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Conference Paper

The Compound Score in elite road cycling

Peter Leo1*, James Spragg2, John Wakefield3,4, Jeroen Swart2,3,4
1University Innsbruck, Department Sport Science, Innsbruck, Austria
2 University of Cape Town HPALS Research Center
3 UAE Team Emirates
4 Science to Sport

* Correspondence: Peter Leo, peter.leo@uibk.ac.at

Received: 28 February 2022; Accepted: 30 March 2022; Published: 23 September 2022

Keywords: power output, body mass, competition, scaling

compound score. In a second step absolute,

1. Introduction relative power output and the compound
score were compared to performances in
Elite road cycling is characterized by racing races to assess whether individual variables
over varied terrain, ranging from flat races to were correlated with performance, and to
extremely mountainous terrain1,2. derive positive and negative predictive
Researchers have frequently attempted to values.
quantify the performance characteristics of The Compound Score can be calculated as
cyclists to predict race success based on follows:
external and internal load metrics including
power output, heart rate and speed 3–6. Recent Compound Score [W2.kg-1] = absolute power
research reported a strong relationship output [W] × relative power output [W.kg-1]
between the power profile and race Equation (1)
performance7,8. However, to date, there is still
an ongoing debate whether absolute power Race performances during the season for
output; a mass exponent, or relative power; each participant were screened to select the
power output normalized to body mass, is best 3 single day race results. Results were
more advantageous. For this reason, the log transformed and weighted accordingly as
current study used both absolute and relative follows:
power output to calculate a compound score
to investigate its predictive ability for race Table 1. represents weighting factors according to
performance. single day race categories

Single Day
2. Materials and Methods
Cat Weighting
Power output data were recorded from 1.1 2
power meter system (SRAM Red, Quarq, 1.2 1.5
Spearfish, South Dakota, USA) fitted to the 1.2 U23 1.1
participants bicycle (Revelator Alto Elite, NC 1
KTM Fahrrad GmbH, Mattighofen, Austria) 1.2 NC 0.8
during training and racing in a competitive Cat – category, NC – nation cup
racing session. Body mass (Kern DS 150k1,
Subjects — Thirty male U23 professional
Kern & Sohn, Germany) was recorded in
cyclists participated in the study (age,
conjunction with racing events. Data from
20.1±1.1, body mass 69 ± 6.9 kg, height 182.6
training and racing data were analyzed
± 6.2cm) All participants provided informed
(WKO5, Trainingpeaks LLC, US) together
written consent and were active members of
with a novel adaptation of these data - the
© 2022 Leo P., licensee JSC. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
((http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Leo et al.

a UCI Continental team during the cycling

season(s) analyzed. A
575 Podium

Statistical Analysis — All values are 550

expressed as mean ± standard deviation and 525

or mean difference (MD). A Pearson product 500

correlation was used to investigate the 475

relationship between 5-min MMP, (W, W.kg- 450

1), compound score of 5-min and the best

single day result score. The correlation 400

coefficient was interpreted according to 375

Hopkins9 for a small (<.3), medium (.3-.5) or 350

large (>.5) effect. The performance threshold 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

was calculated as the ratio from the true to Best single day result score

false observations, which were below or B

8.00 Win
above the corresponding cut offs relating to Podium
5-min MMP, (W, W.kg-1) and compound 7.50

score. All statistical analyses were completed 7.25

using GraphPad Prism (version 8.0.0 for Mac 7.00

MMP (W.kg-1)
OS, GraphPad Software, San Diego, USA). 6.75

The alpha level of statistical significance was 6.50

set as p >.05 two tailed. 6.25


3. Results

Table 1. demonstrates the participants’
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
descriptive performance characteristics. Best single day result score

5-min 5-min MMP Compound 4000
MMP (W) (W.kg-1) Score (W2.kg-1) 3800

Compound Score (W2.kg-1)

445 ± 36 6.6 ± 0.3 2995 ± 264

5-min MMP – 5-minute mean maximum power 3000


Absolute MMP (r=.52, p=.003) and the 2600

compound score (r=.54, p=.002) significantly 2400

correlated with the best single day result 2200

score, while relative MMP did not (r=.11, 2000

p.550). Positive/negative performance 0 20 40 60 80

Best single day result score
100 120

thresholds were >470W, 50.0/90.0%; for

absolute MMP, >6.4 W.kg-1, 20.8/50.0% for Figure 1. Illustrates the relationship between
relative MMP and >3110 W2.kg-1, 66.7/95.2% absolute (A); relative (B) mean maximum
for the compound score respectively – see power (MMP); compound score (C) and the
figure 1. best single day result score. The grey shaded
area represents the performance threshold
for the variable used to predict a race
podium or win.

4. Discussion

Citation: Journal of Science and Cycling 2022, 11:2

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The Compound Score in elite road cycling

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Citation: Journal of Science and Cycling 2022, 11:2

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