Details of Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS) - Revise
Details of Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS) - Revise
Details of Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS) - Revise
R&D in IT Group
Department of Electronics & Information Technology
Ministry of Communications & IT
Government of India
Electronics Niketan, CGO Complex, New Delhi – 110 003.
May 2013
DeitY/ MCIT/ GOI/MGS/2013
1. Title of the Scheme ... 3
2. Aim ... 3
3. Objectives ... 3
4. Scope ... 3-4
5. Description ... 4-5
6. Implementation Mechanism ... 6
7. Resource Provisions ... 6
8. Benefits ... 7
Annexure-1: Terms and Conditions Governing Grants ... 8-10
Annexure-2: Application form for submission of joint R&D project ... 11-20
proposal by the industry and academic/ Government
R&D Lab in the proposed Scheme
Annexure-3: Suggestive list of items to be included in the formal ... 21
2. Aim
3. Objectives
The objectives of the proposed scheme are:
i. Establish, nurture and strengthen the linkages between the Industry and
ii. To promote industry oriented R&D at institutes;
iii. Encourage and accelerate development of indigenous products and
packages; and
iv. Bridge the gap between R&D / Proof-of-concept and commercialization /
4. Scope
The broad eligibility criterion for consideration under the proposed scheme is:
iii. The proposal should be in the core area of business of the industry;
iv. The identified institute/ Project investigator should have the requisite
expertise and track record in the proposed area; To ascertain the R&D
capabilities of institutions taking up collaborative research under MGS,it
is pertinent to look into i) level of professional courses in
ICTE(B.Tech/M.Tech/PhD) being conducted by them; ii) prior Research
Work/projects undertaken; iii)No. of papers published; iv)collaboration
with industry if any v) the institution should be in existence for minimum 5
5. Description
ii. Greater support (n ~ 2) could be given for MSME industry and for large
industry the multiplying factor „n‟ could be one. However, in general greater
support (n ~ 2) could be given for innovations which are breakthrough in
nature, as compared to incremental innovations;
iii. The contribution of industry and grant-in-aid from DeitY will be given to
academic/R&D institution(s) only. The industry contribution should be remitted
to the institution in cash( cheque/DD/RTGS etc.) so that the same could be
duly certified by the academic/R&D institution(s) for the purpose of release of
grant-in-aid from DeitY in an apportionate manner as per the recommendation
of the Working Group. The disbursement of grants to institution(s) will be in
stages and should be matched by industry & Government as per the
recommendations of Working Group.
iv. The Government grants would cover specific items of expenditure under the
project, namely equipment, consumables, manpower, Travel & Training,
contingencies, and overheads if any; The overheads admissible in the project
will be limited to 15% of the total of the project.
vii. The company must retain the know-how in India and could do further R&D to
create products and IPR in India. Furthermore, IPR must also reside in India
so that India has access and complete control to these rights in times of
emergency to protect our national interest.
6. Implementation Mechanism
vii. The application proforma for submitting the proposal under the
proposed scheme is placed under annexure-2; and
viii. The details of the scheme, including current status, would be made
available on the website of the Department.
7. Resource Provisions
The Scheme is now extended and valid upto 31st March 2020 with a total outlay
of Rs. 36 Crores and DeitY contribution of Rs. 24 Crore. The Technology
Development Council (TDC) budget head will be used for implementation of this
scheme. Based on this pilot implementation and feedback, the scheme would be
reviewed by Working Group.
8. Benefits
The expected benefits from the proposed scheme are:
i. The academic and Government R&D Labs would be geared for market
oriented R&D; This would also enhance the relevance of Education and
Training to meet the market requirements;
ii. The industry would be enabled in terms of mobilizing technical know-how
and skills;
iii. The industry would be enabled to quickly respond to market needs in
terms of cost competitive indigenous innovative products;
iv. Incentives, in terms of royalty sharing, may help in attracting and
retaining quality manpower in academia/ Government R&D Labs; and
v. Close industry - academia/ R&D Lab interaction may lead to increase in
number of entrepreneurs.
Department of Electronics & Information Technology
Ministry of Communications & IT
Government of India
The grant is for the specific project as approved by Department of Electronics &
Information Technology (DeitY) and shall be subject to the conditions listed
below. The proposal originating industry and grantee institution shall give an
undertaking that they agree to be governed by these conditions.
1. The grant amount shall be i) spent for the project within the specified time;
and ii) Any portion of the grant, which is not ultimately required for
expenditure for the approved purposes, shall be duly surrendered to DeitY;
2. The grantee institution shall maintain an audited record in the form of a
register in the prescribed proforma for permanent, semi-permanent assets
acquired solely or mainly out of DeitY grant;
3. The assets referred to in (2) above will be property of DeitY and should not,
without prior sanction of DeitY, be disposed off or encumbered or utilized for
the purposes other than those for which the grant has been sanctioned;
4. At the conclusion of the project, DeitY will be free to sell or otherwise dispose
of the assets which are the property of DeitY and grantee institution shall
render to DeitY the necessary support for facilitating the sale of these assets;
5. The grantee institution shall send to the DeitY at the end of each financial
year as well as at the time of seeking further installments of the grant a list of
assets referred to in (2) above;
6. Should at any time grantee institution cease to exist, such assets etc., shall
revert to DeitY;
7. The grantee institution shall render progress-cum-achievement reports at
interval of not exceeding six months on the progress made on all aspects of
the project including expenditure incurred on various approved items during
the period;
8. The grantee institution shall render an audited statement of accounts to
9. The audited statement of accounts relating to grants given during financial
year together with the comments of the auditor regarding the observance of
the conditions governing the grant should be forwarded to the DeitY within
six months following the end of the relevant financial year;
10. The utilization of grant for the intended purposes will be looked into by the
Auditor of grantee institution according to the directives issued by the
Government of India at the instance of the Comptroller and Auditor General
and the specific mention about it will be made in the audit report;
11. DeitY or its nominee(s) will have the right of access to the books and
accounts of the grantee institution for which a reasonable prior notice would
be given;
12. The grantee institution should maintain separate audited account for the
project. If it is found expedient to keep a part or whole of the grant in a bank
account earning interest, the interest, thus earned should be reported to this
Department. The interest so earned will be treated as a credit to the grantee
to be adjusted towards future installments of the grant;
13. Institute may retain the sale proceeds of prototypes, etc fabricated as a
result of the development of the project arising directly from funds granted by
the Department. The Institute may use funds thus generated for furtherance
of project objectives.
14. The Intellectual property and the rights associated with it shall be agreed
between the participating organizations before the start of the project. The
Industry/ Industry Consortium/ Institution(s) will make all efforts to protect
intellectual property generated out of the project. The institution(s)/industry
would submit the periodic report to DeitY for a period of minimum 5years on
the status of IPRs created/commercialization under the project. (5 years is
the expected life time of product/technology). Furthermore, IPR must also
reside in India so that India has access and complete control to these rights
in times of emergency to protect our national interest.
15. Application by grantee institution for any other financial assistance or receipt
of grant/loan from any other Agency/Ministry/Department for this project
should have the prior approval of Department of Electronics & Information
16. The Grantee institution(s) is not allowed to entrust the implementation of this
project for which grant-in-aid is received to another institution and to divert
the grant-in-aid received from Department of Electronics & Information
Technology as assistance to the later institution.
17. DeitY shall appoint a Project Review and Steering Group (PRSG) comprising of
representatives from DeitY and other experts. PRSG will periodically monitor
the project in all respects including technical and financial;
18. In case of any dispute on any matter, related to the project during the course
of its implementation, the decision of the Secretary, DeitY, shall be final and
binding on the proposal originating industry/ industry consortium and grantee
[A certificate of acceptance of Terms & Conditions, as above, has to be given by proposal
originating industry and grantee institution, as outlined below, while submitting the project
1. We hereby accept the terms and conditions of grants, listed as above, for the
project titled “.................. .................. ............. ” submitted vide ref. no.
............dated .............. .... to DeitY for grants-in-aid
Sd/- Sd/-
Signature of the Chief Coordinator Signature of the Chief Investigator
Proposal originating Industry/ Industry Consortium (Grantee Institution) along with Department,
along with Department, Designation and Date Designation and Date
Sd/- Sd/-
Signature of the Head of the Signature of the Head of the
Proposal originating Industry Grantee Institution along with Designation,
along with Designation, Date and Official Seal Date and Official Seal
Annexure - 2
Proforma for Submitting R&D Project Proposal
for Seeking Financial Support under
Multiplier Grants Scheme alias Srrijan: Prithvi
Department of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
1. Project Title :
2. Project Objective :
3. Brief project outline with :
specific technology fall-outs
4. Project Duration :
5. Proposed physical inputs,
with equivalent financial
value, to be contributed by:
a. Industry/ Consortium :
b. Institution :
c. Others (Specify) :
6. Total Budget outlay along : Rs. (Details in Table 1 and 2)
with contributions from:
a. Industry/ Consortium : Rs.
b. Institution : Rs.
c. DeitY : Rs.
d. Others (Specify) : Rs.
7. Expected output and :
outcome in physical terms
8. Major milestones with :
9. Objectively Verifiable :
Indicators for measuring
the successful achievement
of each of the milestones
10. Need and Justification for :
the project covering:
a. Similar products/ :
technologies currently
b. Incremental/ significant :
planned in the project
c. Evidence to support :
commercial viability of
the proposed
development/ new
product and Likely End
11. Industry Organization (Attach separate sheet, if required. In case of
consortium, attach separate information for
a. Name : each industry)
b. Year of Incorporation :
c. Turnover [also indicate :
turnover in the proposed
area of project]
d. Address :
e. Legal status (MSME, :
Corporate Body,
Industry Organization,
Private Company with
recognized R&D unit,
f. Core Business Area of :
the Industry/
g. List three major :
Products manufactured
by the Company
h. Justification for taking- :
up the present project
i. Availability of technical :
manpower to absorb the
know-how generated
j. Availability of requisite :
infrastructure for in-
house production of the
project output(s)
k. Manufacturing tie-ups :
proposed, if any
1. Project Title :
2. i. Chief Coordinator - :
Industry/ Consortium
ii. Chief Investigator - :
iii. Co-Investigator - Institute :
3. Other Investigators of the :
Project with their Designations
4. Brief Bio-data of the Chief : (Please attach separate sheets, if required)
Coordinator - Industry/
5. Brief Bio-data of the Chief : (Please attach separate sheets, if required)
Investigator and Co-
Investigator(s) - Institute
(including publications/
patents/ Industry interaction/
Technology transfer)
6. Other Commitments of the :
Chief Investigator and Co-
Investigator(s) (including
teaching, research, other
responsibilities, association
with other projects, etc.)
7. Indicate the percentage of :
time the Chief Investigator
and Co-Investigator(s) would
devote to the project
8. Details of work done in related
areas, including the ongoing/
completed projects (last
three), by the Chief
Investigator/ Co-
Investigator(s)/ R&D Team
i. Project Title :
ii. Funding Agency :
iii. Brief Project Summary :
iv. Technical Status vis-a-vis :
v. Financial Status (Total :
Project outlay, expenditure
to date)
If being provided by more than one entity, contribution to be made by each entity
should be shown separately.
If being provided by more than one entity, contribution to be made by each entity
should be shown separately.
1. We hereby submit the project proposal titled "..... ...... ..... ..... ......" for
consideration of the Department of Electronics & Information Technology,
Government of India.
2. We agree to abide by the terms & conditions governing the grant-in-aid.
3. In case the project is approved, we undertake to:
i. make available facilities to carry it out, and agree to provide requisite
support for the successful completion of the project.
ii. arrange for the submission of periodic progress reports and other
information that may be required by the Department of Electronics &
Information Technology and in general to ensure that the conditions
attached to the award of such grant are fulfilled by our institution/
4. We certify that in case present chief coordinator/ investigator is not available
for any reason to continue work on this project, the following persons will be
available to carry it through to completion:
Sl. No. Name Designation 1.
5. The Industry/ Industry Consortium and Institution(s) have reached a formal
agreement on distribution of responsibilities, IPR sharing, sharing of
royalty/lumpsum, and know-how transfer mechanism from the institute to the
Industry/ Industry Consortium. A copy of the same is enclosed.
6. We certify that the i) Industry/ Consortium and Institution do not have common
Director(s)/ Trustee(s); and ii) the Project Chief Coordinator (Industry/
Consortium) and Chief Investigator (Institute) are not related to any of the
Director(s)/ Trustee(s) of the Industry/ Consortium and Institution.
7. We certify that we are the competent authority, by the virtue of the
administrative and financial powers vested in us by .......... ....... ...... ...... .....
.................................. and .................................. ................ to undertake the
above stated commitments on behalf of our institution/ organization(s).
8. The information provided is correct.
(Sd/-) (Sd/-)
Signature of the Chief Industry Coordinator Signature of the Chief Investigator
Designation and Date Designation and Date
Sd/- Sd/-
Signature and Official Seal of the Signature and Official Seal of the
Head of the Industry Organization/ Consortium Head of the Institution
Designation Designation
Date: Date:
The prospective Industry/ Industry Consortium and the Institute(s) shall enter into
an agreement for the purpose of distribution of responsibilities, IPR sharing,
sharing of royalty/lumpsum, and know-how transfer mechanism from the
institute(s) to the Industry/ Industry Consortium. The agreement shall cover the
following items: