ICT Transforming Education in Africa: Final Project Report

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United Nations UNESCO-

Educational, Scientific and Korean Republic

Cultural Organization Funds-in-trust

ICT Transforming Education in Africa
Final project report

ICT Transforming Education in Africa is a project supported by the UNESCO-Korean Funds-

in-Trust (KFIT) contribution by the Republic of Korea with a focus on e-school model
development, open and distance learning and ICT policy development. In the first phase
of the project from 2016 to 2019, Mozambique, Rwanda and Zimbabwe piloted ICT-based
innovative approaches to foster human and social development, expanding access to
relevant lifelong learning opportunities and enhancing the quality of learning.

The aim of this progress report is to highlight the main results of the first phase of the
project. These include training of over 1,300 teachers on the pedagogical use of ICT, the
development of digital resources for teachers and learners, the establishment of policies on
ICT in education, and a variety of activities pilot testing the use of ICT to address fundamental
challenges faced at K12- and higher education level in the beneficiary countries. The findings
in this progress report inform the implementation strategy for the second phase in Côte
d’Ivoire, Ghana and Senegal from 2020 to 2023.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Overall Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Gender Equality Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Describing and Measuring Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Direct Beneficiaries, Key Partners and Other Stakeholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Engagement, Ownership of Direct Beneficiaries, Key Partners and Other Stakeholders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Exit Strategy and Sustainability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Visibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Lessons Learned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Executive Summary
The project ‘Transforming Education in Africa’, implemented from 2015 to 2019 within the framework of the
UNESCO‐Korean Funds-in-Trust (KFIT) contribution by the Republic of Korea, was successful in achieving its expected
results in the areas of e-school model development, open and distance learning (ODL) and ICT policy development
across three countries in Africa, namely Mozambique, Rwanda and Zimbabwe.

Expected result 1: Expected result 2: Expected result 3:

Improve the accessibility and quality of Strengthen capacities Support the development
basic education through innovative ICT of higher education and of national ICT in education
solutions and support teachers in adopting teacher training institutions policies, including supporting
new pedagogical approaches in using open and distance UNESCO’s Information for All
learning Programme

Mozambique E-school model developed 27 staff at IEDA trained ICT in Education policy launched
on multimedia materials
22 schools equipped IFAP committee established
production in collaboration
UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for with KNOU 225 students trained on
Teachers localized development of mobile apps
150 lecture notes and 150
‘ICT for pedagogy’ course and ‘Basic ICT videos produced by IEDA
Manual’ developed
81 master trainers and
500 teachers trained 250 teachers in teacher
training colleges trained on
263 lesson plans produced
pedagogical use of ICT
EMIS assessment and recommendations

Rwanda UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for 150 UR staff trained on M&E framework for teacher
Teachers localized managing ODL related training produced
Mapping of ICT initiatives produced Anti-plagiarism policy, MOOC
200 UR lecturers and pre- and OER frameworks for UR
Teachers’ ICT standards validated
service teachers trained on produced
‘ICT Essentials’ and ‘Advanced ICT Essentials’ ODL
UNESCO Guidelines for the
30 lecturers and 30 technicians inclusion of persons living with
150 teachers trained on pedagogical use of ICT trained on multimedia disabilities on ODeL integrated in
materials production by KNOU Digital Talent policy
e-assessment platform created
Contextualized Rwanda
950 assessment items for 7 subjects across
Knowledge Society Policies
primary and secondary education created
Handbook produced
70 teachers trained on e-assessment

Zimbabwe UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for 45 teacher educators trained ICT in Higher Education Policy
Teachers localized on ODL developed
‘ICT Essentials’ course developed 160 lecturers from 14 teachers 26 students trained on
colleges trained on digitization development of mobile apps
20 schools equipped
of learning materials and
IFAP committee established
2 special schools equipped gamification
400 teachers trained on pedagogical use of ICT Model ODL institution
160 teachers trained on OER
Repository with 1,300 entries created

Table 1: Main results by country and expected result.

Final project report Executive summary

In Mozambique, an e-school model for basic education was developed and piloted in 22 primary and secondary
schools in the 13 provinces of the country. Over 500 teachers and ICT technicians were trained on the pedagogical
use of ICT, using the newly developed ‘ICT for Pedagogy’ course and the ‘Basic ICT Manual’. ICT equipment and
digital materials based on open educational resources (OER) were made available to the schools. Over 263 lesson
plans in digital format were produced, linked to 286 various online educational resources for eight science subjects
for primary and secondary education. In the area of ODL, the project strengthened the institutional capacities of
the Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IEDA) to shift from the paper-based to blended open and distance
learning. The activities focused on the development of teacher training programmes and materials to be used in
the pilot e-schools specifically, as well as on the creation of resources for the existing in-service teacher training
mechanism that currently allows IEDA to reach about 40,000 teachers a year. Within the framework of a collaboration
between UNESCO and the Korea National Open University (KNOU) IEDA staff received training on the production of
multimedia materials, management of the Moodle platform and operation of the start-of-the-art multimedia studio
provided with the support of the project. Finally, the project supported the development of an ICT in Education
policy, officially launched in July 2019, as well as the establishment of a national IFAP committee.

In Rwanda, the project focused on strengthening teachers’ abilities to integrate ICT in the classroom and use electronic
assessment. Specifically, it supported the harmonization of teacher training in the area of ICT by mapping existing
training offers, developing frameworks, certification standards and monitoring and evaluation tools. It developed the
ICT Essentials and Advanced ICT Essentials courses, based on the localized ICT Competency Framework for Teachers.
The training programme benefitted about 150 teachers and laid the foundation for the national level roll-out of the
training by KOICA. Also, the project supported the creation of an e-assessment system for public schools, by creating a
space for formative e-assessment on the Rwanda Education Board (REB) platform. About 20 REB staff and 70 teachers
were trained on e-assessment, resulting in the creation of about 950 assessment items for 7 subjects across primary
and secondary education. By the end of the project, more than 2500 students from 59 schools use the materials for
formative assessment. The project supported the University of Rwanda (UR), and particularly the College of Education, in
expanding access to higher education and teacher training and improve the quality of learning opportunities following
the adoption of distance and blended learning approaches. UR staff received training on instructional design, online
module development and management, and production of high-quality multimedia materials. Within the framework
of a collaboration with KNOU, the project also equipped UR with a video studio. Finally, the project facilitated the
development of framework and sub-sectoral policies, such as the OER and MOOC framework for University of Rwanda
and the anti-plagiarism policy for UR. It supported the integration of the UNESCO Guidelines for the inclusion of persons
living with disabilities on ODeL into the Digital Talent Policy, the publication of the Rwanda Knowledge Society Policy
Handbook and the development of a plan for the ICT sector to match industry needs.

In Zimbabwe, 20 schools piloted the e-school model designed by a Ministry task team, including two schools
catering for learners with special needs. The project supported the equipment of the schools, it facilitated a training
programme for over 400 teachers based on the localized UNESCO ICT CFT, as well as the development of a repository
of OER with about 1,300 entries. The project supported the creation of a mobile app to host the training programme
and make it available to all teachers in Zimbabwe. About 160 teachers attended workshops on the creation and use of
OER. The ODL area of the project allowed improving the institutional capacities of several higher education institutions
in using technology for teaching and learning, by promoting training programmes, including on gaming and
digitization of learning materials, and the development of training materials. A teacher training institute was supported
through equipment and capacity development to become a model institution for open and distance learning. The ICT
policy for higher education was successfully developed and the national IFAP committee was established. Activities in
the framework of the Youth Mobile initiative, equipping young people with ICT skills, also took place.

To facilitate peer learning and exchanges among country teams, the project also facilitated a series of cross-country
activities. A workshop for the finalization of the country-level work plans took place in Zimbabwe in May 2016. A
study tour focusing on e-school models and open and distance learning was organized in September and October
2016 in the Republic of Korea, with the collaboration of KERIS and KNOU. A cross-country meeting for peer learning
and resource sharing took place in Rwanda in January 2018 while the final project meeting gathered the country
teams at the UNESCO Headquarters in France in June 2019. With the support of the project, members of the
countries’ project teams also attended a number of events related to ICT in education, such as the UNESCO Mobile
Leaning Week (2018 and 2019), the Qingdao Conference on ICT and post-2015 education (2016 and 2017), the Beijing
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (2019), the 2nd African Ministerial Forum on ICT Integration in
Education and Training (2016), eLearning Africa (2018), among others.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

“ICT Transforming Education in Africa” is a project developed within the framework of the UNESCO‐Korean Funds‐
in‐Trust (KFIT) contribution by the Republic of Korea. The project, which ran from 2015 to 2019, supported the
integration of ICT-based innovative approaches for education in three countries in Africa, i.e. Mozambique, Rwanda
and Zimbabwe. Its overall purpose has been to foster human and social development of the target countries through
the use of ICT-based innovative approaches to post-2015 education to expand access to relevant lifelong learning
opportunities and enhance the quality of learning.

The project strategic building blocks include (a) individual capacities including enhancement of the capacity
of teachers, policy-makers, and school managers; (b) institutional capacities with specific focuses on local key
universities, teacher training institutions and schools, etc.; (c) technological capacities of the education sector in
leveraging emerging technologies and media to transform the provision and management of education for all;
and (d) administrative capacities of national agencies in owning the project and coordinating multi-stakeholder
participation. In response to the diversity of local education contexts and the outcomes from need assessments,
country-level priorities and project activities are different in each country, although in line with the overall purpose of
the project.

The primary and direct beneficiaries of the project are primary and secondary public schools, teacher training and
higher education institutions, concerned policy makers, educational administrators and leaders in the target Member
States. The ultimate beneficiaries are teachers and students in the target countries.

The total budget of the project provided by the Republic of Korea is US$6,000,000. As of November 2019, the project
achieved a 94% implementation rate. The project officially started in May 2015 but in-country implementation started
in early 2016. In-country project activities ended in June 2019 while the project closed in September 2019.

Final project report Overall Performance

Overall Performance
The project ‘Transforming Education in Africa’ was successful in achieving the three main objectives of the project
across the three beneficiary countries, namely:

hh Improve the accessibility and quality of basic education through innovative ICT solutions and support
teachers in adopting new pedagogical approaches.
hh Strengthen capacities of higher education and teacher training institutions in using open and distance
hh Support the development of national ICT in education policies, including supporting UNESCO’s
Information for All Programme.

The activities within the objectives are interlinked with aim of pilot testing the use of ICT to address different
fundamental challenges faced by the beneficiary countries at K-12 and higher education level. The first objective
focuses on basic education while the second one targets teacher training and higher education. The third objective
on policy development allows to scale up the learnings from pilot initiatives at the national or institutional level,
ensuring that the impact of the intervention is sustained beyond the duration of the project.

Within the overall project framework, each beneficiary country established a sub-set of integrated expected results
with accompanying activities, as exemplified in Table 1. This was the result of a comprehensive assessment of the
specific needs in each beneficiary country. The assessment ensured that planned activities were aligned to the
priorities and needs of each country and that they reinforced national institutions and human resources. Also, the
exercise allowed to reinforce national ownership of the project, identify implementing institutions in the countries
and inform the country-specific work plans. Additionally, efforts were made to synergize with existing projects and
initiatives in the countries.

The approach adopted by the project ensured that the interventions were targeted to the needs of each country
and therefore relevant and responsive to the local context. At the same time, the common framework of objectives
maintained some level of consistency and commonalities across country, thus ensuring opportunities for peer
learning and knowledge sharing.

Improve the accessibility and quality of Strengthen capacities Support the development
basic education through innovative ICT of higher education and of national ICT in education
solutions and support teachers in adopting teacher training institutions policies, including supporting
new pedagogical approaches in using open and distance UNESCO’s Information for All
learning Programme
Mozambique Establish an e-school model for basic Transform the provision of Develop an ICT in education
education that equips learners with 21st open and distance learning policy and create ecosystems for
century skills from paper-based to blended building knowledge societies
Strengthen the Education Management and
Information System (EMIS) to address teachers’
absenteeism and increase reliability and
readiness of education data
Rwanda Enhance the capacity of teachers to integrate Strengthen the capacity of Facilitate ICT in education policy
ICT in the classroom and use electronic the University of Rwanda development and share best
assessment to increase access to higher practices for building knowledge
education through open and societies
distance learning
Zimbabwe Strengthen ICT integration in basic education Capacitate higher and tertiary Create an enabling policy
and design an e-school model aligned with education to use diverse environment for the effective use
the national curriculum methodologies for lifelong of ICTs in education, including
learning and open and through the development of ICT
distance learning in education policies

Table 2: Expected results and main activities by beneficiary country.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

In Mozambique, the project activities were carried out successfully and largely according to the implementation

For what concerns the first objective, twenty-two primary and secondary schools piloted the e-school model
designed by a Ministry task team. The project provided ICT equipment and supported the training of over 500
teachers in the pedagogical use of ICT. Digital materials, largely based on open educational resources, were collected
and made available to the schools.

Efforts were made to strengthen the Education Management and Information System. Following a comprehensive
needs assessment of existing systems for collecting education data, a national task team is currently operationalizing
the resulting recommendations and creating the conditions for the strengthened system, although the results of this
exercise will be seen after the end of the project.

Activities in the framework of the Youth Mobile initiative, equipping young people with ICT skills, also took place.

To complement the activities taking place at school level, as part of the second objective, the project strengthened
the institutional capacities of the Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IEDA) to shift from the paper-based to
blended open and distance learning. The activities focused on the development of teacher training programmes and
materials to be used in the pilot e-schools specifically, as well as on the creation of resources for the existing in-service
teacher training mechanism that currently allows IEDA to reach about 40,000 teachers a year. Within the framework
of a collaboration between UNESCO and the Korea National Open University (KNOU) IEDA staff received training on
the production of multimedia materials, management of the Moodle platform and operation of the start-of-the-art
multimedia studio provided with the support of the project.

Finally, with respect to the third objective, the project supported the development of an ICT in Education policy,
officially launched in July 2019, as well as the establishment of a national IFAP committee. The lessons learnt and
experiences of the first two components contributed to the establishment of a policy informed by practice and
experiences at school and institutional level.

In Rwanda, the project activities were carried out successfully and largely according to the implementation plan.

Concerning the first objective, the project focused on activities aimed at strengthening teachers’ abilities to
integrate ICT in the classroom, by supporting the harmonization of teacher training in the area of ICT by developing
frameworks, the validation of certification standards and the implementation of two levels of training programmes,
namely the ICT Essentials for Teachers and the Advanced ICT Essentials for Teachers (based on the UNESCO ICT
Competency Framework for Teachers).

Also, the project supported the creation of an e-assessment system for public schools, by creating a space for
formative e-assessment on the Rwanda Education Board (REB) platform, populating it with e-assessment items,
training teachers on its use and piloting it in schools.

While the activities above focused on piloting ICT solutions at the school level, the interventions in the second
objective targeted the University of Rwanda, and particularly the College of Education, in order to expand access
to higher education and teacher training and improve the quality of learning opportunities following the adoption
of distance and blended learning approaches. UR staff received training on instructional design, online module
development and management, and production of high-quality multimedia materials. Within the framework of a
collaboration with KNOU, the project also equipped UR with a video studio.

Finally, activities in the third objective focused on the development of framework and sub-sectoral policies, based
on the lessons learnt and experiences from the first two components. These included the OER and MOOC framework
for University of Rwanda and the anti-plagiarism policy for UR. Also, the project supported the integration of the
UNESCO Guidelines for the inclusion of persons living with disabilities on ODeL into the Digital Talent Policy, the
publication of the Rwanda Knowledge Society Policy Handbook and the development of a plan for the ICT sector to
match industry needs.

In Zimbabwe the project activities were carried out successfully and largely according to the implementation plan.

With regards to the first objective, twenty schools piloted the e-school model designed by a Ministry task team. The
project supported the equipment of the schools, with specialized equipment provided to two schools catering for

Final project report Overall Performance

learners with special needs. It also facilitated a training programme based on the localized UNESCO ICT Competency
Framework for Teachers), as well as the development of a repository of Open Educational Resources (OER) currently
containing about 1,300 entries.

Activities in the second objective allowed to improve the institutional capacities of several higher education
institutions in using technology for teaching and learning, by promoting training programmes and the development
of training materials. Also, an existing teacher training institute was equipped and supported to be a model
institution for open and distance learning.

As for the other countries, the third objective ensured that the integration of lessons learnt from the first two
objectives into organic policy documents and initiatives. In that respect, the ICT policy for higher education was
successfully developed and the national IFAP committee was established. Activities in the framework of the Youth
Mobile initiative, equipping young people with ICT skills, also took place.

To facilitate peer learning and exchanges among country teams, a series of cross-country activities were also
organized. A workshop for the finalization of the country-level work plans took place in Zimbabwe in May 2016. A
study tour focusing on e-school models and open and distance learning was organized in September and October
2016 in the Republic of Korea, with the collaboration of KERIS and KNOU. A cross-country meeting for peer learning
and resource sharing took place in Rwanda in January 2018 while the final project meeting gathered the country
teams at the UNESCO Headquarters in France in June 2019.

With the support of the project, members of the countries’ project teams also attended a number of events related
to ICT in education, such as the UNESCO Mobile Leaning Week (2018 and 2019), the Qingdao Conference on ICT and
post-2015 education (2016 and 2017), the Beijing Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (2019), the 2nd
African Ministerial Forum on ICT Integration in Education and Training (2016), eLearning Africa (2018), among others.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Gender Equality Approach

The project strongly integrated the UNESCO priorities on Africa and gender equality. The gender equality priority has
been an integral part in the initial conceptualization of the project. For the implementation of activities in the three
beneficiary countries, there has been an effort to ensure gender balance and promote participation and inclusion of
women and girls.

In terms of schools selected for participation, both boys’ and girls’ schools were included. Gender considerations
were regularly included in the selection of beneficiaries of workshops and training programmes. The project highly
valued the participation of women policymakers as part of the country project teams and in the framework of the
cross-country activities. National contexts had to be taken into account; in Rwanda for instance, there are more male
teachers and thus the project tried to include as many female teachers as possible. In Mozambique, the Youth Mobile
activities pose a good example where active recruitment measures led to the selection of more female than male
students for the courses on computer programming and coding. In Zimbabwe, gender equality was a factor in the
procurement procedures for external consultants.

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

Describing and Measuring Results

4.1 Project establishment

ƒƒ Inception meeting and project establishment

The Republic of Korea indicated that the three target countries of the project should be Mozambique, Rwanda, and
Zimbabwe. The UNESCO HQ team organized an inception meeting for the project on 22-23 October 2015 in Paris
with the aim of establishing a systematic coordination mechanism for project implementation and discuss and
prepare an initial project roadmap, starting from a concrete work plan of the needs assessment phase. A Directors’
meeting followed, establishing the implementation modality for the project at the level of UNESCO.

To ensure country ownership and sustainability of project activities, the coordination mechanism includes the
establishment of country project teams to be composed of a focal point at the respective Ministry of Education and
team members from Ministry directorates or main implementing institutions in the countries.

ƒƒ Needs’ assessment in the three target countries

To support the country project teams and field offices to assess the local context and analyse their needs to harness
the potential of ICT for education, a needs’ assessment exercise was undertaken in the three beneficiary countries,
with different modalities. The needs assessment allowed to reinforce national ownership of the project and identify
implementing institutions in the countries. In this respect, the strategy to establish country teams responsible for
steering project activities is a means to ensure country ownership and institutionalization of the project.

The needs’ assessment informed the country-level work plans, ensuring that activities are aligned to the priorities and
needs of each country and that they reinforce national institutions and human resources. Additionally, efforts were
made to synergise with existing projects and initiatives in the countries. In Mozambique and Zimbabwe, the needs
assessment phase was led by the HQ team and saw two back-to-back mission taking place from 22 to 30 March
2016 in Maputo and Harare. In Rwanda, the needs’ assessment mission was undertaken by the Nairobi field office
colleagues, while the HQ team contributed to the drafting and finalization of the report.

In Annex 2* is a description of the process and outcomes of the needs’ assessment phase in each target country.

ƒƒ Finalization of the country project documents, following a regional workshop organized by

UNESCO HQ in Zimbabwe
The needs’ assessment reports formed the basis for the development of country-specific project documents and
work plans. To ensure country ownership of the project and alignment to national needs and strategies, UNESCO
HQ organized a regional workshop in Harare, Zimbabwe, on 16-18 May 2016, to finalize the country-level project
documents and work plans. Participants included the project core team members from Mozambique and Zimbabwe
(while Rwandese participants were not able to travel), UNESCO programme specialists from HQ and field offices,
and experts from key Korean institutions, such as Korea National Open University (KNOU), Korea Education Research
Information Service (KERIS) and Chuncheon National University of Education. All participants worked collaboratively
to agree on the main expected results per project component and plan the in-country activities for the following
three years accordingly.

* Annexes available upon request.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

The subdivision of expected results per country can be found below:

Expected Result 1: Learners’ competences in 21st century skills aligned with the new curriculum for primary and
secondary schools have been acquired.
E-schools and
teacher training Expected Result 2: Information on management administration (teachers and head masters’ absenteeism
and student record) is readily available on-line and communication between local community and schools is
enhanced, through strengthening of the ICT-enhanced EMIS.

ODL Expected Result 3: The provision of ODL transform from paper based methodology to blended learning models.

ICT Policy Expected Result 4: Improvement of ICT policy in Education has allowed creation of ecosystem that enables
Development knowledge societies and alignment with SDGs.

Table 3: Components and expected results in Mozambique

Expected Result 1: The capacity of pre- and in-service primary and secondary teachers to provide quality
E-schools and
education is enhanced, through improving their skills to integrate ICT in education, and using electronic
teacher training

Expected Result 2: The capacity of the University of Rwanda in expanding higher education is strengthened
through offering courses via ODeL.

ICT Policy
Expected Result 3: Policy development and knowledge sharing for knowledge societies are facilitated.

Table 4: Components and expected results in Rwanda

Expected Result 1: The e-School models in Primary and Secondary Education developed and tested in
E-schools and conformity with the new curriculum and the global trends
teacher training Expected Result 2: Capabilities of administrators and teachers in pedagogical use of ICTs improved in conformity
with the new curriculum.

Expected Result 3: Institutional capacities of Teacher Education Colleges, Zimbabwe Open University,
ODL Bindura University of Science Education, and University of Zimbabwe improved in using diverse ICT-based
methodologies for lifelong learning and serve as model universities and colleges.

Expected Result 4: Zimbabwe ICT in Education Sector Policy and the associated sector-wide ICT in education
ICT Policy master plans developed and submitted for endorsement.
Development Expected result 5: Institutional Operation Guidelines developed to support the scaling up of the e-School model
and ICT-based methodologies.

Table 5: Components and expected results in Zimbabwe

4.2 Project implementation in Mozambique

In Mozambique, twenty-two primary and secondary schools piloted the e-school model designed by a Ministry task
team. The model aimed to leverage the potential of ICT to improve the quality of teaching and learning opportunities
at primary and secondary level. The project provided ICT equipment and supported the training of over 500 teachers
in the pedagogical use of ICT. Digital materials, largely based on open educational resources, were collected and
made available to the schools.

Efforts were made to strengthen the Education Management and Information System, based on the need to
provide timely and updated education-related data and reduce students’ and teachers’ absenteeism. Following a
comprehensive needs assessment of existing systems for collecting education data, a national task team is currently
operationalizing the resulting recommendations and creating the conditions for the strengthened system, although
the results of this exercise will be seen after the end of the project.

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

Activities in the framework of the Youth Mobile initiative, equipping young people with ICT skills, also took place.

The project strengthened the institutional capacities of the Institute for Open and Distance Learning (IEDA) to shift
from the paper-based to blended open and distance learning. For IEDA, the adoption of innovative mechanisms
for ODL is a necessity for the efficient and cost-effective provision of their courses, which currently cater for about
40,000 in-service teachers a year. Within the framework of a collaboration between UNESCO and the Korea National
Open University (KNOU) IEDA staff received training on the production of multimedia materials, management of the
Moodle platform and operation of the start-of-the-art multimedia studio provided with the support of the project.
Finally, the project successfully supported the development of an ICT in Education policy, which was officially
launched in July 2019, as well as the establishment of a national IFAP committee.
Further details about the individual activities and results can be found in the sub-sections below.

ƒƒ Establishment of the e-school model

In Mozambique, the project aimed to establish an
e-school model that provided an ICT-enhanced learning
environment, with a particular focus on equipping
teachers and school practitioners with the skills and
tools to leverage ICTs to improve teaching and learning
practices at school level.

The project needs assessment found that schools had

poor infrastructure and teachers had very low ICT skills,
particularly in primary schools. National stakeholders in
Mozambique, including Ministry of Education and Human
Development (MINEDH) directorates, the Institute for
Open and Distance Education (IEDA), and the Institute for Figure 1: Pupils in pilot e-schools engage with ICT equipment
Education Development (INDE), agreed on the main lines provided by the project (©MINEDH)
of intervention for the e-school model in Mozambique in
the course of a workshop that took place in Maputo in December 2016.
The resulting e-school model document requires that equipment would be used for teaching and learning as part
of subject-based classes. To supply for the low quality and availability of teaching and learning materials and aids,
the model envisaged the development and collection of high-quality digital materials. Finally, the development of a
training programme to respond to the low ICT skills of teachers was foreseen.
In terms of learning environment, the project provided twenty-two primary and secondary pilot schools in the eleven
provinces of Mozambique with ICT equipment to allow the testing of the e-school model. Specifically, each primary
school received eight laptops and four LCD projectors, while for secondary schools the equipment included thirteen
laptops and five projectors. MINEDH through Movitel corporate social responsibility, installed optical fiber in the 22
pilot schools to ensure internet connectivity.

ƒƒ Development of training materials for the pedagogical use of ICT

The development of training materials has been a key component of the e-school model. In that regard, the project
has supported the development of two main outputs: the basic manual of ICT for teachers and the ICT for pedagogy
course, based on the newly-developed localized ICT Competency Framework for Teachers.
In September 2018, the task team composed of specialists from the Ministry of Education and Human Development,
INDE and IEDA, with the support of UNESCO, finalized the manual titled ‘Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação
para o Ensino’ (Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching).
The manual consists of seven units, namely 1) Information and communication technologies; 2) Text processing
(Microsoft Word); 3) Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel); 4) Presentations (Microsoft Power Point); 5) Drawing tools (Paint);
6) Production of videos (Movie Maker); and 7) Internet and e-mail. The Manual is meant to introduce teachers to the
use of ICT to support teaching and learning and serves as an introduction to the ‘ICT for pedagogy’ course developed

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

on the basis of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (CFT). This
manual is now available on the MINEDH platform and was distributed in hard and
soft copies for wider dissemination.
A localized ICT Competency Framework for Teachers has been developed and
approved by national stakeholders. A course based on the ICT Framework, called
‘TIC na Pedagogia’ (ICT for Pedagogy), has been designed in consultation with
IEDA and the Ministry of Education and Human Development, constructed from
Open Educational Resources and translated into Portuguese. Twenty-six units
of study have been developed, often through adaptation from existing Open
Educational Resources (OER), and uploaded to the IEDA Moodle platform. IEDA
developed 11 new video inserts to supplement the course materials and further
provide a Mozambique perspective to the study units.
As IEDA staff conducted the actual teacher training in the e-schools, they also
received specific training on how to facilitate the face-to-face part of the ICT for
Figure 2: Cover page of the
2018-11-28 09:53
Pedagogy course and were equipped with the technical knowhow to navigate the
basic manual of ICT for teachers learning management system used to deliver the online component. Finally, the
(©MINEDH) 24 staff prepared a video introduction and an audio summary for each unit.

ƒƒ Implementation of the ICT for pedagogy training programme in the e-schools

About 500 teachers in the pilot e-schools received face-
to-face in-service training on the pedagogical use of ICT,
using the ‘Information and Communication Technologies
for Teaching’ manual and the ‘ICT for pedagogy’ course as
training materials.

The first phase of face-to face in-service teacher trainings

on the pedagogical use of ICT was conducted in February
and March 2019 in 16 schools in eight provinces of the
country, benefitting 400 teachers (192 in primary schools,
208 in secondary schools, 128 women) and 16 ICT provincial
Figure 3: Teachers from the pilot e-schools use the technicians. The second phase of training took place in May
UNESCO-provided laptops and the Basic ICT Manual to follow 2019, benefiting a total of 126 teachers (48 primary school
the training (©UNESCO)
teachers and 78 secondary school teachers) and 6 ICT
provincial technicians. The delay in the second training was
due to natural disasters (two cyclones) and political instability in the Northern provinces of the country.

The first week of the onsite training focused on basic ICT concepts such as how to operate a computer and how to
use the Office suite. The second week of training focused on the orientation of the ICT for pedagogy course based on
the localized UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT). Teachers completed the online part of the
training in June 2019.

ƒƒ Implementation of the ICT for pedagogy training programme in the e-schools

The project supported the selection of digital resources
for use in the e-schools in a number of subjects: natural
science, social science, English and Portuguese for
primary education level; mathematics, biology, chemistry
and physics for secondary education level. Under the
guidance of UNESCO, 24 ‘champion teachers’ searched
available OER and platforms, found suitable materials for
the target subjects and adapted and collected them while
ensuring their adherence to the national curriculum and
the Mozambican context.
Figure 4. Champion teachers engage in discussions to prepare the
lesson plans for the e-schools (©UNESCO)

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

A total of 263 lesson plans were produced, linked to more than 286 educational resources such as video lessons,
video experiments, etc. Following validation by the Ministry of Education and Human Development, the materials
have been made available on the Ministry web platform. An offline version has been distributed to the 22 pilot
e-schools through USB keys and CDs, to allow for use of the materials without an internet connection.

ƒƒ Improving the Education Management and Information System (EMIS)

The broad needs assessment undertaken in the framework of the UNESCO KFIT project found that the current
EMIS platform and its functionalities need substantial improvements to ensure that policymakers and education
practitioners can have access to appropriate and disaggregated information in a timely and efficient manner.
Expected result number 2 calls for information on management administration to be readily available online and for
communication between local communities and schools to be enhanced, through the strengthening of the ICT-
enhanced EMIS.

In September 2018, a stakeholders’ meeting took place at the Ministry of Education and Human Development
in Maputo. The current systems and platforms used for the collection and dissemination of education data were
presented. The country team agreed on the need to conduct a comprehensive review of the existing systems,
identifying the data gaps for monitoring the education sector strategic plan, the achievement of SDG4 and the
monitoring of the implementation of the newly-developed ICT in education policy.

Statistical and technical needs’ assessment reports on the current system were produced. A one-day workshop in
February 2019 allowed to review the recommendations and set up an EMIS steering committee composed of heads
of departments from all MINEDH stakeholders to support the reform of the EMIS.

The recommendations for the improvement of the EMIS include the following items:

hh A harmonized data set, data structure, sources and data formats are required to improve education
statistical system;
hh A clear roadmap of the measures should be provided to overcome detected duplications;
hh Processes should be simplified and include new data needs and indicators as recommended by the
National Strategy for Development of Education Statistics (NSDES);
hh There is need to align the collection of educational data to SDG4 / CESA 16-25 and the requirements to
monitor the indicators of the newly developed ICT Policy in Education;
hh The EMIS platforms should allow access through multiple devices including mobile devices;
hh The EMIS architecture should be strengthened at different levels (from national to provincial to district-
hh The capacities of Ministry of Education and Human Development staff to operate the EMIS should be
The strengthened EMIS was not piloted in the schools as originally foreseen in the work plan, due to various delays.
However, the finalization of the EMIS needs assessment reports and the adoption of the resulting recommendations
by a newly set up Ministerial task team created the conditions for the improvement of the EMIS.

ƒƒ Teacher training enhanced by ODL and blended learning

The project supported IEDA to adopt blended learning models to complement established paper-based
methodologies for in-service teacher training. With the aim of strengthening institutional capacities, UNESCO
provided state-of-the-art equipment and software to allow for the production of multimedia teaching and learning
and materials, including videos, and established an implementing partnership agreement with the Korea National
Open University (KNOU) to improve the skills of IEDA staff.

In 2017 and 2018, KNOU conducted two on-site training sessions on the various stages of development of video
lectures, followed by distance support. Local experts also supported IEDA with the finalization of the materials. The
training programme focused on the following areas:

a. production of multimedia contents demanding all phases of production: instruction design, instructional
development, diagramming, illustration, sound image capture, editing up to the final product

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Figure 5: Training on ICT-enhanced open and distance learning for IEDA facilitated by KNOU (©UNESCO)

a. production of videos for the online courses, including video shooting, digital editing, video effects, web
animation, scripting, etc.
b. use of the learning management platform for content delivery (installation, administration, monitoring)
c. pedagogical use of ICT

By the end of the project, IEDA produced 150 lecture notes (39 for mathematics, 37 each for the other three subjects
– natural science, social science and Portuguese) and 150 videos of 25 minutes each, based on the lecture notes.
Such materials are to be uploaded onto the IEDA platform and will be available to primary education level teachers all
over the country.

ƒƒ Provision of equipment and support to teacher training institutions

The project facilitated the institutional capacities of the
public Teacher Training Institutes (IFPs) in Mozambique to
deliver training on the pedagogical use of ICT.

Firstly, the project provided basic ICT equipment to three

Institutes, thus ensuring that all IFPs have the basic pre-
conditions to ensure that course on the pedagogical use
of ICT can be imparted.

Secondly, the National Directorate of Teachers’ Colleges

(NDFP) and the project trained a total of 250 IFP staff on
Figure 6: TTI Monapo receives ICT basic equipment and training
on use of the equipment (©UNESCO) the integration of ICT in education, through a five-day
workshop in May 2019. The course was based on the two
materials produced by the project, namely the ‘Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching’ manual
and the ‘ICT for pedagogy’ course. As a
result, the IFP staff will cascade the integration of ICT pedagogy course to about 8,000 student teachers per year.

ƒƒ Development of the sector-wide ICT in Education policy and masterplan

The project supported the development of a new Mozambique ICT in Education
Policy and Master Plan. A national technical team consisting of all relevant national
stakeholders was set up in 2017 and engaged in a series of drafting workshop. Following
such participatory process, the national team proposed six main pillars for the policy, as

a. The need for a safe and school-based learning environment;

b. Open Education Resources and digital contents accessible to anyone,
anywhere, anytime;

Figure 7: Cover page of the Mozambique ICT in Education Policy


Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

a. Teacher training and capacity building of education leaders;

b. Improving students’ digital skills and innovative and creative practices in schools; and
c. Education management information system.
The team also elaborated indicators, activities and budgetary requirements needed to fully implement the policy
recommendations. The Minister of Education and Human Development officially launched the ICT in Education
Policy and Master Plan on 5 July 2019.

ƒƒ Establishment of the national IFAP committee in Mozambique

UNESCO and the Mozambique National Commission
for UNESCO supported the official launch of the
Information for All Programme (IFAP) National Committee
for Mozambique. High-level government officials,
representatives from the private and public sector,
academics and other civil society organizations attended
the two-day event in Maputo in November 2018.

After the launching ceremony, 30 IFAP committee

members representing the Ministry of Justice and Legal
Figure 8: Group picture of the official launch of the IFAP National
Affairs, the public and private sector and civil society Committee for Mozambique (©UNESCO)
organizations, participated in various training sessions
on IFAP, its 6 priorities and the work of the IFAP National Committee. The IFAP National Committee Members also
agreed to focus on three priority areas in the strategic plan, namely Information Literacy, Information Preservation
and Information Ethics. The recommendations from the workshop will enrich the implementation plan for the IFAP
National Committee for Mozambique and will be presented to the Minister of Education and Human Development.

ƒƒ Launch of the YouthMobile initiative in Mozambique

The project supported Mozambique in joining a
growing number of countries that engage in the
UNESCO YouthMobile Initiative to train young people
to programme and use mobile phones as a resource to
solve local problems, pursue sustainable development
and increase employment opportunities.

The launch event of the YouthMobile Initiative in

Mozambique took place at the Maluana National Science
and Technology Park in Maluana, Maputo Province,
south of Mozambique, in September 2018. The event Figure 9: Students from the Manhiça and Marracuene districts
was followed by a series of seminars and trainings on
‘Empowering the next generation’.

The events engaged more than 225 students (of which

45% were girls) between grade 10 and 12 and focused
on promoting entrepreneurship as the key to ensuring
sustainable development and tackling unemployment.
The participating youth attended lectures on creativity
in business through ICTs and self-sustaining informal
entrepreneurship. Students also worked in teams on
projects that resembled a real work-scenario. During Figure 10: Children attending the training of the Africa Code Week
the final day, each group had the opportunity to pitch (©UNESCO)
their idea to a panel of potential business supporters. In the upcoming months, the students will continue to receive
support from the facilitators and assistants for the creation of local applications to solve specific local problems.

In October 2018, 157 children aged 12 to 17 (of which 88 girls) from Manhiça district participated in a digital
programming event called Africa Code Week. The training took place at Maluana Science and Technology Park.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

4.3 Project implementation in Rwanda

In Rwanda, the project responded to the need to harmonize teacher training in the area of ICT. It strengthened
teachers’ abilities to integrate ICT in the classroom, by supporting the development of frameworks, the validation
of certification standards and the piloting of training programmes such as the ICT Essentials for Teachers and the
Advanced ICT Essentials for Teachers (based on the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers). It is foreseen
that after the pilot, KOICA will scale up the training on the pedagogical use of ICT to all teachers across the country.

Also, in response to the call of the Rwandan ICT in Education policy, an e-assessment system for public schools
was established, by creating a space for formative e-assessment on the Rwanda Education Board (REB) platform,
populating it with e-assessment items and piloting its use with teachers.

The University of Rwanda, and particularly the College of Education, strengthened their capacity to adopt distance
and blended learning approaches to reach a wider number of students. UR staff received training on instructional
design, online module development and management, and production of high-quality multimedia materials. Within
the framework of a collaboration with KNOU, the project also equipped UR with a video studio.

In the area of ICT policy development, activities focused on the development of sub-sectoral policies and frameworks
for the University of Rwanda, such as the OER and MOOC framework for UR, the anti-plagiarism policy for UR. Also,
the project supported the integration of the UNESCO Guidelines for the inclusion of persons living with disabilities
on ODeL into the Digital Talent Policy, the publication of the Rwanda Knowledge Society Policy Handbook and the
development of a plan for the ICT sector to match industry needs.

Further details about the individual activities and results can be found in the sub-sections below.

ƒƒ Harmonization of teacher training initiatives and development of certification standards and

piloting of ICT Essentials for Teachers
The needs assessment that preceded the completion of the work plan for Rwanda found a variety of scattered
and un-harmonized teacher training initiatives in the area of ICT in Education. Following a mapping exercise of
all programmes training teachers on ICT, the project supported the development of the UNESCO-Rwandan ICT
Essentials for Teachers (ICT Essentials).

The UNESCO-Rwandan ICT Essentials localize the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) and
focus on the ‘Technology Literacy’ phase. A training programme composed of 14 units was developed to achieve the
following outcomes:

Figure 11: Video of ICT Essentials for Teachers. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N5tgj_x-TQ

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

hh Outcome 1: have good basic ICT skills (Office suite, learning management system and internet
hh Outcome 2: be able to integrate ICT into teaching and learning, school administration and use ICT
for continuous professional development
hh Outcome 3: use ICT skills to attain curriculum learning objectives
hh Outcome 4: use ICT to access learning resources and promote research
hh Outcome 5: use technology-based learning project and problem solving learning skills
hh Outcome 6: be ICT literate and use ICT pedagogy in teaching and learning for promoting creativity and
The training programme consists of a blended learning course, with five days (42 hours) face-to-face training and
a further 40 hours are conducted online for a total of 82 notional hours. During the face-to-face training, teachers
are exposed to the content and tools on the learning management system (LMS), and have an opportunity to work
through some of the course content (units 1–6) with a mentor. The UNESCO-Rwanda ICT Essentials for Teachers
course material is composed of local course material and international Open Educational Resources (OER).

During the duration of the project, the ICT Essentials for Teachers course was piloted twice. The first pilot took place
from November 2016 to March 2017, involving 11 facilitators and 30 teachers. A follow-up evaluation revealed that
the majority of the teachers did use the skills learnt in the training in their teaching practice. After the pilot, a review
of the course was conducted with 23 representatives from the REB, University of Rwanda, Teacher Training Colleges,
and KOICA etc. A revised ICT Essentials for Teachers course was produced and used for a second pilot of the course
targeting 120 teachers from December 2017 to February 2018. All 30 districts in Rwanda piloted the ICT Essentials.

It is expected that the piloting of the training, together with the results of the monitoring and evaluation activities,
informs the subsequent scale up of the ICT Essentials for Teachers course to the whole country supported by the
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

ƒƒ Development of Advanced ICT Essentials for Teachers

Upon the request of the country team, the project also
facilitated the development of an Advanced ICT Essentials
Training course, which represents a progression to a
more advanced stage of integration compared to the ICT
Essentials for Teachers course launched in 2016.

The new course focuses on Knowledge Deepening

and Knowledge Creation levels of the UNESCO ICT
Competency Framework for Teachers (CFT). The course
materials are developed from contextualised open
educational resources (OER), whenever possible, and
include multimedia elements to enhance text and video
materials used in the original version of the course, as Figure 12: Stakeholders validate the Advanced ICT Essentials for
Teachers (©UNESCO)
requested by teachers and officials at REB.

The training programme on the Advanced ICT Essentials for Teachers adopts a blended learning modality, with four
of the 11 units meant to be delivered face-to-face, and the rest online. Below are the titles of the units of study:

hh Use of the interactive whiteboard to support teaching and learning

hh Use of assistive technology for inclusive and special needs education
hh Use of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework Project learning in TPACK
hh How to incorporate games into lessons
hh Use of mobile devices to support teaching and learning
hh Use of multimedia application and simulations
hh Motivation for learners and learning modalities
hh How to create learner-centric lessons
hh How to design a ‘Flipped Classroom’ (pervasive education)
hh How to create an online learning environment (Google Classroom & Moodle Cloud)
hh How to facilitate online learning

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

ƒƒ Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Certification Standards

The project supported the development of Certification Standards for
ICT teacher training initiatives and of a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
Framework based on the Rwanda ICT Essentials for Teachers.

The Standards aim to ensure that the outcomes of the training initiatives are
aligned with the ICT Essentials and help to clarify minimum expectations
for in-service and pre-service ICT teacher training programmes in Rwanda.
They also provide a framework to support professional development and
certification both for pre-service and in-service teachers; recruitment
practices; monitoring, evaluation and performance management; and
reflection and self-evaluation. These standards may also inform policy
improvement in order to create an environment conducive to the
implementation of ICT Essentials for Teachers towards enabling students to
use ICT in order to learn more effectively (Technology Literacy) and enabling
students to acquire in-depth knowledge of their school subjects and apply it
to complex, real-world problems (Knowledge Deepening).

An M&E Framework based on the UNESCO-Rwandan ICT Essentials for

Figure 13: Cover page of the Certification
Standards for ICT Teacher training Teachers has been developed to support the government and the training
initiatives in Rwanda (©UNESCO) providers to effectively monitor their ICT teacher training initiatives.
Such framework has been used to evaluate the two pilot programmes
implemented during the duration of the project. Specifically, the evaluation looked at the extent to which teachers
use the skills that they learnt during the training in their teaching and learning practices. The analysis of data found
that teachers were keen to exercise the skills, but need support from an enabling environment.

ƒƒ Creation of an e-assessment system for Rwanda

E-assessment is the second major area of intervention in the framework of
expected result number 1 in Rwanda. Policy documents such as the ICT
in Education Master Plan 2015-2020 state that Rwanda should move from
paper-based assessments to e-based assessments. The project facilitated the
creation of an e-assessment space on the REB platform and the creation of
over 950 e-assessment items.

In 2017, the project facilitated a comprehensive readiness assessment

with the aim of scoping the possibilities for the use of ICT in assessment in
Rwanda. The readiness assessment led the country team to a well-informed
understanding of the real needs and the existing resources, and provided
the base for the piloting of transformation of paper-based assessments to
e-assessments at primary and secondary level. Based on the findings of this
exercise, it was decided to focus on formative assessment on three subjects
in primary education for grade 5 (Mathematics, Elementary Science and
Technology, English Language) and three subject in secondary education
for grades 2 (Biology, Chemistry, Geography). Also, a specific group to
Figure 14: Students at G.S. Shangasha try the oversee the development of formative assessment and e-assessment was
quizzes (©UNESCO) set up within REB, including experts from the departments of Assessment,
Curriculum, Teacher Development and ICT.

In order to make the best use of the existing infrastructure, the platform for e-assessment has been integrated
into the existing REB platform. The institutional capacities of REB staff to manage and use the functionalities for
e-assessment were strengthened through a series of workshops in 2018. Subsequent training workshops focused on
equipping teachers both REB staff and a select number of teachers with the skills to create assessment items, manage
them in the platform and use them in the classroom.

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

The first round of item creation led to the development of 300 questions items that were piloted in 10 Rwandan
schools in 2018. Following the success of the first pilot, an expansion of the e-assessment system was undertaken,
leading to a total of 950 (and still growing) high-quality assessment items created and made available on the
REB platform, and the inclusion of a new age group (Senior 4). Based on the lessons learnt from the first pilot, the
expansion aimed at developing coherent tests rather than individual items and adequate attention was given to
assessing higher-order competences, in line with the Competence-Based Curriculum.

Following the quality assurance mechanism that validated the new items, the project supported a second pilot of
the e-assessment system, with the expectation that trained teachers support their peers in their schools and other
schools to work with e-assessment. By the end of the project, 70 teachers (from 59 schools) and REB staff have
received training on e-assessment.
Finally, in order to expand the impact of the training sessions to a wider public, the project supported the
development of a self-learning course on the REB platform consisting of a mixture of documents, PowerPoint
presentations, quizzes and activities. . The course, which can be accessed online at https://elearning.reb.rw/course/
view.php?id=224, includes five sessions as follows:
hh Session 1 - Formative assessment & basic Moodle knowledge
hh Session 2 - Question writing for the Rwandan Curriculum & writing closed questions on the Moodle
hh Session 3 - Question quality principles & how to write open questions
hh Session 4 - Test construction and quality assurance
hh Session 5 - Using outcomes formatively

All the materials produced in the framework of this activity are available to all teachers on the REB platform. Currently,
more than 2500 students from 59 schools use the materials for formative assessment.

ƒƒ Strengthening of capacities of UR staff in using ODeL for teaching and development of ODeL
teaching and learning materials
The project supported UR to ensure that its human
resources are adequately trained and supported to sustain
the enhanced use of ODL. The project organized trainings for
over 100 staff from 3 Colleges of the University of Rwanda
on the management of ODeL and on the production and
usage of ODeL teaching and learning materials. As a result,
102 modules were developed. Twenty-six UR academic staff
were trained in instructional design and 18 IT technicians
and eLearning officers were trained in Moodle programming
and administration. Figure 15: Capacity building of the University of Rwanda Staff
on Moodle customization and programming (©UNESCO)

ƒƒ Training staff at the University of Rwanda in the production of multimedia teaching and
learning materials
Following the experience of Mozambique, the project
supported a second implementation partnership agreement
with KNOU to provide UR with the institutional capacities
to expand their ODL offering through the making and
operating of multimedia contents for educational purposes.

The partnership with KNOU included two face-to-face

training workshops in Rwanda. The first workshop targeted
about 30 lecturers and focused on general principles of
distance learning and the production of lecture notes. The
second session, instead, involved about 60 participants,
including technicians and e-learning officers would be
operating the state-of-the-art studio for the production of Figure 16: UR trainees working on the production of lecture
multimedia materials, which was provided with the support notes with the support of the KNOU consultant (©UNESCO)

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

of the project.

Finally, the partnership with KNOU included distance consulting and mentoring between the two workshops, and an
in-studio training for e-learning officers in November 2018 at the campus of KNOU in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

ƒƒ Development of policies for Teacher Training Colleges and University of Rwanda

UNESCO has supported Rwanda to develop the MOOC and OER for Higher Education Framework, and the Anti-
Plagiarism Policy for the University of Rwanda. These documents complemented the National ODeL Policy, which
has the mission to provide access to educational opportunities by offering high quality, innovative, responsive and
affordable educational programmes through ODeL.

The project supported the assessment of readiness of learners to take up innovative learning practices. In order to
collect on the information reading and seeking culture of UR students, a training on the Media and Information
Literacy (MIL) Assessment was carried out. The contextualized MIL for Rwanda allowed to collect data from the 16
Teacher Training Colleges of UR and produce an assessment report. In parallel, an infrastructure needs assessment of
the 16 Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) was conducted.

ƒƒ Supporting learners with disabilities

Making education and information accessible for persons living with disabilities is a goal in many Rwandan official
documents, even though existing ODeL policies do not include specific provisions for this matter. With the support
of UNESCO KFIT and the European Agency for Special Needs Education, the UNESCO Guidelines for the inclusion of
persons living with disabilities on ODeL have been integrated into the Digital Talent Policy (DTP) of the Ministry of
Information and Communication Technology (MITEC). UNESCO also supported the National Council of Persons with
Disabilities (NCPD) and MITEC to develop a work plan with suggested activities to implement the DTP, which has
been validated. In addition, the UNESCO Guidelines for the Inclusion of Persons Living with Disabilities on ODeL was
also presented to the UR, which was received as a useful resources for guiding the UR in providing quality education
for learners with disabilities.

ƒƒ Policy development and Establishment and Information for All Programme (IFAP)
The KFIT project promoted the establishment of an ICT for Education Working Group in Rwanda (ICT4E) composed of
representatives from relevant Ministries and development partners. The ICT4E meets every quarter to discuss all ICT in
education issues in the country. The project also supported the sharing of best practices on ICT integration, through
the publishing of case studies and articles.

The role of the IFAP national committee was mainstreamed into the existing ICT Steering Committee of the MITEC.

To support Rwanda to become a knowledge society, 20 policymakers and education officials were trained on the
contextualized Rwanda Knowledge Society Policies Handbook during a workshop that took place in May 2017.
Responding to the request of the ministry, an additional 17 ministerial staff were also trained in March 2018 in a re-
run of the workshop. In addition, KFIT Rwanda also supported the policy engagement in the YouthConnekt Africa
Summit 2017 in Kigali, July 2017, which decided ways of connecting hub managers and innovators across Africa and
strategies to inform them about policy issues, empowering them to engage in conversations with leaders. A short
video was also produced and published on YouTube.

Responding to the request of the MITEC, UNESCO supported the Ministry in developing a Study on matching ICT
Skills with industry needs. The purpose of the study is to understand the problem and seek to find solution for the
mismatch between graduate’s ICT skills and the needs of the ICT sector in Rwanda.

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

4.4 Project implementation in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, twenty schools piloted the e-school model designed by a Ministry task team. The project supported
the equipment of the schools and, in view to pilot ICT solutions for inclusion, it provided specialized equipment to
two schools catering for learners with special needs. It also facilitated a training programme based on the localized
UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers), as well as the development of a repository of Open Educational
Resources (OER) currently containing about 1,300 entries.

In order to expand access to higher education and quality of learning opportunities, the project improved the
institutional capacities of several higher education institutions in using technology for teaching and learning, by
promoting training programmes and the development of training materials. Also, an existing teacher training
institute was equipped and supported to be a model institution for open and distance learning.

Finally, the ICT policy for higher education was successfully developed and the national IFAP committee was
established. Activities in the framework of the YouthMobile initiative, equipping young people with ICT skills, also
took place.

Further details about the individual activities and results can be found in the sub-sections below.

ƒƒ Conceptualization of e-school model for Zimbabwe

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education led
the conceptualization of the e-school model pilot in
Zimbabwe. The conceptualized e-school model is based
on four pillars: infrastructure (availability of ICT tools),
electronic resources (emphasis on Open Education
Resources), capacity building (developing capacities
of teachers), and sustainability (monitoring, evaluation
accountability and learning for successful implementation
of educational technology projects).

Concerning the technical infrastructure, 20 schools across

the country, including two special needs schools, were
equipped with mobile eClassrooms, consisting of an
interconnection of laptops using wireless technologies. Figure 17: The Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Zimbabwe
Although the provision of the equipment is at classroom and the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education observe
students using the newly delivered laptops (©UNESCO)
level, a mobile cart allows for easy transportation of the
devices within the school.

The configuration for primary schools is the following:

20 laptops (for the students) at an average ratio of 2
students per 1 laptop, one laptop (for the tutor) with class
management software, one wireless router, one mobile
laptop cart used for safekeeping, transportation and
charging of the laptops, one overhead projector and one
projector screen.

The configuration for primary schools is the following:

15 laptops (for the students) at an average ratio of 3
student per 1 laptop, one laptop (for the tutor) with class
management software, one wireless router, and one
mobile laptop cart used for safekeeping, transportation Figure 18: Students from one of the primary pilot e-schools
and charging of the laptops engaged in activities (©UNESCO)

The e-school model document for Zimbabwe also clarifies that the use of equipment should be prioritized in the
classes that are implementing the new curriculum, i.e. ECD, Grade 1 and 3 in primary schools, and Forms 1, 3 and 5 in
secondary schools.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Due to the unique nature of the selected special schools, a comprehensive needs assessment led to the design of
innovative ICT solutions and functional systems (the assistive devices and digital materials) to cater for learners living
with disabilities.

Following the provision of equipment of the schools and the training of teachers, in the spring of 2019 UNESCO
facilitated a monitoring exercise with visits to the e-schools, as well as two meetings with representatives from the
e-schools to share experiences, learn from each other’s experiences, and develop continuity plans.

The first two-day event took place in January 2019 and provided a platform for the schools’ representatives and
Ministry officials to exchange notes as well as explore synergies and possibilities for collaboration and sharing of
resources. Participants discussed the challenges they face, leading to a better understanding of possible solutions
and sharing strategies to improve efficiency in using ICT in the classroom. The second meeting, instead, took place in
March 2019 and allowed representatives from the pilot e-schools to develop continuity plans in order to sustain the
integration of ICT for pedagogy beyond the duration of the project. The plans focus on infrastructure acquisition and/
or resource mobilization, teacher capacity development, development of electronic resources, and development of
networks, collaboration, and synergy building with various stakeholders.

ƒƒ Development of training materials on the pedagogical use of ICT and training programme
The project supported the development and quality assurance of the Zimbabwe ICT Essentials for Teachers course,
inspired by the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT). The course, which was finalized in
September 2017, is designed to provide teachers with competencies to integrate ICT into their teaching and learning
and to support their other education responsibilities. The course covers 12 units of study:

1. ICT & policy

2. Hardware
3. Troubleshooting ICT
4. Educational internet
5. Email and social media
6. Basic Productivity Suite Skills (Word processing,
Spreadsheets and Presentations)
7. Project-based learning
8. ICT and the physical environment
9. ICT to support traditional pedagogy
10. CT and the curriculum
Figure 19: School level training at Sandara Primary School 11. ICT to support assessment
(©UNESCO) 12. ICT for professional development

The course is available offline, through a USB stick, and online on a government platform: http://www.stem263.com/.
A mobile application was also developed for the course so that it can be available to all teachers on their mobile devices

The ICT Essentials for Teachers course was used for training the teachers in the pilot e-school. A cascading approach
was adopted: forty teachers (the ICT focal points and one subject teacher per school) were selected and trained on
the training modules in October 2017, together with officials from three government ministries. Between October
and December 2017, over 400 teachers in the 20 pilot e-schools were trained on the pedagogical use of ICT.

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

ƒƒ Training programme in the two e-schools for learners with special needs
The project in Zimbabwe prioritized the need for
inclusivity. For this reason, two of the pilot e-schools in
the country are institutions that cater for students with
special needs. Specifically, Magretha Hugo School has
been equipped with computer equipment including
desktop computers, speakers, and hi-fi stereos, with the
aim of improving learning outcomes for students with
visual impairment. King George School, instead, received
laptops, TV sets, projectors and projector screens to
support learners with various types of physical and mental

Besides the training on the ICT Essentials, two unique

Figure 20: Trainees simulating the experience of learners with
training workshops took place in the schools. These visual impairment (©UNESCO)
included hands-on demonstrations and guidance on how
to use relevant hardware and software to teach visually impaired students. Trainees could also reflect on how ICT
can contribute to inclusion and facilitation of the learning processes, particularly in the areas of reading, writing and
project-based learning.

ƒƒ Development of digital resources for e-schools and training

With the aim of strengthening the capacities of teachers
to make effective pedagogical use of ICT, the project
facilitated the development of a repository of openly
licensed curriculum resources and the training of teachers
on the use of Open Educational Resources (OER).

The repository is linked explicitly to curriculum and

syllabi statements allowing educators to search for
resources that would support the acquisition of various
outcomes. Four workshops contributed to building
capacities of teachers in the development, accessing and
use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) at all levels
of basic education in Zimbabwe. In each workshop the
Figure 21: Video resource produced during one of the
participants were orientated to open content in education, OER workshops. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/
Creative Commons Licensing, Developing OERs, Search watch?v=aoOlgCuC4Xk&feature=youtu.be
Strategies to identify existing OERs and evaluation of OERs
to determine suitability of resources for the Zimbabwean context. Additionally, participants were tasked to upload
and tag with metadata open resources, both new and existing, into the Zimbabwe OER repository.

Each of the four workshops focused on a specific education level and subject as follows:

hh The Workshop on OERs in Infant Level Education (March 2019) built the capacities of teachers in the
development, accessing and use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Infant Education, specifically in
English, Mathematics and Science subjects.
hh The Workshop on OERs in Junior Level Education (April 2019) built the capacities of teachers in the
development, accessing and use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Junior Education (Grades 3 – 7),
particularly in English, Mathematics and Science subjects. Participants at the workshop included selected
teachers from Manicaland Province and representatives from the Africa University, Mutare Teachers
College, and Marymount Teachers College.
hh The Workshop on OERs in Ordinary Level Education (April - May 2019) built the capacities of teachers in
the development, accessing and use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Ordinary Level Education
(Form 1 – 4) specifically in Mathematics, English and Science. Participants at the workshop included
selected teachers from Bulawayo Province and representatives from the National University of Science and
Technology, Hillside Teachers College, and the United College of Education.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Figure 22: Group picture of the digitization workshop in August 2018 (©UNESCO)

hh The Workshop on OERs in Advanced Level Education (May 2019) built the capacities of teachers in the
development, accessing and use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Advanced Level Education
(Form 5 and 6) specifically in Mathematics, Literature, Biology and Computer Science. Participants at the
workshop included selected teachers from Harare Province and representatives from the University of
Zimbabwe, Belvedere Teachers College, and Morgan Zintech and Seke Teachers College.

ƒƒ Strengthening of capacities of higher education institutions and teacher training colleges in

using ODL and digital materials.
The project supported educators from higher education and teacher training institutions across Zimbabwe to
integrate ICT in their teaching and learning.

Training sessions targeting university staff have focused on four priority areas, as follows: Basic ICT skills; Information
Literacy and Lifelong learning; Learning Management Systems (for Instructors); and Learning Management Systems
(for IT administrators). Over 45 teacher educators were trained during a national workshop in November 2016.

In parallel, the project supported the training of staff from all 14 teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe as well as from four
universities, in the design and development of digital instructional materials. The workshops provided trainees with
skills in digitization of instructional materials, incorporation of games and gamification in instructional modules, and
integration and incorporation of inclusivity in blended learning. While the training was aimed at teacher educators
in all teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe, it is expected that the representatives from Zimbabwe Open University,
Bindura University of Science Education, and the University of Zimbabwe, who were also in attendance, will become
institutional resource persons and share their newly acquired skills with their colleagues. Also, as a result of the
training, the college administrators developed work plans on how they will support digitization initiatives in their
respective institutions.

A total of three workshops took place. The trainees from a first workshop in June 2018 were used as trainers for a
second workshop in August 2018, which in turn facilitated four workshops in June 2019. This exercise allowed to train
over 160 college lecturers from 14 colleges.

ƒƒ Establishment of a model teacher training college for ODL

The project supported the establishment of a model teacher training institution for ODL, the Teacher College of
Masvingo, while librarians from all Teachers Colleges in the country received training on applying ICT tools to support
teaching, learning and research at their institutions.

UNESCO developed a situational analysis report on the pedagogical use of ICT in 13 Teachers Colleges in Zimbabwe.
Survey instruments were developed and used to analyse the colleges’ current situation concerning ICT in
teaching and learning and in Open and Distance Learning (ODL), with a focus on gaps, priority areas and potential
opportunities for collaboration. Results of the analysis were used to produce a strategic plan for effective use of ICT
for teaching and learning, and ODL in teachers colleges.

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

The strategic plan was implemented in the Teacher College of Msavingo, which acted as a ‘model institution for
ODL for teacher training’. Additional internal staff training on the use of ICT was conducted by the institution itself,
making use of the knowledge of the master trainers in the College. In addition, the project provided additional 16
fixed projectors, 40 desktop computers, and 42 laptops divided over in 2 trolleys. Whereas the other teacher colleges
did not receive any equipment, librarians from all the 14 Teachers colleges participated in a five-day workshop in
November 2018, which aimed at developing their capacities in applying ICT tools to support teaching, learning and
research at their institutions.

ƒƒ Development of Policy on ICT in Higher Education

The project supported the development of a Policy on ICT in Higher Education and its Masterplan.

A task team led by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development and
comprising of representatives from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, the Ministry of ICT, Postal and
Courier Services and other national stakeholders engaged in an inclusive process that led to the finalization of an ICT
in Higher Education Policy focused on the following elements or pillars:

Digital access and inclusion;

hhProfessional development;
hhDigitized curriculum, content and assessment;
hhLeaning models, communities and environments;
hhInnovation, research and development;
hhManagement and administration efficiency.

These elements detail the areas which this policy

is committed to develop in order to guarantee a
transformative, digitised, innovative, inclusive learner-
centred higher and tertiary education system by 2030.

In anticipation of Cabinet’s approval of the draft policy Figure 23: Workshop to develop the master plan (©UNESCO)
and to ensure its effective implementation, a guiding
implementation masterplan has been prepared. The masterplan is a framework for the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary
Education, Science and Technology Development (and affiliate institutions) decision-making to support the aim and
objectives of the ICT in Higher Education Policy. The masterplan development process focused on concepts and
standards that reduce the policy life-cycle costs of operation and maintenance. Robust discussion and debate on
the critical issues related to designing an appropriate, realistic implementation plan by the important stakeholders in
Zimbabwe’s higher and tertiary education system took place.

ƒƒ YouthMobile initiative in Zimbabwe

The project supported the organization of a series of events
aimed at equipping youth with the skills to solve societal
and institutional challenges using ICT, and specifically
mobile applications. A training programme was designed
with a focus on the following skills: design thinking
(problem solving skills); developing mobile applications
(coding skills); and social entrepreneurship (monetizing
mobile applications). The exercise included three activities:
a bootcamp, online support, and a shark thank.

The boot camp was a 5-day short but rigorous and

intensive training workshop for 26 undergraduate students
and recent graduates. The overall objectives of the exercise
were for the young creatives to develop the essential Figure 24: Students engage in group work on ideation during the
boot camp (©UNESCO)
ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

to meet societal and institutional needs and; drive social entrepreneurship; and understand the app development
lifecycle. After the event, the participants returned to their institutions to work on a mobile app development
assignment to solve a social or institutional problem identified during the boot camp. During this period the students
were coached online through Skype and other social media platforms.

In March 2019, the YouthMobile Initiative concluded with a Shark Tank event hosted at the University of Zimbabwe in
Harare. Twenty-one students from tertiary institutions across Zimbabwe and recent graduates showcased their newly
developed mobile application and three young creatives were awarded with prizes for their innovative and creative
mobile applications.

4.5 Cross-country activities and visibility

To facilitate peer learning and exchanges among country teams, a series of cross-country activities were also
organized. A workshop for the finalization of the country-level work plans took place in Zimbabwe in May 2016. A
study tour focusing on e-school models and open and distance learning was organized in September and October
2016 in the Republic of Korea, with the collaboration of KERIS and KNOU. A cross-country meeting for peer learning
and resource sharing took place in Rwanda in January 2018 while the final project meeting gathered the country
teams at the UNESCO Headquarters in France in June 2019.

With the support of the project, members of the countries’ project teams also attended a number of events related
to ICT in education, such as the UNESCO Mobile Leaning Week (2018 and 2019), the Qingdao Conference on ICT and
post-2015 education (2016 and 2017), the Beijing Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (2019), the 2nd
African Ministerial Forum on ICT Integration in Education and Training (2016), eLearning Africa (2018), among others.

Finally, efforts were made to provide visibility to the project activities and results.

ƒƒ Workshop for the finalization of the country-level work plans

Following the needs assessment exercise, and to ensure country ownership of the project and alignment to
national needs and strategies, UNESCO HQ organized a regional workshop in Harare, Zimbabwe, in May 2016, to
finalize the country-level project documents and work plans. Participants included the project core team members
from Mozambique and Zimbabwe (while Rwandese participants were not able to travel), UNESCO programme
specialists from HQ and field offices, and experts from key Korean institutions, such as Korea National Open University
(KNOU), Korea Education Research Information Service (KERIS) and Chuncheon National University of Education. All
participants worked collaboratively to agree on the main expected results per project component and plan the in-
country activities for the following three years accordingly.

ƒƒ Study tour on e-schools and ODL in the Republic of Korea

As the Republic of Korea represents a best practice in the fields of e-schools’ development, teacher training for ICT in
education and open and distance learning (ODL), UNESCO HQ organized a study tour/training in Korea for the three
country project teams in collaboration with two prestigious Korean institutions: Korea Education Research

Figure 25: Participants of the study tour on e-schools and ODL in the Republic of Korea

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

Information Service (KERIS) and Korea National Open University (KNOU). The activity was designed with the purpose
of strengthening the capacities of the three national project teams in key areas of the project and gain insight,
knowledge and competences for improved implementation of activities in the respective countries.

The study tour took place on 26-30 September 2016 and consisted of visits to various institutions as well as training
courses to be delivered by KERIS and KNOU. Participants were divided in two groups. They followed the same
programme of the first and last day but were divided for three days as follows:

1. One group received training on e-schools and teacher training for ICT in education. The group moved
to KERIS facilities in Daegu to attend the training. Representatives from Mozambique and Zimbabwe
attended this leg of the training.

2. One group received training of open and distance learning at KNOU in Seoul. Representatives from the
three countries attended this leg of the training.
As a result of the activity, participant have learnt about change management through the experience of the Republic
of Korea; have revised key concepts and have come to a common understanding of the topics at hand; have
engaged in discussions with Korean partners; have learnt about the application of e-assessment in the Republic
of Korea; have learnt about the Korean experience with e-schools, ICT-based platforms to support educational
administration, and ODL-related policies at KNOU.

ƒƒ Second regional UNESCO-KFIT meeting for peer learning and resource sharing
UNESCO organized the second regional meeting of the UNESCO-KFIT project in Kigali, Rwanda in January 2018,
supporting peer learning in Mozambique, Rwanda and Zimbabwe.

Following the regional meeting that took place in Harare, Zimbabwe in May 2016 and the study tour that took
place in September 2017 in the Republic of Korea, this event was the first occasion for the three teams to come
together and learn from progress attained in the respective beneficiary countries. It also represented a chance to
better prepare for the final implementation phase of the project, due to end in June 2019, with a view of enhancing
collaboration among countries, engaging in joint activities and exchanging resources and learning experiences.

Delegates from the three country teams had the chance to present the achievements, challenges and lessons learnt
for the various components of the project. This includes e-school model piloting, e-assessment, teacher training on
the pedagogical use of ICT, Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and policy development, and UNESCO’s Information
for All Programme. Various strategies and solutions were also identified with the purpose of ensuring continuous peer
learning among the three countries and improving internal and external communication.

Figure 26: Participants of the second UNESCO-KFIT project meeting in Kigali (©UNESCO)

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

ƒƒ Final project meeting

A final project meeting was held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris in June 2019. This meeting presented the
opportunity to meet and exchange on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned during this three-year
project, and to evaluate on best practices in view of preparing a Phase II of the UNESCO-KFIT Project.

In attendance were the representatives of the respective countries’ ministries along with their permanent
delegations, members of the country project teams, the UNESCO Headquarters project coordinating team, as well
as representatives of various organizations from the Republic of Korea, partner institutions and the external project
evaluation team.

Following an overview of achievements, the meeting divided into seven thematic seminars that drew examples from
project countries. The themes explored were ICT in Education policy; Information for All Program; Teacher training on
pedagogical use of ICT & ICT Competence Frameworks for Teachers; Digital resources and OER; Open and Distance
Learning; E-school models; EMIS and e-Assessment; and Sustainability and Partnerships.

A preliminary evaluation of the KFIT Project was presented based on first impressions of the project. Talks about a
Phase II proposal was reserved for the final day of the meeting, and discussions were geared around continuing the
project funded by the Republic of Korea in three new countries: Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.

ƒƒ Final project evaluation

An external company has completed an extensive evaluation of the project. Following a competitive bidding process,
the company Ockam-IPS was selected as it demonstrated extensive expertise in the area of education systems in
Africa and has already successfully conducted a large number of evaluations in Africa in the area of education and ICT
in education, including for UNESCO projects. The executive summary of the evaluation can be found in Annex 7*.

ƒƒ International Policy Dialogue on IFAP priority areas in BRICS countries

The African Centre of Excellence for
Information Ethics (ACEIE) and the
University of Pretoria, in collaboration
with BRICS representatives, UNESCO and
the Information for All Programme (IFAP),
hosted an international conference on IFAP
Policy Dialogue in Cape Town, South Africa
in July 2018. Delegates from 18 countries,
including Mozambique and Zimbabwe,
representing academia, government,
business and civil society attended and
presented on research matters relating
to the six IFAP priority areas, including Figure 27: Delegates at the IFAP Forum come together for a group picture
information for development, information (©UNESCO)
literacy, information preservation,
information ethics, information accessibility
and multilingualism. IFAP activities on capacity development for building knowledge societies in Rwanda, Mozambique
and Zimbabwe, within the framework of the UNESCO-Korean Funds-in-Trust (KFIT) project, were presented.

ƒƒ eLearning Africa
UNESCO participated in the eLearning Africa Conference 2018 in September 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. The UNESCO
KFIT-Rwanda project hosted two workshops to demonstrate KFIT Rwanda’s work in ICT Essentials for Teachers
Training, simulation for teacher training, and e-assessments. Approximately 60 participants gained hands-on
experience of these tools during the workshop. In addition, the KFIT Rwanda project also presented the first ever
e-assessment system and pilot in Rwanda. The presentation was well-received by participants, ranging from
government officers and academics.

* Annexes available upon request

Final project report Describing and Measuring Results

ƒƒ Mobile Learning Week

Eleven representatives from the country
project teams in Mozambique, Rwanda
and Zimbabwe attended the 2019
edition of the Mobile Learning Week, the
flagship United Nations event on ICT for
education, from 4 to 8 March 2019 at the
Headquarters of UNESCO in Paris.

During the event, participants from the

project teams had the chance to attend
various sessions animated by policymakers,
practitioners and stakeholders in the area
of artificial intelligence for sustainable Figure 28: The UNESCO-KFIT project team come together for a group photo at Mobile
Learning Week 2019 (©UNESCO)
development and education. MLW 2019
represented a unique opportunity for
representatives of the project to share their knowledge and jointly plan the next-generation of intelligent mobile

In a closed meeting, participants could also exchange with their peers from other beneficiary countries on the latest
achievements within the project, as well as on the persistent challenges and measures that are being put in place for
the impact of the activities to continue beyond its end date in June 2019.

ƒƒ Forum on Knowledge Societies for Sustainable Developments

Representatives from the project country teams in Mozambique, Rwanda and Zimbabwe participated in the Forum
on Knowledge Societies for Sustainable Development in Africa, organized by UNESCO in Harare from 15 to 16
March 2019.

The delegates from 18 countries across Africa highlighted their important role as active contributors to the IFAP
governance structures in order to harness knowledge societies for the sustainable socio-economic development of
Africa through the six IFAP priority areas (information for development, information literacy, information preservation,
information ethics, information accessibility and multilingualism in cyberspace).

The forum also allowed participants to exchange best practices in working towards knowledge societies in their
respective countries. Mozambique and Zimbabwe IFAP Committees’ achievements were highlighted as examples to
learn from, as the two countries have made important strides in localizing the IFAP priorities. Speaking at the Forum,
the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Zimbabwe also reiterated his country’s commitment to support ICTs
development in Africa.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Direct Beneficiaries, Key Partners

and Other Stakeholders

Direct beneficiaries of the project include policy makers, teachers and learners. The details of the beneficiaries of the
main training events can be found in Table 5 below. It is worth noticing that there is a large number of unrecorded
direct beneficiaries of the various legacy outputs of the project such as the ICT in education policy documents,
frameworks, training materials, teaching and learning resources, platforms and repositories and other outputs of
the project.

Additional details about the individual workshops and training sessions can be found in Annex 6*.

Activity Group Total N°

Teacher training on pedagogical use of ICT in Mozambique Teachers 528

Training on the production of OER materials in Mozambique Teachers 24

Training on multimedia production for IEDA in Mozambique Teacher educators and technicians 27

Training on ICT integration in teacher training colleges in

Teacher educators 250

YouthMobile initiative Students 225

Teacher training on ICT Essentials in Rwanda Teachers 150 (+ 11 trainers)

Training on e-assessment in Rwanda Teachers and policymakers 70

Training on ODL for University of Rwanda Teacher educators and e-learning officers 150

Training on ODL for University of Rwanda with KNOU Teacher educators and e-learning officers 60

Teacher training on ICT Essentials in Zimbabwe Teachers 400 (+40 trainers)

Teachers, policymakers and university

Training on OER in Zimbabwe 200

Training on ODL for teacher educators in Zimbabwe Teacher educators 45

YouthMobile Initiative in Zimbabwe Students 26

Study tour in the Republic of Korea Policymakers and university staff 10

Capacity development workshops on policymaking in

Policymakers About 60

Capacity development workshops on policymaking in Rwanda Policymakers About 100

Capacity development workshops on policymaking in

Policymakers About 80

Table 6: Beneficiaries of main training events and opportunities

* Annexes available upon request

Final project report Engagement, Ownership of Direct Beneficiaries, Key Partners and Other Stakeholders

Engagement, Ownership of Direct

Beneficiaries, Key Partners and
Other Stakeholders
The country project teams were established with full collaboration from the respective Ministries of Education.
The full involvement of the beneficiary countries since the initial stage of the project establishment ensured full
ownership of the project and institutionalization of project activities within the framework of national strategies and

For the implementation of country-level activities, specific task teams were setup to develop strategic documents
(such as the e-school model documents, policy documents, etc.) and steer the successful implementation of
the project.

A Directors’ meeting organized by UNESCO HQ allowed to agree on the management and coordination modalities
of the project between the HQ coordination team and the field offices. Focal points at the level of each field office
were identified. It was decided that country project teams would manage the implementation at the country level,
field offices would manage the funds and provide direct support to implement the country activities. A dedicated
National Programme Officer was recruited in each field office, to be supported and supervised by education and
communication and information programme specialists. The HQ coordination team, consisting of the Chief of the
ICT in Education Unit, a coordinator (seconded expert from the donor), and an Associate Project Officer, would
coordinate overall activities, monitor and backstop project implementation as well as consolidate reporting to, and
liaison with, the donor.

A team with external partners, and in particular with Korean institutions such as KERIS and KNOU, was established
for the carrying out of several activities within the project, including the needs’ assessment exercise, the participation
in the work plan finalization workshop, the organization of the study tour, etc.

Two implementing partnership agreements with KNOU were signed to support the strengthening of capacities
of the Institute for Open and Distance Learning in Mozambique and the University of Rwanda in Rwanda, to deliver
high-quality distance education for teachers.

Working relationships with implementing partners, including the respective Ministries of Education and Higher
Education in the beneficiary countries, higher education institutes and universities, teacher training colleges, etc.,
have been strengthened thanks to the in-country missions undertaken UNESCO HQ and FO staff members in the
beneficiary countries, including the needs’ assessment missions in Mozambique and Zimbabwe in March 2016 and
the monitoring mission in Rwanda in July 2016.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Exit Strategy and Sustainability

Various mechanisms such as strengthening capacity, institutions, funding arrangements, transfer of responsibilities,
links with work being done by other partners were adopted to sustain the activities under the project. A few
highlights on the exit strategy and sustainability of the project are summarized below:

The institutionalization of the project activities since the beginning of the project is one of the main strategies to
sustain the project activities and impacts.

In each beneficiary country, the project is aligned with the key national education strategies. The country project
documents and work plans have been developed on the basis of the needs captured by the needs’ assessment
exercise and the countries’ strategic priorities.

A very close collaboration with the relevant Ministries involved in the project in the three countries has allowed
to attain high ownership of the project from the side of the governments. Country project teams have been fully
involved in the inception meeting, needs’ assessment phase and project document finalization. This ensured that
capacities of national teams with respect to planning and understanding of key issues in ICT in education have also
been strengthened.

The setup of permanent structures such as the ICT for Education Working Group in Rwanda (composed of
representatives from relevant Ministries and partners meets every quarter to discuss all ICT in education issues in
the country) and the national IFAP committees contribute to the continuous engagement of national stakeholders
beyond the lifespan of the project.

The production and institutionalization of policy documents, frameworks, standards, curriculum maps, etc. ensures
that the outputs generated with the support of the project are used beyond the duration of the project. For example,
in the case of Rwanda, the programme for training in-service teachers on the pedagogical use of ICT is going to be
rolled out at the national level with the support of another donor (KOICA).

Participation in various events has allowed the country project team to present the project and increase their level of
ownership of the project.

There has been an effort to synergize the KFIT project with key projects being or to be funded by other key partners
(KOICA, Huawei), with the aim of enhancing the sustainability of the project.

In the project countries, the following sustainability measures were put in place:

hh Building partnerships with interested institutions, within and outside the countries.
hh Planning for the use and adoption of the outputs produced by the project (policy documents, training
frameworks and programmes, etc.) at the national level.
hh Establishing monitoring and evaluation systems to assess change after the end of the project.
hh Involving the school community in both the financing and monitoring of school activities.
hh Creating an information system to ensure the collection of data on the state of computer equipment and
hh Allocation of budget for activities previously funded by the project in the national and/or institutional
annual budgets.

Final project report Visibility

The contribution of the Korean Funds-in-Trust has been recognized in all project documents, concept notes, etc. The
implementation of the project has involved both Education and CI Sectors of UNESCO, the three field offices, and the
concerned ministries of the three countries.

The website for the project has been established on the UNESCO website: http://en.unesco.org/themes/ict-

A periodic update was circulated to project teams and stakeholders involved in the implementation of the project
with the purpose of disseminating information about the latest developments in project implementation. The update
was also uploaded on the project website. Six updates have been published in total.

A brochure for the project has been produced, highlighting the main activities under the project, the project teams
and the project background. The brochure has been printed for dissemination by the UNESCO HQ team and the
field offices.

Country-level brochures have been produced for Rwanda and Zimbabwe.

A general project kakemono and country-specific roll-up banners have been produced in the three countries. In
Mozambique, a Portuguese version of the kakemono has been produced and is currently displayed at the premises of
the Ministry of Education in Maputo.

News articles have been posted on the websites of the Field Offices, as well as on the main project webpage.

Various videos have been produced, for instance on the pilot of the UNESCO Rwandan ICT Essentials for Teachers or
on the support of the project towards the development of knowledge societies in Rwanda.

Templates for agendas, concept notes and other documents have been produced, so that the project documents
always had the logo of the donor and the same visual elements that make up the visual identity of the project.

ICT Transforming Education in Africa

Lessons Learned
On the basis of a self-evaluation and the final project evaluation undertaken by international experts, the following
lessons have been learnt:

Project activities should align to various ongoing development and initiatives of national stakeholders and respond
to existing and emerging needs. The comprehensive needs analysis and the inclusive process pursued to finalize
the country-level work plans were crucial for the efficient implementation of the project, as they ensured national
ownership and buy-in of the project. The setup of national country teams and nomination of focal points for the
project overall and for sub-activities within the project ensured active and continued engagement of government

The contributions to policy developments for ICT in Education helped establish a basis for potential (long-term)
impact in the future.

The development of an e-school model, with the provided equipment, teaching and learning resources and training
programmes, provided the means to expand the application of ICT in education and access to education. However,
scaling up at the national level is difficult without donors’ support. For instance, the scaling up at national level of the
ICT Essentials for Teachers in Rwanda is possible because of KOICA intervention.

UNESCO made considerations and provisions for sustainability in most project activities. However, because the
project was designed as a pilot project, selecting a limited number of institutions and schools for implementation,
UNESCO should require the development of a sustainability strategy during the development of the workplan,
possibly as a necessary precondition to start implementation.

The project links to other UNESCO-supported initiatives and builds on institutional experiences. This is the case of
activities inspired by the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, among other examples. Without such
provisions, project countries depend on additional funding to potentialize the results of the KFIT project.

UNESCO is well positioned in terms of connections, available expertise, infrastructure and convening power to carry
out a project of this size and impact. Where relevant, the project was well positioned in larger donor coordination
frameworks. Sometimes coordinated by national stakeholders, in other countries UNESCO itself actively pursued a
structured positioning among other development partners.

The required expertise and time needed for executing the procurement of technical equipment proved a substantial
bottleneck, leading to delays in the implementation of activities that depend on such equipment.

The existing management arrangements provided an overall efficient support to country project teams and ensured
efficient and timely implementation of most activities. There is potential for Field Offices to better support NPOs, who
perform a crucial role in the overall management arrangement but start their work with an information disadvantage
with regard to the project as well as to UNESCO procedures.

Peer-learning and resource sharing mechanisms helped beneficiary countries learn from each other’s experience.
More can be done to expand the potential for learning to countries and contexts that are not directly beneficiaries of
the project. To improve the learning potential, more attention can be paid to better incentivise sharing of materials,
experiences and documents, and increase the use of existing knowledge management tools (online portals, team
pages, etc.) during project implementation.

Final Report: International forum on inclusion and equity in education

UNESCO Education Sector The Global Education 2030 Agenda

Education is UNESCO’s top priority because UNESCO, as the United Nations’ specialized
it is a basic human right and the foundation agency for education, is entrusted to lead
UNESCO Education Sector The Global Education 2030 Agenda
on which to build peace and drive sustainable UNESCO,
Education is UNESCO’s top priority because it is
and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda,
as the United Nations’ specialized
a basic human right UNESCO is the United
and the foundation Nations’ agencywhich
on which is partisof
for education, a global
entrusted to movement
lead and to eradicate
to specialized
build peace andagency for education
drive sustainable and
development. poverty
coordinate through
the Education 17 Agenda,
2030 Sustainable
which Development
UNESCO is the United Nations’ specialized
the Education Sector provides global and agency part of a global movement to eradicate poverty
Goals by 2030. Education, essential to achieve
for education and the Education Sector provides through 17 Sustainable Development Goals by
regional leadership in education, strengthens all of these goals, has its own dedicated Goal 4,
global and regional leadership in education, 2030. Education, essential to achieve all of these
national national
strengthens education systems
education andand
systems responds which
goals, has its ownaims to “ensure
dedicated Goal 4,inclusive
which aimsand
to equitable
to contemporary
responds global
to contemporary challenges through “ensurequality
global inclusiveeducation and
and equitable promote
quality lifelong
through education with a special focus
education with a special focus on genderon and promote
learning opportunities for all.” Theall.”
lifelong learning opportunities for Education
gender equality and Africa. The Education 2030 Framework for Action provides
equality and Africa. 2030 Framework for Action provides guidance
guidance for the implementation of this ambitious
goal andforcommitments.
the implementation of this ambitious goal
and commitments.


United Nations
Cultural Organization

Stay in touch
Stay in touch
ICT in Education Unit ictineducation@unesco.org
Section of Education for
7, place and Gender Equality
de Fontenoy @UNESCO

75352 Paris France

7, place de Fontenoy UNESCO
75007 Paris, France @UNESCOICTs


To access the webpage of the Forum and view the agenda, the Cali Commitment,
and all related documents and multimedia please visit the forum’s websites below.

ED-2020/WS/14 CLD 20.20

22 Sustainable

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