Ijirt159812 Paper
Ijirt159812 Paper
Ijirt159812 Paper
Abstract-An aircraft produces lift using its wings, while the gravitational force by the aerodynamic lift force
gliding through air. Through the geometry, wings have generated by a flat horizontal wing having airfoil cross-
efficient cross-sections that are subjected to lift and drag section.
forces and it act as an airfoil. In this thesis work, it is
An airfoil shaped wing is generally used in airplanes
investigated how modelling and simulating softwares can
and other aircrafts to generate lift when air flows over
be used in the early stages of an aircraft design process,
especially for the design of an aircraft wing and its it.
structural entities like wing spars and wing ribs. The The generation of lift force by an airfoil is governed by
domain of this research has been restricted to the the Bernoulli’s principle. As air flows over the curved
engineering design of the wing and its analysis, as it plays upper surface of an airfoil, it moves faster than the air
a vital role in the generation of lift required by an aircraft. flowing over the flatter lower surface. This causes the
The main purpose of this project is to determine the air pressure on the upper surface to be lower than the
material most suitable for wings structure. The wing is pressure on the lower surface. The difference in air
designed in CAD and the analysis is done ANSYS. Static
pressure creates an upward force on the airfoil, which
structural analysis of the wing is done to find deformation,
is lift. The lift generated by an airfoil depends on factors
stress and FOS.
such as its shape, size, and angle of attack relative to
the incoming air flow.
To determine the most convenient material for aviation
aircraft wing structure in every aspect, considering
ergonomics, manufacturability, design feasibility,
The wings are crucial parts of any airplane like UAVs
as they give the ability to fly high in the sky. The wing
of an aircraft is comprised of several different elements
that include spars, skin, and ribs, as well as control
surfaces such as ailerons and flaps. Each of these
components serves a specific purpose and must be
Figure 1: Airflow through Airfoil [2]
designed to support different loads and should be able
to tolerate high level of stresses and such as that of lift,
weight, thrust and drag. Wings also need to be
aerodynamically efficient. Thus, a right material needs
to be selected for manufacturing a wing. The well-known seven standard aircraft wing
Aluminium, Steel, Titanium have customarily been configurations with each profile having different flight
used for the construction of an aircraft wing [1]. More characteristics are listed below:
recently, composite materials like Carbon fibre have 2.1 Wing Configurations
become a substitute for construction of wings. Low wing configuration, Mid-wing configuration,
Structural Static analysis of an airplane wing with High-wing configuration, Dihedral wing configuration,
different materials become a critical aspect in the Anhedral wing configuration, Gull-wing configuration
design of a useful and efficient wing. and Inverted gull-wing configuration [3][4].
Aircrafts like civil airplanes or UAVs has the ability to 1. Low wing configuration – this wings configuration
lift off from the ground and stay in the air by repulsing is common on modern passenger aircrafts and are
mounted on the lower half of the plane fuselage triangular planform with a swept leading edge. It is
near the bottom. aerodynamically efficient than a straight wing.
2. Mid-wing configuration – this type of wing 5. Trapezoidal Wing- this configuration provides good
configuration offers more stable flight of an strength and stiffness to the wing and offers
aircraft however control response and exceptionally low aerodynamics drag during high
maneuverability of the aircraft becomes poor. In speeds. Military airplanes use the trapezoidal wing type
this wing configuration, aircraft wings are because it provides excellent handling at supersonic
mounted at the centre of the fuselage. speeds.
3. High-wing configuration – is common on large
cargo and military transport aircrafts. For better 2.2 Airfoils types and design
accessibility of the cabin, wings in this type of An airfoil is the cross-sectional shape of an object
configuration are mounted on top of the fuselage. whose motion through a gas is capable of generating
4. Dihedral wing configuration – is a complex wing significant lift. Airfoils can be designed with different
configuration on a fixed-wing aircraft where the geometries with each geometry providing different
wings are typically mounted on the lower part of flight characteristics. For example, subsonic flight
fuselage having an upward angle from the generally has a rounded leading-edge geometry is
fuselage. common for subsonic flight, while slimmer profile with
5. Anhedral wing configuration – is similar to the a sharp leading edge is used for supersonic flight. All
dihedral wing configuration. The only difference is have a sharp trailing edge.
that the wings have a downwards angle from The lift on an airfoil is primarily the result of its angle
mounting base on the fuselage. of attack. When oriented at a suitable angle, the airfoil
6. Gull-wing configuration – incorporated a dihedral deflects the oncoming air, resulting in a force on the
wing design from the horizontal base, which is airfoil in the direction opposite to the deflection. This
reduced or completely flattens after a short force is known as aerodynamic force and can be
distance. This configuration ensures good pilot resolved into two components: lift and drag.
visibility. There are two main types of airfoils: symmetrical and
7. Inverted gull-wing configuration – is the opposite non-symmetrical. Symmetrical airfoils have identical
of gull-wing configuration with the wing mounted upper and lower surfaces, resulting in no lift at zero
at an anhedral angle. angle of attack. Non-symmetrical airfoils, also known
as cambered airfoils, have different upper and lower
Another configuration of airplane wings is based on surfaces and can generate lift at zero angle of attack.
their shape and design. These are: Rectangular Wing, Airfoils can also be designed for use at different speeds
Straight Tapered Wing, Elliptical Wing, Delta Wing, by modifying their geometry. For example, airfoils for
Trapezoidal Wing [4]. subsonic flight generally have a rounded leading edge,
1. Rectangular Wing- this configuration of wings is while those designed for supersonic flight tend to be
usually found on low-subsonic aircrafts. These slimmer with a sharp leading edge [5].
wings have equal length of root chord and tip
chord. 2.3 NACA Airfoils [6][7]
2. Straight Tapered Wing – this configuration The NACA airfoils are airfoil shapes for aircraft wings
provides good aerodynamics and lift distribution developed by the National Advisory Committee for
profile to the aircraft wings. The wings are tapered Aeronautics (NACA). The shape of the NACA airfoils
having unequal length of the root chord and tip is described using a series of digits following the word
chord. “NACA”. During the late 1920s and into the 1930s, the
3. Elliptical Wing- this configuration has the wing NACA developed a series of thoroughly tested airfoils
planform in the shape of an ellipse and the edges and devised a numerical designation for each airfoil —
of the wing turn inward to form a rounded tip. a four-digit number that represented the airfoil section’s
4. Delta Wing- this wing planform is typically critical geometric properties.
common on supersonic jet aircrafts. It has a The NACA four-digit wing sections define the profile
by [6]:
1. First digit describing maximum camber as The designation "4412" refers to the specific series of
percentage of the chord. airfoils developed by NACA. The first digit "4"
2. Second digit describing the distance of maximum indicates that the airfoil has a maximum camber of 4%
camber from the airfoil leading edge in tenths of of the chord length, while the second and third digits
the chord. "4" and "12" respectively indicate the position of the
3. Last two digits describing maximum thickness of maximum camber and the thickness-to-chord ratio,
the airfoil as percent of the chord. both as percentages of the chord length [6].
For example, the NACA 2412 airfoil has a maximum Overall, the NACA 4412 airfoil is a well-established
camber of 2% located 40% (0.4 chords) from the and widely used airfoil shape that has proven to be
leading edge with a maximum thickness of 12% of the effective in a variety of aircraft designs. Also discussed
chord. in the paper [6] which describes about different
The NACA 0015 airfoil is symmetrical, the 00 characteristics of NACA 4412.
indicating that it has no camber. The 15 indicates that
the airfoil has a 15% thickness to chord length ratio: it 3.2 Wing span: The distance from the tip of one wing
is 15% as thick as it is long. to the other is called the wing span. A longer wing span
typically generates more lift, but also creates more
drag. Shorter wingspans are more manoeuvrable but
may generate less lift. So, settling between the two we
have to design. For the common practice of the
prototypes total wing span is created between 2 to 3
meters. For design feasibility we took in consideration
of 2.4m as total wing span and for simulation and
design we created half wing span, that is, of 1.2m [9].
3.5 Wing sweep: The angle at which the wing is chemical properties. They can be lightweight,
attached to the fuselage, known as the sweep angle, strong, and resistant to corrosion. The most
affects the aircraft's performance. A swept-back wing commonly used composites for aircraft wings are
reduces drag at high speeds, but it can reduce stability carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP), glass
and increase drag at low speeds. fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP), and aramid fibre
reinforced polymer (AFRP) [11].
3.6 Wing dihedral: The angle between the wings, 3. Titanium alloys: These are lightweight and strong
known as the dihedral angle, affects the aircraft's materials that are highly resistant to corrosion.
stability. Positive dihedral (wings angled upward) Titanium alloys are used in aircraft construction
improves stability in turns and reduces the risk of for their high strength-to-weight ratio, which
rolling over. Negative dihedral (wings angled allows them to withstand the stresses of flight [1].
downward) can make the aircraft more manoeuvrable 4. Steel: Steel is a strong and durable material that is
but less stable. commonly used in the construction of commercial
and military aircraft. However, it is heavier than
3.7 Flaps and slats: These are movable sections of the other materials, which makes it less suitable for
wing that can be extended or retracted to increase lift or high-performance aircraft.
decrease drag. Flaps and slats are used during take-off 5. Magnesium alloys: Magnesium alloys are
and landing to allow the aircraft to fly at slower speeds. lightweight and have excellent strength-to-weight
Overall, a good wing design balances the trade-offs ratio. They are commonly used in aircraft wings
between lift, drag, stability, and maneuverability to and other components because of their high
achieve optimal performance for the specific mission resistance to corrosion and good machinability.
and operating conditions of the aircraft. For our prototype we will be choosing Al 6061,
Composite structure with Carbon fibre and Balsa Wood
PARAMETERS Aluminium alloy 6061 is a commonly used material in
aircraft manufacturing due to its high strength-to-
S.No. Parameters Values
weight ratio, good corrosion resistance, and excellent
1 Tip Chord 302.87mm
2 Root Chord 605.73mm
machinability. It has a relatively low density compared
3 Half Wing Area 1.11m2 to other metals, making it a lightweight option for
4 Half Wing Span 1200mm aircraft structures.
5 Airfoil NACA 4412 6061 aluminium alloy is typically used in the
Hollow Square Section 15mm x construction of aircraft wing spars, fuselage frames,
Spar and other structural components due to its excellent
6 1mm
7 Ribs Thickness: 2mm machinability. Also it costs less than Aluminium 7000
Table 1: Design Parameters [8][9] series and is readily available.
resistance. These properties make it a suitable material strong enough to resist these loads and maintain its
for use in aircraft engine components, such as structural integrity [14].
compressor blades, where high-temperature strength is 2. Safety: Static analysis helps to identify any potential
critical. failure modes or stress concentrations that may occur in
Both of these titanium alloys offer a high strength-to- the wing structure. This information is crucial in
weight ratio, making them attractive materials for ensuring the safety of the aircraft and its occupants.
aircraft applications where weight savings are 3. Weight optimization: Static analysis helps to identify
important. Additionally, titanium alloys have a lower areas of the wing structure that are overdesigned or
density than steel and other metals, which helps to have excess material. This information can be used to
reduce the overall weight of the aircraft. optimize the wing's weight and reduce the overall
weight of the aircraft.
4. Performance optimization: Static analysis can also be
used to optimize the wing's aerodynamic performance
by analyzing the wing's lift and drag characteristics
under static loading conditions. This information can be
used to refine the wing's design and improve its overall
As described in the material selection section we will
be testing on Aluminium 6061, composite of carbon
fibre and balsa wood, titanium alloy.
As this paper concerns about structural rigidity of the
wing we will be analysing the wing on the basis of:
Figure 5: Wing with material Titanium alloy [1] 1. Modal Analysis: The wing is tested under a
frequency which ensures that the wing can
withstand engine vibrations, air turbulences etc.
Mechanical Properties for Titanium alloy
S.No Parameters Values
2. Cantilever Analysis: The weight of the wing is
1 Tensile Strength 895MPa
applied on the ribs according to its own weight
2 Yield Strength -
distribution [13].
3 % Elongation 10%
3. Pressure Analysis: When the wing generates lift it
4 Modulus of Elasticity 125GPa
experiences some amount of pressure of its
5 Density 4.51g/cm3
6 Wing Weight 1874 grams
Keeping mesh size of 5mm because larger than that
Table 5: Mechanical Properties for Titanium Alloy
may cause accuracy error and lower than that may
Grade 5 [1]
affect computational speed. Depending upon the
5. ANALYSIS OF WING DESIGN skewness value and other meshing parameters mesh
doesn’t seems to be distorted or broken, hence 5mm is
Static analysis of a wing is an essential step in the
design and development process of an aircraft. It
involves analyzing the wing's behaviour under static
loading conditions, which includes the weight of the
aircraft, payload, and other external loads [12] [13]
It also ensures:
1. Structural integrity: A wing must be able to
withstand the loads and stresses it will experience
during flight, including those caused by static loads.
Static analysis helps to ensure that the wing structure is
Figure 6: Meshed Image of the Wing [10]
Figure 7: Fixed Support of the Wing [10] Figure 10: Deformation of wing in Cantilever Analysis
(Material Al.6061) [13]
Total Deformation of 20.74 mm is observed.
Figure 8: Deformation of wing in Modal Analysis Figure 11: Stress of wing in Cantilever Analysis
(Material Aluminium 6061) [11] (Material Al.6061) [13]
Deformation of 85.58mm is observed in longitudinal Total Stress of 161.24 MPa is observed.
direction. It is reasonable as the tip of the wing is free
from any support with the main body directly in
5.1.3 Pressure Analysis: Pressure of 500Pa is applied to Figure 16: Stress of wing in Pressure Analysis
the bottom side of the wing and root of the wing is fixed (Material Al.6061) [1]
[1]. Total Stress of 44.605 MPa is observed.
Figure 13: Boundary Condition: Pressure Applied [1] Figure 17: FOS of wing in Pressure Analysis (Material
Al.6061) [1]
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