Ionic Equilibrium

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lonic Equilibrium JEE Main Pattem Solutions SECTION-A Ans. (4) [H"] = [OH] = 107 M only at 25°C is obtained. If we change the temperature, Ky value changes. 1B, value of Ky also increases because of more dissociation of water, value of pOH decreases. Ans. (2) Ky = 4% 10" = [H*] [OH] 14-log 4 = 13.4 For neutral solution pH = pOH = 6.699 & given pH = 6.9 ie, solution will be basic. Ans. (3) Mee, of HCI = 20 Meg, of NaOH = 10 Hcl + NaOH > NaCl + HO 20 10 10 - 10 [Hy =22 log [H"] = 1 (1)HCOOH + KOH HCOOK + H,0 20mmel 10 mmol 10 mmol - 10 mmol tit ___ st “Acidic Buffer solution @ {HcooH] == [HcooK] =22 pH=pK, + log SS pH=pK, pH = 4-log (1.8) pH=3.75 Ans. (1) Let weak acid is HA its sodium salt is Naa Ky = Ch? = 0.1 x (0.03)? Ke K,=1 x 107° lonic Equilibrium JEE Main Pattem 8. Ans. (2) (1)CH,COOH = + NaOH ——> CH,COONa+ H,0 40 mmol 20 mmol 20 - 20 mmol to — Acidic Buffer solution (2) After reaction | [CH,COOH] = 2, [CHacooNal = sat) PHS PKs + 1O8 al pH=pk, [H"] = K, = 18 x 10-5 Ans. (3) pH = pKa + tog #2 facia] 9 10-log5 +log (=) v= 2ml s1HEOsT in2co3) % HCO3 = #x 100 > 80% 7 =7-logd + log BEC. Ans. (2) MX, & M™ + nX~ Ksp = [MP*][X7]" Kgp = (S)(nS)" = =e 11x 1074 = (1.4 x 104) nt Sow = (14x 10-4)" 1.4 104)" - n® from options ~ n = 2 satisfy LHS. = RHS. Ans. (4) Since, ionic product of saltis greater than Ksy, precipitation occurs. Ans. (2) K=[Ca"*](F Fy K= [4Ca*?]LF "Tew divide 1 by 2 1 (ley t= ra iF Thgw DF -Jnew = $LF ntat xe “2 lonic Equilibrium JEE Main Pattem 14, [Ba?*] [CrOs?-] = Kep Key = [Ba?*] [Cro] 2+) wy BAKO" gar [Ba?*) = 22202 4 x 10 Ans. (3) ()Ag.CO, SS 2Agt + CO3- 28 s lity S= 10* mole/L [Ag*T [Coz] (25)?(S) = 45% = 4x 10"? Kp = 4x 10°? = [Ag*}? (0.1) [Ag*] = 6.323 x 10°€ = 25 $=3.16 x 10°* mole/litre Ans. (3) CaF, & Ca* + 2F° Kgp = 3-4 x 1071 = (0.1)? [Ca?*] ae 20 gs [Ca?*] = 2220 3.4 109M Ans. (2) (1) Mg(OH)2 S Mg* + 20H- St 281 Kp = [Mg?*J[OH-P?; 89x 1073 = 453 s,= [es ps AI(OH)s 5 ABY + 30H- Sz 3S2 Kgp = [AP*][0H-? 5x 10 = (,)(3S,) 278$ 822 «10% =1,66 % 104 lonic Equilibrium JEE Main Pattem 18, Ans. (3) pil indicators are weak organic acids and bases. Ans. (3) Let V ml of NII,Cl added into NII, OI solution [NH, Cl] in resultant solution = 220, Seow [NH, OH] in resultant solution = 20 POH = pK + log ay pOH = = [pK ~ log C] 9 = pK, ~log (0.1) pK, =8 SECTION-B Ans, (6.98) — ut 10°M 4,0 5 Ht 10° 4x Kw = [H*][0H"] 1074 = x(x + 1078) > xt4xx 10-8 107 10° V TPR _ ~1OE07 46555 _ (vaOT=a)n0 «10-7 > 0.95 x 10° 10.5 x 10% = 1,05 x 10-7 Jog [H*] pH=7-log 1.05 = 6.98 Ans. (2.1) m moles of H* from H250s = 400 x5- x 2=4 m moles of H' from HCl = 400 x5 1=4 m moles of H’ from H20 can be neglected total m moles of H' = 8 [H*] =8« 10M ~ log = 2.1 lonic Equilibrium JEE Main Pattem 3. Ans, (0.2) NH,OH SNH [H*] [OH™] = 1 « 10-%* pao (oH 1 1 ee a= = 10 =Ca «1077 oF 0.2% Ans, (2.85) CH;COOH CH;COO” + Ht c 0 0 ca-a) ca Co KS Ike saa | ae ve [H'] = Ca [H"] = 10° x V2 10% => pH =3 - Hoga = 2.85 Ans. (5.35) NH,(Clis a salt of strong acid and weak base for solutions of such salts. pH = [pK w-logC-pKy] 10.26 = 14 - log C- 4.74 log C = 9.26 - 10,26 =-1.0 c=107M [NH,Cl] = 107" M Wyner 107 « 53.5 ght = 5.35 gk" Ans. (8.72) If 100 mL of 0.1 N NaOH is added to 100 mL of 0.1 N CH,COOH, complete neutralization takes place and the concentration of CHsCOONa = M = 0.05 M Now, pH=7+= pK, +5log C= 8.72 Ans. (2.42) CaS0,(s) Ca®* (aq) + S02" (aq) IfS is the solubility of CaSO, in moles 17! Ky = [Ca**] x [S037] = S? S= Ry = V9.0 10 = 3% 10° mol 17 = 3x 10°? x 136 gl? = 0.408 gl-* For dissolving 0.408 g of CaSO,, water required = 11 For dissolving 1g CaSO,, water required = = L=245L lonic Equilibrium JEE Main Pattem 8. Ans, (4.75) CH;COOH = CHjCOO + HF Initially ot 0 0 at equilibrium 0,1(1-0.0132) 0.1% 0.0132 0.1 0.0132 = [cisco0" IN") _ 0:1%0.0132%0.1x0.0132 _ 4 76 y 49-5 Ka="Tencoon) ~~ oaG-oo1n) = 176% 10 PK, =~ logk, = -log (1.76 « 10°) = 4.75 Ans, (2.4) m moles of OH-= 400 x 4x 2=4 mmoles of Ht = 400 xx 1=8 He + OH > HO =0 8 4 4 - m moles of H* remaining = 4 Faeaes 2 age 4 * 10% mmol mi1(molt=*) log 4 => 2.4 Ans. (7.21) [OH"] from NaOH = 10-7M As the [OH-] coming from NaOH is less than 10-6 M, we have to consider [OH-] coming from water as well. 4,0 5 on” + Ht (+107) x Ky = [H*] [OH] = 10°" =x (x +1077) xP 4107-104 = x=2x107=0618«107 — (v5= [OH"] = 1077 + 0.618 x 107 = 1.618 x 1077 pOH = 7 -log(1.618) = 6.79 pH=14-6.79=7.21

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