Disaster Management and Dam Monitoring System

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Hardware Implementation of Disaster management

and Dam monitoring system using IOT


Submitted by

SANDHIYA E (513419106030)

LAVANYA A P (513419106018)
ARUN A (513419106005)

In partial fulfillment for the award

of the degree






MAY 2023


Certified that this project report "Hardware Implementation of Disaster

management and Dam monitoring system using IOT" is the bonafide work of
"SANDHIYA E(513419106030), LAVANYA A P(513419106018), ARUN
A(513419106005)” carried out the project work under my supervision.

Professor, Department of ECE,
Department of ECE, University College Of
University college Of Engineering
Engineering Kancheepuram, Kancheepuram,
Kanchipuram—6351552. Kanchipuram—6351552.

Submitted for the Project Viva-Voce examination held on



we are always thankful to our college Dean

endorsed us throughout this project.

We extend our profound thanks to the Head of the Department

Dr.M.MALLESWARAN., M.Tech.,Ph.D., Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, University College of Engineering
Kancheepuram, for the prompt and limitless help in providing the excellent
infrastructure to do the project and to prepare the thesis.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to our guide Dr.V.DEVENDIRAN,

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, University College
of Engineering Kancheepuram, for her valuable support and guidance and
encouragement for successful completion of this project. Her vision and spirit
will always inspire and enlighten us.
We wish to acknowledge the valuable guidance provided by the faculty
members of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
We are grateful to our family and friends for their constant support and
encouragement.We thank the almighty whose showers of blessings made this
project reality

Far ago, human based resistive mechanisms towards flood control open up
multitude problems like dynamic reactions of prior alert about the risky
situations and stage of current water level. The growth of Internet of Things
(IOT) paved the significant attention in all fields. The objective we propose in
this paper is the application system with integration of Internet of Things to
ensure the safety to the public about the prior alerting of flood occurrence due to
the increase in the water level in dams/reservoirs. To achieve the objective
cloud database technique is maintained which encapsulate the periodic
monitoring water level data and vicinity information. The sensor data is
collected periodically that are uploaded to the cloud database where the
automatic comparison analytics about the increase in water level is noted. Thus,
the prior stages of rise in water level are automatically alerted to the public
respectively. Finally, it was observed that the level of accuracy is grown by this
technique in comparison with ordinary method of monitoring and alerting

வெகு காலத்திற்கு முன் பே, ட ப)ாக்கிய மனித
வெள்ளக் கடடுே்ோடட
அடிே்ேடடயிலான எதிரே்பு ெழிமுடறகள் , அோயகரமான சூழ்)ிடலகள
மற்றும் தற்போடதய )ீ ர் மட்டத்தின் )ிடல ேற்றிய முன்
எசசரிகட் கயின
மாறும் எதிரவிடனகள் போன் ற ேல சிககல் ்
கடளத் திறககி் ன் றன.
இன் டரவ)ட் ஆஃே் திங் ஸின் (IOT) ெளரசசியானF அடனத்F
F டறகளிலும
குறிே்பிடத்தக்க கெனத்டத வசலுத்தியF. இ)்த ஆய்
ெறிக்டகயில் )ாங் கள் முன் வமாழி)்த
ப)ாக்கம் ,
அடைகள் /)ீ ரத்பதக்கங் களில் )ீ
அதிகரிே்ேதால் வெள்ளம் ஏற்ேடுெடத முன் கூட்டிபய

வோF மக்களுக்கு ோF காே்டே உறுதி வசய் ெதற்காக
இன் டரவ)ட் ஆஃே்
திங் ஸ் ஒருங் கிடைக்கே்ேட்ட ேயன்
ோடடு அடமேபு் ஆகும் . புற)ிடல
பமகக்கைி தரவுத்தள நுட்ேத்டத அடடெதற்கு, அெ்
ெே்போF கை் காைிே்பு
)ீ ர் )ிடல தரவு மற்றும் அருகிலுள்ள தகெல் கடள இடைக்கும் நுட்ேம்
ேராமரிக்கே்ேடுகிறF. வசன் சார் தரவு அெ் ெே்போF
பசகரிக்கே்ேடடு கிளவுட்
தரவுததளத்தில் ேதிபெற்றே்ேடும் , அங் கு )ீ ர் மட்டத்தின் அதிகரிே்பு குறித்த
தானியங் கி ஒே்பீடடு ேகுேோய் ் வு
குறிேபிடேேடுகிறF்் . இதனால் , )ீ ர் மட்டம
உயரெதற்கான மு)்டதய )ிடலகள் முடறபய
வோF மக்களுக்கு தானாகபெ
எச ரிக்டகயாக இருக்கும் . இறுதியாக, ெழக்கமான கை்

காைிே்பு மற்றும ரிக்டக அடமே்புடன் ஒே்பிடுடகயில் ,
இ)்த நுட்ேத்தால் F ல் லியத்தின்

அளவு ெளர)்Fள்ளF.





4.1 NODE MCU 28
5 IOT 44






2 NODE MCU ESP8266 29













IOT Internet of things

TMC Ft Thousand Million Cubic feet

WIFI Wireless Fidelity

WSN Wireless sensor network

GSM Global system for mobile communications

SISO Single input single output

SIMO Single input multiple output

IMC Internal model controller

LCD Liquid crystal display

GPRS General packet radio service

PLC Programmable logic controller

DSSS Direct sequence spread spectrum

FHSS Frequency hopping spread spectrum

RTU Remote Terminal unit

AMR `Automatic meter reading

In India nearly 4000 major/medium dams are constructed and many more are
in a pipeline. Normally, the range of dam storage capacity of 185 billion cubic
meters of water with a surface area of 5,580km (93.4TMCft). During rainfall,
for every 9.6mm the rise of water level increases by 0.3ft. In the recent analysis
by the BC dam safety annual report, from the year 2011-2016 number of dam
incidents, dam alerts and dam failures are decreased respectively. With the
growing interest in Internet of Things has become a right choice for the pre-alert
system for monitoring the rise in the water level in dams. The risk rate of
sudden flood occurrence opened up a way for the way the need of the real-time
dam water level monitoring and prior alerting system which ensures the public
safety. The main purpose of the system carries out an advantage of transfer of
information both of the cloud and public smartphone using local Wi-Fi.

Dams are the major sources of water supply to cities; they also play a vital role
in flood control and can assist river navigation. Most of the dams are built to
serve more than one purpose and their benefits are manifold. It is necessary to
implement some sort of communication between the metering systems and
computer models to provide support in managing the complex systems. In India
nearly 4000 major/medium dams are constructed and many more are in a
pipeline. Normally, the range of dam storage capacity of 185 billion cubic
meters of water with a surface area of 5,580km (93.4TMCft). During rainfall,
for every 9.6mm the rise of water level increases by 0.3ft. In the recent analysis
by the BC dam safety annual report, from the year 2011-2016 number of dam
incidents, dam alerts and dam failures are decreased respectively. With the
growing interest in Internet of Things has become a right choice for the pre-alert
system for monitoring the rise in the water level in dams. The risk rate of
sudden flood occurrence opened up a way for the way the need of the real-time
dam water level monitoring and prior alerting system which ensures the public

Dam plays a major role in our life as they are used for purpose such as irrigation flood
control and mainly generation of electricity. There are approximately 4200 major/minor dams
in India. When it comes to dams, there are various parameter to be measured. Now a days
dam authorities are facing problems regarding the dam and the weather parameters
monitoring as most of the small dams are still using manual observation and older technique
of transmission system. Manual observation and transmission result in considerable time lag
between data observed, its transmission and for decision taking. Also, this causes loss of real
time data and sometimes become the reason for upcoming disaster. When it specifically
towards water level measurement for water discharge to generation and irrigation. It has to be
measure at least one time in 24 hours. Most of dam es measure water level manually as it not
convenient to keep continues monitor on the change of water level. There is a need to look
forward for an advance technology. So, we are about to design such a technology in which
we will place a reflector on the water surface on which the transmitter will direct a beam on
the reflector and by certain logics, the water level can be determined.

10T in disaster management can help us in predicting calamities, alerting authorities at an

early stage, and rescuing people affected by disasters, thus potentially saving lives, money,
and resources. 10T devices hold the power to transform the reactive disaster management
techniques into predictive ones. Hence an effective dam monitoring system with monitoring
screen and a gate control function built onto a mobile application will allow the user to
monitor the level of water on a real time basis along with other vital parameters, for better
disaster mitigation and water management using Water level monitoring, Live weather status,
risk reduction using alert system and dam gate control. The proposed system should leave its
users in control of the gate. Several dams and major water bodies can be monitored and
synchronized based on the data's retrieved and early warning systems can be integrated.

Precise decisions can be taken well in hand thus averting the last-minute rush. The exclusive
control and operation of the dam is restricted for the dam operator whereas the alerts and few
major monitoring parameters are made available to the general public. Dams also play a vital
role in irrigation purposes through which disasters like drought can be prevented.

Water is one of the important natural resource in the world, which is used for different
purposes like for irrigation, for drinking, in hydro plant, etc. so it is necessary to save wastage
of water in field, in nuclear plant and hydro plant also. Thus this project introduces a simple
wireless monitoring and control of water surveillance system which uses water level sensors.
The WSN is one of the technologies which has advantages of low-cost, low power
consumption and self forming. This proposed project "canal and subcanal water level
surveillance "will be designed to monitor and control level of water and save wastage of
water in irrigation system. As the country is making its progress through industrialization, our
water resources are prone to a threat of pollution especially from the industrial activities. It is
a challenge in the enforcement aspect as it is impossible for the authorities to continuously
monitor the location of water resources due to limitation especially in man power, facilities
and cost of equipment.

Dams play a vital role in harvesting energy and utilizing the energy for electrification and
irrigation purposes. Apart from that dam protect against flooding by collecting and holding
waters when they reach a certain level. Once collected, a dam might be designed to release
the water back into the river at a controlled speed or divert the water elsewhere for other uses.
Due to unforeseen situations mismanagement of dams would lead to catastrophic damages,
which is very evident in the case of 2018 Kerala floods, where 35 of its 54 dams were let
open without prior warnings and early action plans leading to loss of lives, property damages
etc. Majority of countries are still using manual systems for controlling and monitoring the
dams which is time consuming, and inaccurate. To solve this problem, an 10T based dam
monitoring system and its role in pre disaster management is proposed. The dams are
remotely monitored using real time data's such as temperature, water level, rainfall and water
flow rate along with receiving danger warnings and alerts which can be set based on the
capacity of the dam as blue, orange or red alert through a mobile application. The dam
operator is given the privilege to manually or automatically control the gates based on the
scenarios and requirements. Similarly, 'n' number of dams can be monitored and operated
which reducesthe complexity in controlling or monitoring the dams and the data's collected
can be studied for effective predictions in the future.

Water Level Monitoring and Dam Gate Control over IOT MURKAR MANDAR
Kankavli) 5 Associate Prof. (SSPM's COE Kankavli)
The cradle of our project is based on methodology of IOT. Water level in a dam needs to be
maintained effectively to avoid complications. The quantity of water released is hardly ever
correct resulting in wastage of water & it is impossible for a man to precisely control the
gates without knowledge of exact water level and water inflow rate. We have designed a
system in which real time things are interconnected to web. Water level sensors are placed in
dam to serve the same purpose automatically and forward the status to raspberry pi.
Raspberry pi unit checks that input and upload the status of water level on web. By this
project each and every variation of water level is informed to control room through the
internet (using blynk application) and nearby people can be informed in time thus saving lots
of lives and avoiding the unpleasant scenarios

Water level in a dam needs to be maintained effectively to avoid complications. This is

generally performed manually which requires full time supervision by more number of
operators. Moreover, the quantity of water released is hardly ever correct resulting in wastage
of water & it is impossible for a man to precisely control the gates without the knowledge of
exact water level and water inflow rate. This system consists of a level sensor connected
through raspberry pi. The water level will be analysed using these sensors and updated in the
web server using IOT module connected to the raspberry pi. Authorities can view this
information using internet from any place and also they can make a decision to control the
dam gate to avoid further complications. Proposed System: The main objective of this project
is to develop a mechatronics based system. This system will detect the level of water and
estimate the water inflow rate in a dam and thereby control the movement of gates using IOT
in a real- time basis. It offers more flexibility over existing systems. Also the purpose of our
project is to monitor the water level in dam using the advanced concept of IOT employing
Raspberry pi. The Internet of Things (IOT) is a system in which real time things are
interconnected to web. This system can also be used to sense the earthquake vibrations and
explosive detection and as alert system. We are using Raspberry Pi which is a fully featured
micro-computer implemented onto a small circuit board. It by default supporting python as
the educational language along

with embedded C. Here we have installed updated version of operating system i.e. Raspbian-
pixel and done programming in embedded C.

The Raspberry-pi unit checks that input and upload status on web. By this project each and
every variation of water level is informed and then accordingly controlling action can be

Various efforts have been made uptill now in monitoring water level & accordingly
controlling dam gate. The contribution of work in this area is mentioned below l. IOT based
water supply monitoring and controlling system: Water is a basic need of every human being.
Everyone needs to save the water. Many times with lack of monitoring,overflow of the water
takes place. Overflow of tanks can occur because of this lots of water wasted. Another thing
is because of overflow in the pipelines with more pressure there is possibility of pipeline
damage. Leakage detection is one more problem. All these problems are because of lack of
monitoring, manual work and less man power. In this paper a survey of Aurangabad city and
field survey have been done, to understand water supply distribution and related problems
with the system. After taking a survey they observed that all the work is manual and need a
better technology to make proper distribution. 2. Automatic Gate Control And Water Level
Reservoir using GSM technology: A dam is a barrier that arrests water. Dam serve the
purpose of storing water while other structures such as floodgates are to prevent water flow
into specific land regions. The dam gate collapse when the water level in the dam exceeds
certain level. To avoid this, dam level must be continuously monitored. Water is a scarce
resource, it is necessary to preserve and maintain its quality. The water related parameters
should be under constant check and evaluation. The main water pollution related parameters
such as temperature and pH are to be monitored. In this paper they have used the
PIC16F877A Micro Controller which helps in continuously monitoring the water level in
dam & also helps in indicating about flood.3. Wireless Disaster Monitoring and Management
System for Dams: This paper suggests architecture to control gate by monitoring high density
and then communicate in real time. Considering the recent events that took place on June
2013, a destructible situation has taken place due to heavy rainfall and cloud bursting at
various places. Many dams were out of knowledge on various parameters about the flow and
discharge from the nearer dams which were affected earlier and due to lack of
communication among these dams, lead to considerable damage of property and life. 4. Dam
gate level monitoring and control: The main objective of this paper is to control the water
Level in dam which was implemented using IOT(Internet of Things). The design
implementation and control of the programmed monitoring system was developed by this

project. The cradle of the project is based on methodology of IOT. For best results, the
principle operation of the automatic gate control arrangement is subjected to dry

running under various possible circumstances, with Proteus as the platform for working. 5.
Raspberry Pi Based Automatic Dam Monitoring and Alert System: This paper deals with the
automatic control of a dam river system. The system is a cascade of single input-single output
(SISO) systems, and can be considered as a single input-multiple output (SIMO) system,
since there are multiple outputs given by intermediate measurement points distributed along
the river. A generic robust design synthesis based on internal model controller (IMC) design
is developed for internal model based controllers. The robustness is estimated with the use of
a bound on multiplicative uncertainty taking into account the model errors, due to the
nonlinear dynamics of the system. Simulations are carried out on a nonlinear model of the
river. The industry has always focused to devise engineering methodologies for establishment
and modification of relatively easier controlling and automation methods for any scrupulous

This paper presents the design and implementation of a control system by means of
microcomputers and data transmission networks. To verify the principle operation of the
Controlling design to be presented a miniature Automated Dam model is experimentally
tested using a PC-based system 6. IOT Based Water Level Monitoring System For Lake: In
this paper they have introduced the idea of water level monitoring and management for lake
water storage source for villages. More specifically, they have introduced the raspberry pi as
controller for water level sensing and controlling in a wired and wireless environment.
Furthermore, it can indicate the amount of available water in the lake. This system is based
on GSM technology. Moreover, cellular phones with relative high computation power and
high quality graphical user interface became available recently. From the users perspective it
is required to reuse such valuable resource in a mobile application. Finally, paper has
proposed a web and cellular based monitoring service protocol for monitoring available water
in lake.

Working: Here we have made the system by using Raspberry pi over IOT. At the first stage
of design a water level sensor is used for sensing water level accurately. Raspberry-pi is used
to control the overall system automatically that reduces the design of system and control
complexity. Raspberry pi takes input from the sensor unit which senses the water level
through level sensors. When water level rises or decreases then the sensor circuit triggers the
raspberry pi. We have designed the extra power supply for DC motor & buzzer. To drive the
DC motor the driver IC(L293D) has been used. To drive DC motor large amount of current is
required. Using Raspberry pi we don't get the sufficient amount of current to drive the DC
motor. Driver IC increases the current and drive the DC motor

The water level at different levels in the dam is sensed and then according to particular water
level we can open or close the gate. When water level crosses 40ft then we will get message
on our mobile phone. Here we have used the Blynk application to get the message. Blynk is
an web application which is a third party server. When water level crosses 40ft then Blynk
will notify itself and send it's notification and also send the mail. At the same time buzzer
will turn on for a particular time period and also Blynk will send message on twitter. Using
Blynk application we can check the water level indication. We have written the program on
particlie.io. Particle.io is a cloud server which handles the data or information between
Raspberry pi and Blynk application. Here we are using the twitter application because, if any
case someone ignored the message from email or Blynk notification then through twitter all
the people who follow that authorized person of dam gate can also take action. Twitter is an
extra provision of our project. When we will get message through mail or when we will get
Blynk notification then we can control the dam gate by pressing the ON and OFF buttons in
the Blynk. Then DC motor will drive in clockwise or anticlockwise direction and gate will
open or close respectively. When we press ON button then gate will open. Similarly when we
press OFF button then gate will close. We can control gate from any place of the world.

Water Level Monitoring and Management of Dams using I0T S. Jananil , J. Joy Sing,
L. Mayuri , D. Mansur Ali Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engg.,
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, India 2,3,4Student, Department of
Computer Science and Engg., Adhiyamaan College of Engineering, Hosur, India

Dams are one of the major water sources for irrigation, electricity generation etc. in India.
Dams play a vital role since the time of colonialism. Lack of proper dam management system
have been causing several losses including the recent floods. Inspired by the existing rural
and socio-economic problems, an innovative and feasible automatic control system can be
developed for dam management purposes. This paper also proposes a novel idea of collecting
and sharing real-time information about water levels to the people living nearby its bank.
Highly precise water level monitoring system and timely report to the locality is also
developed. When the water level crosses the threshold condition, alert messages will be sent
to the people and the shutters will open automatically, retaining water to its normal level.
Timely warnings to every person living in the locality and timely opening of shutters can
thereby reduce the risks of loss of life and prevent disasters. Hence, automation of dam

using Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, GSM module and motor, creates a new eye for both the
Government as well as the people in the locality for creating mitigation plans.

Various efforts have been made until now in monitoring water level and accordingly
controlling dam gate. The contribution of work in this area is mentioned below, l) 10T based
water supply monitoring and controlling system Water is a basic need of every human being.
Everyone needs to save the water. Many times with lack of monitoring, overflow of the water
takes place. Overflow of tanks can occur because of this lots of water wasted. Another thing
is because of overflow in the pipelines with more pressure there is possibility of pipeline
damage. Leakage detection is one more problem. All these problems are because of lack of
monitoring, manual work and less man power. In this paper a survey of Aurangabad city and
field survey have been done, to understand water supply distribution and related problems
with the system. After taking a survey they observed that all the work is manual and need a
better technology to make proper distribution. 2) Wireless disaster monitoring and
management system for dams This paper suggests architecture to control gate by monitoring
high density and then communicate in real time. Considering the recent events that took place
on June 2013, a destructible situation has taken place due to heavy rainfall and cloud bursting
at various places. Many dams were out of knowledge on various parameters about the flow
and discharge from the nearer dams which were affected earlier and due to lack of
communication among these dams, lead to considerable damage of property and life.[3] 3)
Dam gate level monitoring and control The main objective of this paper is to control the
water Level in dam which was implemented using 10T (Internet of Things). The design
implementation and control of the programmed monitoring system was developed by this
project. The cradle of the project is based on methodology of IOT. For best results, the
principle operation of the automatic gate control arrangement is subjected to dry running
under various possible circumstances, with Proteus as the platform for working.[4] 4)
Raspberry Pi based water monitoring and alert system This paper deals with the automatic
control of a river system. The system is a cascade of single input-single output (SISO)
systems, and can be considered as a single input-multiple output (SIMO) system, since there
are multiple outputs given by intermediate measurement points distributed along the river. A
generic robust design synthesis based on internal model controller (IMC) design is developed
for internal model based controllers. The robustness is estimated with the use of a bound on
multiplicative uncertainty taking into account the model errors, due to the nonlinear dynamics
of the system. Simulations are carried out on a nonlinear model of the river. The industry has
always focused to devise engineering methodologies for establishment and modification of
relatively easier controlling and automation methods for any
scrupulous process. This paper presents the design and implementation of a control system by
means of microcomputers and data transmission networks. To verify the principle operation
of the Controlling design to be presented a miniature model is experimentally tested using a
PC- based system.[5] 5) 10T based water level monitoring system for lake In this paper they
have introduced the idea of water level monitoring and management for lake water storage
source for villages. More specifically, they have introduced the raspberrypi as controller for
water level sensing and controlling in a wired and wireless environment. Furthermore, it can
indicate the amount of available water in the lake. This system is based on GSM technology.
Moreover, cellular phones with relative high computation power and high quality graphical
user interface became available recently. From the user's perspective it is required to reuse
such valuable resource in a mobile application. Finally, paper has proposed a web and
cellular based monitoring service protocol for monitoring available water in lake.

IOT Based Dam Monitoring System S.Rajapriya1 , A.Abinaya2 , V.Subashini3

Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,

Monitoring Dams safety and water management is extremely important considering both the
situations like water scarcity and excess of water. It is of crucial importance and needs to
develop information system based on existing system allowing utilization of intelligent
sensors network. Basic idea is to describe possibilities of 10T applications in Dam Safety and
water management. Here the entire dam and the main pipeline is sensed 24x7 through various
sensors. These wireless sensor nodes connected with each other and transmits the data to a
gateway. Common storage space „CLOUDCC stores and provides on line information to the
observer. Employing an 10T for the said purpose will definitely help saving the most
precious natural resource the water. Here in this paper an attempt is made proposing an
electronic circuit design employing an Internet of Things concept for the purpose. Ultrasonic
sensor is used to find the crack in dam and vibration sensor is used to find any abnormal
changes in dam due to natural disaster.

Proposed system consists of various sensors like water flow sensor, water level sensor,
vibration sensor and ultrasonic sensor. These sensors takes actual physical quantity and this
transmitter and according to these data information is given to the microcontroller through
wireless LCD display shows the quantity like vibration, water level low or high etc. We have
another advance options to opening of dam gates according to water level. 10T used for

transmission of this information over long distance by using 10T wireless technology. At
another end 10T is used to collect this information and given to PC and we develop one IOT
Application to update this information on Internet webpage for public access for security
purpose of nearer area. System will be generating immediate alert for sudden changes in
water like rapid hike in water level or major change in vibration values in android
application. It is very easy to use and definitely useful for preventing floods and other harms
due to rapid changes in Dam water. Therefore, water level indicator designing is one of the
technological advancement to transmit data and received by authority for controlling. If water
level increases to dangerous level, the systems also give an alert to authority to take
immediate action.

The system can be used at the river-banks, low-lying areas, dam and the village far from
town. In proposed system by making use of IOT the real time water monitoring system will
be developed for measuring water level and the contamination in water. Statistics as well as
previous history of water flow values of water and changes in water level over the time
suitable for the system Selection of Sensors and other components with Correspondence to
the site of Implementation which includes Mechanical as Electrical Parameters.

The hardware component includes Power supply, waterflow sensor, ultrasonic sensor,
vibration sensor, level converter, Driver, Relay, Motor, LCD display, Buzzer, Load cell,
switches. The software used here is MPLab IDE.

Water Monitoring System Based on GSM J. Mounikal , N. Siva Kumar Reddy2

M.Tech, PG Studentl Assistant Professor2

The method to check and control water level for irrigation system. The water is a one of the
important natural resource and it is an important assets to save the water on the earth. This
paper describes the automatic system to monitor and control water level with the help of
water level sensors and wireless network system. The need of this paper is to cut water
wastage occur in canel and subcanel, and the WSN system reduces the human efforts.

This project focuses on the use of multiple sensors as a device to check the level of water
quality as an alternative method of monitoring the condition of the water resources. The
wireless sensor network based on Zigbee technology is developed to solve the defects of
existing parameters monitoring system. In the wireless system, all the data will be transmit in
wireless method. The environment data from temperature sensors, pH value sensors,
tachometer and ammoniacal nitrogen sensors will be collected in every network node and
transferred to monitoring center. Since the real-time measuring data could be transmit to
monitoring center via Zigbee network and GPRS network, the operation staff will only sit in
the office to check up the System running state. ZigBee is developed by ZigBee alliance,
which has hundreds of member companies (Ember, Freescale, Chipcon, Invensys,
Mitsubishi, CompXs, AMI Semi conductors, ENQ Semi conductors), from semiconductor
and software developers to original equipment manufacturers. Power needed for ZigBee is
very small. In most cases it uses 1mW (or less power). But still it provides range up to 150
meters in outdoor which is achieved by the technique called Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum (DSSS).
Also DSSS consumes less power compared to Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS).
It works in the 868 MHz (Europe), 915 MHz (North America and Australia) and 2.4 GHz
(available worldwide) ISM band with up to 20kbps, 40kbps and 250kbps data rate.

N.Zachos at all [1] in their research paper has implemented remote measuring station in
present of wireless system for monitoring of water level. They have achieved an ultrasonic
distance measuring system. In this the remote stations are considered as simple measuring
units with a communication interface so that they may be operating under the control of base
station. the advantages of their paper are no mechanical parts required, remarkable accuracy
and resolution. The disadvantage of their paper the water level monitoring is developed
slowly and it required temperature compension. Zhou Yiming at all [2] in their research paper
has implemented the Wireless system for monitor and control of water level in greenhouse.
They had used ZigBee network and several sensors nodes. The advantage is low cost and
high network capacity. Zulhanirasin at all [3] in their paper elaborate the ZigBee network for
water irrigation control monitoring system. They had used a various sensor node to detect the
water level in the reservoir and it is based on the signal from the sensors, and a simple
electronic circuit either open or close the gate controlling the flow of water. In their paper it
is important to mentioned here, the circuit present in their project is on a conceptual scale and
not yet in the form than can be directly applied to the available water irrigation controlling
gate. The disadvantages of this paper that the battery needed in this project is operated only
for 12 hours and require more human effort. Nuno Brito at all [4] in their paper has
implemented control of water level in two tank without interaction. They had performed in a
remote collaborative method. In this paper the system includes two tanks made in acrylic, a
pump to circulate the water from the lower part of tank to the upper tank, two ultrasonic
sensors was used for measuring both tank levels, and electronic valve to stop the flow of
water between the upper level tank and the lower level tank and a manual valve for security
purposes. The disadvantage of this system ,it is not available with local or remote control
configuration for demo purposes.

Zhang Zhi at all [5] in their research paper elaborate the control and monitoring of water
level in nuclear power plant. In this paper the Steam generator was used for water level
control system which was the most important components of the nuclear power plant. In this
paper it develop the performance assessment method for a class of SG level of water control
systems, two PI controller system. A major contribution of this paper was to take the
performance assessment technology into an industrial area, SG water level control in NPPs,
where not much work has been done before. P. Komeswarakul at all [6] in their paper has
proposed automatic water monitoring system using microcontroller for dam. In this paper [6],
the remote terminal unit (RTU) based on DSPIC30F4011 microcontroller was mainly
designed to precisely measure, store and send instruments output to the computer server
including real-time communication for dam behavior monitoring system. This system also
provides the real-time information via reliable fiber-optic communication. The sensors
installed into structure of dam and in reservoir to measure physical quantities of interests
such as seepage flow, water level, deformation, pressure and temperature parameters. The
aim of this paper [6] presents the RTU that operates in the dam monitor system. The RTU
based on DSPIC30F4011 microcontroller is mainly designed to precisely measure, store the
analog value of instrument sensor devices related to dam behaviour. It is used to directly
exchange data between computer and RTU via RS232 serial communication. fig. 1 Remote
Terminal Unit Hardware Diagram. fig.2 Communication mechanism. There are many works
on the application of WSN for monitoring system where Zigbee is used to monitor the
condition of long span bridge after considering disadvantages of the currently used wire and
cable for data communications such as high installation cost of communication and power
supply for the sensors, difficulty in the installation of steel pipeline for protecting the cables,
sensor data distortions due to temperature changes on noise affecting cables and sensors. The
Zigbee is used for the short distance communication while CDMA (Code Division Multiple
Access) infrastructure was used for long distance communication between sensors and the
server system [5]. Zigbee provides the ability to run for years on inexpensive batteries for a
host of monitoring applications: Lighting controls, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), smoke
and CO detectors, wireless telemetry, High Voltage AC control, heating control, home
security, Environmental controls and shade controls. Sensor nodes enable environment
sensing together with data processing. Instrumented with a variety of sensors, such as
temperature, humidity and volatile compound detection, allow monitoring of different
environments. They are able to network with other sensor systems and exchange data with
external users [4]. This system hardware consists of three parts: wireless sensor nodes, data
exchanging nodes and monitoring platform cables, Fig.

1 Remote Terminal Unit Hardware Diagram Fig.2 Communication mechanism Ms.Aparna
M. at all [7] in their research paper has implemented a system for water environment
monitoring water using GSM system. The control mechanism of the dam gates were done
manually and using PLC. But there were lots of errors in manual method Also the PLC based
system was huge and hence suitable for major dams due to its cost. For medium and small
dams like irrigation dams does not need such huge PLC systems. So to cut these problems a
mechanical control system was proposed in their project.

The block diagram of the proposed GSM-Bluetooth based system is given in fig. 3. In this
system both GSM and Bluetooth modules are interfaced with the main controller chip. GSM
is used for remotely monitoring and controlling the devices via a mobile phone by sending
and receiving SMS via GSM network. Bluetooth is used for the same purpose but within a
range of few meters, say when user is inside the periphery of the building where the system is
installed, Bluetooth can be used for communicating with the devices thereby eliminating the
network usage cost. This is an important merit of the proposed system. The motor pumps and
fans are controlled automatically using sensor and the other appliances are controlled by
Bluetooth or GSM network via SMS. The system informs user about any abnormal
conditions like low water detection and temperature rise via SMS from the GSM Module to
the user's mobile and actions are taken accordingly by the user. This leads to efficient
utilization of power. Even using Bluetooth module, by SMS, pump and fan could be
automatically ON or OFF. IV. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE In our project, we are using
microcontroller (AT89S52), GSM modem, Xbee module, power supply, stepper motor, water
level sensor, temperature sensor, pH sensor, turbidity sensor and ADC. In a very simplistic
form, a microcontroller system can be viewed as a system that reads from (monitors) inputs,
performs processing and writes to (controls) outputs. The output of the water sensor is digital
output. Hence the output of this sensor goes directly to the microcontroller. Whereas the
output of the other sensors are in analog form. Therefore we need to convert these analog
values into digital values before connecting to the microcontroller. ADC is used for this
purpose. These values will be sent by a transmitting XBee module to a computer for
monitoring purpose. A GUI like Visual Basic is used in our project for displaying the values
on the computer. A receiving antenna is connected to the computer to receive values from the
site. If the values received are above a dangerous level then a SMS will be sent through the
GSM modem. Also, the gate of the dam is controlled automatically by the microcontroller
depending on the water level reached. To solve the problem related to collapsing of dam due
to storage of water beyond its capacity, we have proposed to automate the flood gates. We
will be fixing water level sensors
on different levels on dam walls. When the water reaches these levels, these sensors will send
signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will then execute the predefined
instructions stored in it. This predefined instruction deals with opening of flood gates. When
the water level reaches the first level, the gates will open and go up a certain height. When
the water level reaches the second level, the gates will further move upwards. In the same
way by the time the gate reaches the final level, the gates will be opened completely. When
the water starts receding, the gates will start closing up. Also, the sensors for the other
environment parameters will continuously send the values to the GUI through XBee module.
GUI used in our project is Visual Basic. It will display real time values of different
parameters and also which level the dam water has reached. We have set threshold levels for
all the parameters. When the values exceed the threshold levels, a message level will be sent
through GSM modem to the concerned officials. A predefined message will also be sent
when the gates are opened.

Water Level Monitor, Control and Alerting System Using GSM In Dams and
Irrigation System based on Season 1 T.S.Yuvarani , 2 R.Archana 1 Assistant
Professor„ Dept. of Electronics and Communication Systems, Nehru Arts and Science
College, Coimbatore105, Email: yuvarani2007@gmail.com. Ph: 9894756602 2
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Systems, Nehru Arts
and Science College, Coimbatore105, Email: archanar2008@gmail.com

The global system for mobile communication (GSM) is used worldwide for continuous
monitoring, controlling and alerting of dam water level. This advance technology uses short
message services (SMS) to directly control and monitor the opening and closing of the
shutter in dam. Through the SMS this system alerts the people staying nearby places about
the rise in water level. Temperature sensor, sense the changes in atmospheric temperature and
take up appropriate measure like relieving the excess water in dam for irrigation purpose in
seasons. This paper gives a detailed model of the system which senses the changes like
temperature and water level difference using sensors, and overflow detection using GSM

This project is designed for developing a system that effectively and securely manages dam
shutters. A system comprising of a PIC Microcontroller, water-level sensor and GSM based
circuitry, is physically installed on the dam. The system sends an SMS notification to the
control room when it finds the water-level rising above the threshold level. When the
authorized personnel from control room, receives and responds to the message. The system
sends alerts as SMS broadcast, and opens the shutter. Another useful functionality
implemented in the system is the periodic opening and closing of the tunnel pathways using a
solenoid valve, to facilitate sufficient water-flow for irrigation. The temperature sensor is

in the system, if it finds the atmospheric temperature to be higher than usual; it increases the
duration of opening the solenoid valve so as to ensure sufficient water-flow during harsh

In DAM section the very important block is PIC Micro Controller. It gets the signal from
various sensors and performs the control actions. Various level sensors are fixed in the dam
to find the water level. First sensor is fixed at the lowest bottom of the dam. In the dam
another sensor is placed at middle position above the bottom. Here the sensor finds the water
level is appropriate then water will be given to irrigation purposes. In this project for different
level of water the height is not fixed. Because in different seasons the expected water to be
stored is different and the levels adjusted as per requirements. Finally the sensor is placed at
the top of the dam to find the flood conditions. If this level is reached we have to take some
remedial measure to evaporate the water and also an alerting message will be sent to control
room that dam is reaching flood level. From various levels the signal is given to micro
controller built in A/D converter and it converts the signal into digital data by programming
the different levels details are displayed on LCD and also same information passed to Control
room through GSM modem. Next sensor used in the block diagram is temperature sensor.
The purpose of this sensor is mainly for irrigation and used to measure the atmospheric
temperature. If the atmospheric temperature is high the fields may get dry. It needs water to
increase the yields. The microcontroller checks the threshold value of the temperature sensor
and compares the level in the DAM using water level sensor. If enough water is available in
the DAM and field is at dry condition due to high atmospheric temperature, it releases the
water from the DAM for irrigation. If the atmospheric temperature is low due to rainy season,
the microcontroller cannot drive the motor to open the shutter of DAM to irrigation because
the fields have sufficient moisture content. GSM module is used for sending status of the
DAM levels to the control room. When water reaches the first sensor it sensed by it and
displayed. When reaches the other level provides the signals to the microcontroller and opens
the dam gate partially as soon as reaches the final level gives the signals to the
microcontroller and turned ON the motor which is opens the gate fully also it alerts the
people by SMS.

 The water level of dams was only measured using a scaling measure fitted at dam ends.
 The person who is responsible for monitoring water level monitors and intimates
when to open or close dam gates to the person who is responsible for opening the dam
 Intimations about opening or closing of dam gates weren't given to the people who
live nearby the dam banks.


 Needed human resource for operating dam gates.
 Continuous monitoring of water level of dam required.
 People do not know about opening of dam gates that may result in loss of livelihood.


 The ultrasonic sensor is used to measure the water level. As the water level reaches
the desired level message is displaying in LCD for the admin and message is sent to
the registered mail id using IOT.
 In this system we also use the Turbidity sensor to measure the quality of water. The
MEMS sensor and Crash sensor are used to monitor the situation when the dam is full
and overflow to predict the disaster that causes due to the breakage of dam.
 Here we also use the temperature sensor to measure the water temperature that
actually causes the water at the dams to get evaporated in the summer.


 This is can predict the Flood level, Dam condition and Water quality at the same time.

 Manual errors during the flood level monitoring can be overcome.

 By predicting the disasters earlier we can save the lives of many people who live
around the dam areas.

 Hence this is a life saving system this can be easily implemented anywhere.

 By Using IOT we can monitor all the values from anywhere in the world.


Power Supply

Ultrasonic Sensor

Node MCU
Tilt Sensor

Crash Sensor LCD


Fig 1. Block diagram


 Node MCU

 Ultrasonic sensor

 Tilt Sensor

 Crash Sensor

 Temperature sensor

 Arduino ide

4.1 Node MCU
Node MCU is an open-source Lua based firmware and development board specially
targeted for 10T based Applications. It includes firmware that runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi
SOC from Espress if Systems, and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module

Programming Node MCU ESP8266 with Arduino IDE

The Node MCU Development Board can be easily programmed with Arduino IDE since it
is easy to use.

Programming Node MCU with the Arduino IDE will hardly take 5-10 minutes. All you
need is the Arduino IDE, a USB cable and the Node MCU board itself. You can check this
Getting Started Tutorial for Node MCU to prepare your Arduino IDE for Node MCU.

Node MCU is an open source firmware for which open source prototyping board designs
are available. The name "Node MCU" combines "node" and "MCU" (microcontroller unit).ß-l
The term "Node MCU" strictly speaking refers to the firmware rather than the associated
development kits [Citation needed]

Both the firmware and prototyping board designs are open source.

The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. The firmware is based on the eLuaproject, and
built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266. It uses many open source projects, such as
lua-cjsonL-21 and SPIFFS.U-QI Due to resource constraints, users need to select the modules
relevant for their project and build a firmware tailored to their needs. Support for the 32bit
ESP32 has also been implemented.

The prototyping hardware typically used is a circuit board functioning as a dual in-line
package (DIP) which integrates a USB controller with a smaller surface-mounted board
containing the MCU and antenna. The choice of the DIP format allows for easy prototyping
on breadboards. The design was initially based on the ESP-12 module of the ESP8266,
which is a Wi-Fi SOC

integrated with a Tensilica Xtensa LX106 core, widely used in 10T applications (see related

ESP8266 Arduino Core[edj!]

As Arduino.cc began developing new MCU boards based on non-AVR processors like the
ARM/SAM MCU and used in the Arduino Due, they needed to modify the Arduino IDE so
that it would be relatively easy to change the IDE to support alternate toolchains to allow
Arduino C/C++ to be compiled for these new processors. They did this with the introduction
of the Board Manager and the SAM Core. A "core" is the collection of software components
required by the Board Manager and the Arduino IDE to compile an Arduino C/C++ source
file for the target MCU's machine language. Some ESP8266 enthusiasts developed an
Arduino core for the ESP8266 WiFi SOC, popularly called the "ESP8266 Core for the
Arduino IDE This has become a leading software development platform for the various
ESP8266-based modules and development boards, including NodeMCUs.

NodeMCU is an open-source LUA based firmware developed for the ESP8266 wifi chip. By
exploring functionality with the ESP8266 chip, NodeMCU firmware comes with the
ESP8266 Development board/kit i.e.NodeMCU Development board.

Fig 2. Node MCU ESP8266

NodeMCU Development Board/kit v0.9 (Versionl)

Since NodeMCU is an open-source platform, its hardware design is open for edit/modify/build.

NodeMCU Dev Kit/board consist of ESP8266 wifi enabled chip. The ESP8266 is a lowcost
Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems with TCP/IP protocol. For more information
about ESP8266, you can refer to the ESP8266 WiFi Module.

There is Version2 (V2) available for NodeMCU Dev Kit i.e. NodeMCU Development
Board v1.0 (Version2), which usually comes in black colored PCB.

Fig 3. NodeMCU Development Board/kit vl.o (Version2)

For more information about NodeMCU Boards available in the market refer to NodeMCU
Development Boards

NodeMCU Dev Kit has Arduino like Analog (i.e. AO) and Digital (DO-D8) pins on its

board. It supports serial communication protocols i.e. UART, SPI, 12C, etc.

Using such serial protocols we can connect it with serial devices like 12C enabled LCD
display, Magnetometer HMC5883, MPU-6050 Gyro meter + Accelerometer, RTC chips,
GPS modules, touch screen displays, SD cards, etc.

How to start with NodeMCU?

NodeMCU Development board is featured with wifi capability, analog pin, digital pins, and
serial communication protocols.

To get started with using NodeMCU for 10T applications first we need to know about how to
write/download NodeMCU firmware in NodeMCU Development Boards. And before that
where this NodeMCU firmware will get as per our requirement.

There are online NodeMCU custom builds available using which we can easily get our
custom NodeMCU firmware as per our requirement.

To know more about how to build custom NodeMCU firmware online and download it refer
to Getting started with NodeMCU

How to write codes for NodeMCU?

After setting up ESP8266 with Node-MCU firmware, let's see the IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) required for the development of NodeMCU.

NodeMCU with ESPIorer IDE

Lua scripts are generally used to code the NodeMCU. Lua is an open-source, lightweight,
embeddable scripting language built on top of C programming language.

For more information about how to write Lua script for NodeMCU refer to Getting started with
NodeMCU using ESPIorer1DE

NodeMCU with Arduino IDE

Here is another way of developing NodeMCU with a well-known IDE i.e. Arduino IDE. We
can also develop applications on NodeMCU using the Arduino development environment.
This makes it easy for Arduino developers than learning a new language and IDE for

For more information about how to write Arduino sketch for NodeMCU refer to Getting
started with NodeMCU using Arduino IDE

4.2 Node MCU ESP8266 Specifications & Features

Microcontroller: Tensiica 32-bit RISC CPU Xtensa LX106
Operating Voltage: 3.3 V
Input Voltage: 7-12V
Digital 1/0 Pins (DIO): 16
Analog Input Pins (ADC): 1
UARTs: 1
SPIs: 1
12Cs: 1

Flash Memory: 4 MB
Clock speed: 80 MHz
USB-TTL based on CP2102 is included onboard, Enabling Plug n Play
PCB Antenna
Small Sized module to fit smartly inside your 10T projects

4.3 Ultrasonic (UV) Sensors or Ultrasound Sensors

Bats are wonderful creatures. Blind from the eyes and yet a vision so precise that could
distinguish between a moth and a broken leaf even when flying at full speed. No doubt the
vision is sharper than ours and is much beyond human capabilities of seeing, but is certainly
not beyond our understanding. Ultrasonic ranging is the technique used by bats and many
other creatures of the animal kingdom for navigational purposes. In a bid to imitate the ways
of nature to obtain an edge over everything, we humans have not only understood it but have
successfully imitated some of these manifestations and harnessed their potential to the
greatest extent.

Ultrasonic Transducers: Historical Perspective


The history dates back to 1790, when Lazzaro Spallanzani first discovered that bats
maneuvered in flight using their hearing rather than sight. Jean-Daniel Colladon in 1826
discovered sonography using an underwater bell, successfully and accurately determining the
speed of sound in water. Thereafter, the study and research work in this field went on slowly
until 1881 when Pierre Curie's discovery set the stage for modern ultrasound transducers. He
found out the relationship between electrical voltage and pressure on crystalline material. The
unfortunate Titanic accident spurred rigorous interest into this field as a result of which Paul
Langevin invented the hydrophone to detect icebergs. It was the first ultrasonic transducer.
The hydrophone could send and receive low frequency sound waves and was later used in the
detection of submarines in the World War l. On a note parallel to the SONAR, medical
research also started taking interest in ultrasonics. In late 1930's Dr. Karl Dussik used a
technique called hyperphonography which recorded echoes of ultrasonic waves on a sensitive
paper. This technique was used to produce ultrasound pictures of the brain to help detect
tumors and marked the birth of ultrasound imaging. After that, many scientists like Ian
Donald, Douglas Howry, Joseph Holmes, John Wild and John Reid improved upon the
various aspects of ultrasonic sensors in the medical field which enabled diagnosis of stomach
cancers, ovarian cysts, detection of twin pregnancies, tumors etc. Industry too did not waste
time in jumping on to the bandwagon and soon developed techniques like ultrasonic welding
and non destructive testing at outset the 1960s.

How Ultrasonic Sensors work?

Ultrasonic sensors are devices that use electrical—mechanical energy transformation, the
mechanical energy being in the form of ultrasonic waves, to measure distance from the
sensor to the target object. Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal mechanical waves which travel
as a succession of compressions and rarefactions along the direction of wave propagation
through the medium. Any sound wave above the human auditory range of 20,000 Hz is
called ultrasound. Depending on the type of application, the range of frequencies has been
broadly categorized as shown in the figure below:

The Frequency Ranges of the Sound
2 3 4 5 6 7

Human hearing16Hz 18kHz

Conventional power ultrasound20kHz 100kHz
Extended range for sonochemistry 20kHz - 2MHz
Diagnostic ultrasound 5MHz 10MHz


When ultrasonic waves are incident on an object, diffused reflection of the energy takes place
over a wide solid angle which might be as high as 180 degrees. Thus some fraction of the
incident energy is reflected back to the transducer in the form of echoes and is detected. The
distance to the object (L) can then be calculated through the speed of ultrasonic waves (v) in
the medium by the relation

v t cose

reCc/Vcr object

Where't' is the time taken by the wave to reach back to the sensor and is the angle between the
horizontal and the path taken as shown in the figure. If the object is in motion, instruments

based on Doppler shift are used. Get all the details about internal structure and working of an
ultrsound sensor at Insight-How Ultrasonic Sensors Work.

Generating Ultrasonic Waves

For the generation of such mechanical waves, movement of some surface like a diaphragm is
required which can then induce the motion to the medium in front of it in the form of
compression and rarefaction. Piezoelectric materials operating in the motor mode and
magnetostrictive materials have been widely employed in the generation of ultrasonic waves
at frequency ranges of 1-20 MHz and 20-40 kHz respectively. The sensors employ
piezoelectric ceramic transducers which flex when an electric signal is applied to them. These
are connected to an electronic oscillator whose output generates the oscillating voltages at the
required frequency. Materials like Lead Zirconate Titanate are popular piezoelectric materials
used in medical ultrasound imaging. For best results, the frequency of the applied oscillations
must be equal to the natural frequency of the ceramic, which produces oscillations readily
through resonance. It offers maximum sensitivity and efficiency when operated at resonance.
Piezoelectricity being a reversible phenomenon produces electrical voltages when ultrasonic
waves reflect back from the target and impinge upon the ceramic structure. In this way, a
transducer may work both as a transmitter and a receiver in pulsed mode. When continuous
measurement of distances is required, separate transducers may be used for transmission and
reception. The sensors when used in industry are generally employed in arrays which may be
mechanical arrays consisting of oscillating or rotating sensors, or electronic arrays which may
be linear, curved or phased. To visualize output an ultrasonic sensor, displays of different
kind are used whose shape depends on the type of transducer array used and the function. A
sectored Field of View is produced by mechanical arrays and curved and phased electronic
arrays, while a linear field is generated by linear arrays. The display modes may be linear
graphical plotting with amplitude on y-axis and time on x-axis called Amplitude mode or A-
mode, or intensity modulated B-scans where the brightness of a spot indicates the amplitude
of reflected waves. Other modes include M-mode, Doppler (D) Mode etc.

The parameterization of these sensors is generally done by monitoring the reflected and
transmitted signals from the lateral an axial motion of transducer while keeping the target
fixed in a specific medium (water in general). The sound beam diverges rapidly, hence care is
taken that the transducer produces the smallest possible beams. The narrower the beam
pattern, the

more sensitive the sensor is. However, the angle possible between the transducer and the
surface increases with the beam width. The beam patterns of the kind shown below are

Fig 6. Axial and Cross Sectional beam profiles

The parameters on which the performance of an ultrasonic sensor is measured include

bandwidth, attenuation, dynamic range and resolution like grayscale, axial and lateral
resolution. Other parameters are Nominal Frequency, Peak Frequency, Bandwidth center

Frequency, Pulse Width, sensitivity and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).

Importance of Ultrasonic Sensors

There are a variety of sensors based on other physical transduction principles like the optical
range finding sensors and the microwave based devices too. Then why should one use
ultrasonic transducers in the first place, given that the speed of sound is very slow than the
speed of electromagnetic waves? The answer lies in the question itself. Because the EM
waves based devices are too fast. Being slower that the EM waves, the time taken by
ultrasonic waves is much longer than that taken by the latter and hence its measurement can
be done more easily and less expensively. Because these are based on sound waves rather
than EM waves, these would work in places where the latter would not.

For example, in the case of clear object detection and measurement of liquid levels or high
glare environments, light based sensors would suffer greatly because of the transmittance of

the target or the translucence of the propagating media. Ultrasonic devices being based upon
sound propagation would remain practically unaffected. These also function well in wet
environments where optical beams may suffer from refraction from the water droplets in the
environment. On account of range and accuracy, the ultrasonic sensors may lie in between
two EM wave based sensors, the Infrared rangefinders on the lower end and the LIDARs on
the upper end. Not as accurate or long distance as the LIDARs, the Ultrasonic rangefinders
fare better than the IR rangefinders which are highly susceptible to ambient conditions and
require recalibration when environment changes. Further these devices offer advantage in
medical imaging as compared to MRI or X-Ray scans due to inexpensiveness and portability.
No harmful effects of ultrasonic waves at the intensity levels used have been detected in
contrast to X-rays or radioactivity based methods and is particularly suited for imaging soft

Problems & Concerns

However, Ultrasonic sensors too aren't free of all the problems. The speed of sound in a
medium increases as the temperature of the medium increases. Thus even when the target has
remained in the same place, it may now seem that it has shifted to a place closer to the sensor.
Air currents due to varied reasons may disturb path the wave which could lead to 'Missed
Detection' or a wrong measurement. Acoustic noise like high pitched sounds created due to
whistling or hissing of valves and pneumatic devices at the frequency close to the operating
frequency may interfere with the output of the sensor. Electrical noise also affects the
performance of the sensor. These may generate artifacts which are not a true representation of
the imaged object. Just like the vision starts to blur when the distance of the object from the
eye gets too small for the eyes to see it, ultrasonic devices also have a 'dead zone' where the
sensor cannot reliably make measurements. This happens due to a phenomenon called ringing
which is the continuous vibration of the transducer after emitting the pulse. Thus when the
distance is too small, the transducer has not yet come to rest to be able to differentiate
between the vibration due to the incident radiation or the oscillation from the electrical
excitation. The dangers of Ultrasonic waves are also well founded. If the intensity is too high,
it can cause human tissues to heat and may cause ruptures in people exposed to it.


The applications of ultrasonic sensors can be classified on the basis of the property that they
exploit. These can be summarized as:

Domain Parameter Applications

Time Tile-of-Flight, Velocity Density, Thickness, Flaw

Detection, Anisotropy,
Robotics, Remote Sensing

Attenuation Fluctuations in reflected and Defect characterization,

Transmitted Signals microstructures, interface

Frequency Ultrasonic Spectroscopy Microstructure, grain size,

porosity, phase analysis.

Image Time-of-Flight, velocity, Surface and internal Defect

attenuation mapping in imaging, density, velocity,
Raster C-Scan or SARs 2D and 3D imaging.

Research has been going on to overcome the problems of ultrasonic sensors, particularly in
medical imaging where it is known as ultrasound. The artifacts of ultrasonic sensors like
Acoustic shadowing and Acoustic Enhancement are being exploited to characterize tissues
which allow the differentiation between solid and cystic tissues. The industry too has reaped
the benefits from ultrasonic sensors in applications like plastic welding, jewelry cleaning,
remote sensing and telemetry, assisted parking systems etc. Robotics has been known to use
ultrasonic rangefinders as a favorite tool for distance ranging and mapping. Even the fashion
industry is using ultrasonic sensors in hair styling like hair extension implants.


Fig 7. Flaw Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensors

Non destructive testing and flaw detection uses ultrasonic waves in various modes like the
Longitudinal (L-wave) mode and the Shear (S-wave) mode to detect flaws in materials. With
the advances in Science, new materials offering increased performance at lower voltages like
the capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) are being developed which
are expected to have higher bandwidth and greater potential for integration with electronic


These devices provide non-invasive measures for the detection of problems in all kinds of
materials, be it a living tissue or non-living manufactured goods. With a healthy history of
being able to detect many problems which otherwise left the doctors dazed and the problem
untreated, ultrasonic sensors do offer a lot of promise even in the coming times. The
environmental and psychological effects of exposure to EM-radiation being rigorously being
put under the scanner, ultrasonic applications are expected to thrive and offer a substantial
alternative to the contemporary technologies.

4.4 Tilt Sensor

Tilt Sensors are also known as inclinometers. They are a type of position sensor used
to measure angles or the slope of an object. Inclinometers are one of the most common types
of position sensors available and are used throughout many industries.

Fig 8. Tilt Sensor

Tilt sensors allow you to detect orientation or inclination. They are small, inexpensive, low-
power and easy-to-use. If used properly, they will not wear out. Their simplicitiy makes them
popular for toys, gadgets and appliances.

Working principle

The ball moves position as the sensor tilts which connects the circuit turning the sensor "on"
or "off". More complex tilt sensors use an internal gyroscope which measures the direction of
the pull from gravity to determine the orientation of the device.


 Vibrations measurement and Tilt inclination (to adjust rotation speed, circuit
breaker security, fault prediction),

 Professional and domestic Alarms

 Maintenance management and Asset Tracking for shocks monitoring


A miniature snapaction switch, also trademarked and frequently known as a micro switch, is
an electric switch that is actuated by very little physical force.Micro switches are very widely
used; among their applications are appliances, machinery, industrial controls, vehicles, and
many other places for control of electrical circuits. They are usually rated to carry current in
control circuits only, although some switches can be directly used to control small motors,
solenoids, lamps, or other devices. This is a small micro switch sensor designed for the
Arduino. It could be directly connected to the 10 Expansion shield. It integrates the pullup
resistor and the status indicator LED onboard. That makes it easier for testing. The miniature
snapaction micro switch with roller lever make it suitable for more different environment
application. Common Applications Levelling and safety switches in elevators Door interlock
on a microwave oven Vending machines Detect paper jams or other faults in photocopiers 3D
Printer position feedback,etc... Specification Working Voltage: 5v Pinout: 1 Digital output 2
VCC 3 GND Onboard status indicator LED Directly connected to the 10 Expansion shield
For Arduino M3 mounting hole x2 Size: 30x20x8mm

Fig 9. Crash Sensor

Frequently known as a micro switch, is an electric switch that is actuated by very little
physical force.Micro switches are very widely used; among their applications are appliances,
machinery, industrial controls, vehicles, and many other places for control of electrical
circuits. They are usually rated to carry current in control circuits only, although some
switches can be directly used to control small motors, solenoids, lamps, or other devices.

This is a small micro switch sensor designed for the Arduino. It integrates the pull-up resistor
and the status indicator LED onboard. That makes it easier for testing. The miniature
snapaction micro switch with roller lever make it suitable for more different environment

 Working Voltage: 5v

 Pinout:

 1 Digital output

 2 vcc

 3 GND



 Calibrated Directly in 0 Celsius (Centigrade)

 Linear + 10 mV/0C Scale Factor

 0.5 0C Ensured Accuracy (at +25 0C) LM35 has an advantage over linear temperature

 Rated for Full -55 0C to +1500C Range Suitable for Remote Applications Low Cost
Due to Wafer-Level Trimming

 Less than 60-gA Current Drain

 Low Self-Heating, 0.08 0C in Still Air

 Nonlinearity Only ±V4 0C Typical

 Low Impedance Output, 0.1 Q for 1 mA Load


The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, with an output
voltage linearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature. Thus the LM35 has an advantage
over linear temperature sensors calibrated in 0 Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a
large constant voltage from the output to obtain convenient Centigrade scaling. The LM35
does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies of ± 1/4 0C
at room temperature and over a full —55 C to +1500C temperature range. Low cost is
assured by trimming and calibration at the wafer level. The low output impedance, linear
output, and precise inherent calibration of the LM35 make interfacing to readout or control
circuitry especially easy. The device is used with single power supplies, or with plus and
minus supplies. As the LM35 draws only 60 PA from the supply, it has very low self-heating
of less than 0. I OC in still air. The LM35 is rated to operate over a —55 0C to +1500C
temperature range, while the LM35C is rated for a —400C to +1 IOOC range (—10 0
improved accuracy). The LM35 series is available packaged in hermetic TO transistor
packages, while the LM35C, LM35CA, and LM35D are also available in the plastic TO-92
transistor package. The

LM35Dis also available in an 8-lead surface-mount small outline package and a plastic TO-
220 package.


TO-92 (LP)

TO-220 (NEB)


Tab is connected 10 the negative pin

Fig 10. Temperature sensor

5. IOT

The structure of this chapter is the following: Section 1.1 defines the motivation for this
work. Section 1.2 shows the research objectives and questions. Section 1.3 presents the
steps required to achieve our objectives. Section 1.4 shows the structure of the report.

1.1 Background
The Future Internet goal is to provide an infrastructure to have an immediate access to
information about the physical world and its objects. Physical objects can be applicable to
different application domains, such as e-health, warehouse management, etc. Each application
domain may have different types of physical devices. Each physical device can have its own
specifications, which is required to use in order to interact with it. To achieve the future
Internet goal, a layered vision is required that can facilitate data access. Internet of Things
(IOT) is a vision that aims to integrate the virtual world of information to the real world of
devices through a layered architecture.

The term Internet of Things consists of two words, namely Internet and Things.

Internet refers to the global network infrastructure with scalable, configurable capabilities
based on interoperable and standard communication protocols. Things are physical objects or
devices, or virtual objects, devices or information, which have identities, physical attributes
and virtual personalities, and use intelligent interfaces. For instance, a virtual object can
represent an abstract unit of sensor nodes that contains metadata to identify and discover its
corresponding sensor nodes. Therefore, 10T refers to the things that can provide information
from the physical environment through the Internet.

Middleware is as an interface between the hardware layer and the application layer, which is
responsible for interacting with devices and information management. The role of a
middleware is to present a unified programming model to interact with devices. A
middleware is in charge of masking the heterogeneity and distribution problems that we face
when interacting with devices.

1.2 Motivation
IoT-based system is in charge of providing knowledge from an environment to an non-expert
user. IoT-based system can be used in different environments, so it needs to be able to
address many heterogeneous devices. Thus, a major concern within developing an IoT-based
system is how to handle the interaction with the heterogeneous devices for non-expert users.
This concern can be addressed by a middleware layer between devices and non-expert users.
This layer is responsible to hide the diversity of devices from the user perspective, and
provides access transparency to the devices for the end users.

The idea of creating abstractions of devices been addressed in the literature. The middleware
we found in the literature can provide satisfaction by facilitating the interaction with devices,
but they do not support low-level device configuration.

2.1. 10T definition

In this section, we explain some of the 10T definitions. Also, we explain the layered
architecture for IOT.
Internet of Things (IOT) has increasingly gained attention in industry to interact with
different types of devices. 10T can have influence on industry and society by integrating
physical devices into information networks. 10T impacts can be on different perspectives,
namely for private and business users. From the perspective of a private user, 10T has effect
on both working and personal fields, such as smart homes and offices, e-health and assisted

From the aspect of a business user the impacts would be in fields such as automation and
industrial manufacturing, logistics, business process management, intelligent transportation
of people and goods

10T integrates physical things into information networks. 10T covers the overall
infrastructure, including software, hardware and services, which is used to support these
information networks. The integrated physical things can exchange data about the physical
properties and information that they sense in their environment. To identify devices, we can
use identification technologies like for example RFID, which allow each device be uniquely

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) defines 10T as "A global infrastructure for the
Information Society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual)
things based on, existing and evolving, interoperable information and communication

10T has a layered architecture designed to answer the demands of various industries,
enterprises and society. Fig. 2.1 shows a generic layered architecture for 10T that consist of
five layers, which are discussed, in the following:
Edge Technology layer

This is a hardware layer that consists of embedded systems, RFID tags, sensor
networks and all of the other sensors in different forms. This hardware layer can
perform several functions, such as collecting information from a system or an
environment, processing information and supporting communication.

Access Gateway layer

This layer is concerned with data handling, and is responsible for publishing and
subscribing the services that are provided by the Things, message routing, and
hovelling the communication between platforms.
Middleware layer
This layer has some critical functionalities, such as aggregating and filtering the
received data from the hardware devices, performing information discovery and
providing access control to the devices for applications.

Application layer
This layer is responsible for delivering various application services. These services
are provided through the middleware layer to different applications and users in
10Tbased systems. The application services can be used in different industries such
as, logistics, retail, healthcare, etc.

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment - or Arduino Software (IDE) -
contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons
for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino and Genuino
hardware to upload programs and communicate with them.


Programs written using Arduino Software (IDE) are called sketches. These sketches are
written in the text editor and are saved with the file extension .ino. The editor has features for
cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing text. The message area gives feedback while
saving and exporting and also displays errors. The console displays text output by the
Arduino Software (IDE), including complete error messages and other information. The
bottom right
hand corner of the window displays the configured board and serial port. The
toolbar buttons allow you to verify and upload programs, create, open, and save
sketches, and open the serial monitor.




The proposed system makes use of 10T to efficiently control and monitor the vital
parameters of a dam. Five focus areas are covered which makes it easier for the dam
operators to take decisions based on advanced predictions rather than manually relying for
the information's which might cause mismanagement of the dams. All the required data and
controls are available at the fingertips and can be accessed anywhere from the world via
internet access. Alerts are given well in advanced so that pre disaster risk reductions can be
implemented in advance to reduce the impact of flood. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is an
integral part of social and economic development and is essential if development is to be
sustainable for the future.

 Advanced prediction models can be created by combining the data's retrieved from
this system and flood patterns using Artificial intelligence, Data science and Machine
learning tools.
 All the dams and major water bodies of a locality, state or country can be modelled
with this approach, which makes it easier for pre disaster management.

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