The document discusses various semantic concepts including semantic features, semantic fields, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, ambiguity, reference, sense, anomaly, paraphrase, entailment, literal and figurative meaning. It provides definitions and examples for each concept.
The document discusses various semantic concepts including semantic features, semantic fields, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, ambiguity, reference, sense, anomaly, paraphrase, entailment, literal and figurative meaning. It provides definitions and examples for each concept.
The document discusses various semantic concepts including semantic features, semantic fields, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, ambiguity, reference, sense, anomaly, paraphrase, entailment, literal and figurative meaning. It provides definitions and examples for each concept.
The document discusses various semantic concepts including semantic features, semantic fields, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy, ambiguity, reference, sense, anomaly, paraphrase, entailment, literal and figurative meaning. It provides definitions and examples for each concept.
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1) Semantic (Ngữ Nghĩa)
- Semantic is one of the branches of linguistic which deals with meaning.
- Linguistic has 3 branches: + Syntax (Cú Pháp Học) is a study of grammar (including phonology, morphology, syntax and textual grammar). + Semantic (Ngữ Nghĩa Học) is a study of meaning in language.(what language mean). + Pragmatic (Ngữ Dụng Học) is a study of meaning in context (what people mean by the language they use). -The distinction betwan semantre meaning and pragmatic meaning: + Semantic melining is context-free (what language mean). + Pragmatic masining is context-dependent (what people mean by the language they use). - The three main aspect of semantic wond meaning are lexical, sentence meaning and utterance meaning. 2) Word meaning: is what a word mean. 3) Semantic features - Semantic features are the smallest units of meaning in a word. EX: Father: [+human] [+male] [+matine] [+Eparental] - We identify the meaning of a word by its semantic features. - Some semantic features need not be specifically mentioned. Ex: human automatically [animate] => redundancy rule (quy tắc thừa). - Some redudancy rules infer negative sematic features are often shown in the form of binary or opposition. ex: father [+human] [- inhuman]. - We identify the meaning of a word ascending to its primitire semantic feature first, then the assistance of its other sematic features. - Different words may share the same semantic features. The same semantic feature can be also found in many different words . - The same semantic feature can occur in words of different parts of speech and in contrary. - The semantic moperties of words determine what other words cand combine with. Means the sentence must be gramatically correct and syntactically perfect but semantically anomalous. 4) Semantic fields - Semantic fields is the organization of related words and expression in to a system which shows their relationship to one another. - Semantic fields can also a set of words with indentifiable semantic affinities. - The ways of organizing semantically similar items to semantic feature. 5) Hyponymy (Quan hệ tính bao nghĩa) is the sense of relation between predicates such that meaning of one predicates is included in the meaning of the other(a relation between superordinate and hyponym) 6) Incompability (Quan hệ tính không tương hợp) is definable in terms of negation and entailments (when X and Y is incompatible, sentence A is X will entails A is not Y). 7) Synonymy (Tính đồng nghĩa) is the relationship between 2 predicates that have the same sense. 8) Antonymy/Opposites (Quan hệ tính trái nghĩa) a) Gradable (trái nghĩa có thang độ) Antonymy: a sense relation in which 2 members of a pair of antonyms - Are gradable. - Can be used in comparative and superlative sense. - Can be used in "How" question about the degree. → They are at opposite end of a continuous scale of value. b) Binary (trái nghĩa lưỡng phân) Antorymy: a sense relation in which 2 members of a pair of antonyms - Are mutually exclusive. (loại trừ lẫn nhau) - Cannot be used in comparative and superlative . - Cannot be used in "How" question about the degree. c) Relational (trái nghĩa nghịch đảo) Antonymy: a sense relation in which 2 members of a pair of antonyms - Display symmetry (sự đối xứng) in their meaning by using if..., then... “ to identify. - Usually belong to various word classes/part of speech. 9) Homonymy (Quan hệ tính đồng âm đồng tự) is a relation in which various words have different meaning but - Same sound form. - Same written form 10) Homophony (Quan hệ tính đồng âm dị tự) is a relation in which various words have same sound form but - Different meaning form. - Different written form. 11) Homography (Quan hệ tính đồng tự) is a relation in which various words have same written form but - Different sound form. - Different meaning form. 12) Polysemy (Quan hệ tính đa nghĩa) is a relation in which a single word has 2 or more slightly different but close related meaning. 13) Ambiguity (tính mơ hồ về nghĩa hoặc tính lưỡng nghĩa) a sentence is considered as structurally ambiguous when its structure permits more than one interpretation. a) Structural Ambiguity (cấu trúc) is when the structure of the sentence permits more than one interpretation. b) Lexical Ambiguity(từ vựng) any ambiguity resulting from the ambiguity of a word is__ 14) Referent (vật sở chỉ), Reference (sở chỉ), Sense (nghĩa) a) Referent is an object or an entity in the real world or in your imagination (anything you can see). b) Reference is the the relationship between the language and the world (thing, action, event, sincerity) - Variable Reference (sở chỉ không cố định) is when the same linguistics expression refer to different referents. - Constant Reference (sở chỉ cố định) is when one linguistics expression refer to one and the same referents. - Co-reference (đồng sở chỉ) is when one or two or more linguistics expression refer to the same referents. c) The sense of a word or linguistics expression show the internal relationship between that word or expression and others in vocabulary of a language. 15) Anomaly (tính bất thường) and contradiction (tính nghịch lí) - Anomaly is a violation of semmantic rules to create nonsense. - Anomaly involves us in the notion contradiction in the sense that semantically anomalous sentense consitute a type of contradictory sentences. 16) Paraphase (phỏng nghĩa/nghĩa mô phỏng) a) Definition - Paraphase is the relationship between a word and a combination of other words with the same meaning. - Sentence can be a paraphase if they have the same meaning with a word (except possibly of minor difference in emphases). B) Ways to paraphases - Change the individual word. - Change sentence structure. - Chang both words and sentence structure. 17) Entailment (câu kéo theo) a) Definition - Entailments is the relationship between 2 sentences where the truth 1 implies the truth 2 because of the meaning of the words is involved. - Entailment is something that logically follows from what is assrted in the utterance. - Entailments are inferent that can be drawn solely from our knowledge about the semantic relationship in a language. b) Characteristic: they applies cumulatively and hyponymy involves them. Thus if X entails Y and Y entails Z, then X entails Z. c) Types of entailments - 1-way (hyponymy) comes about because of the hyponymic relation between words. - 1-way (negative): Statement (general) entails statement (specific). - 2-way (relational) is between a pair of sentence are mutual since the truth of the sentence guarantee the truth of the other. 18) Type of sentence - Analytic: a sentence which necessarily true. As a result of the sense of the words in it. - Synthetic: a sentence is one which is not analytic, but maybe either true or false. Depending on the way the world is. - Contradiction: a sentence which necessarily false. As a result of the sense of the words in it. 19) Literal meaning (nghĩa đen) is the basic or usual meaning of a word which is identified via context. 20) Figurative meaning (nghĩa pónk) of a word is one which is different from its usual (literal) meaning and which create vivid mental images to readers or listeners. 21) Type figurative meaning a) Irony (sự châm biếm) is saying the opposite of one’s thought for emphasis, for fun or mocking. b) Metaphor (ẩn dụ): an expression which indirect or implied comparison(no comparison word‘like, as’). - Form of metaphor + 2 different objects are put on the same rank to compare usually + A’s feature for B - Type of metaphor + Dead metaphor (ẩn dụ chết) is used as a fixed expression or idiom, its meaning is fixed and usually the speaker uses it naturally and unconsciously + Live metaphor (ẩn dụ sống) is used consciously, intentionally by a speaker; has various figurative meanings and Its meaning depends on the situation c) Synecdoche (cải dung) is a substitution (sự thay thế) of the whole for the part & vice versa d) Metonymy (hoán dụ) is a substitution of related words (not whole – part) Way to identify it Container – Contained, Author – Works, Profession – Means, Symbol - Reality / Concrete – Abstract, Material – Object made of it . e) Personification (nhân hóa) is endowing an inanimate object with human qualities. f) Hyperbole (cường điệu) is overstatement or exaggeration g) Euphemism (uyển ngữ, nói tránh) is a statement which avoid using some expressions because of taboo or they may hurt the speaker or the listener. h) Simile (phép tỷ dụ, so sánh) is explicit comparisonussing comparison words “like, as” or comparison form.