Lect6 - DS - Synchronization

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 Sharing system resources among multiple
concurrent processes may be:
 Cooperative or competitive in nature.

 Both require adherence to certain rules of

 For enforcing correct interaction.

This requires synchronization mechanisms.

Synchronization-related issues
1. Clock synchronization
2. Event ordering
3. Mutual exclusion
4. Deadlock
5. Election algorithms
Clock synchronization
 Requirement of a timer mechanism for
every computer:
 To keep track of current time,
 For various accounting purposes,
 For correct results, and
 helps in measuring the duration of distributed
Implementation of computer clocks
 Components of a computer clock:
1. A quartz crystal
 Oscillates at a well-defined frequency.

2. A counter register
 Keeps track of the oscillations of the quartz crystal.
 If value is zero, an interrupt is generated and
reinitialized to the value of constant register.

3. A constant register
 Stores a constant value, based on the frequency of
oscillation of the quartz crystal.
 Each interrupt is known as a clock tick.

 The value in the constant register is chosen so

that 60 clock ticks occur in a second.

 The computer clock is synchronized with real

Drifting of clocks
 A clock always runs at a constant rate.
 There may be difference in the crystals.

 For clocks based on a quartz crystals, the

drift rate is approximately 10-6.
 It must be periodically resynchronized with the
real-time clock.

 A clock is non-faulty if:

 There is a bound on the amount of drift from
real time for any given finite time interval.
 real time = t

 The time value of a clock p is = Cp(t).

 If all clocks in the world are perfectly
synchronized, we would have Cp(t) = t for all p
and for all t.

 Ideal case:
dC/dt =1
 A clock is nonfaulty if
 The maximum drift rate allowable is ρ.

 Condition :
1- ρ <= dC/dt <=1 + ρ
slow, perfect and fast clocks

Perfect clock
dC/dt = 1
Fast clock region
dC/dt > 1
Slow clock region
dC/dt < 1

Real time
 Types of clock synchronization in DS:
1. Synchronization of the computer clocks with
real-time (or external) clocks.

 Required for real-time applications.

 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), an

external time source is used for

 Also synchronized internally.

2. Mutual (or internal) synchronization of the
clocks of different nodes of the system.

 Used when a consistent view of time across all nodes

of a DS is required &

 A measurement of the duration of distributed

activities are required.
Clock Synchronization Issues

 The difference between the two clock values is

called clock skew.

 Required to be synchronized if the clock skew is

more than some specified constant δ.
 Issues:
1. Calculating the value of the unpredictable
communication delays between two nodes to
deliver a clock signal is practically impossible.
 Depends on the amount of communication and

2. Time must never run backward.

 It may cause problems like repetition of certain
Clock synchronization algorithms
1. Centralized algorithms

2. Distributed algorithms
Centralized algorithms
 Use of time server node for referencing the
correct time.

 These algorithms keep the clocks of all other

nodes synchronized with the clock time of the
time server node.
 Algorithms depending on the role of time
server node:

1. Passive time server Centralized Algorithm.

2. Active time server Centralized Algorithm.

Passive time server Centralized Algorithm
 Each node periodically sends a message for the
current time to the time server at any time t0.

 Time server responds with the current time T at

the time t1.

 The propagation time of the message :

(t1 – t0) /2

 When the reply is received at the client’s node,

its clock is readjusted to
T + (t1 –t0) /2
Proposals to improve Centralized Algorithm
1. Assuming availability of some additional Info.

 Assumes that the approximate time taken by the time

server to handle the interrupt and process the request
is known.
2. Cristian method
 Several measurements are made & the
measurements for which t1-t0 exceeds some
threshold value are considered to be unreliable and

 If the value of t1-t0 is below threshold, it is

 Half of this value is used as the value to be
added to T.

 Need to restrict the number of measurements for

estimating the value to be added to T.
Active time server centralized algorithm
 The time server periodically broadcasts its clock

 The receiving nodes use the clock value of the

message for correcting their own clocks.

 Nodes have a priori knowledge of the

approximate time required for the propagation of
the message.
 Drawback :
1. It is not fault tolerant.
2. Requires broadcast facility to be supported by
the network.

 Solution : Berkeley algorithm

Berkeley Algorithm

 Used for internal synchronization of clocks of a

group of computers running the Berkeley Unix.

 The time server periodically sends a message to

the group.

 Receivers send back their clock value to the time

 Based on the priori knowledge of propagation
time, the time server readjusts the clock value of
the reply messages.

 It uses a fault-tolerant average.

 The time server sends the amount of time by

which each node should readjust its clock.
 Drawbacks of centralized clock
synchronized algorithms:

1. Subject to a single-point failure.

2. Not acceptable from the scalability point of

Distributed algorithms
 Externally synchronized clocks are internally
synchronized for better accuracy.

 Algorithms for internal synchronization:

 Global averaging distributed algorithms.

 Localized averaging distributed algorithms.

Global averaging distributed algorithms
 Clock process of each node broadcast its local
time at the beginning of every fixed-length
resynchronization interval.
 Can’t happen simultaneously from all nodes.
 Hence each node waits for some time T.

 After this, the clock process collects resync

messages broadcast by other nodes.
 Records their time,
 Estimates the skew of its clock, &
 Computes the fault-tolerant average.
 Algorithms for computing fault-tolerant average
of the estimated skews:
 Takes the average of the estimated skews and use it as
the correction for the local clock.
 Use threshold for comparison.

 Each node limits the impact of faulty clocks by first

discarding the m highest and m lowest estimated skews.
 Calculate the average of the remaining skews for
correcting the local clock.
 Drawback
 Not scalable: due to broadcast facility and a
large amount of network traffic.
Localized averaging distributed
 The nodes are logically arranged in some
kind of pattern (such as ring or a grid).

 Periodically, nodes exchange their clock

time with their neighbours.
 Sets their clock time to the average.
Event Ordering
 Lamport observed that for most applications,
clock synchronization is not required.

 Total order of all events is sufficient that is

consistent with observed behavior.

 For partial ordering of events, following can

be used:
 Relation of Happened-before, &
 Logical clocks.
Happened-Before relation
 A relation () on a set of events satisfies
the following conditions:
1. If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are events in the same process
and ‘a’ occurs before ‘b’, then a b.

2. If ‘a’ is the event of sending a message by

one process and ‘b’ is the event of the receipt
of same message by another process, then

3. If ab and bc, then ac [a transitive

 Happened-before is an irreflexible partial
ordering on the set of all events in the
aa is not true since an event can’t happen
before itself.

 Concurrent events are not related by this

ab or ba

 That why, happened before is sometimes also

known as the relation of causal ordering.
Space-time diagram for three

e30 Message
e10 e20 transfer

Process P1 Process P2 Process P3

 Some of the events that are related by the
happened-before relation:
e30e24 (since e30e22 and e22e24)
e11e32 (since e11e23, e23e24 and)
 Concurrent events:
e12 and e20, e21 and e30,
e10 and e30, e11 and e31,
e12 and e32, e13 and e22

This is because no path exists between these.

Logical clocks concept
 It is a way to associate a timestamp with
each system event for correct working of
happened-before relation.

 Each process Pi has a clock Ci associated

with it that assigns a number Ci(a) to any
event ‘a’ in that process.
 The clock of each process is known as logical
 The timestamps assigned to the events by
the system of logical clocks must satisfy
the clock condition:

For any two events a and b, if ab then C(a) <


C is the clock function assigned to events.

Implementation of logical clocks
Clock conditions
 C1: If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two events within the same
process Pi and ab, then Ci(a)<Ci(b)
 C2: if ‘a’ is the sending of a message ‘m’ by
process Pi, and ‘b’ is the receipt of that message
by process Pj, then Ci(a)<Cj(b).
 C3: a clock Ci associated with a process Pi must
always go forward, never backward.
Implementation rules:

 IR1: Each process Pi increments Ci between any

two successive events.

 Ensures condition C1.

 IR2: If event ‘a’ is the sending of a message ‘m’
by process Pi , the message ‘m’ contains a
timestamp Tm=Ci(a), and upon receiving the
message ‘m’, a process Pj sets Cj greater than or
equal to its present value but greater than Tm.

 Ensures the condition C2.

 Both ensures the condition C3.
Logical Clock Implementation
 Implementation of logical clocks by using
1. Counters

2. Physical clocks
Using counters
 Each process has a counter like C1 and C2
for process P1 and P2, respectively.

 Counters
 Act as logical clocks.
 Initialized to zero.
 Increments by 1 on events of the process.

C1=8 e08 Timestamp =6

C1=7 e07 C2=6
C1=6 e06
Time Timestamp =4 e13 C2=3->5
C1=5 e05 since 3 is less
than timestamp 4
C1=4 e04

C1=3 e03
e12 C2=2
C1=2 e02

C1=1 e01
e11 C2=1
C1=0 C2=0
Process P1 Process P2
Using physical clocks
 Each process has a physical clock
associated with it.
 Each clock runs at a constant rate (it may
be different for each of these process).
 Example:
 When Process p1 has ticked 10 times, process
p2 has ticked only 8 times.
Physical clock times if Physical clock times
No corrections were made after corrections (if any)

e08 120 Timestamp =85 96 101

110 88 93
e07 100 80 85 e14

e06 90 72 77
e05 80 64 69
70 Timestamp =60 56 61 e13
Time e04 60 48
50 40
e03 40 32 e12

e02 30 24
20 16 e11
e01 10 8
0 0

Process P1 Process P2
Total ordering of events
 No events can occur at exactly the same

 Process identity numbers may be used to

break ties and to create a total ordering of
Concurrent Access of Resources
 Requirements of an algorithm for
implementing mutual exclusion:
1. Mutual exclusion

2. No starvation
 Mutual exclusion:
 Given a shared resource accessed by multiple concurrent
processes, at any time only one process should access
the resource.
 Can be implemented in single-processor systems, using
semaphores, monitors and similar constructs.

 No starvation:
 If every process that is granted the resource eventually
releases it, every request must be eventually granted.
 Approaches:
1. Centralized approach
2. Distributed approach
3. Token passing approach
Centralized approach
 One of the processes in the system is elected as
the coordinator.

 The coordinator coordinates the entry to the

critical sections.

 Every process takes permission from the

coordinator before entering critical sections.

 Request queue is used to grant requests.

 First-come, first-serve

3) Request 7) Release

6) Reply

5) Release 9) Release
2) Reply 8) Reply
P1 Pc P3
1) Request 4) Request

Status of request queue:

Initial status p3 p2 Status after 4 Status

After 7
P2 Status after 3 p3 Status after 5
 Mutual exclusion by the coordinator:
 Only one process is allowed to enter a critical

 No starvation:
 Due to use of first-come, first-served
scheduling policy.
 Advantages of algorithm:
 Simple to implement
 Requires only three messages- a request, a
reply and a release.

 Drawbacks:
 Coordinator is the single point of failure.
Distributed approach
 The decision making for mutual exclusion
is distributed across the entire system.
 All processes that want to enter the same
critical section cooperate with each other
before reaching a decision on which process
will enter the critical section next.
Ricart and Agrawala Algorithm
 Use of event-ordering scheme to generate a
unique timestamp for each event in the system.

 When a process wants to enter a critical section,

it sends a request message to all other
 Message:
 Process id
 Name of the critical section
 A unique timestamp generated by the sender

 A process either immediately sends back a reply

message to the sender or defers sending a reply.
P1 TS=4 P2

TS=4 TS=6

P4 P3

Already in the
critical section

(a) Status when processes P1 and P2 send request messages

to other processes while process p4 is already in the critical
Ok Queue
P1 P2 P1
Defers sending a
Queue OK OK reply to P1
P2 P1
Defers sending a
reply to P1 and P2
P4 P3

(b) Status when process P4 is still in the critical section.

P1 P2 P1
Enters critical
OK section

Exits critical P4 P3

(c) Status after process P4 exits critical section

OK Exits critical
Enters critical P1 P2 section

P4 P3

(d) Status after process P2 exits critical section

 Algorithm is free from deadlock.

 For n processes, the algorithm requires

 n-1 request messages
 n-1 reply messages,
 Thus, 2(n-1) messages per critical section
 Drawbacks:
1. In a system having n processes, the algorithm is
liable to n points of failure.

2. Requirement that each process know the identity

of all the processes participating in the mutual-
exclusion algorithm.

3. A process willing to enter a critical section can do

so only after communicating with all other
processes and getting permission from them.
Token passing approach
 Use of a single token to achieve mutual

 Token is circulated among the processes in the

system in a ring structure.

 Token: a special type of message that entitles its

holder to enter a critical section.
 If token holder wants to enter a critical section, it
keeps token & enters CS.

 Otherwise, it just passes it along the ring to its

neighbor process.
 Mutual exclusion is guaranteed.

 The waiting time may be 0 to n-1.

 Depends on the position of token.
 Types of failures:
1. Process failure

2. Lost token
Process failure
 Process receiving token from neighbour always
sends an ACK
 Each node maintains current ring configuration
 If process fails, dynamic reconfiguration of ring is
carried out.
 When process turns alive, it simply informs to
Lost Token
 To regenerate lost token – one process in the
ring acts as a Monitor process.
 Monitor periodically circulates “who has the token
 Process containing token inserts its id in the
special field
 If no id found implies token lost.
 Problems:
 Monitor process may itself fail
 Who has the token message may be lost

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