet.”
Something sweet refers to (a)Lion (b)Honey (c)Sugar (d)Gods power.
15. Did you not hate me, and drive me out of my father‟s house? Why have you come to me
now when you are in trouble?”. Who made this statement (a)Joseph (b)Jesus (c)Jephthah
16. “How long will you go limping with two different opinions? Who asked this question? (a)
Jesus (b)Elijah (c)Abimelech (d)Obadiah
17. The two nations in Rebekah‟s womb was a)Edomites and Ishboshites (b)Israelites and
Edomites (c)Edomites and Midianites (d)Girgahsites and Hittites (e)Haddotes and Zinotes
18. Moses disobeyed God at (a)Sin (b)Zin (c)Horeb (d)Sinai
19. Elisha knew that Gehazi took gifts from Naaman because (a)God told him (b)He was
with him in Spirit (c)He was a prophet of God (d)He spied on them
20. Naaman made references to what rivers (a)Osun and Oya (b)Jordan and Marah (c)Abana and
Pharpar (d)Nile and Jordan
21. Naaman gave Gehazi and (a)2 talent gold and 2 festal garment (b)2 t a l e n t o f
gold and 4 silver (c)2silver 2 t a l e n t o f gold (d)2 festal garment and 2 talent of silver
22. According to 2nd Corinthians 2 vs 5, Paul emphasized forgiveness why? (a)so that God
will forgive us (b)So that we will not go to Hell (c)So the offender will not be over-
whelmed by excessive sorrow (d)So we can be good children of God
23. Because Shiphrah and Puah did not obey the command Pharoah, God blessed them with
(a)Families (b)Money (c)Riches (d)Wisdom
24. According to Paul’s letter to the church in Thessalonica, he advised that .they should
avoid any brother who is (a)Stingy (b)Living in Idleness (c)does believe in God (d) a
25. The adversaries of Nehemiah was (a)Sheshbazzar and Mithredath (b)Sanballat and
Tobiah (c)Jeshua and Zerubabel (d)Ezra and Geshem
26. Paul tells us that the Lawless one would be slain by Jesus through (a)His resurrection
(b)Breathe of His Mouth (c)Fire (d)Sword of God
27. 2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12 states that God sends strong delusion to make them believe
what is false so that (a)who do not believe the truth may be condemned (b)the enemies of
His resurrection would scattered (c)The Son of man may judge them (d)the believers would
be saved

28. The coming of the Lord would be accompanied by (a)Fireworks in heaven (b)descending
of Angels (c)Cry of Command (d)An exclipse
29. Concerning the Coming of the Lord, Paul advises that we should be put on (a) breastplate of
Faith (b) Breastplate of Salvation (c) breast-plate of Patience (d) Breastplate of hope
30. David made the decision to pursue the Amalekites through (a) The ephod B. divination C.
the casting of lots D. Abiathar‟s support
31. David spared Saul‟s life at Ziph because Saul was (a)The Lord‟s anointed (b)
Surrounded by powerful soldiers (c) A brave soldier (d)The first King of Israel
32. Saul replied on a medium because God did not answer him through (a) Dreams Urim and
prophets (c) Iyre, Urim and Prophets (c) Dreams, visions and prophets (d) Inspiration,
tambourines and prophets
33. Naboth would not give the vineyard to Ahab because it was A. Under cultivation. B. inherited
from his father C. better than Ahab‟s offer D. undervalued by the King
34. According to Paul in Philippians, Jesus demonstrated humility when he (a) had pity on the
possessed man (b) likened himself to God (c) forgave those who crucified Him (d) took the
form of a man
35. According to Paul‟s epistle to the Philippians, a Christian can prove his humility by (a)
doing everything with a spirit of exaltation (b) ensuring that charity begins at home (c)
having little consideration for others (d) showing off his service to the community (e)
showing love and being in full accord with other people
36. According to Paul in Galatians, law ceased to be our custodian as soon as (a) it was made
available to us (b) Christ adopted us as His children (c) we adopted the faith of Abraham
(d) we stopped worshiping the elemental spirits
37. According to Paul in Galatians, man‟s freedom came with (a) the coming of Jesus (b)
belief in elemental spirit (c) knowledge of Christ‟s parables (d) reading of the bible
38. According to Paul‟s letter to the Galatians, man ceased to be slaves to the elemental spirits
of the universe and became children of God after (a) attaining manhood (b) becoming
Christians (c) redemption by Jesus Christ (d) rejecting the righteousness of the law (e)
receiving the Holy Spirit
39. According to Paul‟s Teaching in Galatians , those who are Abraham‟s Offspring are(a)
Isaac and Ishmael (b) Israelites and Edomites (c) Hebrews (d) God‟s Children (e) Jews and
40. According to Paul‟s teaching in Galatians, Christians become sons of God by (a) having
faith in Jesus Christ (b) adoption of Judaism (c) being Abraham‟s descendants (d) works of
41. As children of God, Christians have all the following responsibility except (a) suffering
with Christ patiently expecting the glory of God (c) accepting permanent custodianship of
the law (d) groaning inwardly for redemption through Christ (e) accepting baptism into
42. Christians become sons of God by (a) Being Abraham‟s descendants (b) Belonging to
Christian Churches (c) The works of the Law (d) Adoption through faith
43. Artemis is the goddess of which greek city (a) Rome (b) Ephesus (c) Thessalonical
(d) fair heavens
44. According to Mathew the name that the baby would be called that will be borne
by Mary is (a) Emmanuel (b) Jesus (c)Immanuel (d) Jesus Christ
45. In his message on Impartiality, James said that (a) it was wrong to disrespect a poor person (b)
only poor people will go to heaven (c) the rich should always be respected (d) the poor should
always be given opportunities
46. In his teaching on Partiality, James declares that mercy triumph over (a) judgment (b)
righteousness (c) grace (d) faith
47. In James’ epistle, fulfilment of the royal law is (a) loving all Christian brothers and sisters (b)
loving one’s neighbour as oneself (c) staying away from adultery and murder (d) judging under
the law of liberty
48. James advised against looking down on the poor because they are (a) the rightful heirs of the
kingdom (b) those who spend time on the Lord (c) for peace and self-sacrifice (d) those who
contribute little but do a lot
49. James condemns partiality in the church and says that the rich who receive underserved
attention are those who (a)supply all the financial needs of the church (b) use their resources for
the growth of the church (c) build the infrastructure of the growth (d) blaspheme the
honourable name of the lord
50. Give honour to whom, honour is Due is contained in the teaching of (a) Peter (b) Paul (c)
James (d) None of the above


1. Give a detail Account of the Second account of creation

1b. state five importance of rest to man
2. You will bring down my grey hair in sorrow to sheol.. give a detailed account of the story
3. Who is my neighbour ? how did Jesus answer the question
4. Explain the teaching of James on effective prayers

4b. state four reasons for unanswered prayers

5. How did James describe impartiality in the church

5b state three ways the society shows partiality

1. C 30. A
2. C 31. A
3. D 32. A
4. B 33. B
5. D 34. D
6. C 35. A
7. D 36. B
8. A 37. A
9. B 38. C
10. C 39. D
11. B 40. D
12. C 41. D
13. A 42. D
14. B 43. B
15. C 44. B
16. B 45. A
17. B 46. A
18. B 47. B
19. B 48. A
20. C 49. D
21. A 50. B
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. A

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