Internal Rules of Procedure
Internal Rules of Procedure
Internal Rules of Procedure
SECTION 1. Composition - The Sangguniang Bayan shall be composed of the
Vice Mayor, as the Presiding Officer, the elected Municipal Councilors and Sectoral
representatives that maybe chosen pursuant to law, such as the President of the
Municipal Federation of Barangays, and President of the Municipal Sangguniang
Kabataan Federation.
SECTION 2. Term of Office - The term of Office of the members of the
Sangguniang Bayan of Libmanan, Camarines Sur shall be Three ( 3) years which will
commence and end on such date as may be provided by law.
SECTION 3. Oath of Affirmation - All members of the Sangguniang Bayan of
Libmanan, Camarines Sur shall, upon assumption to office, take an Oath of Office of
Affirmation in the prescribed from, duly subscribed before a person authorized to
administer oath.
Copies of the Oath of Affirmation of Office shall be filed and preserved in the
Office of the Sangguniang Bayan of Libmanan, Camarines Sur.
To amend:
The Regular Session of the Sangguniang Bayan of Libmanan, Camarines Sur shall
be held every Tuesday of the week at 9:00 a.m. at the Municipal Session Hall, or on
such time and place as the formal notice thereof shall stipulate or may be decided upon
in the immediately preceding session. In the event the pre-scheduled regular
session shall fall on a holiday, the succeeding working day shall be made as a
regular session day.
A recess is in order when the members of the Sangguniang Bayan are required to
sign any document.
SECTION 14. Opening and Adjournment to be entered in the minutes –
The exact time of opening and adjournment of a session shall be entered in the
To Amend:
When there is no quorum in a given session, the Presiding Officer may call for a
recess until such time that a quorum is constituted, or a majority of the members
present may adjourn from day to day and may compel the immediate attendance of any
absence without good cause by issuing to the absent member in the area an order of
arrest and together with a designated member of the Sangguniang Bayan, shall take
appropriate action to implement said order, the Presiding Officer shall
determine/designate the acting officer/party for such purposes.
SECTION 18. The Sangguniang Bayan of Libmanan, Camarines Sur shall elect
the Chairman and members of the standing committees which will be composed of a
Chairman, Vice Chairman and not more than three ( 3) members. Ex-officio members are
entitled to hold only the position of Vice Chairman and/or members in the regular
committees. However, in the Oversight Committee, all SB Members are members.
To Amend:
The Sangguniang Bayan of Libmanan, Camarines Sur shall elect the Chairman
and members of the standing committees which will be composed of a Chairman, Vice
Chairman and not more than three ( 3) members. Ex-officio members are also entitled to
hold Chairmanship on their respective incumbent parties (LIGA) and (SK Federation) as
mandated by RA 7160, and other committees where SB members are all members;
To Amend:
(24) Committee on Women
This committee should be tasked directly at all matters principally
relating to the rights and welfare of women and female children.
The Committee where the proposed resolution or ordinance was referred shall
then call for a committee hearing or public hearing if needed. Participants in the public
hearing are the stake holders and other persons interested in the proposed legislative
SECTION 27. Period of Report – The committee shall submit a report on the
proposed ordinances or resolutions within thirty ( 30) days after it has been referred to
If the Committee report on a proposed ordinances or resolutions is unfavorable, it
shall be laid on the table and within ten ( 10) days’ notice of the action taken will be
furnished the author or authors concerned stating the reasons for such action. Provided
that within five (5) days after receipt of the notice the Sangguniang Bayan may consider
the Committee recommendation.
SECTION 28. Urgent Matters – Any legislative matter duly certified by the
Presiding Officer as urgent, whether or not it is included in the calendar of business may
be presented and considered by the Sanggunian in the same session without need of
suspending the rules.
The Sangguniang Bayan likewise, on motion duly made by the Chairman or Vice-
Chairman of the Committee concerned, consider a proposed ordinance or resolution as
urgent and consideration thereof shall be scheduled accordingly.
If said motion is approved, the Sangguniang Bayan shall forthwith prepare a
detailed timetable fixing the date on or before which the proposed ordinance or
resolution must be reported by the Committee concerned and the number of days or
hours to be allotted for the consideration of the measure on second reading and the
date or hour at which proceedings must be concluded and final vote on said measure
SECTION 29. Second Reading and Debate – No proposed ordinances or
resolutions shall be considered on Second Reading in any regular session unless it has
been reported out by the proper Committee to which it was referred or certified as
urgent by the Presiding Officer.
SECTION 30. Debate and Closure of Members – In discussion of any
measure, a motion to close the debate shall be in order after four ( 4) speeches for and
three (3) against or after only one speech for has been delivered and none entered
against it.
Before the debate, members should register their intention to participate in the
When several members have registered or signified their intention to speak on
the matter under consideration and when said matter has been sufficiently and
thoroughly discussed by a member, the Presiding Officer may order the member having
the floor to desist from speaking further so that members may not be deprived of their
opportunity to speak.
SECTION 31. Ten (10) Minutes Rule – After the close of the debate, the
Sangguniang Bayan shall proceed to the consideration of the Committee amendments.
A member who desired to speak for or against an amendment shall have only ten ( 10)
minutes to do so.
The ten (10) minutes rule shall apply, likewise in the consideration of an
amendment to an amendment to an amendment by substitution.
SECTION 32. Approval of measure on Second Reading – The Sangguniang
Bayan shall prepare copies of the proposed ordinances or resolutions in the form it was
passed on Second Reading and shall distribute to each Sangguniang Bayan member a
copy thereof. Measure certified by the Local Chief Executive as urgent be submitted for
final voting immediately after debate and/or amendment during the second reading.
After amendments have been acted upon, the proposed ordinance or resolution
shall be voted on second reading.
SECTION 33. Third Reading – A proposed ordinance or resolution approved
on second reading shall be included in the agenda for Third Reading.
SECTION 34. Approval of Resolution – A resolution shall be enacted in the
same manner prescribed for ordinances except that it need not go through separate
Third reading for its final consideration unless decided otherwise by a majority of all
Sangguniang Bayan Members.
SECTION 35. Majority Requirements – No ordinances or resolutions passed
by the Sangguniang Bayan shall be valid unless approved by a majority of the members
present, there being a quorum. Any ordinance or resolution authorizing or directing the
payment of money or creating liability shall require the affirmative vote of a 2/3 of all
Sangguniang Bayan members for its passage.
Upon the passage of all ordinances or resolutions the Secretary to the
Sanggunian shall record the “ayes” and “nays”. Each approved ordinance or resolution
shall be stamped with the corporate seal of the Sangguniang Bayan and recorded in a
book kept for the purpose.
SECTION 36. Special Provisions of the Budget Ordinance – The
Sangguniang Bayan shall be in no case increase the appropriation of any project or
program of any office of the municipality over the amount submitted by the Local Chief
Executive in his budget proposal.
After the Local Chief Executive shall have submitted to the SB the proposed
annual general appropriation measure, supplemental appropriation measures shall be
considered only if supported by actually available funds as certified to by the Local
Treasurer or by Local Municipal Accountant, funds to be raised by corresponding
revenue proposal included therein.
1. Presentation by the Local Chief Executive - On the first day of
deliberation on the Executive Budget, the LCE shall address the members of
the Sanggunian to present the highlights, the thrusts, programs, and priorities
of the budget under consideration. The LCE may likewise brief the
Sanggunian on the level of proposed expenditures, how these are allocated
among the three (3) mandated sectoral services viz: economic, social and
general service and the source if financing that will support the budget.
2. Role of the Committee on Appropriation – The committee shall be
responsible by conducting a preliminary review and evaluation of the
Executive Budget. For the purpose, the committee may conduct its own
budget hearing and may call upon the local finance committee, and head of
offices or department. Thereafter, the committee shall render its report and
recommendation to the Sanggunian proper. Such report and recommendation
will then serve as the focus of deliberation.
3. Role of the Local Finance Committee – The committee shall assist the
Sanggunian in the analysis and review of the budget for the purpose of
ensuring compliance with statutory and administrative requirements.
Specifically, the committee shall:
3.1 Prepare the necessary reference/visual aids to facilitate the
presentation of and deliberation on the budget;
3.2 Make available other pertinent data, to enable the Sanggunian and
Committee on Appropriation carry out more objective review and analysis
of the proposed revenues and other sources of financing;
3.3 Be present during committee hearings and Sangguniang sessions as
may be required by the legislative body, to explain any detail of the
executive budget that the members may wish to be clarified on.
3.4 Role of the Heads of Offices/Departments
During the conduct of committee hearings and en-banc
deliberation, the different heads of department or chiefs of offices whose
budget proposals are being considered, shall make themselves available
and, upon request of the Sanggunian, appear before the body of the
Committee on Appropriation to explain or justify their proposals particularly
on the ff. aspects:
(3.4.1) the objectives functions and corresponding projects of the
office/dept. and their relevance to the total development effort of
the local government unit;
(3.4.2) the nature of work to be performed for each function,
project and activity measured in terms of expected results as well as
the level of funding being proposed including the organizational set
up/staffing modification if any, and the personnel complement
tasked to perform the work;
(3.4.3) the accomplishment of the office or department for the
preceding fiscal year particularly, the extent to which it has met its
4. Period of Deliberation - The executive budget shall be tabled for
deliberation immediately upon receipt thereof by the Sanggunian.
(4.1) The deliberation on the budget shall be within the current fiscal year
which may commence on October 16 or upon receipt by the Sangguniang
of the Executive Budget.
(4.2) Special sessions may be called to ensure approval of the budget.
(4.3) In case the Sangguniang concerned fails to pass the authorizing the
annual budget before the beginning of the ensuing fiscal year, it shall
continue to hold sessions without additional remuneration for its member
until said ordinance is finally approved and no other business may be
taken up during such sessions.
(4.4) Subject of deliberation. After the LCE shall have presented the
highlights, thrusts and priorities and the Committee on Appropriation
submitted its report and recommendation to the Sanggunian, the budget
shall be open for discussion or debate.
(4.5) The Appropriation Ordinance. An affirmative vote of majority of all
the members of the Sanggunian shall be required for the passage of the
appropriation ordinance.
SECTION 37. Approval by the Local Chief Executive – Every ordinance or
resolution passed by the Sangguniang Bayan shall be forwarded to the Local Chief
Executive for approval. The Local Chief Executive affix his initials on each and every
page of the ordinance or resolution and the word “approved” shall appear with his
signature on the last page thereof.
Within ten (10) days, in the case of local Municipal Unit after receipt of the
ordinance or resolution, the Municipal Mayor shall return said ordinance or resolution to
the Sangguniang bayan whether approved or vetoed. If the Municipal Mayor does not
return it within that time, the ordinance or resolution shall be deemed approved.
SECTION 38. Veto Power of the Municipal Mayor – The Municipal Mayor
may veto any ordinance or resolution on the ground that it would be prejudicial to
public welfare particularly stating his reasons therefor in writing.
The Municipal Mayor shall have the power to veto any particular item or items in
an appropriation ordinance, an ordinance or resolution adopting a local development
plan and public investment program, or an ordinance directing the payment of money or
creating liability.
In such case, the veto shall not affect the item or items which are not objected
to. The vetoed item or items shall not take effect unless the Sangguniang overrides the
veto in the manner herein provided; otherwise, the item or items in the appropriation
ordinance of the previous year corresponding to those vetoed, if any, shall be deemed
The Municipal Mayor may veto an ordinance only once. The Sangguniang may
override the veto of the Municipal Mayor concerned by two-thirds ( 2/3) vote of all its
members, thereby making the ordinance effective even without the approval of the
Local Chief Executive concerned.
SECTION 39. Review by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan – within seventy-
two (72) hours after approval, the Secretary of the Sanggunian shall forward to the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan for review, copies of approved ordinances, resolution or
executive order promulgated by the Municipal Mayor.
Within thirty (30) days after receipt of copies of approved ordinances and
resolutions and executive orders promulgated by the Municipal Mayor, the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan shall examine the documents, transmit them to the Provincial Attorney or
if there be none to the Provincial Fiscal for prompt examination. The Provincial Fiscal
shall inform the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of his written comments or
recommendations about the documents which may be considered by the said
Sanggunian in making its decision.
If the Sangguniang Panlalawigan finds that an ordinance, resolution or executive
order is beyond the power conferred upon the Sangguniang Bayan or the Mayor it shall
declare such ordinance, resolution or executive order invalid in whole or in part. The
Sangguniang Panlalawigan shall enter its action in the minutes and shall advise the
corresponding municipal authorities of the action it has taken. The action of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan shall be final.
If no action was taken by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan within thirty ( 30) days
after submission on the ordinance, resolution or executive orders the same shall be
presumed consistent with law and therefore valid.
SECTION 40. Enforcement of disapproved Measures – Any attempt to
enforce, or executive an ordinance, resolution or executive orders after the disapproval
thereof shall be sufficient ground for the suspension or dismissal of the officer making
such attempt.
SECTION 41. Effectivity of Enactment – Unless otherwise stated in the
ordinance or resolution, the same shall take effect after the lapse of fifteen ( 15) days
from the date a copy thereof is posted in a bulletin board at the entrance of the
municipal building, and in at least two (2) conspicuous places such as the public market,
church or chapel.
Not later than thirty (30) days after passage of the ordinance or resolution the
Secretary to the Sanggunian shall cause the posting thereof in English together with a
copy translated in the dialect used by the people in the area and shall record such in a
book for the purpose stating the date of approval and posting thereof.
1. Puro-Batia 1. Mambulo Viejo
2. Taban-Fundado 2. San Vicente
3. Station Church Site 3. Danawan
4. Bagumbayan 4. Bagadion
5. Poblacion 5. Malansad Nuevo
6. Libod I 6. Malansad Viejo
7. Libod II 7. Rongos
8. Bigajo Sur 8. Mancawayan
9. Bigajo Norte 9. Planza
1. San Juan 1. Bagamelon
2. Handong 2. Mambulo Nuevo
3. Labao 3. Tinanquihan
4. Cuyapi 4. Duang Niog
5. Ibid 5. Bagacay
6. Umalo 6. Busac
7. Concepcion 7. Palong
8. Malbogon 8. Pag-Oring Viejo
9. Inalahan 9. Pag-Oring Nuevo
10. Malinao