Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Excel
Excel is a spreadsheet program that can help you create worksheets
and invoices and do simple and sophisticated number crunching; it
is designed to help you calculate the results of formulas and help you
organize and analyze numerical data.
In this publication, Teacher Daniel takes you through all the basic
computer operations while using the Microsoft Office Excel.
You’ll learn how to start and exit Excel. You will become familiar with
the Excel operations. You’ll also learn how to create new workbooks
and open existing workbook files.
When you work in Excel, you use workbook files to hold your
numerical data, formulas, and other objects, such as Excel charts.
Each Excel workbook can consist of several sheets; each sheet is
called a worksheet.
The Excel window shown here includes many of the various elements
available in other Office applications, such as Word or PowerPoint.
These elements include a menu bar (from which you select
commands), a status bar (which displays the status of the current
activity), and toolbars (which contain buttons and drop-down lists
that provide quick access to various commands and features).
1. Open the File menu and select Save, or click the Save
button on the Standard toolbar. The Save As dialog box
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2. Type the name you want to give the workbook in the File
Name text box. You can use up to 218 characters, including any
combination of letters, numbers, and spaces.
3. Normally, Excel saves your workbooks in the My Documents
folder. To save the file to a different folder or drive (such as a
network drive), select a new location using the Save In list.
4. Click Save to save your workbook and close the Save As
dialog box.
To save changes that you make to a workbook that you have
previously saved, just click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.
You can also press the shortcut key combination of Ctrl+S to save
changes to your workbook.
Closing Workbooks
When you have finished with a particular workbook and want to
continue working in Excel, you can easily close the current
workbook. Click the Close (X) button in the upper-right corner of the
workbook. (There are two Close buttons; the one on top closes Excel,
and the one below it closes the current workbook window.)
You can also close the current workbook by selecting File, Close. If
you have changed the workbook since the last time you saved it, you
will be prompted to save any changes.
Entering Numbers
Data that serves as the values in your workbooks can include the
numeric characters 0–9.
To enter a value, follow these steps:
1. Click in the cell where you want to enter the value.
2. Type the value. To enter a negative number, precede it with
a minus sign or surround it with parentheses.
3. Press Enter or the Tab key; the value appears in the cell
When you release the mouse, a shortcut box for Fill options appears
at the end of the cells that you filled. Copy Cells is the default option
for the Fill feature, so you can ignore the shortcut box for the
moment. It does come into play when you enter a series in the next
You can also create a custom series using the Series dialog box. This
enables you to specify the increment or step value for the series and
even specify a stop value for the series.
1. Enter the first value in the series into a cell.
2. Select the cells that you want included in the series.
3. Select the Edit menu, point at Fill, and then select Series. The
Series dialog box opens.
4. Enter the Step Value for the series. You can also enter a Stop
Value for the series if you did not select the cells used for the
series in step 2. For example, if you want to add a series to a
column of cells and have clicked in the first cell that will receive
a value, using a Stop Value (such as 100 for a series that will go
from 1 to 100) will "stop" entering values in the cells when it
reaches 100—the Stop Value.
5. Click OK to create the series.
Formula Operators
As previously mentioned, you can create formulas that add, subtract,
and multiply cells in the worksheet.
Order of Operations
The order of operations, or operator precedence, simply means that
some operations take precedence over other operations in a formula.
For example, in the formula =C2+D2*E2, the multiplication of D2
times E2 takes precedence, so D2 is multiplied by E2 and then the
value in cell C2 is added to the result.
You can force the precedence of an operation by using parentheses.
For example, if you want C2 and D2 added before they are multiplied
by E2, the formula would have to be written =(C2+D2)*E2.
The natural order of math operators follows:
1. Exponent (^) and calculations within parentheses
2. Multiplication (*) and division (/)
3. Addition (+) and subtraction (–)
In the case of operations such as multiplication and division, which
operate at the same level in the natural order, a formula containing
the multiplication operator followed by the division operator will
execute these operators in the order they appear in the formula from
left to right. If you don't take this order into consideration, you could
run into problems when entering your formulas. For example, if you
want to determine the average of the values in cells A1, B1, and C1,
and you enter =A1+B1+C1/3, you'll get the wrong answer. The value
in C1 will be divided by 3, and that result will be added to A1+B1. To
determine the total of A1 through C1 first, you must enclose that
group of values in parentheses: =(A1+B1+C1)/3.
Displaying Formulas
Normally, Excel does not display the formula in a cell. Instead, it
displays the result of the calculation. You can view the formula by
selecting the cell and looking in the Formula bar. However, if you're
trying to review all the formulas in a large worksheet, it would be
easier if you could see them all at once (and even print them).
If you want to view formulas in a worksheet, follow these steps:
1. Open the Tools menu and choose Options.
2. Click the View tab.
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3. In the Window options area of the View tab (near the bottom
of the tab), click to select the Formulas check box.
4. Click OK.
Editing Formulas
Editing a formula is the same as editing any entry in Excel. The
following steps show how you do it:
1. Select the cell that contains the formula you want to edit.
2. Click in the Formula bar to place the insertion point in the
formula, or press F2 to enter Edit mode (the insertion point is
placed at the end of the entry in that cell).
3. Press the left-arrow key or the right-arrow key to move the
insertion point within the formula. Then, use the Backspace key
to delete characters to the left, or use the Delete key to delete
characters to the right. Type any additional characters.
4. When you finish editing the data, click the Enter button on
the Formula bar or press Enter to accept your changes.
Performing Calculations with Functions
In this lesson, you learn how to perform calculations with functions
and how to use the Insert Function feature to quickly insert functions
into your worksheets.
What Are Functions?
Functions are ready-made formulas that perform a series of
operations on a specified range of values. For example, to determine
the sum of a series of numbers in cells A1 through H1, you can enter
the function =SUM(A1:H1). Excel functions can do all kinds of
calculations for all kinds of purposes, including financial and
statistical calculations.
Every function consists of the following three elements:
The = sign, which indicates that what follows is a function
The function name, such as SUM, that indicates which
operation will be performed.
A list of cell addresses, such as (A1:H1), which are to be
acted upon by the function. Some functions can include more
than one set of cell addresses, which are separated by commas
(such as A1,B1,H1).
Using AutoSum
Adding a group of cells is probably one of the most often-used
calculations in an Excel worksheet. Because of this fact, Excel makes
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it very easy for you to place the SUM function into a cell. Excel
provides the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar. AutoSum
looks at a column or row of cell values and tries to select the cells
that should be included in the SUM function.
To use AutoSum, follow these steps:
1. Select the cell where you want to place the SUM function.
Typically, you will choose a cell that is at the bottom of a column
of values or at the end of a row of data. This makes it easy for
AutoSum to figure out the range of cells that it should include
in the SUM function.
2. Click the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar.
AutoSum inserts =SUM and the cell addresses that it thinks
should be included in the function.
3. If the range of cell addresses that AutoSum selected is
incorrect, use the mouse to drag and select the appropriate
group of cells.
4. Press the Enter key. AutoSum calculates the total for the
selected range of cells.
Freezing Column and Row Labels
When you work with very large worksheets, it can be very annoying
as you scroll to the right or down through the worksheet when you
can no longer see your row headings or column headings,
respectively. For example, you might be entering customer data
where the customer's name is in the first column of the worksheet,
and when you scroll to the extreme right to enter data, you can no
longer see the customer names.
You can freeze your column and row labels so that you can view them
no matter how far you scroll down or to the right in your worksheet.
To freeze row or column headings (or both), follow these steps:
1. Click the cell to the right of the row labels and/or below
any column labels you want to freeze. This highlights the cell.
2. Select the Window menu, and then select Freeze Panes.
You might want to experiment on a large worksheet. Freeze the
column and row headings, and then use the keyboard or the mouse
to move around in the worksheet. As you do, the row and/or column
headings remain locked in their positions. This enables you to view
data in other parts of the worksheet without losing track of what that
data represents.
The cells that you locked in steps 1, 2, and 3 will no longer accept
data entry. Every time someone tries to enter data into one of those
cells, Excel displays a message stating that data will not be accepted.
The cells are now protected, and you can pass the workbook on to
the person who handles the data entry.
Editing Worksheets
In this lesson, you learn how to change data and how to undo those
changes if necessary. You also learn how to search for data and
replace it with other data, how to spell check your work, and how to
copy, move, and delete data.
Undoing an Action
Although editing a worksheet is supposed to improve it, you might
find that you've done something to a cell or range of cells that you
had not intended. This is where the Undo feature comes in.
You can undo just about any action while working in Excel, including
any changes you make to a cell's data. To undo a change, click the
Undo button on the Standard toolbar (or select Edit, Undo).
Moving Data
Moving data is similar to copying except that the data is removed
from its original place and placed into the new location.
To move data, follow these steps:
1. Select the cells you want to move.
2. Click the Cut button.
Deleting Data
To delete the data in a cell or range of cells, select them and press
Delete. Excel also offers some additional options for deleting cells and
their contents:
With the Edit, Clear command, you can delete only the
formatting of a cell (or an attached comment) without deleting
its contents. The formatting of a cell includes the cell's color,
border style, numeric format, font size, and so on. You'll learn
more about this option in a moment.
With the Edit, Delete command, you can remove cells and
then shift surrounding cells over to take their place ("Inserting
and Removing Cells, Rows, and Columns").
To format cells using the Font tab of the Format Cells dialog box,
follow these steps:
1. Select the cell or range that contains the text you want to
2. Select the Format menu and select Cells, or press Ctrl+1.
(You can also right-click the selected cells and choose Format
Cells from the shortcut menu.)
3. Click the Font tab. The Font tab provides drop-down lists
and check boxes for selecting the various font attributes.
4. Select the options you want.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to your
In this lesson, you learn how to add borders and shading to your
Adding Borders to Cells
As you work with your worksheet onscreen, you'll notice that each
cell is identified by gridlines that surround the cell. By default, these
gridlines do not print; even if you choose to print them, they don't
look very good on the printed page. To create well-defined lines on
the printout (and onscreen, for that matter), you can add borders to
selected cells or entire cell ranges. A border can appear on all four
sides of a cell or only on selected sides; it's up to you.
To add borders to a cell or range, perform the following steps:
1. Select the cell(s) around which you want a border to appear.
Using AutoFormat
If you don't want to take the time to test different border types and
shading styles, you can let Excel help you with the task of adding
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some emphasis and interest to the cells of your worksheet. You can
take advantage of AutoFormat, which provides various predesigned
table formats that you can apply to a worksheet.
To use predesigned formats, perform the following steps:
1. Select the cell(s) that contain the data you want to format.
This could be the entire worksheet.
2. Select the Format menu, and then select AutoFormat. The
AutoFormat dialog box appears.
3. Scroll through the list to view the various AutoFormat styles
provided. When you find a format that you want to use, click it
to select it.
4. To prevent AutoFormat from overwriting certain existing
formatting (such as numbers, alignment, or fonts), click the
Options button and deselect the appropriate check boxes.
5. Click OK and your worksheet is formatted.
Creating a Chart
You can place your new chart on the same worksheet that contains
the chart data (an embedded chart) or on a separate worksheet (a
chart sheet).
To use the Chart Wizard, follow these steps:
1. Select the data you want to chart. If you typed column or
row labels (such as Qtr 1, Qtr 2, and so on) that you want
included in the chart, be sure you select those, too.
2. Click the Chart Wizard button on the Standard toolbar.
3. The Chart Wizard - Step 1 of 4 dialog box appears. Select a
Chart Type and a Chart Sub-Type (a variation on the selected
chart type). Click Next.
4. Next, Excel asks whether the selected range is correct. You
can correct the range by typing a new range or by clicking the
Shrink button (located at the right end of the Data Range text
box) and selecting the range you want to use.
5. By default, Excel assumes that your different data series are
stored in rows. You can change this to columns if necessary by
clicking the Series in Columns option. When you're ready for
the next step, click Next.
6. Click the various tabs to change options for your chart. For
example, you can delete the legend by clicking the Legend tab
and deselecting Show Legend. You can add a chart title on the
The charts you create are part of the current workbook. To save a
chart, simply save the workbook that contains the chart.
If you face any challenge while using Microsoft Office Excel or any
other computer program, just CALL/TEXT/WHATSAPP Teacher
Daniel on 0725103013