Sample Draft Resolution

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Committee: UN Commission on Science and Technology

Topic: International News flow Imbalance

Signatories: Algeria, United States, Colombia, United Kingdom, South Africa, Portugal, Republic of
Korea, and Spain

The Economic and Social Council,

Noting its Resolution A/36/89 of 16 December 1981, “The Declaration on Fundamental Principles
Concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International
Recalling further Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right
to...receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,”
Recognizing that the problem of news flow imbalance is that two-way information among countries
of a region is either nonexistent or insufficient and information exchanged between regions of the
world is inadequate,
Realizing the need for all sovereign nations to maintain their integrity and still play an active role in
the international system,
1. Recommends that a three-level information interchange system be established on the
National, Regional, and
International levels to ameliorate the current problems of newsflow imbalance, operating as follows:
a) Each region’s member nations will report their national information and receive the information
of other nations in their region from the regional level of this interchange system;
b) Nations will decide the character of the newsflow media best suited to the need of their sovereign
territory, be this printed, audio, or audio-visual;
c) Regional News Gathering Agencies will serve to gather information from the nations in their
region, and these boards will have no editorial discretion and will serve to forward all information to
the International Board;
d) Each regional agency will be composed of representatives from every member nation of the
e) The primary function of the International Board will be to translate information accumulated from
the regional news gathering agencies;
f) The secondary purpose will be to transmit all information gathered back to the member nations
via the regional news gathering agencies;
g) In order to expedite the transfer of information from the international to regional level the
International Board will utilize a UN frequency on an EEC (European Economic Community) satellite;
2. Urges the establishment of the University of International Communications, with main branch in
Geneva, Switzerland, and additional branches located in each of the aforementioned regions, to
pursue the following aims:
a) The University and branches will be established with the express purpose of bringing together
world views and facilitating the transfer of technology;
b) All member nations of the United Nations will be equally represented at the University;
c) Incentives will be offered to students of journalism and communications at the University to
return to their countries to teach upon completion of instruction;
d) The instructors of the regional education centers will be comprised of a multi-partisan coalition of
educators from throughout the world;

3. Calls for the continued use of funds from the International Program for the Development of
Communications, Special
Account, UNESCO, the UNDP, and other sources of funding including national governments and
private donors;

4. Further recommends that the distribution of funds be decided by the IPDC.



The title should be centered, in capital letters, above the body of the draft resolution. The next two
lines should list the name of the committee and the title of the topic, left-aligned. Note that no
authors should be listed, as there are no sponsors of draft resolutions at HMUN. Do note, however,
that draft resolutions require the approval of the Director and the signature of twenty-five members
in General Assembly committees, eight members in the Economic and Social Council committees and
Regional Bodies, and five members in the Security Council and Historical Security Council.
Signatories should be listed at the top of the first page of the draft resolution.


The body of a resolution is written in the format of a long sentence, with the following rules:

• The committees of the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council should begin
their resolutions with “The General Assembly” and “The Economic and Social Council,” respectively.
All other committees should use their own names in the introductory line. The rest of the resolution
is comprised of two sets of clauses.
• The first set consists of perambulatory clauses, which describe the problem being addressed,
recall past actions taken, explain the purpose of the resolution, and offer support for the operative
clauses that follow. Each clause in the preamble begins with an italicized (or underlined, if
handwritten) word or phrase and ends with a comma.
• The second set consists of operative clauses, which are numbered and state the action(s) to be
taken by the body.
These clauses all begin with present tense active verbs, which are generally stronger words than
those used to begin perambulatory clauses. These verbs are underlined. All operative clauses, except
the last, which ends with a period, are followed by semi-colons.

Perambulatory Affirming Operative

Phrases Clauses Has resolved
Alarmed by Affirms Notes

Guided by
Approving Having adopted Approves Proclaims
Aware of Having considered Authorizes Reaffirms
Bearing in mind Having considered Calls for Recommends
Believing Having devoted Calls upon Regrets
Cognizant of Having examined Condemns Reminds
(SC only)
Confident Having heard Confirms Requests
Contemplating Having received Congratulate Resolves
Convinced Having studied Considers Solemnly
Declaring Keeping in mind Declares Strongly
accordingly condemns
Deeply concerned Noting further Demands (SC Supports
Deeply conscious Noting with approval Deplores Takes note
Deeply convinced Noting with deep Designates Trusts
Deeply disturbed Noting with regret Draws Urges
Deeply regretting Noting with satisfaction Emphasizes Welcomes
Desiring Observing Encourages

Has resolved
Emphasizing Reaffirming Endorses Notes
Expecting Realizing Expresses its Proclaims
Expressing its Recalling Expresses its Reaffirms
appreciation hope
Expressing its satisfaction Recognizing Recommends

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