Battle of The Atlantic
Battle of The Atlantic
Battle of The Atlantic
Thematic Overview
War at Sea
During the Second World War, Canadian sailors and ships served
around the world. The Battle of the Atlantic, however, was the central
focus of the Royal Canadian Navy and Canada’s merchant navy.
Global Operations
Canada’s navy also operated with Allied forces in Normandy, France, and in Allied invasions
in European waters, carrying out patrols and elsewhere. In the Arctic Ocean, Canadian
escorting convoys. Some Canadian ships ships and sailors took part in convoys to the
and personnel served in the Mediterranean. Soviet Union. They also served in the war
Others participated in the D-Day landings against Japan in the Indian and Pacific oceans.
During the war, the Royal Canadian Navy lost ships were lost to storms and accidents.
36 ships and nearly 2,000 men and women. More than 1,600 merchant mariners from
The enemy sank about 70 merchant ships from Canada and Newfoundland, including eight
Canada and Newfoundland. Other merchant women, were killed.
JUNE 1944
Canadian ships and sailors participate
The first convoy of ships escorted in the D-Day landings.
by the Royal Canadian Navy leaves
Halifax for England.
MAY 1945
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