10 Chapter 1
10 Chapter 1
10 Chapter 1
Retailing is one of the largest and biggest industries in India. Retailing is the biggest
source of employment all over the country'. The retailing industry has existed in our
country for many years, but it is only in the recent past that retailing has witnessed
tremendous growth in India. This has become possible due to the entry of corporate
sectors like- Pantaloons, Tata, Globus, Shopper’s Stop, McDonalds, PVR Cinemas
In this chapter we discussed about the concept and characteristics of retailing, factors
The word ‘Retailing’ is derived from French word ‘retailer’, which means to ‘cut oft
piece”. Retailing can be defined as a set of business activities that adds value to the
products and services sold to the final consumers for their personal nesds, family or
Marketing efforts are directed by a retailer only for the satisfaction of ultimate
consumer by providing goods and services. As per marketer’s point of view, retailing
The main goal of retailer is, to maintaining customer base by improving quality of
Book: Retail Management. The Federation ot Universities (PedUni), May 2003, Page no. 4
which should be followed by all retailers, including its size, channel design and its
selling medium. The concept of retailing mainly covers four types of broad areas
Customer orientation: A retailer has to make a careful study of the needs of the
customers and should try to fulfill their needs and satisfy them.
Goal orientation: Retailers must have clear-cut goals and devices and strategies to
Value driven approach: Retailer tries to offer good value to the consumer, with
merchandise having the price and quality appropriate for the target market.
2 Jain. J. N, Modern Retail Management Principles and Techniques, Delhi: Regal Publications,
2007, Page. No. 3
1. Point of purchase display and promotions: Retail stores sales generally comes
shows that customers do not carry a fixed shopping list for buying any product
appeal. Even some of the customers do not want to look ads before buying any
product. Many products related to retailing are having low involvement in nature.
Impulsive purchasing of the shopper is a vital area that every retailer must tap into.
is location of retail stores. Location of retail store plays an important role compared
to other business units. The decision of choosing the right location is based on
manufacturers. Retailers consider the various factors like potential demand and
supply of merchandise, and image of store -related factors in locating the retail
3 Jain. J. N, Modern Retail Management Principles and Techniques, Delhi: Regal Publications,
2007, Page. No. 8
the response of end-users and they can change the preferences of the end-users to the
Supplier sophistication
ncome distribution and
spending pattern
Demographics Demand condtons
can get wide-range of product under one roof. Departmental store provide all types
Example: Treasure Island at Indore, DB Mall at Bhopal, C21 Mall at Indore M.P.
2. Discount stores: Discount stores are those, who offers heavy discount on wide-
range of products. The discount stores are little inferior as compared to the
departmental store.
supermarket products are properly placed and arranged in specific manner and
4. Warehouse stores: Warehouses stores are retail formats, which sell products in
bulk at discount and have limited stock. Such stores do not worry about looks and
interiors of the store. The products are not properly displayed in such stores.
5. Mom and Pop (Kiran a Stores): Mom and Pop stores are also known as ‘Kirana
Sores’, which runs by an individual at nearby locations. Such type of stores fulfills
the daily needs of the consumers. Kirana stores offer, selected items and are not at all
6. Malls: Malls are just like departmental stores. Malls operate various retail stores
at one place under one roof. Mall consists of different retail outlets. Each retail
Types of retailing
Organized ' Unorganized
L Corporate-backed stores L Local Kirana shops
2. Hypermarkets 2, Hawkers
3. Departmental stores 3, Chemist
4. Malls (T.L, C21 etc,) 4, Apparel shops,
5, Footwear shops
Retail sector plays a key role in Madhya Pradesh and is mainly concerned with the
following districts.
Bhopal: Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh, The economy of Bhopal is mainly
based on industrial area. Sources like cotton, electrical brands, chemicals and flour
mining are main retail businesses of economy of Bhopal. Zardori and embroidery are
city of Madhya Pradesh, technical sectors like Software and IT are also getting a
Gwalior: Gwalior has three main industrial areas- Sitholi, Banmore and
Malanpur. All these three sectors are situated on NH-75, Railroad, National
Highway 3 and NH-92 respectively, in which Malanpur is the largest industrial area.
Industries of Handicrafts work are also found in Gwalior. This city was having big
Indore: Indore is treated as the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh. Indore has
bulk of small, middle and large scale manufacturing and services industries. These
industries range from medicals to automobiles and from software to Real estate.
Indore has major industrial area, which is known as Pithampur, and also known as
Jabalpur district, which based into an agrarian economy. Jabalpur district has
developed 60% of Kharif crops and 40% of Rabi crops, which occupies 71.4% of
, Mof-?na
-• Gwalior
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2 \JHA8UA lgNaisimTapuf ’ ® ANyrt>UR
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Copyr>ght © 2014 www mapaofindia.com
(Updated on 18th April 2014) State HQ
2. Shopper’s Stop
Higher GDP: The value that retailing can add to the economy, should not be
underestimated. Original retailing has huge potential, which could tod to higher
Tourism / out hand shopping: The best feature of any city is to attract a huge
number of tourists every year. Foreign countries like-London, Singapore, New York
are well developed shopping environment. Organized retailing is the best medium
through which our nation can also be developed and become a tourist s destination.
Real estate: The requirement of real estate in retail industry will be in millions of
square feet, to fulfill this requirement, productive use of large tracts of land tying is
necessary, so the real estate retail industry works with various government agencies
farming industry has been favorably affected in countries where retailing and
modernization has been progressed. The supply chain for all FMCG products has
been restricted, end-customers’ price has fallen down on a sustained basis. Both local
and national level employment has been generated significantly, and considerable
Cosmetic leader Oriflamme relies on JDA to support its direct sales model
Oriflamme is one of the largest direct sales companies in the world. Oriflamme
(Luxembourg, Sweden) sell its beauty products through catalogs and a global
network of more than three million sales consultants. This company distributes
copies of its catalog in 40 different languages in more than 60 countries. The catalog
The annual revenue of Oriflamme has increased rapidly since last 20 years. The rapid
and impressive growth of the company has placed pressure on its global production
and distribution network. The company re-launches 1000 of products annually and
published for customers with heavy discounts that are valid only for three-week
period. The demand of catalog can dip significantly, when a catalog expires, with the
high level of fluctuation in demand, the company wants to determine exactly, how
much product to keep in stock? To ensure, it’s regular supply and not have its excess
Oriflamme is now turned to JDA software for helping and managing its fast-growing
business. The company was conducting 95 percent of its work in Excel or via email.
The company also wanted to automate its stock planning processes because the
company wants to ensure its actual orders were connected to the forecast of demand.'
Oriflamme wants to improve its service levels, and creating direct alignment from its
suppliers through its multiple distribution channels, hubs and worldwide markets,
5 “Cosmetic leader Oriflame relies on JDA to supports its direct sales model” .Case study from “Real
Results Magazine” 2012. Website: www.realresultsmagazine.com
--------fWlDI* ---------
Introduction to Oriflame
Revenues by Geography 2011
• Founded in 1967 in Sweden
The collaborative team of Oriflamme is working with JDA software. The company
begins to re-check and recalculates the data manually and immediately began to see
dramatic results. This process hardly took a lull month to do it Now the company is
having daily distribution resource planning process. This process is based on weekly
cycle with its suppliers. This process reduces company’s lead timing and makes its
suppliers free from manual work. This process also eliminates double-checking and
A $111 bn industry with 62 million independent consultants (2307). Source: WFDSA 2006.
Source: Orttaeeslmaton eased an Eaomontadata and other scuces ‘Seeded oroductt n raja imefe "Includes stun care, made up
and other cosnetcs “'Other includes )ewel«ry. gh items. 3Uto care, pet products, various services (e.g. Fower delwery) and otter corsumer
goods terns not accounted la eteewtiere
l JU pyCifcrm Gtr*n S A H
The company promises to customers that the product will be available within two-
three days or in a week definitely. JDA gives more information to the company for
reducing lead times and optimizing inventory. Oriflamme is not only the company,
which is able to reduce inventory by 30 percent but, it also seen a high level of
Employees of the company are quickly begun to see the benefits of JDA fulfillment.
Oriflamme improved the basic business process with JDA solutions. Various people
who uses Oriflamme are became more satisfied by using its products. The company
conducts some surveys for satisfying customers need. The satisfaction level of
Supply chain of Amway contains set of links, which brings finished products to end
-consumers. Amway is a direct selling company. The company is having its own
distinct chain, which is able to focus on individual customers and their desires.
Amway manufactures its own brand products, because it’s manufacturing plant is
situated in Ada, Michican. After manufacturing the product, the company distributes
The supply chain of Amway is quite different from a more conventional supply
chain. Normally, the other conventional supply chains sell its goods to final
building long-lasting connections with the consumer After this, customer gives
feedback to the company and IBOs helps to shape future changes in products and the
services provided.
Being as a global company, Amway builds up a strong regional structure around the
world. Amway gives best services to their customers. The regional structure of
• customer services
Amway maintains the regional standard in all over the nation. Amway sells its
products to IBO and then, IBO sells the product directly to friends. For this, it is
most important for IBO to provide best quality and high value for money products6.
Amway puts its efforts, spends lot of money and time for creating an appropriate
design and best appearance for its own products. The company also develops
campaigns that support the business and social aims of the company.
6 “Meeting global responsibilities of Amway, direct sellingand supply chain of Amway”. The Times
100, Business Case Studies. Website: www.thetimes 1 OObusiness com
The backbones of retail industry are called Competitors. They provide new concepts
1. Direct Competitors: Direct competitors are those who offer similar services and
product to the end-user. Competitors are also targeting a similar target market.
Suppose one person own a grocery store, and then his direct competitors will usually
provide the same fundamental solution to the consumer. Such competitors always
think that their consumers have several different options in front of them
3. Potential competitors: Potential competitors are those, who are not meant to be
taken lightly. Such Competitors may appear at some point in the future as direct or
indirect competitors. The level of their business is based on that, how a consumer
may hold off in the business. Otherwise such competitors may change purchase
Potential competitors hide actual products or services from the consumers. These
trend shift in the marketplace. Potential competitors are treated as business owner
7 Halim Peter, Uncategorized Blog: ‘Something we like’. February 23, 2010. Website:
and as owner of its own business, they needs to look c^efully too and identify all of
their competitors.
Reliance is one of the largest companies of India. It has been established in Madhya
Pradesh. It mainly deals with the methods of consumer interaction, satisfaction and
higher level. Reliance Group provides various facilities like fresh food, groceries,
fresh vegetables etc for satisfying the customer needs and demands. The main aim of
Reliance Industries is to satisfy the public and nation by fulfilling their requirements.
Reliance Group mainly interacts with customers by various offers, discounts etc.
1. Rising income: The India’s middle and high class population area growth has a
very rapid pace of over 10 percent per annum over the past decade. This growth has
become most evident in urban areas as well as occurred in rural markets. India is also
getting literate and employed. As per recent market position, a research was
conducted in Bangalore. As per that research the share of nuclear families in India is
retailing growth is folly based on consumer needs, their attitudes and behavior.
Because of this, buying and shopping habit of customers are increased day by day.
entrepreneurs, new ideas and new ventures and also capitalists providing funds.
4, Explosion of Media: Over the past decades, media has boomed and explode.
During gulf-war there was an explosion in television cable, which was kick-started.
Television has accelerated (because of cable connection) more than telephones. (225
million v/s 23 million) and about 90 channels are being aired at all times. This media
bombardment has raised the living standard and lifestyle of consumers. The Indian
consumer has raised their experiences and expectations. Because of heavy explosion
in media customers are becoming more aware about choice, value, service,
Bangalore, and Hyderabad has 77 percent of food sales, which flows through
supermarkets. Most of the consumer durable sales come from specialty chains.
easy handling,8 the life of every customer is becoming easier by giving them debit
sOutlook Arena: Blog: Equity master.com, “ Retail: The key growih drivers”. Website: