Weld Overlaycladding of HSLA With ASS
Weld Overlaycladding of HSLA With ASS
Weld Overlaycladding of HSLA With ASS
Technical Report
Weld overlay cladding of high strength low alloy steel with austenitic
stainless steel – Structure and properties
N. Venkateswara Rao, G. Madhusudhan Reddy ⇑, S. Nagarjuna
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, India
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The present work aims at studying structure–property correlations in a weld overlay clad high strength
Received 28 April 2010 low alloy steel with austenitic stainless steel of American Institute for Steel and Iron (AISI) 347 grade.
Accepted 23 October 2010 Optical microscopy studies revealed that the interface between the two steels was nearly flat. The base
Available online 26 November 2010
plate had ferrite plus bainite microstructure adjacent to the interface and tempered bainite/martensite
structure away from the interface. Grain coarsening and decarburization were observed near the inter-
face. The stainless steel exhibited austenite dendritic structure. Tensile strength, notch-tensile strength
and charpy impact energy of the base plate were found to be higher than those for the interface. The
microhardness was observed to be maximum on the clad layer near interface. The shear bond strength
of the weld overlay-interface was higher than the shear strength of the base plate. Fractography was
carried out using scanning electron microscope on tensile, notch-tensile and shear bond test specimens
of the interface as well as shear test specimens of the base plate. It revealed the presence of predomi-
nantly dimpled rupture. Charpy impact specimens of the interface failed in mixed mode while impact
specimens of the base plate failed in ductile mode. Electron probe microanalysis across the bond interface
indicated linear change in concentrations of Cr, Ni, Mn, Cu, Mo, Nb and Si between the levels appropriate
to the clad layer and base metal.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Venkateswara Rao et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 2496–2506 2497
try and its shape relationships of stainless steel claddings depos- Specimens for microstructural examination were prepared by
ited by gas metal arc welding were studied by Kannan and Yoga- standard metallographic techniques. After the samples were man-
nandh [6]. Murugan and Parmar studied the effect of welding ually polished to 1 lm finish, the base plate was etched with 2%
conditions on microstructure and properties of 316L stainless steel nital while the cladding layer was etched with aquaregia. The sam-
submerged arc cladding on IS 2062 structural steel [7]. ples were then examined under optical microscope for general
High strength low alloy (HSLA) steels comprise a specific group microstructural features of weld layer and base plates and for
of steels with chemical composition specially developed to impart studying the structural changes near the weld interface. Electron
higher mechanical properties such as greater resistance to atmo- probe microanalysis (EPMA) was also carried out for quantitative
spheric corrosion and low temperature notch toughness. Because analysis of various elements across the bond interface.
of their low carbon content, they are readily weldable. Their devel- To evaluate the integrity of the bond interface between the
opment was spurred by the demand for strong, tough, weldable cladding layer and substrate, various mechanical tests were con-
steels for natural gas transmission lines, ships and off-shore dril- ducted. Test samples were machined such that fracture takes place
ling platforms. There has been a phenomenal growth in the devel- at the weld overlay-interface. Initially, 18 mm diameter rods were
opment and application of HSLA steels all over the world during machined in z-direction which were 65 mm long (Figs. 1 and 2).
the past four decades. Growth in the production and application Out of this length, 50 mm was of HSLA steel and 15 mm was of
of these steels has mainly come about as a result of better under- SS347 which were equal to the thickness of the base plate and
standing of structure–property relationships as well as economic weld overlay-layer respectively (Fig. 1). Therefore, to make the
considerations. HSLA steels are subjected to cladding by one of weld overlay-interface as the centre of the test specimens, there
the commonly used methods such as explosive cladding, roll clad- was the need to increase the length of the SS347-side (which is
ding and weld overlaying. Weld overlay cladding can be success-
fully performed on components with intricate geometry and in
areas of limited access where other techniques of cladding can
not be applied.
In the present investigation, an attempt was made to develop
weld overlay cladding of stainless steel. A quenched and tempered
HSLA steel was used as the base plate. This steel was weld overlay
clad with corrosion-resistant stainless steel of AISI 347 grade. In
general, only shear bond strength of the interface is evaluated for
the clad joints as the thickness of the clad layer is only few milli-
meters in thickness. Certain critical defence applications need the
clad interface to possess good tensile and impact properties. To
facilitate evaluating these properties, a novel technique of friction
welding was employed in the present investigation. Mechanical
properties (tensile, notch-tensile, shear properties and charpy im-
pact energy of the base plate as well as interface and microhard-
ness across the interface), optical and scanning electron
microstructures and the compositional variations across the inter-
face by electron probe microanalysis have been studied to obtain
Fig. 1. Cut section of weld overlay plate. (A) HSLA steel plate. (B) Weld overlay-
an understanding of the microstructure and mechanical properties interface. (C) Clad layer of 347 SS built-up.
in as-clad condition.
2. Experimental
Table 1
Chemical composition of base and flyer plates.
only 15 mm as seen from Figs. 1 and 2) so that grip portion of the bar. These rods were welded to the SS347-side of the 18 mm diam-
test specimens is facilitated. For this, 18 mm diameter rods of eter rods already machined from the weld overlay plate, by friction
75 mm length were machined from a similar grade stainless steel welding (portion E in Fig. 2). Therefore, each rod consisted of two
weld interfaces out of which one was of weld overlay i.e., HSLA Vs
SS347 (point B in Fig. 2) and other one was of friction welding i.e.,
SS347 Vs its equivalent grade (point D in Fig. 2). All the specimens
were machined from these rods such that the weld overlay-
interface (point B in Fig. 2) lies at the centre of the test specimen.
Tensile specimens of 25 mm gauge length were machined as
per ASTM E 8 specification (Fig. 3a) [8] and notch-tensile speci-
mens were machined as per ASTM E 602 specification (Fig. 3b)
[9]. All the specimens were tested in a Servo-mechanical Instron
machine (Model 1185) at a strain rate of 6.67 10 4 s 1. Standard
Charpy V-notch impact test specimens were machined as per
ASTM E 23 specification (Fig. 4a) [10] and tested on a FIE charpy
impact test machine. Before conducting the impact tests, all the
specimens were examined on a profile projector at 50 to ensure
the accuracy of V-notch and soaked at 40 °C in an environmental
test chamber. Shear bond test samples for the weld overlay-
interface were machined as per ASTM SA 264 standard (Fig. 4b)
[11] and tested in Instron machine. All these tests were also carried
out for the base plate. Microhardness of the clad joint was mea-
sured using Vickers microhardness testing machine. Fractography
studies were carried out using FEI Quanta 400 SEM on broken test
specimens from the above tests.
3. Results
3.1. Microstructure
The mechanical properties of the base plate as well as interface 3.3. Fractography
of the weld overlay clad steel are presented in Table 2. Tensile
strength (UTS) of the base plate was 713 MPa with 21% elongation. SEM fractographs of different test specimens are presented in
All the tensile specimens of the interface region failed at friction- Figs. 11–13. Tensile and notch-tensile specimens of the interface
weld joints and yielded slightly inferior properties (UTS: 592 MPa failed in ductile mode revealing equiaxed dimples (Fig. 11). Shear
and El.: 19%). However, notch-tensile specimens failed at the weld bond test specimens of the interface as well as shear test speci-
overlay-interface and exhibited a tensile strength of 953 MPa. mens of the base plate also revealed the presence of predominantly
Notch-tensile strength of the base plate was found to be dimpled rupture (Fig. 12). Charpy impact specimens of the
2500 N. Venkateswara Rao et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 2496–2506
Fig. 6. Microstructure of the weld overlay-clad joint showing (a) interface at higher magnification and (b) EDS analysis carried out on the interface.
interface revealed a mixed mode of failure exhibiting dimpled and 20–30 lm across the interface. Carbon line scans were also taken
quasi cleavage features (Fig. 13a) while impact specimens of the at four different locations across the interface and one of them is
base plate failed in ductile mode (Fig. 13b). presented in Fig. 15a. Gradual change in carbon levels of the 347
stainless steel and HSLA steel is clearly observed in Fig. 15a. For
easy identification of the interface between the 347 stainless steel
3.4. Electron probe microanalysis
and HSLA steel, line scan of chromium obtained from the same
location is also presented in Fig. 15b.
EPMA quantitative analysis data taken across the bond interface
is presented in Fig. 14. Quantitative analysis was carried out at two
different locations across the interface for the alloying elements 4. Discussion
such as Cr, Ni, Mn, Cu, Mo, Nb and Si. The data was plotted and dif-
fusion zone widths were worked out for all the elements. The plot The process of weld overlaying is a fusion welding technique
for Cr and Ni for the second set of data points is presented in Fig. 14 employed to deposit the requisite metal on the substrate up to
where in the diffusion distance of Cr and Ni is found to be 27 lm. the desired thickness level. By selecting optimum welding param-
From the diffusion zone widths provided in Table 3, it is evident eters, defect-free clad joints can be produced. Otherwise, various
that all the alloying elements diffused over a distance of defects may form at the bond interface such as blow holes, pin
N. Venkateswara Rao et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 2496–2506 2501
holes and, entrapped slag. In the present investigation, the bond fore, the microstructure observed is in order. Because of high-
interface was observed to be straight in nature (Fig. 5a) and no de- temperature tempering, carbide precipitation was also observed
fects were noticed at the interface. Both the steels intermixed well in the bainite/martensite structure (Fig. 8c). After weld overlaying,
at the interface (Fig. 6a) and EDS analysis (Fig. 6b) carried out on the clad joint was not given any heat treatment. Therefore, the
the interface shows that the chemical composition of the interface microstructure of cladding layer exhibited austenite dendrites rep-
was in between austenitic stainless steel and HSLA steel. Coarse- resentative of as-cast structure (Fig. 9a). Similar microstructure
decarburized grain structure was observed in the base plate at was observed by Colla and Peloso [12] in the cladding layer of AISI
the interface (Fig. 5b) while fine grained ferrite–bainite structure 308 austenitic stainless steel produced by automatic submerged-
was observed in the regions adjacent to the interface (Fig. 8a). Dur- arc welding on medium carbon–manganese steel base plate.
ing weld overlaying, temperature of the base plate in the regions The base plate exhibited a tensile strength of 713 MPa. Notch-
adjacent to the interface reached to austenitic range and fine fer- tensile strength of the base plate (1025 MPa) was found to be
rite–bainite structure has formed on air cooling. The interface 44% higher than the tensile strength because of the triaxial state
was exposed to higher temperature for comparatively longer dura- of stress at the notch. The interface was also found to be suffi-
tion and hence grain coarsening as well as decarburization ciently stronger which has exhibited a notch-tensile strength of
occurred at the interface. Decarburization must have taken place 953 MPa. The base plate exhibited a CVN impact toughness of
for two reasons (i) oxidation and (ii) diffusion to adjacent low car- 164 J because of its tempered bainite structure. However, the inter-
bon steel i.e., the AISI 347 austenitic stainless steel where carbon is face was found to be relatively brittle (CVN: 47 J) because of the
only 0.042% (Table 1). Indications of carbon diffusion from HSLA presence of cast dendritic structure in the clad layer. It is well
steel to stainless steel have been observed from EMPA line scans known that metallic materials exhibit a shear strength which is
(Fig. 15a). The iron carbide particles observed on the interface more than 50% of their tensile strength [13]. In the present case,
(Fig. 7a–c) were found to have small amounts of chromium con- the base plate of HSLA steel exhibited a shear strength of
firming the diffusion of chromium at the interface. 399 MPa which is 56% of its tensile strength. Similarly, the shear
Microstructure of the base plate, in the regions far away from bond strength of the weld overlay-interface, which is 488 MPa, is
the interface, revealed tempered bainite/martensite (Fig. 8b). Prior 51% of its notch-tensile strength. Tensile strength of the weld over-
to weld overlaying, the base plate was in heat treated condition lay-interface could not be established since all the specimens failed
(water quenched from 900 °C and tempered at 650 °C) and there- at friction weld joint and exhibited a tensile strength of 592 MPa.
Fig. 7. Microstructure of the weld overlay-clad joint showing (a) interface at 10,000, (b) magnified view of region A in (a) at 40,000 and (c) EDS analysis taken on particle P
shown in (b).
2502 N. Venkateswara Rao et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 2496–2506
However, this is an indication that the weld overlay-interface is was observed on the base plate (Fig. 10b). These variations were
stronger than the friction weld joint and possesses a tensile observed near the interface over a distance of 100–200 lm and
strength >592 MPa. It was reported by Venkateswara Rao et al. the hardness was found uniform in the remaining regions both in
[14] that the shear bond strength of the clad joint of the same base plate and clad layer. Hardness variations near clad interface
two steels was 403 MPa, after explosive cladding, hot rolling and were reported by many investigators [7,15–20]. Murugan and
a similar heat treatment. Therefore, it is inferred that the weld Parmar [7] reported a peak hardness of 400 HV near the interface
overlay joint is stronger than that of an explosive clad joint for a of 316L stainless steel submerged arc cladding produced on IS
given HSLA steel and austenitic stainless steel combination. 2062 structural steel. Hardened areas up to 200 lm were observed
Microhardness measurements indicated that peak hardness near the interface of the explosive clad joints of duplex stainless
was achieved near bond interface. Maximum hardness (425 HV) steel and low carbon–manganese steel by Kacar and Acarer [15]
was observed on the clad layer and minimum hardness (190 HV) and in HSLA steel and austenitic stainless steel by Venkateswara
Fig. 8. Microstructure of the base plate (a) in the region adjacent to the interface, (b) in the region far away from the interface and (c) SEM micrograph revealing carbide
precipitation in the region shown in (b).
Fig. 9. Microstructure of the clad layer revealing (a) austenite dendrites and (b) inter-layer boundaries B1 and B2 within austenite dendritic structure.
Table 2
Mechanical properties of the weld overlay-clad joint of austenitic stainless steel and HSLA steel.
Fig. 10. (a) Microhardness survey on weld overlay sample. (b) Variation of hardness across the interface.
Fig. 11. Fractographs of (a) tensile and (b) notch-tensile test specimens of the interface.
Rao et al. [20]. The hardness variations observed in the present Variations in the hardness indentation of the weld overlay plate
investigation are similar to the reported values and are attributed (Fig. 10a) also show that they are bigger on HSLA steel-side and
to the microstructural changes observed near the interface. In the smaller on stainless steel-side. The indentation falling exactly on
base plate, decarburization as well as grain coarsening were ob- the boundary is earmarked B, and the indentations immediately
served near the interface (Fig. 5b). These effects contribute to lower on either side of it are marked S1 (on stainless steel) and H1 (on
hardness. In addition, diffusion of carbon from base plate to clad- HSLA steel). On critical observation, it is seen that the indentation
ding layer was observed as per Fig. 15a across the interface. There- B is bigger than S1 but smaller than H1 indicating that the hard-
fore, there is an increase in the hardness of the clad layer near the ness on 347 SS-side is higher and the hardness on HSLA-side is
interface. Diffusion of carbon from base plate to deposited metal lower when compared to the hardness exactly on the boundary.
and hence improvement in hardness of the deposited metal was The indentations S2, S3 and S4 on stainless steel are bigger than
also reported by Pan and Chen [3] and Gooch [21]. indentation S1 indicating that the hardness is low in these regions
2504 N. Venkateswara Rao et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 2496–2506
Fig. 12. Fractographs of (a) shear bond test specimens of the interface and (b) shear test specimens of the base plate.
Fig. 13. Fractographs of impact test specimens of (a) interface and (b) base plate.
Table 3
and stabilized. Similarly, The indentations H2, H3 and H4 on HSLA
Diffusion zone widths calculated from EPMA quantitative analysis data. steel are smaller than indentation H1 indicating that the hardness
is high in these regions and stabilized. These observations are anal-
Alloying element Ni Cr Mn Cu Mo Nb Si
ogous to the hardness variations shown in Fig. 10b.
Diffusion zone width, lm Fractographs taken on tensile, notch-tensile, shear bond test
Set 1 33 29 24 24 21 24 27
specimens of the interface as well as shear test specimens of the
Set 2 27 27 22 28 19 24 21
base plate revealed the presence of predominantly dimpled
N. Venkateswara Rao et al. / Materials and Design 32 (2011) 2496–2506 2505
Fig. 15. EPMA line scans (a) for carbon and (b) for chromium.
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