Std8 Chap-3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

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I. Keywords
1. Polymerization
2. Rayon
3. Polyester
4. Acrylic
5. Spandex
6. Polyvinyl chloride
7. Teflon
8. Catalyst
9. Bakelite

Il. Give reasons for the following:

1. Nylon is used to make fishing nets and parachutes.

Nylon fibres are stronger than the Steel wire. Thus, nylon is used in
the making of fishing nets and parachutes.

2. Rayon is referred to as artificial silk.

Rayon is obtained from wood pulp; it resembles silk in appearance,
shine and texture; thus, rayon is referred to as artificial silk.

3. Thermosetting plastics are used to make the handles of cooking

Thermosetting plastics can maintain their shape and size even at high
temperatures thus used in the making of the handles of cooking utensils.

Referral questions:

I.Answer the following questions:

1. Define polymerization.
The process in which small monomers link together to form a long chain is called

2. Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.

Thermoplastics Thermosetting

1. The plastics that can be melted easily The plastics that do not soften much
on heating and can be moulded again on heating and can be moulded only
and again into different shapes are once are known as thermosetting
known as thermoplastics. plastics.

2. EX: Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride EX: Bakelite, duroplast

3. List out any five measures to prevent pollution caused by plastics.

Some ways to minimise plastic pollution are as follows:

● Reduce dependence on plastic bags and on other items made of plastic.
● Encourage reuse and recycling of plastics.
● Buy products with less plastic packaging.
● Plastic wrappings and bags should carry a warning label stating the dangers of
plastic pollution, and shoppers should be encouraged to use paper or cloth bags.
● Plastics should not be disposed of in the sewage system, on the streets or on
pavements. Any plastic litter that you see in the vicinity should be picked up and
disposed of in a proper place.

II.Give reasons for the following:

a)Burning of plastics is not advised.

Burning of plastics should be avoided as it releases poisonous gases into the
atmosphere causing air pollution.

b)We should use paper or cloth bags instead of plastic bags.

Paper or cloth bags are biodegradable and environment friendly; hence,
paper or cloth bags should be preferable instead of plastic bags which are
non-biodegradable and cause environmental pollution.

c)Plastics are preferred for storing chemicals.

Plastics do not react with water and air; thus, do not corrode or rust easily.
So, they are used for storing chemicals and other materials.

d)It is not advisable to use polyester clothes while working in the kitchen.
Polyester fibres catch fire easily, so they are not used while working in the

e.Rayon is called a regenerated fibre.

Rayon is prepared from cellulose that is broken down and then reformed
using chemicals.So, it is called regenerated fibres.


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