Dragonbreaker - Core Rulebook (Alpha - V6)
Dragonbreaker - Core Rulebook (Alpha - V6)
Dragonbreaker - Core Rulebook (Alpha - V6)
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1
(“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License available at
Anyone may publish free or commercial material based upon and/or declaring
compatibility with "DRAGONBREAKER" without express written permission
by Joe “Heavy Metal Mystic” Ferreira JR, as long as they adhere to the
following terms:
If your product declares compatibility with "DRAGONBREAKER" you must
state the following in your legal text and on any websites from which a
commercial product is sold: "[product name] is an independent production by
[publisher name] and is not affiliated with Joe “Heavy Metal Mystic” Ferreira
JR. Joe “Heavy Metal Mystic” Ferreira JR takes no responsibility for any legal
claims against your product. The mechanics of "DRAGONBREAKER" may be
reused freely.
Things to Know 3
Part 3. Resting 22
Part 4. Leveling Up 23
Part 6. Sidekicks/Hirelings 25
Part 8. Combat 57
Appendix B. Conditions 80
Appendix D. Enchantments 86
Appendix G. “Multiclassing” 93
DRAGONBREAKER is a roleplaying game where players take on the roles of epic heroic characters in a fictional
setting and, through communication and imagination, act out stories and scenarios in a most epic way.
It is its own system with rules and concepts similar to D&D 5E, but it breaks away from the traditionally rigid class
progression by giving the player more flexibility and options in creating their truly original epic character.
It can be used as an alternative simpler way to play any D&D 5E modules as well as some retro-clone modules. Feel
free to pick and choose which rules you use. Ultimatly DRAGONBREAKER is a game of choices.
You can play this system with any number of participants but can be also played as a solo game (no dm) as well.
One participant is the GAMEMASTER, also known as a GM, is the game's facilitator, responsible for controlling the
game world and Non-Player Characters (NPCs) and Enemy Non-Player Characters (ENPC), interpreting and
enforcing the rules while guiding the story and adapting to player actions.
The remaining participants are PLAYERS, also known as a PCs, which in a role-playing game controls a character and
makes decisions for them based on their abilities and personality, interacts with the game world and story, and acts
out the scenarios presented by the Gamemaster.
When the rules call for a roll of a certain type of dice, it usually lists it as the letter “d” followed by the number of
sides it has. So, a six-sided dice would be written as “d6.”
If you need to roll multiple dice of a particular type, another number is added before the “d.” So rolling three six-
sided is written as 3d6. If no number precedes the d, assume you only roll it once.
Finally, if a number is added or subtracted to the dice total, that number, called a modifier, is written out after the
rest of the dice expression. So, if the game needs you to add 3 to the result of 3d6, it would be written as 3d6 + 3.
The dice used are: d20, d12, d10, d8, d6, and d4.
Sometimes, the game might call for d% or percentile dice. When you need to roll percentile dice, you take two d10s
and designate one d10 as the “tens” and the other as the “ones.” Then, when you roll them, you add the values.
Depending on the type of d10s you use, a result of “100” is represented by two 0’s or two 10’s.
Additionally, the rules might call for a d2 or d3. A d2 can be a flip of a coin. Alternatively, you can use a d6 and count
1–3 as a 1 and 4–6 as a 2. Similarly, when you need to roll d3, you can roll a d6 and count 1–2 as a 1, 3–4 as a 2, and 5–
6 as a 3.
This work draws inspiration from D&D, Warhammer, Knave, Deathbringer, Five Torches Deep, Mork Borg, Fabula
Ultima, Flee Mortals! and many others.
Image Credits
• Some artwork copyright Daniel F. Walthall, used with permission.
• Free! Fantasy Stock Art by Daniel F. Walthall is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. (CC BY 4.0)
Before a player can enter the world of DRAGONBREAKER, they must create their character, their presence in the
game world. Follow these five steps to creating a character.
Depending on the world there can be many ancestral options (speak to your GM).
One common ancestry that can be found in almost all worlds are the Humans. Other optional ancestries found in
fantasy can be found in Appendix A (Page 76) of this core rule book.
Human ancestry
• Ability Scores: Add a +1 to any three ability scores of your choice.
• Languages: You know your ancestry's language (Common) and a number of extra languages equal to your
Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Trait: Proficent in one extra Ability of your choice.
• Major Trait: Human Determination:
o You are filled with a determination that can draw the unreachable within your reach. As a Free
Action you can choose to gain advantage on your next attack roll or Ability Test.
o You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Homebrewed Ancestries
Many ancestries can be homebrewed the following way:
• Ability Scores: + 1 to any ability score and a +2 to another different ability score
• Armor: Depending on the physiology of the creature, they can wear any type of armor or none at all. More
info should be under the Classes and Equipment list.
• Languages: Common and a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Trait: Choose an element of your choice (lightning, fire, cold, acid, poison) or one of the following
conditions: charmed, magical sleep, frightened to be resitante or immune in (speak to your GM first).
• Major Trait: You can make your own trait or simply choose a Talent that best describes the ancestries
characteristics. For these traits, instead of using Hero Dice you can remove them. You should be able to use
these traits a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and any damage that may be described is
equal to a number of d6s equal to your proficiency bonus plus any ability modifiers if described. Traits can
also be gained at a later time with story progression. Your GM may need to make it for you or help you. See
examples below:
o Example trait: ARCANE BLADE: You can imbue your signature weapons with deadly magic. As a
bonus action, you can touch one of your weapons and infuse it with magic to increase its critical hit
range by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. For example, if you infused a normal weapon
with 2, its attacks would score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 on the d20. It ends early if you imbue
your magic into another weapon. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency
o Example trait: RISING STORM: As a Reaction to a target entering into your melee range, you can
make one attack action. On a successful hit, the opponent takes several brutal slashes doing a
number of d6s extra force damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You can use this trait a number
of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you can do so no more than once per enemy turn.
When you create your Player Character, here are some options to help describe them and can help the player
roleplay them:
• Five words or characteristics that help describe your PC (Example: Proud, Adventurous, Clumsy, Good
looking, Folk Hero)
• One Sentence that helps describe your PC [Chad Chadston: A proud adventurous good looking Paladin
(Spellblade) that is known as a clumsy folk hero in their hometown].
• Who is your character? Why is your character the way they are? Why are they adventuring? Where does
your character come from? What do they care most about in the world?
• Abilities: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), Knowledge (KNO), Presence (PRE).
• Roll Stats: roll 2d6 + 6 and arrange the results as desired.
1-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20+ +5
Ability Modifiers
• STRENGTH (STR): The measure of your athletic skill. How effective your PC is at applying brute physical
force. Add to Strength rolls and melee weapon attacks and damage. You can carry items = STR Ability Score.
• DEXTERITY (DEX): The ability of your body to obey your commands. The higher your score in this ability
the lighter on your feet you are. Your quick reflexes allow you to jump out of the way of harm be it a trap,
sword, or spell. Add to AC, ranged and some melee attacks and damage, stealth, climbing, lockpicking,
acrobatics, etc.
• CONSTITUTION (CON): This statistic measures your health and vitality. The higher your Constitution the
more Hit Points (HP) you get when your PC gains a level. It also measures how long you can hold your
breath, survive in extreme environment conditions, battle fatigue, and toxic effects to alter your body
through poisons or spells. For each day of short rest you regain HP= Stamina Die + CON Modifier.
• KNOWLEDGE (KNO): This ability combines Intelligence and Wisdom into one. The higher your
Knowledge is, the more worldly awareness you have. You can recall details of history, contents of a room,
remember an important and even obscure detail or clue. You have a knack for picking out details around
you and lies others speak and being fully present more so than most others. Add to some spellcasting rolls,
history, knowledge, searching, perception & tracking.
• PRESENCE (PRE): The higher your PC’s Presence score the more commanding, charming and confident
they are. Presence is a game changer in social interactions. Knowing social queues and when to employ
them to your advantage. Add to some spellcasting rolls, willpower, charm, deception, intimidation,
performance, persuasion.
Ability DC Tests
“DC” stands for “Difficulty Class”. It’s the relative difficulty of an Ability Test. For example, an easier challenge would
have DC of 10, while something mildly challenging would have a DC of 15. While a DC 20 task would be particularly
hard, and 25 or higher is borderline impossible. Think of it as being similar to the AC of a creature; it’s the number
you need to match in order to “hit”.
All ability tests, as known in this game, don’t exist as the way they are shown in others. Instead, the PC will describe
what they would like to do and the Gamemaster will ask “OK and how are you doing that?” and the PC will describe
how and the Gamemaster will determine which abilities tests to use. This is when the PC can use abilities they would
normally not use for a specific task. Please be advised that the Gamemaster has the final say if they are able to use that
ability for that specific task.
• Example: A dragon uses their breath weapon attack against the Warrior. Normally the Warrior would need
to make a dexterity test, but the PC thinks their character would actually try to hold their ground and block
the attack head on with, for example, a piece of rubble. The PC describes how they would like to do it and
suggests they use a Strength or Constitution Test instead of a Dexterity test.
GM TIP- Failing Forward: A GM should has much as possible help their Players feel heroic, and one of the ways to do
that is when a PC failes a test. Don’t just say No, say No but…
• Example: The floor direcly under the PC crumbles away, revealing a pit. The PC makes a Dexterity test but
doesn’t make the DC. Instead of saying that the PC just falls and is hurt or dies, say that even though they
didn’t make the DC test, they start to fall but their hand at the last second finds some vines or a stone and
they hang on. The GM then can go from there.
Hit Points can be described as a “shield” that protects characters from suffering that final blow that would knock
them out of a fight. Until a PC is reduced to 0, successful hits can be portrayed as bruises, cuts, and burns, etc. The
moment the PC’s HP is reduced to 0, however, is when the GM can describe the enemy’s attack finds an opening in
the PC’s “armor”.
o 1ST Level Hit Points: 24 + CON Modifier.
o 2ND Level & Higher levels Hit Points: 12 + CON Modifier.
o 1ST Level Hit Points: 12 + CON Modifier.
o 2ND Level & Higher levels Hit Points: 12 + CON Modifier.
o 1ST Level Hit Points: 10 + CON Modifier.
o 2ND Level & Higher levels Hit Points: 6 + CON Modifier.
o 1ST Level Hit Points: Constitution Ability Score.
o 2ND Level & Higher levels Hit Points: Roll 1d6 at each level. No Rerolls.
Stamina Dice represent the PCs ability to cure themselves in and out of battle. These can also be used to gain more
“energy” to perform talents if needed.
• DICE TYPE: Each Stamina Die is a d4 die.
• NUMBER OF DICE: PCs always have a number of Stamina Dice equal to double their level + their
Constitution modifier.
• HERO DICE: You may also spend 2 Stamina Die to gain 1 Hero Dice with some negative repercussions (See
Gaining Additional Hero Dice).
• HEALING: While in combat, the PCs can use their Bonus Action to spend and roll any number of your
Stamina Die, up to your Proficency Bonus, to regain Hit Points equal to the Stamina Dice rolled.
• CONDITIONS: At the beginning of a PC’s turn, they can choose to spend 2 Stamina Dice to end one
condition they are suffering from. The conditions are as follows:
o Charmed, Dazed, Frightened, Stunned.
• SHORT RESTS: PCs can use any number of Stamina Dice to heal themselves on a Short Rest (See Resting).
• EPIC & NORMAL MODE: Each character chooses 2 Abilities to be proficient in, unless stated otherwise.
• HARD & VERY HARD MODE: Each character chooses 1 Ability to be proficient in.
• Add the proficiency bonuses to the chosen abilities.
You are a hero, an adventurer, traveling the world questing for excitement, gold, glory and even lost knowledge of
the universes. Driven by a wanderlust you cannot explain, you go beyond where no mere mortal has been before. To
take on challenges and to prove yourself to all that see.
You can use the Basic Classes (Mystic or Spellblade, Warrior) or you can use certain classes determined by your GM.
Classes should make sense for the world.
All the Basic Classes come with their own talents, playstyles, advantages, and disadvantages. They shape the way you
play, allowing you to wield axes, cast spells, or even communicate with nature. Each class is its own unique
Different classes draw on different talents for their abilities. The different types of Talents are classified as Maneuvers,
Spells and Styles. Mystics may gain magical energy from the cosmos, Spellblades may receive their power from the
gods, and Warriors may draw power from training and willpower, etc.
A big question to ask yourself when looking at classes is what kind of role you want to take in the adventuring party.
Do you want to be the armored support? Or maybe the flashy damage dealer?
Most adventuring parties try to split roles evenly among the players. And some classes have such varied talents that
two characters from the same class perform completely different roles.
Each class can handle multiple roles, and some roles can handle multiple responsibilities; for example, a Mystic can
buff allies, and can heal or remove depuffs.
All classes in Dragonbreaker can handle themselves in a fight if they find themselves alone, but each of them
contributes to a party in fantastic ways.
Mystics are supreme magic-users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the subtle weave of
magic that permeates the cosmos or the very Gods themselves. They cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning,
subtle deception, brute-force, mind control, and much more.
• 1ST Level: Two Spells,
• Higher Levels: Choose one Spell OR +1 to any Ability Score,
• Talent & Spell DC: 8 + KNO Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.
• Spell Attack: D20 + KNO Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.
• Armor Proficiency: Light armor,
• No Armor (optional): AC is equal to 8 + CON Mod,
• Weapon Proficiency: One-handed melee and one-handed ranged weapons,
• Class Features:
o Cantrips: Choose one (See page 76)
o Counterspell: When you see a creature within medium range of you casting a spell, you can spend 1
Stamina Dice to make a d20 roll adding your Knowledge modifier to the roll. If the result is higher
than the creatures spellcaster’s DC, the spell doesn’t happen. If you roll a 20, the spell doesn’t
happen and the caster of the original spell rolls on the mishap table.
• Starting Equipment:
o 1 one-handed melee weapon OR 1 one-handed ranged weapon,
o Light armor
o 5 days rations,
o 5 torches,
o Gold: Roll 2d20
EQUIPMENT: You can also choose 3 items below to add to your starting equipment. You can also roll 3d20 to randomly choose
your equipment (you can reroll repeated numbers).
1 Artificer tools, supplies and a selection of sketches for 11 Three watertight scroll cases. Each case can only hold
experimental devices one scroll at a time.
2 A book filled with notes and formulas 12 A disguise kit
3 An instrument of your choice and instrument supplies 13 A small bottle of a favored scent
4 A hooded cloak or cape 14 Sacrificial Dagger
5 A waterskin filled with strong alcohol or other beverage 15 One Whetstone: This item has 5 uses. When used on a
of your choice weapon that deals slashing damage, it helps it recover
one durability point for each use.
6 Holy Symbol 16 A bloodstained ritual chalice
7 A wooden staff 17 Ink, quill and scroll
8 An insignia, mark, or pendant 18 Chalk
9 A trophy from a creature you've slain 19 A number of small pouches with various oddities
10 Healer’s Kit or Apothecary’s Satchel: This kit is a leather 20 Arcane Focus-Choose one: Tome, Wand, Crystal ball,
pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit Fortune-telling cards, Pendulum, Astrology charts,
has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of Bone set, Rune stones. You can use your Action to
the kit to make a Knowledge Test to try stabilize a perform subtle magic: harmless sensory effect, change
creature that has 0 hit points. colors; light or put out a candle, a torch, or a small
campfire; clean or soil an object; cool or warm a cup of
liquid; illusory image that can fit in your hand and that
lasts until the end of your next turn.
Spellblades carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or
exposure to unknown cosmic forces. They master a tradition that incorporates the swordplay of the warrior and the
mind of the Mystic. In combat, a spellblade uses a series of intricate “styles” that fend off harm and allow them to
channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense.
• 1ST Level: Three Styles.
• Higher Levels: Choose one Style OR +1 to any Ability Score,
• Talent & Spell DC: 8 + PRE Mod + P.B.
• Spell Attack: D20 + PRE Mod + P.B.
• Armor Proficiency: Light and Medium armor,
• No Armor (optional): AC is equal to 10 + CON Mod,
• Weapons Proficiency: One-handed & Versatile weapons, Improvised weapons,
• Knuckles (optional): Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 + STR or DEX Modifier damage.
• Class Feature- Parry: When you are hit with a melee attack, you may use your reaction to spend 1 Stamina
Dice and add your proficiency bonus to your AC for the purposes of that attack, possibly causing it to miss.
Regardless of whether the attack hits or misses, your AC returns to normal after you parry the attack. You
may use this reaction after the GM announces the results of the attack roll, but before damage is rolled.
• Starting Equipment:
o Choose a bloodline, otherworldly influence or cosmic force that granted you your power,
o Choose 1 one-handed melee weapon OR 1 versatile melee weapon OR 1 one-handed ranged
o One wooden shield
o Choose between light or medium armor,
o 5 days rations,
o 5 torches,
o Gold: Roll 2d20
EQUIPMENT: You can also choose 3 items below to add to your starting equipment. You can also roll 3d20 to randomly choose
your equipment (you can reroll repeated numbers).
1 A hooded cloak or cape 11 A trophy from a creature you've slain
2 An instrument of your choice and instrument supplies 12 A tent
3 A small bottle of a favored scent 13 A compass
4 Holy Symbol or Monastic symbol (beads, ring, necklace, 14 A waterskin filled with strong alcohol or other beverage
etc.) of your choice
5 Arcane Focus- Choose one: Tome, Wand, Crystal ball, 15 One Whetstone: This item has 5 uses. When used on a
Fortune-telling cards, Pendulum, Astrology charts, weapon that deals slashing damage, it helps it recover
Bone set, Rune stones. You can use your Action to one durability point for each use.
perform subtle illusions: teleport coin, change colors,
6 An insignia, mark, or pendant 16 A disguise kit.
7 Lock picking tools 17 Ink, quill and scroll
8 An ornate dagger or a trinket from your past 18 Chalk
9 Tabard of your Order 19 Three watertight scroll cases
10 Healer’s Kit or Apothecary’s Satchel: This kit is a leather 20 Herbalism Kit: The kit has three uses. As an action, you
pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit can expend one use of the kit to help cure a poisoned
has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of creature. Using this kit grants the affected target the
the kit to make a Knowledge Test to try stabilize a ability to make another Constitution Test against the
creature that has 0 hit points. poison. On a success they are no longer poisoned.
Warriors share an unparalleled mastery with weapons and armor, and a thorough knowledge of the skills of combat.
They are well acquainted with death, both meeting it out and staring it defiantly in the face.
• 1ST Level: Two Maneuvers.
• Higher Levels: Choose one Maneuver OR +1 to any Ability Score,
• Talent DC: 8 + your STR or DEX Modifier (your choice) + Proficiency Bonus.
• Armor Proficiency: All armor,
• No Armor (optional): AC is equal to 12 + CON Modifier,
• Weapons Proficiency: All weapons, improvised weapons and unarmed attacks,
• Bare Knuckles: Your unarmed attacks deal 1d6 + STR or DEX modifier damage.
• Class Feature- Counterattack: As a Reaction to being attacked, you can spend and roll 1 Stamina Dice to
make an attack against that attacker but only after they made their attack. On a succesful hit, you add the
Stamina Die rolled to the damage roll.
• Starting Equipment:
o Choose 1 versitale melee weapon and metal shield OR 2 one-handed melee weapons OR 1 two-
handed melee weapon,
o Choose 1 one-handed ranged weapon OR 1 two-handed ranged weapon,
o Choose one type of armor,
o 5 days rations,
o 5 torches,
o Gold: Roll 2d20
EQUIPMENT: You can also choose 3 items below to add to your starting equipment. You can also roll 3d20 to randomly choose
your equipment (you can reroll repeated numbers).
1 An instrument of your choice and instrument supplies 11 Tabard of your Order
2 A memento from your home or trinket from your past 12 2 daggers
3 A hooded cloak or cape 13 A small bottle of a favored scent
4 A waterskin filled with strong alcohol or other beverage 14 One Whetstone: This item has 5 uses. When used on a
of your choice weapon that deals slashing damage, it helps it recover
one durability point for each use.
5 Holy Symbol 15 A parchment with a list of names and drops of blood
next to each
6 The skull/bone/piece of an animal/animal hide. 16 Two phials of basic poison
7 A trophy/token taken from a fallen enemy, 17 A disguise kit.
• Your class will determine the type of Talent you can choose from. This can depend on your choice of the
Basic Classes:
o Maneuvers for Warriors,
o Spells for Mystics,
o Styles for Spellblades.
• Talent lists for the Basic Class can be found on Page 27.
• You can choose a number of Talents at level 1, depending on your class.
• At higher levels you have the choice to choose 1 additional Talent.
• Certain Talents have specific Attack and Difficulty Classes (DC) depending on their Classes.
• Many Talents have requirements PCs must meet to use them, such as your Class, Ancestry, an Ability Score,
or possessing the right equipment.
Hero Dice represent the PCs inner energy to help perform tests and special abilities known as talents.
• DICE: Each Hero Dice is a 1d6.
• 1ST LEVEL MYSTICS: Begin with 5 Hero Dice.
• 1ST LEVEL SPELLBLADES: Begin with 5 Hero Dice.
• 1ST LEVEL WARRIORS: Begin with 5 Hero Dice.
• 2ND LEVEL & HIGHER LEVELS: All PCs gain 1 Hero Dice when Leveling Up.
• TALENTS: A PC can “spend” Hero Dice to perform certain Talents.
• TESTS: A PC can add 1 Hero Dice after rolling d20 test roll but only if the result is not a critical failure.
• POWER ATTACKS: After performing a Power Attack, the PC regains 2 Hero Dice.
• SHORT REST: Each PC regains 1 Hero Dice.
• LONG REST: All PC Hero Dice are replenished.
Using item slots makes encumbrance simple enough that players will be willing to track it. Slots are also the key to
character customization, as a PC’s gear helps determine who they are. Raising the Strength, therefore, will probably
be a priority for most characters.
PCs have a number of Item Slots equal to their Strength ability score + their Proficency Bonus. Some items may
increase your carrying.
capacity. See Appendix F for additional information on items and slots.
• Worn & Tiny Items- 0 SLOTS: Items that the PCs are wearing (clothes, jewelery, hats, etc.) & single items
(one piece of chalck, one coin, etc.) do not count towards encumbrance and don’t take up item slots.
• Small Items- 1 SLOT: Individual small items (one spell book, one-handed only weapons, one potion, one
person tent, light armor, some shields, etc). Groups of small, identical items may be bundled into one slot, at
the GM’s discretion, such as 100 coins, 50 caltrops, 5 torches, 5 days of rations, up to 5 spell scrolls that are
not in scroll cases.
• Medium Items- 2 SLOTS: These items can be verstale weapons, medium armor, etc.
• Large Items- 3 SLOTS: Particularly heavy or bulky items like heavy armor, two-handed weapons or bags
with various items in it, etc.
• In battle to use an item from your pack, you may use it as a bonus action and then use it, as long as one of
your hands are free.
• If your hands are full, you replace one of the items in your hand for the other item as an action.
• You may drop an item as a free action to then use just your bonus action to take a potion, but you will have
to use an action to pick up your dropped item dropping the other one if you want to pick it up on that same
• The PC can choose to pick up an item as Bonus Action or an Action.
If a PC carries a number of itemns that is more then their item slot number, their actions are made with disadvantage
and they can move within their zone but must use their Movement action and Bonus action to move to an adjacent
• You suffer a -1 to all D20 rolls for each point of exhaustion. When a PC gains 10 levels of exhaustion they
• PCs can gain Exhaustion Points when they spend 2 Stamina Dice to gain Hero Dice (See Gaining Additional
Hero Dice).
• They can also gain Exhaustion points when not taking a Long Rest at all.
• If the PC does not use or have rations to use then they gain one Exhaustion Point.
A couple of pieces of random equipment won’t be enough to protect you from the terrors that lurk in the dark places
of the world. You’ll need a weapon. And some armor.
Weapons are broken out into categories based on their function and training needed. Weapon descriptors can change
a weapon’s function. Certain Classes can use certain weapons and are proficient in them (which grants a proficiency
Unarmed Attacks:
• PCs add their Strength, Dexterity or Knowledge Modifier when rolling for this type of attack.
• Each unarmed attack deals damage equal to 1 + your STR modifier (unless otherwise stated).
Improvised weapons:
• Improvised weapons can be anything that isn’t usally considered a “weapon”.
• PCs use the Strength or Dexterity Modifier when attacking.
• Each weapon deals a certain amount of damage equal to its size (see table below).
Small (butter knife, leg of lamb, sling, dart, etc.) 1d4
Medium (chair, halfling, etc.) 1d6
Large (table, your mom, etc.) 1d8
Weapon damage is determined by the attacker. Adventurers deal damage according to their class and the weapon
Versatile Melee Weapons
• PCs use the Strength or Dexterity Modifier when attacking and dealing damage with these weapons.
• These weapons can be wielded with one or two hands.
• All these weapons deal 1d8 damage in one hand and 1d10 damage in two hands.
Two-Handed Ranged Weapons
• PCs use the Strength or Dexterity Modifier when attacking and dealing damage with these weapons.
• These weapons can only be wielded with two hands.
• All these weapons deal 1d12 damage
Magic Items
Magic Items Durability (DUR)
Common 5
Uncommon 7
Rare 9
Very Rare 11
Legendary 13
Artifact 15
Shield Durability
Shields can trade HP damage for sundering damage, preventing HP damage at the expense of the item’s durability and
usability. The PC must declare that they are sacrificing their shield in this way.
• Example: A PC has 10 HP and is holding a wooden shield. The PC gets hit and takes 11 damage but sacrifices
their shield to reduce the incoming damage by half at the cost of their shield breaking. This allows them to
remain standing at the cost of a shattered shield, which is no longer usable.
If the shield was made of metal and the PC sacrifices it, the damage received is reduced to 1 point of damage and the
metal shield is destroyed.
• When using a magical shield, you may choose to sacrifice one durability point to halve damage or use 2
durability points to not take any damage.
Repairing equipment is possible certain items (See Whetstones) during a rest or when in a “safe location”. Items with
less than max Durability but greater than 0 Durability can be repaired. A Knowledge Test is necessary to repair the
item if the PC is proficient in its use and has a forge or similar workstation.
For repairing magical items, you will need specific magical components and a specific person that can repair the item.
Some magical items are beyond repair once they are damaged.
Crafting items from scratch takes many hours and materials. If the character tries to craft it themselves they must be
proficient in the crafting tools and have a kit. Crafting requires a series of tests that start a base DC 11 but might be
more difficult given the exotic nature of the item or its materials.
• Forge: construct the disposable workstation such as a crucible or sawhorse
• Prep: ready the constituent components for the item such as smelted ore or treated wood
• Assemble: combining the materials and shaping, tempering, or connecting them
• Hone: converting the rough item into a polished, sharpened, ready to use tool
Each step takes a half day of work. Failure at any point ruins the item and wastes the materials.
You can’t always explore the worlds and fight horrible monsters but sometimes, you need to rest.
Short Rest:
• Option to use Stamina Dice + CON Modifier to regain Hit Points.
• Regain 1 Hero Dice.
A PC must use one ration for each day they are out in an area that is not a city, town, village or settlement. If they do
not use or have rations to use then they gain one Exhaustion Point.
PCs level up when they reach milestones or earn enough XP. A PC gains new benefits each time they level up, per
their class. PCs are unable to level up in more than one class.
The suggested max PC level is 12 but PCs can go beyond this level if you choose to do so. Levels after 12 follow the
same rules.
In general, a PC earns more HP, can improve their stats, gain new talents or abilities with each level up but they can
only level up after they have taken a Long Rest in a safe space (City, Town, Village, Settlement, etc.).
The following items are what each PC gains when leveling up (refer to your class rules for specifics as well):
• Gain one additional Hero Die each level.
• Depending on the level and your choice in increasing your ability scores, a PC can gain additional Stamina
• Gain +1 to any one Ability Score at each level OR learn a Talent OR possibly an Ancestry Feature (speak
with your GM) OR a “Multiclassing” Talent (speak with your GM).
• Talents: When leveling up, the player has a choice to choose a Talent. The Talent is unique to the character
and reflects their personal growth.
There are four levels of illumination. Light affects different checks in different environments, both for PCs and NPCs.
An easy way to keep track of light sources is the following:
• Have 1 torch be equal to 10 rooms or 1 hour.
• Have 1 lantern equal 30 rooms or 3 hours.
Once the they have gone through the number of rooms the torch or lantern goes out. If they drop the torch or take a
short rest, they loose a “room”.
The GM must describe the current level of light and clarify what light sources exist. Players keep track of their own
light sources and when they expire.
Black as pitch, no light. No creature can see without other methods (such as darksight through heat, magic, or
• Advantage: Dexterity tests for Stealth and Hiding; Knowledge tests for Listening.
• Disadvantage: All Attacks; Sight, Predicting Danger, Precision.
Dim Light
A Zone around a torch or a lantern. Moonlight.
• Advantage: Dexterity tests for Stealth and Hiding; Knowledge tests for Listening.
• Disadvantage: Ranged Attacks; Knowledge tests for Sight.
Well Lit
Typical natural light outdoors, more then one torch and lantern indoors. This is considered the default in most
daytime circumstances, and the GM rules if advantage or disadvantage apply.
Blindingly bright light, such as high sun reflected upon undisturbed snow.
• Advantage: Tracking; Trails; Seeing Movement.
• Disadvantage: Dexterity tests for Stealth and Hiding; Ranged Attacks.
Some creatures - especially nefarious, ancient, or subterranean ones - can see with darksight. Their sight functions in
reverse of humans or other lightsight creatures. The disadvantages a human suffers in darkness are advantages to
these creatures. Darksight can often come from some other natural or magical source - such as sensing heat,
movement, or an acute sense of sound “mapping” or echolocation.
A creature with truesight can, out to a specific range, see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and
objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on tests against them, and perceives the original form of a
shape changer or a creature that is transformed by magic. Furthermore, the creature can see into the Ethereal Plane.
This section provides a simple way to add a special NPC - called a Sidekick/Hireling - to the group of adventurers.
A sidekick/hireling can be incorporated into a group at the party's inception, or they might join them during the
campaign. For example, the party might meet a villager, an animal, or another creature, forge a friendship and invite
the creature to join them on their adventures.
The GM can also use these rules to customize a monster as a sidekick/hireling.
Starting Level
The starting level of a sidekick/hireling is the same as the average level of the group. For example, if a 1st level group
starts with a sidekick, that sidekick is also 1st level. But if a 10th level group invites a sidekick to join them, that
sidekick starts at 10th level.
Ancestry Trait
Each Ancestry has its own trait that can be used for the sidekick as well.
Another option is to choose a talent that would make sense for the sidekick/hireling and replace the Hero Dice for a
number of charges equal to the PC’s proficiency bonus. Recharges after a Long Rest.
Choose a number of Languages that make sense for the sidekick/hireling (Minimum of 2 Languages: Common and
another one).
The sidekick/hireling is one of the basic classes (Mystic, Spellblade, Warrior).
Armor Class
All sidekicks / hirelings have an AC equal to their type of armor of their chosen class +2. If they have any shields add
that number to the AC as well. (See Armor Class & Types).
No Armor- They can also choose to not wear armor:
• Mystic= 8 + P.B.
• Spellblade= 10 + P.B.
• Warrior= 12 + P.B.
Hero Dice
They have a number of Hero Dice equal to the PCs level + the PCs proficiency bonus. If there are several number of
PCs with diferent levels, the Sidekick uses the PC with the highest level and proficency bonus.
Choose a type of normal attack it can perform. This can depend if it wields weapons, objects or unarmed attacks. Add
the sidekick’s/hireling’s ability bonus to the attack rolls and the PC’s proficency bonus to the damage rolls.
Sidekicks/Hirelings can make a number of attacks equal to their class. Mystics gain one Cantrip of the PCs or GMs
choice and can use it as an Action at level 1.
Sidekicks and / hirelings have a number of talents equal to the PC’s proficiency bonus.
The type of talents that a sidekick/hireling can have are dependent on their chosen class and disregard all ability score
Sidekicks/hirelings start with 3 items from their class options. They can carry a number of items equal to any strength
bonus they may have + double their level. Weapons, armor and items they are wearing doesn’t count twords the
number they have.
Leveling Up a Sidekick
Whenever a group's average level goes up, the sidekick/hireling gains a level.
Whenever the sidekick/hireling gains a level, it gains HP equal 1d10 + the PCs proficiency bonus.
Talents are the mechanical heart of characters in Dragonbreaker. While your ancestry and class carry equal weight in
who your character is, your talents define what your character does.
The heroes can switch out their talents for other talents of their respective class when leveling up, so long as the
appropriate requirements, if there are any, have been met. You can choose from the Talents below to add to your list
or you can also roll 1d100 or 1d10 & 1d% die to randomly choose your class’s talents (reroll repeated numbers).
1. ACID SPRAY: As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to let loose a spray of acid.
Choose up to two creatures, that are within melee range of each other, you can see within medium range to
make Dexterity tests. On a failed test, they take acid damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled. Inanimate objects
take double damage.
2. AERIAL SHOT: As an action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice to swipe their hand and levitate a
number of nearby rocks equal to the number of Hero Dice spent, which are then shot at the target in
question. Make a ranged spell attack for each rock and, on a hit, they deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus
your spellcasting modifier.
3. AETHERIC BINDING (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
conjure binding chains of light to hold an enemy in place. Choose a creature within medium range and make
a ranged spell attack. On a hit the target is Restrained until the start of your next turn. On its turn, the
creature can use an action to make a Strength test to break the chains. On a success, they are no longer
Restrained. While restrained the creature can not be healed by magical means.
4. ANIMAL SPIRIT (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 13+): Your inner spirit burns with passion that
even wild animals can understand. As a Free action, you can spend one Hero Dice to speak with all beasts
and monstrosities and understand what they say as well. Additionally, when taking this talent, you have
advantage on Presence tests you make towards beasts and monstrosities.
5. ARCANE ARMOR: As a Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to surround yourself in a protective
field of aetheric energy. You gain +2 to your AC. This spell lasts 10 minutes.
6. ARCANE BARRIER (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to create a
magical barrier, such as a wall of ice or shimmering arcane energy, which prevents creatures from entering
or leaving your zone until the start of your next turn. A creature can use an action to make a Strength test to
force their way through the barrier. Additionally, the Arcane Barrier disrupts ranged attacks. A creature’s
ranged attacks suffer a -2 into or out of the Zone. The barrier has no effect on spells.
7. ARCANE BLAST: As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to unleash a destructive
blast of arcane energy at a point in a zone within medium range. Each Creature in the zone must make a
Strength test. On a failed test, they suffer force damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled plus your spellcasting
modifier and they fall prone. On a successful test, they suffer half the rolled damage.
8. ARCANE BOLT: As an Attack action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to fire a magic bolt
up to medium range against a target. Make a ranged spell attack, on a hit, the target suffers force damage
equal to the number of Hero Dice rolled plus your spellcasting modifier.
9. ASTEROID (Requirement: Strength 11+): As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice
up to your proficiency bonus to conjure a boulder and hurl it at a creature within medium range. Make a
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage plus the Hero Dice
rolled. A creature hit by this spell must make a Strength test. On a failed test, they fall prone.
10. BEAST CLAW: As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus
to create shockwaves in the shape of a bestial claw in your zone. Each creature in your line of sight in your
zone must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take slashing damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled.
You can spend two additional Stamina Dice to have the shockwave spread around you affecting your entire
zone affecting all creatures in that zone.
11. BESTIAL CONSTITUTION: As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to fill your body with bestial vigor,
ending the Dazed, Stunned and Restrained condition on yourself. Until the start of your next turn, you are
immune to these conditions and resistant to piercing damage.
12. BESTIAL SPIRIT (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 17+): As an Action, you can spend and roll three
Hero Dice to summon the feral spirit of a great beast. When you cast this spell, you summon a Bestial Spirit
in your zone which acts directly after you. The spirit acts independently but does everything it can to
protect you and your allies.
o The Spirit grants you resistance to all non-magical attacks until it is dispersed.
o The Spirit’s HP is equal to the Hero Dice rolled and basically acts as temporary hit points to you.
o The spirit remains until it dies or until you unsummon it as a Free Action on your turn, at which
point it disappears.
o You are able to sacrifice your Bestial Spirit to recall the magical energy which makes up its body
and calm your mind. As a Free Action on your turn, you can spend one additional Hero Dice to
unsummon your Bestial Spirit and you recover a number of hit points equal to the Bestial Spirit’s
hit points at the time of being unsummoned.
13. BESTIAL VITALITY (Requirements: Constitution 11+): As a Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
fill your body with bestial vigor. You regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns. The spell can
restore a maximum of 10 hit points, after which it ends. This maximum includes healing from features that
increase the amount of hit points regained from the spell. You can spend one additional Hero Dice to add
your Constitution modifier to the number of hit points you regain on each turn.
14. BIND BEAST (Requirement: Presence 13+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to fill the mind of
a beast type creature with horrifying visions and crippling fear to break and shatter their spirit, making them
more pliable. Choose a non-hostile beast within your zone. The target must make a Presence test. On a
failure, the target is under your control for 1 hour. The Beast obeys your commands and can be used as a
mount if it is of suitable size.
o When the effect ends, the creature flies into a mindless rage and does not relent until you or it are
dead. While this effect is active, you can choose to spend one additional Hero Dice to recast the
spell on the same target to extend the duration. The target makes a Presence test against the new
test. If this spell affects the same target continuously for one day, the Beast is permanently bound.
15. BLESSING'S BOON (Requirements: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend three Hero Dice to kneel,
slowly charging and releasing healing energy around yourself in your zone. At the start of your next turn,
each creature within the area receives a blessing for the duration. While under this blessing, a creature
regains 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns. A creature can regain a maximum of 10 hit points from
this blessing. This maximum includes healing from features that increase the amount of hit points regained
from spells. When you cast this spell, you cannot move until the start of your next turn. If you are moved
from your original position or fall prone before the start of your next turn, the spell's effect does not occure.
This spell lasts for 1 minute or until you take any type of damage rolled above 10 or you move from your
16. BLOODFLAME TALONS (Requirement: Constitution 13+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
slash the air, creating lacerations at a point within melee range of you. Each creature other than you within
melee range of that point must make a Constitution test. On a failed test, the creature takes 2d6 fire damage.
On a successful test, they take half damage. If a creature rolls a 1 on the test, it takes an additional 4d6
slashing damage as its blood hemorrhages from its body.
17. BRIARSTORM (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice you
summon a hail of sharpened thorns from above, saturating an area in deadly briars. Choose a zone within
medium range. Any creature in that zone must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take piercing
damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled. On a successful test, they only take half damage. The zone becomes a
Major Hazard and difficult terrain until the start of your next turn.
18. CHAIN LIGHTNING (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend and roll up to three Hero
Dice to have a bolt of lightning arc from your hand and strike an enemy before striking others nearby.
Choose a creature within medium range and make a ranged spell attack, on a hit the target suffers lightning
damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled + your spellcasting modifier. Choose up to 3 creatures, one for each
Hero Dice you spent, within melee range of the target. Each of those targets must make a Dexterity test. On
a failed test they suffer lightning damage equal to half the Hero Dice rolled.
19. CHARM (Requirement: Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to weave the mists into
the mind of another, controlling their every action. Choose a creature within Medium Range. The target
must make a Knowledge or Presence test. If you or an ally are hostile towards the creature, it has Advantage
on this Test.
o On a success, nothing happens, and the creature knows you cast a spell on it.
o On a failure, the creature falls under your control. As a Free Action, you can issue the creature
simple commands, such as ‘Protect me’ or ‘Follow them’. The creature completes the task to the
best of its ability, and then defends itself from harm until it receives further instruction.
Alternatively, you can use an Action to take direct control over the creature, moving it up to its
movement and using any abilities or features it might have.
o Any time the creature takes damage, it can make another test to try to break your control.
o The effect lasts for 1 minute. While this effect is active, you can choose to spend two additional
Hero Dice to recast it to extend the duration.
o If this spell affects the same target continuously for one day, the creature is permanently bound to
you. After this, only powerful magic or divine intervention can break the effect.
20. CLARITY: As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to have the light guide your thoughts, clearing
your mind. You gain a 1d6 to all Knowledge Tests for 10 minutes.
21. CLOAK OF MIASMA (Requirement: Constitution or Knowledge 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend
two Hero Dice to summon a cloud of potent poison to surround you. You gain the following benefits for 1
o You and friendly creatures within your cloak gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned
o When a creature moves into or starts its turn within your cloak, it must immediately succeed on a
Constitution Test or become poisoned until it leaves the aura.
22. CONCEALMENT (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice
per target of your choice in your zone, not counting yourself, to have concealing magic radiate around
yourselves, making you and your chosen allies more difficult to detect. Whenever you or a creature you
choose within your zone must make a Dexterity test, the creature can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. A
chosen creature leaves no trace of its passage and cannot be tracked except by magical means. This spell lasts
for 1 hour or until you take any type of damage rolled above 10.
23. CONCUSSIVE CANNON (Requirement: Dexterity 11+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
charge your magic into your ammunition, causing them to shine like stars. On a hit with the next ranged
attack roll you make, the target is stunned, and the attack deals extra 1d6 radiant damage.
24. COVOLT STRIKE (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of
Hero Dice to hold a melee weapon aloft and speak its command word, causing powerful tendrils of lightning
to explode from it. Each creature of your choice within your zone that you can see must make a Dexterity
test. On a failed test, they take lightning damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled. On a successful test, they
only take half damage.
25. COWER (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to try to
transfix a beast type target with a steely glare, cowing it into obedience. Choose a Beast type target within
medium range. The creature must make a Presence test or it is considered Stunned until the start of your
next turn.
26. CRUCIBLE HORNS (Requirement: Strength 15+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to create
large horns on your head and charg up to medium range in your zone. You can then make a melee spell
attack against a creature within melee range of you. On a hit, the target takes 6d6 piercing damage and they
must make a Strength test upon being hit. On a failed test, it is simultaneously pushed 10 feet into the air
and land in a space within medium range in your zone.
27. CRUCIBLE TAIL (Requirement: Dexterity 15+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to create a
flexible tail and swing it in a wide arc around you. You can choose to target creatures within your zone
around you. Each target in the zone must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take 6d6 bludgeoning
damage and fall prone.
28. DISCERN MAGIC (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): When you make a Knowledge test to sense all magic in
your zone, you can spend one Hero Dice and add that roll to the test.
29. DISCUS OF LIGHT (Requirement: Dexterity or Knowledge 17+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice
to fire a ring of light forwards in a straight line within medium range in your zone. Each creature in the line
must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, the creature takes 3d6 radiant damage. On a successful test, they
take half damage. At the start of your next turn, the disc returns to you, causing each creature in the line to
make the same test.
30. DIVINE MIGHT (Requirement: Presence 11+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
surround yourself with a magical aura that radiates divine power. You have advantage on Presence Tests,
and when you speak, you can cause your booming raised voice to be heard clearly at a distance of up to 1
31. DYING WORDS (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to call upon
the spirit of the recently deceased, briefly pulling a sliver of their soul back to their body. Choose a corpse of
a creature who has died within the last day within your zone. A fragment of the creature’s spirit returns to
its body and you can communicate with it for the duration of the spell.
o You can ask the corpse one question. You can spend additional Hero Dice to ask one additional
question per Hero Dice spent.
o The spirit is compelled to answer you and it speaks truly — the dead have no reason to lie. If you
choose to not ask anymore questions, the effect ends.
32. EARTHEN FURY: As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to instantaneously transforms the land
around it, turning your zone into a swampy mire. The affected area is considered Difficult Terrain and a
Major Hazard. When all creatures other than yourself, enter the mire for the first time or starts its turn
there, takes 3d6 poison damage. The area remains for a number of turns equal to your Knowledge modifier
(minimum of 1 turn).
33. ELEMENTAL BREATH (Requirements: Knowledge or Presence 15+): You can channel your magic into
destructive elemental breath reminiscent of mighty dragons. When you take the Attack action on your turn,
you can spend one Hero Dice to replace one attack with an exhalation of elemental breath. Creatures within
your line of sight in your zone must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take a number of d6
elemental damage equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum 1). This elemental damage can be fire, cold,
lightning, poison or acid damage, your choice. On a successful test, they take half damage.
34. ELEMENTAL DEFENSE (Requirement: Constitution 11+): As a Reaction, when you take acid, cold, fire,
lightning, force, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to
reduce its damage by the amount of Hero Dice you have rolled.
35. ERUPT IN FLAMES/FIREBALL (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): As an Action, you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and clap your hands together, creating a smoldering ball
of fire to hurl at your enemies. You throw the fireball at a point within Medium Range. Each creature in
that zone must make a Dexterity Test. On a failed test, they suffer damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled +
your spellcasting modifier as the area erupts in flames. On a successful test, they take half the damage. The
fire spreads around corners and ignites flammable objects in the area. Additionally, the zone gains the Minor
Hazard Trait until the start of your next turn. Alternatively, you can choose to extend the duration of the
Minor Hazard by 1 round spending one additional Hero Dice.
36. ETHEREAL GUIDE (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to summon
a ghostly spirit and bind it to your service for 1 minute. You can issue simple commands to the spirit, such as
‘find us a way out’ or ‘search this room for weapons. The spirit has no knowledge of people or places, so
ordering it to search for a specific person is fruitless. However, if you give the creature a description, such as
‘the elf with a red hat’ or ‘a building with a tall spire’, it will try to follow your orders as best it can. The GM
has the final say on what the spirit can successfully interpret.
o In combat, you can use an Action to spend one additional Hero Dice to direct the spirit to guide
yours or an ally’s strikes. To do so, choose a creature within Medium Range. The target’s Attacks
increase by a +1. After the attack, the spirit stops aiding your ally until you use an action and one
Hero Dice to instruct them to do so.
37. EXPLODING ATTACK (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As a Bonus action, immediately after a successful
hit with a melee weapon, you can spend two Hero Dice to charge magic into the weapon, causing a rippling
explosion. All creatures within medium range in your zone, including the target and you, must make
a Constitution test. You have advantage on this test. On a failed test, they take the weapon's damage as
thunder damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
38. FARSIGHT (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to have your
eyes become as sharp as a hawk’s. You can see further and with greater accuracy than normal. This allows
you to see things others cannot, like a spider spinning its web from across the room or a rampaging warband
from miles away. Additionally, you gain a +1 to all ranged attacks and you have advantage on all Knowledge
Tests relating to sight. The effect lasts for 1 minute.
39. FLAME BLADE (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero
Dice to brandish a weapon and make a melee attack with it against one creature within melee range of you.
On a hit, the target suffers extra fire damage equal to the number of Hero Dice rolled + your spellcasting
modifier. Spending another Hero Die, you can cause fire to leap from the target to a different creature of
your choice that you can see within melee range of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to the
Hero Dice rolled.
40. FLAME BURN (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice up to
your proficiency bonus. And summon pillars of flame that rise around you in your zone. Each creature in
the zone, other than you, must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, the creature takes fire damage equal to
the Hero Dice rolled. On a successful test, they take half as much damage.
41. FLIGHT (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to harness
aetheric energies to grant yourself flight. You may manifest wings, be surrounded by swirling winds, or
another effect suitable to your magic. You gain a Fly movement equal to your Walking Movement for 1
42. FLOCK OF DOOM (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of
Hero Dice to reach to the skies and call down a swarm of vicious birds. Choose a creature within Medium
Range. A flock of birds descends on the target, roll a ranged spell attack, on a hit the flock deal slashing
damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled. Additionally, the target must make a Constitution test. On a failed
test, they become Blinded until the end of their next turn in which the flock then disperses.
43. FOOL'S GOLD (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to transmute
metal, temporarily changing it from one metal to another. Choose a palm-sized piece of metal. You can
touch it and transmute the metal into any other metal, such as turning iron to gold. This is not an illusion,
but a true transformation. The metal has all the properties of the new metal and passes all mundane and
arcane scrutiny. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
44. FYREMANTLE (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): You can use an action to spend and roll two Hero Dice.
When you do, you release an energizing wave of harmless fire from you. Fire clings to the weapons of any
friendly creature within your zone, until the end of your next turn. The first target that each affected
creature hits with a weapon attack before the end of your next turn takes extra fire damage equal to your
Hero Dice rolled.
45. GIFT OF METAL (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend up to two Hero Dice to
touch and channel the magic of metal, reinforcing armor and making weapons more deadly for 1 minute.
Choose a metal weapon or suit of armor within melee range:
o One Hero Dice: A weapon affected by this effect becomes a +1 magical item.
o One Hero Dice: A suit of armor affected by this spell grants +1 bonus to AC and becomes magical.
o Two Hero Dice: Both weapon and Armor increase by 1 and both become magical.
46. GODLY AID (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 13+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
kneel, slowly charging and releasing restoring energy in zone around yourself. When casting this spell and
at the start of your next turn, you end one condition of each creature in the zone. Additionally, if a creature
in the area has been put to sleep by magic, it wakes up. When you cast this spell, you cannot move until the
start of your next turn. If you are moved from your original position or fall prone before the start of your
next turn, the spell's effects end.
47. GOLDEN VOW (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend three Hero Dice to swear a
vow to your God, granting each creature that you choose within you zone a blessing. A blessed creature
gains the following benefits:
o Whenever a blessed creature takes damage, it can use its reaction to reduce that damage by an
amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
o Whenever a blessed creature deals damage, it can use its reaction to deal an amount of extra radiant
damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
o This spell lasts for 1 minute or until you, the caster, take any type of damage rolled above 10.
48. GRAVITIC REDIRECTION (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): As an Action, you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice to redirect gravity, reducing its pull upon you while crushing a foe under its own
weight. Choose a creature you can see within Medium Range. The target must make a Strength Test or
suffer force damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled and they are Restrained until the start of your next turn.
While the target is Restrained, you gain a Fly Speed.
49. HAMMER AND ANVIL (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
bombard a piece of metal with magic, bending it and reshaping it. Choose a nonmagical metal object within
your zone. The object can be no larger than yourself. You can reshape the object into another object of
similar mass or alter the object to better suit your needs. You can use this spell to modify weapons and armor
for creatures of various sizes.
50. HEALING LIGHT (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend and roll any number
of Hero Dice to gather aetheric energy, using it to revitalize nearby allies. Choose a zone within Medium
Range. Allies in that zone recover Hit Points equal to the Hero Dice rolled + your spellcasting modifier.
51. IGNITE BLOOD (Requirement: Constitution 15+): As an action, you can spend three Hero Dice to emit an
aura that extends fully in the Zone you are in, and ignites the blood of nearby foes that have already
sustained injuries. For 1 minute, any enemy creature with blood that begins its turn within the aura or
enters it for the first time on its turn must make a Constitution test. On a failure, it immediately suffers 3d6
fire damage, and half as much on a successful test. Any enemy creatures damaged by this aura have their
max hit points reduced by the amount of damage they suffer. This spell ends if you suffer damage rolled
above 10.
52. ILLUMINATE: As an Action you can spend one Hero Dice to cause motes of arcane energy to coalesce,
creating a ghostly light that reflects your magic. The light hovers in the air, illuminating your zone. The
zone you are in becomes Well Lit around you in melee range and the rest of the zone is considered Dim
Light. As an Action on your turn, you can move the light to an adjacent zone. This light lasts for 1 hour or
until you choose to end it.
53. IMMUTABLE SHIELD (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
enchant a shield within melee range of you with holy light. For the duration and while the shield is being
held, whenever the wielder of the shield is subjected to an effect that allows them to make a test to take only
half damage, they instead take no damage if you succeed the test.
54. INSECT SWARM (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to summon a
vile swarm of insects and send them to pursue a creature within medium range. The target must make a
Dexterity test. On a failed test, it takes 3d6 piercing damage. On a successful test, they take half the damage.
If the creature succeeds in the test and is still within range of the spell, it must repeat the test at the start of
your next turn as the flies continue to pursue it. A creature that rolls a 1 on either test takes an additional
4d6 piercing damage.
55. LIGHT OF BATTLE (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): As a bonus action you can spend two Hero Dice to
glow with a bolstering light, empowering those around you. Any allies who start their turn in your zone
receive a +2 to Presence tests and are resistant to being frightened. If you or any ally moves out the zone, the
effect ends.
56. LIGHTNING BALL (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to create 3
balls of cracking electricity. You can then make ranged spell attacks with these balls directed at a creature.
Each ball deals 1d6 plus your spellcasting modifier lightning damage and pushes the target back in a
direction of your choice in medium range, per ball. You may spend two Hero Dice to create and fire 1
additional ball.
57. LIGHTNING WAVE (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to focus
an immense amount of magic in both of your hands and release a wave of lightning energy. All creatures
within your zone must attempt a Constitution Test. On a failed test, they take 3d6 lightning damage.
58. MYSTIC SHIELD (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend up to three Hero Dice to
conjure a mystical shield for protection. Choose a creature within Medium Range, the target’s AC increases
by 1 depending how many Hero Dice you used, until the start of your next turn.
59. NECROTIC AURA (Requirement: Constitution or Knowledge 17+): As an action, you can spend any number
of Hero Dice to emit an aura that extends fully in your zone. This aura pulses necrotic energy into the veins
of nearby foes, causing them to burst and bleed. For 1 minute, any enemy creature, with blood, that begins
its turn within the aura or enters it for the first time on its turn must make a Constitution Test. On a failed
test, it immediately suffers necrotic damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled. On successful test, they take half
the damage. Any enemy creatures within this aura cannot regain hit points. This spell ends if you take any
type of damage rolled above 10.
60. NIGHT'S BLESSING (Requirement: Constitution 15+): As an Action, after you have taken damage, you can
spend two Hero Dice to transfer a fraction of your power to an ally within melee range by marking them
with a blood sigil. The marked ally gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution
modifier plus your level until you take a short or long rest. The marked ally can also forfeit the temporary
hit points (as long as there is 1 remaining), and instead use this ability to gain one Hero Dice. You can only
mark one ally per short or long rest.
61. NOCTURNAL (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action you can spend two Hero Dice to turn someone
into a creature of the night, able to navigate dark places without need for rest. You can choose to touch a
creature (including yourself) within melee range in your zone. The target gains the Darksight ability. They
do not suffer disadvantage on tests relating to sight in low light or darkness. They do have disadvantage on
tests relating to sight in bright or well-lit areas. Additionally, the target does not need to sleep for 1 day and
the effect lasts 24 hours. The Selected PCs do not suffer exhaustion for the first 24 hours but suffer
exhaustion if you cast it again without taking a Long Rest.
62. NULLIFY (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to extend your
arcane energy, slowly smothering and nullifying all sense of magic in an area. Your zone and the creatures
within it appear non-magical for 1 minute. Creatures and objects in the zone appear mundane to abilities or
63. PEERLESS SKILL (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 13+): When you make a Knowledge or Presence
Test, you can spend and roll one Hero Dice. Add the number rolled to your Test. You can choose to do so
after you roll the die for the Test, but before the GM tells you whether you succeed or fail.
64. PILLAR OF IRON (Requirement: Knowledge 19+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to summon
a pillar of black iron, infusing it with the magic of the earth to draw all other metal to it. Choose a zone
within Medium Range. You conjure a magnetic iron pillar in that zone until the start of your next turn.
o When you cast this effect, all creatures in the zone wielding metal weapons or wearing metal armor
must make a Strength test. On failure, any held metal weapons and objects are pulled from the
wielder’s hands, sticking to the pillar.
o A creature can use an Action to make a Strength Test to free a weapon or object that is stuck to the
o If a creature wearing metal armor fails this Test, they are forcibly pulled to the pillar and
Restrained. A Restrained creature can use an Action to make a Strength Test to free themselves.
o Additionally, the Attacks of creatures in the zone wielding metal weapons are made with
65. POISON MIST (Requirement: Constitution 15+): As an action, you can spend one Hero Dice to create a
sphere of poisonous mist centered on you and occupies the whole zone. The mist spreads around corners,
and its area is lightly obscured. The mist lingers in the air for the duration. Each creature that starts its turn
in the mist, including you, must make a Constitution test. On a failed test, they take 2d6 poison damage and
be poisoned until the end of its next turn. On a successful test, they take half damage and are not poisoned.
You have advantage on this test and if you succeed, you do not take any damage. This mist lasts for 1 minute
or until you take any type of damage rolled above 10.
66. POISON SPRAY: As an Action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to extend your hand
toward a creature you can see within medium range in your zone and project a puff of noxious gas from your
palm. The creature must make a Constitution Test. On a failed test, they take poison damage equal to the
Hero Dice rolled.
67. POTENT HEALING (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): When taking a short rest, you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice to add 1d6 to the Stamina Dice rolled for each Hero Dice used, restoring hit points to
only one creature per short rest.
68. PROPER DEATH (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to adopt a
holy pose, becoming the image of order and sending out a wave of holy energy. Each creature in your zone
must make a Knowledge test. On a failed test, they take 3d6 radiant damage. On a successful test, they take
half of the damage. This damage is increased to 6d6 against undead. Undead slain by this spell cannot return
to life by any means.
69. PSYCHOMETRY (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to have the
light guide your path through the annals of time, showing you the history and truth of an object. Choose an
object or structure that you can see and touch. You can ask the GM one question about the object which
they must answer truthfully. Questions may be what it is made of, what magical traits it has, who was its last
owner, and so on.
70. RADIANT ORBS (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): Your arcane power manifests around you as small
whirling orbs of light. As an Action, you can spend and roll up to four Hero Dice and conjure one radiant
orb for every Hero Dice you use. The orbs circle around your body, shedding dim light in melee range
around you. You can dismiss the orbs at will (no action required).
As a Bonus action you can dismiss up to three orbs to activate one of the following effects:
o Increase the Spell DC of the next spell you use by an amount equal to the Hero Dice rolled.
o Gain a bonus to the next test you make equal to the Hero Dice rolled.
o Reduce the next time you take damage by the Hero Dice rolled.
o Each effect lasts until it is triggered or replaced by another effect. All effects end when you finish a
short or long rest, or if you fall unconscious.
71. RALLYING ENCORE (Requirement: Presence 17+): Your music can inspire allies to fight on even as death
encroaches upon them. When you see a friendly creature be reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend three
Hero Dice to use your reaction to sound a majestic melody that resonates with their spirit. The target instead
falls to 1 hit point before it regains a number of hit points equal to your level, even if it normally would have
died. Any negative effects caused by falling to 0 hit points are negated. This spell can only affect a target
once per day.
72. RAPID HEAL (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As a Bonus action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice
up to your proficiency bonus to swiftly utter a prayer, regaining a number of hit points equal to 1d6 per each
Hero Dice you spent plus your spellcasting ability modifier.
73. RAY OF FROST (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): As an Action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice to
have a frigid beam of blue-white light streak toward a creature within Medium Range. Make a ranged spell
attack against the target. On a hit, it takes cold damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled plus your spellcasting
modifier, and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn.
74. REFORGE (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to mend or repair a
mundane object up to a human size.
75. REJECTION (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to unleash a
shockwave in your zone centered around yourself. Each creature in the zone must make a Strength test. On
a failed test, the creatures are pushed to an adjacent zone directly behind the them.
76. RULE OF BURNING IRON (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): As an Action, you can spend and roll a number
of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to choose a target, superheating their metal armor and roasting
them alive. Choose a target within medium range that is wearing metal armor. The target must make a
Constitution test. On a failed test, they suffer fire damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled + your spellcasting
modifier. On a successful test, they take half fire damage. A target that failed the test continues to take half
that fire damage dealt at the end of their turns unless they take an action to remove the metal object.
77. SANGUINE ALERTNESS (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): If you have taken any damage in the past 24
hours, as an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to mark a surface with your blood before you take a long
rest. The blood alerts you of anything that enters your zone. You can't be surprised while you are conscious
and other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.
78. SEARING BLAST (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): You can channel searing blasts of radiant energy. As a
bonus action, you can spend three Hero Dice to force all creatures in a zone you can see, within Medium
Range, to make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, the creatures take 4d6 plus spellcasting modifier radiant
damage. On a successful test, they take half as much radiant damage.
79. SECOND CHANCE: You can use your magic to empower yourself and your allies in your darkest moments.
When a creature within your zone misses with an attack or fails a test, you can spend two Hero Dice to use
your reaction to grant it a bonus to its roll equal to 1d6 + half your level (rounded up), potentially changing
the outcome.
80. SEEKER OF TRUTH (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero
Dice to have invisible bands energy ensnare the voices of those around you, choking out lies. Every creature
in your zone, including yourself, cannot speak a deliberate lie for 1 minute. Creatures in the zone are not
compelled to speak and can exit the zone to escape the effect.
81. SHADOW BAIT (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to create a
lightly glowing shadowy figure at a point within medium range. The shadow tricks enemies in its zone into
attacking it. Humanoids that enter the zone or start their turn in it must make a Knowledge test. On a failed
test, they perceive the shadow as a hated enemy, and are compelled to attack it until the start of their next
turn. Damaging the shadow reveals it to be an illusion, ending the spell. This spell lasts for 1 minute or until
the shadow is hit.
82. SHIELD OF THORNS (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice for each
creature, to have roots and vines spring from the earth, cladding you or your allies in a protective barrier of
thorns. Each creature you chose in your zone gains a +1 to AC until the start of your next turn. Additionally,
any attacker that hits a creature affected by this spell suffers 1d6 piercing damage.
83. SHOCKING TOUCH (Requirement: Constitution or Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend and roll
any number of Hero Dice causing lightning to spring from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try
to touch. Make a melee spell attack against the target. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is
wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes lightning damage equal to Hero Dice rolled plus
your spellcasting modifier, and it can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
84. SLEEP (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice to have a
number of targets in your zone, equal to the number of Hero Dice spent, to fall asleep. The targets must
make a Constitution or Presence Test (your choice). On a failed test, the targets fall asleep for 8 hours or
until they suffer any type of damage.
85. SLOW DOWN (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to attempt to
alter time around that creature. The creature must succeed on a Knowledge Test. On a failed test, the
creature can’t use reactions, it can’t move out of the Zone its currently in, and it can’t make more than one
attack on its turn. Additionally, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not
both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the test at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself with a successful test.
86. SOFT STEP: As an action, you can spend one Hero Dice to shroud your body in soft silence. This spell lasts
for 1 minute or until you take any type of damage rolled above 10. For the duration, your footsteps produce
no sound, giving you advantage on Dexterity Tests made to hide from creatures that cannot see you. You can
spend three Hero Dice instead of one to have this spell last for 1 hour instead of 1 minute.
87. SOLAR FLARE (Requirement: Constitution or Knowledge 13+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice
to erupt in a flash of pure blinding light. Enemies in your zone must make a Dexterity or Constitution Test.
On a failed test, targets are Blinded until the start of your next turn.
88. SOULSHROUD (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to have the
souls of the dead surround your allies, shielding them from harmful magic. Choose a zone, you can see,
within Medium Range. Until the start of your next turn, the zone and allies within it cannot be targeted by
harmful spell effects.
89. SPECTRAL STEED (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to have
spectral energy swirl around you as you conjure a steed of your choice to carry you or one ally of your
choice to your destination. Choose a point you can see. The steed appears in the point you choose. You can
also spend two additional Hero Dice to summon a copy of the steed in a point of your choice. The creature
remains for 1 hour, after which it dissipates. The creature has the following traits:
o It has a Fly Speed.
o It has Hit Points equal to double your level.
o You can use a bonus action to summon it to your location and mount it as a free action.
o The creature is made of spectral energy and is immune to nonmagical damage. When not bearing a
rider or equipment, the creature can squeeze through any gap of 1-inch or larger, reforming on the
other side.
90. SPELL BASHER (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): Whenever you make a successful attack roll, you can spend
one Hero Point and roll a second d20. If the number rolled for both dice is the same, the attack deals an
additional 1d6 force damage.
91. STABLE TOUCH: As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to automatically stabilize one dying target
that you touch, they are then considered Unconscious.
92. STORM STEP (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to be struck
by a bolt of lightning from the heavens, only to reappear moments later as a second bolt strikes the earth.
You can spend one additional Hero Dice per ally within your zone when you cast the spell to be teleported
with you. Choose a point you can see within Medium Range. You immediately teleport to that location,
completely unharmed. You appear beside one another in the new location.
93. STRENGTH OF FLAME (Requirement: Constitution or Knowledge 15+): As a Bonus action, you can spend
two Hero Dice to invigorate yourself with a bolstering fire. Once whenever you deal bludgeoning, piercing,
slashing, or fire damage on a turn, you can add your proficiency bonus to the damage dealt. This spell lasts
for 1 minute or until you take any type of damage, that isn’t bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, or fire, rolled
above 10.
94. SUTURE: As a Bonus Action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to heal one target you can see
in your zone, a number of Hit Points equal to the Hero Dice rolled.
95. THORN WHIP (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to create a long,
vine-like whip covered in thorns that lashes out at your command toward a creature you can see in Medium
Range. Make a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d6 plus Strength or
Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and you if you choose you can pull the creature up to melee range of
96. TRANSMUTATION OF LEAD (Requirement: Knowledge 15+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice
to summon magic and infuse your enemies’ weapons with lead, making them heavy and difficult to wield.
Choose a zone within medium range. Enemies in that zone decrease their attack rolls by the Hero Dice
rolled, until the start of your next turn.
97. VEIL OF SHADOWS (Requirement: Presence 13+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to draw a
veil of shadows across your form, distorting it so that you appear as someone else. When you cast this spell,
you change your appearance for 1 minute. Your illusory form must have the same basic body composition
but can otherwise appear how you wish. Your clothing, weapons, armor, and any equipment also change as
part of the illusion. Your physical form does not change; objects or creatures that touch the illusion pass
through it and become aware of the deception.
98. WHIPVINES (Requirement: Knowledge 17+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to have sentient
vines burst from the ground to ensnare your enemies. Choose a zone within Medium Range. A creature that
starts its turn in the zone or enters the zone must make a Strength test or be Restrained and suffer 2d6
piercing damage, as the whip vines attack, until the start of your next turn. On it’s turn, a creature can use
an Action to make a Strength Test to escape the vines. On a successful test, they are no longer Restrained.
99. WHISPERS IN THE WIND (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
commune with nature to learn of recent events. When you cast this spell, you can ask the GM one question,
which they must answer truthfully, about what has happened in your zone and the surrounding areas
within the last day. You hear the answers as whispers in the wind, or through speaking with nearby animals.
100. WORD OF PAIN (Requirement: Knowledge 13+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to utter a
forbidden name, wracking your enemy’s body with pain. Choose a creature within medium range. The
target must make a Constitution test. On a failed test, the target falls Prone and is Incapacitated until the
start of your next turn.
1. ACIDIC SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can
spend one Hero Dice to deal an extra 1d6 acid damage and the creature must make a Dexterity Test. On a
failed test, they take another extra 1d6 acid damage at the start of each of its turns. This lasts for 1 minute or
until they use an action to wipe the acid off.
2. AGILE (Requirements: Unarmored or light armor; Dexterity 13+): As a Bonus action, you can spend one
Hero Dice to take the Dash, Dodge or Disengage action.
3. ARCANE BREAKER (Requirements: Dexterity or Strength 13+): When you hit with a weapon attack that
deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You can spend one Hero Dice, to deal magical force damage
instead of the weapons original damage type. This damage is doubled against objects or structures.
4. ARMOR OF THE GRAVE (Requirements: Constitution 15+): You are so familiar with death that you resist
its grasp. If you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can spend two Hero Dice to fall to 1
hit point instead. Each subsequent time you use this feature before you finish a long rest you must spend one
additional Hero Dice.
5. BESTIAL/DRACONIC STRENGTH: You already can feel the strength of mighty beasts. As a Bonus Action,
you can spend one Hero Dice to gain proficiency in Strength and Constitution Tests for 1 hour. In addition
your carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is doubled.
6. BLACK BLADE (Requirements: Slashing weapon; Presence 15+): As part of a melee weapon attack, you can
spend one Hero Dice to coat a weapon in darkness and shape it into a longer blade, extending its reach to
medium range in your zone instead of melee range. This could also be used to recreate a blade that was
broken. The blade deals necrotic damage. This lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
7. BLADE WARD: As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice and you extend your hand and trace a
sigil of warding in the air. Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.
8. BLUNT STRIKE: When you make an attack with a slashing or piercing weapon, you can spend one Hero
Dice to coat your weapon in magic and have the weapon deal bludgeoning damage instead of its original one
on a hit. If a target is dropped to 0 HP due to this style, they just fall unconscious and do not die outright.
This effect lasts until you successfully hit a target.
9. BOWSTRING TRICK (Requirements: Dexterity 11+): As part of making a ranged attack with a non magical
bow or crossbow, you can spend two Hero Dice and speak a command word. When you do, the fired arrow
or bolt magically creates a length of weightless hempen rope behind it. One end of the rope is tied to the
arrow or bolt, and the other end appears in an open hand or at your feet (your choice). The rope remains for
10 minutes, until it's cut or untied, or until you use this style again, at which point the rope instantly
unravels and disappears. The rope also disappears early if it becomes longer than 300 feet before the arrow or
bolt hits a target. For the rope's duration, the arrow or bolt can hold up to 500 pounds without breaking or
dislodging from its point of impact.
10. BRAVE CHARGE (Requirements: Presence 17+): You learn how to weave music into melodic battle cries,
imbuing allies with strength and endurance. As a bonus action, you can spend and roll any number of Hero
Dice up to your proficiency modifier to sound a call to arms for your allies. Choose a number of creatures, up
to your Presence modifier (minimum of one), that can hear you within your zone and one adjacent zone.
Each of them gain temporary hit points equal to the Hero Dice rolled. Additionally, the next attack an
affected creatures makes deals additional damage equal to your Presence modifier (minimum of one
11. CLEAN STORM WIND (Requirements: Dexterity 15+): As a Reaction, you can spend two Hero Dice
swinging around their body with viscous force nullifying all weapon attacks, projectiles or magic. All
creatures within melee range of you must succeed on a Dexterity Test. On a failure, they take extra 1d6
slashing damage.
12. CLOAK OF SHADOWS (Requirements: Presence 19+): You can cloak yourself with shadow magic and
merge with the shadows. When you are in dim light or darkness, you can use an action to spend three Hero
Dice to become invisible, and you remain invisible until you attack, cast a spell, or move into an area of
bright light. Also, when a creature moves into your reach while you are invisible, you can use your reaction
to make an opportunity attack. Finally, opportunity attacks only end your invisibility if you hit the target. If
the attack misses, you remain invisible.
13. COMMANDING PRESENCE (Requirements: Presence 11+): When you make a Presence Test, you can
spend one Hero Dice and add it to the test.
14. HEROIC RIPOSTE (Requirements: Dexterity 15+): When a creature misses you with a melee weapon attack,
as a Reaction, you can spend three Hero Dice to make a melee weapon attack with advantage against the
creature. You can draw a weapon as part of this attack.
15. DANCE OF THE RAPID CURRENT (Requirements: Dexterity 15+): Immediately when you hit with a
weapon attack you can spend one Hero Dice to move away from a target without provoking an attack of
opportunity to another free space in your zone that is on your same floor level.
16. DANCING HELRAISER (Requirements: Strength 15+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to
make two melee weapon attacks and then two unarmed attacks that on a hit deal fire damage instead of the
attacks normal damage.
17. DECAYING SMITE (Requirements: Presence 15+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can
spend two Hero Dice to deal an extra 2d6 necrotic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points with this smite
their body turns to ash.
18. DECEPTION BEHEADING (Requirements: Dexterity 17+): As a reaction to a melee weapon attack made
against you, you can spend two Hero Dice to feign being hit before appearing in medium range behind the
attacker, in your zone. You can then move toward the attacker and make a melee attack against them with
advantage. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
19. DISTANT THUNDER (Requirements: One-handed or versatile weapon): When making a weapon attack,
you can spend one Hero Dice have your melee weapon attack become a medium ranged attack and strike at
medium range instead. You have proficiency in these attacks, and you can choose Dexterity or Presence to
be your attack modifier for these attacks. Each successful hit deals thunder damage instead of the weapon’s
normal damage. Any unsecured objects hit by these attacks are automatically pushed to a space within
medium in its zone and it emits a thunderous boom audible out to long range (100 feet).
20. DISTRACTING STRIKE: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend one Hero Dice to
distract the creature, giving your allies an opening. You add the Hero Dice to the attack's damage roll. The
next attack roll against the target by an attacker other than you has advantage if the attack is made before
the start of your next turn.
21. DIVERSE FIGHTING (Requirements: Knowledge 13+): When you hit with a weapon attack and deal more
than one type of damage, you can spend two Hero Dice to either change all the damage types to one of the
types dealt or you have one of the damage types affect another target within melee range of the original
target instead.
22. DRACONIC MANEUVERS: Treat each one as it’s individual style:
o Crushing Bite (Requirements: Strength 13+): When you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you
can spend one Hero Dice attempting to grapple the target like the jaws of a dragon. You add the
Hero Dice to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Strength Test, on a failed test,
you grapple the target and your unarmed attacks against the grappled target have advantage.
o Wingbeat (Requirements: Strength 15+): You can push anyone that comes close like the massive
wings of a dragon. As part of an attack action, you can spend two Hero Dice to release a massive
gust of wind. Each creature within your zone must make a Strength Test or falls prone and takes
2d6 bludgeoning damage.
o Goading Slash (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you
can spend one Hero Dice to attempt to goad the target into attacking yourself. You add the Hero
Dice to the attack's damage roll, and the target must make a Presence Test, On a failed test, the
target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next
o Tail Sweep (Requirements: Dexterity 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack,
you can spend one Hero Dice to attempt to damage another creature with the same attack. Choose
another creature within melee range of the original target and within your weapon’s reach. If the
original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to the number you roll on
your Hero Dice. The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.
o Scaled Redirection (Requirements: Presence 15+): Whenever you succeed on a test against any
magical effect, you can spend one Hero Dice and a reaction to have one target within your zone to
make the same test or suffer the same effect.
o Iron Rend (Requirements: Strength or Dexterity 17+): The second time you deal damage to a
creature in the same turn with melee attacks, You can spend two Hero Dice to have it make a
Constitution test or take 3d6 slashing damage.
o Impossible Regeneration (Requirements: Constitution 15+): Your natural regeneration is
unparalleled. At the start of each of your turns, you can spend and roll one Hero Dice to regain hit
points equal to the number rolled plus double your Constitution modifier but only if you have no
more than half of your hit points left. You don't gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points.
o Defensive Wing (Requirements: Dexterity or Presence 13+): You can attempt to protect yourself
with your energy that takes the form of spectral wings (if you are not flying). As a reaction to
taking a hit, you can spend and roll one Hero Dice. You add the number rolled to your AC until the
start of your next turn.
23. DRACONIC/ELEMENTAL RESONANCE: You have learned to draw upon the spirits of the
dragons/elements. At the beginning of your turn, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to
your proficiency bonus to imbue your attacks with elemental power of your choice (fire, cold, lightning,
thunder, acid or poison). You deal extra elemental damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled. This lasts until the
beginning of your next turn.
24. DRACONIC SCALES (Requirements: Presence 11+): After you take a short or long rest, you can spend two
Hero Dice to grow a thin layer of transparent scales, almost unnoticeable. People will never know you have
this natural armor unless they attack you, where the scales glow brightest in the sign of protection.
o You now have a kind of natural armor on your skin. You cannot use any medium or heavy armors,
and if you do, they will no longer have any effect on you. This armor lasts until you take a long
o This natural armor, which will thus be called "Dragon Scales Mail", does not add weight to you, and
obviously does not have any strength requirement either. Additionally, it is considered medium
armor, and has the following attributes:
o AC: 15 + Dexterity modifier (max +2 Dexterity modifier);
o Stealth: Does not give disadvantage.
o Elemental power: When you cast this style you can choose an element type (choose: Acid,
Lightning, Poison, Fire, Cold). and gain resistance to that damage type.
o Draconic Fortitude: You can choose a non-magical damage type (slashing, piercing or bludgeoning)
and gain resistance to that type.
o Elemental Surge: As a reaction, once per round, you can have the first melee attack the enemy
lands on you have a chance to return to it. The enemy must make a Constitution Test, or take a
number d6s equal to their proficency bonus, of damage based on elemental type you chose back to
the attacker.
25. DREAD AWARENESS: As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to have your senses be honed to detect
the presence of evil. For one minute, you know the location of any monstrosity, undead or evil creatures
within medium range of you. You know the type (monstrosity, or undead) of any being whose presence you
sense, but not its identity. If there are any humanoids affected by a curse, you detect this as well. This ability
is negated by dense stone and metal barriers. Make a Constitution Test. On a success, you know the exact
location of the creatures and cannot be surprised by them.
26. DUAL WIELDING (Requirements: Strength or Dexterity or Knowledge 11+): When you take the Attack
action while holding a weapon in each hand, you can spend two Hero Dice to make two attacks as part of
this attack action instead of just one attack.
27. EARTH SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can
spend one Hero Dice to deal an extra 1d6 bludgeoning damage and the creature must make a Strength Test.
On a failed test, they are knocked prone.
28. ELEMENTAL ABSORPTION (Requirements: Constitution or Presence 13+): You have learned to absorb
certain elemental effects. As a Free Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to choose between fire, lightning,
thunder, and poison. You know have resistance to the chosen damage type. Additionally, whenever you are
damaged by the chosen damage type, you can choose to have your next attack or spell (if it deals damage)
you make against an enemy deals additional damage equal to 2d6 of the chosen damage type.
29. ELEMENTAL DEFENSE (Requirements: Presence 11+): As a reaction, when you take acid, cold, fire,
lightning, force, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to
reduce its damage by the amount of Hero Dice you have rolled in this reaction.
30. ENCHANTED STRIKES (Requirements: Presence 15+): Your strikes weaken your foe's resistance to your
magic. If you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend two Hero Dice to have it have disadvantage
on the first test you force it to make against a style before the end of your next turn.
31. ENHANCED CIRCULATION (Requirements: Constitution 19+): As a reaction to being targeted by an attack
or a Constitution Test, you can spend three Hero Dice to quickly improve the blood flow to your heart,
briefly granting you heightened reaction speed and minor recovery. You reagain 2d6 Hit Points and until
the start of your next turn, increase your AC by +5, you have advantage against Constitution Tests.
32. EVASIVE MAGIC (Requirements: Dexterity or Presence 15+): As a Reaction to taking damage from a
creature’s attack, you can spend two Hero Dice to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see in a zone
adjacent to your zone.
33. EXPLOSIVE SHOT (Requirements: Dexterity or Knowledge 11+): Upon a successful hit or miss with ranged
weapon attack, you can spend two Hero Dice have the non-magical ammo explode. All creatures within
your zone must make Dexterity Test, on a fail they take 2d6 fire damage. On a success take half as much.
34. FIERY SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can spend
and roll any number of Hero Dice to deal an extra 1d6 fire damage and the creature must make a Dexterity
test. On a failed test, all creatures within melee range of the target (excluding you) takes fire damage equal to
the Hero Dice rolled.
35. FIST OF THE FIVE WAYS (Requirements: Presence 11+): You can infuse your fists with the power of the
five elements. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, you can spend one Hero Dice to choose for it to deal
lightning, cold, fire, acid, or thunder damage instead of its normal damage. In addition, when you empower
an unarmed strike in this way, your reach with that unarmed strike increases to medium range in your zone.
36. FLAMING SHOT: When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to light the non-
magical ammunition aflame. On hit, you deal 1d6 extra fire damage. If your target is a flammable object that
is not being worn or carried, you can ignite it in place of dealing damage.
37. FLOWING SLASH (Requirements: Strength or Dexterity 11+): When you make a melee weapon attack you
can spend one Hero Dice, in order to choose another creature within melee range of the target to take equal
damage, if the original attack roll would hit the second creature.
38. FOCUS BLADE (Requirements: Presence 13+): You can imbue your signature weapons with your inner
energy. As a bonus action, you can touch one of your weapons and infuse it with one to three Hero Dice to
increase its critical hit range by an amount equal to the number of Hero Dice spent. For example, if you
infused a weapon with three Hero Dice, its attacks would score a critical hit on a roll of 17-20 on the d20.
This bonus is only usable by you, and it lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you imbue your energy into
another weapon.
39. FOCUSED SIGHT: When you make a Test with which you have proficiency, you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to add the result rolled to your Test roll, potentially
turning failure into success.
40. HAZY MOON NIGHT (Requirements: Dexterity or Presence 17+): As a bonus action, you can spend two
Hero Dice to create numerous afterimages by rapidly vibrating your weapons, causing them to become
infinitely sharp and near impossible to follow. Until the end of your turn, your weapon attacks gain a +5 to
attack but cannot gain a critical hit and cannot deal more damage than its damage die plus the relevant
ability modifier plus your affinity bonus if applicable.
41. HELLFORGED (Requirements: Constitution 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to have
your blood boil within your veins, causing your body to become resistant to poison damage and immune to
diseases and the Poison Condition for 1 minute.
42. HEROIC DEFENSE (Requirements: Constitution or Presence 15+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend one
Hero Dice to protect yourself. You take less damage equal to 3 + your proficiency bonus from the damage
from all sources and your movement speed drops to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
43. HEAVENLY STEP (Requirements: Presence 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to move
along vertical surfaces, across liquids, and upside down on ceilings without falling during your movement. If
you end your movement on a vertical surface, liquid, or upside down on a ceiling, you can spend one
additional Hero Dice to remain in place without falling until the end of your next turn.
44. ICY SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can spend
one Hero Dice to deal extra 1d6 cold damage and the creature must make a Constitution Test. On a failed
test, the creature is imprisoned in ice and is restrained until the end of your next turn.
45. IMPOSING SUN (Requirements: Martial melee weapons; Dexterity or Presence 15+): You spin your weapon
in a circular motion, deflecting his enemy's attacks. As a Reaction, when you are the target of a melee attack,
you can spend two Hero Dice to impose a disadvantage against the attack roll against you. Every creature
that fails to hit you, rolls a Presence Test, on a fail they are frightened by you until your next turn. If they do
hit you with an attack, they take 1d6 fire damage.
46. INQUISITIVE EYE (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): When you make a Knowledge test you can spend and
roll one Hero Dice and add the result to your ability test. You can do so after you roll the d20, but before
you know if you succeed or fail.
47. LIGHTLESS SLASH (Requirements: Slashing weapon; Dexterity and Presence 13+): As a reaction to being
targeted by a radiant spell, you can spend one Hero Dice to channel darkness into their weapon and releases
that darkness with a slash that flies at the opponent. The wave of darkness retains the same sharpness as an
edged weapon. Make a melee attack with the weapon and if it hits the attacker the radiant spell ends and
they take the weapons damage as necrotic damage.
48. LIGHTNING BURIAL (Requirements: Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice
up to your proficiency bonus to strike the ground with your metal weapon to generate a massive amount of
lightning magic that zigs and zags through materials automatically seeking a living target. Any creatures
holding or wearing metal in your zone must make a Constitution Test. On failed test, they take a number of
d6 lightning damage equal to the number Hero Dice rolled. On a successful test they take half the damage
49. LIGHTNING STRIKE ARMOR (Requirements: Presence 19+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero
Dice to call down lightning around your body, you are covered in blinding electricity, enhancing your
reaction speed and coursing lightning into any creature that attacks you. You gain the following:
o You have a +3 bonus to your AC.
o When a creature hits you with a melee attack, they take 1d6 lightning damage.
o This lasts for 1 minute or if you take any damage above 10.
50. LIGHTNING TACKLE (Requirements: Dexterity 11+): As a bonus action, you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice to force electricity through your legs, launching you forward. You move up to another
creature in a straight line in medium range and make an attack. On a hit, it takes extra lightning damage
equal to the Hero Dice rolled.
51. MAGE SLAYER (Requirements: Presence 17+): When you strike a target with a weapon you are proficient
with, you can spend two Hero Dice to force them to perform a Constitution Test. On a failed test, they are
unable to cast spells until the end of their next turn. However, they receive no damage from this attack.
Additionally, spells are automatically canceled and end.
52. MAGICAL INFUSION (Requirements: Presence 11+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
infuse your chosen weapon with magic. Your weapon is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming
resistances and immunities to non-magical damage. This style lasts for 1 minute.
53. MARTIAL FORCE (Requirements: Strength or Presence 11+): You have the ability to enhance your attacks
with inner energy. When you hit with an unarmed attack or a one-handed melee weapon, you can spend
two Hero Dice to deal extra force damage equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) once per
turn. If you use this style with another Spellblade talent, you double the extra force damage. This style lasts
for 1 minute.
54. MASTERFUL AIM (Requirements: Dexterity or Knowledge 11+): When you make a ranged attack, you can
spend one Hero Dice to focus your aim to increase your accuracy and add your Knowledge Modifier
(minimum of +1) to the attack roll.
55. MOON STEP (Requirements: Dexterity 15+): You learned to kick the air so hard, you’re able to jump in
midair. You can spend two Hero Dice to gain a flying speed equal to your movement. This style lasts until
the beginning of your next turn. If this style ends while you are in mid air, you fall to the ground.
56. MYSTIC HEALING (Requirements: Presence 13+): You can draw on your inner energy to stimulate natural
healing. As Bonus action, you can spend and roll two Hero Dice to regain hit points equal to 2d6 rolled plus
your level.
57. OPPORTUNIST (Requirements: Dexterity 13+): Whenever you succeed on a Dexterity Test, you can spend
one Hero Dice as a reaction to teleport up to a point you can see in any direction in your zone. If you are
within melee range of a creature, you may spend one additional Hero Dice as part of the same reaction to
make one attack.
58. OTHERWORLDLY CHARM: When you make a Constitution Test, you can spend one Hero Dice to use
your Presence ability modifier instead. You have advantage on Presence Tests to persuade or deceive a target
for 1 minute.
59. PLANAR SAVANT (Requirements: Knowledge or Presence 11+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero
Dice to understand, but not speak, any language. In addition, you gain proficiency in Knowledge Tests. If
you are already proficient in it, your proficiency bonus is instead doubled for any Test you make to
understand languages for 1 minute.
60. PLANAR SMITE (Requirements: Dexterity or Knowledge 17+): When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon, you can spend two Hero Dice and the creature needs to succeed on a Presence Test. On a failed test,
the creature is banished back to its plane, or to a harmless demi-plane if the creature is on its native plane,
until the end of its next turn. It reappears on the same space, or in the nearest unoccupied space, when it
61. POISONOUS SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can
spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to deal an extra poison damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled and
the creature must make a Constitution Test. On a failed test, the creature is poisoned until the end of its next
62. PRECISE MANIPULATION: As an Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to touch one target to end
one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned.
63. REND ILLUSION (Requirements: Strength or Presence 15+): When you make an attack roll against an
illusion using a melee weapon you can spend one Hero Dice. The illusion is dispelled if the total of the
attack roll meets or exceeds 10 plus the targets spellcasting modifier.
64. REVERSE GUST (Requirements: Strength or Presence 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can use one Hero Dice,
and attempt to draw a creature using the air around it towards you. Choose a target within medium range in
your Zone, they must make a Strength Test. On a failure, you pull them within melee range of you.
65. ROCK WEAPON (Requirements: Presence 11+): As a bonus action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice
to cover your weapon or fists in sturdy rocks. Until the end of your next turn, your attacks deal an additional
bludgeoning damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled + your spellcasting modifier.
66. RUPTURE (Requirements: Presence 13+): As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to store energy in
your weapon and release the energy and create an arching wave as an attack against one target. The attack
gains the medium range property. On a hit, the enery seems to also hit any other two targets within melee
range of the original target. On a hit, it deals your weapon’s damage plus 2d6 force damage to the original
target and half the force damage to the other two targets next to it.
67. RUSHING STRIKE (Requirements: Strength or Dexterity 17+): You flourish your weapon then vanish in a
flash. As an Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to travel in a straight line up to a point within another
zone adjacent to your current one. Each creature in that straight line must make a Dexterity test. On a failed
test they take your weapon damage + 2d6 force damage. On a success, they take half the force damage rolled.
You can then appear in an unoccupied space you can see within melee range of one of the targets you hit or
68. SACROSANCT: As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to gain advantage on Tests from Fiends
and Devil type creatures until the beginning of your next turn.
69. SCARLET OVERDRIVE (Requirements: Presence 11+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
charge your energy into one hand and create a flame. Be advised, this ability requires a source of flame
within range such as lit torches. While holding this flame, your next successful unarmed attack deals extra
3d6 Fire Damage on a successful hit. Additionally, the affected target must make a Constitution Test. On a
failed test they catch fire and gain the Burned Condition but they take 1d6 fire damage at the beginning of
their turn for 1 minute or until they use an Action to put out the flame.
70. SET-UP: When you take the Attack action, you can spend one Hero Dice to forgo an attack to take the Help
action. If this Help action aids an ally in attacking a creature successfully, the attack deals an extra 1d6
weapon damage.
71. SHADOW MISSILE (Requirements: Dexterity or Presence 15+): You switch your tactics, using magic to
passively accelerate your ranged attacks to allow you to hide a second weapon in the shadow of the first.
When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to have the attack gain advantage
but cost twice as many weapons/ammo to make. As a reaction to this ranged weapon attack, the target can
attempt a Knowledge Test, becoming immune to this style’s effects for 24 hours on a success.
72. SHAKE IT OFF: As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to end one effect on yourself that is causing you
to be charmed or frightened.
73. SKYWARD THRUST (Requirements: Presence 17+): As a bonus action, you can spend three Hero Dice to
thrust your weapon into the air, reflecting light into your enemies' eyes. All creatures in your zone who are
able to see you, make a Dexterity Test. On a failed test, the targets have disadvantage on their next attack
roll or test. On a success, the target shields their eyes in time and are unaffected. Beings with the Sunlight
Sensitivity feature are blinded until the end of their next turn. You can only use this action in Well Lit or
Brilliant areas, such as in direct sunlight.
74. SLOW FALL (Requirements: Constitution 15+): You move through the air as light as a feather. When
falling, you can spend any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to have the number of falling
damage dice reduced by the number of Hero Dice spent, so long as you are conscious.
75. SOFT STEP (Requirements: Dexterity 19+): As an action, you can spend three Hero Dice to lighten your
steps for 1 hour. During this time, your footsteps make no sound regardless of your apparel, and you have
advantage on Dexterity Tests made to move quietly.
76. SOLAR SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can spend
one Hero Dice to deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage and the creature must make a Dexterity Test. On a failed
test, the creature becomes blinded until the end of its next turn.
77. SOULFIRE (Requirements: Presence 13+): You weapon emits a flash of light. When you hit with a weapon,
you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice to deal extra radiant damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled.
If the target is undead, the radiant damage is doubled. Until the start of your next turn, you have immunity
to radiant damage.
78. SPIRIT WALK (Requirements: Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice to move
through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain for 1 minute. You take 1d10 force
damage if you end your turn inside an object. Attacks made from non-magical weapons deal half damage
while in this form. If you take damage, the style ends.
79. STEEL RENDING (Requirements: Knowledge or Presence 15+): Your focused fury is honed like an edge,
allowing you cut through stone and steel as if it was paper. You can spend two Hero Dice to have your
weapon attacks ignore any resistance to bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage that isn't magic-based, and
all your weapons deal double damage against structures.
80. STEEL WIND BURST (Requirements: Presence 13+): As an Action, you can spend and roll a number of
Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to create a momentary circle of spectral blades that sweep around
you. All other creatures within melee range of you must succeed on a Dexterity Test or take force damage
equal to the Hero Dice rolled plus your spellcasting modifier.
81. STEEL WIND FLICKER (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity 19+): In place of an attack, you can spend and
roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and flourish a one-handed or versatile melee
weapon, then vanish. Choose up to five targets that you can see within your zone and make a single melee
weapon attack against each one. On a hit, each target takes damage of your weapon's type equal to the Hero
Dice rolled plus either your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You then appear in an unoccupied space of your
choice that you can see within melee range of one of the targets of this style.
82. STORM GAUNTLET (Requirements: Presence 19+): As a bonus action, you can spend two Hero Dice to
cloak your entire fist in a large, super-concentrated mass of lightning magic. You may either, make one
additional attack after you make all your attacks or your weapon attacks with metal weapons deal 2d6
lightning damage instead of the weapons normal damage. This lasts until you attack. You may use this as a
reaction for two additional Hero Dice to gain advantage on a Test or grant an attack disadvantage if it deals
lightning damage.
83. STORM OF ARROWS (Requirement: Dexterity 19+): In place of one attack, you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to fire a massive volley of ammunition at a point you can
see in a zone within the range of your weapon. Creatures of your choice within that zone must succeed on a
Dexterity test or they take piercing damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled plus your Dexterity modifier. Any
creature that succeeds on the test takes half as much piercing damage. You must have enough ammunition
to hit each target.
84. STORMCHARGED STRIKE: When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can spend and roll
any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to deal an extra lightning damage equal to the Hero
Dice rolled and the creature needs to succeed on a Dexterity Test, or the creature can't take reactions until
the end of your next turn.
85. STRIKE THE EARTH (Requirement: Strength or Presence 15+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero
Dice to drive your weapon into the ground, causing a small earthquake. Everyone on or under the ground
within your zone must make a Strength Test. On a failed test they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and are
knocked prone.
86. SUDDEN STRIKE (Requirement: Dexterity 13+): When a creature you can see ends their turn, you can use
one Hero Dice to make a weapon attack against them. You can draw a weapon as part of this attack.
87. SWAN DANCE (Requirement: Presence 15+): You learn how to conceal immeasurable strength beneath the
veneer of a distracting dance. At the beginning of your turn, you can spend three Hero Dice to force a
creature to make a Presence Test contested by your Presence Test. On a successful test, you have advantage
on all weapon attacks against the target until the end of your turn.
88. TEMPEST ESSENCE (Requirement: Presence 11+): When you are hit by a melee weapon attack or if
someone touches you, as a reaction, you can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency
bonus to deal lightning damage to that creature equal to the Hero Dice rolled plus your spell modifier.
89. TEMPEST STAMPEDE (Requirement: Dexterity or Presence 15+): As an Action, you can spend any number
of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to unleash a whirlwind of blows in a wave that occupies your
whole zone centered on you. A creature caught in this wave must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test
they are pelted by slashes of wind taking 1d6 force damage per each Hero Dice spent and they are blasted
back to an adjacent zone. On a succesful test, they take half damage.
90. THUNDERCLAP AND FLASH (Requirement: Dexterity 17+): As an Action, you can spend three Hero Dice
to dash forward and make an attack at their opponent with incredible speed, gaining a +2 to that attack. If
you successful hit the target, they must make a Constitution test. On a failed test, they take extra 2d6 plus
Dexterity modifier lightning damage. You can then move to another zone adjacent to the one you were
originally located. On a successful test, the reature takes half lightning damage.
91. THUNDERING STRIKE (Requirement: Strength or Presence 17+): When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack on your turn, you can spend two Hero Dice to shake the ground around the target. Each
creature, except you, within melee range of the target creature must make a Dexterity Test. On a failed test,
they take extra 2d6 thunder damage and fall prone. On a successful test, they take half thunder damage and
do not fall prone.
92. TRAINED DEFENSE (Requirement: Shield in one hand): As a reaction to a ranged weapon attack, you can
spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to reduce its damage by the amount of
Hero Dice you have rolled in this reaction.
93. VAMPIRIC CRITICAL (Requirement: Strength or Presence 13+): You have mastered the darkness and bent
it to your will. At the beginning of your turn, you can spend two Hero Dice have your hits be considered
critical on 19s and 20s. Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee weapon against a creature that has
blood, you are able to recover an amount of hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. This style lasts
until the beginning of your next turn.
94. VIRTUE (Requirement: Presence 13+): As an Action, you can spend any number of Hero Dice up to your
proficiency bonus to touch one creature, imbuing it with heroism. If the target has at least 1 hit point, it is
immune to the frightedned condition and it gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the Hero Dice
used + your Presence Modifier. The temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
95. WEAPON BOND: You can magically bond yourself to a weapon of your choice. At the end of a long rest,
you can spend one Hero Dice to touch a weapon, forging a magical bond between you and that weapon. You
cannot be disarmed of a bonded weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence,
you can use a bonus action to instantly summon it to you. It can be used as a spellcasting focus. This style
lasts until you take a long rest.
96. WEAVE WARRIOR (Requirement: Presence 17+): When an ally within melee range of you casts a spell or
when an ally targets a creature within melee range of you with a spell, you can spend two Hero Dice to
change the damage type of any weapon attack you make before the end of your next turn to one type dealt
by the spell. When you do, you also gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll.
97. WHITE LIGHT STRIKE: As a Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to make a single attack with a
melee weapon, leaving a trail of white light behind for only a moment. The attack gains a +1 bonus to its
attack and damage rolls and you shed dim light in your Zone at the moment you make the attack.
98. WICKED SIGHT (Requirement: Presence 11+): As an Action, you can spend one Hero Dice have the ability
to see things as they actually are. You notice items hidden by magic. You cannot be surprised by ethereal
creatures such as ghosts. You have advantage on trying to see invisible creatures. This lasts for 1 minute or
until you choose to end it.
99. WIND SMITE (Requirements: Presence 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
spend one Hero Dice to deal an extra 1d6 slashing damage and the creature must make a Strength test. On a
failed test, the creature is pushed back to a space within medium range in its zone.
100. WRAITH SHIELD (Requirement: Presence 19+): As a reaction to being hit by melee range attack, you can
spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to force that creature to make a
Presence Test. On a failed test, it immediately takes psychic damage equal to the Hero Dice rolled and is
frightened of you for a number of rounds equal to the number of Hero Dice spent or until the next time it
takes damage. On a successful test, they take half psychic damage and are not freighted.
1. ABJURE: As a Reaction, you can spend one Hero Dice to ignore a damaging area of affect caused by a trap.
2. AGGRESSIVE SPRINT: As a Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to draw upon your battle fury and
move toward a hostile creature that you can see in medium range. You can spend one additional Hero Dice
to make a single melee attack at the end of this movement.
3. AMBIDEXTROUS: You are equally skilled at manipulating objects and wielding weapons in any hand.
When you are wielding one weapon in each hand and make an Attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to add
1d6 to your weapon damage.
4. ANIMAL FRIEND: You have a natural affinity for animals, and they tend to like you. You can spend one
Hero Dice to have Advantage on tests when trying to get an animal to follow your commands or earn its
trust. Additionally, you naturally know what an animal wants or what might be causing it stress or harm.
5. ARCHERY: As a Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make
with ranged weapons until the start of your next turn.
6. ARRESTING STRIKE: When you hit a target with an attack, you can spend one Hero Dice and force it to
make a Dexterity Test. On a failed test, it takes extra 1d6 bonus weapon damage and its speed is 0 until the
start of your next turn.
7. ASSASSIN’S APPROACH (Requirement: Dexterity 11+): When you make a Dexterity test you can spend
and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add the result to your ability test. You
can do so after you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
8. BACKSTAB (Requirement: Dexterity 11+): You know how to strike swiftly and quietly. If you move within
melee range of a creature while holding a one-handed weapon, you can spend one Hero Dice to have the
creature make a Knowledge test. On a failed test, you can make an attack against the creature and deal
double damage on a hit.
9. BLINDING DEBRIS (Requirement: Dexterity 13+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
attempt to blind a creature with debris. A creature you can see within melee range of you must make a
Constitution test. On a failed test, the target takes 1d6 piercing damage and becomes blinded until the
beginning of your next turn.
10. BRACE UP (Requirement: Constitution 11+): You steel yourself for combat, preparing yourself to take a hit.
As a Reaction to being successfully hit by an attack, you can spend one Hero Dice and gain temporary hit
points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus. You cannot use this maneuver again until all the temporary hit
points have been spent.
11. CLASSICAL SWORDPLAY: While wielding a versatile melee weapon and no other weapons, you can spend
one Hero Dice to gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls and a +1 to your Armor Class so long as you are not
using heavy armor or a shield. This maneuver lasts for 1 minute.
12. CLOSE QUARTERS SHOOTER (Requirement: Dexterity 17+): When making a ranged attack while you are
within melee range of a hostile creature, you can spend two Hero Dice to not have disadvantage on the
attack roll and your ranged attacks ignore cover against targets within your zone. This lasts until the start of
your next turn.
13. CONCUSSIVE BLOW (Requirement: Strength 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can
spend two Hero Dice to empower your attack and force it to make a Constitution test. On a failed test, the
target suffers the Stunned Condition until the beginning of your next turn. On a succesful test, they cannot
take reactions until the beginning of your next turn.
14. CONSTANT FLUX (Requirement: Dexterity 17+): The swordsman spins like a writhing dragon, gaining
more force on their strikes with each rotation. As an action, you can spend a number of Hero Dice up to
your proficiency bonus to move up to a creature within your zone and make a melee attack against it dealing
extra 1d6 weapon damage on that attack. You can repeat this process a number of times equal to the number
of Hero Dice spent and your attacks gain a +1 to damage rolls for each successful hit after the first one or
until you miss an attack.
15. CONTROLLED SHOT: When you hit with a two-handed ranged weapon, you can spend one Hero Dice to
reroll one of the damage dice, you must then choose the new damage die rolled.
16. CRIPPLING STRIKE: When you hit a target with a weapon attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to cripple
one of its senses. The target must make a Constitution test. On a failed test, it takes 1d6 additional weapon
damage and is either blinded, deafened, or cannot speak (your choice) until the start of your next turn.
17. CUNNING INSTINCT (Requirement: Presence 11+): When you make a Presence test you can spend and roll
any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add the result to your test. You can do so after
you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
18. DANCING BLADE RISK (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity 19+): As an action, you can spend two Hero
Dice to dash forward, focusing all of your energy into a single lateral strike. You may move up to a creature
within your zone and make a single weapon attack. On a hit, you deal the weapon's maximum damage die +
double its attack roll modifiers. If you miss the target, they can make an attack against you as a reaction.
19. DEATH DEALER: After taking your Action and Bonus action to make your Attacks, you can spend two
Hero Dice to make an additional Attack.
20. DEFENSIVE FIGHTING: So long as you are either wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can spend one
Hero Dice, as a Free Action on your turn, to gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class. This maneuver lasts for 1
21. DEFENSIVE STANCE: As a Bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to enter a defensive stance that lasts
until the start of your next turn. Each time a creature you can see targets you with an attack while you are in
this stance, you can roll 1d6 and add the result to your Armor Class against that attack.
22. DEFLECT HIT (Requirement: Dexterity 15+): You can use your reaction to spend one Hero Dice to deflect a
hit made by a melee or ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is
reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your level. If you reduce the damage to 0 from a ranged
weapon attack, you can catch the item/weapon/ammunition but only if it is small enough for you to hold in
one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch it in this way, you can spend one Hero Dice to
make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction.
You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, which has a medium range.
23. DIRTY HIT (Requirement: Dexterity 13+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
spend one Hero Dice to strike at a vulnerable area. The target must make a Constitution test. On a failed test,
the target takes 1d6 additional weapon damage, falls prone, and it cannot take reactions until the start of
your next turn.
24. DISARM: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to force it to make a
Strength test. On a failed test, it takes extra 1d6 weapon damage, and it drops one item of your choice that it
is currently holding on the ground at its feet.
25. DISORIENTING BLOW (Requirement: Strength 17+): When you hit with a versatile or two-handed melee
weapon attack, you can spend three Hero Dice to strike with overwhelming force. The creature takes
additional 2d6 force damage, and its Armor class is reduced by 2 and it suffers from the Stunned condition.
This lasts for one minute or until it can make a Knowledge test, ending these effects on a success.
26. DUELING: When you are wielding a one-handed or versatile melee weapon in one hand and no other
weapons or items in the other, you can spend one Hero Dice to gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. This
maneuver lasts for 1 minute.
27. ELITE TRAINING: Your training has enhanced your reaction times. When you make a Dexterity test, you
can spend any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add it to your roll. You can do so after
you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
28. ESCAPE ARTIST (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity 13+): When you make a Strength or Dexterity Test,
you can spend one Hero Dice to gain advantage on the test to avoid having your speed reduced, to avoid or
end being grappled, or to avoid or end being restrained.
29. EVADE (Requirement: No armor or Light armor only): You have become very hard to hit due to the
training of your reflexes and speed. When a creature would move within melee range of you, as
a reaction you can use one Hero Dice to dodge out of the way, moving to an unoccupied space within
medium range in your zone. Movement done this way does not trigger opportunity attacks.
30. EVADING STRIKE (Requirement: Dexterity17+): While you are Prone, or as a reaction to falling Prone, you
can spend two Hero Dice to right yourself up, ending the Prone condition and you can ready your weapon,
allowing you to make one attack with it.
31. EVASIVE FOOTWORK: When you move, you can spend and roll one Hero Dice, and add the number
rolled to your AC until you stop moving.
32. EXECUTE (Requirement: Strength 13+): In place of an attack, you can spend any number of Hero Dice up to
your proficiency bonus to attempt to execute an incapacitated/unconscious or prone creature within range
of a melee weapon that you are holding. For each Hero Dice you spend you roll 2d6, adding your Strength
modifier to the total. If the total exceeds the creature's remaining hit points, its current hit points are
reduced to 0 and it is instantly slain. If this total doesn't exceed the creature's remaining hit points you deal
damage equal to the 2d6.
33. EXPERT DETERMINATION: As an action, you can spend one Hero Dice to focus your mind and
temporarily sharpen one of your abilities. Choose an ability you are proficient in. For the next hour, you can
add 1d6 to any test you make that uses that ability.
34. FEATHERWEIGHT FIGHTING (Requirement: One-handed weapons): While you are wielding only one-
handed weapons, and nothing else you can spend one Hero Dice to take another Movement Action as a
Bonus Action. You also gain a +1 bonus to your damage rolls with one-handed weapons, so long as you are
not wearing medium or heavy armor or wielding a shield until the end of your next turn.
35. FEINT: As a bonus action, you can spend one Hero Dice to feint, forcing a creature that can see you within
your zone to make a Knowledge test. On a failed test, you have advantage on your attacks against it until the
end of your current turn.
36. FIRST AID: As an Action, you can spend and roll a number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to
touch a conscious, willing creature and administer first aid. The chosen creature gains temporary hit points
equal to the Hero Dice rolled + its Constitution modifier.
37. FLUID MOVEMENTS (Requirement: Dexterity 19+): As a bonus action, you can spend three Hero Dice to
enter a heightened state of movement which you must concentrate on. For 1 minute, or until you suffer 10
or more damage of any type, you gain the following benefits:
o Your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain.
o You can use a bonus action on your turn to gain the benefits of both the Dash and Disengage
o Spells and other magical effects can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or
o You can spend your movement to instantly escape from nonmagical restraints like manacles or a
o Swimming or being underwater imposes no penalties on your movements or your attack rolls.
38. FORCEFUL STRIKE (Requirements: Melee Weapon): As a Bonus Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to
“sheath” one of your melee weapons in your possession. Your next weapon attack deals extra force damage
equal to your unarmed strike damage.
39. FRENZY: When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly and spend one
Hero Dice. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but
attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
40. GREAT WEAPON FIGHTING: When you make an attack roll with a two-handed melee weapon that you
are wielding with two hands, you can spend one Hero Dice to treat a total roll of 4 or lower on the weapon's
damage dice as a 7.
41. HARDENED SKIN (Requirement: Constitution 13+): When you take the Dodge action you can spend one
Hero Dice to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the start of your next turn.
42. HEROIC FOCUS (Requirement: Presence 17+): As a bonus action, you can spend three Hero Dice to enter a
heightened state of focus for 1 minute, or until you suffer any type of damage above 10, you gain the
following benefits:
o You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class.
o You have advantage on Dexterity tests.
o You gain an additional action on each of your turns. It can only be used to take the Attack action
(one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or use an item.
o When the effect ends, you must succeed on a Constitution test against your DC, or you can't move
or take actions until after the end of your next turn. This maneuver’s effects do not stack with
43. HEROIC FORTITUDE: Whenever you are forced to make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution test can
spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add the result to your test. You
can do so after you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
44. HEROIC SURGE: When you use your Bonus Action to use your Stamina Dice to heal yourself, you can
spend two Hero Dice to move up to an unoccupied space in your zone without provoking opportunity
attacks and then you can make a single weapon attack.
45. HEROIC WILL: Whenever you are forced to make a Knowledge or Presence test you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add the result to your test. You can do so after you
roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
46. HURL (Requirement: Strength 11+): In place of an attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to throw an object
that you are holding at a target you can see within medium range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity
test, or both the object and target take bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity
47. IMPROVISED FIGHTING: Once per turn, when you use an object to make an improvised weapon attack,
you can spend one Hero Dice to choose to roll the damage die twice and take the higher damage roll. When
you do so, the object used to make the improvised attack is destroyed and cannot be used for further attacks.
You can't use this feature to destroy magical objects.
48. INSPIRING COMMANDS: You speak with such power that your allies feel a surge of adreniline. Once per
turn you can spend one Hero Dice to choose up to three friendly creatures of your choice in your zone to
gain temporary hit points equal to your Presence modifier.
49. LEGENDARY CHAMPION: You are a nearly perfect physical specimen and have become exceedingly hard
to kill. If you begin your turn with less than half of your hit points remaining, but at least 1 hit point, you
can spend three Hero Dice to regain hit points equal to your Constitution ability score.
50. MARKSMAN’S FOCUS: You can quiet your body to fire with deadly accuracy. When you begin your turn
and are not surprised or incapacitated, you can spend two Hero Dice to choose to enter a state of Focus,
which imposes the following benefits and effects until the end of your turn:
o Your speed is reduced to 0 feet.
o Until you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you have advantage on all ranged weapon
attack rolls.
o When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a ranged weapon, you can re-
roll the die. You must use this new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
51. MELEE MARKSMEN: Having a hostile creature within melee range of you does not impose disadvantage on
your ranged weapon attacks, so long as you are already attacking a creature within melee range. When you
make a ranged weapon attack against a creature within melee range, you can spend one Hero Dice to use
your bonus action to make a melee attack against it with your ranged weapon. On hit, one-handed ranged
weapons deal 1d6 bludgeonong damage and two handed ranged weapons deal 2d6 bludgeoning damage +
your Strength modifier.
52. MENACING HIT (Requirement: Presence 11+): When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
spend and roll one Hero Dice to attempt to Frighten the target. You add the rolled Hero Dice to the attack's
damage roll, and the target must make a Presence Test. On a failed save, it is Frightened of you until the end
of your next turn.
53. MARTIAL FOCUS: As part of a weapon attack you can spend two Hero Dice to grant yourself advantage on
your attack roll. You can use this maneuver after you roll, but before you know if you hit or miss.
54. MIGHTY THRUST (Requirement: Strength 11+): In place of an attack, you can spend one Hero Dice to force
a target you touch to make a Strength test. On a failed test, it is knocked back in a straight line to another
adjacent zone. A target that is more than one size larger than you has advantage on its test.
55. MIGHTY WARRIOR: Your raw physical might enhance your attacks. At the beginning of your turn, you
can spend one Hero Dice to have your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20 roll.
You can spend one additional Hero Dice to have your critical hit range increase to 18-20 on the d20. This
maneuver lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
56. MYTHIC RESILIENCE (Requirement: Constitution of 19+): When you take damage from a source you can
see, you can spend any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus to reduce the incoming damage.
For each Hero Dice you spend you roll 3d6, adding your Constitution modifier to the total of all the dice.
You reduce the damage by the total. If the total rolled exceeds the amount of damage, you gain temporary
hit points equal to the remaining amount.
57. NO QUARTER (Requirement: Constitution 11+): As a Bonus Action, you can spend any number of Hero
Dice up to your proficiency bonus to regain hit points equal to the 1d6 for each Hero Dice spent + your
proficiency bonus.
58. OPENING SHOT: Your weapon attacks leave your enemies open and vulnerable to your ally’s tests. When
you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can spend two Hero Dice to cause that creature to have
disadvantage on the next test it makes against an ally before the end of your next turn.
59. PRECISION STRIKE (Requirement: Dexterity 11+): As part of a weapon attack you can spend and roll any
number of Hero Dice and add the result to your attack roll. You can use this maneuver after you roll, but
before you know if you hit or miss.
60. PROOF OF METTLE: When you score a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a weapon
attack, you can spend one Hero Dice release a surge of fear around you. Each creature of your choice within
your zone must make a Presence Test or be frightened of you for 1 minute or until it can no longer see you.
A creature can repeat this Test at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a successful test.
61. PROTECTOR: When a creature you can see attacks a target within melee range of you, you can spend one
Hero Dice to use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to the target's Armor Class against that attack.
You must be wielding a shield or a melee weapon to gain this benefit.
62. QUICK DRAW (Requirement: Dexterity of 17+): As a bonus action, you can spend two Hero Dice and enter
into a heightened state of focus which you must concentrate on. For the next minute, or until you take any
type of damage rolled above 10, you can use a bonus action to make two ranged weapon attacks so long as
you have ammunition. This maneuver’s effects don't stack with spell effects. If you use this maneuver more
than once before taking a long rest, you have to make the two attacks with disadvantage.
63. RAPID SHOT: Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack, you can spend any
number of Hero Dice to make an additional ranged weapon attack against a number of creatures, that you
haven’t already attacked this turn, equal to the number of Hero Dice used.
64. RAPID STRIKES (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity 13+): When you take the attack action, you can spend
one Hero Dice to make two unarmed attacks as a Bonus Action.
65. REACTIVE RECOVERY: As a Free Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to regain the use of your reaction.
66. REDIRECT: When a creature you can see misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to
spend two Hero Dice and force it to attack another creature of your choice within range of its attack. If the
redirected attack hits its new target, it deals additional 1d6 of the weapon’s damage.
67. REFLEX (Requirement: Dexterity 13+): Immediately before you make a Dexterity test, you can spend one
Hero Dice to gain advantage on that test.
68. REMARKABLE STRENGTH: You can easily perform feats of athleticism that would be impossible for most.
Whenever you make a Strength test of any kind, you can spend one Hero Dice to gain a bonus to your roll
equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus.
69. RENDING STRIKE (Requirement: Strength of 13+): When you hit a creature with a two-handed melee
weapon attack, you can spend two Hero Dice to rend its armor. It must succeed on a Dexterity test, or it
takes additional 1d6 damage and its Armor Class is reduced by 1 until the damage is repaired, or it uses an
70. REPOSITION: On your turn as a Free Action, you can spend one Hero Dice to have all opportunity attacks
against you to be made at disadvantage until the end of your current turn.
71. ROTATING FANG: As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to cause all ranged attacks against you
to deal half as much damage until the beginning of your next turn.
72. RUTHLESS STRIKE (Requirement: Strength 11+): When you hit a target with a melee weapon attack, you
can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add them to the damage roll
of that attack.
73. SHIELD BASH (Requirement: Strength 13+): When you successfully hit a target with your shield, you can
spend one Hero Dice to have the affected target make a Constitution test. On a failed test, they are not able
to take reactions until the start of its next turn.
74. SHIELD IMPACT: When a creature you can see hits you with an attack, you can use a reaction to spend and
roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and reduce the damage of that attack by an
amount equal to the total you rolled + your Strength modifier. You must be wielding a shield to use this
75. SIX-FOLD (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity 19+): A compilation of attacks with a series of six dashes.
After moving on your turn, you can use your Action and spend three Hero Dice to make a single melee
weapon attack against a target within range.
o On a hit, you may move and make another attack against a target within your zone, dealing extra
1d6 damage on a hit.
o You can then choose to attack up to 4 more targets in your zone for one additional Hero Dice for
each two targets dealing extra 1d6 damage on each hit.
76. SKILLED RIDER (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): When your trained mount makes an ability test, attack
roll, or you make a Knowledge Test to control it, you can spend and roll one Hero Dice and add the result to
your ability test. You can do so after you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
77. SLASHING STRIKE (Requirement: Minimum one free hand): Whenever you make unarmed attacks, you
can spend one Hero Dice to deal slashing damage, instead of bludgeoning damage. In addition, you gain
proficiency in Dexterity Tests. If you are already proficent in Dexterity tests, you add twice your proficiency
78. SOFTEN THE BLOW (Requirement: Dexterity of 11+): When a creature that you can see targets you with a
melee attack, you can use your reaction to spend and roll one Hero Dice and add it to your Armor Class
against the attack. You must be holding a melee weapon or shield to use this maneuver. If you use this
maneuver and the attack misses, you can spend one additional Hero Dice to make one single melee attack
against the creature that attacked you as part of the same reaction.
79. SPATIAL AWARENESS (Requirement: Knowledge or Presence 15+): As an action, you can spend one Hero
Dice to learn the location of all creatures, that are not Constructs, within your Zone. You can spend one
additional Hero Dice for each additional zone you choose to learn the location of the creatures.
80. STAGGERING BLOW (Requirement: Strength of 17+): When you hit a creature with a melee weapon
attack, you can spend and roll a number of Hero Dice equal to your proficiency bonus to strike with
legendary power and force it to make a Knowledge test. On a failed test, it takes additional damage equal to
the Hero Dice rolled and for 1 minute it has disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability tests, and it cannot take
reactions. On a successful test, it takes half as much damage and suffers no additional effects. The creature
can make a Knowledge test at the start of each of its turns, ending the effects of this maneuver on a
successful test.
81. STRATEGIC COMMAND: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend up to three Hero
Dice to maneuver up to three of your comrades into a more advantageous position. You add 1d6 to the
attack's damage roll, and you choose up to three friendly creatures who can see or hear you. That creature
can use its reaction to move up to an unoccupied space in your zone without provoking opportunity attacks
from the target of your attack.
82. STRONGBOW: When making a ranged weapon attacks with bows, you can spend one Hero Dice to use
your Strength modifier, in place of Dexterity, for your attack and damage rolls.
83. STUDENT OF WAR (Requirement: Knowledge 11+): You have studied the strategy of both politics and war.
Whenever you make a Knowledge test of any kind, you can spend one Hero Dice to gain a bonus to your
roll equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus.
84. STYLISH PROJECTILE: When making a ranged weapon attack with an improvised weapon, you can spend
one Hero Dice to gain a +2 to attacks and damage rolls.
85. SUBTLE CON (Requirement: Dexterity or Presence 11+): When you make a Dexterity or a Presence test you
can spend and roll any number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and add it to your ability test.
You can do so after you roll the d20, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
86. SWEEPING STRIKE: When you hit a creature with a versatile or two-handed melee weapon attack, you can
spend one Hero Dice and force it to make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, it falls prone and takes
bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6. A creature more than one size larger than you has advantage on its test.
87. TAKE COVER: When you are targeted by a ranged attack or forced to make a Dexterity test you can use
your reaction to spend one Hero Dice to instantly fall prone and gain 1d6 temporary hit points.
88. TEMPERED RAGE: Constant wrestling with your rage and fury has made you fully in control of your
emotions. After taking a long rest, you can choose to spend two Hero Dice to gain proficiency in Knowledge
Tests. If you're already proficient in Knowledge tests, you gain double proficiency. This Talent lasts until
you take a long rest again.
89. THROWN WEAPON FIGHTING: When you make a ranged attack with a one-handed weapon, you can
spend one Hero Dice to draw another one-handed weapon as part of the attack. Moreover, when you hit
with a ranged weapon attack using the one-handed weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll of that
90. THUNDEROUS SHOT (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity of 17+): In place of an attack, you can spend a
number of Hero Dice up to your proficiency bonus and fire a piece of ammunition in a line, out to the
ranged weapon's normal range. Creatures in the line must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take
piercing damage equal to 2d6 for each Hero Dice you spent. On a successful test, they take half as much
91. TRACKER: When you hit a creature, you can spend one Hero Dice to track the target. It creates a trail
wherever it moves and only you can see it. This maneuver lasts for 1 hour.
92. TRIP ATTACK: When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend one Hero Die to attempt to
knock the target down. You add the Hero Die to the attack's damage roll, and it must make a Strength Test.
On a failed test, you knock the target prone. On successful test it doesn’t fall prone. Creatures larger then
you have advantage on the Strength test.
93. UNARMED FIGHTING: At the beginning of your turn, you can spend one Hero Dice to have your unarmed
attacks deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier on a hit. If you have two free hands
when you make the attack roll, the d8 becomes a d10. At the beginning of each of your turns, you can deal
1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature you are grappling.
94. UNBREAKABLE (Requirement: Constitution 19+): When you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit
points, even if that damage would kill you outright, you can spend and roll a number of Hero Dice equal to
your proficiency bonus and fall to 1 hit point, as well as gain temporary hit points equal to the Hero Dice
rolled. If you use this maneuver more than once before taking a long rest, you gain one level of exhaustion
for each time you use it after the first time.
95. UNCHECKED RAGE (Requirement: Constitution 17+): Your fury burns tirelessly. When you hit with an
attack made with a one-handed or versatile melee weapon, you can spend two Hero Diced to roll one of the
weapon’s damage dice an additional time and add it as extra damage of the weapon’s damage type.
96. VENGEFUL SIRIT: When a creature you can see scores a critical hit on a target within melee range of you,
that isn't you or reduces that target to 0 hit points, you can spend one Hero Dice to use your reaction to
make a weapon attack against the attacker.
97. VOLLEY (Requirement: Dexterity of 13+): As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice to use your ranged
weapon to fire a volley of ammunition at a point in a zone you can see within the normal range of your
weapon. Creatures of your choice within range of that point in that zone must make a Dexterity test. On a
failed test, they take piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier. On a Successful test they talk
half damage. You must have enough ammunition to hit each target.
98. WAR CRY: As an action, you can spend two Hero Dice and issue a mighty cry, forcing creatures of your
choice that can hear you in your zone to make a Presence test. On a failed test, they drop whatever they are
holding and are frightened of you for 1 minute. If a frightened creature ends its turn and does not have line
of sight to you, it can repeat the test, ending the effect on a success.
99. WARRIOR’S CHALLENGE: As a Bonus Action, you can spend two Hero Dice to have each creature within
your zone that can see or hear you must make a Presence Test. On a failed test, a creature moves their speed
toward you using the safest route possible. If they can’t reach you without entering hazardous terrain, they
don’t move.
100. WHIRLWIND STRIKE (Requirement: Strength or Dexterity 13+): In place of one attack, you can spend two
Hero Dice and force each target within melee range of a versatile or two-handed melee weapon you are
wielding to make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take damage equal to 2d6 + your Strength or
Dexterity modifier. On a successful test, they take half the damage.
DRAGONBREAKER is not an easy world. Bandits, vicious creatures, and evil wizards lurk around every corner. You
must be ready to defend yourself lest you face the eternal void.
REACTIONS (Optional)
When your character first meets someone else in the world, there is a chance that person might be friendly or even
helpful. But more likely, they wish to see you dead and steal your meager possessions. The Gamemaster rolls 2d6 to
determine their reactions.
2d6 Reaction
At the beginning of each session, the GM takes down initiative. This eleminates the need to interupt the sequence of
events with an initative roll and makes it easier for the GM to keep track of combat order, replay order and history
order if needed.
Each PC rolls one d20 and adds their Dexterity or Knowledge modifier (their choice) to the roll. They also roll one
d20 for any allies as well and the allies Dexterity bonus if they are proficient in it. The GM rolls one d20 that will
represent the enemies (ENPC) initiative number.
Whoever gets the higher number goes first. If it’s the PCs, then the two PCs that got the higher numbers go first then
any two enemies go next, then the next two highest PCs then two enemies.
The same goes for if the enemies rolled higher.
• If both PCs and ENPCs roll the same result, then the PCs go first.
• On the enemies turns the GM decides which ones takes action.
o GM Tip: If you find it hard to decide which enemy goes next, choose ones that are being attacked
by the PCs.
If any creatures are surprised, the first round of combat is the surprise round. Surprised creatures can't take actions,
reactions, or move. The surprised condition ends after a creature's first turn in the surprise round. A member of a
group can be surprised even if the other members aren't. After this surprise round, initiative order begins as normal.
• ACTIONS: PCs can take one action on their turn.
o MYSTIC ATTACK ACTION: Mystics can use their Action to make 1 melee attack on their turn.
o SPELLBLADE ATTACK ACTION: Spellblades can use their Action to make 1 melee attack on their
turn. If they choose this, then they can make one additional attack as a Bonus Action.
o WARRIOR ATTACK ACTION: Warriors can use their Action to make 1 attack on their turn. If
they choose this, then they can make one additional attack as a Bonus Action.
o DASH: Dash action lets you move to any spot within an adjacent zone. These zones must be
adjacent to one another.
o DISENGAGE: Disengage action lets you move without provoking opportunity attacks.
o DODGE: Dodge action, attack rolls against you are with disadvantage and you have advantage on
Dexterity Tests.
o SHOVE: You can attempt to shove a creature in place of one of your attacks. On a hit they are
pushed back to an unoccupied space within medium range in your zone.
o GRAPPLE: You can attempt to grapple a creature in place of one of your attacks. You and the target
must make a Strength Test. On a failure they are grappled.
o HELP: PCs can use their Action to help another PC by adding their respective Ability Modifier to
the other PCs Action.
o HIDE: All ranged attacks are made with disadvantage against the hidden PC/creature.
• BONUS ACTIONS: PCs can take one bonus action on their turn.
• PICKING UP ITEMS: The PC can choose to use their Bonus Action or Action to pick up one item that is
within melee range of them.
• REACTIONS: Once per round, PCs can take one reaction each.
o ATTACKS OF OPPORTUNITY: You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that
you can see moves out of melee reach. To make the opportunity attack, you use your reaction to
make one melee attack against the provoking creature. The attack occurs right before the creature
leaves your reach.
You can avoid provoking an opportunity attack by taking the Disengage action. You also don’t
provoke an opportunity attack when you teleport or when someone or something moves you
without using your movement, action, or reaction. For example, you don’t provoke an opportunity
attack if an explosion hurls you out of a foe’s reach or if gravity causes you to fall past an enemy.
• CANTRIPS: The Mystic can cast only one cantrip on each of their turns.
• ADVANTAGE & DISADVANTAGE: Roll 2d20 and take the highest (Advantage) or the lowest
(Disadvantage). Advantages & disadvantages for cover, low visibility, having the proper tools, etc.
• CRITICAL HITS: Natural 20 means max damage plus the dice damage rolled plus your respective modifier,
and you lower the opponent’s Durability by 1. Any additional magical damage is just max damage and not
o If enemies get a Critical Hit on an attack against a PC, they deal max damage and the PCs have to
remove a durability point from either a weapon or armor (which ever makes more sense in the
• CRITICAL FAIL: Natural 1 is a critical failure. Weapon or Amror Durability lowers by 1, quiver is empty,
you are disarmed, etc.
o If enemies get a Critical Fail on an attack against a PC, that PC can make an opportunity attack
against it.
o If PCs get a Critical Fail on an attack, then their weapon’s durability lowers by 1.
• GLANCING BLOWS: Melee, ranged and spell attacks that are within 5 of the target’s AC counts as half-
damage (rounded down). A PC cannot perform Power Attacks when dealing this half damage. If a ENPC hits
the PCs exact AC number , then that attack only deals half damage (rounded down).
o Example: If the ENPC’s AC is 20, then a hit on a 15-19 counts as half damage.
• POWER ATTACKS: Before rolling damage on an attack, you may declare that you are performing a Power
Attack. Your weapon automatically deals critical damage, but your weapon breaks afterwards and coonot be
repaired. All additional magical damage is maxed out when choosing this type of attack as well. You must
take a long rest before you can perform this option again.
• ITEMS: Certain items can be used certain ways:
o POTIONS: PCs can take a potion as a Bonus Action. PCs can hand a potion to another PC as a Free
Action. PCs can administer a potion to another PC as an Action.
o SPELL SCROLLS: These items can only be used as an Action or a Reaction in certain circumstances
(depending on the GM).
Combat Zones
Combat is represented in an area that is divided into different Zones.
• Each Zone can represent about 30 feet in all directions, depending on the size of the area of combat.
• When you start your turn in a zone, you can go anywhere in that zone while you still have actions (Standard
Action, Attack Actions, Bonus Actions).
• You can use your Movement Action to move to another zone or a Dash Action to move to any spot in a
adjacent zone.
• If you choose to use your movement action into an adjacent zone, that will be considered your movement
for that turn. You would just enter the zone and not be able to move anywhere else unless specified in a
talent, trait, magic item, etc.
• Once you enter a zone, if you are within melee range of a target you can make an attack action if you are
able to.
• If you are Prone, you must use your Movement Action to get up.
• If you suffer any type of movement restriction, you can only move once per turn, unless otherwise specified
in a talent, trait, magic item, etc.
• If you have a flying speed, you can treat that like normal movement, but you can basically move in any
• You must use your full movement when performing the following actions (unless stated in a talent, trait or
magic item):
o Moving to an adjacent zone
o Standing from being prone
o Climbing
o Jumping
o Difficult terrain
o Movement restrictions from a talent, spell, trait or magic item
Melee Range
• Means you are within melee range to attack with melee weapons and have disadvantage on ranged attacks
(unless stated in weapons).
Medium Range
• Means within ranged weapon or spell distance and cannot make melee attacks.
• If you are within medium range in your zone, you can make a ranged attack.
• Two Zones adjacent to one another are considered to be within Medium Range.
Out of Range
• Means you are within earshot but cannot see what is going on.
• You know combat is happening but cannot interfere.
• Outside all Zones of Combat.
As long as you have an Action, Attack Actions or Bonus Actions you can move anywhere in your Zone.
If a character is beyond Out of Range, they are unaware the combat is happening and may not interfere.
For each 10 feet the creature falls, they take 1d6 damage. This damage is non-magical.
Whenever a creature would fall 10 feet or more, instead of falling instantly, the creature can choose to delay its fall
until the end of its next turn or current turn, whichever comes first.
This gives the players a chance to react before the point of no return and lets the player be creative.
Zone Jumping
You can jump in your zone or into another zone and that counts as either your whole movement action or part of it
(GM to decide).
When you land in difficult terrain, you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity Test to land on your feet. Otherwise, you
land prone and possibly take damage.
Adventurers often face dense forests, deep swamps, rubble-filled ruins, steep mountains, and ice-covered ground—all
considered difficult terrain.
When moving in difficult terrain, you can only move once on your turn, and it can only be in your current zone. It
takes two turns to move to another adjacent zone (You move at half speed in difficult terrain, so you can cover only
half the normal distance in a minute, an hour, or a day).
Hazards are dangerous effects in the environment. A burning building, poisonous spores, or the strange crystalline
grass are all Hazards.
There are three types of Hazards: Minor Hazards, Major Hazards, and Deadly Hazards:
• A Minor Hazard causes small wounds or discomfort. These are things such as thorny branches or a small fire.
When a creature enters the Hazard for the first time or starts its turn there, it takes 1d4 Damage.
• A Major Hazard causes serious injury. These are things such as poisonous spores or the bone shard hail.
When a creature enters the Hazard for the first time or starts its turn there, it takes 3d4 Damage.
• A Deadly Hazard causes near fatal injury. These are things such as boiling lava or falling into the acidic silver
rivers. When a creature enters the Hazard for the first time or starts its turn there, it takes 5d4 Damage.
Only fanatics fight to the death. Most creatures run when they’re injured, or their allies fall.
Monsters and NPCs all have a morale rating, usually between 5 and 9.
When the enemy…
● Sees their leader killed.
● Sees half their group eliminated.
● Drops to 1/3 of its hit points.
… check for morale. Roll 2d6. If the result exceeds the enemy’s morale score, their morale is shattered. Roll 1d6: 1–3,
the enemy flees; 4–6, the enemy surrenders.
Hirelings also make morale rolls when they aren’t paid, their employer dies, or they face extraordinary danger.
Morale may also be improved by paying hirelings more and treating them well.
• If a PC is surrounded by four or more attackers, roll one attack, adding an additional +1 for each attacker
over 1. Ex: 4 attackers= +3
• On a successful hit the PC suffers regular damage +1 extra damage for each attacker over one. Ex: 4 attackers
= +3 damage.
In the event of a mass battle or castle siege, the GM should describe the battle: arrows darkening the skies and raining
down on shields, the ring of clashing steel, the mud, blood, and screams. Then have the PCs make a Test to see how
much damage they take in this initial clash:
• Battlefield: Test DEX 10 test or lose ½ of hit points. Success means d6 damage in minor scrapes and bruises.
• In a siege against a castle or other fortification: Test DEX 15 to avoid losing ½ HP. Success means d6 damage
in minor scrapes and bruises. When defending a castle or other fortification, test DEX 10.
After the initial crush of battle, telescope to the specific fight in which the characters are involved. Roll that out like
any normal combat. At the conclusion, roll on the following chart. Add +1 one if the character won. Subtract -1 if
they lost.
• SPELL ATTACKS: D20 + Spellcasting Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.
• SPELL DC (TESTS & DCS): 8 + Spellcasting Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.
• CRITICAL SPELL HITS: On a natural 20, the damage or effect of the spell is doubled.
• CRITICAL SPELL MISSES: On a natural 1, roll on the Magical Mishap Table.
• SPELL DC CRITICAL SUCCESSFUL TESTS: On a natural 20, no damage and/or don’t suffer the spell affects.
• SPELL DC CRITICAL FAIL TESTS: On a natural 1, the damage or effect of the spell is doubled.
Cantrips are spells that can be cast without using Hero Dice or Stamina Dice. If you roll a critical fail when using a
cantrip, you do not need to roll on the Mishap Table.
If you choose the Mystic Class at level 1, you can choose one of the following cantrips to add to your Character Sheet:
• ELEMENTAL BOLT: When taking this cantrip, you pick one of the following types of elemental damage:
Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder. Once chosen, this damage type cannot be changed. As an Action, you hurl a
burst of elemental energy at a creature or object within medium range. Make a ranged spell attack against
the target. On a hit, the target takes a number d4 damage equal to your proficiency bonus of the chosen
elemental type.
• PROTECTIVE WARD: As a Bonus action, you can touch yourself or one creature within melee range, and
form a ward of protection around it. If that creature were dealt damage, that damage is reduced by a
number of d4s equal to your proficiency bonus. This ward lasts for 1 hour or until you take damage or until
you cast it again.
• SACRED SYMBOL: As an Action, you create a glowing sacred symbol that hovers in the air within medium
range. The glowing symbol occupies a space in that zone, and sheds dim light in that zone. As a bonus action
on your turn, you can either move the symbol to a new spot within medium range of you or you can choose
to destroy it. All creatures in the zone where it was destroyed must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test,
the creature takes a number of d4 radiant damage equal to your proficiency bonus. This spell ends if
you take any damage above 10 or if it moves out of range.
• RESONATING MIND: As an Action you cause a creature within your zone to make a Knowledge test or
take a number of d4 psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Any other creature, excluding
yourself, within melee range of the original target must also make the test or take the same damage.
PCs can aquire spell scrolls by exploring ruins and dungeons to recover ancient scrolls and grimoires. Defeating other
spell casters. Exchanging spells with a friendly NPC or another Mystic. Sometimes lower lever Mystics apprentice
themselves to higher level ones. See Appendix E for more information.
• Your GM is the one to determine how many enchantments an item is allowed to have.
• PCs can exchange enchantments with others only on a Short or Long Rest unless they are stated as
• Depending on the type of world, these enchantments can take different types of forms:
o Runes: Can be added to an item only by a Runesmith. Each culture has their own runes that can
grant specific abilities. These runes can be temporary or permanent.
o Realm Spheres: These are spherical items then size of marbles that can be added to specific items.
They can only be activated when inserted into a certain item.
o See Appendix D for more information on Enchantments.
• A PC rolls on the Mishap Table if they get a Critical Fail on a Spell Attack.
• If you fall to 0 HP or to a number below zero but above half your current Hit Points, you are “unconscious”.
• Players roll on the 1D4 on Broken Effects Table (Even if you receive healing from something, only your HP
goes up, but you still suffer from the other Broken Effects described below).
• You gain 1 Point of Exhaustion.
Broken Effects
d4 Effect
1 Fall unconscious for 1d4 rounds; waken with 1d4 hit points.
Roll a d6: 1–5 broken or severed limb, 6 gouged eye. You can't act for 1d4
2 rounds, then become active with d4 hit points.
Hemorrhage: death in 2 hours unless treated. All tests are DC 16 the first
3 hour; DC 18 the last hour.
Concussed: awaken in 1d4 rounds with 1hit point, but you receive a -2
4 penalty to all rolls until you rest for 1d4 days.
Last Stand
• If you are reduced to 0 HP or a number below zero but above half your total Hit Points, and you have a
minimum of 2 Stamina Dice and 3 Hero Dice, you can choose to spend these dice to take to make one Action
and move to a space within your zone before falling unconscious.
• If you fall below half your current total Hit Points, you die. No revival unless by extremely strong spells,
abilities, items, or creatures.
Mostly anything can be considered a creature, the PCs, and their ancestries, wildlife, plant life, demons, dragons,
even some constructs can sometimes be categorized as creatures, etc.
• 1d12 +3 +4
• SIZE & TYPE: Same
• ALIGNMENT: Optional
• MORAL: This is something that can be added to any semi intelegent monster.
• HIT POINTS: Use the maximume number of Hit Points
o Example: An Orc has 2d8 + 6 Hit Points, so the max HP would be 22
• SPEED: Every 30 ft equals One Zone (See Movement, Ranges & Zones)
• ABILITY SCORES, MODIFIERS: The only thing that really needs to be altered are certain abilities. Combine
the monster’s Intelligence and Wisdom ability score and then divide that number by 2. The result is the new
Knowledge ability Score.
o Example: 14 Intelligence + 8 Wisdom = 22 / 2= 11 Knowledge Ability score.
• SAVING THROWS: These are classified as Tests
• SKILLS: Instead of Skills, choose 1 or 2 Ability Scores they are proficenct in. For Boss Creatures, choose 3
Ability Scores to be proficenct in.
• SENSES (TRAITS): Usually the types of sight. Passive perception is optional.
• LEGENDARY RESITANCES & ACTIONS (DOOM POINTS): These are replaced with Doom Points
• CREATURE TRAITS: NPC creatures usually have 1 or 2 traits that are normally always active.
• SPELLCASTING (TALENTS): Replace these spells for 1 or 2 Talents that would make sense for this creature.
Boss creatures usually have 2 or 3 Talents.
o GM Tip: Instead of using Hero Dice, you can remove them. You should be able to use these talents
a number of times equal to the creatures proficiency bonus and any damage that may be described
is equal to a number of d6s equal to their proficiency bonus plus any ability modifiers if described.
• ACTIONS: They basiclly stay the same but the disatnces (See Zones), and repalce saving throws for tests.
Some special attacks can be considered a Talent.
o GM Tip: You can also add a +4 to attack damages to make the creatures hit harder.
MAGE (C.R.: 6 -2,300 XP)
SIZE & TYPE: Medium Huminoid LANGUAGES: Common & 3 others
HP: 72 AC: 12 (14 Arcane Armor)
ZONES: 1 (Walk) MORAL: 3
9/-1 14/+2 11/+0 15/+2 11/+0
• SPELL DC: 13
MELEE OR RANGED WEAPON ATTACK (melee or medium range- one target)
• ATTACK: +5 to hit.
• HIT: 9 (1d4 + 2 + 4) piercing damage.
• ELEMENTAL BOLT (CANTRIP): When taking this cantrip, you pick one of the following
types of elemental damage: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder. Once chosen, this damage type
cannot be changed. As an Action, you hurl a burst of elemental energy at a creature or
object within medium range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the
target takes a number d4 damage equal to your proficiency bonus of the chosen elemental
• ARCANE ARMOR (0/3): As a Bonus action, you can surround yourself in a protective field
of aetheric energy. You gain +2 to your AC. This talent lasts 10 minutes.
• ARCANE BARRIER (0/3): As an Action, you can create a magical barrier, such as a wall of
ice or shimmering arcane energy, which prevents creatures from entering or leaving your
zone until the start of your next turn. A creature can use an action to make a Strength test
to force their way through the barrier. Additionally, the Arcane Barrier disrupts ranged
attacks. A creature’s ranged attacks suffer a -2 into or out of the Zone. The barrier has no
effect on spells.
• COVOLT STRIKE (0/3): As an Action, you can hold a melee weapon aloft and speak its
command word, causing powerful tendrils of lightning to explode from it. Each creature of
your choice within your zone that you can see must make a Dexterity test. On a failed test,
they take 3d6 lightning damage. On a successful test, they only take half damage.
ANCIENT RED DRAGON (C.R.: 24 -62,000 XP)
SIZE & TYPE: Gargantuan Dragon LANGUAGES: Common & Draconic
HP: 812 AC: 22
ZONES: 2 (Walk & Fly) MORAL: 11
30/+10 10/+0 29/+9 17/+3 23/+6
ABILITY PROFICENCIES: Strength, Constitution, Knowledge & Presence
• Damage Immunities: Fire
• Tests: Advantage on Knowledge tests.
• Draconic Presence: Each creature within medium range of the dragon and aware of it, must
succeed on a DC 21 Presence test or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat
the test at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's
test is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this trait for the next 24
• Hot Blooded: When it falls below half its hit points, any creature within melee range of it
suffers 2d6 fire damage.
BITE (medium range in its zone- one target)
• ATTACK: +17 to hit.
• HIT: 25 (2d10 + 10 + 4) piercing damage + 14 (4d6) fire damage.
CLAW (medium range in its zone- one target)
• ATTACK: +17 to hit.
• HIT: 21 (2d6 + 10 + 4) slashing damage.
TAIL (medium range in its zone- one target)
• ATTACK: +17 to hit.
• HIT: 23 (2d8 + 10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
• WING ATTACK (Costs 2 Attacks): The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within its
zone must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity test or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and
be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.
• DRAGON BREATH (Recharge 5-6): The dragon exhales fire in a zone within medium
range Each creature in that zone must make a DC 24 Dexterity test, taking 91 (26d6) fire
damage on a failed test, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Doom Points represents the growing dread in the world as the realms are overrun by Chaos, Death, and Destruction
and are solely for the Gamemaster to note down and keep track of.
GAINING DOOM POINTS: Each Adventure starts with Zero Doom Points and restarts when beginning a new
session. Each GM will decide how the Doom Points will be increased.
Here are some examples:
• The PCs take a long rest in the middle of a dungeon.
• The PCs take a short rest in a area that the GM didn’t note that a short rest is safe to take.
• The PCs have to back track to an area.
• If a PC dies.
• If a PC Flees or Retreats.
BOSS CREATURES: Each starts with 3 Doom Points. The Boss Creature regains these 3 Doom Points back if they
“evolve” in battle or escape the battle.
USING DOOM POINTS: For each Doom Point collected, the GM can use a number of points to have things happen:
• Boss Creature AC, Attack and/or Damage can increase by each Doom Point. They can make an extra attack
or make a normal hit into a critical hit (use sparingly).
• You can use one Doom Point to have the Boss Creature have advantage on a Test or take half damage from
an attack.
• Boss Creature can recharge one attack.
• Traps become deadlier, the damage or Test increasing by each Doom Point.
• Time limits decrease by one for each Doom Point.
This core rule book can be used with any 5e adventures with some minor changes required.
• ABILITIES: Intelligence and Wisdom have been merged together into Knowledge. Charisma is now called
• SKILLS, SAVING THROWS AND CHECKS: The PCs now perform Tests using only their main abilities. Any
time a certain skill test is described in an adventure they instead just roll a d20 and add the abilities modifier
and possibly their proficiency bonus.
• HIT DICE: They are now known as Stamina Dice and are all d8s.
• CONCENTRATION: This has been changed to be if they receive more than 10 damage of any type they lose
“concentration” and the ability or talent ends.
• ITEMS: Can be used the same way as in 5E but of course some simple changes will need to be made. Change
any distances, charges, hit dice to stamina dice, concentration.
• SPELLS: They exist in the game but are now only known to Mystics. When a spell is described in the game
you can replace it with a Spell Talent or Style Talent that is similar to the spell described in the book.
• MOVEMENT: Movement are now down in zones and not feet. Each zone is equivalent to 30 feet
circumference. 5 feet is now known as Melee Range and any additional feet after that up to 30 feet is known
as Your Zone your PC is located in. Anything beyond 30 feet is considered Medium Range. Beyond 60 feet is
considered Out of Range.
• MONSTERS: They can be used the same way shown in 5e. The only thing that really needs to be altered are
certain abilities. Combine the monster’s Intelligence and Wisdom ability score and then divide that number
by 2. The result is the new Knowledge ability Score.
o Example: 14 Intelligence + 8 Wisdom = 22 / 2= 11 Knowledge Ability score.
• MONSTER SPELLS: Can be replaced with talents of your choice that make sense for that monster.
These are a few common ancestries found throughout fantasy. All these ancestries are optional to use in your game.
• Ability Scores: Add +1 to STR & +2 to CON.
• Languages: Common, Dwarvish & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Traits:
o Choose Darksight.
o Resistant to Poison Damage and Poison Condition.
• Major Trait- Dwarven Fortitude:
o You have the blood of dwarf heroes flowing through your veins. Whenever you take the Dodge
action in combat, you can spend one Stamina Die to heal yourself. Roll the die, add your
Constitution modifier, and regain a number of hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1).
o You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +2 to DEX & +1 to PRE
• Languages: Common, Elvish & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Traits:
o Immune to charm and sleep effects.
o Advantage on tests regarding seeing.
• Major Trait- Fey Ancestry:
o You learn the magic of the primeval realms, which are revered and protected by your people. As an
action, you can create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect, such as falling leaves, a puff of
wind, the sound of a small animal, or the faint odor of skunk.
o Whenever you have advantage on an attack roll using Dexterity or Presence, you can reroll one of
the dice once. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +1 to DEX & +2 to KNO
• Languages: Common, Gnomish or Low Speech & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge
• Minor Trait: Advantage on all Knowledge Tests against magic.
• Major Trait- Gnome Cunning:
o Your people are clever, with a knack for illusion magic. You have learned a magical trick for fading
away when you suffer harm. Immediately after you take damage, you can use a reaction to
magically become invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, deal damage, or
force someone to make a test.
o You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +1 to CON & +2 to PRE
• Languages: Common, Draconic & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Traits:
o Darksight.
o Resistance to one element type of your choice.
• Major Trait: Choose your Draconic Type, Metallic Protection or Chromatic Breath:
o Metallic Protection:
▪ As an Action, you can channel your draconic energy to protect yourself. For 1 minute, you
become immune to the damage type associated with your Metallic Ancestry (choose: Acid,
Lightning, Poison, Fire, Cold).
▪ You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
o Chromatic Breath:
▪ When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one attack with an
exhalation of elemental breath. Creatures within your in your line of sight in your Zone
must make a Dexterity Test (DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency
bonus). On a fail, the creature takes 1d10 damage of the type associated with your
Chromatic Ancestry (choose: Acid, Lightning, Poison, Fire, Cold). On a success, it takes
half as much damage.
▪ You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +2 to STR & +1 to CON.
• Languages: Common, Orcish & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Trait: Advantage on all Constitution Tests against magic.
• Major Trait- Orcish Rage:
o Your fury burns tirelessly. When you hit with an attack made with a melee weapon, you can roll
one of the weapon’s damage dice an additional time and add it as extra damage of the weapon’s
damage type.
o You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +2 to DEX and +1 to any other Ability of your choice.
• Languages: Common, Fey & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Trait: Advantage on Tests against being frightened.
• Major Trait- Lucky:
o Your people have extraordinary luck, which you have learned to mystically lend to your
companions whenever you see them falter. You're not sure how you do it, you just wish it, and it
▪ When an ally you can see within melee range of you rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll,
a Test, you can use your reaction to let the ally reroll the die. The ally must use the new
▪ You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +2 to PRE and +1 to any other Ability of your choice.
• Languages: Common & depending on your type you have one additional language & a number of extra
languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
o Highborn (Celestial)
o Lowborn (Abyssal or Infernal)
• Minor Trait: Darksight
• Minor Traits based on type:
o Highborn are resistant to Radiant Damage.
o Lowborn are resistant to Necrotic Damage.
• Major Trait: Choose your Nephilim Type, Highborn or Lowborn:
o Highborn- Radiant Wings:
▪ You can manifest protective luminescent spectral wings that can shield you or others.
▪ When you or another creature you can see within melee range of you is hit by an attack
roll, you can use your reaction to manifest wings from your back for a moment. You grant
a bonus to the target’s AC equal to your proficiency bonus against that attack roll,
potentially causing it to miss.
▪ You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
o Lowborn- Hellfire:
▪ You learn to call on hellfire to serve your commands.
▪ Whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you can cause black flames to wreath
around you until the end of your next turn. The flames don’t harm you or your
possessions, and they shed darkness out in your Zone. Your zone becomes dim light if it is
bright light. If the zone is already dim light then it becomes darkness. While the flames
are present, any creature within melee range of you that hits you with a melee attack
takes 1d6 necrotic damage.
▪ You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +2 to any one Ability & +1 to one Ability of your choice
• Languages: Common & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Traits:
o Darksight;
o Advantage on Tests regarding hearing and smelling.
• Major Trait- Altered Beast:
o As a bonus action, your appearance takes on a more bestial appearance. Whenever you change, you
gain additional benefits:
▪ You gain advantage on Constitution tests.
▪ While transformed, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.
▪ You add your proficiency bonus to your unarmed attacks.
▪ After a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to move to
another spot within your zone within provoking opportunity attacks.
▪ You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
o This change lasts for 1 minute, until you die, or until you use a Bonus Action to change back to
your normal appearance. You can change a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and
you regain all spent uses when you finish a long rest.
• Ability Scores: Add +2 to DEX & +1 to one Ability of your choice
• Languages: Common, Goblin & a number of extra languages equal to your Knowledge modifier.
• Minor Traits:
o Darksight
o Advantage on all Constitution Tests against magic.
• Major Trait- Nimble:
o As a Bonus Action, you can take the Disengage action.
o You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Optional: Roll randomlly for your extra languages. Roll a number of d12s equal to your Knowledge modifier.
Reroll if you already know the language.
1 Dwarvish 7 Giant
2 Elvish 8 Primordial
3 Low Speech 9 Celestial
4 Draconic 10 Abyssal or Infernal
5 Orcish 11 Goblin
6 Fey 12 Gnomish
• A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any Test that requires sight.
• Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack rolls have disadvantage.
• Has fewer than half their maximum hit points remaining.
• A burned creature takes 1d4 fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns.
• While burned, the creature has disadvantage on all Knowledge and Presence Tests.
• A charmed creature can’t attack the charmer or target the charmer with harmful Abilities or Magical Effects.
• The charmer has advantage on any Test to interact socially with the creature.
• If the charmed creature suffers any damage the condition ends.
• A dazed creature cannot take reactions and has disadvantage on ability checks and Dexterity saving throws.
• Melee attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s own attack rolls have
• When a dazed creature attempts to cast a spell must roll a d20. On an 11 or higher the spell doesn’t take
effect and the Hero Dice is wasted.
• When a dazed creature takes the Dash action, they must succeed on DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall
• A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any Test that requires hearing.
• You suffer a -1 to all D20 rolls for each level of exhaustion.
• Gaining 5 or more Exhaustion Points, your movement is reduced to only being able to move as a full Action.
• When a PC gains 10 points of exhaustion the PC dies.
• A frightened creature has disadvantage on Test and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of
• The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.
• Your movement is zero.
• You can only make unarmed attacks or dagger attacks against the person you are grappled with. On a hit the
grappler must make a CON Test. On a failure, the grapple ends.
• An incapacitated creature can’t take actions or reactions.
• You do not benefit from resting.
• You lose 1d6 hit points daily.
• To heal an infected creature, you must fully heal them with healing items. These items will depend on your
world (Healing Potions, Amber Shards, Aqua Vita, Healing Herbs, etc.).
• A poisoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability Tests.
• Once healed the creature gains one point of Exhaustion for one day / 24 hours.
• A prone creature’s only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition.
• The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls.
• An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within melee range of the creature.
Otherwise, the Attack roll has disadvantage.
• A stunned creature can’t move, and can speak only falteringly.
• The creature can’t take any actions or reactions.
• The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Tests.
• Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.
• If a creature with sunlight sensitivity is in sunlight or affected by sunlight like magic, they have
disadvantage on attack rolls as well as any Tests that involve the use of sight.
• Surprised creatures can't take actions, reactions, or move.
• The swallowed target is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the
toad, and it takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of each of the creature’s turns.
• If the creature takes damage from one hit equal to or more than their Constitution score, they regurgitate
the swallowed creature prone.
• If the creature dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using
its movement, exiting prone.
• A restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed.
• Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack rolls have disadvantage.
• The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity Tests.
• An unconscious creature can’t take any actions or reactions.
• Can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings
• The creature drops whatever its holding and falls prone.
• The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Tests.
• Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.
• Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within melee range of the creature.
• A weakened creature deals only half damage with attacks that use Strength and has disadvantage on
Strength tests.
When you drop an enemy to zero, you may roll one d20.
1-5 Agonizing death: Your attack inflicts grim wounds to vital organs. Victims dies
in d4 rounds.
6-10 Clean Kill: Your decisive, devastating attack drops your opponent with quiet
11-15 Brutal Doom: You overkill your target with force, crushing bone, spraying
16-19 Splatter & Gore: Your attack renders the victim unrecognizable, smashed to a
pulp or hewn in two.
20 Deathbringer: So powerful is your kill, a nearby enemy is also hit. Enemies who
view such a kill are terrified and intimated.
1 Your shot lodges in the pelvis. After d4 rounds of agony, your opponent dies from blood loss.
2 Your shot lands in the meat of the leg, severing the femoral artery and spraying the area with blood.
After a round of kicking and screaming, your target dies.
3 Your shot enters the bicep and then lodges in the chest. They die after d4 rounds of screaming.
4 Your shot enters the shoulder and exits out the neck. Target gurgles and dies after d4 rounds.
5 Your shot enters under the armpit and emerges out the neck. They stagger forward a few steps
before collapsing on their face.
6 Your shot penetrates the belly and lodges in the spine. Your opponent groans for d4 rounds before
succumbing to blood loss.
7 Your shot enters the diaphragm, tearing through flesh and bone. Your target falls to the ground,
vomiting blood, then turns still.
8 Your shot punctures your opponent’s lung. They vomit blood before collapsing.
9 Your shot enters the solar plexus, pierces the heart, and emerges out of the back.
10 Your blow penetrates your opponent’s armor, passes through the sternal plate, and lodges in the
11 Your shot lands between the ribs and pierces the heart.
12 Your shot enters the throat and exits the back of the neck. Your opponent drops to their knees,
gurgling, before collapsing.
13 Your shot enters the neck, severing the carotid artery and sending a spray of blood into the air.
Death is nearly instantaneous.
14 Your shot enters the bottom of your target’s jaw, impales the brains, and emerges out the back of
their skull.
15 Your shot enters your target’s open mouth and lodges in the brain.
16 You shot enters one side of the skull and emerges out the other.
17 Your shot enters though the left eye and emerges out the back of the skull.
18 Your shot enters the right eye and into the brain.
19 Your shot enters the head between your opponent’s eyes and impales the brain.
20 Your shot passes right through the body—killing the target instantly—and continues onward to
strike the target behind them.
1 Your blow slams into your opponent’s side, cracking their vertebrae, and rupturing several internal
organs. Death from shock and internal injuries in d4 rounds.
2 Your blow shatters the shoulder and drives shattered bone through the rib cage. Your opponent dies
of internal bleeding after d4 rounds.
3 You crack several ribs, driving them into internal organs and causing massive hemorrhaging. Death
in d4 rounds.
4 You smash the ribs repeatedly, rupturing several internal organs. Your opponent vomits blood and
keels over, dying in d4 rounds.
5 Your blow shatters your opponent’s sternum. By chance, a shard of bone impales the heart. They
stagger forward a few feet before collapsing on their face.
6 Your blow shatters the ribs. By chance one of them punctured a lung, causing your opponent to
vomit blood before dying from shock and blood loss.
7 You collapse your opponent’s rib cage, rupturing several internal organs and causing them to vomit
gouts of blood before collapsing dead.
8 You shatter your opponent’s collarbone. Part of the bone emerges out the throat, severing a major
artery and killing them almost instantly.
9 Your blow lands on the skull, shattering several vertebrae and causing a sharp bone to emerge out
the neck. By chance, this bone severs the carotid artery. Your opponent slums to the floor gurgling,
then dies.
10 You snap your opponent’s neck with an audible crack, killing them instantly.
11 Your blow lands so hard it snaps your opponent’s neck and twists the head nearly all the way
12 Your blow lands between your target’s eyes and they drop to their knees, staring stupidly. Suddenly,
a fountain of blood erupts from their nose, and they slump over dead.
13 You shatter your opponent’s jaw, driving it upward into their brain.
14 You smash your opponent’s nose bridge, driving a splinter of bone into the brain.
15 You shatter the eye socket, sending a shard of bone into the brain, killing them.
16 You bludgeon your target’s face repeatedly, turning it into a pulpy mess of blood and brain matter.
17 You cave in your opponent’s skull. They drop to their knees, the nose unleashes gouts of blood, and
they keel over dead.
18 You shatter your opponent’s skull, splattering you with blood and brain matter.
19 You cave in the side of your opponent’s head, crushing the brain to pulp and splattering you with
20 You cave in your target’s skull, killing them instantly.
Enchantments can take on different types, shapes and sizes dependent on the world you are playing in. Here are some
• Runes
• Realm Shards
These magical enchantments have a hue, form or sound that reveals how it can be used to assert mastery over
supernatural forces and techniques. Depending upon a piece of the enchantment’s type, the benefits it grants change.
In addition, some enchantment’s can evolve over time. An enchantment that has been equipped to one or more
characters for both one level advancement and one point of proficiency bonus increases in power (as listed for each
enchantment). Each time an enchantment increases in power, its rarity increases by one step. When using these
enchantments to cast a spell, use your highest mental ability score (Knowledge or Presence) as your spellcasting
Basic Mechanics
• Characters can equip up to three enchantments to an item. Once attached, it takes about an hour for the
enchantment to become active and usable (unless the GM says otherwise).
• Some enchantments have charges that need to be spent to use the abilities. Once all charges are spent, it
needs a full day of non-usage to work again, at which point it becomes inert. You can also choose to
“shatter” the enchantment to cast the ability at full strength.
• While most enchantments follow the common format of casting spells or doing something cool to your
weapon or armor, you can also always attach whatever magic item effects you want to one. For example, you
could have an enchantment that summons monsters or which grants a skill bonus. I’ll provide a couple
examples of these as well.
Many items can be described as magical, such as: Weapons, Armor, Potions, Scrolls, Relics and other miscellaneous
Potions should only one use only and the creature drinking it must drink all of it to gain the full benefit (unless stated
by your GM). Talents can also be used to grant a PC an temporay ability they wouldn’t normally be able to use or
o Drinking this potion grants you X amount of Hit Points back and minor wounds appear to either
heal. This does not remove scares caused by the wounds.
o Drinking this liquid restors one missing Stamina Die.
o Drinking this liquid, restors one missing Hero Dice.
o Drinking this liquid, grants the creature a draconic breath weapon (Talent used: elemental breath).
▪ You can channel your magic into destructive elemental breath reminiscent of mighty
dragons. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one attack with
an exhalation of elemental breath. Creatures within your line of sight in your zone must
make a Dexterity test. On a failed test, they take a number of d6 elemental damage equal
to the whiskey’s age, 1d6 for each year. This elemental damage can be fire, cold, lightning,
poison or acid damage, dependent on the whiskey type. On a successful test, they take half
These items can basically be used by anyone, but anyone that is not a Mystic or Spell Blade must roll on the Mishap
Table before the spell is set off. Once a scroll has been used, it becomes a normal piece of parchment.
• Mystics can use one spell scroll as an Action and an Attack Action as a Bonus Action.
• Warriors and Spell Blades can only use spell scrolls as an Action.
• Spell Blades and Mystics can use their Spell Attack and Spell DC when using scrolls if their numbers are
higher than the ones on the spell scrolls.
• Mystics can choose to memorize spells off of unused scrolls, but they must take 24 hours to mesmerize the
spell scroll as a Spell and they gain one level of exhaustion. These spells don’t count towards the total
number of spells (talents) you can have. Once they have memorized the spell, the spell scroll becomes
useless and cannot be used.
Across the world relics, from a time long past, can be found with fantastical power.
Relics can only be used once. Once they have been used, they become normal non magical items.
Lightning in a bottle
• TEMPEST ARMBAND (3 daily charges) (Talent used: TEMPEST ESSENCE)
o When you are wearing this armband and are hit by a melee weapon attack or if someone touches
you, as a reaction, you can spend one charge to deal 1d6 plus your Constitution modifier
(minimume of one) of lightning damage to that creature.
o While wearing these slippers your body is shrouded in soft silence and your footsteps produce no
sound, giving you advantage on Dexterity Tests made to hide from creatures that cannot see you.
o While wearing this belt your body is filled with bestial vigor, as a Bonus action, you can end the
Dazed, Stunned and Restrained condition on yourself. Until the start of your next turn, you are
immune to these conditions and resistant to piercing damage.
ARROWS (20) 1 1
▪ Protects items (Advantage on tests against 2 1
item harm or loss)
LADDER (10-FOOT) 1 3
LAMP 5 1
LOCK 10 1
POLE (10-FOOT) 1 2
ROPE, SILK (50 FEET) 10 1
SACK 1 1
SOAP 1 1
SPIKES, IRON (10) 1 1
SPYGLASS 1,000 1
TORCH (PACK OF 5) 10 1
VIAL 1 1
DRUM 6 1
LUTE 35 1
LYRE 30 1
HORN 3 1
VIOL 30 1
ACID (VIAL) 25 1
ANTITOXIN (VIAL): Cures one poisoned creature. 50 1
ORB 20 1
ROD 10 1
WAND 10 1
• Heals one stage of petrification
While in Dragonbreaker, PCs cannot multiclass into another class in the conventional sense, that doesn't mean they
can't branch out into other classes through other means. Keep in mind that this is an optional GM rule and may
require some work on the GMs part to adjust talents they offer to a PC, depending on the story.
If the GM chooses, they can offer up certain talents to a PCs at certain times of the adventure. This could be if they
find a magical item or if they receive a boon/blessing or a narrative event, that can give the PC an additional option
but only after taking a long rest or when leveling up (Per the GM). They can either choose their normal ability score
improvement option or a talent from their specific class list option or a specific talent option, chosen by the GM, from
another class that best represents the item, boon or an event the PC just encountered.
Depending on the type of way this talent was acquired, it can either be permanent or temporary. In the case of the
magic item talent will only be available to the PC while they are in possession or using this item. If or when this
happens, the GM may decide to let the PC choose another talent from their class to take the place of the one they
When using these talents from other classes, the PC uses the specific class’s Attack type and DC number. All specific
talent requirements can be ignored when receiving it.
• DRACONIC BLESSING (BOON/BLESSING): “The Great Dragon God has granted you a boon/blessing to aid
you in your battles against the evil dragon hoard.”
o Any PC wearing this ring gains advantage on tests against a dragon’s breath weapon.
o The next time the PC levels up, they gain the option to choose the Draconic Scales style, from the
Spellblade’s talent list, instead of one from their normal class talent list or increasing an ability
• THE PHANTOM STEED (NARRATIVE EVENT): “A PC exploring an ancient tomb discovers the remains of
a paladin. The spirit of its steed appears and defends its master. After you prove your worth, the steed
acknowledges you as a worthy hero and offers you its services.”
o The next time the PC levels up, they gain the option to choose the Spectral Steed spell, from the
Mystic’s talent list, instead of one from their normal class talent list or increasing an ability score.