Ace Reviewer Lbolytc
Ace Reviewer Lbolytc
Ace Reviewer Lbolytc
● Variables whose values are
simply labels or names or
categories without any explicit or
implicit ordering of the labels;
● Lowest level of measurement
known as categorical scale.
● Variables whose values are
simply labels or names or
Presentation of Data k – no. of non-overlapping intervals
Numerical quantities focus on expected Step 3: Compute for the class size,
values, and graphical summaries on denoted by c.
unexpected values. (John Tukey).
c – the quotient of steps 1 and 2.
Data are presented in paragraph form. It
involves enumeration of important - if the quotient is decimal always
characteristics, emphasizing significant round up
figures, and identifying the important
features of the data.
Step 4: Identify the class intervals, CI.
Class Mark / Midpoint (CM) – the middle - Histogram [no gaps between bars] –
value of each data class. To find the class continuous data
midpoint, average the upper and lower
class limits. 3] Line graph
- Frequency polygon – continuous data
Types of Graphs:
1] Pie chart/ circle graph – any data
2] Bar graph
- Bar chart [with gaps between bars]
– discrete data
The Percentiles – are values that divide a the Difference between the highest and
set of observations into 100 equal parts, lowest value in the data set.
denoted by Pi, i = 1, 2, …, 100.
R = HV - LV
The range is rarely used in scientific work
To locate the desired quantile: as it is fairly insensitive
● It depends on only two scores in
the set of data, HV and LV
𝑘 (𝑛+1)
Use 𝑃𝑘 = 100
to locate the position. ● Two very different sets of data
can have the same range:
𝑘 (𝑛+1)
Variance (s2 or σ2)
2. If 𝑃𝑘 = 100
is not exact, then do -the mean squared differences of the
interpolation. observations from their mean.
3 (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛−𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛)
𝑆𝑘 = 𝑠
D. Measures of Skewness
If SK < 0, then the distribution has a
Skew is a measure of symmetry in negative skew
the distribution of scores
If SK > 0 then the distribution has a positive
Measures of Skewness
A frequency curve that is not
If SK = 0 then the distribution is symmetrical
symmetrical about the mean is said to be
skewed. If it tails off to the right, we
describe it as positively skewed, but if it E. Measures of Kurtosis
tails off to the left, we say it is negatively
skewed. The relationship between the Kurtosis measures whether the scores are
mean and the median is related to the spread out more or less than they would be
direction skewness. in a normal (Gaussian) distribution
● Leptokurtic (K > 3)
● Mesokurtic (K = 3)
● Platykurtic (K < 3)
● Kurtosis
Σ (𝑥 − 𝑥̄)
𝑘 = 4
Each member of the population is given
Population: equal chance or opportunity of being
included in the sample.
a set which includes all measurements
of interest to the researcher (The collection of Non-probability sampling
all responses, measurements, or counts Each member of the population does
that are of interest) not have equal chance or opportunity of
being included in the sample.
A subset of the population
Why sampling?
Probability v/s Non-Probability
● Impossible to study the whole
population. Probability sampling
● Manageability of data
● Economic Reasons 1. You have a complete sampling frame
● Time and effort 2. You can select a random sample from
your population
3. You can generalize your results from a
Types of Sampling random sample
4. Can be more expensive and
Probability sampling
Non-Probability sampling
1. Used when there isn’t an exhaustive
population list available. Probability Sampling
2. Not random Simple Random Sampling (SRS)
3. Can be effective when trying to generate All members of the population have a
ideas and getting feedback chance of being included in the sample.
4. More convenient and less costly Stratified Sampling
This technique is use when the
Biased and Unbiased population can be subdivided into
several smaller groups (or strata) and
Non-Probability Sampling then SRS is applied to get samples from
each stratum
Convenience Sampling
The researcher uses subjects that are Cluster Sampling
readily available or includes only people This technique employs the use of
who are easy to reach. cluster (groups) instead of individuals
example that are randomly chosen
Using student volunteers as subjects for
the research. Systematic Sampling
It selects every kth member of the
Non-Probability Sampling population with the starting point
determine at random
Purposive sampling
The researcher looks for predefined Sample Size (n)
groups that will serve as samples
Most statisticians agree that the
minimum sample size to get any kind of
The researcher wants to know what it
meaningful result is 100. If your population is
takes to graduate summa cum laude in
less than 100 then you really need to survey all
college, the only people who can give
of them.
the researcher first hand advice are the
individuals who graduated summa cum
Probability Sampling WE GET THE BETTER!
3. Using Published Tables ● To use the formula, first figure out what
4. Using Formulas to Determine Sample you want your error of tolerance to be.
Size: Slovin’s Formula ● For example, you may be happy with a
confidence level of 95 percent (giving a
margin error of 0.05), or you may
Slovin’s Formula require a tighter accuracy of a 98
percent confidence level (a margin of
𝑛 = 2 error of 0.02). Plug your population size
1 + 𝑁𝑒
and required margin of error into the
● n is the sample size formula. The result will be the number of
● N is the population size samples you need to take.
● e is the margin of error
What is a Hypothesis?
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
● an assumption about
the population parameter Step 1. Formulate Ho and Ha
Step 2. Set the level of significance ,
● an educated guess
usually it is given in the problem.
about the population parameter
Step 3. Formulate the decision rule (when to
● deciding between what is reality and reject Ho); Find the critical value/P-value.
what is coincidence! Step 4. Test Statistics; do the computation.
Step 5. Make your decision
Step 6. Write a conclusion.
Hypotheses Testing:
This is the process of making an inference
or generalization on population parameters
based on the results of the study on
Types of Statistical Hypotheses
Statistical Hypotheses: Null Hypothesis (Ho): is always hoped to be
It is a guess or prediction made by the rejected
researcher regarding the possible outcome
of the study. Always contains “=“ sign
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha):
● Challenges Ho One-tailed test (right directional)
● Never contains “=“ sign
“Reject H0 if Zc ≥ Zt”
● Uses “< or > or ¹“
● It generally represents the idea which One-tailed test (left directional)
the researcher wants to prove.
“Reject H0 if Zc ≤ Zt”
Ha: The average GPA of this class
a) higher than 3.5 (Ha: m > 3.5) Two-tailed test (both sides)
b) lower than 3.5 (Ha: m < 3.5)
c) not equal to 3.5 (Ha: m ¹ 3.5) “Reject H0 if Zc ≥ Zt”
“Reject H0 if Zc ≤ Zt”
Level of Significance, a and the Rejection
Region Decisions made regarding Ho
α = 0.05, means the probability of being right (Reject Ho/Do not reject Ho)
is 95% and the probability of being wrong is
If we reject Ho, it means it is wrong!
α = 0.01, means the researcher is taking a 1%
risk of being wrong and a 99% risk of being If we accept Ho, it doesn’t mean it is correct,
right. we just don’t have enough evidence to reject it!
Types of Hypotheses Tests Errors in Hypothesis Testing
1. One-tailed left directional test Type I ( ɑ error )
– this is used if Ha uses < symbol Rejecting a true Ho!
2. One-tailed right directional test Type II ( β error )
– this is used if Ha uses > symbol Accepting a false Ho!
Why use?
If r = Zero this means no association ● Calculates the “best-fit” line for a
correlation between the two variables. certain set of data
● The regression line makes the
If 0 < r < 0.25 - weak correlation. sum of the squares of the residuals
smaller than for any other line
If 0.25 ≤ r < 0.75 - intermediate correlation. ● Regression minimizes residuals
● By using the least squares method
If 0.75 ≤ r < 1 - strong correlation. (a procedure that minimizes the
vertical deviations of plotted points
If r = 1 - perfect correlation. surrounding a straight line) we are
able to construct a best fitting
REGRESSION ANALYSES straight line to the scatter diagram
points and then formulate a
● Regression: technique concerned regression equation.
with predicting some variables by
knowing others Regression Equation
Regression equation describes the
● The process of predicting variable regression line mathematically
Y using variable X ● Intercept
● Slope
● Uses a variable (x) to predict some
outcome variable (y)
● Tells you how values in y change
as a function of changes in values
of x