AWS Glossary
AWS Glossary
AWS Glossary
AWS Glossary
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AWS Glossary Reference
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AWS Glossary Reference
Table of Contents
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AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Glossary
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access control list A document that defines who can access a particular bucket or object.
(ACL) Each bucket and object in Amazon S3 has an ACL. This document defines
what each type of user can do, such as write and read permissions.
access key ID A unique identifier that's associated with a secret access key; the access
key ID and secret access key are used together to sign programmatic
AWS requests cryptographically.
access key rotation A method to increase security by changing the AWS access key ID. You
can use this method to retire an old key at your discretion.
access policy language A language for writing documents (specifically, policies) that specify who
can access a particular AWS resource and under what conditions.
AWS Glossary Reference
account A formal relationship with AWS that's associated with all of the
account activity A webpage showing your month-to-date AWS usage and costs. The
account activity page is located at
AWS Account AWS Account Management is a tool that you can use to update the
Management contact information for each of your AWS accounts.
See Also
action An API function. Also called operation or call. The activity the principal
has permission to perform. The action is B in the statement "A has
permission to do B to C where D applies." For example, Jane sends a
request to Amazon SQS with Action=ReceiveMessage.
AWS Glossary Reference
active trusted key A list that shows each of the trusted key groups, and the IDs of the
groups public keys in each key group, that are active for a distribution in
Amazon CloudFront. CloudFront can use the public keys in these key
groups to verify the signatures of CloudFront signed URLs and signed
active-passive A class of disaster recovery strategies that involve a primary Region and
a standby Region in a back up and restore, hot standby, pilot light, or
warm standby configuration. Sometimes referred to as active/passive.
additional Information that's checked for integrity but not encrypted, such as
authenticated data headers or other contextual metadata.
administrative Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling might suspend processes for Auto Scaling
suspension group that repeatedly fail to launch instances. Auto Scaling groups that
most commonly experience administrative suspension have zero running
instances, have been trying to launch instances for more than 24 hours,
and have not succeeded in that time.
alarm An item that watches a single metric over a specified time period and
starts an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling policy.
These actions are started if the value of the metric crosses a threshold
value over a predetermined number of time periods.
allow One of two possible outcomes (the other is deny) when an IAM access
policy is evaluated. When a user makes a request to AWS, AWS evaluates
the request based on all permissions that apply to the user and then
returns either allow or deny.
Amazon Machine An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is an encrypted machine image stored
Image (AMI) in Amazon EBS or Amazon S3. AMIs function similarly to a template
of a computer's root drive. They contain the operating system and can
AWS Glossary Reference
Amazon Web Services An infrastructure web services platform in the cloud for companies of all
(AWS) sizes.
See Also
Amplify AWS Amplify is a complete solution that frontend web and mobile
developers can use to build and deploy secure, scalable full-stack
applications powered by AWS. Amplify provides two services: Amplify
Hosting and Amplify Studio.
See Also .
Amplify Hosting AWS Amplify Hosting is a fully managed continuous integration and
continuous delivery (CI/CD) and hosting service for fast, secure, and
reliable static and server-side rendered apps. Amplify Hosting provides
a Git-based workflow for hosting full-stack serverless web apps with
continuous deployment.
See Also .
Amplify iOS Amplify iOS is a collection of open-source client libraries that provides
interfaces for specific use cases across many AWS services. Amplify iOS is
the recommended way to build native iOS applications powered by AWS.
See Also .
Amplify Studio AWS Amplify Studio is a visual development environment that web and
mobile developers can use to build the frontend UI components and the
backend environment for a full-stack application.
See Also .
analysis rules AWS Clean Rooms: The query restrictions that authorize a specific type
of query.
AWS Glossary Reference
analysis scheme CloudSearch: Language-specific text analysis options that are applied to
a text field to control stemming and configure stopwords and synonyms.
API Gateway Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that developers can use
to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
See Also
AWS App2Container AWS App2Container is a transformation tool that modernizes .NET and
Java applications by migrating them into containerized applications.
See Also
AWS AppConfig AWS AppConfig is a service used to update software at runtime without
deploying new code. With AWS AppConfig, you can configure, validate,
and deploy feature flags and application configurations.
See Also
Amazon AppFlow Amazon AppFlow is a fully managed integration service that you can
use to transfer data securely between software as a service (SaaS)
applications and AWS services.
See Also
Application Auto AWS Application Auto Scaling is a web service that you can use to
Scaling configure automatic scaling for AWS resources beyond Amazon EC2,
such as Amazon ECS services, Amazon EMR clusters, and DynamoDB
See Also
Application Billing The location where your customers manage the Amazon
DevPay products they've purchased. The web address is http://
AWS Glossary Reference
Application Composer AWS Application Composer is a visual designer that you can use to build
serverless applications from multiple AWS services. As you design an
application, Application Composer automatically generates a YAML
template with CloudFormation and AWS SAM template resources.
See Also .
Application Cost AWS Application Cost Profiler is a solution to track the consumption of
Profiler shared AWS resources used by software applications and report granular
cost breakdown across tenant base.
See Also
Application Discovery AWS Application Discovery Service is a web service that helps you plan
Service to migrate to AWS by identifying IT assets in a data center—including
servers, virtual machines, applications, application dependencies, and
network infrastructure.
See Also
AppStream 2.0 Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed, secure service for streaming
desktop applications to users without rewriting those applications.
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS AppSync AWS AppSync is an enterprise-level, fully managed GraphQL service with
real-time data synchronization and offline programming features.
See Also
artifact CodePipeline: A copy of the files or changes that are worked on by the
asymmetric encryption Encryption that uses both a public key and a private key.
asynchronous bounce A type of bounce that occurs when a receiver initially accepts an email
message for delivery and then subsequently fails to deliver it.
Athena Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that you can use to
analyze data in Amazon S3 using ANSI SQL. Athena is serverless, so
there's no infrastructure to manage. Athena scales automatically and is
simple to use, so you can start analyzing your datasets within seconds.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Auto Scaling AWS Auto Scaling is a fully managed service that you can use to quickly
discover the scalable AWS resources that are part of your application and
to configure dynamic scaling.
See Also
Auto Scaling group A representation of multiple EC2 instances that share similar
characteristics, and that are treated as a logical grouping for the
purposes of instance scaling and management.
Availability Zone A distinct location within a Region that's insulated from failures in
other Availability Zones, and provides inexpensive, low-latency network
connectivity to other Availability Zones in the same Region.
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back up and restore A disaster recovery strategy in which backups of data in the primary
Region are copied to a standby Region and can be restored from the
standby Region. You must provision the infrastructure and other
resources, such as compute, as part of a failover process.
See Also , , , .
Backint Agent AWS Backint Agent for SAP HANA is an SAP-certified backup and restore
solution for SAP HANA workloads running on Amazon EC2 instances in
the cloud.
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Backup AWS Backup is a managed backup service that you can use to centralize
and automate the backup of data across AWS services in the cloud and
on premises.
See Also
batch prediction Amazon Machine Learning: An operation that processes multiple input
data observations at one time (asynchronously). Unlike real-time
predictions, batch predictions aren't available until all predictions have
been processed.
See Also real-time predictions.
Billing and Cost AWS Billing and Cost Management is the AWS Cloud computing model
Management where you pay for services on demand and use as much or as little as
you need. While resources are active under your account, you pay for
the cost of allocating those resources. You also pay for any incidental
usage associated with those resources, such as data transfer or allocated
See Also
binary attribute Amazon Machine Learning: An attribute for which one of two possible
values is possible. Valid positive values are 1, y, yes, t, and true answers.
Valid negative values are 0, n, no, f, and false. Amazon Machine Learning
outputs 1 for positive values and 0 for negative values.
See Also attribute.
binary classification Amazon Machine Learning: A machine learning model that predicts the
model answer to questions where the answer can be expressed as a binary
AWS Glossary Reference
variable. For example, questions with answers of “1” or “0”, “yes” or “no”,
“will click” or “will not click” are questions that have binary answers. The
result for a binary classification model is always either a “1” (for a “true”
or affirmative answers) or a “0” (for a “false” or negative answers).
block A dataset. Amazon EMR breaks large amounts of data into subsets. Each
subset is called a data block. Amazon EMR assigns an ID to each block
and uses a hash table to keep track of block processing.
block device A storage device that supports reading and (optionally) writing data in
fixed-size blocks, sectors, or clusters.
block device mapping A mapping structure for every AMI and instance that specifies the block
devices attached to the instance.
breach Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: The condition where a user-set threshold
(upper or lower boundary) is passed. If the duration of the breach is
significant, as set by a breach duration parameter, it can possibly start a
scaling activity.
AWS Glossary Reference
bucket Amazon S3: A container for stored objects. Every object is contained
in a bucket. For example, if the object named photos/puppy.jpg is
stored in the DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET bucket, then authorized users can
access the object with the URL https://s3-bucket-endpoint/DOC-
bucket owner The person or organization that owns a bucket in Amazon S3. In
the same way that Amazon is the only owner of the domain name, only one person or organization can own a bucket.
bundling A commonly used term for creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). It
specifically refers to creating instance store-backed AMIs.
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cache cluster A logical cache distributed over multiple cache nodes. A cache cluster
can be set up with a specific number of cache nodes.
cache cluster identifier Customer-supplied identifier for the cache cluster that must be unique
for that customer in an AWS Region.
cache engine version The version of the Memcached service that's running on the cache node.
cache node A fixed-size chunk of secure, network-attached RAM. Each cache node
runs an instance of the Memcached service, and has its own DNS name
and port. Multiple types of cache nodes are supported, each with
varying amounts of associated memory.
cache node type An EC2 instance type used to run the cache node.
cache parameter A container for cache engine parameter values that can be applied to
group one or more cache clusters.
AWS Glossary Reference
canned access policy A standard access control policy that you can apply to a bucket or
object. Options include: private, public-read, public-read-write, and
canonicalization The process of converting data into a standard format that a service
such as Amazon S3 can recognize.
capacity The amount of available compute size at a given time. Each Auto Scaling
group is defined with a minimum and maximum compute size. A scaling
activity increases or decreases the capacity within the defined minimum
and maximum values.
Cartesian product A mathematical operation that returns a product from multiple sets.
AWS CDK AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software
development framework for defining your cloud infrastructure in code
and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation.
See Also
certificate A credential that some AWS products use to authenticate AWS accounts
and users. Also known as an X.509 certificate. The certificate is paired
with a private key.
chargeable resources Features or services whose use incurs fees. Although some AWS products
are free, others include charges. For example, in an CloudFormation
stack, AWS resources that have been created incur charges. The amount
charged depends on the usage load. Use the Amazon Web Services
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Chatbot AWS Chatbot is an interactive agent that makes it easier to monitor,
troubleshoot, and operate AWS resources in your Slack channels and
Amazon Chime chat rooms.
See Also
AWS Clean Rooms AWS Clean Rooms is an AWS service that helps multiple parties to join
their data together in a secure collaboration workspace.
See Also
Client VPN AWS Client VPN is a client-based, managed VPN service that remote
clients can use to securely access your AWS resources using an Open
VPN-based software client.
See Also
AWS Cloud Control API AWS Cloud Control API is a set of standardized application programming
interfaces (APIs) that developers can use to create, read, update, delete,
and list supported cloud infrastructure.
AWS Glossary Reference
Cloud Directory Amazon Cloud Directory is a service that provides a highly scalable
directory store for your application's multihierarchical data.
See Also
AWS Cloud Map AWS Cloud Map is a service that you use to create and maintain a map
of the backend services and resources that your applications depend
on. With AWS Cloud Map, you can name and discover your AWS Cloud
See Also
cloud service provider A cloud service provider is a company that provides subscribers with
(CSP) access to internet-hosted computing, storage, and software services.
AWS Cloud WAN AWS Cloud WAN is a managed wide-area networking service used to
build, manage, and monitor a unified global network.
See Also
CloudFront Amazon CloudFront is an AWS content delivery service that helps you
improve the performance, reliability, and availability of your websites
and applications.
See Also
CloudHSM AWS CloudHSM is a web service that helps you meet corporate,
contractual, and regulatory compliance requirements for data security
by using dedicated hardware security module (HSM) appliances within
the AWS Cloud.
See Also
CloudSearch Amazon CloudSearch is a fully managed service in the AWS Cloud that
you can use to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for your
website or application.
AWS Glossary Reference
CloudTrail AWS CloudTrail is a web service that records AWS API calls for your
account and delivers log files to you. The recorded information includes
the identity of the API caller, the time of the API call, the source IP
address of the API caller, the request parameters, and the response
elements that the AWS service returns.
See Also
CloudWatch Amazon CloudWatch is a web service that you can use to monitor and
manage various metrics, and configure alarm actions based on data from
those metrics.
See Also
CloudWatch Events Amazon CloudWatch Events is a web service that you can use to deliver a
timely stream of system events that describe changes in AWS resources
to Lambda functions, streams in Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon SNS
topics, or built-in targets.
See Also
CloudWatch Logs Amazon CloudWatch Logs is a web service for monitoring and
troubleshooting your systems and applications from your existing
system, application, and custom log files. You can send your existing log
files to CloudWatch Logs and monitor these logs in near-real time.
See Also
cluster A logical grouping of container instances that you can place tasks on.
cluster compute A type of instance that provides a great amount of CPU power coupled
instance with increased networking performance, making it well suited for
High Performance Compute (HPC) applications and other demanding
network-bound applications.
AWS Glossary Reference
cluster placement A logical cluster compute instance grouping to provide lower latency
group and high-bandwidth connectivity between the instances.
cluster status OpenSearch Service: An indicator of the health of a cluster. A status can
be green, yellow, or red. At the shard level, green means that all shards
are allocated to nodes in a cluster, yellow means that the primary shard
is allocated but the replica shards aren't, and red means that the primary
and replica shards of at least one index aren't allocated. The shard status
determines the index status, and the index status determines the cluster
CNAME Canonical Name Record. A type of resource record in the Domain Name
System (DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another,
canonical domain name. Specifically, it's an entry in a DNS table that you
can use to alias one fully qualified domain name to another.
Code Signing for AWS A service for signing code that you create for any IoT device that's
IoT supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
AWS CodeDeploy AWS CodeDeploy agent is a software package that, when installed
agent and configured on an instance, enables that instance to be used in
CodeDeploy deployments.
AWS Glossary Reference
CodePipeline AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service for fast and reliable
application updates.
See Also
Amazon Cognito Amazon Cognito is a web service that you can use to save mobile user
data in the AWS Cloud without writing any backend code or managing
any infrastructure. Examples of mobile user data that you can save
include app preferences and game states. Amazon Cognito offers mobile
identity management and data synchronization across devices.
See Also
collaboration AWS Clean Rooms: A secure logical boundary in AWS Clean Rooms in
which members can perform SQL queries on configured tables.
complaint The event where a recipient who doesn't want to receive an email
message chooses "Mark as Spam" within the email client, and the
internet service provider (ISP) sends a notification to Amazon SES.
compound query CloudSearch: A search request that specifies multiple search criteria
using the Amazon CloudSearch structured search syntax.
Amazon Comprehend Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that
uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS WAF: A set of attributes that AWS WAF searches for in web requests
to AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront distributions. Conditions
can include values such as the IP addresses that web requests originate
from or values in request headers. Based on the specified conditions,
you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block web requests to AWS
AWS Config AWS Config is a fully managed service that provides an AWS resource
inventory, configuration history, and configuration change notifications
for better security and governance. You can create rules that
automatically check the configuration of AWS resources that AWS Config
See Also
configuration API CloudSearch: The API call that you use to create, configure, and manage
search domains.
configuration template A series of key–value pairs that define parameters for various
AWS products so that Elastic Beanstalk can provision them for an
consistency model The method a service uses to achieve high availability. For example, it
could involve replicating data across multiple servers in a data center.
See Also eventual consistency.
Console Mobile AWS Console Mobile Application lets AWS customers monitor and
Application manage a select set of resources to stay informed and connected with
their AWS resources while on the go.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
consolidated billing A feature of the AWS Organizations service for consolidating payment
for multiple AWS accounts. You create an organization that contains
your AWS accounts, and you use the management account of your
organization to pay for all member accounts. You can see a combined
view of AWS costs that are incurred by all accounts in your organization,
and you can get detailed cost reports for individual accounts.
container definition A container definition specifies the details that are associated with
running a container on Amazon ECS. More specifically, a container
definition specifies details such as the container image to use and
how much CPU and memory the container is allocated. The container
definition is included as part of an Amazon ECS task definition.
content delivery A web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic
network (CDN) web content—such as .html, .css, .js, media files, and image files—to
your users by using a worldwide network of data centers. When a user
requests your content, the request is routed to the data center that
provides the lowest latency (time delay). If the content is already in the
location with the lowest latency, the CDN delivers it immediately. If
not, the CDN retrieves it from an origin that you specify (for example,
a web server or an Amazon S3 bucket). With some CDNs, you can help
secure your content by configuring an HTTPS connection between users
and data centers, and between data centers and your origin. Amazon
CloudFront is an example of a CDN.
AWS Glossary Reference
contextual metadata Amazon Personalize: Interactions data that you collect about a user's
browsing context (such as device used or location) when an event (such
as a click) occurs. Contextual metadata can improve recommendation
relevance for new and existing users.
See Also Interactions dataset, event.
continuous delivery A software development practice where code changes are automatically
built, tested, and prepared for a release to production.
See Also
AWS Control Tower AWS Control Tower is a service used to set up and govern a secure,
multi-account AWS environment.
See Also
cooldown period Amount of time that Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling doesn't allow the desired
size of the Auto Scaling group to be changed by any other notification
from an CloudWatch alarm.
core node An EC2 instance that runs Hadoop map and reduce tasks and stores
data using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Core nodes are
managed by the master node, which assigns Hadoop tasks to nodes and
monitors their status. The EC2 instances you assign as core nodes are
capacity that must be allotted for the entire job flow run. Because core
nodes store data, you can't remove them from a job flow. However, you
can add more core nodes to a running job flow.
Core nodes run both the DataNodes and TaskTracker Hadoop daemons.
coverage Amazon Personalize: An evaluation metric that tells you the proportion
of unique items that Amazon Personalize might recommend using your
AWS Glossary Reference
model out of the total number of unique items in Interactions and Items
datasets. To make sure Amazon Personalize recommends more of your
items, use a model with a higher coverage score. Recipes that feature
item exploration, such as user-personalization, have higher coverage
than those that don’t, such as popularity-count.
See Also metrics, Items dataset, Interactions dataset, item exploration,
user-personalization recipe, popularity-count recipe.
credential helper CodeCommit: A program that stores credentials for repositories and
supplies them to Git when making connections to those repositories.
The AWS CLI includes a credential helper that you can use with Git when
connecting to CodeCommit repositories.
cross-Region A solution for replicating data across different AWS Regions, in near-real
replication time.
Cryptographic AWS Clean Rooms: A capability in AWS Clean Rooms that organizations
Computing for Clean can use to bring sensitive data together to derive new insights from data
Rooms (C3R) analytics while cryptographically limiting what any party in the process
can learn.
customer gateway A router or software application on your side of a VPN tunnel that's
managed by Amazon VPC. The internal interfaces of the customer
gateway are attached to one or more devices in your home network.
AWS Glossary Reference
customer managed An IAM managed policy that you create and manage in your AWS
policy account.
customer master key We no longer use customer master key or CMK. These terms are replaced
(CMK) by AWS KMS key (first mention) and KMS key (subsequent mention). For
more information, see KMS key.
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data consistency A concept that describes when data is written or updated successfully
and all copies of the data are updated in all AWS Regions. However, it
takes time for the data to propagate to all storage locations. To support
varied application requirements, DynamoDB supports both eventually
consistent and strongly consistent reads.
See Also eventual consistency, eventually consistent read, strongly
consistent read.
AWS Data Exchange AWS Data Exchange is a service that helps you find, subscribe to, and use
third-party data in the cloud.
See Also
Amazon Data Lifecycle Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager is an Amazon service that automates
Manager and manages the lifecycle of Amazon EBS snapshots and Amazon EBS-
backed AMIs.
data node OpenSearch Service: An OpenSearch instance that holds data and
responds to data upload requests.
See Also dedicated master node, node.
Data Pipeline AWS Data Pipeline is a web service for processing and moving data
between different AWS compute and storage services, as well as on-
premises data sources, at specified intervals.
AWS Glossary Reference
data source The database, file, or repository that provides information required by
an application or database. For example, in OpsWorks, valid data sources
include an instance for a stack's MySQL layer or a stack's Amazon RDS
service layer. In Amazon Redshift , valid data sources include text files in
an Amazon S3 bucket, in an Amazon EMR cluster, or on a remote host
that a cluster can access through an SSH connection.
See Also datasource.
database engine The database software and version running on the DB instance.
database name The name of a database hosted in a DB instance. A DB instance can host
multiple databases, but databases hosted by the same DB instance must
each have a unique name within that instance.
datasource Amazon ML: An object that contains metadata about the input data.
Amazon ML reads the input data, computes descriptive statistics on
its attributes, and stores the statistics—along with a schema and
other information—as part of the datasource object. Amazon ML
uses datasources to train and evaluate a machine learning model and
generate batch predictions.
See Also data source.
AWS Glossary Reference
DB compute class The size of the database compute platform used to run the instance.
DB instance identifier User-supplied identifier for the DB instance. The identifier must be
unique for that user in an AWS Region.
DB parameter group A container for database engine parameter values that apply to one or
more DB instances.
DB security group A method that controls access to the DB instance. By default, network
access is turned off to DB instances. After inbound traffic is configured
for a security group, the same rules apply to all DB instances associated
with that group.
Dedicated Host A physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicated to a user.
Dedicated Instance An instance that's physically isolated at the host hardware level and
launched within a Amazon VPC.
dedicated master node OpenSearch Service: An OpenSearch instance that performs cluster
management tasks, but doesn't hold data or respond to data upload
requests. Amazon OpenSearch Service (OpenSearch Service) uses
dedicated master nodes to increase cluster stability.
See Also data node, node.
Dedicated Reserved An option that you purchase to guarantee that sufficient capacity will be
Instance available to launch Dedicated Instances into a Amazon VPC.
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS DeepLens AWS DeepLens is a tool that provides AWS customers with a centralized
place to search, discover, and connect with trusted APN Technology and
Consulting Partners, based on customers' business needs.
See Also
delegation Within a single AWS account: Giving AWS users access to resources your
AWS account.
Between two AWS accounts: Setting up a trust between the account that
owns the resource (the trusting account), and the account that contains
the users that need to access the resource (the trusted account).
See Also trust policy.
delete marker An object with a key and version ID, but without content. Amazon S3
inserts delete markers automatically into versioned buckets when an
object is deleted.
deliverability The likelihood that an email message arrives at its intended destination.
deliveries The number of email messages, sent through Amazon SES, that were
accepted by an internet service provider (ISP) for delivery to recipients
over a period of time.
deny The result of a policy statement that includes deny as the effect, so that
a specific action or actions are expressly forbidden for a user, group, or
role. Explicit deny take precedence over explicit allow.
AWS Glossary Reference
Detective Amazon Detective is a service that collects log data from your AWS
resources to analyze and identify the root cause of security findings
or suspicious activities. The Detective behavior graph provides
visualizations to help you to determine the nature and extent of possible
security issues and conduct an efficient investigation.
See Also
Device Farm AWS Device Farm is an app testing service that you can use to test
Android, iOS, and web apps on real, physical phones and tablets that are
hosted by AWS.
See Also
Amazon DevOps Guru Amazon DevOps Guru is a fully managed operations service powered by
machine learning (ML), designed to improve an application's operational
performance and availability.
See Also
Direct Connect AWS Direct Connect is a web service that simplifies establishing a
dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS. Using AWS
Direct Connect, you can establish private connectivity between AWS and
your data center, office, or colocation environment.
See Also
Directory Service AWS Directory Service is a managed service for connecting your AWS
resources to an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory or to set
up and operate a new, standalone directory in the AWS Cloud.
See Also
discussion forums A place where AWS users can post technical questions and feedback
to help accelerate their development efforts and to engage with the
AWS community. For more information, see the Amazon Web Services
Discussion Forums.
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS DMS AWS Database Migration Service is a web service that can help you
migrate data to and from many widely used commercial and open-
source databases.
See Also
Docker image A layered file system template that's the basis of a Docker container.
Docker images can comprise specific operating systems or applications.
document batch CloudSearch: A collection of add and delete document operations. You
use the document service API to submit batches to update the data in
your search domain.
document service API CloudSearch: The API call that you use to submit document batches to
update the data in a search domain.
document service CloudSearch: The URL that you connect to when sending document
endpoint updates to an Amazon CloudSearch domain. Each search domain has a
unique document service endpoint that remains the same for the life of
the domain.
AWS Glossary Reference
Domain Name System Domain Name System is a service that routes internet traffic to
websites by translating human-readable domain names (for example, into the numeric IP addresses, such as,
which computers use to connect to each other.
Donation button An HTML-coded button to provide a simple and secure way for
US-based, IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to solicit
Amazon DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client is a software library that helps
Encryption Client you protect your table data before you send it to DynamoDB.
Amazon DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB Storage Backend for Titan is a graph database
Storage Backend for implemented on top of Amazon DynamoDB. Titan is a scalable graph
Titan database optimized for storing and querying graphs.
See Also
DynamoDB Streams Amazon DynamoDB Streams is an AWS service that captures a time-
ordered sequence of item-level modifications in any Amazon DynamoDB
table. This service also stores this information in a log for up to 24
hours. Applications can access this log and view the data items as they
appeared before and after they were modified, in near-real time.
See Also
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Amazon EBS Amazon Elastic Block Store is a service that provides block level storage
volumes or use with EC2 instances.
See Also
Amazon EBS-backed An Amazon EBS-backed AMI is a type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
AMI whose instances use an Amazon EBS volume as their root device.
Compare this with instances launched from instance store-backed AMIs,
which use the instance store as the root device.
Amazon EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a web service for launching and
managing Linux/UNIX and Windows Server instances in Amazon data
See Also
Amazon EC2 Auto Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is a web service that launches or terminates
Scaling instances automatically based on user-defined policies, schedules, and
health checks.
See Also
EC2 instance A compute instance in the Amazon EC2 service. Other AWS services use
the term EC2 instance to distinguish these instances from other types of
instances they support.
Amazon ECR Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a fully managed
Docker container registry that you can use to store, manage, and deploy
Docker container images. Amazon ECR is integrated with Amazon ECS
and IAM.
See Also
Amazon ECS Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a highly scalable,
fast, container management service that you can use to run, stop, and
manage Docker containers on a cluster of EC2 instances.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
edge location edge location is a data center that an AWS service uses to perform
service-specific operations. For example, CloudFront uses edge locations
to cache copies of your content, so the content is closer to your users
and can be delivered faster regardless of their location. Route 53 uses
edge locations to speed up the response to public DNS queries.
Amazon EFS Amazon Elastic File System is a file storage service for EC2 instances.
Amazon EFS provides an interface that you can use to create and
configure file systems. Amazon EFS storage capacity grows and shrinks
automatically as you add and remove files.
See Also
Amazon EKS Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service is a managed service that you can
use to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to stand up or maintain
your own Kubernetes control plane.
See Also
Elastic Beanstalk AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a web service for deploying and managing
applications in the AWS Cloud without worrying about the infrastructure
that runs those applications.
See Also
Elastic Inference Amazon Elastic Inference is a resource that customers can use to attach
low-cost GPU-powered acceleration to Amazon EC2 and SageMaker
instances, or Amazon ECS tasks, to reduce the cost of running deep
learning inference by up to 75%.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
Elastic IP address A fixed (static) IP address that you have allocated in Amazon EC2 or
Amazon VPC and then attached to an instance. Elastic IP addresses are
associated with your account, not a specific instance. They are elastic
because you can easily allocate, attach, detach, and free them as your
needs change. Unlike traditional static IP addresses, Elastic IP addresses
allow you to mask instance or Availability Zone failures by rapidly
remapping your public IP addresses to another instance.
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Elemental AWS Elemental MediaLive is a cloud-based live video encoding service
MediaLive that creates high-quality streams for delivery to broadcasts and
internet-connected devices.
See Also
AWS Elemental AWS Elemental MediaStore is a storage service optimized for media
MediaStore that provides the performance, consistency, and low latency required to
deliver live and on-demand video content at scale.
See Also
AWS Elemental AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a channel assembly and personalized ad-
MediaTailor insertion service for over-the-top (OTT) video and audio applications.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
Amazon EMR Amazon Elastic Map Reduce is a web service that you can use to process
large amounts of data efficiently. Amazon EMR uses Hadoop processing
combined with several AWS products to do such tasks as web indexing,
data mining, log file analysis, machine learning, scientific simulation, and
data warehousing.
See Also
encryption context A set of key–value pairs that contains additional information associated
with AWS KMS–encrypted information.
AWS Encryption SDK AWS Encryption SDK is a client-side encryption library that you can use
to encrypt and decrypt data using industry standards and best practices.
See Also
endpoint A URL that identifies a host and port as the entry point for a web
service. Every web service request contains an endpoint. Most AWS
products provide endpoints for a Region to enable faster connectivity.
envelope encryption The use of a master key and a data key to algorithmically protect data.
The master key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data key and the data
key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data itself.
AWS Glossary Reference
epoch The date from which time is measured. For most Unix environments, the
epoch is January 1, 1970.
Also a machine learning object that stores the details and result of an
ML model evaluation.
evaluation datasource The data that Amazon Machine Learning uses to evaluate the predictive
accuracy of a machine learning model.
event tracker Amazon Personalize: Specifies a destination dataset group for event
data that you record in real time. When you record events in real time,
you provide the ID of the event tracker so that Amazon Personalize
knows where to add the data.
See Also dataset group, event.
AWS Glossary Reference
EventBridge Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus service that you can use to
connect your applications with data from a variety of sources and routes
that data to targets such as AWS Lambda. You can set up routing rules
to determine where to send your data to build application architectures
that react in real time to all of your data sources.
See Also
eventual consistency The method that AWS services use to achieve high availability. This
involves replicating data across multiple servers in Amazon data centers.
When data is written or updated and Success is returned, all copies of
the data are updated. However, it takes time for the data to propagate
to all storage locations. The data will eventually be consistent, but an
immediate read might not show the change. Consistency is usually
reached within seconds.
See Also data consistency, eventually consistent read, strongly
consistent read.
eventually consistent A read process that returns data from only one Region and might not
read show the most recent write information. However, if you repeat your
read request after a short time, the response should eventually return
the latest data.
See Also data consistency, eventual consistency, strongly consistent
expiration For CloudFront caching, the time when CloudFront stops responding
to user requests with an object. If you don't use headers or CloudFront
distribution settings to specify how long you want objects to stay in an
edge location, the objects expire after 24 hours. The next time a user
requests an object that has expired, CloudFront forwards the request to
the origin.
AWS Glossary Reference
explicit impressions Amazon Personalize: A list of items that you manually add to an Amazon
Personalize Interactions dataset to influence future recommendations.
Unlike implicit impressions, where Amazon Personalize automatically
derives the impressions data, you choose what to include in explicit
See Also recommendations, Interactions dataset, impressions data,
implicit impressions.
explicit launch An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) launch permission granted to a specific
permission AWS account.
exponential backoff A strategy that incrementally increases the wait between retry attempts
in order to reduce the load on the system and increase the likelihood
that repeated requests will succeed. For example, client applications
might wait up to 400 milliseconds before attempting the first retry, up
to 1600 milliseconds before the second, and up to 6400 milliseconds
(6.4 seconds) before the third.
extract, transform, and A process that's used to integrate data from multiple sources. Data is
load (ETL) collected from sources (extract), converted to an appropriate format
(transform), and written to a target data store (load) for purposes of
analysis and querying.
ETL tools combine these three functions to consolidate and move data
from one environment to another. AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL
service for discovering and organizing data, transforming it, and making
it available for search and analytics.
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facet CloudSearch: An index field that represents a category that you want to
use to refine and filter search results.
facet enabled CloudSearch: An index field option that enables facet information to be
calculated for the field.
AWS Fargate AWS Fargate is a serverless, pay-as-you-go compute engine that you can
use to build applications on AWS. You can use Amazon Elastic Container
Service (Amazon ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon
EKS) to maintain container applications using AWS Fargate.
See Also
Fault Injection AWS Fault Injection Service is a managed service that you can use to
Simulator (AWS FIS) perform fault injection experiments on your AWS workloads.
See Also
federated identity Allows individuals to sign in to different networks or services, using the
management (FIM) same group or personal credentials to access data across all networks.
With identity federation in AWS, external identities (federated users) are
granted secure access to resources in an AWS account without having to
create IAM users. These external identities can come from a corporate
identity store (such as LDAP or Windows Active Directory) or from a third
party (such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, or Google). AWS federation
also supports SAML 2.0.
AWS Glossary Reference
feedback loop (FBL) The mechanism by which a mailbox provider (for example, an internet
service provider (ISP)) forwards a recipient's complaint back to the
field weight The relative importance of a text field in a search index. Field weights
control how much matches in particular text fields affect a document's
relevance score.
filter A criterion that you specify to limit the results when you list or describe
your Amazon EC2 resources.
filter query A way to filter search results without affecting how the results are scored
and sorted. Specified with the CloudSearch fq parameter.
Firewall Manager AWS Firewall Manager is a service that you use with AWS WAF to
simplify your AWS WAF administration and maintenance tasks across
multiple accounts and resources. With AWS Firewall Manager, you set up
your firewall rules only once. The service automatically applies your rules
across your accounts and resources, even as you add new resources.
See Also
Forecast Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses statistical and
machine learning algorithms to produce highly accurate time-series
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
fuzzy search A simple search query that uses approximate string matching (fuzzy
matching) to correct for typographical errors and misspellings.
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GameKit AWS GameKit is an open-source SDK and game engine plugin that
empowers game developers to build and deploy cloud-based features
with AWS from their game engine.
See Also
Amazon GameLift Amazon GameLift is a managed service for deploying, operating, and
scaling session-based multiplayer games.
See Also
geospatial search A search query that uses locations specified as a latitude and longitude
to determine matches and sort the results.
Global Accelerator AWS Global Accelerator is a network layer service that you use to create
accelerators that direct traffic to optimal endpoints over the AWS global
network. This improves the availability and performance of your internet
applications that are used by a global audience.
See Also
global consistency An active-active strategy in which all reads and writes for a workload are
handled in the Region where the request originates and are replicated
synchronously to all other Regions in the architecture.
See Also , .
AWS Glossary Reference
global secondary index An index with a partition key and a sort key that can be different from
those on the table. A global secondary index is considered global
because queries on the index can span all of the data in a table, across
all partitions.
See Also local secondary index.
AWS Glue AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service
that you can use to catalog data and load it for analytics. With AWS
Glue, you can discover your data, develop scripts to transform sources
into targets, and schedule and run ETL jobs in a serverless environment.
See Also
AWS GovCloud (US) AWS GovCloud (US) is an isolated AWS Region that hosts sensitive
workloads in the cloud, ensuring that this work meets the US
government's regulatory and compliance requirements. The AWS
GovCloud (US) Region adheres to United States International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (ITAR), Federal Risk and Authorization Management
Program (FedRAMP) requirements, Department of Defense (DOD) Cloud
Security Requirements Guide (SRG) Levels 2 and 4, and Criminal Justice
Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy requirements.
See Also
grant token A type of identifier that allows the permissions in a grant to take effect
ground truth The observations used in the machine learning (ML) model training
process that include the correct value for the target attribute. To train
an ML model to predict house sales prices, the input observations would
typically include prices of previous house sales in the area. The sale
prices of these houses constitute the ground truth.
group A collection of IAM users. You can use IAM groups to simplify specifying
and managing permissions for multiple users.
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Hadoop Software that enables distributed processing for big data by using
clusters and simple programming models. For more information, see
hard bounce A persistent email delivery failure such as "mailbox does not exist."
AWS Health AWS Health is a service that provides ongoing visibility into AWS
customers' accounts and the availability of their AWS services and
See Also
health check A system call to check on the health status of each instance in an
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group.
highlight enabled CloudSearch: An index field option that enables matches within the field
to be highlighted.
highlights CloudSearch: Excerpts returned with search results that show where the
search terms appear within the text of the matching documents.
high-quality email Email that recipients find valuable and want to receive. Value means
different things to different recipients and can come in such forms as
offers, order confirmations, receipts, or newsletters.
AWS Glossary Reference
hit A document that matches the criteria specified in a search request. Also
referred to as a search result.
hosted zone A collection of resource record sets that Route 53 hosts. Similar to
a traditional DNS zone file, a hosted zone represents a collection of
records that are managed together under a single domain name.
HVM virtualization Hardware Virtual Machine virtualization. Allows the guest VM to run
as though it's on a native hardware platform, except that it still uses
paravirtual (PV) network and storage drivers for improved performance.
See Also PV virtualization.
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IAM AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service that Amazon Web
Services (AWS) customers can use to manage users and user permissions
within AWS.
AWS Glossary Reference
IAM Access Analyzer Access Management Access Analyzer is a feature of IAM that you can
use to identify the resources in your organization and accounts that are
shared with an external entity. Example resources include Amazon S3
buckets or IAM roles.
See Also
IAM Identity Center AWS IAM Identity Center is a cloud-based service that brings together
administration of users and their access to AWS accounts and cloud
applications. You can control single sign-on access and user permissions
across all your AWS accounts in AWS Organizations.
See Also
identity provider (IdP) An IAM entity that holds metadata about external identity providers.
Image Builder EC2 Image Builder is a service that facilitates building, maintaining, and
distributing customized server images that launch EC2 instances, or that
run in Docker containers.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
import log A report that contains details about how Import/Export processed your
import/export station A machine that uploads or downloads your data to or from Amazon S3.
impressions data Amazon Personalize: The list of items that you presented to a user when
they interacted with a particular item such as by clicking it, watching it,
or purchasing it. Amazon Personalize uses impressions data to calculate
the relevance of new items for a user based on how frequently users
have selected or ignored the same item.
See Also explicit impressions, implicit impressions.
indexing options Configuration settings that define an CloudSearch domain's index fields,
how document data is mapped to those index fields, and how the index
fields can be used.
inline policy An IAM policy that's embedded in a single IAM user, group, or role.
input data Amazon Machine Learning: The observations that you provide to
Amazon Machine Learning to train and evaluate a machine learning
model and generate predictions.
AWS Glossary Reference
instance family A general instance type grouping using either storage or CPU capacity.
instance group A Hadoop cluster contains one master instance group that contains
one master node, a core instance group that contains one or more core
node and an optional task node instance group, which can contain any
number of task nodes.
instance profile A container that passes IAM role information to an EC2 instance at
instance store Disk storage that's physically attached to the host computer for an EC2
instance, and therefore has the same lifespan as the instance. When the
instance is terminated, you lose any data in the instance store.
instance store-backed A type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) whose instances use an instance
AMI store volume as the root device. Compare this with instances launched
from Amazon EBS-backed AMIs, which use an Amazon EBS volume as
the root device.
instance type A specification that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and
usage cost for an instance. Some instance types are for standard
applications, whereas others are for CPU-intensive, memory-intensive
Interactions dataset Amazon Personalize: A container for historical and real-time data
collected from interactions between users and items (called events).
Interactions data can include impressions data and contextual metadata.
See Also dataset, event, impressions data, contextual metadata.
AWS Glossary Reference
internet gateway Connects a network to the internet. You can route traffic for IP addresses
outside your Amazon VPC to the internet gateway.
internet service A company that provides subscribers with access to the internet. Many
provider (ISP) ISPs are also mailbox providers. Mailbox providers are sometimes
referred to as ISPs, even if they only provide mailbox services.
AWS IoT 1-Click AWS IoT 1-Click is a service that simple devices can use to launch AWS
Lambda functions.
See Also
AWS IoT Analytics AWS IoT Analytics is a fully managed service used to run sophisticated
analytics on massive volumes of IoT data.
See Also
AWS IoT Core AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices
easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices.
See Also
AWS IoT Device AWS IoT Device Defender is an AWS IoT security service that you can
Defender use to audit the configuration of your devices, monitor your connected
devices to detect abnormal behavior, and to mitigate security risks.
See Also
AWS IoT Device AWS IoT Device Management is a service used to securely onboard,
Management organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale.
See Also
AWS IoT Events AWS IoT Events is a fully managed AWS IoT service that you can use to
detect and respond to events from IoT sensors and applications.
See Also
AWS IoT FleetWise AWS IoT FleetWise is a service that you can use to collect, transform, and
transfer vehicle data to the cloud at scale.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS IoT Greengrass AWS IoT Greengrass is a software that you can use to run local compute,
messaging, data caching, sync, and ML inference capabilities for
connected devices in a secure way.
See Also
AWS IoT RoboRunner AWS IoT RoboRunner is a solution that provides infrastructure for
integrating robots with work management systems and building
robotics fleet management applications.
See Also
AWS IoT SiteWise AWS IoT SiteWise is a managed service that you can use to collect,
organize, and analyze data from industrial equipment at scale.
See Also
AWS IoT Things Graph AWS IoT Things Graph is a service that you can use to visually connect
different devices and web services to build IoT applications.
See Also
IP match condition AWS WAF: An attribute that specifies the IP addresses or IP address
ranges that web requests originate from. Based on the specified IP
addresses, you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block web requests to
AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront distributions.
AWS IQ AWS IQ is a cloud service that AWS customers can use to find, engage,
and pay AWS Certified third-party experts for on-demand project work.
See Also ???TITLE???.
issuer The person who writes a policy to grant permissions to a resource. The
issuer (by definition) is always the resource owner. AWS doesn't permit
AWS Glossary Reference
Amazon SQS users to create policies for resources they don't own. If
John is the resource owner, AWS authenticates John's identity when he
submits the policy he's written to grant permissions for that resource.
item A group of attributes that's uniquely identifiable among all of the other
items. Items in DynamoDB are similar in many ways to rows, records, or
tuples in other database systems.
item exploration Amazon Personalize: The process that Amazon Personalize uses to test
different item recommendations, including recommendations of new
items with no or little interaction data, and learn how users respond. You
configure item exploration at the campaign level for solution versions
created with the user-personalization recipe.
See Also recommendations, campaign, solution version, user-
personalization recipe.
Items dataset Amazon Personalize: A container for metadata about items, such as
price, genre, or availability.
See Also dataset.
item-to-item Amazon Personalize: A RELATED_ITEMS recipe that uses the data from
similarities (SIMS) an Interactions dataset to make recommendations for items that are
recipe similar to a specified item. The SIMS recipe calculates similarity based on
the way users interact with items instead of matching item metadata,
such as price or age.
See Also recipe, RELATED_ITEMS recipes, Interactions dataset.
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job flow Amazon EMR: One or more steps that specify all of the functions to be
performed on the data.
AWS Glossary Reference
job prefix An optional string that you can add to the beginning of an Import/
Export log file name to prevent collisions with objects of the same
See Also key prefix.
junk folder The location where email messages that various filters determine to be
of lesser value are collected so that they don't arrive in the recipient's
inbox but are still accessible to the recipient. This is also referred to as a
spam or bulk folder.
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Amazon Kendra Amazon Kendra is a search service powered by machine learning (ML)
that developers can use to add search capabilities to their applications
so their end users can discover information stored within the vast
amount of content spread across their company.
See Also
key A credential that identifies an AWS account or user to AWS (such as the
AWS secret access key).
AWS Glossary Reference
Tagging resources: A general tag label that acts like a category for more
specific tag values. For example, you might have EC2 instance with the
tag key of Owner and the tag value of Jan. You can tag an AWS resource
with up to 10 key–value pairs. Not all AWS resources can be tagged.
key pair A set of security credentials that you use to prove your identity
electronically. A key pair consists of a private key and a public key.
key prefix A string of characters that is a subset of an object key name, starting
with the first character. The prefix can be any length, up to the
maximum length of the object key name (1,024 bytes).
Amazon Keyspaces Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is a scalable, highly available,
and managed Apache Cassandra-compatible database service.
See Also
kibibyte (KiB) A contraction of kilo binary byte, a kibibyte is 2^10 or 1,024 bytes. A
kilobyte (KB) is 10^3 or 1,000 bytes. 1,024 KiB is a mebibyte (MiB).
Kinesis Amazon Kinesis is a platform for streaming data on AWS. Kinesis offers
services that simplify the loading and analysis of streaming data.
See Also
Firehose Amazon Data Firehose is a fully managed service for loading streaming
data into AWS. Firehose can capture and automatically load streaming
data into Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift , enabling near real-time
analytics with existing business intelligence tools and dashboards.
Firehose automatically scales to match the throughput of your data and
requires no ongoing administration. It can also batch, compress, and
encrypt the data before loading it.
See Also
Kinesis Data Streams Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a web service for building custom
applications that process or analyze streaming data for specialized
AWS Glossary Reference
needs. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams can continuously capture and store
terabytes of data per hour from hundreds of thousands of sources.
See Also
AWS KMS AWS Key Management Service is a managed service that simplifies the
creation and control of encryption keys that are used to encrypt data.
See Also
KMS key The primary resource in AWS Key Management Service. In general, KMS
keys are created, used, and deleted entirely within KMS. KMS supports
symmetric and asymmetric KMS keys for encryption and signing. KMS
keys can be either customer managed, AWS managed, or AWS owned.
For more information, see AWS KMS keys in the AWS Key Management
Service Developer Guide.
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labeled data In machine learning, data for which you already know the target or
“correct” answer.
Lake Formation AWS Lake Formation is a managed service that makes it easy to set up,
secure, and manage your data lakes. Lake Formation helps you discover
your data sources and then catalog, cleanse, and transform the data.
See Also
Lambda AWS Lambda is a web service that you can use to run code without
provisioning or managing servers. You can run code for virtually any
type of application or backend service with zero administration. You can
set up your code to automatically start from other AWS services or call it
directly from any web or mobile app.
See Also
launch configuration A set of descriptive parameters used to create new EC2 instances in an
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling activity.
AWS Glossary Reference
Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID, the instance type, key pairs, security
groups, and block device mappings, among other configuration settings.
launch permission An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) attribute that allows users to launch an
Launch Wizard AWS Launch Wizard is a cloud solution that offers a guided way of
sizing, configuring, and deploying AWS resources for third-party
applications, such as Microsoft SQL Server Always On and HANA based
SAP systems, without the need to manually identify and provision
individual AWS resources.
See Also
Amazon Lex Amazon Lex is a fully managed artificial intelligence (AI) service with
advanced natural language models to design, build, test, and deploy
conversational interfaces in applications.
See Also
lifecycle The lifecycle state of the EC2 instance contained in an Auto Scaling
group. EC2 instances progress through several states over their lifespan;
these include Pending, InService, Terminating and Terminated.
lifecycle action An action that can be paused by Auto Scaling, such as launching or
terminating an EC2 instance.
lifecycle hook A feature for pausing Auto Scaling after it launches or terminates an EC2
instance so that you can perform a custom action while the instance isn't
in service.
load balancer A DNS name combined with a set of ports, which together provide
a destination for all requests intended for your application. A load
balancer can distribute traffic to multiple application instances across
every Availability Zone within a Region. Load balancers can span
multiple Availability Zones within an AWS Region into which an Amazon
AWS Glossary Reference
EC2 instance was launched. But load balancers can't span multiple
local secondary index An index that has the same partition key as the table, but a different sort
key. A local secondary index is local in the sense that every partition of
a local secondary index is scoped to a table partition that has the same
partition key value.
See Also local secondary index.
Amazon Location Amazon Location Service is a fully managed service that makes it easy
for a developer to add location functionality, such as maps, points
of interest, geocoding, routing, tracking, and geofencing, to their
applications, without sacrificing data security, user privacy, data quality,
or cost.
See Also
Lookout for Amazon Lookout for Equipment is a machine learning service that uses
Equipment data from sensors mounted on factory equipment to detect abnormal
behavior so you can take action before machine failures occur.
See Also
Lookout for Metrics Amazon Lookout for Metrics is a machine learning (ML) service that
automatically detects and diagnoses anomalies in business and
operational data, such as a sudden dip in sales revenue or customer
acquisition rates.
See Also
Lookout for Vision Amazon Lookout for Vision is a machine learning service that uses
computer vision (CV) to find defects in industrial products. Amazon
Lookout for Vision can identify missing components in an industrial
product, damage to vehicles or structures, irregularities in production
lines, and even minuscule defects in silicon wafers—or any other
physical item where quality is important.
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Mail Transfer Agent Software that transports email messages from one computer to another
(MTA) by using a client-server architecture.
mailbox provider An organization that provides email mailbox hosting services. Mailbox
providers are sometimes referred to as internet service providers (ISPs),
even if they only provide mailbox services.
mailbox simulator A set of email addresses that you can use to test an Amazon SES-
based email-sending application without sending messages to actual
recipients. Each email address represents a specific scenario (such as a
bounce or complaint) and generates a typical response that's specific to
the scenario.
main route table The default route table that any new Amazon VPC subnet uses for
routing. You can associate a subnet with a different route table of your
choice. You can also change which route table is the main route table.
AWS Mainframe AWS Mainframe Modernization service is a cloud native platform for
Modernization migration, modernization, execution, and operation of mainframe
See Also
Managed Blockchain Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service for creating
and managing scalable blockchain networks using popular open source
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
Amazon Managed Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed and secure data
Grafana visualization service that you can use to instantly query, correlate,
and visualize operational metrics, logs, and traces from multiple data
See Also
managed policy A standalone IAM policy that you can attach to multiple users, groups,
and roless in your IAM account. Managed policies can either be AWS
managed policies (which are created and managed by AWS) or customer
managed policies (which you create and manage in your AWS account).
AWS managed policy An IAM managed policy that's created and managed by AWS.
Amazon Managed Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a service that provides
Service for highly available, secure, and managed monitoring for your containers.
Prometheus See Also
management portal AWS Management Portal for vCenter is a web service for managing your
AWS resources using VMware vCenter. You install the portal as a vCenter
plugin within your existing vCenter environment. After it's installed, you
can migrate VMware VMs to Amazon EC2 and manage AWS resources
from within vCenter.
See Also
manifest When sending a create job request for an import or export operation,
you describe your job in a text file called a manifest. The manifest file is
a YAML-formatted file that specifies how to transfer data between your
storage device and the AWS Cloud.
manifest file Amazon Machine Learning: The file used for describing batch
predictions. The manifest file relates each input data file with its
associated batch prediction results. It's stored in the Amazon S3 output
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Marketplace AWS Marketplace is a web portal where qualified partners market and
sell their software to AWS customers. AWS Marketplace is an online
software store that helps customers find, buy, and immediately start
using the software and services that run on AWS.
See Also
master node A process running on an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that keeps track
of the work its core and task nodes complete.
maximum price The maximum price you pay to launch one or more Spot Instances. If
your maximum price exceeds the current Spot price and your restrictions
are met, Amazon EC2 launches instances on your behalf.
maximum send rate The maximum number of email messages that you can send per second
using Amazon SES.
mean reciprocal rank Amazon Personalize: An evaluation metric that assesses the relevance
at 25 of a model’s highest ranked recommendation. Amazon Personalize
calculates this metric using the average accuracy of the model
when ranking the most relevant recommendation out of the top 25
recommendations over all requests for recommendations.
See Also metrics, recommendations.
AWS Glossary Reference
message ID Amazon SES: A unique identifier that's assigned to every email message
that's sent.
metric name The primary identifier of a metric, used with a namespace and optional
micro instance A type of EC2 instance that's more economical to use if you have
occasional bursts of high CPU activity.
AWS Microservice AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET is an assistive modernization tool
Extractor for .NET that helps to reduce the time and effort required to break down large,
monolithic applications running on the AWS Cloud or on premises into
smaller, independent services. These services can be operated and
managed independently.
AWS Glossary Reference
Migration Hub AWS Migration Hub is a service that provides a single location to track
migration tasks across multiple AWS tools and partner solutions.
See Also
Mobile SDK for Unity The AWS Mobile SDK for Unity is included in the AWS SDK for .NET.
Mobile SDK for The AWS Mobile SDK for Xamarin is included in the AWS SDK for .NET.
Amazon Monitron Amazon Monitron is an end-to-end system that uses machine learning
(ML) to detect abnormal behavior in industrial machinery. Use Amazon
Monitron to implement predictive maintenance and reduce unplanned
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
multiclass A machine learning model that predicts values that belong to a limited,
classification model pre-defined set of permissible values. For example, "Is this product a
book, movie, or clothing?"
multi-factor An optional AWS account security feature. After you enable AWS
authentication (MFA) MFA, you must provide a six-digit, single-use code in addition to your
credentials whenever you access secure AWS webpages or
the AWS Management Console. You get this single-use code from an
authentication device that you keep in your physical possession.
See Also
multipart upload A feature that you can use to upload a single object as a set of parts.
Multipurpose Internet An internet standard that extends the email protocol to include non-
Mail Extensions (MIME) ASCII text and nontext elements, such as attachments.
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AWS Glossary Reference
namespace An abstract container that provides context for the items (names,
or technical terms, or words) it holds, and allows disambiguation of
homonym items residing in different namespaces.
NAT gateway A NAT device, managed by AWS, that performs network address
translation in a private subnet, to secure inbound internet traffic. A NAT
gateway uses both NAT and port address translation.
See Also NAT instance.
NAT instance A NAT device, configured by a user, that performs network address
translation in a Amazon VPC public subnet to secure inbound internet
See Also NAT gateway.
Neptune Amazon Neptune is a managed graph database service that you can
use to build and run applications that work with highly connected
datasets. Neptune supports the popular graph query languages Apache
TinkerPop Gremlin and W3C's SPARQL, enabling you to build queries
that efficiently navigate highly connected datasets.
See Also
network ACL An optional layer of security that acts as a firewall for controlling traffic
in and out of a subnet. You can associate multiple subnets with a single
network ACL, but a subnet can be associated with only one network ACL
at a time.
Network Firewall AWS Network Firewall is a managed service that deploys essential
network protections for all Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon
AWS Glossary Reference
n-gram transformation Amazon Machine Learning: A transformation that aids in text string
analysis. An n-gram transformation takes a text variable as input and
outputs strings by sliding a window of size n words, where n is specified
by the user, over the text, and outputting every string of words of size n
and all smaller sizes. For example, specifying the n-gram transformation
with window size =2 returns all the two-word combinations and all of
the single words.
NICE Desktop Cloud A remote visualization technology for securely connecting users to
Visualization graphic-intensive 3D applications hosted on a remote, high-performance
Nimble Studio Amazon Nimble Studio is a managed AWS cloud service for creative
studios to produce visual effects, animation, and interactive content—
from storyboard to final deliverable.
See Also
normalized discounted Amazon Personalize: An evaluation metric that tells you about
cumulative gain the relevance of your model’s highly ranked recommendations,
(NCDG) at K (5/10/25) where K is a sample size of 5, 10, or 25 recommendations. Amazon
Personalize calculates this by assigning weight to recommendations
based on their position in a ranked list, where each recommendation
is discounted (given a lower weight) by a factor dependent on its
position. The normalized discounted cumulative gain at K assumes
AWS Glossary Reference
that recommendations that are lower on a list are less relevant than
recommendations higher on the list.
See Also metrics, recommendations.
NoSQL Nonrelational database systems that are highly available, scalable, and
optimized for high performance. Instead of the relational model, NoSQL
databases (for example, DynamoDB) use alternate models for data
management, such as key–value pairs or document storage.
null object A null object is one whose version ID is null. Amazon S3 adds a null
object to a bucket when versioning for that bucket is suspended. It's
possible to have only one null object for each key in a bucket.
number of passes The number of times that you allow Amazon Machine Learning to use
the same data records to train a machine learning model.
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object Amazon S3: The fundamental entity type stored in Amazon S3. Objects
consist of object data and metadata. The data portion is opaque to
Amazon S3.
CloudFront: Any entity that can be served either over HTTP or a version
of RTMP.
AWS Glossary Reference
On-Demand Instance An Amazon EC2 pricing option that charges you for compute capacity
by the hour or second (minimum of 60 seconds) with no long-term
OpenSearch Service Amazon OpenSearch Service is an AWS managed service for deploying,
operating, and scaling OpenSearch, an open-source search and analytics
engine, in the AWS Cloud. Amazon OpenSearch Service (OpenSearch
Service) also offers security options, high availability, data durability, and
direct access to the OpenSearch API.
See Also
optimistic locking A strategy to ensure that an item that you want to update has not been
modified by others before you perform the update. For DynamoDB,
optimistic locking support is provided by the AWS SDKs.
opt-in Region An AWS Region that is disabled by default. To use an opt-in Region,
you must enable it. Regions introduced after March 20, 2019 are opt-in
Regions. For a list of opt-in Regions, see Considerations before enabling
and disabling Regions in the AWS Account Management Guide.
See Also Region that is enabled by default.
organization Organizations: An entity that you create to consolidate and manage your
AWS accounts. An organization has one management account along with
zero or more member accounts.
AWS Glossary Reference
Organizations AWS Organizations is an account management service that you can use
to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into an organization that you
create and centrally manage.
See Also
origin access identity Also called OAI. When using Amazon CloudFront to serve content with
an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin, a virtual identity that you use to
require users to access your content through CloudFront URLs instead of
Amazon S3 URLs. Usually used with CloudFront private content.
origin server The Amazon S3 bucket or custom origin containing the definitive
original version of the content you deliver through CloudFront.
Outposts AWS Outposts is a fully managed service by AWS that extends AWS
infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to on-premises data centers
and edge locations. Use AWS Outposts for workloads and devices
requiring low latency access to on-premises systems, local data
processing, data residency, and application migration with local system
See Also
output location Amazon Machine Learning: An Amazon S3 location where the results of
a batch prediction are stored.
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AWS Glossary Reference
pagination token A marker that indicates that an API response contains a subset of a
larger list of records. The client can return this marker in a subsequent
API request to retrieve the next subset of records until the service
responds with a subset of records and no pagination token, indicating
that all records have been sent.
See Also pagination.
paid AMI An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you sell to other Amazon EC2
users on AWS Marketplace.
AWS Panorama AWS Panorama is a machine learning (ML) Appliance and Software
Development Kit (SDK) that organizations can use to bring computer
vision (CV) to on-premises cameras to make predictions locally.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
partition key A simple primary key, composed of one attribute (also known as a hash
See Also primary key, sort key.
persistent storage A data storage solution where the data remains intact until it's deleted.
Options within AWS include: Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, DynamoDB, and
other services.
AWS Glossary Reference
physical name A unique label that CloudFormation assigns to each resource when
creating a stack. Some AWS CloudFormation commands accept the
physical name as a value with the --physical-name parameter.
AWS Glossary Reference
policy typically allows access to specific actions, and can optionally grant
that the actions are allowed for specific resources, such as EC2 instances
or Amazon S3 buckets. Policies can also explicitly deny access.
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling: An object that stores the information that's
needed to launch or terminate instances for an Auto Scaling group.
Running the policy causes instances to be launched or terminated. You
can configure an alarm to invoke an Auto Scaling policy.
policy generator A tool in the IAM AWS Management Console that helps you build a
policy by selecting elements from lists of available options.
policy simulator A tool in the IAM AWS Management Console that helps you test and
troubleshoot policies so you can see their effects in real-world scenarios.
policy validator A tool in the IAM AWS Management Console that examines your existing
IAM access control policies to ensure that they comply with the IAM
policy grammar.
Amazon Polly Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech (TTS) service that turns text into
natural-sounding human speech. Amazon Polly provides dozens of
lifelike voices across a broad set of languages so that you can build
speech-enabled applications that work in many different countries.
See Also
Porting Assistant Porting Assistant for .NET is a compatibility analyzer that reduces the
for .NET manual effort required to port Microsoft .NET Framework applications to
open source .NET Core.
precision at K Amazon Personalize: An evaluation metric that tells you how relevant
(5/10/25) your model’s recommendations are based on a sample size of K (5, 10,
or 25) recommendations. Amazon Personalize calculates this metric
based on the number of relevant recommendations out of the top K
recommendations, divided by K, where K is 5, 10, or 25.
AWS Glossary Reference
Premium Support A one-on-one, fast-response support channel that AWS customers can
subscribe to for support for AWS infrastructure services.
See Also
primary key One or two attributes that uniquely identify each item in a DynamoDB
table, so that no two items can have the same key.
See Also partition key, sort key.
principal The user, service, or account that receives permissions that are defined in
a policy. The principal is A in the statement "A has permission to do B to
AWS Private CA AWS Private Certificate Authority is a hosted private certificate authority
service for issuing and revoking private digital certificates.
See Also
private content When using Amazon CloudFront to serve content with an Amazon S3
bucket as the origin, a method of controlling access to your content by
requiring users to use signed URLs. Signed URLs can restrict user access
based on the current date and time, the IP addresses that the requests
originate from, or both.
private IP address A private numerical address (for example, that networked
devices use to communicate with one another using the Internet
Protocol (IP). Each EC2 instance is assigned two IP addresses at launch,
which are directly mapped to each other through network address
translation (NAT): a private address (following RFC 1918) and a public
address. Exception: Instances launched in Amazon VPC are assigned only
a private IP address.
private subnet A Amazon VPC subnet whose instances can't be reached from the
AWS Glossary Reference
product code An identifier provided by AWS when you submit a product to AWS
Provisioned IOPS A storage option that delivers fast, predictable, and consistent I/O
performance. When you specify an IOPS rate while creating a DB
instance, Amazon RDS provisions that IOPS rate for the lifetime of the
DB instance.
pseudo parameter A predefined setting (for example, AWS:StackName) that can be used in
CloudFormation templates without having to declare them. You can use
pseudo parameters anywhere you can use a regular parameter.
public AMI An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that all AWS accounts have permission
to launch.
public IP address A public numerical address (for example, that networked
devices use to communicate with one another using the Internet
Protocol (IP). Each EC2 instance is assigned two IP addresses at launch,
which are directly mapped to each other through Network Address
Translation (NAT): a private address (following RFC 1918) and a public
address. Exception: Instances launched in Amazon VPC are assigned only
a private IP address.
public subnet A subnet whose instances can be reached from the internet.
AWS Glossary Reference
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quartile binning Amazon Machine Learning: A process that takes two inputs, a numerical
transformation variable and a parameter called a bin number, and outputs a categorical
variable. Quartile binning transformations discover non-linearity in
a variable's distribution by enabling the machine learning model to
learn separate importance values for parts of the numeric variable’s
Query A type of web service that generally uses only the GET or POST HTTP
method and a query string with parameters in the URL.
See Also REST.
query string An AWS feature that you can use to place the authentication information
authentication in the HTTP request query string instead of in the Authorization
header, which provides URL-based access to objects in a bucket.
AWS Glossary Reference
quota The maximum value for your resources, actions, and items in your AWS
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AWS RAM AWS Resource Access Manager is a web service that AWS customers can
use to securely share AWS resources with any AWS account or within
your organization.
See Also
range GET A request that specifies a byte range of data to get for a download. If
an object is large, you can break up a download into smaller units by
sending multiple range GET requests that each specify a different byte
range to GET.
raw email A type of sendmail request with which you can specify the email headers
and MIME types.
Amazon RDS Amazon Relational Database Service is a web service that makes it
easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.
It provides cost-efficient, resizable capacity for an industry-standard
relational database and manages common database administration
See Also
read local/write global An active-active strategy in which all writes for a workload are sent to
one primary Region and all read traffic is served from the Region where
the request originates. Typically architected with an asynchronous data
store. Sometimes referred to as read local-write global.
See Also , .
read local/write local An active-active strategy in which all writes for a workload are sent to
one primary Region and all read traffic is served from the Region where
the request originates. Typically architected with an asynchronous data
store. Sometimes referred to as read local-write global.
See Also , .
AWS Glossary Reference
read replica Amazon RDS: An active copy of another DB instance. Any updates to
the data on the source DB instance are replicated to the read replica DB
instance using the built-in replication feature of MySQL 5.1.
receipt handle Amazon SQS: An identifier that you get when you receive a message
from the queue. This identifier is required to delete a message from the
queue or when changing a message's visibility timeout.
receiver The entity that consists of the network systems, software, and policies
that manage email delivery for a recipient.
recipient Amazon SES: The person or entity receiving an email message. For
example, a person named in the "To" field of a message.
AWS Glossary Reference
reference A means of inserting a property from one AWS resource into another.
For example, you could insert an Amazon EC2 security group property
into an Amazon RDS resource.
Region A named set of AWS resources that's in the same geographical area. A
Region is comprised of at least three Availability Zones. AWS Regions
are divided into partitions. AWS commercial Regions are in the AWS
partition, China Regions are in the AWS-cn partition, and AWS GovCloud
(US) Regions are in the AWS-us-gov partition.
Region that is enabled An AWS Region that is enabled by default. Regions that were introduced
by default before March 20, 2019 are enabled by default and can’t be disabled.
For a list of Regions that aren’t enabled by default (opt-in Region),
see Considerations before enabling and disabling Regions in the AWS
Account Management Guide.
regression model Amazon Machine Learning: Preformatted instructions for common data
transformations that fine-tune machine learning model performance.
regression model A type of machine learning model that predicts a numeric value, such as
the exact purchase price of a house.
regularization A machine learning (ML) parameter that you can tune to obtain
higher-quality ML models. Regularization helps prevent ML models
from memorizing training data examples instead of learning how to
generalize the patterns it sees (called overfitting). When training data is
overfitted, the ML model performs well on the training data, but doesn't
perform well on the evaluation data or on new data.
Amazon Rekognition Amazon Rekognition is a machine learning service that identifies objects,
people, text, scenes, and activities, including inappropriate content, in
either image or video files. With Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels,
you can create a customized ML model that detects objects and scenes
specific to your business in images.
AWS Glossary Reference
reply path The email address that an email reply is sent to. This is different from
the return path.
reputation 1. An Amazon SES metric, based on factors that might include bounces,
complaints, and other metrics, regarding whether a customer is sending
high-quality email.
requester The person (or application) that sends a request to AWS to perform
a specific action. When AWS receives a request, it first evaluates the
requester's permissions to determine whether the requester is allowed
to perform the request action (if applicable, for the requested resource).
Requester Pays An Amazon S3 feature that allows a bucket owner to specify that anyone
who requests access to objects in a particular bucket must pay the data
transfer and request costs.
reservation A collection of EC2 instances started as part of the same launch request.
This is not to be confused with a Reserved Instance.
Reserved Instance A pricing option for EC2 instances that discounts the on-demand usage
charge for instances that meet the specified parameters. Customers pay
for the entire term of the instance, regardless of how they use it.
AWS Glossary Reference
Reserved Instance An online exchange that matches sellers who have reserved capacity
Marketplace that they no longer need with buyers who are looking to purchase
additional capacity. reserved instances that you purchase from third-
party sellers have less than a full standard term remaining and can be
sold at different upfront prices. The usage or reoccurring fees remain
the same as the fees set when the Reserved Instances were originally
purchased. Full standard terms for Reserved Instances available from
AWS run for one year or three years.
Resilience Hub AWS Resilience Hub gives you a central place to define, validate, and
track the resiliency of your AWS application. It helps you to protect
your applications from disruptions, and reduce recovery costs to
optimize business continuity to help meet compliance and regulatory
See Also
resource An entity that users can work with in AWS, such as an EC2 instance, an
DynamoDB table, an Amazon S3 bucket, an IAM user, or an OpsWorks
Resource Groups AWS Resource Groups is a web service that AWS customers can use to
manage and automate tasks on large numbers of resources at one time.
See Also AWS Resource Groups.
resource record Also called resource record set. The fundamental information elements in
the Domain Name System (DNS).
See Also Domain Name System on Wikipedia.
AWS Glossary Reference
RESTful web service Also known as RESTful API. A web service that follows REST architectural
constraints. The API operations must use HTTP methods explicitly,
expose hierarchical URIs, and transfer either XML, JSON, or both.
return enabled CloudSearch: An index field option that enables the field's values to be
returned in the search results.
return path The email address that bounced email is returned to. The return path is
specified in the header of the original email. This is different from the
reply path.
role A tool for giving temporary access to AWS resources in your AWS
rollback A return to a previous state that follows the failure to create an object,
such as CloudFormation stack. All resources that are associated with the
failure are deleted during the rollback. For AWS CloudFormation, you
can override this behavior using the --disable-rollback option on
the command line.
root credentials Authentication information associated with the AWS account owner.
AWS Glossary Reference
root device volume A volume that contains the image used to boot the instance (also known
as a root device). If you launched the instance from an AMI backed by
instance store, this is an instance store volume created from a template
stored in Amazon S3. If you launched the instance from an AMI backed
by Amazon EBS, this is an Amazon EBS volume created from an Amazon
EBS snapshot.
route table A set of routing rules that controls the traffic leaving any subnet that's
associated with the route table. You can associate multiple subnets with
a single route table, but a subnet can be associated with only one route
table at a time.
Route 53 Amazon Route 53 is a web service that you can use to create a new DNS
service or to migrate your existing DNS service to the cloud.
See Also
row identifier Amazon Machine Learning: An attribute in the input data that you
can include in the evaluation or prediction output to make it easier to
associate a prediction with an observation.
rule AWS WAF: A set of conditions that AWS WAF searches for in web
requests to AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront distributions. You
add rules to a web ACL, and then specify whether you want to allow or
block web requests based on each rule.
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Amazon S3 Amazon S3 is storage for the internet. You can use it to store and
retrieve any amount of data at any time, from anywhere on the web.
See Also
Amazon S3 Glacier Amazon S3 Glacier is a secure, durable, and low-cost storage service for
data archiving and long-term backup. You can reliably store large or
small amounts of data for significantly less than on-premises solutions.
S3 Glacier is optimized for infrequently accessed data, where a retrieval
time of several hours is suitable.
AWS Glossary Reference
SageMaker Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed cloud service that builds, trains,
and deploys machine learning (ML) models by using AWS infrastructure,
tools, and workflows.
See Also
sampling period A defined duration of time, such as one minute, which CloudWatch
computes a statistic over.
sandbox A testing location where you can test the functionality of your
application without affecting production, incurring charges, or
purchasing products.
scaling activity A process that changes the size, configuration, or makeup of an Auto
Scaling group by launching or terminating instances.
scaling policy A description of how Auto Scaling automatically scales an Auto Scaling
group in response to changing demand.
AWS Glossary Reference
score cut-off value Amazon Machine Learning: A binary classification model outputs a score
that ranges from 0 to 1. To decide whether an observation is classified
as 1 or 0, you pick a classification threshold, or cut-off, and Amazon ML
compares the score against it. Observations with scores higher than the
cut-off are predicted as target equals 1, and scores lower than the cut-
off are predicted as target equals 0.
AWS SCT AWS Schema Conversion Tool is a desktop application that automates
heterogeneous database migrations. You can use AWS SCT to convert
database schemas and code objects, SQL code in your applications, and
ETL scripts to a format compatible with the target database. Then, you
can use AWS SCT data extraction agents to migrate data to your target
See Also
AWS SDK for .NET AWS SDK for .NET is a software development kit that provides .NET
API operations for AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2,
IAM, and more. You can download the SDK as multiple service-specific
packages on NuGet.
See Also
SDK for C++ AWS SDK for C++ is a software development kit that provides C++ APIs
for many AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, DynamoDB,
and more. The single, downloadable package includes the AWS C++
library, code examples, and documentation.
See Also
SDK for Go AWS SDK for Go is a software development kit for integrating your Go
application with the full suite of AWS services.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
SDK for Java AWS SDK for Java is a software development kit that provides Java API
operations for many AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2,
DynamoDB, and more. The single, downloadable package includes the
AWS Java library, code examples, and documentation.
See Also
SDK for JavaScript in AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js is a software development kit for
Node.js accessing AWS services from JavaScript in Node.js. The SDK provides
JavaScript objects for AWS services, including Amazon S3, Amazon
EC2, DynamoDB, and Amazon SWF. The single, downloadable package
includes the AWS JavaScript library and documentation.
See Also
SDK for JavaScript in AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser is a software development kit
the Browser for accessing AWS services from JavaScript code running in the browser.
Authenticate users through Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon
using web identity federation. Store application data in DynamoDB, and
save user files to Amazon S3.
See Also
SDK for PHP AWS SDK for PHP is a software development kit and open-source PHP
library for integrating your PHP application with AWS services such as
Amazon S3, Amazon S3 Glacier, and DynamoDB.
See Also
SDK for Python AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) is a software development kit for using
(Boto3) Python to access AWS services such as Amazon EC2, Amazon EMR,
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Kinesis, or Lambda.
See Also
SDK for Ruby AWS SDK for Ruby is a software development kit for accessing AWS
services from Ruby. The SDK provides Ruby classes for many AWS
services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, DynamoDB and more.
The single, downloadable package includes the AWS Ruby Library and
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
SDK for Rust AWS SDK for Rust is a software development kit that provides APIs and
utilities for developers. It enables Rust applications to integrate with
AWS services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2.
SDK for Swift AWS SDK for Swift is a software development kit that provides support
for accessing AWS infrastructure and services using the Swift language.
search API CloudSearch: The API that you use to submit search requests to a search
search domain CloudSearch: Encapsulates your searchable data and the search
instances that handle your search requests. You typically set up a
separate Amazon CloudSearch domain for each different collection of
data that you want to search.
search enabled CloudSearch: An index field option that enables the field data to be
search endpoint CloudSearch: The URL that you connect to when sending search requests
to a search domain. Each Amazon CloudSearch domain has a unique
search endpoint that remains the same for the life of the domain.
search instance CloudSearch: A compute resource that indexes your data and processes
search requests. An Amazon CloudSearch domain has one or more
search instances, each with a finite amount of RAM and CPU resources.
As your data volume grows, more search instances or larger search
instances are deployed to contain your indexed data. When necessary,
your index is automatically partitioned across multiple search instances.
As your request volume or complexity increases, each search partition is
automatically replicated to provide additional processing capacity.
AWS Glossary Reference
search result CloudSearch: A document that matches a search request. Also referred
to as a search hit.
secret access key A key that's used with the access key ID to cryptographically sign
programmatic AWS requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and
prevents the request from being altered. You can generate secret access
keys for your AWS account, individual IAM users and temporary sessions.
Secrets Manager AWS Secrets Manager is a service for securely encrypting, storing, and
rotating credentials for databases and other services.
See Also
security group A named set of allowed inbound network connections for an instance.
(Security groups in Amazon VPC also include support for outbound
connections.) Each security group consists of a list of protocols, ports,
and IP address ranges. A security group can apply to multiple instances,
and multiple groups can regulate a single instance.
Security Hub AWS Security Hub is a service that provides a comprehensive view of the
security state of your AWS resources. Security Hub collects security data
from AWS accounts and services and helps you analyze your security
trends to identify and prioritize the security issues across your AWS
See Also
sending limits The sending quota and maximum send rate that are associated with
every Amazon SES account.
sending quota The maximum number of email messages that you can send using
Amazon SES in a 24-hour period.
AWS Glossary Reference
server-side encryption The encrypting of data at the server level. Amazon S3 supports three
(SSE) modes of server-side encryption: SSE-S3, where Amazon S3 manages
the keys; SSE-C, where the customer manages the keys; and SSE-KMS,
where AWS KMS manages keys.
Service Catalog AWS Service Catalog is a web service that helps organizations create and
manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. These
IT services can include everything from virtual machine images, servers,
software, and databases to complete multitier application architectures.
See Also
service control policy Organizations: A policy-based control that specifies the services and
actions that users and roles can use in the accounts that the service
control policy (SCP) affects.
Service Quotas A service for viewing and managing your quotas easily and at scale as
your AWS workloads grow. Quotas, also referred to as limits, are the
maximum number of resources that you can create in an AWS account.
service role An IAM role that grants permissions to an AWS service so it can access
AWS resources. The policies that you attach to the service role determine
which AWS resources the service can access and what it can do with
those resources.
Amazon SES Amazon Simple Email Service is a simple and cost-effective email
solution for applications.
AWS Glossary Reference
session The period when the temporary security credentials that are provided by
AWS STS allow access to your AWS account.
shared AMI An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that a developer builds and makes
available for others to use.
shutdown action Amazon EMR: A predefined bootstrap action that launches a script that
runs a series of commands in parallel before terminating the job flow.
SIGNATURE file Import/Export: A file that you copy to the root directory of your storage
device. The file contains a job ID, manifest file, and a signature.
Signature Version 4 Protocol for authenticating inbound API requests to AWS services in all
AWS Regions.
AWS Glossary Reference
Signer AWS Signer is a fully managed code-signing service used to ensure the
authenticity and integrity of an AWS customer's code.
SimSpace Weaver AWS SimSpace Weaver is a managed service that you can use to build
and run large-scale spatial simulations in the AWS Cloud.
See Also
single sign-on An authentication scheme that allows users to sign in one time to access
multiple applications and websites. The service name AWS Single Sign-
On is now AWS IAM Identity Center.
See Also IAM Identity Center.
Site-to-Site VPN AWS Site-to-Site VPN is a fully managed service that you can use to
establish Internet Protocol security (IPsec) VPN connections between
your AWS networks and your on-premises networks.
See Also
sloppy phrase search A search for a phrase that specifies how close the terms must be to one
another to be considered a match.
AWS SMS AWS Server Migration Service is a service that combines data collection
tools with automated server replication to speed the migration of on-
premises servers to AWS.
AWS Glossary Reference
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The standard that's used to exchange
email messages between internet hosts for the purpose of routing and
snapshot Amazon EBS: A backup of your volumes that's stored in Amazon S3.
You can use these snapshots as the starting point for new Amazon EBS
volumes or to protect your data for long-term durability.
See Also DB snapshot.
Amazon SNS Amazon Simple Notification Service is a web service that applications,
users, and devices can use to instantly send and receive notifications
from the cloud.
See Also
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol. An XML-based protocol that you can use
to exchange information over a particular protocol (for example, HTTP
or SMTP) between applications.
See Also REST, WSDL.
soft bounce A temporary email delivery failure such as one resulting from a full
solution version Amazon Personalize: A trained model that you create as part of a
solution in Amazon Personalize. You deploy a solution version in a
campaign to generate recommendations.
See Also solution, campaign, recommendations.
AWS Glossary Reference
sort enabled CloudSearch: An index field option that enables a field to be used to sort
the search results.
sort key An attribute used to sort the order of partition keys in a composite
primary key (also known as a range attribute).
See Also partition key, primary key.
source/destination A security measure to verify that an EC2 instance is the origin of all
checking traffic that it sends and the ultimate destination of all traffic that it
receives. In other words, this measure verifies that the instance isn't
relaying traffic. By default, source/destination checking is turned on. For
instances that function as gateways, such as Amazon VPC NAT instances,
source/destination checking must be disabled.
spamtrap An email address that's set up by an anti-spam entity. This email address
isn't for correspondence but rather for monitoring unsolicited emails.
This is also called a honeypot.
Spot Instance A type of EC2 instance that you can bid on to use unused Amazon EC2
Spot price The price for a Spot Instance at any given time. If your maximum price
exceeds the current price and your restrictions are met, Amazon EC2
launches instances on your behalf.
SQL injection match AWS WAF: An attribute that specifies the part of web requests (such as
condition a header or a query string) that AWS WAF inspects for malicious SQL
AWS Glossary Reference
code. Based on the specified conditions, you can configure AWS WAF
to allow or block web requests to an AWS resource, such as an Amazon
CloudFront distribution.
Amazon SQS Amazon Simple Queue Service is a reliable and scalable hosted queues
for storing messages as they travel between computers.
See Also
Amazon SWF Amazon Simple Workflow Service is a fully managed service that helps
developers build, run, and scale background jobs that have parallel or
sequential steps. Amazon SWF functions similar to a state tracker and
task coordinator in the AWS Cloud.
See Also
statistic One of five functions of the values submitted for a given sampling
period. These functions are Maximum, Minimum, Sum, Average, and
stemming The process of mapping related words to a common stem. This enables
matching on variants of a word. For example, a search for "horse" could
AWS Glossary Reference
step Amazon EMR: A single function applied to the data in a job flow. The
sum of all steps comprises a job flow.
Step Functions AWS Step Functions is a web service that coordinates the components of
distributed applications as a series of steps in a visual workflow.
See Also
step type Amazon EMR: The type of work done in a step. There are a limited
number of step types, such as moving data from Amazon S3 to Amazon
EC2 or from Amazon EC2 to Amazon S3.
sticky session A feature of the ELB load balancer that binds a user's session to a
specific application instance. This is so that all requests that are coming
from the user during the session are sent to the same application
instance. By contrast, a load balancer defaults to route each request
independently to the application instance with the smallest load.
stopping The process of filtering stop words from an index or search request.
stopword A word that isn't indexed and is automatically filtered out of search
requests because it's either insignificant or so common that including
it results in too many matches to be useful. Stopwords are language
Storage Gateway AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage service that provides on-
premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage.
See Also AWS Storage Gateway.
streaming Amazon EMR: A utility that comes with Hadoop that you can use to
develop MapReduce executables in languages other than Java.
streaming distribution A special kind of distribution that serves streamed media files using a
Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) connection.
AWS Glossary Reference
string match condition AWS WAF: An attribute that specifies the strings that AWS WAF searches
for in a web request, such as a value in a header or a query string. Based
on the specified strings, you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block
web requests to an AWS resource, such as a CloudFront distribution.
string-to-sign Before you calculate an HMAC signature, you first assemble the required
components in a canonical order. The preencrypted string is the string-
strongly consistent A read process that returns a response with the most up-to-date data.
read This data reflects the updates from all previous write operations that
were successful—regardless of the Region.
See Also data consistency, eventual consistency, eventually consistent
structured query Search criteria that are specified using the CloudSearch structured
query language. You use the structured query language to construct
compound queries that use advanced search options and combine
multiple search criteria using Boolean operators.
AWS STS AWS Security Token Service is a web service for requesting temporary,
limited-privilege credentials for IAM users or for users that you
authenticate (federated users).
See Also
Subscription button An HTML-coded button that provides a simple way to charge customers
a recurring fee.
suggestions Documents that contain a match for the partial search string in the field
that's designated by the suggester. CloudSearch suggestions include
the document IDs and field values for each matching document. To be a
AWS Glossary Reference
match, the string must match the contents of the field starting from the
beginning of the field.
Sumerian Amazon Sumerian is a set of tools for creating and running high-quality
3D, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) applications on the
See Also
supported AMI An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) similar to a paid AMI, except that the
owner charges for additional software or a service that customers use
with their own AMIs.
synchronous bounce A type of bounce that occurs while the email servers of the sender and
receiver are actively communicating.
synonym A word that's the same or nearly the same as an indexed word and that
likely produces the same results when specified in a search request.
For example, a search for "Rocky Four" or "Rocky 4" likely returns the
fourth Rocky movie. You can do this by designating that four and 4 are
synonyms for IV. Synonyms are language specific.
Systems Manager AWS Systems Manager is the operations hub for AWS and hybrid
cloud environments that can help achieve secure operations at scale. It
provides a unified user interface for users to view operations data from
multiple AWS services and automate tasks across their AWS resources.
See Also
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AWS Glossary Reference
tag Metadata that you can define and assign to AWS resources, such as an
EC2 instance. Not all AWS resources can be tagged.
target attribute Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML): The attribute in the input data
that contains the “correct” answers. Amazon ML uses the target attribute
to learn how to make predictions on new data. For example, if you were
building a model for predicting the sale price of a house, the target
attribute would be “target sale price in USD.”
target revision CodeDeploy: The most recent version of the application revision that has
been uploaded to the repository and will be deployed to the instances
in a deployment group. In other words, the application revision currently
targeted for deployment. This is also the revision that will be pulled for
automatic deployments.
task definition The blueprint for your task. Specifies the name of the task, revisions,
container definitions, and volume information.
task node An EC2 instance that runs Hadoop map and reduce tasks, but doesn't
store data. Task nodes are managed by the master node, which assigns
Hadoop tasks to nodes and monitors their status. While a job flow
is running, you can increase and decrease the number of task nodes.
Because they don't store data and can be added and removed from a job
flow, you can use task nodes to manage the EC2 instance capacity your
job flow uses, increasing capacity to handle peak loads and decreasing it
AWS Glossary Reference
template validation The process of confirming the use of JSON code in an CloudFormation
template. You can validate any AWS CloudFormation template using the
cfn-validate-template command.
temporary security Authentication information that's provided by AWS STS when you call an
credentials STS API action. Includes an access key ID, a secret access key, a session
token, and an expiration time.
Amazon Textract Amazon Textract is a service that automatically extracts text and data
from scanned documents. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical
character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields in
forms and information stored in tables.
See Also
time-series data Data that's provided as part of a metric. The time value is assumed
to be when the value occurred. A metric is the fundamental concept
for CloudWatch and represents a time-ordered set of data points. You
publish metric data points into CloudWatch and later retrieve statistics
about those data points as a time-series ordered dataset.
AWS Glossary Reference
timestamp A date/time string in the ISO 8601 format (more specifically, in the
YYYY-MM-DD format).
AWS Toolkit for Eclipse AWS Toolkit for Eclipse is an open-source plugin for the Eclipse Java
integrated development environment (IDE) that makes it easier to
develop, debug, and deploy Java applications using Amazon Web
See Also
AWS Toolkit for AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is an open-source plugin for the integrated
JetBrains development environments (IDEs) from JetBrains that makes it easier to
develop, debug, and deploy serverless applications using Amazon Web
See Also,
AWS Toolkit for AWS Toolkit for Microsoft Azure DevOps provides tasks you can use in
Microsoft Azure build and release definitions in VSTS to interact with AWS services.
DevOps See Also
AWS Toolkit for Visual AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio is an extension for Visual Studio that
Studio helps in developing, debugging, and deploying .NET applications using
Amazon Web Services.
See Also
AWS Toolkit for Visual AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code is an open-source plugin for the
Studio Code Visual Studio Code (VS Code) editor that makes it easier to develop,
debug, and deploy applications using Amazon Web Services.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
AWS Tools for AWS Tools for PowerShell is a set of PowerShell cmdlets to help
PowerShell developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the
PowerShell scripting environment.
See Also
Traffic Mirroring An Amazon VPC feature that you can use to copy network traffic from an
elastic network interface of Amazon EC2 instances. You can then send
this network traffic to out-of-band security and monitoring appliances
for content inspection, threat monitoring, and troubleshooting.
See Also
training datasource A datasource that contains the data that Amazon Machine Learning uses
to train the machine learning model to make predictions.
Amazon Transcribe Amazon Transcribe is a machine learning service that uses automatic
speech recognition (ASR) to quickly and accurately convert speech to
See Also
Transfer Family AWS Transfer Family offers fully managed support for transferring files
over SFTP, FTPS, and FTP into and out of Amazon S3 or Amazon EFS,
as well as support for the Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) protocol for
business-to-business (B2B) transfers.
See Also
Amazon Translate Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers
fast, high-quality, and affordable language translation.
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
Transport Layer A cryptographic protocol that provides security for communication over
Security (TLS) the internet. Its predecessor is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
trust policy An IAM policy that's an inherent part of an IAM role. The trust policy
specifies which principals are allowed to use the role.
Trusted Advisor AWS Trusted Advisor is a web service that inspects your AWS
environment and makes recommendations for saving money, improving
system availability and performance, and helping to close security gaps.
See Also
trusted key groups Amazon CloudFront key groups whose public keys CloudFront can use to
verify the signatures of CloudFront signed URLs and signed cookies.
tuning Selecting the number and type of AMIs to run a Hadoop job flow most
tunnel A route for transmission of private network traffic that uses the internet
to connect nodes in the private network. The tunnel uses encryption
and secure protocols such as PPTP to prevent the traffic from being
intercepted as it passes through public routing nodes.
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unbounded The number of potential occurrences isn't limited by a set number. This
value is often used when defining a data type that's a list (for example,
maxOccurs="unbounded"), in WSDL.
usage report An AWS record that details your usage of a particular AWS service.
You can generate and download usage reports from https://
AWS Glossary Reference
user A person or application under an account that makes API calls to AWS
products. Each user has a unique name within the AWS account, and
a set of security credentials that aren't shared with other users. These
credentials are separate from the security credentials for the AWS
account. Each user is associated with one and only one AWS account.
Users dataset Amazon Personalize: A container for metadata about your users, such as
age, gender, or loyalty membership.
See Also dataset.
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AWS Glossary Reference
verification The process of confirming that you own an email address or a domain so
that you can send email from or to it.
versioning Every object in Amazon S3 has a key and a version ID. Objects with the
same key, but different version IDs can be stored in the same bucket.
Versioning is enabled at the bucket layer using PUT Bucket versioning.
virtual private gateway The Amazon side of a VPN connection that maintains connectivity.
(VGW) The internal interfaces of the virtual private gateway connect to your
Amazon VPC through the VPN attachment. The external interfaces
connect to the VPN connection, which leads to the customer gateway.
virtualization Allows multiple guest virtual machines (VM) to run on a host operating
system. Guest VMs can run on one or more levels above the host
hardware, depending on the type of virtualization.
See Also PV virtualization, HVM virtualization.
visibility timeout The period of time that a message is invisible to the rest of your
application after an application component gets it from the queue.
During the visibility timeout, the component that received the message
usually processes it, and then deletes it from the queue. This prevents
multiple components from processing the same message.
AWS Glossary Reference
volume A fixed amount of storage on an instance. You can share volume data
between more than one container and persist the data on the container
instance when the containers are no longer running.
Amazon VPC Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is a web service for provisioning a logically
isolated section of the AWS Cloud virtual network that you define. You
control your virtual networking environment by selecting your own
IP address range, creating subnets and configuring route tables and
network gateways.
See Also
VPC endpoint A feature that you can use to create a private connection between your
Amazon VPC and another AWS service without requiring access over the
internet, through a NAT instance, a VPN connection, or Direct Connect.
AWS VPN AWS Virtual Private Network provides functionality that establishes
encrypted connections between your network or device, and AWS. AWS
VPN is comprised of two services: AWS Client VPN and AWS Site-to-Site
See Also
AWS VPN CloudHub AWS VPN CloudHub is a feature that enables secure communication
between branch offices using a simple hub-and-spoke model, with or
without a VPN.
VPN connection Amazon Web Services (AWS): The IPsec connection that's between a
Amazon VPC and some other network, such as a corporate data center,
home network, or colocation facility.
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AWS WAF AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that controls access to
content by allowing or blocking web requests based on criteria that you
specify. For example, you can filter access based on the header values
or the IP addresses that the requests originate from. AWS WAF helps
AWS Glossary Reference
protect web applications from common web exploits that could affect
application availability, compromise security, or consume excessive
See Also
AWS Wavelength AWS Wavelength is a service by AWS that embeds AWS compute and
storage services within 5G networks to provide mobile edge computing
infrastructure. Use AWS Wavelength to develop, deploy, and scale ultra-
low-latency applications to mobile devices and end users.
See Also
web access control list AWS WAF: A set of rules that defines the conditions that AWS WAF
(web ACL) searches for in web requests to an AWS resource, such as a Amazon
CloudFront distribution. A web access control list (web ACL) specifies if
to allow, block, or count the requests.
Amazon WorkLink Amazon WorkLink is a cloud-based service that provides secure access to
internal websites and web apps from mobile devices.
AWS Glossary Reference
X, Y, Z
X.509 certificate A digital document that uses the X.509 public key infrastructure (PKI)
standard to verify that a public key belongs to the entity that's described
in the certificate.
X-Ray AWS X-Ray is a web service that collects data about requests that your
application serves. X-Ray provides tools that you can use to view, filter,
and gain insights into that data to identify issues and opportunities for
See Also
AWS Glossary Reference
fails. If you enable zone awareness, you must have an even number of
data instances in the instance count, and you also must use the Amazon
OpenSearch Service Configuration API to replicate your data for your
OpenSearch cluster.