Pechay Production For Urban Gardening Leaflet

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P echay is a vegetable commonly

planted in backyard gardens. It

grows best on regularly watered
loamy soil with high organic matter content
and in an environment with a temperature
Planting and Nutrient Management
 Pechay can either be sown directly in soil
or transplanted. Direct seeding is done by
broadcasting or by sowing in rows. Cover
 If seedlings are transplanted in
plots, transplant 10 days after
sowing at a distance of 10 cm
ranging from 18 to 22°C. It is high in folic the seeds by spreading additional topsoil. between plants and 20 cm between
acid, rich in vitamin K, a good source of Water immediately after sowing. rows. Water regularly and apply
calcium and contains fiber. organic probiotics like vermin-tea or
 Sow seeds in seedbeds or seedling trays.
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) if
Transplant seedlings 10 days after
available to promote better growth.
sowing. Transplant preferably in the
Soil Preparation afternoon and water immediately. You
 Mix part of well-pulverized soil with 1 can use 1.5L plastic bottles as growing
part compost and one part rice hull. For pot. Each plastic bottle can accommodate
home gardens with wide areas, mix 1 kg two seedlings. The bigger the container
compost and 300 grams rice hull for the better.
every 1 square meter of soil.
 Water the plants 2 to 3 times a week or Department of Agriculture`
as needed. Remove weeds regularly. Cordillera Administrative Region
BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet
Telefax No.: (074) 422-7460
 Common insect pests of pechay include
diamond back moth, cutworm, and
aphids. Hand picking of insect pests is
(For Urban and Home Gardening)
 Harvest as early as three weeks after
planting or between 30-40 days after
sowing. Harvest preferably in the
afternoon to minimize postharvest

Developed and Produced by:

Department of Agriculture`
Cordillera Administrative Region
BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet
Telefax No.: (074) 422-7460

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