(RM) Harvest The Dragon
(RM) Harvest The Dragon
(RM) Harvest The Dragon
Wyrmstalker’s Boots
Dragon-blooded Amulet [Sorcerer]
Wondrous item. Rare.
Carefully extracted dragon blood can allow a sorcerer
to tap into its draconic bloodline. You gain the
Elemental Affinity feature from Sorcerer Origins:
Draconic Bloodline. The damage type of your draconic
ancestry is the damage type of the harvested dragon’s
breath weapon.
Dragon Eye [Warlock]
Wondrous item. Rare.
This bracer has a shrunken dragon eye embedded
in its face. This bracer has 5 charges. When you use
Eldritch Blast, you can expend a charge to have one
beam become a 30ft cone or a 60ft line. You make
ranged spell attacks against each creature in the area.
You regain 1d4+1 expended charges at dawn.
Enchanted Wyrm Dust [Wizard]
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
This pouch of ground bone dust is a special ingredient
for magical inks. When you attune to this item, you
can add the Burning Hands, Dragon Breath, and Fly
spell to your spellbook for no cost. You can cast the
Burning Hands and Fly spell as a bonus action and
can still cast another 1st level spell or higher as your