All Stat For Eco - Sums

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(Senior Secondary - CBSE)



Question 1:
Following are the figures of marks obtained by 40 students. You are required to arrange them in ascending and in
descending order.
15 18 16 14 10 6 5 3 8 7
22 18 14 19 17 8 6 4 10 3
12 16 15 13 11 10 18 22 14 19
11 18 22 14 25 21 17 8 9 10


3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 9
10 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 14
14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18
18 18 19 19 21 22 22 22 25


25 22 22 22 21 19 19 18 18 18
18 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 14
14 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 9
8 8 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 3

Question 2:
Heights (in inches) of 35 students of a class in given below. Classify the following data in a discrete frequency
58 60 72 68 58 55 58 72 55 68 66 60
60 55 76 66 58 72 68 60 55 68 55 58
62 66 72 58 60 68 55 58 65 72 68

In the form of frequency distribution, the given data can be arranged as follows.
Question 3:
The following are the marks of the 30 students in statistics. prepare a frequency distribution taking the
class−intervals as 10−20, 20−30 and so on.
12 33 23 25 18 35 37 49 54 51 37 15 33 42 45
47 55 69 65 63 46 29 18 37 46 59 29 35 45 27

In the form of frequency distribution, the given data can be arranged as follows.

Question 4:
Following are the marks (out of 100) obtained by 50 students in statistics:
70 55 51 42 57 45 60 47 63 53
33 65 39 82 55 64 58 61 65 42
50 52 53 45 45 25 36 59 63 39
65 54 49 54 64 75 42 41 52 35
30 35 15 48 26 20 40 55 46 18
make a frequency distribution taking the first class interval as 0-10.

In the form of frequency distribution, the given data can be arranged as follows.

Question 5:
Prepare a frequency table taking class intervals 20−24, 25−29, 30−34 and so on, from the following data:
21 20 55 39 48 46 36 54 42 30
29 42 32 40 34 31 35 37 52 44
39 45 37 33 51 53 52 46 43 47
41 26 52 48 25 34 37 33 36 27
54 36 41 33 23 39 28 44 45 38
In the form of frequency distribution, the given data can be arranged as follows.

Question 6:
From the following data, calculate the lower limit of the first class and upper limit of the last class.
Daily Wages Less than 120 120−140 140−160 160−180 Above 180
No. of Workers 35 12 10 40 13

In the given question, the size of each class is 20. Thus, maintaining the uniformity, we take the first class as 100-
120 and the last class as 180-200. Therefore, the lower limit of the first class-interval is 120 − 20 = 100 and the
upper limit of the last class is 180 + 20 = 200.
Question 7:
Calculate the missing class-intervals from the following distribution:
Class- 50−9
Below 20 20−50 90−140 More than 140
Interval 0
Frequency 7 12 16 2 4

In the given question, the class-intervals are of different width. Thus, the missing class-intervals cannot be

Question 8:
Convert the following 'more than' cumulative frequency distribution into a 'less than' cumulative frequency
Class-Interval (More than) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Frequency 124 119 107 84 55 31 12 2

The 'more than' cumulative frequency distribution can be presented in the form of a 'simple frequency
distribution' as follows.

Class-Interval Frequency
10 - 20 124 – 119 = 5
20 - 30 119 – 107 = 12
30 - 40 107 - 84 = 23
40 - 50 84 – 55 = 29
50 - 60 55 – 31 = 24
60 - 70 31 – 12 = 19
70 - 80 12- 2 = 10
80 - 90 2- 0 = 2

From the above distribution, we can make the 'less than' cumulative frequency distribution as follows.

Class-Interval Frequency

Less than 20 5
Less than 30 5 + 12 = 17
Less than 40 17 + 23 = 40
Less than 50 40 + 29 = 69
Less than 60 69 + 24 = 93
Less than 70 93 + 19 = 112
Less than 80 112 + 10 = 122
Less than 90 122 + 2 = 124

Convert the following more than CF distribution into Less than CF distribution

Marks No. of Students

More than 40 140
More than 45 127
More than 50 112
More than 55 89
More than 60 61
More than 65 36
More than 70 17

Sol: Step – Simple frequency distribution

Marks No. of Students

40 - 45 140 – 127 = 13
45 -50 127 – 112 = 15
50 – 55 112 – 89 = 23
55 – 60 89 – 61 = 28
60 – 65 61 – 36 = 25
65 -70 36 – 17 = 19
70 - 75 17 – 0 = 17

Step 2 – Converting Simple frequency distribution into less than Frequency

Marks No. of Students

Less than 45 13
Less than 50 13 + 15 = 28
Less than 55 28 + 23 = 51
Less than 60 51 + 28 = 79
Less than 65 79 + 25 = 104
Less than 70 104 + 19 = 123
Less than 75 123 + 17 = 140

Question 9:
Convert the following cumulative frequency series into simple frequency series
Marks No. of Students
Less than 20 10
Less than 40 18
Less than 60 25
Less than 80 45
Less than 100 55

The 'less than' cumulative frequency distribution can be presented in the form of a 'simple frequency distribution'
as follows.

Class-Interval Frequency
0 - 20 10
20 - 40 18 − 10 = 8
40 - 60 25 − 18 = 7
60 - 80 45 − 25 = 20
80 - 100 55 − 45 = 10

Question 10:
Prepare a frequency distribution from the following data:
Mid-Points 25 35 45 55 65 75
Frequency 6 10 9 12 8 5

The class interval can be calculated from the mid-points using the following adjustment formula.
The value obtained is then added to the midpoint to obtain the upper limit and subtracted from the mid-point to
obtain the lower limit.
For the given data, the class interval is calculated by the following value of adjustment.
Value of adjustment = 35 – 25/2= 5
Thus, we add and subtract 5 to each mid-point to obtain the class interval.
For instance:
The lower limit of first class = 25 – 5 = 20
Upper limit of first class = 25 + 5 = 30
Thus, the first class interval is (20 − 30). Similarly, we can calculate the remaining class intervals.

Frequency Distribution
Class Interval Frequency
25 20 − 30 6
35 30 − 40 10
45 40 − 50 9
55 50 − 60 12
65 60 − 70 8
75 70 − 80 5

Question 11:
The ages of 20 husbands and wives are given below. Form a two-way frequency table showing the relationship
between the ages of husbands and wives with the class-intervals 20−25, 25−30, etc.
Age of Age of
S.No Age of Wife S. No. Age of Husband
Husband Wife
1 28 23 11 27 24
2 37 30 12 39 34
3 42 40 13 23 20
4 25 26 14 33 31
5 29 25 15 36 29
6 47 31 16 32 35
7 37 35 17 22 23
8 35 25 18 29 27
9 23 21 19 38 34
10 41 38 20 48 47
The given data can be presented in the form of a bivariate frequency distribution as follows.
Age of husband (X)
20 − 25 25 − 30 30 − 35 35 − 40 40 − 45 45 − 50
Age of wife (Y)

20 − 25 5
25 − 30 5
30 − 35 5
35 − 40 3
40 − 45 1
45 − 50 1
Total 3 5 2 6 3 1 20
The following data represent the marks in English X and Maths Y of 25 Students. Prepare a two way frequency distribution
with class interval of 15-25, 25- 35, 35-40 and so on.

S.No English Maths S. No. English Maths

1 35 56 13 35 52
2 28 42 14 35 48
3 30 40 15 70 80
4 18 30 16 17 18
5 40 63 17 42 58
6 45 62 18 46 65
7 27 18 19 35 48
8 36 52 20 35 50
9 52 74 21 27 38
10 38 60 22 32 46
11 40 60 23 41 68
12 38 56 24 46 74
25 58 88

Question 12:
The following data give the points scored in a tennis match by two player X and Y at the end of twenty games:
(10,1 (2,11 (15,1 (17,2 (12,8 (16,1 (14,1 (22,1 (16,4
2) ) 9) 1) ) 0) 4) 8) )
(15,1 (22,2 (19,1 (7,18 (11,1 (12,1 (10,1 (5,13 (11,7 (10,1
6) 0) 5) ) 1) 8) 0) ) ) 0)
Taking class intervals as: 5−9, 10−14, 15−19..., for both X and Y, construct a Bivariate Frequency Distribution.
The given data can be presented in the form of a bivariate frequency distribution as follows.
Player X
0−4 5−9 10 − 14 15 − 19 20 − 24
Player Y

0−4 1
5−9 3
10 − 14 8
15 − 19 6
20 − 24 2
Total 1 3 8 6 2 20

Question 13:
In a survey, it was found that 64 families bought milk in the following quantities in a particular month. Prepare a
frequency distribution with classes as 5−9, 10−14 etc.
1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2
9 6 7
9 6 2 2 2 9 9 4 6 8 7 0 5
1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2
0 4 0 1 0 8 8 4 3 5 4 2 4 3 3
1 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 2
3 6 1 6 1 7 0 3 2 1 2 1 1 7 6 3
1 2 1 2 2 1 2 8 9 1 2 2 1 2 2 1
5 7 7 1 3 4 4 5 9 0 8 8 6 2

In the form of frequency distribution, the given data can be arranged as follows.

Quantity Tally Marks Frequency

5−9 6
10 − 14 11
15 − 19 13
20 − 24 18
25 − 29 8
30 − 34 5
35 − 39 3
Question 14:
You are given below a mid value series, convert it into a continuous series.
15 25 35 45 55
10 - 20 20 – 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60
Frequency 8 12 15 10 5
The class interval can be calculated from the mid-points using the following adjustment formula.

The value obtained is then added to the mid point to obtain the upper limit and subtracted from the mid-point to
obtain the lower limit.
For the given data, the class interval is calculated by the following value of adjustment.
Value of adjustment = 25 − 152= 5Value of adjustment = 25 - 152= 5
Thus, we add and subtract 5 to each mid-point to obtain the class interval.
For instance:
The lower limit of first class = 15 – 5 = 10
Upper limit of first class = 15 + 5 = 20
Thus, the first class interval is (10 − 20). Similarly, we can calculate the remaining class intervals.
Mid Class Interval Frequency
15 10 − 20 8
25 20 − 30 12
35 30 − 40 15
45 40 − 50 10
55 50 − 60 5

Question 15:
For the data given below, prepare a frequency distribution table with classes 100−110, 110-120, etc.
125 108 112 126 110 132 136 130 140 155
120 130 136 138 125 111 112 125 140 148
147 137 145 150 142 135 137 132 165 154

In the form of frequency distribution, the given data can be arranged as follows.
Class Tally
Interval Marks
100 − 110 1
110 − 120 4
120 − 130 5
130 − 140 10
140 − 150 6
150 − 160 3
160 − 170 1

Question 16:
Prepare a bivariate frequency distribution for the following data for 20 students:
Marks in Maths 10 11 10 11 11 14 12 12 13 10
Marks in Statistics 20 21 22 21 23 23 22 21 24 23
Marks in Maths 13 12 11 12 10 14 14 12 13 10
Marks in Statistics 24 23 22 23 22 22 24 20 24 23

The data can be presented in the form of a bivariate distribution as follows.

Marks in Maths
Marks in Statistics 10 11 12 13 14 Total

20 2
21 3
22 5
23 6
24 4
Total 5 4 5 3 3 20

Question 17:
In a school, no student has scored less than 25 marks or more than 60 marks in an examination. Their cumulative
frequencies are as follows:
Less than 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
Total frequency 120 115 90 75 65 45 32
Find the frequencies in the class intervals 25−30, 30−35,....55−60.

Less than 60 120
Less than 55 115
Less than 50 90
Less than 45 75
Less than 40 65
Less than 35 45
Less than 30 32

This can be presented in the form of a simple frequency distribution as follows.

Marks Number of Students

25 − 30 32
30 − 35 45 − 32 = 13
35 − 40 65 − 45 = 20
40 − 45 75 − 65 = 10
45 − 50 90 − 75 = 15
50 − 55 115 − 90 = 25
55 − 60 120 − 115 = 5

Question 18:
Marks scored by 50 students are given below:
40 45 38 24 46 42 45 18 53 64
45 32 52 54 78 65 52 64 66 43
48 55 50 43 48 20 27 65 37 55
51 55 62 66 38 16 60 58 46 35
72 62 54 58 30 36 43 82 46 53
(a) Arrange the marks in ascending order. – Lower to Higher
(b) Represent the marks in the form of discrete frequency distribution.
(c) Construct an inclusive frequency distribution with first class as 10−19. Also construct class boundaries.
(d) Construct a frequency distribution with exclusive class-intervals, taking the lowest class as 10−20.
(e) Convert the exclusive series constructed in (d) into 'less than' and 'more than' cumulative frequency

Marks arranged in
ascending order
16 50
18 51
20 52
24 52
27 53
30 53
32 54
35 54
36 55
37 55
38 55
38 58
40 58
42 60
43 62
43 62
43 64
45 64
45 65
45 65
46 66
46 66
46 72
48 78
48 82

(b) Discrete Frequency Distribution


16 1
18 1
20 1
24 1
27 1
30 1
32 1
35 1
36 1
37 1
38 2
40 1
42 1
43 3
45 3
46 3
48 2
50 1
51 1
52 2
53 2
54 2
55 3
58 2
60 1
62 2
64 2
65 2
66 2
72 1
78 1
82 1

(c) Inclusive Frequency Distribution

Class Interval No. of
(Marks) Students
10 − 19 2
20 − 29 3
30 − 39 7
40 − 49 13
50 − 59 13
60 − 69 9
70 − 79 2
80 − 89 1

Exclusive Frequency Distribution
Class No. of
Interval Students
10 − 20 2
20 − 30 3
30 − 40 7
40 − 50 13
50 − 60 13
60 − 70 9
70 − 80 2
80 −90 1

(e) Less than frequency distribution

Less than 20 2
Less than 30 2+3=5
Less than 40 5 + 7 = 12
Less than 50 12 + 13 = 25
Less than 60 25 + 13 = 38
Less than 70 38 + 9 = 47
Less than 80 47 + 2 = 49
Less than 90 49 + 1 = 50

More than frequency distribution

More than 10 50
More than 20 50 − 2 = 48
More than 30 48 − 3 = 45
More than 40 45 − 7 = 38
More than 50 38 − 13 = 25
More than 60 25 − 13 = 12
More than 70 12 − 9 = 3
More than 80 3 − 2 =1

Question 19:
From the following data of the ages of different persons, prepare less than and more than cumulative frequency
20−3 40−5 60−7
Age (in years) 10−20 30−40 50−60 70−80
0 0 0
No. of
5 12 10 6 4 11 2
Age No. of
(in Persons
10 − 20 5
20 − 30 12
30 − 40 10
40 − 50 6
50 − 60 4
60 − 70 11
70 − 80 2

Less than frequency distribution

Less than 20 5
Less than 30 5 + 12 = 17
Less than 40 17 + 10 = 27
Less than 50 27 + 6 = 33
Less than 60 33 + 4 = 37
Less than 70 37 + 11 = 48
Less than 80 48 + 2 = 50

More than frequency distribution

More than 10 50
More than 20 50 − 5 = 45
More than 30 45 − 12 = 33
More than 40 33 − 10 = 23
More than 50 23 − 6 = 17
More than 60 17 − 4 = 13
More than 70 13 − 11 = 2

Tabular Presentation of Data

Question 1:
Draw a blank table to show the number of students appearing in the CAT examination according to sex and
stream (Science, commerce and Arts)

Distribution of Students
(according to sex and stream)
Number of Students
Stream Mal Femal Tota
e e l

Question 2:
Prepare a blank table for tabulating population of Delhi according to Gender, marital status, and age (below 30
years and above 30 years.
Distribution of Population of Delhi
(according to sex, marital status and age)
Status Above 30 Below 30 Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total

Question 3:
In 2015, out of a total of 360 students in a college, 240 were for B.Com (H) and the rest for Eco(H). Tabulate the
given information.

The information given in the question can be summarized as follows.
Year 2015
Total number of students in a college = 360
Total number of B.Com(H) students = 240
Total number of Eco(H) students = 360−-240= 120

Year 2016
Total number of students in a college = 450
Total number of Eco(H) students = 320
Total number of B.Com(H) students = 450−-320= 130

Distribution of Students in a College

Class Total
2015 2016
B.Com(H) 240 130 370
Eco(H)) 120 320 440
Total 360 450 810

Question 4:
Out of total number of 750 people, who applied for job in Reliance Industries, 150 are females. Out of total
applicants, 420 are graduates and other are post graduate. The number of male applicants who are post graduate
are 250. Tabulate the given information.

Male Female
600 150 = 750

Graduates PG
350 250 = 600

70 80 = 150
Graduates Post Graduates
420 330 = 750


The information given in the question can be summarized as follows.

Total number of people who applied for job in Reliance Industries = 750
Total number of females who applied for job = 150
Total number of males who applied for job = 750−-150= 600
Total number of graduates who applied for job = 420
Total number of post graduates who applied for job = 750−-420= 330
Total number of male applicants who are post graduate = 250
Total number of male applicants who are graduate = 600−250= 350
Total number of female applicants who are graduate = 420−-350= 70
Total number of female applicants who are post graduate = 330−-250= 80

Distribution of Applicants in Reliance industries

(according to qualification and sex)
Qualification Total
Male Female
Graduate 350 70 420
Post-graduate 250 80 330
Total 600 150 750

Question 5:
In a sample study about coffee habit in two towns, the following information was received:
(i) Town A: Females were 40%; Total coffee drinkers were 45% and Males non-coffee drinkers were 20%.
(ii) Town B: Males were 55%; Males non-coffee drinkers were 30% and Females coffee drinkers were 15%. Present
the data in a tabular form.
Percentage of Coffee Drinkers and Non-Coffee Drinkers in City A and City B
City A City B
Attribute Male Female Total Male Female Total
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Coffee drinkers 40 5 45 25 15 40
Non-coffee drinkers 20 35 55 30 30 60
Total 60 40 100 55 45 100

Question 6:
Out of total number of 620 parents, who applied for admission of their child in a school, 130 belong to EWS
(Economically Weaker Section) category. In the general category, 40 parents are of service class, 190 are self-
employed and remaining are of business class. In the EWS category, 94 parents belong to service class. If total
business class applicants are 300, then tabulate the given information.
Distribution of Applicants (for admission)
(according to category and job profile)
Job Profile
Self Total
y Service Business
General 180 40 270 490
EWS 6 94 30 130
Total 186 134 300 620

Question 7:
Present the following information in a suitable tubular form, supplying the figures not directly given.
(i) In 2015, out of 3,200 union workers, 2,700 were men. The number of non-union workers was 700, of which,
350 were women.
(ii) In 2016, out of a total 5,000 workers, 3,400 were members of union. The number of women workers
employed was 650, out of which 500 did not belong to any trade form.
Distribution of Workers in a Factory
(according to member of trade union and sex)
2015 2016 Total
Category Mal Tota Mal
Female Male Female Total Female Total
e l e
2700 500 3200 3250 150 3400 5950 650 6600
350 350 700 1100 500 1600 1450 850 2300
Total 3050 850 3900 4350 650 5000 7400 1500 8900

Question 8:
8. Present the following information in a suitable tabular form:
(i) In 2015, the number of workers in Trade Union was 3,450 of which 3,200 were men. The number of non-union
workers was 760 of which 330 were women.
(ii) In 2016, out of a total 4,000 workers in a factory, 3,300 were members of a trade union. The number of
women workers employed was 500, out of which 400 did not belong to any trade union.
Distribution of Workers in a Factory
(according to member of trade union and sex)
2015 2016 Total
Category Mal Tota Mal
Female Male Female Total Female Total
e l e
3200 250 3450 3200 100 3300 6400 350 6750
430 330 760 300 400 700 730 730 1460
Total 3630 580 4210 3500 500 4000 7130 1080 8210

Question 9:
In 2015, out of total 1,250 workers in a factory, 775 were members of a trade union. The number of women
workers employed was 125, out of which 70 did not belong to any trade union. In 2016, the number of union
workers was 1,390 of which 825 were men. The number of non-union workers was 270, among which 110 were
women. Present the given information in a suitable tabular form.
Distribution of Workers in a Factory
(according to member of trade union and sex)
2015 2016 Total
Category Femal Femal
Male Female Total Male Total Male Total
e e
720 55 775 825 565 1390 1545 620 2165
405 70 475 160 110 270 565 180 745
Total 1125 125 1250 985 675 1660 2110 800 2910
Page No 5.22:
Question 10:
Tabulate the given information:
(i) In 2015, out of a total of 1,500 applicants in a college, 900 were from Commerce background. The number of
girls was 600, out of which 230 were from Science stream.
(ii) In 2016, the total number of applicants was 2,500 of which 1,800 were boys. The number of students from
Science stream was 1,600 of which 450 were girls.

Distribution of Applicants in College

(according to stream and sex)
2015 2016 Total
Stream Tota Girl
Boys Girls Boys Total Boys Girls Total
l s
370 230 600 1150 450 1600 1520 680 2200
530 370 900 650 250 900 1180 620 1800
Total 900 600 1500 1800 700 2500 2700 4000

Question 11:
Out of a total number of 1,650 persons interviewed for appointment in a factory, 450 were from textile areas and
the rest were from non textile areas. Among the married men who belonged to textile areas, 210 were
experienced and 65 inexperienced, while for non-textile areas, the corresponding figures are 46 and 505
respectively. The total number of inexperienced persons was 900 of whom 91 resided in textile areas. Present the
given data in a suitable table.
Distribution of Persons Interviewed
(according to qualification and areas)
Textile Areas Non-textile Areas Total
Qualification Non- Non- Non-
Married Total Married Total Married Total
married married married
210 149 359 46 345 391 256 494 750
65 26 91 505 304 809 570 330 900
Total 275 175 450 551 649 1200 826 824 1650


Question 1:
From the following data relating to cement production of a factory (2011-16), prepare a simple bar diagram.
Year 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016
Production (in M. Tonnes 125 175 260 310 450 520
The given data can be presented in the form of a simple bar diagram as follows.

Question 2:
Average wages of some firms are given below. Represent this by Simple Bar Diagram.
Firms A B C D E
Average Wages
2,725 3,250 3,750 4,680 5,320
Simple Bar Diagram

Question 3:
Present the following data by multiple bar diagram.
Year B.Com. (H) Eco. (H) B. Com.(P)
2014-15 420 200 140
2015-16 320 240 300
2016-17 380 360 480
Multiple Bar Diagram

Page No 6.23:
Question 4:
Represent the following data with the help of sub-divided bar diagram:
Production (in '000 tonnes)
Wheat Rice Cotton
35 22 10
15 25 16
40 12 20
Production (in '000 tonnes)
Year Total
Wheat Rice Cotton
2014 35 22 10 67
2015 15 25 16 56
2016 40 12 20 72
Question 5:
Represent the data relating to the cost of production in a factory by means of percentage diagram:
Element of Cost Items
(in '000 tonnes A B C
Raw Materials 75 55 60
Wages 45 30 25
Factory overheads 15 10 30
Office overheads 5 15 5
Total 110 120

Firm Firm Percentage(%) Firm Percentage(%)
Element of cost )
A B Cost C Cost
Raw material 75 53.57 55 50 60 50.00
Wages 45 32.14 30 27.27 25 20.83
Factory overhead 15 10.71 10 9.09 30 25.00
Office overhead 5 3.58 15 13.64 5 4.17
Total 140 100 110 100 120 100

Question 6:
From the following data of imports of a firm, prepare a suitable diagram.
201 201
Year 2013 2015 2016
2 4
Imports (₹ in Lakhs) 15 22 34 170 25

Broken- Scale Bar Diagram

Question 7:
Represent the following data relating to net exports of a company by deviation bar diagram.
Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Net Exports (₹ in Crores) 250 160 (−)80 50 70
Deviation Bar Diagram

Page No 6.24:
Question 8:
The estimated Percentage break-up of the cost of construction of a house (excluding cost of land) is as follows:
Labour Bricks Cement Steel & Timber Marble Miscellaneous
20% 12% 25% 15% 13% 15%
Construct a pie diagram to represent the given data.
The percentage values are converted into degree values using the following formula.
Degree Share = 360 /100 = 3.6 Percentage share x 3.6 = degree share

Items Degree Share
(in percent)

Labour 20 20 × 3.6 = 72°

Bricks 12 12 × 3.6 = 43.2°
Cement 25 25 × 3.6 = 90°
Steel and timber 15 15 × 3.6 = 54°
Marble 13 13 × 3.6 = 46.8°
Miscellaneous 15 15 × 3.6 = 54°
Page No 6.24:
Question 9:
Draw two pie diagrams to represent the marks obtained by Isha and Utkarsh (out of 50) in an examination.
Subject Isha Utkarsh
Maths 40 37
Economics 35 45
Accounts 45 40
46 34
English 34 44

The percentage values are converted into degree values using the following formula.
Degree share= Percentage share100×360 = Percentage share ×3.6Degree share= Percentage share100×
360 = Percentage share ×3.6
Marks obtained by
Subject Percentage Value Degree Share
Maths 40 40/200×100=20 20 × 3.6 = 72°
Economics 35 35/200×100=17.5 17.5 × 3.6 = 63°
Accounts 45 45/200×100=22.5 22.5 × 3.6 = 81°
Commerce 46 46/200×100=23 23 × 3.6 = 82.8°
English 34 34/200×100=17 17 × 3.6 = 61.2°
Total 200 360°
Marks obtained by
Subject Percentage Value Degree Share
Maths 37 37200×100=18.537200×100=18.5 18.5 × 3.6 = 66.6°
Economics 45 45200×100=22.545200×100=22.5 22.5 × 3.6 = 81°
Accounts 40 40200×100=2040200×100=20 20 × 3.6 = 72°
Commerce 34 34200×100=1734200×100=17 17 × 3.6 = 61.2°
English 44 44200×100=2244200×100=22 22 × 3.6 = 79.2°
Total 200 360°

Page No 6.24:
Question 10:
Represent the following data with help of pie diagram.
Items Food Clothing Transportation Recreation Savings Others
Expenditure (in percent) 20% 25% 22% 15% 8% 6% 4%
Degree Share 72 90 79.2 54 28.8 21.6 14.4

The percentage values are converted into degree values using the following formula.
Degree share= Percentage share100×360 = Percentage share ×3.6Degree share= Percentage share100×
360 = Percentage share ×3.6

Items Degree Share
(in percent)

Rent 20 20 × 3.6 = 72
Food 25 25 × 3.6 = 90
Clothing 22 22 × 3.6 = 79.2
Transportation 15 15 × 3.6 = 54
Recreation 8 8 × 3.6 = 28.8
Savings 6 6 × 3.6 = 21.6
Others 4 4 × 3.6 = 14.4
Total 360°

Page No 6.24:
Question 11:
The following table gives the number of tyres manufactured by a company for different years.
Year No. Tyres Produced
Present the data with help of a suitable diagram.
The given data can be presented in the form of a simple bar diagram as follows.

Page No 6.25:
Question 12:
the following table gives the number of students appearing at the various examination from a college in 2014,
2015 and 2016.
Year 2014 2015 2016
B.A. 250 300 175
B.B.A 425 450 510
B.Com. 175 220 240
Represent the data by a suitable diagram.

Page No 6.25:
Question 13:
The following table gives the monthly expenditure of two families A and B. Represent them by means of sub-
divided bar diagram and percentage diagram.
Items of
Family A (income: ₹ 50,000) Family B (Income: 80,000)
Food 15,000 23,000
Clothing 9,000 17,000
House Rent 11,000 11,000
Education 5,000 9,000
Fuel and Lighting 4,000 13,000
Miscellaneous 6,000 7,000
Family Family
A B Percentage
Items of Percentage (%)
(Incom (Incom (%)
Expenditure Expenditure
e: Rs e: Rs Expenditure
50,000) 80,000)

15000 1500050000×1001500050000×100 23000 2300080000×1002300080000×100=2
= 30 8.75
9000 900050000×100900050000×100=1 17000 1700080000×1001700080000×100=2
8 1.25
House Rent
11000 1100050000×1001100050000×100 11000 1100080000×1001100080000×100=1
=22 3.75
5000 500050000×100500050000×100=1 9000 900080000×100900080000×100=11.2
0 5
Fuel and
Lighting 4000 400050000×100400050000×100=8 13000 1300080000×1001300080000×100=1
Miscellaneo 6000 2 7000 700080000×100700080000×100=8.75

Total 50,000 100 80,000 100

Sub-divided bar Diagram:

Percentage Diagram:

Page No 6.25:
Question 14:
Draw a pie diagram to represent the area of the oceans of world.
Ocean Pacific Atlantic Indian Antarctic Arctic
Area (Millions sq. km. 70.8 41.2 28.5 7.6 4.8
The percentage values are converted into degree values using the following formula.
Degree share= Percentage share100×360 = Percentage share ×3.6Degree share= Percentage share100×
360 = Percentage share ×3.6

Ocean Area Degree Share
Pacific 70.8 46.30 × 3.6 = 166.69
Atlantic 41.2 26.95 × 3.6 = 97.02
Indian 28.5 18.64 × 3.6 = 67.10
Antarctic 7.6 7.6152.9×100=4.977.6152.9×100=4.97 4.97 × 3.6 = 17.89
Arctic 4.8 4.8152.9×100=3.144.8152.9×100=3.14 3.14 × 3.6 = 11.304
Total 152.9 100 360°

Page No 6.25:
Question 15:
The following data shows the profits earned by Company A and Company B for the year 2013-14 to 2016-17.
Present the data with the help of suitable diagram.
Year Company A (in ₹ '000) Company B (in ₹ '000)
2013-14 225 160
2014-15 310 240
2015-16 450 380
2016-17 575 600
Page No 6.25:
Question 16:
Represent the following data by Pie diagram.
Items of Expenditure Family A Family C
Food 12,000 30,000 40,000
Clothing 3,500 14,000 10,000
Education 2,000 7,000 3,000
House Rent 1,500 3,000 2,000
Miscellaneous 5,000 6,000 5,000

For family A

Items of Expenditure Family A Percentage expenditure Degree Share

Food 12000 1200024000×100=501200024000×100=50 50 × 3.6 = 180
Clothing 3500 14.58 × 3.6 = 52.49
Education 2000 200024000×100=8.33200024000×100=8.33 8.33 × 3.6 = 29.99
House Rent 1500 150024000×100=6.25150024000×100=6.25 6.25 × 3.6 = 22.5
Miscellaneous 5000 20.84 × 3.6 = 70.02
For family B

Items of
Family B Percentage expenditure Degree Share
Food 30000 3000060000×100=503000060000×100=50 50 × 3.6 = 180
Clothing 14000 1400060000×100=23.331400060000×100=23.33 23.33 × 3.6 = 83.99
Education 7000 700060000×100=11.67700060000×100=11.67 11.67 × 3.6 = 42.01
House Rent 3000 300060000×100=5300060000×100=5 5 × 3.6 = 18
Miscellaneous 6000 600060000×100=10600060000×100=10 10 × 3.6 = 36

For family C

Items of Expenditure Family C Percentage expenditure Degree Share

66.67 × 3.6 =
Food 40,000 4000060000×100=66.674000060000×100=66.67

Clothing 10,000 1000060000×100=16.671000060000×100=16.67 16.67 × 3.6 = 60.01

Education 3,000 300060000×100=5300060000×100=5 5 × 3.6 = 18

House Rent 2,000 200060000×100=3.33200060000×100=3.33 3.33 × 3.6 = 11.99

Miscellaneous 5,000 500060000×100=8.33500060000×100=8.33 8.3 × 3.6 = 29.99

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