ALH Level1 Wordlist U9

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Unit 9 Wordlist American Language Hub Level 1 

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Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (US) Definition Sample sentence
boot noun buːt a type of shoe that covers Those boots are very
all of your foot and part of expensive.
your leg
cap noun kæp a soft hat with a stiff part Stephen wore a cap
called a peak that comes because it was very sunny.
out over your eyes
coat noun kəʊt koʊt a piece of clothing with Don’t forget your coat; it
long sleeves that you wear will be cold later.
over your other clothes
when you go outside
dress noun dres a piece of clothing that Emily wanted a new dress
covers a woman’s body and for the party.
part of her legs
gloves noun glʌvs a piece of clothing that His hands were cold
covers your fingers because he had forgotten
and hands his gloves.
hat noun hæt a piece of clothing that you Do you like the red hat or
wear on your head the blue one?
headscarf noun ˈhedˌskɑː(r)f ˈhedˌskɑrf a piece of cloth that a She wears a headscarf
woman or girl wears on every day.
her head and ties under
her chin
jeans noun dʒiːnz dʒinz pants made of heavy cotton He was told he couldn’t
cloth called denim that you wear jeans to work.
wear in informal situations
pants noun pænts a piece of clothing covering I’m going to wear gray
the body from the waist pants and a black jacket.
to the feet, divided into
separate parts for each leg
scarf noun skɑː(r)f skɑrf a piece of cloth that you Wear a scarf – it’s really
wear around your neck or cold outside.
head to keep warm or to
make yourself look nice
shirt noun ʃɜː(r)t ʃɜrt a piece of clothing that Mark looked nice in
covers the top part of the his shirt.
shoe noun ʃuː ʃu something that you wear Greg’s shoes were dirty.
on each foot, usually
over socks
shorts noun ʃɔː(r)ts ʃɔrts short pants that end at or It was very hot so he
above the knees wore shorts.
skirt noun skɜː(r)t skɜrt a piece of clothing that Girls can choose to wear a
hangs from the waist and skirt or pants.
is not joined between
the legs
sneakers noun ˈsniːkə(r)z ˈsniːkərz strong, comfortable shoes I got some new sneakers
which are designed for for Christmas.
doing sports in, but which
many people wear as
informal clothing
sock noun sɒk sɑk a soft piece of clothing I can’t find any
that you wear on your foot matching socks.
inside your shoe

American Language Hub Level 1 Student’s Resource Center. Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited.
© Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 1
Unit 9 Wordlist American Language Hub Level 1 

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (US) Definition Sample sentence
sunglasses noun ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz ˈsʌnˌglæsəz glasses with dark lenses It will be very sunny so
that you wear to protect bring sunglasses.
your eyes when the sun
is bright
sweater noun ˈswetə(r) ˈswetər a warm piece of clothing, Rosie knitted a sweater
usually made of yarn, that for her sister.
you pull over your head
and that covers your upper
body and arms
tie noun taɪ a long narrow piece of cloth The dress code is formal
that is worn around the neck so you should wear a tie.
under the collar of a shirt
T-shirt noun ˈtiːʃɜː(r)t ˈtiʃɜrt a soft shirt that usually has That’s a really nice
short sleeves and no collar blue T-shirt.
Present time expressions
at the moment phrase æt ðə ˈməʊmənt æt ðə ˈmoʊmənt now They’re very upset and
don’t want to talk at the
currently adverb ˈkʌrəntli ˈkʌrənt(ə)li at the present time She is currently away
from her desk.
now adverb naʊ at the present time I’m cooking dinner now.
right now phrase raɪt naʊ at the present time We’re working on it right
now, so it should be
ready soon.
these days phrase ðiːz deɪz ðiz deɪz used for talking about Children grow up much
things that are happening more quickly these days.
or are true now
today adverb təˈdeɪ on this day I am going to see my
friend today.
Stores and services
bakery noun ˈbeɪkəri ˈbeɪk(ə)ri a building where bread, The bread in the bakery
cakes, etc are made or sold smells amazing.
bank noun bæŋk a financial institution that I need to go to the bank
people or businesses can to take out a loan.
keep their money in or
borrow money from
bookstore noun ˈbʊk stɔː(r) ˈbʊk stɔːr a store that sells books Helen can spend a long
time looking around a
butcher’s noun ˈbʊtʃə(r)z ˈbʊʧərz a store that sells meat Can you buy some chicken
from the butcher’s?
dentist’s noun ˈdentɪsts the place where a dentist If your tooth is hurting,
works is the dentist’s you should go to the
department noun dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː(r) dɪˈpɑrtmənt stɔr a large store divided into Have you been to that
store separate sections, each new department store
section selling a different on North Street?
type of thing
grocery store noun ˈɡrəʊsəri stɔː(r) ˈɡroʊsəri stɔːr a very large store that sells Is there a grocery store
food and other products for near here?
the home
hairdresser’s noun ˈheə(r)ˌdresə(r)z ˈherˌdresərz the place where a I’m going to the
hairdresser works is a hairdresser’s on Saturday.

American Language Hub Level 1 Student’s Resource Center. Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited.
© Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 2
Unit 9 Wordlist American Language Hub Level 1 

Part of
Word/Phrase speech IPA (UK) IPA (US) Definition Sample sentence
library noun ˈlaɪbrəri ˈlaɪˌbreri a place where books, You can borrow a copy
documents, CDs, etc are from any public library.
available for you to look at
or borrow
market noun ˈmɑː(r)kɪt ˈmɑrkət a public building or place There are some great
where people sell goods on products at the market.
tables called stands
newsstand noun ˈnjuːzˌstænd nuzˈstænd a store or stand which sells They probably sell it at
newspapers and magazines that newsstand down the
pharmacy noun ˈfɑː(r)məsi ˈfɑrməsi a store where medicines are She needs to get her
prepared and sold medicine from the

American Language Hub Level 1 Student’s Resource Center. Published by Macmillan Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited.
© Springer Nature Limited, 2020. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. 3

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