BSBMKG433 Learner Resource v1.0
BSBMKG433 Learner Resource v1.0
BSBMKG433 Learner Resource v1.0
Learner Resource
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BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities
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Unit Descriptor......................................................................................................................................4
Elements and performance criteria...................................................................................................5
Required Skills and Knowledge..............................................................................................................6
About this Learner Resource.............................................................................................................7
Topic 1: Prepare to undertake marketing activity.................................................................................9
1.1 Identify task requirements........................................................................................................10
1.2 Industry trends and competitive activity...................................................................................15
1.3 Develop and document action plan...........................................................................................28
1.4 Approval of action.....................................................................................................................32
Key Points: Topic 1...............................................................................................................................36
Topic 2: Co-ordinate marketing activities............................................................................................37
2.1 Identify and access resources....................................................................................................37
2.2 Assigning responsibilities...........................................................................................................44
2.3 Assist in managing marketing activities.....................................................................................46
2.4 Monitor implementation of marketing activities......................................................................48
Key Points: Topic 2...............................................................................................................................51
Topic 3: Review marketing activities...................................................................................................52
3.1 Measure and record outcomes of marketing activities.............................................................52
3.2 Review results of activities........................................................................................................55
3.3 Report on marketing activities..................................................................................................58
Key Points: Topic 3...............................................................................................................................61
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Unit Descriptor
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare, coordinate and review basic
marketing activities. It is a foundation unit covering general and basic marketing activities that do
not require detailed or complex planning or implementation.
The unit applies to individuals working in a variety of occupational roles who have responsibility for a
range of tasks involving marketing, analysis and planning. It could be undertaken as part of a broader
role of a person in a small enterprise, or as part of a marketing plan for a larger enterprise.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Knowledge Evidence
The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
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Welcome to the unit of competency BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify marketing objectives, develop a
marketing action plan, monitor marketing activities and review final marketing outcomes.
Simulated workplace
This Learner Resource includes all necessary information required to complete relevant tasks and
activities, based on the simulated business, Bounce Fitness.
For further information, links are provided to relevant websites and videos. These are highlighted as
There are also some Learning Activities provided as an opportunity to apply the concepts and
practise skills.
Learning Activity:
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Weblink: Business and Management Glossary
You may add key words and terms below for your personal reference if you want to.
Word Description
The direction where the industry your business is in will go in the future
industry trends
in terms of growth and profitability.
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Topic 1: Prepare to undertake marketing activity
Having a sound marketing strategy and plan can ensure that you will succeed in marketing your
products and services to your consumers.
However, identifying and implementing the right marketing strategies can be difficult without a
proper plan. Proceeding to implementation without a plan can lead to costly mistakes.
In this topic, you will learn how to develop a marketing action plan that is tailored to your business
goals and marketing objectives.
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Once implemented, your action plan will serve as your guide as you carry out the marketing activities
of your business.
Marketing tasks are tasks that are concentrated on work relevant to planning, producing, selling,
and earning revenue for the business from the products and services offered.
The nature of these marketing tasks will influence the task requirements that you will need to
consider before developing your action plan.
Task requirements refer to the standards or needs that must be fulfilled so that tasks are
completed on-time and with expected quality. These requirements serve as your guide to:
In identifying the task requirements of your marketing activities, you need to conduct a task
analysis. Task analysis is a systematic examination of the information relevant to the task that
needs to be completed and breaks them into components.
The task analysis process is broken down into 6 steps. These steps can help you dissect the task
requirements and make sure that they are clear and relevant to the task.
Identify the
Identify the sub- Identify the
tasks resources required
Determine options Identify the
for prioritisation expected
and monitoring
and scheduling outcomes
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1. Identify organisational requirements
Organisational requirements refer to the requirements that businesses or organisations have that
dictate how the processes within the business or organisation are carried out.
When you plan your marketing activities, you need to identify what organisational requirements
are there that will affect the task. These requirements can include your organisations:
goals and objectives – what the business hopes to achieve (SMART model – specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound)
policies and procedures – Polices are the guiding principles of the organisation and
procedures are the steps that are followed to implement the policies
standards - The agreed and documented technical specifications of how to do something
within the business
For example, if your task is to promote the products/services that your business offers, then sub-
tasks can include:
Collecting data
Planning your marketing activities will include examining what resource requirements are needed.
The most common resources that you need to consider are the following:
physical resources (cơ sở vật chất)- the materials and physical space needed to complete
the tasks
financial resources - the cash required to complete the tasks
human resources – the people who are directly or indirectly involved in completing the
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product/service resources - product/services that the business offers and all the relevant
knowledge about them hiểu rõ về sản phẩm, dvu được offer
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4. Identify the expected outcomes
Expected outcomes are the ideal results for a task to achieve the objectives and goals. These are
the results that the implemented marketing activities in the action plan are expected to achieve
within their respective timelines.
Action items
Expected outcomes
Based on the information in the MAP, you can prioritise and schedule the tasks as required.
Remember that you need to prioritise according to urgency and importance.
You can check out a sample of a marketing activity plan by accessing the following document from
Bounce Fitness:
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Once you have acquired the required details of the task to complete it successfully, you need to
identify how you will implement the task and monitor the progress of each sub-task involved.
Learning Activity: Arrange the steps below to complete the flow of the task analysis process.
Identify implementation and
Identify the sub-tasks
monitoring measures
It is essential that the task requirements you identify adhere to the parameters of the marketing
plan of your business or organisation. A marketing plan outlines your businesses or organisation’s
marketing strategy for a given period.
Businesses may have varying formats on what a marketing plan may look like. But typically, it may
include the following essential components:
Component Explanation
Situational Analysis Includes a summary of your market research, target market, their
demographics, their needs, and market trends.
Marketing Strategy Plan to reach customers, includes marketing KPI’s, objectives, and
your position in the market.
Competitor Analysis Overview of you competitors including products and services they
offer, pricing, sales volumes, marketing strategies they have
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Metrics Details of what the organisation considers the measures of success.
The below link provides details information on how to write a marketing plan:
You can see a sample of a marketing plan by accessing the following document from Bounce Fitness:
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Learning Activity: List the essential components of the marketing plan.
Reviewing the marketing activities have been implemented by your business will help you
understand how to proceed with planning your action plan and implementing any change in your
planned marketing activities.
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However, before you review your marketing activities, you must have a thorough understanding of
the marketing practices of your business first.
Marketing practices are concepts that businesses abide by when planning and implementing their
marketing activities. These marketing practices can affect the way you will develop and implement
your marketing activities. Marketing practices include:
Practice Definition
Transactional Transactional marketing focuses on increasing the sales volume and sales
marketing efficiency rather than building rapport and relationships with customers.
Tiếp Thị Giao
Relational Relational marketing focuses more on building customer loyalty and long-
marketing term and engagement.
Tiếp Thị Qhe
E-marketing E-marketing can be both transactional and relational in nature depending on
the intent of your business. It can be used to both boost sales as well as
establish customer relations
There are several factors that can affect the marketing practices of a business. It is vital that you
check these factors so you can better decide on how you will implement your marketing practices.
Objectives Internal Human
The budget that your business sets aside for marketing can influence the marketing practices you
have in place.
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For example, your marketing practices focus on increasing customer relations. However, a low
budget might limit the channels you can use to access a wider customer base. You may have to
prioritise increasing revenue first overbuilding long-term customer relations.
Human Resource
If your business lacks the human resource to support the marketing practices in place, then your
business will have to look for alternatives from another perspective.
For example, if your business cannot provide sufficient human resources to man their physical
establishments, then you may have to reorganise their marketing practice and focus your
marketing efforts on selling products/services online.
Corporate culture
Corporate culture reflects the behaviours and beliefs of your business’s management and
employees when interacting with external transactions.
For example, if the business has a progressive corporate culture, then the focus of marketing
practices may not necessarily be only on increasing sales. There might be more emphasis on
providing better customer services and better employee benefits.
Corporate objectives
The objective of your business will also affect your marketing practices.
For example, if your objective is centred on increasing the profits of your business, then your
marketing practices may lean more towards the transactional perspective, where the focus is on
increasing sales rather than on customer relations.
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Competitors in the same industry, and even more so in the same product/service line, can affect
the marketing practices you have in place. You will have to structure your marketing practices to
focus on how to outsmart your competitors.
For example, your business sells energy drinks, and there is another company that also sells
energy drinks. You can provide discounts, other privileges, and better customer interaction to
ensure that your customers stay loyal to you.
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The economy can greatly affect your business. It is essential that you consider what is happening
in the economy and adjust your marketing practices accordingly.
It means that you need to pay attention to when the economy is in the following stages:
For example, if the economy is having a recession, then this can decrease the number of
customers who are willing to buy your products/services. So, you can adapt by lowering your
prices. This means that you will have to focus more on increasing your sales volume by decreasing
production costs, so you can decrease your prices.
Socio-cultural factors
People have different social norms and cultural backgrounds. This can greatly affect how you
implement your marketing practices depending on the socio-cultural background of your target
The demographics of your target market will also affect your marketing practices.
For example, if your target market is people aged 18–25, then your marketing practices cannot be
tailored for those who are aged 40 and above.
The marketing practices that you have in place are based on underlying principles. It is important
that you understand these underlying principles so that you can better implement these
marketing practices.
Identifying these basic foundation principles will involve analysing concepts, including the
Concepts of Marketing
Concept of marketing is a philosophy based on the assumption that only by recognising,
anticipating, and fulfilling consumer needs and expectations can sustainable sales and acceptable
returns on investment be achieved.
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Concept Explanation
Production The production concept presumes that consumers will buy products/services
Concept that are affordable and widely available. The following effects the production
Tập Trung concept:
Vào Sx Availability of product/service - Availability concept assumes that
customers will prefer buying products/services when they have less
competitionn over these. This concept helps businesses focus their
marketing efforts in increasing the quantity of the products/services
they sell. (mua đc ở khắp mọi nơi)
Affordability of products/services -Affordability concept assumes that
customers will prefer buying products/services that are cheaper or
priced within their budget. This concept helps businesses focus their
marketing efforts in reducing the price of the products/services they
are selling. (giá cả hợp lí)
Product The product concept presumes that consumers will buy more products/services
Concept that have higher quality, better performance, and innovative features. The
Tập Trung following effects the production concept:
Vào Sp Quality concept assumes that customers will prefer buying
products/services that have high quality. This concept helps businesses
focus their marketing efforts in offering products/ services that satisfy
the customer’s expectations and standards.
Performance (khả năng thực hiện công việc của sp) concept assumes
that customers will prefer buying products/services that perform well
according to their purpose. This concept helps businesses focus their
marketing efforts in selling products products/ services that perform
their specific functions well most of the time.
Feature concept assumes that customers will buy products/services
that have attributes that are not common and work better than similar
products/services. This concept helps businesses focus their marketing
efforts in improving the products/services they sell so they have better
characteristics than other similar product/services in the market. Sp
phải đa dạng tính năng hơn để cạnh tranh với đối thủ
Selling The selling concept is a concept that focuses on the actual selling of the
Concept products/services. It mainly focuses on selling the products/services of a
Tập trung business even if it is not what the customers want. It presumes that customers
thuyết will buy the products/services offered by a business if they are persuaded to do
phục k.h so. Three common assumptions are:
mua sp Businesses assume that the customers who were persuaded to buy
bất kể nhu their products/services will like their purchase and come back for more.
cầu kh là Businesses assume that if customers do not like their purchase, their
gì dissatisfaction will not last long and they will purchase again once they
get over the feeling.
Businesses assume that customers will only buy their products/services
if they sell it aggressively even if they are not beneficial to customers.
Societal Societal marketing is a concept that helps businesses focus their marketing
Marketing activities and efforts to make sure that the needs of the customers, the
Concept financial stability of the businesses, and the overall welfare of the society are
Thuyết met. The key considerations of the societal marketing concept are as follows:
phục k.h Human welfare refers to how easy it is for people to access
mua dựa products/services that can promote the well-being of the society. This
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vào nhu consideration helps businesses focus their marketing efforts in offering
cần của products/services that do not harm the wellbeing of the society.
khách Customer needs refers to the products/services that are essential to
hàng the survival of the customer. This consideration helps businesses focus
their marketing efforts in selling products/services that are needed by
the customers rather than what the customers want.
Profit refers to the money that businesses will earn after they sell their
products/services and pay their dues. This consideration helps
businesses focus their marketing efforts in earning profit from the
products/services they are selling.
Marketing Mix
The marketing mix of your business sums up all the areas that the marketing efforts of your
business can focus on to effectively market your products/services to your target market.
Product Products refer to the products/services that your business offers. Your
business needs to consider the quality, function and overall appearance of
the products/services you sell when you implement their marketing practices.
Price Price refers to the pricing strategy that you apply to set the selling price of
your products/services. Your business needs to consider the possible pricing
advantages (Including discounts, credits, payment options) you can offer to
customers so more customers will buy your products/services when you
implement your marketing practices.
Place Place refers to the distribution channels where customers can get access to
the products/services sold by the business. Your business needs to consider
when you will distribute your products/services and at what quantity to
customers when you implement their marketing practices.
People People refer to the salespeople and other employees involved in marketing
(nhân viên the products/services of the business to customers. Your business needs to
bán hàng consider the quality of customer service you provide for the buyers of your
của công products/services when you implement your marketing practices.
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Process Process refers to the steps you undertake to create and deliver your product
or service. Smooth processes will lead to efficiency and can you save you
money and time.
Porter’s 5 Forces
Threat of
new entrants Porter's Supplier
Threat of
Buyer power
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Porter’s 5 forces help analyse the competitiveness of the business environment.
Competitive rivalry
Competitive rivalry refers to the number of competitors the business has and the strengths of
these competitors.
You must ensure that when implementing the marketing practices, you consider the possible
changes in your pricing strategy and marketing activities to compete against your competitors.
You must ensure that when implementing the marketing practices, you consider the possible
changes in the number of customers you will have for your products/services. The lower the
customer base is, the higher chance for these customers to negotiate for a lower price.
the product/service can easily be replaced as there are other alternatives available
customers are very sensitive to changes in the price
it is cheap to shift from 1 product to another
Threat of substitutes
Threat of substitutes refers to how fast and easy customers can find a substitute for the
products/services of the business.
You must make sure that when implementing the marketing practices, you focus your efforts on
increasing brand identity, reputation, cost advantages, and accessibility of the products/services
to lessen the possibility of customers looking for substitutes.
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The threat is high if:
You must ensure that when implementing the marketing practices, you consider possible means
to increase the difficulty of new businesses entering the industry. This can include influencing the
regulated capital needed to enter the industry and increasing the reliability of the businesses
when it comes to specialised products/services.
The threat is high if barriers for other businesses to enter the industry are low. This can include:
Marketing activities are the activities or steps that your business engages in to ensure that your
products/services are sold to customers and to improve your positioning in the market.
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Your business needs customers, especially in its start-up stage. To attract
Build your
customers to your business, you will have to conduct marketing activities
customer that will facilitate communication between your business and your
base prospective customers. This could include:
Xây dựng cơ conducting market research để hiểu nhu cầu khách hàng, đâu là
sở khách khách hàng tiềm năng
hàng (thường
segmenting potential customers phải hiểu từng phân khúc k.h
là các doanh
nghiệp mới building customer rapport through communication tương tác, giao
vào) tiếp với k.h, thu hút sự chú ý của khách hàng
promoting the products/services to the potential customers
Once you have established your customer base, your next marketing
activities will focus more on keeping your existing customers. This could
your include:
following up on customer feedback
providing good customer service
continuous promotional activity
improving customer experience. VD: nhớ tên khách hàng khi k.h sử
dụng sp của mình được 1 vài lần làm tăng trải nghiệm khách hàng
Giữ chân khách hàng bằng cách mở thẻ thành viên, giảm giá cho khách hàng
thân thiết, tích điểm nhận quà...
Grow your Once you have a large number of loyal customers, your next step is to bring
customer in more customers. This could involve performing the marketing activities
base from the ‘getting customers’ stage. However, at this stage, you will have
more materials to use in your promotions, such as:
customer testimonials
better promotional strategies
You can also widen your customer segments to reach a wider audience.
vd: sau khi sử dụng sp của doanh nghiệp lần đầu, thì khi lần sau quay lại
với số lượng 2 người trở lên thì khách hàng sẽ được giảm giá 20% sp dịch
Depending on what stage you are in your existing marketing activities, you need to review them.
This will help you identify which marketing activities are performing well and which needs to be
modified or removed.
This can include reviewing industry trends, a competitor analysis and/or a SWOT analysis.
Industry trends
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Industry trends refer to the direction where the industry your business is in will go in the future in
terms of growth and profitability. It is vital that when you review your existing marketing
activities, they adhere to the current industry trends of your business.
For example, if your business focuses on food, then industry trends that your business can
consider can include:
If upon review you found out that your existing marketing activities do not consider any of the
current industry trends you would have to adapt your marketing activities to consider these
Competitive Activity
Competitive activity refers to the actions that your business takes to ensure that it remains
profitable and more reputable than your competitors. It is important that when reviewing existing
marketing activities, you make sure that your competitive activity is high and applied to your
marketing activities.
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Benchmarking Data
Benchmarking data refers to the information that you gather from your internal records and
competitive analysis that you and your superiors can use as reference in:
evaluating how close or far you are from achieving your goals and objectives
your position in the market against your competitors
identifying opportunities to improve your internal and external processes
identifying areas where you can improve for the products/services your business offers
Market Presence
Market presence refers to the impression or message that your business wants to portray to your
customers. The purpose of building a good market presence is to ensure that when your potential
customers decide to purchase a product/service that you happen to offer, you will be among, if
not the only, top businesses they will consider buying from.
Therefore, you need to ensure that your existing marketing activities embody your market
There are a number of records you can use to assist with planning and implementing marketing
Internal records
Internal records refer to the documents and sources within the business that can provide
information on customer behaviour.
External Sources
External sources can be great sources of information that you can use to plan your marketing
activities. These can include:
journal articles
business websites
news reports
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Information that external sources provide can include:
Experiment results
Experiment results refer to the results of the tests and trials that businesses do to gain insight into
the performance of their products/services before marketing to the public.
Information that experimentation provide can include:
product quality
material/ingredient suitability
production efficiency
Information from experiments is straightforward and quantitative in nature. You can use the
information from your experiments to better understand which aspects of your products/services
you can improve.
For example, through experimentation, you can evaluate if the materials you are currently using
for your products suit the quality you are aiming for.
Experimental results can also branch out into simulations. Simulations are imitations of real-life
scenarios where you can test out your products/services.
For example, before offering a specific service to customers, you can simulate the service first and
gather feedback to improve it before launching it to the public.
Market research
Market research can provide information that can give the business insight on marketing
opportunities, strategies, as well as solving marketing issues.
You can use the information you gather from your market research to identify possible
opportunities that you can make use of to increase the sales of your business. You can also use the
information to evaluate your current corporate reputation.
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1.3 Develop and document action plan
In planning your marketing activities, you have to make sure that everyone who needs to be
involved in the planning is aware of the purpose of the plan. This will help streamline the planning
process faster. Your plan will be outlined through an action plan.
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1.3.1 Develop and document the action plan (task 2)
An action plan is a document that you can use to breakdown the goals, objectives, tasks, and
timelines, and expected outcomes of your marketing activities. Your action plan will serve as your
guide when the implementation phase of your marketing activities arrives.
It will also help you in monitoring the progress of the activities and how they will be faring in
terms of meeting the listed expected outcomes and other metrics.
The information that an action plan can have may vary from business to business. However,
generally, in developing the action plan, you will need to make sure that it adheres to the required
task requirements. These include the following:
organisational requirements
marketing activities
resources required
expected Outcomes
actual Outcomes - Actual outcomes are the actual results of the implementation of
marketing activities. These should ideally correspond to or exceed the expected outcomes
listed in the action plan. More details on actual outcomes, including how to measure and
record them, will be discussed in Topic 3.
contingency Strategies
Businesses may have varying formats and components that they include in their action plans. But,
generally, an action plan contains the following parts:
Goals and An action plan typically starts with a description of the goals and objectives of
objectives the activity or task. Although the main focus here is the goals and objectives,
this is also where you will place all the other organisational requirements of
the marketing activities, i.e. policies, procedures, and standards.
Activity or After the organisational requirements, the next part is a description of the
task to be activity or task that needs to be completed. This is basically an overview of the
completed activity or task that you are developing the action plan for.
This may also include the specific action items for each activity or task to be
Required In this part, you will have to outline the resources that are needed to
resources complete the tasks. This means that you outline what tools, materials,
equipment, location, and space are needed for the activities or task.
This will include the finances that you need to acquire to support the activity,
i.e. budget.
Required This is where you will outline who will complete the activity or tasks or their
personnel specific action items. Your outline will include the names of the people as well
as the roles and responsibilities they are assigned to. Some businesses will
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also attach a resume to support this part.
Deadlines This provides an outline of the deadlines that must be met for the planned
and activity of the task. If you included action items for the activity or task, then
milestones this part will include the milestones or specific dates within the deadline of
when each action item must be completed.
Measures to This part is where you outline the expected outcomes of the activity or task.
evaluate This is also where you can describe the key performance indicators that will
progress serve as a basis to identify whether the expected outcomes have been met or
Actual This part is updated once the activity or task has been completed. This is
outcomes where you will log the actual outcomes of the activity. You may also include
here a comparison of the actual outcomes and expected outcomes.
Other parts Some action plans may also include:
A recommendation portion for suggestions to improve future plans
A contingency plan for possible risks that can occur during the process
of completing the activity or task. Some businesses do not add this
part in their action plans because they make a separate and more
thorough plan for contingencies.
There are 4 criteria that you need to ensure for a good action plan.
Action Clear
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You need to make sure that your action plan is complete. This means that all the details you need
to complete your action plan are included.
Do you have all the information that you need to complete the action plan?
Do you have the resources needed to complete the action plan?
Do you have support from relevant individuals for the action plan?
You need to make sure that the details of the action plan are clear. This means that those who will
read the action plan can immediately identify the information that they need.
You have to make sure that the action plan is current.
You can consider the following questions:
You need to make that your action plan is compliant with the task requirements. This means that
your action plan needs to abide by the policies and procedures, metrics, and other requirements
of your business.
Does the action plan adhere to the goals and objectives of the business?
Are the activities and specific tasks relevant to industry trends?
Do the activities correspond to those in the marketing plan of the business?
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1.4 Approval of action
Before you can fully implement your action plan, you must first seek the approval of relevant
personnel. Receiving the approval of the required people will ensure that your action plan is free of
possible errors. Their approval will also help you correct your action plan.
You need to know who will approve your action plan. Depending on your role, this would typically
Marketing managers
Knowing how you will be seeking approval from these people will help you identify the protocols
that you need to follow as each level of management may have varying protocols.
Before you present your action plan, be sure to review it and check that there is no lacking
information and the 4 criteria are met.
You may be required to present your action plan. In that case, you have to make sure that you
have your visual aids and other materials ready.
After you prepare, you can now present your action plan to the relevant people. The approval
process may differ from 1 business to another. However, it may generally follow the steps below:
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Submit an initial The first step of the process is the submission of your initial
action plan. At this stage, your superior may ask you to present
action plan your plan, if required.
Your supervisor or manager will review your action plan and
recommended recommend some corrections.
Once your action plan is finalised, only then will you receive
approval to implement that action plan. Check with your approval
Receive approval process if you will have to sign or submit an acknowledgment
report for documentation. .
Learning Activity: Explain why it is important to seek approval of the action plan before
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Case Study 1
Suppose that you are a marketing planner of Bounce Fitness, a premier fitness and wellness
provider in Australia. As a marketing planner, it is part of your task to prepare an action plan to
market the newly developed Bounce Energy Bar.
After conducting due research, you developed an action plan that outlines how your business
will market the Bounce Energy Bar to the Bounce members as well as local markets.
You submit the plan to the marketing manager for an initial review. Part of the initial review is
to present the initial plan to the manager and other relevant personnel. During the review, you
received the following feedback:
Demographics of the target market is too wide for a first launch
Promotion channels should include social media
You will review the feedback and then apply it to your action plan. After modifying the plan as per
the feedback received, you can now send it back for final review. If there is nothing else that
needs correcting, then you will receive approval to implement the plan.
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Learning Activity: Topic 1 – True or false
Tick ‘True’ if the statement is correct, and ‘False’ if not.
Statement True False
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Key Points: Topic 1
Task analysis can help you break down the details of the task and identify the task
It is important that your action plan adheres to the task requirements needed for
the marketing activities.
Marketing practices are the concepts that your business must abide by when
planning and implementing your marketing activities.
An action plan is a document that you can use to plan how activities or tasks in
your business will be completed.
Your action plan must be complete, clear, current, and compliant.
Only after receiving approval will you be able to implement your action plan.
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Topic 2: Co-ordinate marketing activities
Once your action plan is approved, you can implement it. Remember that the implementation does
not start with implementing the actual marketing activities immediately.
Implementation starts with the identification and the acquisition of the resources required for the
marketing activities.
There must be proper coordination between the people involved. These are the people who will
perform the tasks relevant to the marketing activities, the management and those who will be
facilitating the release of the resources needed.
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2.1.1 Identifying the resources required for marketing activities
Physical resources Financial resources Human resources
Physical resources
Physical resources are essentially the tangible and raw materials that you will use throughout the
implementation of the activities. These resources include the following:
Materials refer to the ingredients/raw materials that you will need to market
your products/services. These can include marketing paraphernalia, e.g.
posters, flyers, etc.
Tools Tools refer to the equipment, devices, and technology that you will need to
facilitate your marketing activities. These can include:
Space Space refers to the physical area required where you may need to
implement your marketing activities. This can include:
You need to check before you conduct the marketing activities that you have all the physical
resources that you need. You also need to make sure that they are accessible and repairable or
replaceable in case of unexpected malfunctions or damages.
As you identify these resources, it will help to ask the following questions:
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Are the physical resources readily available?
Financial resources
Budget refers to the estimated amount of money that will be needed to support the operation of
the marketing activities. Your marketing activities will not be implemented without financial
It may help you in preparing the budget for your activities if you ask the following questions:
Human resources
People are essential components to the success of your implementation. Your human resources
are not just limited to those who will complete the tasks. These resources are typically divided
into 3 groups:
These are people who manage and monitor the overall tasks. These are
typically the management team, including your manager or supervisor.
These are people completing the tasks. This may or may not include you, but
Task takers
will include the staff, especially the marketing staff.
These are people affected by the outcomes of the tasks. These are usually
investors and business owners who have provided financial support for the
observers activities.
Of these 3 groups, you will most often interact with the task takers. These task takers will mostly
likely be personnel from the marketing department. For these people, you have to ensure that
they have the skill set, availability, and interest to complete the tasks.
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Task takers can be individuals or workgroup targets. Workgroup targets are a set of people who
will be working together with a common goal to complete the tasks assigned.
In identifying the people who will complete the tasks, you need to consider the following
Who are the probable people who can fulfill the roles?
Product/service resources
You cannot market your products/services without specific knowledge about them. Specific
knowledge refers to the specific information about your products/services that are tailored and
focused only on those products/services. This will help you effectively implement the marketing
activities that will boost the sales of these products/services.
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Learning Activity: You are required to arrange new flyers for the gym. What resources may you
1. Physical:
2. Financial:
3. Human resource:
4. Product/Service resources:
When you identify the resources that you will need, it is also important to take note of the factors
that can affect the availability of these resources. Here are some factors that you need to
1. Suppliers
Suppliers of the materials that you will need can affect the availability of these materials. What if
one supplier cannot provide what you need? It is important that you do not rely on a single
2. Health issues
Health is very important for work. You need to factor in health issues as well as other possible
incidents that can cause someone who has a critical role in the implementation to be absent. This
is especially true for unexpected, prolonged leave.
It is essential that you do not only assign a single task to a single person. It is better to have others
ready to take on the task in case the original taker is not available.
3. Restrictions
You need to make sure that the resources that you need are not restricted by Australian law. If
you happen to require materials from abroad, you must make sure that they can legally enter the
4. Economic status
The status of the economy can greatly affect your resources. If there is inflation, there is a
tendency that prices will increase, so you may find that the physical resources you can afford are
lesser due to high prices.
5. Business finances
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If the business cannot offer a larger budget, then it will restrict the other resources as well. This, in
turn, will limit the implementation of the marketing activities.
After you identify the resources, the next step is to access these resources. It is important prior to
conducting the marketing activities that you have access to the resources that you will need.
Plan how to
access the
Access the
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For example, instead of buying new computers and printers, maybe there are extras from the
other department that can be borrowed instead.
3. Confirm availability
Once you identify where you can source these resources from, the next thing to do is to confirm if
they are available.
For example, there are extra computers and printers in the accounting department, but they are
not functional. In this case, you need to have alternative sources available.
For example, you need to purchase new computers and printers. Your business may have
procurement procedures that you need to follow. Your access plan must correspond to these
Case Study 2
Suppose that you are a marketing planner of Bounce Fitness who has just gotten your action
plan approved. After the approval, your next course of action is to identify and access the
resources that you will need for implementation.
You review your approved action plan and check which resources you will need. You prioritise
the resources that you need based on how urgent they are needed. As you narrowed down
your list, you came up with the following urgent resources:
team of graphic artists
You inquire about the intended sources, and you realised that the room available for you and
the team to use does not have a line to facilitate internet connectivity. You approach your
manager and seek alternatives.
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Your manager suggested a couple of alternative rooms for you to check. You can then check
these rooms and see which 1 can provide the accessibility that you need.
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Learning Activity: Arrange the steps below into the correct order for implementing marketing
Prioritise resources
Essentially, this marketing personnel is the task takers who will be completing the sub-tasks of the
marketing activities. Marketing personnel can be divided into 2 categories:
Category Explanation
Internal personnel are already working within the business. These are the employees
of the business that have based operations inside the business. This can include:
l Marketing officers
Full-time web developers
In-house graphics designers
External personnel are those who are sourced from outside the business. These can
l Third-party businesses
Freelance writers
Freelance graphic designers
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2.2.1 Assigning roles and responsibilities to personnel
There are some factors that you need to consider before you suggest what roles to assign and to
whom to your manager or supervisor.
Factor Explanation
You need to understand the role that needs to be assigned in order to
Job role
understand the responsibilities that come with it.
For example, one of the roles needed to be filled is a graphic designer. You
need to first understand what graphic designers do. Graphic designers are
essentially artists that turn ideas into creative visual materials using
computer software or by hand.
This refers to the duties that a person needs to complete based on the role
that they have. For example, the responsibilities of a graphic designer can
responsibilities include:
Providing designing support to the marketing team
Meeting with clients to communicate design requirements
This refers to the specific tasks or actions that a person needs to perform
Job functions
to fulfil the responsibilities of their role.
For example, 1 of the responsibilities of a graphic designer is to provide
design support to the marketing team. Some of the functions that the
graphic designer needs to complete can include:
Creating infographics for promotion
Editing video advertisements
Once you identify the role, responsibilities, and functions that are needed
to be filled, you can then draw a list of possible personnel who have the
skill set required for the role. For example, if the role is a graphic designer,
then the personnel skillset that you need can include:
Excellent photo-editing skills
Creative and innovative
Once you have your list of potential personnel for the role, you check who
is available. For example, you were able to identify 5 personnel who can
fulfil the role, but only 3 of them are available.
Lastly, you need to consider who among the shortlisted personnel needs
additional training. This will help you suggest to your manager or
supervisor who among the personnel can start with the tasks as soon as
assigned and who needs additional training.
Learning Activity: List the 6 factors that should be considered in selecting personnel and explain
why they are important.
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The implementation process is a set of actions that are executed to fully accomplish a set of
activities, along with the goals and objectives. In this case, the set of activities are marketing
activities in your action plan.
The implementation process has to be well-executed to successfully meet the expected outcomes of
the activities. To do that, you have to make sure that the following elements are met:
Implementation strategies
Implementation strategies refer to the plans of action that you will have to successfully implement
the marketing activities. Prior to implementation, at the task analysis stage, you must have already
planned out what implementation strategies you will follow. These can include:
keeping track of work progress through daily reports
conducting weekly meetings to check the progress of each personnel involved
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Ensure that the personnel assigned with tasks are well-aware of the deliverables of their assigned
For example, 1 of the personnel functions as the main graphic designer of the team and is assigned
to support the designing needs of the team. Deliverables of the tasks assigned can include:
marketing paraphernalia
promotional posters
landing pages
Schedule of implementation
The schedule must be clear so that all timeframes are covered and met. This includes a discussion of
the contingencies that are in place in case of delays in implementation. It is important that the
monitoring schedule is included so that it is clear when work progress will be monitored.
Plan of assistance
It is crucial that you have a plan on what to do in case the personnel involved in implementing and
managing the marketing activities need some help.
For example, if there is an equipment breakdown, you need to consider:
Keeping track of work progress through daily reports
What is the issue that needs assistance?
Who will the concerned personnel report to?
What are the procedures that they will follow?
Who will monitor the progress of the issue until it is resolved?
The plan of assistance must be in place, and all personnel involved must be aware of this plan.
Once these elements are covered, you can now fully implement the managing activities in the action
Sometimes, you will have to assist personnel in managing the activities. It is important that you
follow the plan of assistance. Following the plan will ensure that:
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As you follow the plan of assistance in providing help to personnel, you have to establish a set of
procedures that both you and the personnel can adhere to:
Businesses may have varying processes involved during monitoring, but generally, monitoring will
cover the following steps:
Learning Activity: Explain why it is important to monitor the implementation of the marketing
activities in the action plan.
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Learning Activity: Topic 2 – True or false
Tick ‘True’ if the statement is correct, and ‘False’ if not.
Statement True False
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Key Points: Topic 2
There are 4 resources that you will need to access before implementing your
marketing activities: physical, financial, human, and product/service.
Not all roles and responsibilities can be assigned to a person because one role
may be more suitable for someone else.
The implementation process is a set of actions that are executed to fully
accomplish a set of activities, along with the goals and objectives.
It is vital that you have a plan on what to do in case the personnel involved in
implementing and managing the marketing activities need some help.
It is important that while implementation is on-going, you and your superiors
monitor how close or far from completing the tasks assigned are.
Monitoring progress will include checking results, identifying problems, and
addressing the problems.
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Topic 3: Review marketing activities
After the implementation and monitoring of the marketing activities, the last step of the process is
the review of the results of the marketing activities.
Reviewing the results is important because it can give you and your superiors an idea of how well
the marketing activities perform in terms of:
It is important to measure the actual outcomes of the marketing activities because they can
provide insight on:
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how well the marketing activities perform in meeting the requirements
how well they can contribute to business growth
These outcomes will also be used to decide whether your business will continue implementing the
activities or not.
There are 3 methods you can apply to measure your actual outcomes:
Measure Explanation
Profitability measures are used to see whether marketing activities have
been effective in increasing the profitability of the business. In terms of
measures profitability, consider metrics such as:
Khả năng Gross and net profit margins
sinh lời
Contribution margin
Return on investment = (net profit – investment) investment x 100
You can measure monthly and/or annual profit and loss outcomes for
individual products/services to know how well the products/services are
doing, in addition to the above.
Productivity measures are used to see how well promotions are working,
how effective the sales force is at increasing overall sales, and how well the
measures distribution networks are working. In most cases, these measures and are
Năng suất established by setting productivity levels. Here are some examples:
Standards on how quickly a product should travel through the
distribution chain
Sales goals
Specific standards on what promotion should achieve (based on
their overall goals and objectives)
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Measuring outcome through the control system design
To measure the actual outcomes, you must have a system in place, such system is the Control
System Design. The control system design (CSD) aims to provide a more streamlined and organised
way of measuring the actual outcome of any implemented process or activity.
Like all business systems, the control system is best developed following a specific series of steps.
The major steps in the process are:
1. Examine the various objectives that you have set in the action plan.
2. Take each of the objectives and determine standards that can be used to measure the
progress that is being made toward each of the given objectives.
3. Measure actual outcomes based on the expected outcomes using any of the methods to
measure actual outcomes discussed prior.
4. Where necessary, undertake any further research needed to address the gaps between
the actual and expected outcomes.
5. Examine possible changes to the marketplace that could have impacted these outcomes.
6. Attempt to determine why the gaps occurred.
7. Create actions aimed at correcting any problems that exist.
Once you have measured the actual outcomes against expected outcomes, the next step is to
record these outcomes. Your organisations policies and procedure will dictate how to do this.
Some options include:
When you record the measures and gaps you have identified, you need to ensure that the
following considerations are covered:
Accuracy - In recording the measures, you must make sure that what you recorded is
accurate. Even if a mistake is only a single number, it can cause a significant impact on the
business, especially in terms of financial gain or loss.
Clarity - You must make sure every detail of what you recorded is clear to avoid any
ambiguity in results.
Transparency Minh bạch - You must ensure that when you record the measures, you
record everything that needs to be there. Do not exclude any required details or try to
make the results look ‘better’.
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3.2 Review results of activities
Once you have measured and recorded the actual outcomes of the implementation, the next step is
to evaluate the results. Evaluating the results is an essential part of the review process. It is after the
marketing activities are evaluated that decisions can be made.
In reviewing the actual results of the implementation, it is essential they are reviewed against the
expected outcomes outlined in the action plan. You could use the Control System Design
previously discussed or a process similar to the below.
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Learning Activity: Arrange the steps below to trace the flow of the reviewing results process.
After you review the results of the actual outcomes against the expected outcomes, you can
provide feedback on the results.
Feedback can provide you with data that is not numerical in nature. This feedback clarifies the
results of the implementation not just on the numerical values from the perception of people
Task takers
Task managers
Product/service quality
Approach Explanation
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Top-Down The top-down approach starts by seeking feedback from others in the business
approach who are above you. This can be your supervisor or manager. The top-down
approach includes certain individuals in evaluating marketing activities. The
advantage of this approach is that supervisors will usually offer criticism that
can be used to improve the implementation process.
Bottom- The bottom-up approach involves seeking a customer’s input. Customers can be
Up well-versed in marketing because they are the ones that are being advertised.
approach This means that they have to know what works and what does not.
As a result, this interactive approach employs focus groups and interviews to concentrate more on
aspects of the marketing activities that are deemed ineffective.
Learning Activity: List the methods to evaluate the results of the implementation.
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3.3 Report on marketing activities
You are now at the last step of undertaking marketing activities. After you measured, recorded,
and reviewed the outcomes of the implementation, it is now time for you to prepare a report.
Businesses may have varying standards of what report should be prepared, but generally, you will
have to prepare a marketing report. A marketing report is a document that gives an overview of
the results of your marketing activities. This will provide an idea of how well these activities are
performing and whether they will need further improvement.
The marketing report is significant because this will be what you will submit to summarise the
results of the implementation of the marketing activities. A business will have varying formats of
what a marketing report will be, but generally, it will contain a summary of the following:
The goals and objectives in the market report are those that have been
Goals and
outlined in the action plan.
objectives In writing goals and objectives, it is important that you highlight the
aspects of the goals and objectives that the results failed to achieve.
The expected outcome is what the implementation of marketing
activities is expected to yield.
outcomes It is essential that when you prepare the marketing report, you
provided a summary of which goals or objectives the expected
outcomes correspond to. It will make it clear to the reader where the
expected outcomes are based on.
The actual outcomes are the actual results of the implementation
Actual outcomes
Gaps refer to the difference between the actual outcomes and the
expected results. These are the points that the actual outcomes missed
or failed to achieve.
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Changes in marketing activities
After you prepare the marketing report, the next step is to share it with those who are involved in
the implementation.
your superiors whom you sought approval of the action plan from (Task managers)
the internal and external personnel whom you contributed assigning roles and
responsibilities to (Task takers)
the business owners and investors (Task observers)
Sharing the results, conclusions, and recommendations will help everyone understand what the
implementation of the marketing activities resulted in. It will also help in understanding what
went wrong during the implementation and how it impacted the overall results. This will also
inform everyone involved of the recommendations that can be implemented to improve the
future implementations of marketing activities.
In sharing reports with personnel, you must observe the following rules of etiquette:
Be prepared
Before you share the report and results inside, you have to be prepared. There will likely be
questions so ensure you have reviewed the results, conclusions, recommendations, and the entire
implementation process, so you are well-prepared to answer them.
Be professional
When you share the report with relevant personnel, you have to be professional at all times. Treat
the sharing process as a formal event. This is especially important if your method of sharing
requires you to present the details to an audience.
Be objective
This connects to the previous point. You need to stick to the facts. Only share what is on the
report and any explanations required.
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Report writing is also covered in unit BSBWRT411 Write complex documents – use the content
page in the Learner Resource for that unit for additional information.
Your client Almost like Yiayia’s aka ALY Food is a Greek restaurant delivery service,
they have been in business for 6 months since the start of lock down one in Melbourne.
They are owned and operated by Alex Xinis, a well-known chef with a wide range of
experience both within Australia at Hellenic Republic and internationally at Ospo as
their executive chef. He’s also worked as a food consultant, devising restaurant menus
and planning the operations of commercial kitchens.
ALY Food has been developed as a direct result of the impact of COVID 19. They are
delivering restaurant quality food across Melbourne and have been steadily increasing
their menu items as demand grows.
The Unique Selling Point USP is that it is restaurant quality food you heat at home.
Generally speaking takeaway food has been sitting around for 40 minutes by the time it
gets to your home. They also have an advantage as the meals are pre-packaged and
could potentially be frozen, or received frozen so that the customer can have meals on
Their main competitors are other Greek restaurants or food delivery services who may
have greater access to celebrities, have been in business for longer and have an
established brand. Two of their competitors are Bahari_Richmond and Stalactites
Their initial aim or marketing goal was to get known. They now need to devise a new
plan and continue to build their brand and social media following in order to increase
sales 10% over the next 6 months to Month 20XX
They want to increase their engagement ratio on social media by 10% over the next 3
months to Month 20XX.
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Learning Activity: MARKETING REPORT
In this activity you are required to read the scenario above and complete the report planning template
1. Goals and Objectives
List the goals and
objectives of the
marketing action plan
2. Expected Outcomes
State what the expected
outcomes were
3. Actual Outcomes
State what the actual
outcomes were
4. Gaps
State any gaps between
expected and actual
5. Explanations
Explain the reasons for
the identified gaps
6. Conclusion
Provide a summary of
your findings.
7. Recommendations
State your
recommendations for
future activity
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Learning Activity: Topic 3 – True or false
Tick ‘True’ if the statement is correct, and ‘False’ if not.
Statement True False
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Key Points: Topic 3
It is important to measure the actual outcomes of the marketing activities
because they can provide insight into how the market activities contribute to the
The control system design (CSD) aims to provide a more streamlined and
organised way of measuring the actual outcome of any implemented process or
Accuracy, clarity, and transparency are important in recording results.
This feedback clarifies the results of the implementation not just on the numerical
values but from the perception of people as well.
The marketing report is important because this will be what you will submit to
summarise the results of the implementation of the marketing activities.
Sharing the results will help in understanding what went wrong during the
implementation and how it impacted the overall results.
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In this resource, you learnt how to prepare to undertaking marketing activities. This includes
learning how to:
Lastly, you learnt how to review marketing activities and evaluate their effectiveness in contributing
growth to the business.
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These are some references that we feel may be of assistance to you in completing the Assessment
for this unit of competency:
5 marketing concepts (explained with examples). (n.d.). IEduNote. Retrieved March 25, 2021,
5 tips for identifying project resources. (n.d.). Upland Software, Inc. Retrieved March 25, 2021,
Athuraliya, A. (2021, March 23). How to write an action plan | step-by-step guide with templates.
Creately Blog.
Bounce fitness corporate marketing plan. (n.d.). Bounce Fitness. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
Customer relationship management policy and procedures. (n.d.). Bounce Fitness. Retrieved
March 25, 2021, from
Forte, A. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in the United States and Europe: How important
is it? The future of corporate social responsibility. International Business & Economics Research
Journal (IBER), 12(7), 815.
Gregory, S. (2019, August 13). 19 important digital marketing metrics for measuring success.
How to write your marketing plan. (2021, March 10).; Australian Government.
Information management system policy. (n.d.). Bounce Fitness. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
Membership building marketing activity plan. (n.d.). Bounce Fitness. Retrieved March 25, 2021,
Privacy and confidentiality policies and procedures. (n.d.). Bounce Fitness. Retrieved March 25,
2021, from
Shaw, A. A. (2020, April 4). Societal marketing concept - examples, objectives & advantages.
Marketing Tutor.
Societal marketing concept: Definition, advantages, examples. (n.d.). IEduNote. Retrieved March
25, 2021, from
The importance of a marketing report. (2019, November 4). Whatagraph.
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What are marketing activities - definition - benefits? (n.d.). TODAY FOUNDER. Retrieved March
25, 2021, from
What are task requirements. (n.d.). Task Management Guide. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
What is task analysis? (n.d.). Task Management Guide. Retrieved March 25, 2021, from
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