Std8 Chap-3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Std8 Chap-3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Std8 Chap-3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Referral questions:
1. Define polymerization.
The process in which small monomers link together to form a long chain is called
Thermoplastics Thermosetting
1. The plastics that can be melted easily The plastics that do not soften much
on heating and can be moulded again on heating and can be moulded only
and again into different shapes are once are known as thermosetting
known as thermoplastics. plastics.
d)It is not advisable to use polyester clothes while working in the kitchen.
Polyester fibres catch fire easily, so they are not used while working in the