Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns
Topic : Environmental Concerns Subject Teacher : John Rush Set S. Digma
Forests cover about one-third of the earth's surface. But the world is now losing them,
Globally, about 50 million acres of forests are destroyed each year.
The benefits we derive from the forests are numerous. Forests provide us food, commercial
products, habitats, wood, temporary refuge from a busy life, and pleasure. Forests also
prevent floods and soil erosion as well as global warming, control the climate, and assist in
the cycle of water, carbon, and oxygen.
Causes of
Forest Destruction
1. Slash-and-burn agriculture—Slash-and-
burn agriculture, or the more commonly known
practice of kaingin, accounts for about 25
percent of the total forest destruction. Poverty
and landlessness drive some people to cultivate
the forests for agricultural purposes, employing
the kaingin method.
Consequences of
Forest Destruction
1. Floods and soil erosion—When forests are destroyed, there are no more trees that
absorb water. This results in erosion of topsoil
and increased runoff, which in turn result in
floods in the lowland areas.
2. Damage to private and public
properties—Floods due to deforestation have
resulted in the destruction of houses,
properties and infrastructures.
3. Damage to crops, livestock, and fish ponds—
Flooding and soil erosion from forest
destruction have brought about damage to
crops, livestock, and fish ponds.
I. On a whole bond paper, make your own poster – slogan campaigning against
the destruction of forests. (10 pts)