Realithiess Ed04 Mar08

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TMS Competition Winner Check page 25 !!

Issue # 4 March 2008

06 Headline Story 08 News From Sangatta 16 TCI Highlights

TCI History: The Founding Back to Basics: 45 Degree TCI Staff Service Award
Years Loading
Long Serving TCI Staff
Editor’s Note
How did you celebrate your 20th birthday?
Issue # 4 March 2008
Had good time with your family? Or with someone you love? Got
Cover Story a present? Or got yourself a present?
Team circa 1980 TCI is starting to receive a few presents. Actually, we earned
Atas: Pieter Bas, Dan Trangoni, Ken Moris, Bob
Sorter, Brian McGrath, Dain, Luke Thomas, Allan
them: 2 years LTI Free, new Tabang project, Thiess Chairman’s
Limbrey Awards, ISO Awards, a well deserved presents for almost 20
Tengah: Rudi, Yanto, Edison, Mira, Yani, Yohana, years of hard work.
Evianti, Hani, Richard Veraphan
Bawah: Somad, Aris, Sam Rumende Speaking of which, TCI also recognised and rewarded some of its
long service staff. In this edition we profile some of these people
in the TCI Highlight section. Go check them out, its our favourite
story. Very insightful!

Featured Content Finally, here’s a quote to start a new year:

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put
p.03 Message from Roy words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its
20:20 Vision: Seeing the Past and Future Clearly Through first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
p.04 Safety - Our Number One Priority realiTHIESS
2 Years LTI Free: A World Class Safety Achievement |
TCI Receives Chairman’s Award

p.06 Headline Story

TCI History: The Founding Years

p.08 News from Sangatta

Back to Basics: 45 Degree Loading |
Sangatta’s Porodisa Fishing Club

p.10 News from Senakin The team farewells Freska who is relocating Surabaya to be with her new husband.
National Fire and Rescue Competition II

p.11 News from Satui

Supporting Local High School Development
Contributors to this issue
p.12 News from Balikpapan
Children’s Football League Sam Rumende Joni Agusman Saragih
Executive Director Payroll Officer
p.13 News from Jakarta Jakarta
Getting into the Spirit of Christmas Anis Maharani
Communications Graduate Husmawan
p.14 News from Inco Site Administrator
Free Health Services at Koropansu Satriady Sanjaya Soroako
Plant Clerk
p.15 Awards Sangatta Evi Mariana
Community Relations and
TCI Receives Top Honours Rahmadi Ernawan Development Specialist
Engineer Jakarta
p.16 TCI Highlight Senakin
TCI Staff Service Awards | Long Serving TCI Staff Sri Andariyah
Saphan Irwan
Health Services Officer
p.21 CommuniThiess Development Community Relations Officer
External Affairs Workshop 2008
Budi Aryani
p.22 Health Services Project Support Engineer
Pension Superintendent
Water: Keeping Your System Well Oiled Jakarta

p.23 YKK Preserve Info

Introducing the Team

p.24 At Your Service

How to Take Great Photos

p.25 Competition
Kids Drawing Contest Winner Got something to say or Editing Team
contribute? Please email your
p.26 Welcome & Congratulations comments and stories to: Roy Yusbar M Iqbal Nasution
New and Promoted Employees, Weddings and Babies
Or call us on Ext. 9591

 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

Message from Roy

20:20 Vision
Seeing the Past and Future
Clearly Through Experience

By looking back at our past we can clearly see TCI’s strength of Melihat kembali ke belakang, kita dapat memahami bagaimana TCI
experience has delivered many successful projects enabling us to dengan strength of experience telah berhasil menyelesaikan berbagai
become one of Indonesia’s largest construction and contract mining project di masa lalu, yang menjadikan kita salah satu perusahaan
companies. Looking forward, clearly, it is our experience and people terbesar di bidang construction dan contract mining di Indonesia. Jelas
that will allow us to build this past into a solid future for TCI. bahwa pengalaman dan kemampuan staff kita yang memungkinkan kita
untuk membangun di masa lalu sekaligus menatap masa depan yang
Already, 2008 is proving us with the opportunity to build on this with cerah.
increased production targets for our mining operations on all sites,
new work for the construction team and some new key personnel. It Tahun 2008 sudah membuktikan hal ini. Peningkatan target produksi
also brings with it the 20 year anniversary of PT Thiess Contractors pada pengerjaan mining di semua site, berikut pekerjaan baru bagi
Indonesia, which provides us with the chance to look back on the construction team dan kedatangan sejumlah personil baru. Tahun ini
achievements and experiences we have had in order to get to where sekaligus menandakan 20 tahun beroperasinya PT Thiess Contractors
we are today. Sam opens this issue with some reflections on the early Indonesia, saat yang tepat bagi kita untuk mengingat kembali semua
years. pencapaian dan pengalaman di masa lalu yang membawa kita ke posisi
ini. Sam bahkan membuka edisi ini dengan berbagi pengalamannya di
January marked the achievement of a milestone 2 years without an tahun – tahun awal berdirinya TCI.
LTI for the business. Over 45 million manhours have now been worked
without an LTI. In Melbourne recently I was honoured to receive on Bulan Januari menandakan pencapaian 2 years without LTI bagi bisnis
behalf of TCI the Thiess Chairman’s “Health and Safety Excellence kita. Lebih dari 45 juta jam kerja telah berhasil dilewati tanpa LTI.
Award”. This award is a credit to the efforts of all employees and the Baru – baru ini di Melbourne saya, selaku perwakilan TCI, menerima
safety standards we have achieved. penghargaan Thiess Chairman’s “Health and Safety Execellence
Award”. Ini merupakan penghargaan atas seluruh kerja keras karyawan
Our prime safety goal remains a workplace of “No Incidents – No dan standar safety kita.
Excuses” and this requires our continued focus and unwavering
commitment. Target safety kita tidak berubah, “No Incidents – No Excuses” di tempat
kerja, dan hal ini memerlukan perhatian serta komitmen dari kita semua.
I am pleased to announce that we have won the Tabang Coal
Beneficiation Plant Project which is a cutting edge coal bricketing plant Bersama ini saya kabarkan bahwa kita telah berhasil mendapatkan
with world leading sustainable energy technology. The plant in Tabang, Tabang Coal Beneficiation, sebuah project coal bracketing plant dengan
north of Balikpapan, is an alliance with PT Kaltim Supa Coal. TCI will aplikasi tekhnologi terkini. Plant yang terletak di Tabang, Balikpapan
provide procurement, construction and erection services; along with Utara tersebut, merupakan kerjasama dengan PT Kaltim Supa Coal. TCI
some commissioning assistance once the project is operational. akan terlibat dalam procurement, construction dan erection services;
dilanjutkan dengan commissioning assistance saat project sudah mulai
The project will be a little over 12 months duration and the scope berjalan.
of works includes piling and concrete foundations, structural steel
including plate works and duct works, mechanical and piping, electrical Pengerjaan project ini akan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 12
and instrumentation. I am confident the success of this alliance will bulan dan lingkup pekerjaannya akan meliputi piling dan concrete
lead to additional projects for this industry leading technology. foundations, structural steel termasuk didalamnya plate works dan
duct works, mechanical dan piping, electrical dan instrumentation.
In Mining - PT KPC’s confidence in TCI’s ability to deliver on site has Saya yakin keberhasilan kerjasama ini akan berlanjut dengan datangnya
meant an increase in the 2008 PRN to 14.3T. We are also negotiating project – project lain yang serupa.
with PT Arutmin increased production targets at both Senakin and
Satui. Di bidang mining, kepercayaan PT KPC pada kemampuan TCI berarti
kenaikan di 2008 PRN menjadi 14.3T. Kita juga sedang dalam proses
I, along with the Executive Team, and all of you, look forward to a year negosiasi dengan PT Arutmin untuk meningkatkan target produksi pada
of celebrating new opportunities, improving our current operations and Senakin dan Satui.
learning from our experiences to make 2008 the right foot forward for
the next 20 years of TCI. Saya, bersama seluruh Executive Team, juga anda semua,
mengharapkan tahun yang penuh dengan peluang - peluang baru,
peningkatkan pada operasi kita dan siap belajar dari pengalaman yang
lalu untuk menjadikan 2008 sebagai batu loncatan bagi TCI untuk
jangka waktu 20 tahun ke depan.

Roy Olsen
President Director
Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 
Safety - Our Nu mber One Priority

2 Years LTI Free

A World Class
Safety Achievement

TCI reached an historic milestone on 20 January 2008, having Tanggal 20 Januari 2008 kemarin menjadi hari bersejarah bagi TCI,
achieved 2 years Lost Time Injury free. This is a world class safety dengan kembali mencapai 2 tahun Lost Time Injury Free. Sebuah
performance involving more than 7,000 direct employees and pencapaian yang luar biasa di bidang safety, yang melibatkan 7000
subcontractors working in excess of 40 million manhours. orang karyawan dan subkontraktor dalam 40 juta jam kerja.

During this period the recordable injury frequency rate has dropped Selama periode ini, jumlah recordable injury frequency rate turun
from 2.63 to 1.25 and there has also been significant improvement in dari 2.63 menjadi 1.25 dan terjadi penurunan pada biaya kerusakan
equipment damage costs which confirms our belief that safety is good equipment, yang menambah keyakinan kita bahwa safety berdampak
for business. baik untuk bisnis.

But remembering our past and why this achievement is important Tapi, bila melihat lagi ke belakang makin kita sadari mengapa
is essential to ensure we maintain our commitment. Our President pencapaian ini amat penting untuk kita pertahankan, Presiden Director
Director, Roy Olsen, recounts the circumstances which prompted Roy Olsen menyinggung kembali kejadian yang membawa perubahan
change within the TCI. di dalam TCI.

“At TCI, from June until December 2005, we had more accidents than “Di TCI, pada bulan Juni hingga Desembar 2005, jumlah kecelakaan
the whole of the previous year, obviously indicating we had a problem. yang terjadi lebih banyak dari keseluruhan tahun sebelumnya, ini jelas
Our safety audit scores confirmed that we had all of the necessary mengindikasikan adanya masalah. Hasil audit safety kita menunjukkan
procedures in place, but we were obviously lacking the ingrained safety kita telah mengikuti seluruh prosedur yang ada, tapi kita mengabaikan
culture required to translate these processes into superior outcomes,” budaya safety kita, sehingga kita gagal menjadikannya lebih baik lagi.”
Roy said. Ujarnya.

The senior management team knew change was a necessity and Senior management team menyadari bahwa harus dilakukan perubahan
they had to lead it and each week senior line managers reviewed dan merekalah yang harus memulainya. Tiap minggu para senior line
all significant incidents, which they continue to do. Continuous manager me-review seluruh kecelakaan yang terjadi. Hal mana yang
improvement had to come from all levels of management masih mereka lakukan hingga saat ini. Continuous improvement harus
demonstrating safety at work. Roy said one of the key initiatives dilakukan oleh seluruh level management untuk melaksanakan safety
behind this was refocusing the responsibility for incident investigation, di tempat kerja. Roy mengatakan bahwa salah satu inisiatif yang
reporting and action items with supervision, not with the site safety dapat kita lakukan adalah mengembalikan rasa tanggung jawab untuk
professionals. menginvestigasi, melaporkan dan bertindak - dengan pengawasan
– dan tidak hanya mengandalkan safety professional di tiap site.
“We are all personally responsible for safety in the work place and
our team following these procedures. Our company wide motto “No “Kita semua bertanggung jawab atas safety di tempat kerja dan
incidents, No Excuses” reinforces the accountability on each and every memastikan setiap anggota team kita untuk mengikuti prosedur safety.
one of us” said Roy. Moto perusahaan kita “No incidents, No excuses” harus menjadi
pemicu semangat kita untuk dapat saling mengandalkan satu sama
Ashley Schefe, TCI Safety Manager, said, “The real issue is lain.” Ujarnya lagi.
accountability at all levels. This is our focus. Apart from the fatigue
management program these fantastic results have been achieved Ashley Schefe, TCI Safety Manager, menambahkan “Yang harus
through focusing on programmes we already had in place, including diperhatikan adalah rasa tanggung jawab di semua level. Ini adalah
SBOs and Amankah (Is it Safe). While each of us may understand fokus kita. Tanpa mengecilkan peran fatigue management program,
these concepts we simply need to use them more effectively and hasil yang luar biasa ini diperoleh karena kita fokus terhadap program
continuously, thereby reducing our incidents.” – program yang telah kita miliki, termasuk didalamnya SBOs dan
Amankah. Walaupun kita telah mamahami konsep ini, kita harus terus
Adding to this commitment, Roy said, “It has been our collective focus menerapkannya dengan lebih efektif dan berkesinambungan, sehingga
and belief in our ability to work safely by all employees that has been menurunkan jumlah kecelakaan kita.”
the major attributor to our fantastic 2 years LTI free. This achievement
clearly demonstrates that as a team we are capable of achieving our Roy Olsen menambahkan, “Sudah menjadi focus dan kepercayaan
goal of a workplace free of injuries and incidents.” kita bersama bahwa karyawan kita – yang merupakan kontributor
utama pencapaian 2 years LTI free ini - mampu bekerja dengan aman.
Pencapaian ini menggambarkan bahwa sebagai team kita mampu
mencapai tujuan kita yaitu tempat kerja yang bebas kecelakaan.”
 | Issue # 4 | March 2008
Safety - Our Nu mber One Priority

TCI Receives Thiess Chairman’s Award

Roy Olsen selaku perwakilan TCI menerima Thiess Chairman’s Award yang Dari kiri ke kanan: Chris Fosterling (Thiess GM VIC/SA/TAS/NZ), Bruce Munro, Roy
diberikan oleh Martin Albrecht (Thiess Chairman). Olsen, Martin Albrecht berfoto setelah serah terima penghargaan.

31 January 2008 TCI was recognised for working two years, the Pada tanggal 31 Januari 2008, TCI berhasil mencapai 2 tahun jam
equivalent of 45 million man hours without a lost time injury. TCI kerja, setara dengan 45 jam kerja tanpa lost time injury. TCI menerima
received the Thiess Chairman’s Award at a recent industry dinner in Thiess Chairman’s Award pada jamuan makan malam industry dinner
Melbourne. During the two years under review TCI had a workforce of baru – baru ini di Melbourne. Periode 2 tahun ini dicapai dengan jumlah
7000. angka kerja 7000 personil.

Thiess Chairman Martin Albrecht who presented the award Thiess Chairman, Martin Albrecht, yang berkesempatan menyerahkan
acknowledged the outstanding results delivered by TCI, through the penghargaan tersebut, mengatakan bahwa hasil luar biasa yang dicapai
development of a disciplined workplace culture. Albrecht said TCI had TCI adalah berkat budaya kerja yang disiplin. Selanjutnya ia mengatakan
set realistic expectations that work can be completed without incident pencapaian ini membuktikan bahwa TCI berhasil membuktikan bahwa
or injury. pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan tanpa insiden maupun kecelakaan.

“This award also recognises sustainable health and safety excellence “Penghargaan ini juga merupakan bukti keberhasilan health dan safety
at a business unit level and provides a benchmark for other Thiess TCI pada level unit bisnis sekaligus menjadi tolak ukur bagi bisnis
business across all industry sectors,” Martin Albrecht said. Thiess di berbagai sektor industri.” Ujar Martin Albrecht lagi.

Lingkungan kerja yang berat membutuhkan penerapan disiplin Safety

yang tinggi untuk mencapai penyelesaian project maksimal
Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 
Headline Story

TCI History: The Founding Years

Sam Rumende
Executive Director

This year we will celebrate 20 years of TCI operations. As I write this, I Tahun ini kita akan merayakan 20 tahun beroperasinya TCI. Saat
can’t help but remember about all my experiences during the growth of menulis kata pengantar ini, saya teringat kembali akan semua
this Company and particularly the founding years. pengalaman saya menyaksikan pertumbuhan perusahaan ini, terutama
sekali di tahun – tahun awal berdirinya.

On the 17 November 1988 PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia was Pada tanggal 17 November 1988 PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia
registered. TCI was established to provide mining and construction resmi didaftarkan. TCI didirikan dengan tujuan untuk menyediakan
services to Indonesia’s growing industry sectors. The company’s first mining dan construction services bagi sektor industri di Indonesia
Executive Directors were Martin Brookes, the first President Director yang sedang berkembang. Executive Director yang pertama saat itu
and myself. In fact it was our Assistant Director, Supriyanto who went adalah saya dan Martin Brookes selaku President Director. Supriyanto
and registered the company with the Government regulator. - sekarang menjabat sebagai Assistant Director - yang mendaftarkan
nama TCI secara resmi ke pemerintah pada saat itu.
Our first office, in Jakarta, was located in Jalan Buncit Raya and by
the end of the first 6 months we had a total hundreds of staff and had Kantor pusat kita yang pertama di Jakarta terletak di Jalan Buncit Raya.
moved to Cilindak Commercial Estate a bigger office for our increasing 6 bulan pertama staff kita hanya beberapa ratus orang, jumlah yang
staff numbers. Within the first year we had commenced a number of kemudian terus bertambah dan membuat kita harus pindah ke gedung
projects namely civil and construction works at KPC, an overburden kantor baru yang lebih besar di kawasan Cilandak Commercial Estate.
contract for Arutmin and wharf infrastructure at Wetar Island. Selama tahun pertama ini kita telah mulai mengerjakan beberapa
project, kebanyakan civil dan construction, seperti di KPC, overburden
I remember almost 19 years ago these first jobs required us to contract untuk Arutmin dan wharf infrastructure di pulau Wetar.
establish initial access and facilities on site. In order to get to these
once very secluded project sites sometimes we had to hitchhike our Kenangan saya kembali ke saat 19 tahun yang lalu, saat untuk
way there and find our way through the bush along animal tracks. mengerjakan project – project ini kami harus membangun akses dan
fasilitas di site. Untuk mencapai lokasi yang sangat terpencil, terkadang
kita harus menumpang truk atau merintis jalan melewati semak – semak
dan jalan setapak.

Pulau Wetar, lokasinya yang terpencil menjadikan project ini sangat menantang. Workshop pertama di site Sangatta untuk pekerjaan sipil.

 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

Headline Story

Penyelesaian pekerjaan sipil di Sangatta.

There was also a time when we were left stranded on a speedboat in Pernah juga terjadi kami terpaksa terdampar diatas speedboat
the middle of the ocean for a couple of days, and that’s not all. When di tengah samudra selama beberapa hari. Dan bukan itu saja,
we finally arrived at site, we couldn’t get a decent rest as there wasn’t seringkali saat akhirnya tiba di lokasi site, kami tidak bisa langsung
anywhere proper to sleep. We had to build that too! beristirahat, karena tidak ada tempat yang layak untuk tidur. Kami harus
membangunnya terlebih dahulu!
TCI was never afraid to undertake these challenges and we were happy
to be seen as experienced, pioneering contractors. What I remember TCI tidak pernah mundur menghadapi tantangan seperti ini dan kita
most, is our ability to deliver successful project outcomes and work selalu tampil layaknya kontraktor yang berpengalaman. Yang saya ingat
succinctly between sites and offices even at a time when we had very betul, bahkan pada saat itu dimana tekhnologi masih sangat minim,
little technology support. Being isolated from any real infrastructure, kita selalu mampu bekerja dengan efektif dan efisien serta mampu
the only way we could communicate was with radio, there were no fax menyelesaikan project dengan maksimal. Bayangkan, karena posisi
machines, computers, or small towns for hundreds of kilometres. kita seringkali terisolasi, satu – satunya cara kita dapat berkomunikasi
adalah dengan radio. Tak ada mesin fax atau computer. Bahkan kota
We worked as a team supporting each other across departments yang terdekat berjarak ratusan kilometer dari lokasi.
and by the end of 1990, in just a short 3 years, the strength of our
experience had started to shine through. We had commenced US$170 Kami selalu bekerja bahu membahu antar departemen sebagai team
million of work and now had 1000 fulltime staff working with us. yang solid. Dan di akhir tahun 1990, hanya dalam tempo 3 tahun,
the strength of our experience sudah dimulai. Saat itu kita memiliki
Some of us may say twenty years isn’t much, but when you think about pekerjaan senilai US$170 juta dan staff sejumlah 1000 orang.
it a lot has happened during this time in order for us to grow into one of Orang mengatakan dua puluh tahun belum terlalu lama, tapi bila kita
Indonesia’s leading mining and construction companies. pikirkan lagi banyak sekali yang sudah terjadi selama jangka waktu
tersebut. Hal – hal yang menjadikan kita salah satu perusahaan
I am proud of what TCI has developed into and we continue to be terdepan di bidang mining dan construction.
a pioneering contractor leading the industry in many areas. Today,
we are a strong company with a strong financial base, transportation Saya bangga dengan hasil yang dicapai TCI saat ini. Dan kita akan
armada along with its own logistics centres, cutting edge information terus menjadi pionir di berbagai bidang industri. Saat ini, kita adalah
and technology systems, we even able to communicate between perusahaan yang kuat dengan landasan finansial yang kuat pula,
continents. memiliki armada transportasi serta pusat logistik sendiri dan sistem
informasi dan tekhnologi terkini. Bahkan mudah saja bagi kita untuk
Let’s work hard so that in the next 20 years or even 100 years from berkomunikasi antar benua.
now TCI will be more successful.
Untuk itu, mari bekerja keras sehinga 20 tahun atau bahkan 100 tahun
dari sekarang TCI akan menjadi lebih sukses lagi.

Loading Facility di Sangatta ketika awal project

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 
News from Sangatta

Back to Basics: 45 Degree Loading

Anis Maharani
Communications Graduate - Sangatta

Sangatta mining has recently started an over burden loading technique called “45 degree loading or loading through the tail”. By
using this system we can produce an extra 100 BCM of over burden an hour from a Hitachi 5500 excavator at a minimum.

Baru-baru ini, Sangatta Mining mulai menerapkan teknik loading over burden yang disebut “Loading 45 derajat atau Loading melalui
bagian ekor”. Dengan teknik ini kita dapat memproduksi overburden minimal 100 bcm lebih banyak setiap jamnya dari sebuah
excavator Hitachi 5500.

To get the process under way we brought Dean Russell back to Untuk dapat memastikan proses ini berjalan lancar, Sangatta Mining
Sangatta mining. Dean’s role was to explain the process to the trainers mengundang kembali Dean Russel. Peran Dean adalah untuk
through white board demonstrations and then practical field trials menjelaskan proses loading kepada para trainer di papan tulis dan
during employees’ lunch period. The trainers could immediately see the praktek uji coba lapangan sewaktu operator beristirahat makan siang.
benefits of tail loading and once the trainers were up to speed it was Para trainer segera dapat melihat keuntungan dari teknik tail loading
then time to introduce the new loading technique to the operators and ini dan setelah mereka mampu menjalankannya dengan baik, mereka
truck drivers. dapat memperkenalkan teknik baru ini kepada operator dan truck driver.

Within three to four hours the operators and drivers had the process Dalam tiga sampai empat jam, operator dan driver mampu menjalankan
running so well that the spot check productivity of the Hitachi 5500 proses ini dengan baik sehingga diketahui melalui spot check,
was at 2150bcm’s per hour. The loading technique has since been produktivitas Hitachi 5500 meningkat menjadi 2150 bcm per jam. Teknik
introduced to the Hitachi 3600 fleet and possibly to the Hitachi 2500’s loading ini mulai diperkenalkan juga untuk dilakukan pada Hitachi 3600
over a period of time. dan kemungkinan akan dilakukan juga pada Hitachi 2500.

Proses loading 45 derajat sedang dilakukan dalam pengawasan Dean Russel. Mining supervisor meeting diadakan di loading point untuk mengamati proses yang
sedang dilakukan.

Although, the new loading technique is the preferred method of loading Meskipun teknik loading baru ini lebih baik, teknik ini tidak selalu
it will not always be used due to the various mining conditions at dapat digunakan sehubungan dengan bervariasinya kondisi tambang
Sangatta. For the 45 degree loading process to work efficiently there Sangatta. Agar proses loading 45 derajat dapat berjalan dengan efisien,
must be : beberapa kondisi berikut harus terpenuhi :

1. A minimum bench length of 75 meters 1. Panjang bench minimal 75 meter

2. A bench that is to the design height of the trucks being loaded 2. Tinggi bench didesain setinggi truk yang diloading
3. The face of the bench must be straight 3. Permukaan bench harus lurus
4. All material at the toe of the bench must be cleaned up 4. Semua material di ujung bench harus diratakan (dorong samping)
5. Truck Drivers must self spot at the 45 degree position 5. Truck driver harus melakukan self spot di posisi 45 derajat
6. Excavator Operators must keep bench straight by key cutting on first bucket 6. Hal terpenting yang harus diperhatikan oleh Operator excavator pada
7. Dozer operators must have area cleaned before loading is to commence penggalian bucket pertama adalah memastikan bench tetap lurus
7. Operator dozer harus membersihkan area dari material sebelum loading
Good supervision also has to play a big part in the new loading dimulai
technique due to any of the above not being followed it will result in the
process being inefficient. Pengawasan yang baik juga penting dalam teknik ini mengingat bila
kondisi-kondisi di atas tidak diikuti, hasil dari proses ini menjadi tidak
The new loading technique has also put the pressure on the planning efisien.
engineers to develop the mine so that we may take advantage of
longer and wider benches which will allow the process to work with Loading teknik baru ini juga memberi tekanan kepada planning engineer
great efficiencies. dalam mengembangkan tambang dengan memanfaatkan bench
yang lebih panjang dan luas untuk membuat proses berjalan dengan
If any further information is required please contact Pak Muksin or Pak efektivitas tinggi.
Suheri, Training Department Sangatta.
Tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih jauh? Silakan hubungi Pak Muksin atau
Pak Suheri, Training Dept. Sangatta.

 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

News from Sangatta

Sangatta’s Porodisa Fishing Club

Satriady Sanjaya
Plant Clerk - Sangatta

On 7 December 2007, exactly at 13.00, Porodisa Fishing Club was established. The members include 55 crew from Sangatta
Porodisa Workshop with Andik Indarto (Plant Admin Spv) acting as club Chief and supervised by Chris Goodwin and Anwar Sari.

Pada tanggal 7 Desember 2007 tepatnya pukul 13.00 siang di bentuklah Porodisa Fishing Club (PFC) yang beranggotakan
55 orang crew workshop porodisa Sangatta dan diketuai oleh Andik Indarto (Plant Admin Spv) serta dibina langsung oleh Chris
Goodwin dan Anwar Sari.

The club provides an outlet for staff at Sangatta Porodisa Workshop Klub ini dibentuk untuk menyalurkan kesamaan hobby memancing para
who enjoy fishing. Fishing has many benefits such as reducing staff workshop porodisa Sangatta. Banyak keuntungan dari memancing,
stress and increasing the solidarity among staff, while increasing our antara lain dapat mengurangi stress dan mempererat solidaritas antar
awareness of the environment around Sangatta. karyawan sekaligus menumbuhkan rasa cinta terhadap wisata bahari
khususnya wilayah perairan Sangatta.

Dari kiri ke kanan: Said Alhalaby (Plant Inspector), Agus Salim (Warranty Ext. Pak Ismail Sampe (Plant Mech Porodisa) sedang mengangkat hasil pancingan
Repair), M. Ikbal (Support Planner), Belakang: Judhy Ariestanto (Snr Plant Mech pertamanya dengan perolehan Ikan Kerapu sunu berat total 3kg.
Melawan) Haisal (Welder LH).

Porodisa Fishing Club has contracted a boat for the club to use on its Untuk kenyamanan dan keamanan selama melakukan trip, sebuah kapal
fishing trips making it a bigger adventure for all. The club is divided dikontrak menggunakan dana klub. Club sendiri dibagi menjadi 4 crew
into 4 crews with each crew scheduled to complete a trip every month. dimana tiap crew dijadwalkan untuk melakukan satu kali trip tiap bulan-
Furthermore, PFC is looking towards getting more equipment for their
fishing trips including; cutting edge fishing technologies such as GPS Untuk kedepannya Klub ini dapat membeli kapal yang lebih baik lagi
and Fish Finder (a fish tracking system). dan sekaligus diperlengkapi dengan tekhnologi yang memadai seperti
GPS (Grand Positioning System) dan Fish Finder ( Alat pelacak ikan )
One of the club’s first fishing trips was held on the 30 December
2007. The trip was a big day fishing from 6.00am to 4.00pm and Pada tanggal 30 Desember 2007, club melaksanakan trip pertamanya,
included Anwar Sari (Supt. Plant Porodisa); Andik Indarto (Plant Admint sekaligus peresmian berdirinya club ini. Para peserta yaitu : Anwar Sari
Porodisa); Judhy Aristanto (Snr. Spv Mechanic Plant Melawan); Agus (Supt. Plant Porodisa); Andik Indarto (Plant Admint Porodisa); Judhy
Salim (Plant Planner Warranty); Said Alhalaby (Plant Inspector); Haisal Aristanto (Snr. Spv Mechanic Plant Melawan); Agus Salim (Plant Planner
(LH Welder Porodisa); Muhammad Ikbal ( Planner Support). Warranty); Said Alhalaby (Plant Inspector); Haisal (LH Welder Porodisa);
Muhammad Ikbal ( Planner Support) asyik bertualang memancing ikan
mulai pukul 6 pagi hingga 4 sore.

Satriaday Sanjaya (Plant Clerk) dengan ikan Kerapu Sunu seberat 2,5 kg dan Aliansyah (Mechanic) dengan tangkapan Kerapu Sunu, berat total kedua ikan
Ruslan (Plant Rigging Porodisa). tersebut 5.5 kg.

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 

News from Senakin

National Fire And Rescue Competition II

“Mayday.. mayday...My name is Budi... Location Geronggang. Two houses are set
ablaze. No casualties at the moment. Please send water truck and the Emergency
Response Team.”

“Bahaya... Bahaya... Saya Budi... Lokasi di Geronggang. Dua rumah terbakar.

Sementara tidak ada korban. Tolong segera kirim water truck dan Emergency
Response Team.”

Rahmadi Ernawan
Engineer - Senakin

Whoever, whenever, and wherever you are you must prepare yourself Siapapun, dimanapun dan kapanpun Anda berada, anda harus selalu siap
for emergency situation at your wokplace. At Senakin, there’s a team menghadapi keadaan darurat di tempat kerja. Di Senakin, ada tim yang
coordinated by Bapak Bangun Silaban named the Senakin Emergency dikenal dengan sebutan Senakin Emergency Response Team (Senakin
Response Team (Senakin ERT). When there’s an emergency situation, this ERT). Team yang dikoordinatori oleh Bangun Silaban ini adalah yang
team gets the first call through radio channel emergency. pertamakali dihubungi lewat radio channel Emergency bila terjadi keadaan
On 11 – 17 November 2007, Senakin ERT team got the chance to
compete in the National Fire and Rescue Competition II at Senipah Pada tanggal 11-17 November 2007 lalu, team Senakin ERT
Resort, Balikpapan. The Senakin team consisted of Lius, Akkoriadi, berkesempatan mengikuti National Fire and Rescue Competition II di
Bambang W, Bambang Irawan, Abdul Basit, Al Azhar Yusuf dan M Yasir Senipah Resort Balikpapan. Dari Senakin, anggota tim yang ikut berlomba
from TCI also Bambang and G. Surya from AI. adalah Lius, Akkoriadi, Bambang W., Bambang Irawan, Abdul Basit, Al
Azhar Yusuf dan M. Yasir dari TCI serta Bambang dan G. Surya dari AI.
The competition was followed by participants from mining or oil & gas
companies such as: Arutmin, KPC, Total, Vico, Freeport, Adaro, Newmont Peserta kompetisi berasal dari berbagai perusahaan mining maupun oil
and one team from Australia. & gas, antara lain: Thiess, Arutmin, KPC, Total, Vico, Freeport, Adaro,
Newmont, dan satu tim dari Australia.
The competition was divided into nine sections: Confined Space rescue,
Motor vehicle Accident, Fireman Skill’s Even, Ship Engine Room Fire, Pipe Kompetisi ini terbagi menjadi nine section yang diperlombakan yaitu;
Burst-cross Pit Fire, Rescue from Heigh, Underwater Rescue, Helicopter Confined Space Rescue, Motor Vehicle Accident, Fireman Skill’s Even,
Fire and Rescue and Fireman Fitness Drill. Ship Engine Room Fire, Pipe Brust-cross Pit Fire, Rescue from Height,
Underwater Rescue, Helicopter Fire and Rescue dan Fireman Fitness Drill.
The competition itself is about how to save victims and assets during
an emergency situation based on the scenario given. The judgement is Perlombaannya sendiri adalah tentang bagaimana cara menyelamatkan
based on timing, teamwork and good communication. Senakin ERT team korban dan asset dari berbagai skenario keadaan emergency dengan
receives a bronze on exercise Ship Engine Room Fire. Overall, Senakin aman. Penilaian didasarkan pada kecepatan waktu, kerjasama tim, dan
ERT team delivered an excellent performance. komunikasi yang baik. Team Senakin ERT mendapatkan perunggu pada
exercise Ship Engine Room Fire. Dari keseluruhan exercise, Senakin ERT
But the important this is the team gained more knowledge and got the berpenampilan baik.
chance to meet with fellow rescue teams who operate in Indonesia. We
are hoping that on the next competition the Senakin ERT team will take Tetapi yang terpenting dari pada itu adalah wawasan yang didapat dan
the gold medals home. kesempatan untuk bersilaturrahmi dengan rekan rescue dari perusahaan
lain di Indonesia. Semoga di kompetisi berikutnya Senakin ERT bisa lebih
Go Senakin Emergency Response team! berprestasi lagi.

Go Emergency Response Team!

Team berfoto sebentar sebelum memulai pertandingan Saat menunggu giliran untuk beraksi

10 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

News from Satui

Supporting Local High School Development

Saphan Irwan
Community Relations Officer - Satui

Over a year ago, after visits to several local High Schools, TCI Satui Sekitar setahun yang lalu, setelah melakukan kunjungan ke beberapa
selected SMU 1 Satui to help improve the resources available to SMU setempat, TCI Satui Memilih SMU 1 Satui selaku sekolah yang
students for co curricular activities, and in particular the sewing hendak dibantu pengembangan extrakurikulernya. Dalam hal ini yang
curricular. dipilih adalah extrakulikuler menjahit.

TCI’s investment in the co curricular program is pioneering for the Bantuan TCI terhadap kegiatan extrakulikuler ini merupakan yang
region. On Friday 1 February 2008, when James Mallan, Project pertamakali di wilayah tersebut. Bahkan, pada hari Jum’at, 1 February
Manager, visited SMU 1 Satui to celebrate the one year anniversary 2008, saat James Mallan Project Manager Satui mengunjungi SMU 1
of the program, the Headmaster invited local authorities, Camat, local Satui untuk merayakan 1 tahun berjalannya program ini, kepala sekolah
Police Chief, Koramil and School Committee along with companies khusus mengundang Pemda, Camat, Kapolda, Koramil dan komite
around the mine site to show them what TCI has been doing. The sekolah beserta sejumlah perusahaan di sekitar mine site. Tujuannya
purpose is simple – to get them do the same thing as TCI did. sederhana – agar mereka berbuat hal yang sama dengan TCI.

Furthermore, Satui recently donated additional resources to a new Selanjutnya, Satui memberikan sumbangan bagi kelanjutan program
sewing program that will run from January 2008 until December 2008. menjahit yang berlangsung mulai dari Januari 2008 hingga Desember
This involves hiring an experienced teacher to help students, supported 2008. Wujud sumbangan diantaranya mendatangkan guru jahit yang
by sewing materials and equipment. berpengalaman untuk membantu para siswa berikut peralatan dan
material untuk jahit – menjahit.

Para siswi sedang praktek belajar menjahit. Diharapkan keterampilan menjahit James Mallan (PM Satui) sedang memberikan pengarahan kepada semua siswa
dapat menjadi nilai tambah bagi mereka. SMU1 Satui tentang program Apprentice dan community di bidang Eskul.

After finishing this program, there will be at least 20 students that have Setelah menyelesaikan program ini, akan ada setidaknya 20 orang siswa
good sewing skills. It is hoped that when they graduate from school yang memiliki kemampuan menjahit yang memadai. Diharapkan saat
they will be able to use their skills to work in home industry or even mereka lulus SMU, mereka dapat menggunakan kemampuan mereka
make their own clothes. untuk bekerja, membuka usaha atau sekedar membuat baju sendiri.

Based on survey by Satui National Education Department only 10% Sekedar tambahan, berdasarkan survey oleh diknas Satui, hanya 10%
of High School Graduates at Satui continue to university, the rest go lulusan SMU di Satui yang melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi.
straight to work. Considering this, additional skills must be obtained Sisanya langsung bekerja. Menilik data diatas, kemampuan tambahan
during High School which prepare students for employment. In addition wajib diberikan pada masa SMU. Tidak hanya jahit menjahit, SMU 1
to sewing Satui, SMU 1 has co curricular such as basketball; wall Satui juga memiliki extraulikuler lain seperti Bola basket; panjat tebing;
climbing; scouts; music; computers, and automotive skills. pramuka; musik; komputer dan otomotif.

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 11

News from Balikpapan

Children’s Football League

Project Support Engineer - Balikpapan

Everybody loves football. In every city or village across Indonesia we Hampir semua orang menyukai Sepakbola. Hampir disetiap sudut
can see the sport being played by everyone; young, old, even kids. kota maupun pedesaan dapat kita temui olah raga tersebut dimainkan
To help find talents in the sport, East Balikpapan LPM Forum with its oleh berbagai kalangan tua maupun muda. Guna mencari bibit lokal
chairman H.Makmur, held an under-13 children’s football league. berbakat dalam olahraga ini, Forum LPM Balikpapan Timur yang
diketuai oleh H. Makmur menyelenggarakan Liga Bocah untuk usia di
bawah 13 tahun.

TCI memberikan piagam penghargaan kepada peserta liga. Berfoto sejenak bersama klub pemenang liga.

This event is also part of Balikpapan’s celebrations for Hari Sumpah Kegiatan ini sekaligus merupakan rangkaian dari kegiatan memperingati
Pemuda (National Youth Pledge Day) every year. TCI supported this hari Sumpah Pemuda dengan memperebutkan Piala Bergilir Wakil
event by helping with administration and the rundown, starting from Walikota Balikpapan. TCI memberikan support dari sisi administrasi dan
preparation of the event; grand final and giving away awards to the pelaksanaan mulai dari persiapan, grand final, dan penyerahan hadiah
winners. kepada para pemenang.

18 teams from Balikpapan participated in this first ever children’s 18 team yang ada di Balikpapan meramaikan Liga Bocah yang baru
league. The first match started at 28 October 2007 and was opened by pertama kali diselenggarakan ini. Pertandingan perdana dimulai pada
Rizal Effendi, Mayor of Balikpapan. tanggal 28 Oktober 2007 dan dibuka langsung oleh Bapak Wali Kota
Balikpapan, Bapak Rizal Effendi.
Beach Star FC from Manggar Baru met Mercuri FC from Manggar in
the final which was held on 22 November 2007. After a tight game, Beach Star FC wakil dari Manggar Baru dan Mercuri FC wakil dari
Beach Star FC became the champion of Children League by beating Manggar akhirnya bertemu di babak final yang dilaksanakan pada
the Mercuri FC 1 to 0. They received the Mayor of Balikpapan Trophy tanggal 22 November 2007. Melalui pertandingan yang ketat akhirnya
along with educational money. Beach Star FC. Berhasil memenangkan pertandingan dengan skor
1 : 0 sekaligus keluar menjadi juara dan berhak atas piala bergilir Wakil
Walikota Balikpapan beserta uang pembinaan.

12 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

News from Jakarta

Getting into the Spirit of Christmas

Joni Agusman Saragih

Payroll Officer - Jakarta

On December 15 2007, at Graha Pondok Pinang Jakarta Selatan, TCI Pada tanggal 15 Desember 2007, bertempat di gedung Graha Pondok
Jakarta staff held a Christmas Celebration for the Christians at TCI Pinang Jakarta Selatan para staff TCI Jakarta mengadakan perayaan
Jakarta office. This is part of our annual festivities. Natal bersama. Kegiatan ini rutin diselenggarakan tiap tahun oleh
karyawan TCI khususnya umat Kristiani.
This year the theme was taken from the scripture of Yakobus 1:22,
“But be sure you live out the message and do not merely listen to it and Untuk acara tahun ini panitia mengambil tema, Yakobus 1:22
so deceive yourselves.” This passage is a reminder to all Christians “Hendaklah kamu menjadi pelaku firman dan bukan hanya pendengar
to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ not just in mind, but in practice saja, sebab jika demikian kamu menipu diri sendiri.” Dengan
also. diangkatnya tema ini, diharapkan umat Kristiani akan lebih giat dalam
melayani Yesus Kristus dengan menjalankan ajaran-Nya.

Bosar Siahaan (Manager Operation Telecomm Project) memberikan sambutan atas Serah terima sumbangan yang dikumpulkan berupa baju bekas dan susu bayi.
nama management TCI.

Furthermore, as a way of practicing this teaching, and showing we care Dan sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap saudara – saudari kita yang
about people not as fortunate as ourselves, the committee choose kurang beruntung, panitia mengunjungi Panti Asuhan yayasan Fiorenti
Yayasan Fiorentini Orphans at Bekasi. On this occasion, the committee Jatimurni, Bekasi. Pada kesempatan itu panitia sekaligus mengundang
invited children from the orphanage to join our Christmas celebrations. adik – adik dari yayasan Fiorentini untuk menghadiri perayaan Natal
With the holy spirit of Christmas and giving with us all, everybody
paid attention to the Christmas speech given by Ibu Mira Hadi, who Perayaan Natal ini sendiri berlangsung hikmad. Umat yang hadir tekun
delivered the key sermon. This was followed by an entertaining menyimak pesan – pesan Natal yang disampaikan oleh Ibu Mira Hadi.
performance of Christmas carols by St. Carolus Choir. Selanjutnya Paduan suara dari St Carolus Choir dan artis – artis cilik
yang tampil mampu menghibur para undangan.
At the end, we as the committee, hope that all TCI staff had a very
Merry Christmas and wish you all a Happy New Year 2008. Akhir kata, Bersama ini kami selaku panitia ingin mengucapkan Selamat
Natal dan tahun baru 2008 khususnya kepada seluruh karyawan TCI.

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 13

News from Inco

Free Health Services at Koropansu

Husmawan Pasien mengantri di luar gedung pertemuan Desa Koropansu

Site Administrator - Soroako Kabupaten Luwu Timur tempat diadakannya bakti sosial

From the 14 – 15 December 2007, TCI worked along with local health Pada Tanggal 14 – 15 Desember 2007, TCI bekerjasama dengan
authorities to provide free health services. tenaga kesehatan setempat, memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gratis.

The two day activity was held at Koropansu, Parumpanai village on Kegiatan yang berlangsung selama dua hari ini dilaksanakan di Dusun
Wasuponda district, east Luwu. Around 300 people live in this secluded Koropansu, Desa Parumpanai, Kec. Wasuponda, Kab. Luwu Timur.
village located far away from the city. Dusun ini dihuni sekitar 300 penduduk dan terletak di wilayah yang sulit
dijangkau dan jauh dari perkotaan.
On the first day there was a socialitation about sanitation followed by
education about health with free medication on the second day. The Pada hari pertama dilakukan sosialisasi sanitasi lingkungan dilanjutkan
free medication covered a general check up; general medical treatment penyuluhan mengenai gizi dan pengobatan gratis pada hari kedua.
and teeth care. The health education also gave away reading materials Adapun pengobatannya meliputi: general check up; general medical
on maintaining one’s health. treatment dan pengobatan gigi. Juga diberikan penyuluhan dan pem-
bagian brosur mengenai kesehatan.
The event received full support from local government. Even Drs. H.
Adi Hatta M, MP Chief of District Luwu Timur who paid a visit on the Kegiatan ini mendapat dukungan dari pemerintah setempat. Bahkan
second day. Bupati Luwu Timur, Drs. H. Adi Hatta M, MP hadir meninjau pada hari
TCI would like to thank the organisations we worked with tho deliver
these services, who were PT. INCO, Empathy (a local LSM charity TCI juga ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada pihak – pihak yang
organisation), Wasuponda’s Health Institute and the local hospital. turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini : PT. INCO, LSM Empaty, Puskes-
mas Wasuponda dan rumah sakit setempat.

Warga mengambil obat gratis. Acara bakti sosial sepenuhnya mendukung Tanya jawab antara Bapak Bupati (Drs.H.Andi Hatta M,MP) dengan masyarakat
terciptanya kesehatan masyarakat. dan tokoh masyarakat sehubungan dengan pembangunan wilayah mereka.

14 | Issue # 4 | March 2008


TCI Receives Top Honours

SAI Global Awards

On the 14 Dec 07 TCI received top honours from the Indonesian arm Pada tanggal 14 December 2007, TCI menerima penghargaan dari ISO
of ISO Quality Standards, SAI Global. The first award received was for Quality Standard SAI Global cabang Indonesia. Penghargaan pertama
more than 10 years implementing Quality Management System (QMS) adalah untuk keberhasilan mencapai 10 years implementing Quality
ISO9001:2000 and the second for the best Environmental Management Management System (QMS) ISO9001:2000 dan yang kedua untuk
System (EMS) ISO14001:2004 implementation, maintenance and the best Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO14001:2004
improvement implementation, maintenance and improvement.

George Edward, Managing Director of SAI Global and Joko Prayitno George Edward, Managing Director dari SAI Global dan Joko Prayitno
- Certification Manager of SAI Global Indonesia presented the awards – Certification Manager dari SAI Global Indonesia memberikan
to TCI’s Bayu Rusman (Quality Systems Manager). penghargaan kepada Bayu Rusman (Quality Systems Manager) selaku
perwakilan dari TCI.

Indonesian Investment Award 2007

On the 18 Dec 2007 TCI’s Assistant Director Supriyanto was presented Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2007, bertempat di State palace, Assistant
an appreciation certificate by President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Director TCI, Supriyanto menerima sertifikat penghargaan dari Presiden
Yudhoyono for being a nominee in the 2007 Indonesian Investment Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono atas dinominasikannya TCI pada 2007
Awards 2007 which held its official greeting in the State Palace. Indonesian Investment Awards 2007.

Supriyanto (Asistant Director) selaku perwakilan TCI sedang bersalaman dengan Presiden Republik Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Dalam acara ini sekaligus ditandai
dengan pemberian sertifikat penghargaan Indonesia Investment Award 2007.

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 15

TCI Highlight

TCI Staff Service Awards

Our Staff Service Awards Program celebrates and recognizes the Program Staff Service Award bertujuan untuk memberikan penghargaan
contributions and commitment staff have made to the company. atas kontribusi dan komitmen yang telah diberikan staff terhadap
Service awards are presented to staff in recognition of length of perusahaan. Service awards diberikan berdasarkan lama bekerja dalam
service, with the first service award for 5 years. Thereafter, service jangka waktu tiap 5 tahun berdasarkan tahun pertama bergabung.
awards are presented in five-year intervals as eligible service accrues.
Pada hari Jum’at tanggal 14 Desember 2007 yang lalu, bertempat di
In Jakarta, our new President Director Roy Olsen presented the awards Borobudur Training Room Jakarta head office, Presiden Direktur yang
at the annual Staff Recognition Program Reception on Friday 14 baru Roy Olsen menyerahkan awards bertepatan dengan annual staff
December 2007, in the Borobudur Training Room. In total there were Recognition Program Reception. Seluruhnya ada 718 orang penerima
over 718 recipients recognised across the business: awards. Rincian sebagai berikut :

5 years of service – 615 persons 5 years of service – 615 orang

10 years of service – 86 persons 10 years of service – 86 orang
15 years of service – 17 persons (data as per 2008) 15 years of service – 17 orang (data as per 2008)

Given that TCI celebrates its 20th year of operation in 2008 this was Jumlah penerima 15 years award pada tahun 2008 ini adalah yang
the largest number of recipients ever for the 15 year service award terbanyak. Bukan kebetulan pada tahun ini juga TCI merayakan 20
group. At our next awards ceremony in 8 December we will have our tahun beroperasi di Indonesia. Dan pada tanggal 8 Desember nanti
first 20 year recipients which will be a big achievement. untuk pertamakalinya akan ada penyerahan 20 years award.

Inco Service Award

On 14 February 2007, 5 Year Awards were given at INCO, Soroako Pada tanggal 14 Februari 2007, dilakukan penyerahan Five years award
Followed by 10 Year Award. with TCI di INCO, Soroako disusul pemberian 10 Years Award with TCI .

Dari kiri ke kanan : Alimin Machfud (Mech L/H), Sadra Sadema (Earthwork Supv) Dari kiri ke kanan : Bustang (Security Coordinator), Husmawan (site Admin) dan
dan H Pardede ( Safety Supv) Sudjianto ( Mechanic L/H).

16 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

TCI Highlight

Long Serving TCI Staff

Sam Rumende
Executive Director

TCI always considers staff an important asset and the Company really Thiess selalu menganggap karyawan sebagai aset penting
pays attention to the rights of our staff. Key factors such as health and perusahaan, karena itu perusahaan sangat memperhatikan hak – hak
safety, YKK, training are good examples of how the company cares para karyawan. Faktor – faktor seperti kesehatan dan keselamatan
about our staff. As we can see now, many nationals have been trusted kerja, safety, YKK, training dll adalah contoh kepedulian perusahaan
in key positions. terhadap masa depan karyawan. Hasilnya dapat dilihat dari mulai
banyaknya staff nasional yang dipercaya menduduki jabatan penting.

It is my belief, a testament to the fact TCI does treat staff well is seen in Fakta ini makin menguatkan banyaknya jumlah karyawan yang telah
the number of long serving employees we have with in our Company. mengabdi lama di perusahaan ini. Kerja keras dan pengalaman
Their service and experience is important to the ongoing development mereka amat penting bagi perkembangan dan masa depan TCI, hal
and future of TCI, which is why we recognise and reward such yang membuat kita memberikan penghargaan terhadap komitmen
commitment. mereka.

This mutual relationship is what actually makes TCI stronger and I Hubungan saling menguntungkan inilah yang pada akhirnya akan
believe that this can actually happen. I personally have been working menjadikan Thiess lebih kuat lagi. Dan saya yakin ini akan terjadi.
with Thiess for 33 years and believe it or not, I still have the same spirit Saya sendiri sudah bekerja selama 33 tahun di Thiess dan saya
as the first time I step my foot in this company. masih merasakan semangat yang sama seperti saat saya pertamakali
menginjakkan kaki di perusahaan ini.
But it is not only my experience, on the following pages you will find
a number of long servicing TCI employee profiles. They come from a Semua ini bukan merupakan pengalaman saya saja, pada halaman
variety of roles and across our operations. The RealiThiess team asked berikut anda akan menemui beberapa karyawan yang sudah lama
them to share some of their experiences and thoughts about working bekerja untuk TCI. Latar belakang pekerjaan mereka berbeda – beda
at TCI over time and how things have changed. demikian pula project tempat mereka berasal. realiTHIESS meminta
mereka untuk berbagi cerita dan pengalaman selama mereka bekerja
You can see some of them started their careers from scratch with TCI di TCI.
but are now in positions of leadership and responsibility, something
they can be proud of. I think this is a clear display that hard work Anda akan lihat bahwa beberapa dari mereka memulai karir di TCI
and commitment are fundamental to TCI’s culture and the company dari bawah, dan saat ini mereka boleh berbangga bahwa mereka
rewards you for your efforts. menduduki posisi penting yang menuntut tanggung jawab yang
tinggi. Saya melihat ini sebagai contoh nyata bahwa kerja keras
Finally, I give you 5 points that will help you to achieve success in your dan komitmen sudah menjadi budaya di TCI dan perusahaan akan
career when staying with the same company: membalas kerja keras anda dengan setimpal.

1. Self confidence is the way to success Akhir kata, saya sampaikan 5 poin berikut ini :
2. Success belongs comes to those who are dilligent
3. Success comes from a strong desire 1. Percaya diri adalah cara untuk meraih sukses
4. When there’s a will there’s a way 2. Keberhasilan itu milik orang yang tekun
5. Work harder if you wish to be somebody 3. Kesuksesan berasal dari kemauan yang kuat
4. Di mana ada kemauan niscaya ada jalan
5. Bekerjalah lebih keras lagi jika anda ingin maju

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 17

TCI Highlight

Markus Tampang Birth Date: 2 Juni 1963

Supervisor Service - Satui Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan

I was a mechanic when I first joined TCI on 15 May 1992, when I was 29 years old.

During my first years with TCI, rules were not very strict. As time goes by, rules get better. More efficient and
based on international standards. In the old days, we really had to think about how we can finish our job using
whatever tools that we had, without forgetting about safety. But now we have enough equipment. Even back
then, when rules were not very strict, we always tried to do our job safety. Safety for me, the staff, safety for our
equipment, and safety to environment.

If someone asked me about my highlight moment during my time with TCI there would be so many answers.
Sad moments are when I’m facing problems at work that seems to have no solutions. And one thing for sure,
sad moment is when I feel homesick. I think this is a problem that every staff on site has to deal with. Happy
moment is when my boss really listens to your problems and helps to find the solutions. Overall, happiness fills me when I think about my hard
work and what it has brought to my life and to where I am today, even though I started it only as level 3 Mechanic. I hope that TCI continues its
operations in Indonesia since TCI has already become a big part of Indonesian’s industry. My other wish is that I hope when I finally retire my sons
or grandsons will continue to work at TCI.

Saya menjabat sebagai mekanik saat pertama kali bergabung dengan TCI. Tepatnya tanggal 15 Mei 1992 saat saya berusia 29 tahun.

Tahun – tahun awal saya di TCI saya merasakan peraturan masih teramat longgar. Seiring waktu, peraturan menjadi semakin baik dan berstandar
international. Dulu kami sempat merasakan bekerja dengan peralatan seadanya tidak seperti sekarang. tapi saya ingat betul, selonggar apapun
peraturan, kami tidak pernah melupakan safety dan selalu berhasil menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan aman. Aman bagi kami para pekerja, peralatan
terutama bagi orang sekitar.

Kalau saya ditanya suka dan duka selama bekerja di TCI jawabannya sudah tentu banyak sekali! Duka adalah saat saya dihadapkan pada masalah
yang sulit sekali dicari pemecahannya. Apalagi saat mendadak kangen pada keluarga. Sukanya mungkin saat masalah kita betul – betul didengar
oleh atasan dan dibantu dicarikan jalan keluarnya. Terutama sekali rasa senang itu datang saat saya menyadari saya sudah mencapai posisi saat ini
dengan hanya dimulai sebagai mechanic. Sebagai penutup, saya berharap semoga TCI terus eksis di Indonesia karena TCI sudah menjadi bagian
dari industri di Indonesia dan sudah banyak memberikan sumbangsih bagi negara ini. Harapan saya lainnya, semoga jika saya pensiun akan ada
anak – cucu saya yang melanjutkan bekerja di TCI.

Achmad Yusuf Birth Date: 21 Agustus 1978

Plant Senior Supervisor - Sangatta Balikpapan, Kalimantan

My first time with TCI is when I joined the apprentice program. I was an enthusiastic, 19 year old, fresh graduate.

I have witnessed TCI grow into one of the pioneering mining and construction companies in Indonesia. The
amount of staff continues to grow and through time we have kept our staffs safety and welfare our main priority.

To tell the truth, I was kind of nervous when I first encountered real work experience after I graduated from the
apprentice program. I felt, starting from that moment, I would have to be responsible for my work. My next good
memory was when I joined the secondment program in Australia. I got the chance to visit a mine in Western
Australia and Mt Owen Mine in New South Wales. I experienced many things during my visit there. If possible, I
wish to continue my career at TCI. With hardwork, InsyaAllah, I’ll reach my goal. Go TCI!

Saya pertama kali bergabung dengan TCI melalui apprentice program. Saya baru berusia 19 tahun dan saat itu
baru saja lulus STM.

Saya menyaksikan TCI semakin berkembang sehingga menjadi salah satu pinoir dalam bidang kontraktor pertambangan dan konstruksi di
Indonesia. Jumlah karyawan sudah tentu semakin bertambah tapi tetap menomorsatukan safety.
Dulu, saya sempat merasa gugup saat pertama kali lulus program apprentice dan mulai dihadapkan pada situasi kerja yang sesungguhnya. Saya
merasa saat itu saya sudah harus mulai mempertanggungjawabkan pekerjaan saya. Saya juga sempat merasakan pengalaman berkesan saat
mengikuti program secondment di Australia sebanyak 2 kali, pertama ke Mt. Owen Mine di western Australia dan Mt Owen Mine di NSW. Banyak
sekali pengalaman berharga saya dapatkan selama berada disana. Jika mungkin, Saya berkeinginan terus mengembangkan karir di TCI, Dengan
bekerja keras dan berdoa, InsyaAllah saya yakin cita – cita saya akan terwujud. Maju terus TCI!

Daniel Pakombong Birth Date: 20 Oktober 1970

Fabrication Supervisor - INCO Toraja, Sulawesi

F/M Fabrication was my first role in TCI and I was 27 years old and it was 1997. The situation at that time was
very hectic were PT Inco was our main contractor and PT Fluor Daniel was the consultant

During my working with TCI nothing impressed me more than TCI’s ability to always maintain the free accident
conditions in the work place. I think this is because TCI has the best and highest safety standard, which
encourages me to keep working with TCI as long as I am needed.

In closing, I hope TCI reclaims its path to success and continues to make positive changes in its staff and
families’ life. No incidents, no excuses!

F/M Fabrication adalah jabatan saya pertama kali di TCI. Umur saya saat itu 27 tahun dan saat itu tahun 1997. Situasi saat itu bisa dibilang ramai,
PT INCO adalah main contractor-nya sedangkan PT Fluor Daniel sebagai konsultan.

Selama bekerja di TCI, tak ada lagi yang lebih berkesan bagi saya selain kemampuan TCI untuk selalu mempertahankan kondisi bebas kecelakaan
di tempat kerja. Hal ini saya rasa karena TCI memiliki standar safety yang paling tinggi dan terbaik. Hal ini meyakinkan saya untuk terus bekerja
bersama TCI selama masih dibutuhkan.

Kata penutup, semoga TCI selalu sukses dan terus memberikan perubahan – perubahan yang bermanfaat bagi segenap karyawan dan keluarganya.

18 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

TCI Highlight
Lili Sandabelo Birth Date: 14 Januari 1970
Senior Cashier Admin - Balikpapan Rante Pao, Sulawesi Selatan

1992 was my first year with TCI. I was 22 years old and my first job was Admin Logistic.

Our office in Balikpapan was very small and there were only 50 of us. That number even included the staff at the
workshop. Now, there are at least 300 of us. Back then our office was still a rented building. Now TCI has its
own landmark office building. And the best part is, now we have apprentice program which I think is a very good

To me personally the most highlighted moment is when JDE system finally launched. It really helps me in my day
to day work. I offer my best wishes to all of TCI. And I hope that TCI continues to bring good welfare to its staff.

Tahun 1992 adalah saat saya pertama bergabung dengan TCI. Usia saya saat itu 22 tahun dan pekerjaan pertama saya adalah sebagai Admin

Situasi saat dulu berbeda sekali dengan sekarang. Dulu kantor kami masih kecil, sekarang? besar dan luas. Jumlah kami, para karyawan hanya 50
orang, itupun sudah termasuk karyawan workshop. Saat ini lebih dari 300 orang. Kantor kami dulu pun masih menyewa, kalau sekarang TCI sudah
punya lahan dan kantor sendiri. Yang lebih bagus lagi sekarang TCI punya program apprentice.

Dan puncaknya saat TCI mulai memperkenalkan sistem JDE. Bagi saya JDE sangat membantu meperlancar pekerjaan. Harapan saya semoga TCI
tetap Jaya dan memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawan lebih baik lagi.

Husmawan Birth Date: 23 Oktober 1974

Site Administrator - INCO Makassar, Sulawesi

My first position at TCI was a clerk. I was 22 years old and not married.

When I first joined it was the rising era of TCI at Sorowako and I can tell you how proud I was to go to work
wearing a hard hat and uniform with the Thiess logo on it. I felt like I was part of an elite force ready to conquer
the battle field which was my work site and camp. Nothing was more memorable than the family feeling we
had amongst us, between me and my coworkers. Together, in a one man haul we would travel together to and
from work full of jokes and laughter, almost forgetting how tired we were and the heavy rain we had to travel
through. It always great to be given the chance to experience working with a team, along side people from
different cultures. I will never forget when TCI sent me to undertake training to help me advance my skills, even
though I had only be employed for three years.

Honestly, I really enjoy working for TCI. If it wasn’t for TCI I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I really hope
there are more projects for TCI, therefore, more work opportunities for all of us. Advice for all of the team is to continue working successfully and
ensure we continue our LTI free legacy.

Jabatan saya yang pertama di TCI adalah sebagai Clerck. Usia saya saat itu masih 22 tahun dan masih belum berkeluarga.

Saat saya pertama kali bergabung, adalah saat awal kebangkitan dan kejayaan TCI di Soroako. Mengenakan helm dan baju seragam berlogo TCI,
rasanya gagah berani sekali pergi berangkat bekerja. Saya merasa bagaikan tentara yang pergi bertugas dengan membawa senjata, siap menguasai
dan menaklukan medan perang, yaitu tempat kerja dan camp saya. Tak ada yang lebih berkesan selain perasaan kekeluargaan diantara saya dan
rekan – rekan kerja. Bergabung bersama dalam satu manhaul, merasakan perjalanan yang penuh canda – tawa saat pulang pergi bersama – sama
ke tempat kerja, sehingga lupa akan panas ataupun hujan. Merasakan bekerja dalam satu team dengan berbagai orang yang memiliki karakter
berbeda – beda. Satu lagi kenangan saya adalah saat saya diikutkan pelatihan untuk mendukung posisi dan pekerjaan saya, padahal saat itu saya
baru 3 tahun bekerja untuk TCI.

Terus terang saya menikmati bekerja untuk TCI. Mungkin saya tidak akan menjadi seperti saat ini jika tidak bergabung di TCI. Semoga akan banyak
project baru diperoleh TCI dan sekaligus memberikan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat diman project itu berada. Sukses selalu dan pertahankan
tradisi jauh dari kecelakaan kerja.

Subadi Birth Date: 16 Juli 1959

Mechanical Supervisor - Senakin Tulungagung, Jawa Timur

I started at TCI as a level 1 Mechanic at the Sangatta project in 1989 and I was 30 years old. The conditions
on site at that time were very different, especially the technology. Now, at site we are very cutting edge with
equipment and systems everywhere. Today also, the facilities are incredible and there is ample equipment and
tools to get the job done.

I have one exceptional memory I recall regularly, in 1995, I worked at Project Kalosi, South Sulewesi, and the
site was in a very tough location. Transportation to get in and around site was difficult and the funny thing was
despite having the latest, state-of-the-art excavator and equipment we had to use horses as fuel carts to refill
our plant. Now its only 7 years before I retire and all I can do is keep on working and give my best to TCI. I
really hope TCI goes further and continues to bring prosperity to its staff.

Saya memulai karir di TCI sebagai Mechanic 1 di project Sangatta pada tahun 1989 saat berumur 30 tahun.Yang jelas pada saat itu kondisinya jauh
sekali berbeda dengan sekarang. saya melihat sekarang segala sesuatunya terutama tekhnologi sudah sangat maju. Sistem sudah sangat up to date
dan fasilitas – fasilitas serta peralatan yang tersedia sudah sangat memadai.

Saya punya pengalaman menarik. Tahun 1995 saya bekerja di Project Kalosi di Sulawesi Selatan. Saat itu medan di lapangan sanagt sukar
terutama bila hendak menggunakan transportasi. Yang lucunya untuk membawa bahan bakar guna menjalankan peralatan berat dan canggih yang
kami miliki kami malah harus menggunakan tenaga kuda. Sekarang sudah tinggal 7 tahun lagi sebelum saya mencapai masa pensiun, yang masih
dapat saya lakukan hanyalah terus bekerja dan memberikan sumbangsih saya bagi TCI. Dan saya berharap TCI agar lebih maju lagi dan dapat terus
mensejahterakan karyawannya.

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 19

TCI Highlight
Bangun Silaban Birth Date: 20 Desember 1964
Safety Superintendent - Senakin Medan, Sumatera Utara

My first step into the TCI work place was the 20 July 1990. I was a safety officer and 25 years old. At that time
the systems and procedures were not as good as today and much simpler. Today, everything is well setup.
When it comes to systems I think TCI is the best in the game for large contractors.

During my time at TCI I have worked on 13 different projects, each with a very different scope, from mining to
civil to process. Automatically, these opportunities have brought me different challenges and experiences. And
what is great about this, during my long service I have never experienced an injury or accident in the work place.
I hope this will continue. Right now I am coming close to retirement and right now I have only one desire, to
end my career and retire with TCI. Also, since I am a safety officer I want to encourage all TCI staff to remember

Tanggal 20 Juli 1990 saya menginjakkan kaki pertama kali di TCI. Saya masuk sebagai Safety Officer. Usia saya saat itu 25 tahun. Belum ada sistem
yang teraplikasi dengan baik saat itu. Berbeda sekali dengan saat ini. Semua sudah set up dan teraplikasi dengan baik. Dalam hal ini menurut saya
TCI adalah yang terbaik di level kontraktor besar di Indonesia.

Selama perjalanan karir saya dengan TCI, saya sudah terlibat bekerja di 13 project yang berbeda dengan bidang disiplin ilmu yang berbeda pula
: mining, process, civil construction dll. Project yang berbeda – beda otomatis juga menghadirkan tantangan dan memberikan pengalaman yang
berbeda – beda pula. Dan hebatnya lagi saya belum pernah sekalipun mengalami injuries atau accident di tempat kerja. Semoga ini dapat terus
berlanjut. Saat ini saya sudah mendekati usia pensiun. Harapan saya saat ini hanya satu : ingin mengakhiri karir saya dan pensiun di TCI. Sekaligus
juga karena saya adalah safety officer, saya ingin mengajak segenap karyawan TCI untuk selalu mengingat safety.

Totok Dewanta Birth Date: 6 Mei 1962

Network Admin Supv - Jakarta Jogjakarta

I started working with TCI in 1991 as an IT Support. I was 29 years old.

Our office used to be very small and there was not so many of us in Jakarta. But the good thing about it was we
really felt that we’re a family. Everyone knew each other well and at that time we often hang out together. Now,
there are so many TCI staff around and we kind of loose that “family” feeling. Everybody hardly knows each
other. I really missed that. That is what I missed the most. That was my highlighted times. I hope that TCI
growth, has a bright future, more bonuses, really pays attention to its staff whether it’s about health, safety or

Saya mulai bekerja di TCI pada tahun 1991 sebagai IT Support. Usia saya saat itu 29 tahun.

Dulu kantor tempat kami bekerja masih kecil, jumlah karyawan juga masih sedikit. Tapi ada sisi baiknya, suasana kekeluargaan masih sangat
terasa. Setiap orang akrab dan saling mengenal. Kami kerap jalan bareng beramai – ramai. Sekarang? Jumlah karyawan sudah banyak sekali.
Jarang ngumpul – ngumpul bareng, jadi banyak karyawan yang seperti saling tidak mengenal satu sama lainnya. Terus terang saya kehilangan
rasa keakraban dan kebersamaan antar karyawan seperti dulu. Itu saat – saat yang paling berkesan bagi saya. Harapan saya semoga TCI makin
maju, bermasa depan cerah, semakin sering ada bonus, semakin memperhatikan karyawannya, baik dari segi materi, kesehatan, keselamatan dan

Enosben Sitanggang Birth Date: 5 November 1963

Electric Supervisor Plant - Satui Pematang Siantar, Sumatera Utara

I first joined TCI in 1992 when I was still 22 years old. I joined as an electrician.

My first project was Senakin, the Pit at Mount Ulin to be exact. I remember it was quite a hard time. Initially we
had to stay at a used camp that belonged to Arutmin contractors. The camp used only strings for its walls. The
food wasn’t very good and neither was the transportation and accommodation. For mining production we used
dozers and reapers, not the blasting method like today. But the most important thing, whatever the condition
was, we still managed to reach our target of 60,000 tonnes of coals per month. As for now, I see very significant
changes, especially with safety, TCI is the best at safety. Today, income is also much better.

I’ve experienced a terrifying moment once. When I work at Sumbawa project, me and my fellow co-workers
were on a way to Benette from Elong – Elong, East Lombok. We accidentally trapped in the middle of a
demonstration. The local citizens were demonstrating against Newmont. The situation was kind of scary at that
time, especially when Brimob came and had to use rubber bullets to prevent the demonstration escalated into riot. It was one of the highlighted
moments of my life actually.

I hope Thiess continue its contribute to the development of Indonesia. With its International standards I believe Thiess will be able to answer this

Saya pertama kali bergabung dengan TCI pada tahun 1992 ketika masih berusia 22 tahun. Pekerjaan pertama saya adalah sebagai electrician.

Project pertama saya adalah Senakin. Tepatnya lokasi pertambangan di gunung Ulin. Kondisi saat itu cukup memprihatinkan. Kami harus tinggal
di camp bekas kantor Arutmin. Dindingnya pun berupa kawat. Makanan seadanya, begitupun transportasi dan akomodasi. Bahkan untuk proses
penambangan pun kami masih menggunakan dozer dan reaper, belum menggunakan blasting seperti sekarang. Tapi bagaimanapun kondisinya
kami tetap berhasil mencapai target 60.000 ton batu bara per bulan. Untuk saat ini saya melihat perbedaan yang signifikan terutama di bidang
safety, dimana kita adalah yang terbaik. Untuk income, saya juga melihat saat ini jauh lebih baik daripada dulu.

Saya ingat saya pernah mengalami kejadian yang cukup menegangkan. Saat bekerja di project Sumbawa, saya dan rekan- rekan sedang
berada dalam perjalanan dari Lombok Timur Elong – elong menuju Benette. Tiba – tiba kami terjebak di tengah kerumunan penduduk yang
sedang berdemo ke Newmont. Suasana saat itu cukup mencekam, apalagi saat pasukan Brimob datang dan menembakkan peluru karet untuk
membubarkan massa.

Saya berharap TCI bisa menjadi perusahan yang berguna. Khususnya bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Saya yakin TCI mampu menjawab tantangan ini.

20 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

TCI Highlight
Syamsul Bahri Birth Date: 21 Februari 1966
Senior Mining Supervisor - Sangatta Sungai Liput Aceh Timur, Sumatera Utara

I first joined TCI on 11 June 1992 as a Dozer Operator at coal terminal project at Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. I
was 28 years old.

During my work time I witnessed major changed and one thing for sure TCI was still called Thiess and we still
used the Australian map logo. Another major difference the is good about today is the strong organizational
structure we have now, good, accountable management and not to mention the modern equipment and
excellent safety record.

I have a lot of memories from my time working with TCI, but what I remember the most is my experience during
the years from 1993 or 1995. At the site, the transportation wasn’t as good as it is today so when it’s time for me
and my co-workers to go to project site, we got picked up by Mercedes Menol with a canvas rooftop and open
sides. So when it rained, we all would get wet and dirty. We used to joke about it “Hey look at us all wet and
dirty, and we haven’t even get to work yet!” Finally, I wish all the best luck for TCI. Let all new projects come in and give us all new challenges.
Much of my knowledge, experience and training I have obtained while working at TCI. So I feel that it’s my responsibility to repay it. Once again,
all the best wishes for TCI.

Saya bergabung dengan TCI pada tanggal 11 Juni 1992 sebagai Operator Dozer di Project coal terminal di Kotabaru Kalimantan Selatan. Usia saya
saat itu sekitar 28 tahun.

Selama masa kerja saya, banyak sekali perbedaan dan perubahan – perubahan yang terjadi. Saat saya baru bergabung TCI masih bernama Thiess
saja dan logo yang kita gunakan masih berupa tulisan THIESS diatas gambar benua Australia dan dibandingkan dulu, TCI saat ini sudah memiliki
susunan organisasi yang baik, management yang teratur, belum, lagi didukung peralatan – peralatan yang modern serta tingkat safety yang sangat

Kalau kenangan selama bekerja di TCI, sudah tentu banyak sekali. Tapi yang paling saya ingat adalah sekitar tahun 1993 – 1995. Saat itu sarana
transportasi belum sebaik sekarang, jadi setiap saya dan rekan – rekan hendak menuju lokasi project, kami biasanya dijemput menggunakan Mercy
menol yang atapnya hanya berupa terpal dan bagian samping kiri – kanan serta belakangnya terbuka. Jadi bila hujan kami semua akan kotor dan
basah kuyub. Kami sering bercanda mengenai hal ini “wah, belum kerja kok udah dekil duluan.” Akhir kata, semoga TCI terus mendapatkan
project – project baru sehingga kita dapat terus bekerja. TCI bagaimanapun sudah banyak memberi kepada saya, baik itu berupa pengetahuan,
pengalaman maupun training, jadi saya merasa sudah merupakan kewajiban saya untuk membalasnya dan saya siap terus bekerja di TCI selama
tenaga saya masih diperlukan. Semoga TCI tetap maju.

Budi Aryani Nugroho Birth Date: 20 Mei 1969

Pension Superintendent - Jakarta Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

I first joined TCI as an Assistant Paymaster. The year was 1991 and I was 21 years old.

There were so few of us back at that time. Now, there are so many staff, we have a good work system and all
the works have been centralized well.

My most memorable moments during my work with TCI are simple: when I recognized and received awards for
my long time service and when I got door prizes on family day celebration or any other similar occasions.

My Motto is simple : keep thinking positive; keep being productive for the benefits of all.
Saya pertama kali bergabung dengan TCI sebagai Assistant Paymaster. Saat itu tahun 1991 dan saya baru
berusia 21 tahun.

Saya ingat betul saat itu TCI belum memiliki karyawan sebanyak saat ini. Sekarang selain jumlah karyawan sudah sangat banyak, semua pekerjaan
sudah tersentralisasi dan sudah tersistemasi dengan baik.

Momen paling berkesan selama saya bekerja di TCI sederhana saja: saat saya menerima penghargaan atas masa kerja saya disini atau saat saya
mendapat prizes dari undian pada event – event tertentu.

Motto saya dalam bekerja : tetaplah berpikir positif; terus berkarya untuk kemajuan bersama.

Syafruddin Birth Date: 30 Desember 1972

Junior Supervisor - Balikpapan Balikpapan, Kalimantan

When I first joined TCI, the year was 1997, I was a contract staff member. AT the time I was 25 years old and I
worked as carpenter mason at that time.

What I remember the most is that during my first year with TCI, all work systems and procedures were’nt as
organized and thorough which is so different than right now. For example, in the old times my fellow workers
and I didn’t have to use a harness whenever we went to work. But now since safety is a major focus and
priority, I’ve made it my responsibility to wear safety gears like harness, safety shoes, helmet and other safety
equipments during work.

My highlighted moments was being recognized for my length of service and will be when I received recognition
and awards every 5 years. As for last words, I hope that TCI continues to get new projects to provide us all with
new challenges.

Saat pertama bergabung dengan TCI status saya masih pegawai kontrak. Jabatan saya saat itu adalah Carpenter Mason di Balikpapan. Saat itu
tahun 1997 dan saya masih berusia 25 tahun.

Saat itu prosedur kerja dan implementasi sistem masih sangat sederhana, berbeda sekali dengan sekarang. saat ini semua prosedur dan sistem
kerja sudah sangat baik. Sebagai perbandingan saja, dulu saat saya dan rekan – rekan hendak bekerja kita tidak diwajibkan menggunakan harness.
Saat ini, karena unsur safety sangat diperhatikan dan menjadi prioritas utama kita, hal – hal seperti menggunakan harness, sepatu safety, helm dan
peralatan safety lainnya sudah menjadi kesadaran dan kewajiban bagi saya saat bekerja

Menerima penghargaan tiap masa kerja 5 tahun merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri. Saat – saat seperti itu sangat berkesan bagi saya. Akhir kata,
semoga TCI terus mendapatkan project – project baru sehingga kita dapat terus bekerja.

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 21

CommuniThiess Development

External Affairs Workshop 2008

Evi Mariana
Community Relation and Development Specialist - Jakarta

External Affairs Department held its third workshop in Balikpapan Departemen External Affairs menyelenggarakan workshop yang
from 17 to 19 Jan 2008. The workshop plays an important part ketiga di Balikpapan pada tanggal 17-19 Januari 2008. Workshop
of maintaining solid teamwork and open communication among ini bertujuan untuk mempererat kerjasama dan komunikasi antar
Community Relations Officers (CROs), Security and External Affairs para Community Relations Officer (CRO), Security dan External
Managers. The workshop was also attended by several departments Affairs. Workshop juga dihadiri beberapa departemen lain seperti HR,
namely HR, Marketing Sangatta Project and representatives from TCI Marketing, Sangatta Project dan perwakilan dari Manajemen TCI.
Salah satu aspek External Affairs Workshop adalah mengunjungi
A key aspect to the External Affairs Workshop was visiting Community kegiatan Community Development Program di sekitar Balikpapan.
Development programs in action around Balikpapan. First visit Kunjungan pertama adalah SDN 005 Manggar (Manggar Elementary
was to SDN 005 Manggar (Manggar Elementary School) where the School) sekolah dimana TCI Voluntary Teacher Program dijalankan
TCI Voluntary Teacher Program is in its third year. During the visit dan sudah memasuki tahun ketiga. Saat kunjungan, peserta workshop
workshop participants delivered quizzes to the students and the best memberikan kuis kepada para siswa dan siswa yang dapat menjawab
answers won a backpack. TCI Executive Director, Sam Rumende, dengan benar akan memperoleh tas. Pada kesempatan itu, TCI
shared some valuable tips with students on how to achieve success Executive Director Sam Rumende, berbagi tips cara mencapai sukses
in the future. Sam’s advice, “Get up early in the morning by yourself, di masa depan kepada para siswa. Saran dari Sam, “Bangun pagi, rajin
study hard, and pray to God.” belajar dan berdoa kepada Tuhan.”

Sam Rumende sedang bersama siswa SDN 005 Manggar. Kegiatan ini diharapkan Peserta berfoto sejenak bersama penduduk di desa Manggar. TCi mendukung
dapat menginspirasi siswa untuk belajar lebih giat. program Green, Clean and Healthy City yang telah dimulai di lingkungan tersebut.

Students who have been involved in the program for a number of years Siswa yang sudah beberapa tahun mengikuti program ini sudah mulai
showed significant progress in their English. Lenny Novita Sari, the menampakkan kemajuan dalam berbahasa Inggris. “Saat program baru
BSF CD Support said, “When the program started the students were dimulai, para siswa masih malu – malu dan takut berbahasa Inggris.
very shy and afraid to speak in English. Now they are brave to speak Sekarang, sudah berani berbahasa Inggris.” Ujar Lenny Novita Sari,
English.” BSF CD Support.

The second location visited was the fishing village in Manggar. This Lokasi kedua yang dikunjungi adalah perkampungan nelayan di
village has implemented Green, Clean, and Healthy City Program where kelurahan Manggar. Desa ini sudah memulai program Green, Clean and
the community is undertaking re-greening and waste management in Healthy City, dimana penduduk sudah mulai melakukan penghijauan
their surroundings. dan pengelolaan sampah di lingkungan mereka.

To support the initiative TCI donated “a house of garbage”, a place Sebagai bentuk dukungan TCI menyumbangkan “Rumah Sampah”,
where the community collects disposed items for recycling. In tempat dimana masyarakat mengumpulkan sampah daur ulang. Selain
addition, BSF recently sent some community representatives to learn itu baru – baru ini pihak BSF mengirim beberapa permakilan masyarakat
about beach tourism management in Kuta, Bali, to help the community ke Kuta, Bali, untuk membantu mereka mengembangkan pariwisata di
establish their own tourism spot. wilayah mereka.

22 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

Y K K Preserve Info

Introducing the Team

Budi Aryani
Pension Superintendent - Jakarta

The main purpose of Yayasan Kesejahteraan Karyawan (YKK) is to act Yayasan kesejahteraan karyawan atau YKK dibentuk dengan tujuan
as a savings program for all TCI staff. The advantages of joining YKK utama sebagai tabungan bagi staff TCI. Manfaat tabungan dan
have been felt by many of its members and even ex members. santunan YKK telah banyak dirasakan oleh para peserta maupun ex
The seeds of YKK started when Yayasan Dana pension or YDP was YKK pada awalnya bernama Yayasan Dana Pensiun (YDP) yang
established on 1 January 1992. Then on 6 February 1996 YDP change terbentuk pada tanggal 1 Januari 1992. Baru pada tanggal 6 Februari
its name to YKK. 1996 YDP berganti nama menjadi YKK.

The YKK trustees were assigned the job which needs their fully Para pengurus YKK menjalankan kewajiban mereka dengan sukarela
responsibility. Here we would like to give you a slight view about them: dan bertanggung jawab. Dibawah ini sedikit mengenai mereka :

Lama Bekerja:
13 Tahun
“YKK merupakan
suatu komitment dari
management guna
melindungi karyawan“

Wakil Ketua:
Ade Prawoto
Lama Bekerja:
13 Tahun
“Beruntung kita punya
YKK yang tidak dimiliki
oleh perusahaan lain“

Bendahara: Sekretaris:
Yohanna M Srie Ahyani
Lama Bekerja: Lama Bekerja:
17 Tahun 17 Tahun
Komenter: Komenter:
“Bangga karena “Jangan ragu menjadi
dipercaya mengelola peserta YKK karena
dana YKK“ banyak manfaat yang

Besides the trustees, YKK also has a administration staff who are Selain pengurus di atas YKK mempunyai staff administrasi harian
located at Jakarta head office. They’re responsible for handling YKK’s di kantor pusat Jakarta. Mereka bertanggung jawab atas urusan
administration and operations, financial and non-financial. The YKK administrasi dan operational YKK baik financial maupun non financial.
administration team is also responsible for providing reports to the Team Administrasi YKK juga wajib memberikan laporan secara
trustees. They are also responsible for opening new registrations and berkala kepada pengurus. Tugas mereka yang lain adalah membuka
providing information to TCI staff who wants to join YKK. The YKK pendaftaran dan memberikan informasi tentang YKK kepada staff yang
administration team are : berminat untuk menjadi peserta. Para staff YKK di kantor pusat Jakarta

Tim Administrasi Tim Administrasi Tim Administrasi

Budi Aryani Rilyaningsih Ririn Jumiarsih

Pension Spt Pension Spv Pension Adm Asst

Lama Bekerja: Lama Bekerja: Lama Bekerja:

16 Tahun 9 Tahun 1 Tahun
Extension: 9839 Extension: 9840 Extension: 7293

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 23

At Your Services

How to Take Great Photos

A top notch camera isn’t necessary to take quality photos you just Menggunakan kamera canggih tidak menjamin kualitas foto anda. TCI
need to be confident in using your camera. Many of us at TCI have menggunakan standar digital kamera yang dapat menghasilkan foto
been issued with a standard digital camera that can take great photos. yang baik. Jadi jika anda menggunakan Kodak Easyshare C433, atau
So you either have the Kodak Easyshare C433 or the Canon Powershot Canon Powershot A550, kedua kamera tersebut sudah sangat memadai
A550. Both are more than ample to take quality images. untuk menghasilkan foto dengan kualitas cetak yang baik.

What you need to know is a few top tips that will enable you to know Yang perlu anda ketahui adalah beberapa tips yang dapat membantu
the “insiders” secrets to using these cameras. anda lebih mengenal kamera anda.

5 Tips For Using The TCI Standard Issue Camera: 5 Tips Untuk Menggunakan Kamera Digital Standar:
1. Choose a Shooting Mode that fits the subject (“portrait,” 1. Pilih shooting mode yang sesuai subyek foto (“portrait,”
“sports,” “landscape”). “sports,” “landscape”)

On your camera there is a dial with green markings that allows you to Pada kamera anda ada tombol dengan tanda berwarna hijau untuk
change the scene. This is always better than the Auto mode. So if you merubah scene. Mode ini lebih baik daripada auto mode. Jika anda
are outside and fare far from your subject, change it to “Landscape”. berada di luar ruangan dan jauh dari subyek foto gunakan “Landscape”.
But if you are inside and taking a picture of a person, change the Tapi jika anda berada di dalam ruangan dan hendak memotret
setting to “Portrait”. Just remember when you are finished switch it seseorang, ubah setting menjadi “Portrait”. Jangan lupa untuk men-set
back to “Auto” after you’ve used the Scene Mode. kamera kembali ke “auto” mode setelah anda selesai dengan Scene
2. Quality and File Size – make it big
2. Kualitas dan ukuran file
Always set the Image Quality to Super Fine and the image size to
Large. Sure, this may take up more space on your memory card but Setting image quality menjadi super fine dan image size menjadi large.
these settings ensure a high resolution (quality) image that can be used Akan banyak space di memory card anda yang terpakai, tapi sepadan
for more than just screen display. dengan kualitas gambar yang akan dihasilkan.

If you need reduce the size, say for emailing, you can do this later in a Jika anda ingin mengecilkan file size gambar anda, katakanlah agar
variety of ways. For example, using the Attachment Options in Outlook gambar anda dapat dikirim lewat email, hal ini dapat dilakukan
when composing an email. kemudian. Misalnya menggunakan attachment options pada outlook
saat anda hendak mengirim email.
3. Turn off the “Red Eye”
3. Matikan “Red Eye”
The red eye feature feature slows down the camera and rally doesn’t
work very well. Plus having the multiple flash burst can be confusing Fitur Red Eye akan memperlambat kamera dan tidak banyak gunanya.
for people. Lagipula menggunakan fitur ini akan menghasilkan kilatan flash yang
kadang mengganggu.
4. Check your flash setting
4. Periksa setting flash anda
Your built-in flash works best from around 4 - 12 feet from the subject.
Don’t use a flash when shooting scenery or long distance pictures. Do Built – in flash bekerja baik jika anda berjarak 4 – 12 kaki dari subyek.
use a flash when you’re shooting people even when outdoors in bright Jangan gunakan flash saat mengambil gambar pemandangan atau
sunlight. This eliminates those nasty shadows on people’s faces when gambar di kejauhan. Gunakan flash saat anda mengambil gambar
the sun is straight overhead. orang, walaupun di luar ruangan dan dibawah sinar matahari. Bayangan
yang timbul pada wajah orang saat disinari matahari diatas kepala akan
5. Ensure the camera has time to focus dihilangkan dengan cahaya flash.

Digital cameras focus automatically, but not until you press the button. 5. Pastikan kamera focus
So develop the habit of pressing the button half way down to activate
the auto focus. Then wait for everybody to smile, and finish pressing Digital kamera akan focus dengan otomatis, sampai saat anda menekan
the button. This is also the best way to overcome “shutter lag,” when tombol. Jadi biasakan menekan tombol kamera dengan halus terlebih
you press the button and nothing happens for two or three seconds. dahulu untuk mengaktifkan auto focus. Tunggu sampai objek anda siap,
baru lanjutkan menekan tombol. Ini juga akan membantu mencegah
Remember no matter what camera you use, understanding how it “shutter Lag”, kondisi dimana tidak terjadi apa – apa selama 2-3 detik
works and using the settings will make you a better photographer. Try setelah anda menekan tombol.
our five suggestions.
Ingat, apapun jenis kamera anda, akan sangat membantu jika anda
memahami cara kerja dan pengaturannya. Cobalah 5 langkah di atas.
24 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

The Winner In the Spirit of Kerja Bugar

On the last issue of realilTHIESS we asked you if your family knew Pada edisi kemarin kami mencoba mencari
about your work and your working environment. Judging by these tahu apakah keluarga anda memahami
drawings it turns out some of your children really understand. situasi tempat kerja anda. Kalau melihat hasil gambar berikut, ternyata
mereka benar - benar memahaminya.


Age: 12 Years old

Parent’s Name:
Totok Dewanta (Network
Administrator Supervisor)

Congratulations to Vania on
winning realiTHIESS Kids
Drawing Contest. We are
so impressed by the use of
colour and shadowing in
this drawing.

Runners Up 1 2

Congratulations also to
our runners up. We hope
you enjoy our creative art

1 Nicola Zuvich

Age: 11 Years old

Parent’s Name:
Garry Zuvich (Operations
Manager KPC)

2 Kezia Adri Putri 3

Age: 10 Years old

Parent’s Name:
Efron Dwi Poyo
(Facilities Acceptance

3 Nuan Belleman

Age: 10 Years old

Parent’s Name:
Lucas Belleman, Darajat Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 25
Welcome & Congratulations

Featured employees New Employees

We welcome the following team members who joined TCI in the last 3 months.
Name: Yuliana Herman
BDE Erman Nugroho Puspito (Mechanical Sangatta Yafeth Bangun (ESL Trainer), Nopan
Title: Graduate Surveyor Engineer - Jakarta), Ida Veronika Sitorus (Building Penjaitan (Graduate Mine Engineer), Silih Warni
Estimator - Jakarta), Aurora Ulina Peranginangin (PMP Coordinator), Andropo F. Prasasto (Data
Location: Sangatta Mine (Design Supervisor - Jakarta) Analyst & Trending Specialist)

Commercial FX. Teguh Mudjiyono (Com Rel & Satui Zainal Abidin (Geo Technician), Puti
Dev. Coordinator - Jakarta), Caterina Dian Aristya Nurfitria (Mining Engineer), Muhammad Wahyudi
Hapsari (Corporate Receptionist - Jakarta) (Senior Mining Supervisor), Anas Gunawan (Site
Biggest motivator: My Family Admin - Graduate Acc.)
Human Resources Ridha Imansyah (Staff
Where was your 1st job: TCI
Development Supt - Jakarta), Pamella Sari Senakin Agung Aribowo (TMS Coordinator),
Favourite food: Seafood (Recruitment Specialist - Jakarta), Sumaryanto Douglas Lahiang (ICT Support Coordinator),
(Mining Supervisor), Ajeng Renati Rakhmawati Novri Tri Prasetyo (Graduate Mine Engineer),
Favourite drink: Strawberry juice (Kerja Bugar Trainer), Debby Cintya Hadyani Komang Alit Suteja (Drill & Blast Engineer)
(Safety Graduate)
Favourite holiday destination: Bandung
Technical Services Agustiana Satnawati
Personal goals: Be a successful woman Mining Delvina Yanti (Mining - Secretary (Project Support Engineer), Hotmonang Fidelis
- Jakarta) Sitanggang (Graduate Industrial Engineer)
Hobbies: Travelling and surfing the Internet
Mining Engineering Join Parulian Damanik Telco Sahala Daulat (Site Engineer - Telco
Pet hates/dislikes: Insect (Mine Engineer - Balikpapan), Irfan Gumilang (Sr. Medan), Fernandus Manurung (Project Valuation
What do you like about your job: Challenging and Geotechnical Engineer I - Balikpapan), Fanny Dwi Engineer - Jakarta), Clementina (Admin Officer
Wibowo (Graduate Mining Engineer - Balikpapan) for NSN-HCPT - Telco Medan), Murni Panjaitan
forever changing (Admin Officer for HCPT & EID - Telco Medan)
Plant Abdi Junaidi (Plant Engineer - Jakarta)
Message to TCI employees: Be a smart worker Training Center Bakti Suprayitno (Training
Proc & Log Vira Yuliasari (Graduate Industrial Officer Electrical - Balikpapan)
not a hard worker!
Engineer - Balikpapan)

Employee Promotions
We congratulate the following team members promoted in the last 3 months.
Name: Scott Beckwith
BDE Andi Anggriawan (Snr. Civil Estimator II ) Senakin Jemani (Mining Senior Supervisor),
Title: Business Services Muji Tri Mulyono (Mining Senior Supervisor),
Manager Commercial Evi Mariana (Community Relations Muhammad Ridlwan (Mining Senior Supervisor),
& Development Specialist) Lucky D. Javetson (Mining Senior Supervisor),
Location: Jakarta Head Office
Paimon (Mining Senior Supervisor), Noldi
Jakarta Hamka Kadir (Civil Supervisor) Mahan (Mining Senior Supervisor), Marselinus
Biggest motivator: Working with others to achieve Mamman (Infomine Coordinator), Bahrian

an outcome Mining Engineering Adella Kristine Yosephine (Infomine Controller), Elhami (Infomine
(Project Administrator) Controller), Edwin Adam (Infomine Controller),
Where was your 1st job: Australian Army
Holdi Sinaga (National Plant Superintendent),
Favourite food: Roast lamb Plant Nuraeny (Workshop Staff Administration & Ferdiles Parguroan (Infomine Controller) ,

Favourite drink: Spearmint milkshake Secretarial) Simon Kombang (Infomine Controller), GT M

Deniy Yansyah (Infomine Controller), Syaiful
Favourite holiday destination: Whitsunday Islands
Proc & Log Aldi Parlindungan Lubis (Receiving Akhyar (Coverage W/S Planner & Scheduller),
Personal Goals: With my team, deliver service & Dispatching Supervisor), Anwar (Mobilisation & Muhammad Yasa (Safety Administrator), Jenny

excellence to the business Demobilisation Officer) Steven (Variation Control Officer) , Remon
Edianto Sinaga (Senior Mining Engineer I), JMN.
Hobbies: Motor car rallying (co-driver), Field
Sangatta Muksin (Senior Mining Trainer Triantariksa Tjandra (Safety Coordinator)
Hockey Supervisor), Winarno (Sr. Drill & Blast Engineer I)
Pet hates/dislikes: Silo’s in a business Training Center Alvianus Sandi (Training Officer
Satui Iwan Budi Prasetyo (Snr. Plant Admin & - Trade Training), Maswar (Snr. Mining Operations
What do you like about your job: Haven’t been
Warehouse Supervisor), Edy Saputro (Snr. Mine LH & Supv. Coach), Guntur Perwira Negara
here long enough to know!
Engineer I), Winanto (Senior Geologist I), M. Jaini (Training Officer - Trade Training)
Message to TCI employees: Looking forward to (Mechanic Supervisor), Darmono Umbrianto (Sr.

meeting you and working with you Plant Supervisor), Buyung Azwin (Purchasing Telco Dicky Jaya Putra (Cost Control Engineer)
Officer), KS Kanine (Sr. Admin Supervisor I)

26 | Issue # 4 | March 2008

Welcome & Congratulations


Eko Prasetyo (Sangatta) Vercilly K. Yoppy (Satui) Muhammad Isa Lufti

& Indah Sri Wilujeng & Meiry Puspita & Freska Darlion (Jakarta)
Kediri, 6 November 2007 Jakarta, 11 November 2007 Jakarta, 5 Januari 2008

Arif Mefriono Yoga Anggodo Udayana (Satui)

& Maria Dwi Susanti (Balikpapan) & Yenna Puspitasari (Jakarta) & Lydia Jayanti (Satui)
Surabaya, 4 Januari 2008 Jakarta, 6 Januari 2008 Malang, 17 Februari 2007


Olivia Shalyn Splatt Elang Assyafa Farikhi Muhammad Rangga Nugraha

Birth: Balikpapan, 26 Juni 2007 Birth: Jakarta, 15 Mei 2007 Birth: Tanjung Tabalong,7 November 2007
Dad : Glenn Splatt (Balikpapan) Dad : Imam Farikhi Dad : Dede I. Faruk ( Balikpapan)
Mom: Gusti Ayu Yuni Mom: Yenie Artantie (Jakarta) Mom: Isna

Niken Nur Aziza Rafael Gilbran Al Fidri Karenina Anggraini Kaunang

Birth: Banjarmasin, 14 Juli 2007 Birth: Sangatta, 22 Mei 2007 Birth: Lembean, 29 Juli 2007
Dad : Agus Priyono Dad : Muhammad Yusuf (Sangatta) Dad : Arif Yuliawan
Mom: Nana Norsana (Balikpapan) Mom: Sony Jarwantie Mom: Jeanne Kaunang (Satui)

Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 27

Welcome & Congratulations

Welcome .. continued

Muhammad Yusuf Ramadhan Cinta Yusriannisa Ayudia Dimitri Daanish Lesmana

Birth: Balikpapan, 28 September 2007 Birth: Satui, 30 November 2007 Birth: Jakarta, 8 Januari 2008
Dad : Basuki Dad : Mahyudi (Satui) Dad : Eriza Lesmana (Jakarta)
Mom: Isviani Herly Agustin (Balikpapan) Mom: Sri Yatun (Satui) Mom: Diah Suran Febrianti

Zayyan Muhammad Falah Alifyan Ganendra Dirangga Pradinaya Fadhila Muzzaki

Birth: Kediri, 30 Juni 2007 Birth: Sangatta, 10 Maret 2007 Birth: Berau,7 Januari 2008
Dad : Dafid Fery Irianto (Sangatta) Dad : Hadi Priyatno (Sangatta) Dad : Aliansyah (Sangatta)
Mom: Neny Fitri Rahayu Mom: Diana Mariana (Sangatta) Mom: Sriyanti

Zahra Anindya Khalil Adair Syadin Keisya Alifia Ar Rasyid

Birth: Jakarta, 8 November 2007 Birth: Balikpapan,10 Oktober 2007 Birth: Balikpapan, 11 Januari 2008
Dad : Zakky Cahyonegoro Dad : Bagus Mahendra (Satui) Dad : Said Al Halabi (Sangatta)
Mom: Vidya Yulli Safitri (Jakarta) Mom: Megawati Mom: Rike Fujiana

Raymond Nicholas Lie Gioffani Frannathiess Sinaga Maudika Nabila

Birth: Jakarta, 29 Agustus 2007 Birth: Banjarmasin 14, Desember 2007 Birth: Sungai Danau, 21 Desember 2007
Dad : Sugianto Lie Dad : Holdi Sinaga (Senakin) Dad : Rudi JF (Satui)
Mom: Elijana (Jakarta) Mom: Bernadetha Mom: Mariatul Kamilah

Send your photos to

Issue # 4 March 2008 Kirimkan photo anda ke
Issue # 4 | March 2008 | 28

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