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Ontiers 20220202 11
Ontiers 20220202 11
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Received: April 6, 2022; Accepted: May 3, 2022; Published: May 10, 2022
Abstract: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production in Ethiopia is injured by several insect pest and diseases. The
major insect pests which attack common bean in pre and post harvests are the bean maggot (Ophiomyia phaseoli), bruchids, Z.
subfasciatus, C. maculates, ootheca (Ootheca bennigseni) and aphids (Aphis fabae). These pests affected yield and yield
components of common bean through direct and indirect of the total production. Some insects like Aphid is used as the way of
transmitting other diseases like mosaic virus from plant to plants, in addition to direct reducing common bean production. The
second constraints of common bean production under biotic is diseases virulence of fungus, bacteria and viruses. The
important diseases are angular leaf spot, anthracnose, rust, bacterial blight, and mosaic, halo blight and ascochyta blight causes
significant yield losses. Completely free of pests production is very difficult in the world of agriculture, while reducing effects
as level of under economic importances. Minimizing the losses caused from insect pests and diseases possible through several
managements such as; cultural, biological, botanical, and chemical, and integration control methods developed. Further, to
assure ecofriendly management techniques; integrated management, botanic and biological control are prioritized than
chemical control methods. The main targets of current and future protection plan should be more balances to the natural system
balancing than yield improvements. Thus, more encourages to control though ingratiation and economic friendly ways.
Therefore, this review was revised the major common bean insect pests and diseases in the pre and post harvest, their hosts,
biological and recommended management system were portrayed.
Keywords: Common Bean, Diseases, Insect Pest, Management Methods
production from the Rift Valley areas at the central parts [8].
1. Introduction It is the second most important legume crop in terms of area
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is multipurpose planted and volume of production (second only to faba bean,
leguminous crop and since it is high in nutrient content Vicia faba); production in 2020/21 was around 0.55 million
(Mwanauta et al., 2015). It is second important in terms of tons from 0.31 million hectares [25] However, the average
production and area of productivity due to early maturity yield of common bean in Ethiopia (1.8 tons per hectare) is far
intercrop with other crop like maize, improver soil fertility, below the genetic potential of the crop, which is estimated to
animal fead and become to commercial potential (Demelash, be >3 t ha-1 [27]. When compared with yield potential of
2018). More, it has substantial role in to provide balance diet, Common bean varieties developed in Ethiopia, there is a
and provides amino acid like folic acid [30]. Similar study great difference between average actual yield and yield
reported as it contributed around 57% dietary protein and 23% obtained on the station. Even if the estimated and registered
of carbohydrate. Furthermore, Montoya [50] reported as usual product of common bean was increased, not as a result of
a use of leguminous crops advertised due to minimizes the risk production increased per production area, rather than because
of disease such as cancer, diabetes, or coronary heart diseases. of increasing land of production. This is revealed as there are
Common bean produces more around central, northern, constrained of increasing the production. This may occurred
and western parts of the country were good soil moister due to abiotic and biotic constraints.
available [72]. In Ethiopia, more than half of annual The main reasons for low productivity of common bean in
Ethiopia include luck of certified seed, disease, insect pest
80 Daba Etana: Major Insect Pests and Diseases in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Production in Ethiopia
and weeds [8, 38]. Among the constraints, the brown, red, black or mottled seeds [67].
embezzlements causes direct or indirect at pre and post It has represents a wide range of life histories (annual to
harvest yield reduction by insect pest leading as first perennial), growth habits (bush to climbing), and complete
problem. From several insect pests causes yield reduction, reproductive systems, adapt wider agro ecologies [19]. It is
the majors are; stem maggot (Ophiomyia phaseoli), ootheca widely germinated at altitude between 0-3000 m.a.s.l and
(Ootheca bennigseni), bruchids or Weevil (Acanthoscelides adopted medium altitude with optimum temperature of 18-
obtectus and Zabrotes subfasciatus) and aphids (Aphis fabae) 24°C and 500-1500mm of rainfall [49, 47].
which causes the 37% to 100% yield loss [44]. The scope of
insect pest species may cause yield reduction higher than
another crops due to the crop adapted at wider agro ecology. 3. Factors Impacts on Common Bean
As similar to insect pests, considerable disease pathogens Increasing Production
affects directly and indirectly at pre and post harvest stages.
The Major diseases causes yield reduction in common bean Common bean is important and more diversified due to
are; Angular leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola), Anthracnose several things such as good sources of food, income,
(Colletotrichum lindemuthianum), Rust (Uromyces improver soil fertility, wider adaptation, early maturation,
appendiculatus), common bacterial blight (Xanthomonas intercrop with stalk plant, etc. More, it is practiced in eastern
campestris pv. phaseoli), and bean common mosaic caused by and around rift valley of Ethiopia, during other crop affected
a virus, Halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola), due to dry spell, common sow while matured earlier than
Ascochyta blight (Phoma exigua var. diversispora and/or others, and little bit tolerate harsh condition. As a result, area
Ascochyta phaseolorum) [31, 5]. The common characteristics of production and productivity steadily increased for las two
of those pathogens are outbreak and more important based on decades. According to CSA, [24] the area covered by
environments and their impact is fluctuated. common bean production in Ethiopia in 2016 was 113,249.95
There several management practices important to control ha and 244,049.94 ha for white and red common bean
insect pest and disease. Cultural practices such as sowing respectively with total area of 357,299.89 ha and total
date, appropriate seed, field inspection, appropriate production of about 540,238.94 tons/ha.
cultivation, crop rotation, cleaning the storage, use of Even though, areas of production and it is use increases
resistance variety, biological control, botanical culture, from year to year, it has constrained by several biotic and
integration of several control mechanisms and at last using of abiotic factors and easily susceptible to the entities or
chemical important to overcome the problems of insect pest pathogens directly or indirectly. Demelash [27] reported that
and diseases. The management system of farmers such as the most challenges of common production in Ethiopia is that
sowing date, crop rotation, appropriate cultivation and absence of linked extension service, climatic change, biotic
combination of several techniques crucial to avoid being (insect pest and diseases) and abiotic factors. More, the issues
attacked by diseases [52]. This review is prepared with the of insect pest and diseases need attention due to endemic insect
objective of major pests (insects and pathogens) of common pest and disease emerging as factor of weather variability.
beans, focusing on their host range, distribution, biology, Biotic factors are diseases and insect pests. From several
ecology, and current management strategies, as well as the species of insect pest causes damage in common bean at pre
damage they causes of bean pests in Ethiopia. and post harvest, the majors are listed in Table 1. The major
economic important in common bean production in our
countries are: Bean Stem Maggot (Ophiomyia spp), Aphids
2. Common Bean Botany, Origin, (Acanthoscelides obtectus) Weevils (Zabrotes subfasciatus)
Distribution and Agro Ecology are significantly affects production and productivity. For
instance, due to Bean stem maggot yield losses ranging from
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L; 2n=22) is 30-100% have been reported. In addition, Z. subfasciatus and
categorized under the genus of Phaseolus, species vulgaris. It C. maculatus are the major pests of stored beans causing
is widely adapted and essential for food in rich with protein, average grain losses of 60% within 3-6 months of storage
minerals, and vitamins [27]. He was also reported, Common period in Ethiopia (Demelash, 2018).
bean produced in several countries over the world. However, Similarly, common bean production could be constrained
it is believed origin in South and Middle America, and by diseases raised from fungus, bacteria, and viruses [14].
diversified into Brazil and East Africa in the 17th century by Commonly known common bean diseases are: Bean rust
the Portuguese. Similarly, it is believed to be introduced into (Uromyces appendiculatus), angular leaf spot
Ethiopia in the same century by the Portuguese. Currently, (Phaeoisariopsis griseola), anthracnose (Colletotrichum
substantial variations and genetic constituents developed. It is lindemuthianum), and common bacterial blight known in the
characterized morphologically and also used molecular country. For instance, bean rust causes yield losses up to
characterization methods, and still under improvements. In 85%, while, Angular leaf spot impacts less quantified, but
addition, more than other species of legume and domestic losses 70 to 80% of the production [71].
crops, it known several variations of seed color of the crop Evidences shows that divergent evolution of the
varies from the small black wild type to the large white, pathogens has occurred in Africa, giving rise to pathotypes
Frontiers 2022; 2(2): 79-87 81
not found in Latin America [22]. Angular leaf spot, oculum supply A study on anthracnose was showed
anthracnose, and common bacterial blight are major and relatively more important at higher altitudes than at lower
widespread constraints to bean production at the regional latitudes, while, bacterial blight was preferred moist and
and continental levels. Angular leaf spot is the most higher temperature condition [61, 15]. Recently, the most
important biotic constraint in eastern and southern Africa; it challenging disease and reported from several eastern and
is favored by moist, warm conditions with abundant in central Africa was root-rot species [55].
Figure 1. Adult and maggot of Bean Stem Maggot taken from Ochilo and Nyamasyo, [55].
(ii). Host Range: It has host in various legumes species, centrosematis are brown, whereas those of 0.
but frequently reported in common bean, and peas. It spencerella are shiny black, with a gray ventral surface.
lay around 100 – 200 eggs.female-1 on damaged host The posterior spiracles in 0. phuseoli are somewhat
leaves by maggots [2]. Later they enter the midrib, bifurcated and have eight to nine lobes; in 0.
move into the stem and mine down to soil level, into centrosematis they are blunt with three lobes [43]. Eggs
the taproot. The feeding causes stems to form lesions of the pests are white, slender, and about 1 mm long, and
wherein the maggots pupate, sometimes in small laid separately each on different parts of the seedling.
groups. Pest fecundity and longevity vary according The life cycle is completed between 20 to 30 days based
to the specific host plant. The adult flies feed on plant on temperature of the around agro ecology [5]. Bean stem
secretions and on sap exuding from feeding holes. In maggots at larvae stages causes damages on the seedling by
the Middle East the pest completes several annual feeding on the stem, which results in characteristic swelling
generations. It confirmed that more than 30 species of and cracking just above ground level, then the seedling
cultivated and wild plants in the family Leguminosae shows yellowish, wilted [3].
reportedly serve as hosts [37]. (iv). Ecology: The prevalence of Bean Stem Maggot
(iii). Biology: Adults of the three Bean stem maggot species species is heavily influenced by several climatic and
have similar external morphological features, and male edaphic factors and agronomic practices. Reports
aedeagal characters are used to distinguish them. Puparia from many countries indicate that 0. phaseoli and 0.
are distinguished by their color and by the characteristics centrosematis are more prevalent at lower altitudes
of posterior spiracles [37] Puparia of O. phuseoli and O. and warmer climatic conditions, whereas 0.
82 Daba Etana: Major Insect Pests and Diseases in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Production in Ethiopia
spencerella is more abundant at higher altitudes and Karel and Rweyemamu, [44], Aphis craccivora
cooler, wetter environments [11]. For instances, 0. causes damage at lowland areas on cow pea (Figure
phaseoli is more common in early-sown beans, 2). They form colonies around the stem, leaves, and
whereas 0. spencerella is the dominant species in growing points and suck sap from plants which
late-sown beans [3]. causes wilt and die [21]. This pest damages all parts,
and makes stunted growth. Moreover, it has ability to
3.1.2. Aphids (Aphis Fabae) transmit bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). More
(i). Distribution and Importance: Aphis fabae is affected severe common bean around the stem, leaves and
leguminous species in Africa, and more severe based growing points as described in Figure 2 [43, 18].
on agro ecologies [42]. For instance, as reported by
(ii). Biology: Aphids fabae are approximately 2 mm long relative growth rate of plan [65]. It is management
and very often carry a powdery white secretion on the frequently difficult, but some of cultural, biological,
abdominal segments at adult stage. In the moist agro botanical reported in different regions, however, and
ecologies, reproduction is only by parthenogenesis. using pesticides is very difficult due to complexity in
(iii). Host range: Aphids hosted multiple leguminous species. life circle [13].
It adapts environments and weather variations in
different techniques. For instance, wingless forms are 3.2. Major Diseases of Common Beans
produced when food is abundant and climatic conditions 3.2.1. Common Bacteria Blight
are optimal. However, when food is in short supply or Several diseases cause production constraints in common
the colony becomes overcrowded, winged forms bean production. Common bean light is the most popular
develop. The winged aphids disperse to colonize new disease causes yield losses of common bean up 10% to 45%
fields or plants and may invade bean fields soon after depending on the environmental conditions and genotype [4,
seedlings have emerged; however, damage to the pre 35]. It is caused by the gram-negative bacterial pathogen
flowering stage is more critical [48]. The aphid life Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) and its fuscans
cycle takes 11-13 days, and adult longevity varies from variant Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. fuscans (Xff) [34, 63].
6 to 15 days. The symptoms of both strain most similar, while
(iv). Ecology: Aphid more harmful and make visible during Xanthomonas phaseoli var. fuscans often reported as more
dry season, and thus infestations are more severe aggressive [56]. It often affects foliage, pods and seeds of
during the dry season. While, during moisture and common bean. This disease causes more severe in both yield
humid weather, their colonies are often eliminated by and seed quality of bean when drought spell happen but
members of the Entomophtoraceae [12]. There was moist condition often existed, and causes yield reduction at
secrete from Aphids called honedew augment the most 22.4% in Ethiopia [31]. Thus, it is considered as leading
growth of sooty moulds and hence interferes with spread disease in the country [46]. Figure 3 showed the
photosynthetic ability of the crops [13]. In different, symptoms of CBB on leaf and pods of common bean.
plant attack by aphids reduces biomass, leaf area and
Figure 3. Interveinal necrotic symptoms with irregular yellow haloes, characteristic of bean Blight.
Frontiers 2022; 2(2): 79-87 83
Though CBB causes huge destruction and yield reduction in 28°C to 32°C [64]. Therefore, CBB affected domestic and
common bean, various crop management practices and some wild legume species, while more revealed and
agronomic activities can influence the incident and epidemics economic important in common bean.
under field conditions [29]. Knowing host pathogen interaction,
use of resistant varieties supplemented with chemical seed 3.2.2. Angular Leaf Spot
treatment and proper cultural practices could be also the best Angular leaf spot (ALS) caused by imperfect fungus
alternative options in managing common bacterial blight of Phaeoisariopsis griseola (Sacc.) It is one of the most widely
common bean and avoiding yield losses [4]. distributed and causes common bean yield reduction up to
Infection and host range: Infection occurs through 80% (Schwartz et al., 1981). Often, the ALS revelation
natural openings such as stomata, cuticles and some wounds increased and spread by high speed over all common bean
caused by mechanicals or other pests. Once inside the plant, production area [68]. It is very harmful and diminishes
the virulent multiplies rapidly in the intercellular spaces and production at suitable condition by defoliating leaf and lesion
it can take as little as 10-14 days from initial infection until of the growth [53]. In addition, as it described in Figure 4,
secondary spread occurs [61]. The optimal temperature for more preferred warm and moist condition, with more severe
infection to occur and also for disease development ranges on leaves and pods of the common bean [61].
several hosts in a short period [26]. recommended were: endosulfan, diazinon or lindane that can
The other biological control reported by Copping and be applied at low doses as seed dressing to provide protect
Menn, [23] is Spinosad is another biological control of from vulnerable to attacks especially bean stem maggot
aphids which is a biologically derived insecticide produced before sowing period [62]. The other chemical such as
by the actinomycete Saccharopolyspora spinosa, a bacterial Imidacloprid recommended for aphid and reduces effects of
organ isolated from the soil. It is affect stomach and bean leaf roll virus, leaf necrotic yellow virus and dwarf
poisoning nerve of pests [10]. Spinosad is recommended for virus in soybean [69]. The author Songa [66] reported soil
the control of a very wide range of caterpillars, leaf miners fumigation chemicals such as Triazopho, chlopyrfos, and
and foliage-feeding beetles [23]. Other known biological Fenvalerate can be used in controlling bean stem maggot.
method is the use of Bacillus thuringiensis to control Chemical control may effective and valuable to increase
lepidopteron larvae, including Helicoverpa spp., Spodoptera crop production. The most challenge with in current climate
army worms, diamondback moth Plutella xylostella, and variability and quality production deterioration. Further, in
Chrysodeixis loopers in legumes [69]. Biological control is most of small scale farmers in developing countries less
safe and eco-friendly. Therefore, more research is needed to chance to get chemicals even in seldom very crucial to use it.
develop bio control packages in controlling common bean To minimize such problems, individual organization
insect pests. Once achieved and upscale, this will provide responsible for seed production and afford healthy seed as
sustainable solution in plant protection programmes. similar to other crop is very legal and required for common
bean and other legume species crops.
4.3. Botanical Pesticides Control Methods The other factors should be considered in chemicals
Botanical methods extracted from different parts of plants application and its system is less awareness of farmers how
uses as Pesticides have great potential for impact in to use, and dispose the materials. Stuart [70] reported that
developing countries [51, 9]. It is more sustainable and has chemicals have limited application rules in rural areas, often
low environmental impacts as compared to chemical adultered or applied at inappropriate application rate due to
pesticides. Typically, it comprises a mixture of bioactive illiteracy, poor labeling or use of old, expired products and
compounds with many advantages in terms of efficacy short lead to rapid evolution of pesticide resistance. In the study
span and preventing the development of resistance [45]. They additional reports that of residues effects in environmental
are mostly affordable to farmers than synthetic products and impacts to wild life, crop pollinators and natural enemies are
their costs are almost calculated in terms of time to harvest also severe. Thus, huge scared happened in the society for
and process [16]. human health by use of chemicals with no mechanism to
Several botanical controls locally known and widely ensure food safety for consumers, and concern for the
practiced during inn the 17th century, pyrethrum, nicotine, chronic effects of exposure [40]. The most often priority
and rotenone were recognized as effective insect control given for biopesticides as alternatives considering the issues
agents [57, 36]. In addition, Nicotine isolated from number of of organic production food and environmental pollution
species of Nicotiana, tobacco extract, neem oil and extract minimizes [59]. Therefore, even though chemicals
have promising and useful for common bean pest control [39, recommended at last option and critical period, it will be use
60]. Several locally available botanicals extracts known are most probably to increase longevity of seed and select those
Vernonia, crotons, Eucalyptus globules, etc [57]. Due to the confirmed best to health benefits to the applicators,
need for the alternative to synthetic insecticide, it is therefore consumers and the environmental is recommended.
essential to evaluate the potential of locally practices such as 4.5. Integrated Pest Management Method (IPM)
those involving agronomic, biological, and botanical
practices in controlling legume insect pests. One real thing should be known by producers and even
users are any crop had enemies which are called at most
4.4. Chemical Control Methods disease and insect pests, but in seldom vertebrate animals.
The world agricultural production widely practices all in Those enemies’ severities and intensities different from crop
all areas of crop cultivation at different level practices. The to crop. To minimize the effects of pests, users use several
level of chemical application and uses more at where larger control methods intentionally or arbitrary. Most of cultural
number of investors and larger scale production to control methods used as pest control, but they implement for
disease and insect pests. As a result, worldwide it is estimated different things. The issue of integrated pest management is
that approximately around one billion or 27% of world relative to these issues. The process of crop managements of
worker people engage in agriculture and most use pesticides integrating two or more recommended crop protection
to protect food and commercial products that they produce technology is called integrated pest management. This
[28]. The annual cost required for chemical was around six method is more preferred and practices directly by intention
billion pounds as worldwide. and at most parts of small scale farmers practices without the
Several national bean programs and other research purposes of integration. It is highly recommended due to
organizations in the globe have identified important several important elements. 1) Integrated pest managements
chemicals uses during sowing and at storage. The most often is conserve multi species of organisms fauna and flora. 2) It
has reality of eco friendly and reduces environmental
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