Modulen 7 in TTL
Modulen 7 in TTL
Modulen 7 in TTL
Module 7:
This module aims to develop the ability of the students to recognize the tenets of
global citizenship and the elements of digital citizenship, how to formulate a set of
netiquette guidelines and create a campaign video to promote netiquette and how to
identify examples of intellectual property rights in educational setting.
In going through this module, you are expected to have the following:
1. Internet connection, if possible, and
2. Textbook/s and other materials in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1.
Technology has become an integral part of lives. It has created a great impact
that whether we like it or not, we have become prone to safety issues. Our privacy can
be intruded; our social relationships can be affected. But it is not just enough that we
keep ourselves safe, we should also possess the skills on how we can act responsibly
so as not to pose harm to others. Thus this module will walk you through this module.
Since we are considers citizens of the community we live in, the as users of the
internet we can also call ourselves as citizen of the digital world were we lived, learn and
work in an interconnected manner. Digital citizenship is an idea that all persons using the
internet have a civic right and responsibilities. It centers around safe, savvy and ethical
use of technology.
2. Digital Commerce. Technology users need to understand that a larger share of market
is being done electronically.
6. Digital Law. Refers to the electronic responsibility for action and deeds.
7. Digital Right and Responsibilities. “For every right, there is a corresponding duty
and for every privilege, there is a corresponding responsibility” the privileges of digital
access come along with responsibility.
8. Digital Health and Wellness. Our physical and psychological well-being in a digital
technology world should be a priority.
9. Digital Security. If we keep our homes safe with gates and locks, we also need to
protect the information that we provide online with strong password and privacy settings.
______2. Mrs. Diaz is able to pay her household bills through bank transfer from her bank
account. Which element of digital citizenship is she benefitting from?
a) digital access
b) digital commerce
c) digital communication
d) digital rights and responsibility
______3. With the hope of having easy money, Madelyn clicks on all promos that pop-up
on her screen. By doing so, which threatens her digital security?
a) internet virus
b) hacker
c) carpal tunnel
d) password theft
______4. Which of the following is the proper use of technology for altruistic service?
______5. Who among the following is NOT considered as a global digital citizen?
a) Diana takes care of her gadgets and burns them when no longer useful
b) Marlon uses social media to campaign for support to the victims of calamities
c) When meeting people online Rosie never gives out her personal information to
d) When collaborating with other people online, Dina is conscious of their value and
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Page 9 of 17
Lesson 2: Netizenship and Netiquette in Online
Netiquette is a short for “internet etiquette.” Just like etiquette is a code of polite
behavior on the internet. This includes several aspects of the internet, such as email,
social media, online chat, web forums, website comments, multiplayer gaming, and other
types of online communication.
The Philippines, being considered as social media capital of the world, has a need
to stress social media education and etiquette among online users. Social media can
attain many things in terms of social good (Brutas, 2015). How can social media be used
to affect positive change? We have understood our roles and responsibilities as global
digital citizens. Our membership in the virtual community requires that we behave
appropriate and act responsibility.
1. Protect your reputation. Whether in real or in virtual world, you are the same person.
Do only what is appropriate and share information that does not harm you as a person.
2. Respect others. Respect begets respect. Treat everyone with respect even if you have
not seen him/her in person. Be judicious about what you say on your own and other’s
5. Check spelling, grammar and punctuation. Since your face cannot be seen online,
you will be judged according to your post. Good writing means good manners. We do not
want to waste other people’s time reading our post which is incomprehensible.
6. Pause before you post. Take note that whatever you post become permanent
therefore think twice or thrice before you click send.
7. Do not share your personal information. Sharing your personal information online
is like going around the stress wearing a shirt printed with your name, birthday, address,
name of parents, etc. you definitely do not want to reveal all these to many people.
Besides, providing all these publicly will make you prone to identify theft.
8. Think about who or what you are representing. As a son\daughter, you represent
your family. As a student you represent your school. You do not want your family. As a
student, you represent your school. You do not want your family or school to be put to
shame by what you do.
What to do?
Create a 2-minute video about your own netiquette guidelines. Forward your
recorded video to your teacher via messenger.
______2. Which of the following should you not give out on the internet?
a. Name
b. Address
c. Bank account
d. All of the above
a. by profile picture
b. by post – grammar, statements and comments and etiquette
c. by number of friends on social media
d. by activities as revealed by the photos
______4. How should you react when a friend posted a picture you do not like and
everybody made fun of it?
a. Anne writes all caps so that her post can be easily read
b. Martha writes her posts in complete spelling, grammar and punctuation
c. Carlo shares his personal information on social media so that he will become
d. Tracy post anything that comes to her mind to express herself
Plagiarism refers to copying the work of another and claiming it as one’s idea or
without proper attribution.
Copyright refers to the legal right given to the owner of the original work or
intellectual property. These “works” are original intellectual creations in the literary and
artistic domain protected from the moment of their creation which include the following.
4. Letters;
12. Audiovisual works and cinematography works and work produced by a process
analogous to cinematography or any process for making audiovisual recordings;
1. Contrary to popular opinion, all material on the internet is copyrighted unless stated
otherwise. It is copyrighted even if it does not display the copyright symbol.
5. Educators should treat copyrighted materials from the internet the same way they
do to print formats. The best guideline is to always obtain permission. When in
doubt, ask!
Example of Plagiarism
5. Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving
6. Copying so many words or ides from a source that it makes up majority of your
work, whether you give credit or not.
For images, videos and music the following are counted as plagiarism:
1. Copying media from other websites to paste them into your own papers or
2. Making video using footage from other videos or using copyrighted music as part
of soundtrack
______1. How can you protect yourself from hacking, theft and plagiarism and keep
yourself digitally secure?
______2. Anton was required of written report as his project in his class. To impress his
teacher, he copied a blog from internet without citing the source. What did he violate?
a. Theft
b. Hacking
c. Plagiarism
d. Copyright infringement
a. Author only
b. Publisher only
c. Both author and publisher
d. Reader
______4. Teacher Rona used a downloaded video documentary in her class. Which of
the following is the best for her to do when using the material in her lesson?
a. Introduce the video to the class without telling where it came from
b. Tell the class that she made the video
c. Inform the class where she download the video
d. Tell the class that she asked someone to make the video
______5. You are using a reference material and there is no copy anymore for the class
to use. What shall you do as a teacher?
a. Photocopy the book and distribute to all the members of the class
b. Photocopy the book and sell to the students
c. Photocopy only one for the teachers reference
d. Copy the book by hand
While working online, we create a digital tattoo and we leave digital footprints. We
have to remember that our digital world is permanent, and with each post, we leave a
digital footprints. By doing self-reflecting before we reveal, we are able to consider how
and what we share online can impact ourselves and others.
Congratulations! You finished reading all the important information in this module.
I hope you fully understand and appreciate this lesson. Do the required learning activities
to test yourself on how much you have learned the lesson and if you are able to answer
all the learning tasks without any mistake, congrats you may now proceed to the next
Bilbao, Purita P., EdD et. al., Technology for Teaching and Learning 1: Lorimar
Publishing Inc.