(RM) Harvest The Dragon

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Flail Snail’s Mail HARVEST TH

How to use these items
Each of these 5e magic items were designed to
improve and flavor the features of the 5e classes. They
were also designed to provide a narrative tale.
You can give your PCs any old magic item. It
will impress your players through existence and Dragon Claw [Blood Hunter]
mechanics, but a magic item gained after harvesting
the fearsome dragon they bested in combat offers a Weapon (any slashing). Rare (requires attunement).
memorable story. Carved from dragon bone, this +1 weapon is a channel
The next time your party encounters a dragon for blood magic. This weapon has 3 charges. When
consider these unique rewards. you deal damage with Crimson Rite, you can expend
a charge to have a 15ft cone erupt behind the target.
Bracers of Breath [Artificer] Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC or take
Tinkering with the dermal scales of a dragon can damage equal to the total damage from your attack
unlock its infused elements. The damage type of these against the target.
bracers is the damage type of the harvested dragon’s In addition, you gain an additional Crimson
breath weapon. When you use Flash of Genius, you Rite damage type of the harvested dragon’s breath
can have a whirl of dragon breath spiral from your weapon.
target. Each creature of your choice within 10ft of the Scale of Divinity [Cleric]
target must make a Dexterity saving throw against
Armor (shield). Rare (requires attunement).
your spell save DC or take damage of this bracer’s
Certain scales of a dragon are linked to the dragon
damage type equal to your artificer level + 3 on a
gods. When use Channel Divinity, in addition to its
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
normal effect, wings sprout from your shield. Choose
one of the following effects:
In addition, as an action you and an ally within 30ft
of you gain resistance to this bracer’s damage type for Wing Attack. Each creature within 10ft of you must
1 hour. succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save
DC or take bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your Wisdom
Dragon-toothed Choker [Barbarian]
modifier and be knocked prone. Your movement does not
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your turn.
The blatant display of dragon teeth fragments can Ascent. You gain a fly speed equal to your speed for 1
give anyone a frightening presence. This necklace minute.
has 3 charges. During your rage, you can use a bonus
action and expend a charge to harness the presence of Once you use one effect, you cannot use that effect
a dragon. Creatures of your choice within 120ft that until the next dawn.
are aware of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom Scaled Belt [Druid]
saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute.
Wondrous item. Rare.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
This belt is combination of rough dragonhide and
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
small scales. This belt has 3 charges. When you
success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or
expend a use of Wild Shape, you can expend a charge
the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to this
to manifest the long tail of a dragon for 1 minute.
effect for the next 24 hours. You regain all expended
When a creature ends its turn within 15ft of you,
charges at dawn.
you can use a reaction to make a melee weapon
Dragon’s Deception [Bard] attack against that creature as if you attacked with
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). a melee weapon you are wielding (this includes any
The secreted glands of a dragon is the main ingredient bonuses, such as the Shillelagh cantrip). You regain all
for this pleasant smelling cologne. A creature with expended charges at dawn.
your Bardic Inspiration die can use an action to lose
the die and gain the effects of the Disguise Self spell
as if it cast it.
In addition, you have advantage on Persuasion
(Charisma) checks with dragons to gain their favor.
Greaves of Draconic Descent [Paladin]
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
Dragon bones fashioned into leg armor can grant
extraordinary mobility. When you take the Attack
action on your turn, you can activate these greaves.
Helm of Fright [Fighter] Before your first attack, you can fly through the air
up to 30ft and land in an unoccupied space within
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
5ft of your target. You have advantage on this attack
The stolen scales of this helm strikes a fearsome
and if you hit you must use Divine Smite. The damage
visage. When you use Action Surge or Indomitable,
type of your Divine Smite is the damage type of the
you emit a fearful aura 40ft around you. A creature
harvested dragon’s breath weapon. Once you use this
that starts its turn in the aura must succeed on a
ability you cannot do so again until you finish a short
Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency
or long rest.
bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be frightened
In addition, your Divine Sense knows the location
of you until the end of its turn. At the start of each of
of any dragon and can see the feint footprints of its
your turns, the radius of this aura decreases by 10ft.
dragon form within the last hour.
Soaring Cape [Monk]
Wyrmstalker’s Boots [Ranger]
Wondrous item. Rare.
Wondrous item. Rare.
The leathered wings of a dragon have been fashioned
These boots are braced with the leathered wings of a
into a cloak. This cloak has 3 charges. When a creature
dragon and soled with the horns. These boots have 2
within 10ft is hit by a ranged weapon attack, you
charges and you regain all expended charges at dawn.
can use a reaction and expend a charge to create
As a bonus action, you can expend a charge to mark
a downdraft of wind around you. You use Deflect
the ground at your feet as your lair. On initiative
Missiles on that attack. Until the start of your next
count 20, if you are within 60ft of your marked lair,
turn, ranged weapons attacks against you or creatures
you can choose one of the following benefits:
within 10ft of you have disadvantage. You regain all
expended charges at dawn. • Make a weapon attack against a creature marked by your
Favored Foe or Hunter’s Mark.
• Move up to half your speed without provoking
opportunity attacks.
Bile of the Dragon [Rogue]
Weapon (any). Rare (requires attunement).
The handle of this +1 weapon is wrapped in the tough
interior of a dragon’s stomach lining. This weapon
has 3 charges. When you use Sneak Attack, you can
expend a charge and force that creature to make a
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
a success. The DC of the saving throw is equal to the
DC of the dragon’s breath weapon - 4. You regain all
expended charges at dawn.
In addition, when you score a critical hit with this
weapon the target must make the Constitution saving
throw against the poison.

Wyrmstalker’s Boots
Dragon-blooded Amulet [Sorcerer]
Wondrous item. Rare.
Carefully extracted dragon blood can allow a sorcerer
to tap into its draconic bloodline. You gain the
Elemental Affinity feature from Sorcerer Origins:
Draconic Bloodline. The damage type of your draconic
ancestry is the damage type of the harvested dragon’s
breath weapon.
Dragon Eye [Warlock]
Wondrous item. Rare.
This bracer has a shrunken dragon eye embedded
in its face. This bracer has 5 charges. When you use
Eldritch Blast, you can expend a charge to have one
beam become a 30ft cone or a 60ft line. You make
ranged spell attacks against each creature in the area.
You regain 1d4+1 expended charges at dawn.
Enchanted Wyrm Dust [Wizard]
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
This pouch of ground bone dust is a special ingredient
for magical inks. When you attune to this item, you
can add the Burning Hands, Dragon Breath, and Fly
spell to your spellbook for no cost. You can cast the
Burning Hands and Fly spell as a bonus action and
can still cast another 1st level spell or higher as your

Special thanks to our patrons!

Anon Jordan Muckle
Aaron Garth joseph Petersen
Adam Barnes Kita Gonzalez
Alex Mckell Lasse Ruby
Archi212 Mateusz Rogoza
Belle culligan mattrmcl
Breanna Kurth Micheal K Mellott
Craft Nicks Nick
Full Mettle Prince Daylight Morning
Greg Lyon SI
Howard Smacky the Frog
Hugh Fay Tuck Williamson
Jason Lasica

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