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209 Egypt. J. Chem. Vol. 66, No. 5 pp.

303 - 314 (2023)

Egyptian Journal of Chemistry

Optimization of Sulfur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment Units Using Aspen Hysys and Matlab
Araby I. Mahdy1, Abeer M. Shoaib2, Mohamed M. Gamal4*, Khaled I. Behery5, Walaa S. Osman3
Faculty of Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.
Khalda Petroleum Company (KPC), Cairo, Egypt .
Khalda Petroleum Company (KPC), Cairo, Egypt .


The sulfur recovery unit (SRU) is an important part of gas processing and crude oil refinery plants. The primary purpose of
SRU is to convert sulfur components in the acid gas stream, such as H2S, SO, SO2, and COS, to elemental sulfur to comply with
rigorous environmental regulations regarding release of these components into atmosphere. SRU with Tail Gas Treating Unit
(TGTU) was simulated using Aspen HYSYS simulation software, with actual plant data was used to validate the model.
MATLAB was integrated with Aspen HYSYS to optimize ten operating variables of SRU and (TGTU) using genetic algorithm
without affecting Sulfur Recovery Efficiency (SRE). When the model was used, sulfur output increased by 2%, Net High-
Pressure Steam (HPS) increased by 9%, and Low-Pressure Steam (LPS) decreased by 8%, resulting in an increase in SRE.
Using this approach, similar SRUs with varying feed conditions and properties might be optimized.

Key words: Sulfur recovery unit; Tail Gas Treating Unit; Optimization, Aspen HYSYS Simulation; MATLAB; Genetic Algorithm.

Introduction: Many efforts were made to identify the most suitable

Sulfur recovery unit (SRU) plays an operating variables that maximize steam output and
important role in the oil and gas industry, as well as enhance sulfur recovery efficiency (SRE) to reduce
being the world's primary supplier of elemental sulfur. hazardous emissions, as this unit has a significant
Fertilizers, rubber, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics all impact on the Total Annual Cost (TAC) of the entire
require elemental sulfur. Acid gases, particularly those plant.
containing sulfur components such as H2S, SO2, and Ghahraloud et al. [5]established a mathematical
COS have harmful effects on the environment and model based on Energy and Mass conservation laws to
humans[1, 2], so several environmental restrictions maximize sulfur recovered from Claus Process,
have been developed to prevent their release into the Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to solve the model,
atmosphere. To avoid paying a higher fine or being which improved the process by 4.63 % over the base
forced to shut down, refineries and gas plants must case.
recover sulfur components from acid gas before Flavio Manenti et al.[6] increased the quantity of
burning it in the flare. As a result, most refineries and steam produced from a sulfur recovery unit by 6%
gas plants construct SRUs with two Claus sections and without impacting the amount of sulfur recovered. To
tail gas treating units, and occasionally three Claus do this, they built a kinetic model involving 2400
sections[3]. Acid gas processing plants have a high reactions and 140 species.
capital and operating cost. Therefore, decision-makers Anoop Jagannath et al. [7], used commercial software
consider them a production cost; even though, they are “Aspen HYSYS” to simulate the process and validate
net energy producers. These units also produce high- the model. They changed operating conditions and
pressure steam and low-pressure steam in addition to added new Heat Exchangers (HEX) in various
elemental sulfur[4]. positions to increase HPS production. Seven cases
*Corresponding author e-mail:; (Mohamed M. Gamal).
Receive Date: 07 August 2022, Revise Date: 04 September 2022, Accept Date: 05 September 2022.
DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2022.154995.6697

©2023 National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC).

304 Mahdy A. I. et al.

have been analyzed and compared to each other and to large number of variables and treat the TGTU and
the basic case; two cases out of seven achieved the SRU as a single unit simultaneously. Previous models
shortest Pay Back Period (PBP) and the largest HPS are complicated and less flexible and need a good
production. knowledge of the unit, but the proposed model is more
Asil et al. [8] compared and selected the optimal intuitive and easier to apply, and the objective is more
enrichment scheme among three schemes with the flexible to be adjusted to meet site requirements which
highest SRE using Aspen HYSYS and Promax. In differ from place to place.
addition, two scenarios were investigated to compare
the effects of combustion air and acid gas feed Methodology:
preheating on running costs and Sulfur Recovery Unit SRU and TGTU are first simulated on Aspen
Efficiency. HYSYS using the Sulsim (Sulfur recovery) property
Salisu Ibrahim et al. [9] proposed a dual-stage acid package in sub flow sheets that simulate SRU unit
gas combustion in two Claus furnaces with operations as this property package contains properties
intermediate sulfur and H2O extraction this resulted in that developed by sulfur experts for simulating the
the removal one of the costlier catalytic stages. Aspen modified Claus process[12], in the same time the acid
HYSYS and CHEMIKEN PRO were employed to gas property package is used in the main flow sheet
model and simulate the thermal and catalytic sections that simulate heating equipment before each unit as the
respectively. streams contain acid gases, and then the simulated case
Ramees K. Rahman et al. [3]developed a kinetic model was tested using data from the real plant. With 98
for removing undesired components. they used percent similarity, the data retrieved from Aspen
CHEMIKEN Pro and Aspen HYSYS to simulate the HYSYS matches the data collected from the plant.
thermal and catalytic sections, respectively, their Then MATLAB code is built to produce variables that
simulation resulted in a reduction in SRU's fuel gas were transmitted to a simulated case on Aspen
consumption by 97 % while maintaining undesired HYSYS and then obtain objective function elements
component elimination. from Aspen HYSYS using the genetic algorithm (GA)
Salisu Ibrahim et al. [10] Aspen HYSYS to simulate toolbox available in MATLAB. The flow of
SRU and investigated the effects of preheating the programming code is depicted in Figure 1.
inlet air, oxygen enrichment of acid gas feed, and
methane co-firing on furnace temperature and
destruction of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Start
Xylene (BTEX). A kinetic model was used to optimize
these variables with the goal of increasing SRE and
achieving effective BTEX destruction. End
Samane Zarei et al. [11] used simulation software to
investigate the impact of O2 and H2S concentrations in User
thermal reactor feed on the system's environmental Input
range of
behavior, and then used the results to create a reaction Process
model that was modified to experimental and plant yes
data. They discovered that changing the oxygen
concentration in acid gas feed could reduce
environmental emissions by 58.98% and improve
sulfur recovery efficiency (SRE) by 48.41% but
changing the H2S concentration had a greater impact MATLAB
on SRE reach to 71% and that reflected on the Generate random Stopping
variables and send criteria
environment at the same time as the environmental
them to HYSYS.
pollutants are reduced by 80.41 %.
In this work, Aspen HYSYS was used in conjunction
with genetic algorithm in MATLAB to optimize ten
variables of a refining plant's SRU to maximize HPS,
LPS, and sulfur recovery. The optimization variables HYSYS Solve the
are temperature of combustion air, outlet temperature case with new MATLAB
variables generated reads output
of thermal waste heat exchanger, temperature of the from HYSYS.
three sulfur condensers outlet, temperature of two
catalytic reactors inlet, makeup hydrogen for
hydrogenation reactor flow rate and temperature of Figure 1: Flow diagram for programming process.
TGTU waste heat exchanger outlet. Based on past
research, this effort may be the first to optimize such a
Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)

Case Study: process gas streams, while super-heated steam is

SRU for a huge refinery in Egypt was used as utilized to pre-heat the tail gas stream before the
a case study, The design capacity of the unit is 325 t/d, TGTU Hydrogenation reactor. HPS is produced from
The SRE of the SRU and TGTU is 99.9+%. As a plant Waste Heat Exchanger (WHE) in thermal stage and
flow diagram, the Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU) case is LPS is produced from Sulfur Condensers and TGTU
simulated using Aspen HYSYS, and Figure 2 depicts Waste Heat Exchanger. The amount of steam required
the simulation flow sheet. Before thermal and catalytic to raise the temperature of the combustion and acid gas
reactors, HPS is used to pre-heat combustion air and streams to the desired temperature and create HP

Figure 2: SRU and TGTU flow sheet

Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)
306 Mahdy A. I. et al.

condensate with 0.4 % vapor phase was calculated Data retrieved from the simulated case study
using the spreadsheet model available in Aspen showed very good matching with data collected from
HYSYS Palette. For this aim, Anoop Jagannath et al the plant as the total sulfur produced from the
[7] employed the adjust model, however, the simulated case is 187 kmol/h is nearly equal to the
spreadsheet model allows the simulated case to actual plant production 190 kmol/h, Figures 3, 4, 5, 6,
converge faster. and table 1 show that simulation results are validated
with plant data for important streams.
Furnance Effeluent

Mole %

0.00% Hydrogen H2O Nitrogen SO2 COS CS2 H2S S2_Vapor
Plant Data 1.89% 30.38% 51.16% 3.11% 0.02% 0.00% 6.20% 7.06%
Simulation Results 2.57% 31.61% 50.81% 2.38% 0.01% 0.00% 4.03% 8.39%


Plant Data Simulation Results

Figure 3: Comparison between the composition of furnace effluent

stream in plant and simulation results

Table 1: Comparison between conditions of important streams in plant and simulation results
Conditions Furnace Furnace TGTU TGTU Absorber Absorber Incinerator Incinerator
Outlet Outlet Inlet Inlet Inlet PD Inlet SR Inlet PD Inlet SR

Mol. Flow 860 866 1573 1653 1000 997 977 995

Temp (°C) 1356 1324 240 240 38 38 40 40

Press. 0.50 0.64 0.19 0.28 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.03


**PD is symbol to plant data

**Sr is symbol to simulation results.

Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)

TGTU Inlet Stream TGTU Absorber Inlet Stream

60.00% 100.00%
Mole %


Mole %
10.00% 40.00%
0.00% 20.00%
Hydrogen H2O CO Nitrogen H2S
Plant Data 3.34% 39.35% 0.05% 55.98% 0.68%
Simulation Results 2.86% 42.92% 0.03% 53.26% 0.58% Hydrogen H2O Nitrogen H2S
Plant Data 3.08% 6.25% 88.04% 2.24%
Simulation Results 4.06% 6.07% 88.27% 1.21%

Plant Data Simulation Results Components

Plant Data Simulation Results

Figure 4: Comparison between the composition Figure 5: Comparison between the composition of
of TGTU inlet stream in plant and simulation TGTU absorber inlet stream in plant and simulation
results. results

pre-heat the combustion air and acid gas streams

Incinerator Inlet Stream before they enter the catalytic reactors, and the
100.00% reminder of saturated HPS that produced in the SRU
80.00% will be superheated at quality that consistent with the
Refinery steam network. The sulfur condensers and
Mole %

40.00% TGTU waste heat reboiler is producing saturated LPS
20.00% with pressure 4.8 kg/cm2. The hydrogen source for
Hydrogen H2O CO Nitrogen CO2 SO2 H2S
hydrogen that fed into the hydrogenation reactor has
Plant Data 3.15% 6.41% 0.00% 90.10% 0.26% 0.00% 0.00% the following properties: (Temp.: 40 °C, Press.: 20
Simulation Data 4.07% 7.08% 0.00% 88.49% 0.28% 0.00% 0.00%
kg/cm2, and 96.4 percent mole fraction from
Plant Data Simulation Data
Optimization Process:
Figure 6: Comparison between the composition of The goal of optimizing ten variables was to
incinerator inlet stream in plant and simulation results enhance sulfur recovery, which has a significant
impact on the unit's overall efficiency and emission
The plant has three identical Claus trains that disposal to the environment, as the goal of installing
feeds from amine unit and sour water stripping unit as the unit is to reduce harmful emissions to levels that
sour water produced from refinery contains (H2S and comply with environmental requirements.
NH3)[13], two of which are in service and one of Additionally, the optimization process tries to enhance
which is on standby, as well as one TGTU, As a result, the net quantity of HPS (HPS produced from WHE
the acid gas feed to SRU trains is divided by two, and minus HPS consumed in preheating processes), as
one Claus train is simulated, with the tail gas stream well as the amount of LPS produced from sulfur
produced from the simulated SRU being multiplied by condensers. The final two factors have a significant
two before being treated in the TGTU. Figure 2 depicts impact on the unit's profit since the steam produced is
the flow sheet. The combustion air flow rate was re-used in the plant, lowering the plant's running costs.
calculated to be sufficient to convert one-third of H2S the total amount of SO2, H2S, COS, and CS2 created
to SO2 while also completing the oxidation of other on the gas stream that was transported to the
hydrocarbons; its value was set as a fixed variable. Gas incinerator was entered into an objective function as a
recycled from TGTU contains a relatively little cost, and the optimization procedure tended to lower
amount of H2S, which may be ignored in comparison this amount in order to maximize the total objective
to H2S in the acid gas feed stream. As a result, the function.
recycle stream is ignored to shorten the time necessary The upper and lower limitations for decision
to converge the Model. The dimensions of the reactors variables in the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox were set
have been altered to match the dimensions of actual based on the design constraints, duties, and safety
plant reactors. considerations of the actual unit in the plant. The
SRU waste heat reboilers producing saturated objective of the optimization is to maximize Sulfur
HPS with pressure 45.8 kg/cm2 which is utilized to production, HPS and LPS, while minimizing (H2S,
Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)
308 Mahdy A. I. et al.

SO2, COS, CS2) emissions, Hydrogen and Cooling Figure 7 shows that increasing the
Water flow rates. The objective function tends to combustion air temperature has a minor effect on
prioritize sulfur production first in order to achieve the objective function elements, as HPS production is
highest sulfur recovery efficiency for environmental unaffected by the increase in combustion air
reasons, followed by maximizing Net HPS production temperature because HPS consumed for heating
(HPS produced minus HPS consumed heating in the the combustion air stream is recovered in the
unit), and finally maximizing LPS production and
Waste Heat Exchanger (WHE) in the thermal
minimizing makeup hydrogen and cooling water. The
section due to an increase in furnace flame
device that used for the optimization process has the
following specification (Processor: Intel(R) Core temperature. This occurs until the temperature
(TM) i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz, Ram: reaches 205 o C, after that any increase above this
8 GB). temperature reduces the net HPS production.
However, the overall effect is around 0.04 percent
of total HPS produced. While LPS production
Equations: decreases somewhat as combustion air
HPS Equations: temperature rises, total sulfur generated rises
HPSC = HPScah + HPSc1r + HPSc2r. (1) slightly, indicating that increasing the
temperature of inlet combustion air improves
SHPSC=HPSchr. (2)
thermal reactor efficiency.
HPSP = HPSptwhe. (3)
Figure 8 depicted the relationship
HPSN = HPSP – (HPSC + SHPSC). (4) between the objective function elements and the
LPS Equations:
second decision variable, the temperature of the
LPSp = LPSpfc + LPSpsc + LPSptc + LPSptwhe. (5)
gas stream produced by WHE in the thermal
portion. We discovered that while the temperature
Elemental sulfur equation:
Sp = Spfc + Spsc + Sptc. (6) of WHE output gas has no effect on the amount
of generated sulfur, when the temperature is
Objective function: reduced, the net amount of HPS increases and

ObFun =min -(Spf. Sp + HPSpf. HPSN + LPSpf.

LPSp – Ppf. (H2Ssi + SO2si + COSsi +
Combustion air temperature
CS2si) – CWpf. CWC – Hpf. Hc) (7)
Constraints 2.06E+04 9000
Tcall <= Tca <= TCaul. (8) 2.05E+04

LPS, Sulfur (KG/hr)

2.04E+04 8000
HPS (Kg/hr)

Tgfwhell <= Tgwhe <= TTgfwheul. (9) 2.04E+04

Tgffscll <= Tgffsc <= Tgffscul. (10) 2.03E+04
2.03E+04 7000
Tgtfrll <= Tgtfr <= Tgtflul. (11)
Tgfsscll <=Tgfssc <= Tgfsscul. (12) 2.02E+04
2.01E+04 6000
Tgtsrll <=Tgtsr <= Tgtsrul. (13) 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
Tgftscll <=Tgftsc <= Tgftscul. (14) Temperature

Ttgthrll <= Ttgthr <= Tgthrul. (15)

HPS (kg/h) LPS (kg/h) Sulfur (kg/h)
Hthrrll <= Hthrr <= Hthrrul. (16)
Ttgftwhell <= Ttgftwhe <= Ttgftwheul. (17)
Figure 7: The effect of combustion air temperature on
Results and discussion: HPS, LPS and sulfur production

Decision Variables:
Ten decision variables were studied in
case studies to see how they affected objective
function aspects (Net Production from HPS, LPS
and Liquid Sulfur). The results are summarized in
the graphs below.

Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)

LPS decreases. process gas to catalytic converter temperature

increases. While sulfur production decreases
Gas From WHE Temperaure because the reaction between SO2 and H2S is an
2.36E+04 8500
exothermic reaction[14], the rate of reaction
decreases as temperature increases, increasing

LPS, Sulfur Poduction

Net HPS Production

2.32E+04 converter inlet temperature leads to increase
7500 process gas outlet temperature, so the temperature
2.26E+04 7000 difference between the inlet and outlet of sulfur
condensers will increase if the outlet temperature
2.22E+04 6500
290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 is fixed, which explains the increase in LPS
Gas Temperature °C production when the temperature of the catalytic
converter inlet is increased.
Net HPS LPS Sulfur

1st Converter Inlet Temperature

Figure 8: The effect of WHE outlet temperature
on HPS, LPS and sulfur production 2.08E+04 9500
The relationship between the 2.07E+04
temperature of the process gas from Sulfur 2.06E+04
condensers and the goal function elements is 8500

LPS, Sulfur (Kg/hr)

depicted in Figure 9. It is worth to notice that as

HPS (Kg/hr)
2.04E+04 8000
the temperature rises, net HPS production 2.03E+04 7500
increases but sulfur and LPS production drops.
This can be explained by the fact that as the 7000
temperature of the condenser output increased, 6500
the amount of HPS necessary to raise the
1.99E+04 6000
temperature of the process gas to the temperature 195 205 215 225 235 245 255
that required by the catalytic reactor dropped, Temperature °C

resulting in an increase in net HPS generation.

HPS LPS Sulfur
The amount of condensed sulfur and LPS
decrease as the temperature difference between
the inlet and outlet gas stream decreases as the Figure 10: The effect of catalytic converter inlet
condenser output temperature increases. stream temperature on HPS, LPS and sulfur

1st Condenser Temperature

Other elements of the objective function,
such as harmful emissions to the environment,
2.05E+04 9000
such as H2S, SO2, CS2 and COS which should be
8500 minimized, and the amount of cooling water
required to cool recycled gas stream to absorption
LPS, Sulfur (Kg/hr)

HPS (Kg/hr)

tower temperature, are influenced by decision

2.03E+04 7500

2.02E+04 Hydrogenation reactor feed temperature

H2S, COS, SO2, CS2 %Mole

2.01E+04 6000
150 155 160 165 170 175 180 0.6
Temperature °C 0.4

HPS LPS Sulfur
215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255
Temperature °C
Figure 9: The effect of condenser outlet
stream temperature on HPS, LPS and sulfur
Figure 10 shows that as the temperature
at the input of catalytic converters increases, net Figure 11: The effect of Hydrogenation reactor inlet
HPS and sulfur production decline, whereas LPS stream temperature on the concentration of sulfur
increases as the HPS consumed for heating components in incinerator gas stream.

Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)
310 Mahdy A. I. et al.

variables related to Tail Gas Treating Unit Figures 14, 15 and 16 show that TGTU
(TGTU). The main goal of the TGTU is to convert decision variables have little influence on the total
sulfur output of the unit, which is due to the unit's
Hydrogen Molar Flow Rate high sulfur recovery efficiency of more than 99.99
1 %, which means that nearly no sulfur compounds
0.9 escape to the environment. On the other hand,
H2S, SO2, COS, CS2 % Mole

0.8 while net HPS production decreases as the

0.7 hydrogen molar flow rate and inlet temperature of
the hydrogenation reactor rise, LPS production
rises as the hydrogenation reactor's outlet
temperature rises, which influences LPS generated
0.2 by TGTU WHE. The third TGTU decision variable
0.1 is the temperature of the WHE output stream,
0 which has only a little effect on LPS generation that
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
H2 (Kgmole/hr)
decreases when temperature of WHE output stream
increases, as the temperature difference between
H2S SO2 COS CS2 the outlet and inlet temperatures of WHE gas
streams decreases.
Figure 12: The effect of Hydrogen flow rate on the
concentration of sulfur components in incinerator Hydrogenation reactor inlet temperature

gas stream. 2.14E+04 9000

TGTU WHE Temperature

2.12E+04 8500

2.10E+04 8000
H2S, SO2, COS, CS2 %Mole


LPS, Sulfur (Kg/hr)

HPS (Kg/hr)

2.08E+04 7500


0.3 2.06E+04 7000


0.1 2.04E+04 6500

140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Temperature °C 2.02E+04 6000
215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255
Temperature °C

HPS LPS Sulfur

Figure 13: The effect of WHE outlet temperature
on the concentration of sulfur components in
incinerator gas stream. Figure 15: The effect of Hydrogenation reactor
all sulfur compounds in the tail gas after the Claus inlet stream temperature on HPS, LPS and sulfur
converter to H2S[15], then send the sulfur-free gas production.
to the incinerator and the other gas stream back to
the SRU for more sulfur recovery. At all ranges
of choice variables, the flow rate of hazardous
components (H2S, SO2, CS2, COS) in the gas
stream supplied to the incinerator was almost zero
as shown in the studied cases, and illustrated in
figures 11, 12 and 13.

Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)

which the plant is presently working were

Hydrogen Molar Flowrate recorded and used as a base case in a simulation
case, which was then compared to the values
2.04E+04 9000
created by the optimization process. Table 3
2.04E+04 illustrates this comparison. Table 2 shows that
liquid sulfur production increased by 2%, HPS
from Thermal WHE decreased by 1%, and HPS
2.04E+04 8000 used to preheat gas streams and combustion air

LPS, Sulfur (Kg/hr)

streams before reactors decreased by 41%,
HPS (Kg/hr)

7500 resulting in a total increase in Net HPS production
by 9%, LPS production decreased by 8%, cooling
2.03E+04 7000 water decreased by 4%, and hydrogen consumed
in hydrogenation reactors decreased by 52%. In
6500 both the base and optimized scenarios, the amount
2.03E+04 of H2S, SO2, COS, and CS2 transferred to the
2.03E+04 6000
incinerator is zero. Table 3 summarizes the values
0 20 40 60 80 100 of decision variables in each case and can be used
H2 (Kgmole/hr) to explain these results. When the temperature of
combustion air was reduced from 240°C to 145°C
HPS LPS Sulfur in the base case, HPS that was used to heat the
stream was reduced. At the same time, the flame
temperature of the thermal reactor was reduced,
Figure 14: The effect of Hydrogen flow rate on
resulting in a lower outlet temperature of the gas
HPS, LPS and sulfur production.
stream from the reactor, which influenced the
amount of HPS produced from thermal WHE. As
TGTU WHE Temperature
the temperature of sulfur condensers decreased in
2.14E+04 8100 the optimized case the amount of liquid sulfur that
2.12E+04 7900 condensed from the gas stream increased and LPS
LPS, Sulfur (Kg/hr)

2.10E+04 production should be increased but LPS in the
HPS (Kg/hr)

optimized case decreased and this because the
7100 temperature of inlet gas stream to first catalytic
2.04E+04 6900 converter in the optimized case is 40 °C less than
2.02E+04 6700 base case led to depression in converter outlet
2.00E+04 6500
140 160 180 200 220 stream temperature at the same time the third
Temperature °C sulfur condenser outlet temperature in the
optimized case is 6 °C higher than the base case
HPS LPS Sulfur resulted in more depression in total LPS
Figure 16: The effect of WHE outlet stream
temperature on HPS, LPS and sulfur production.
First, the values of decision variables at

Table 2: Values of objective function elements in base case and optimized case
Objective Function Elements Base Case Optimized Case Difference Difference %
Liquid sulfur Produced (T/Y) 47,836 48,880 1,044 2%
HPS Produced(T/Y) 186,188 183,950 -2,238 -1%
HPS Consumed (T/Y) 36,944 21,754 -15,189 -41%
Net HPS (T/Y) 149,244 162,196 12,952 9%
LPS Produced (T/Y) 55,316 51,042 -4,274 -8%
Cooling water used (T/Y) 11,698,707 11,215,311 -483,396 -4%
Hydrogen Used (T/Y) 0,460 0,222 -0,238 -52%
H2S in incinerator gas (T/Y) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0%
SO2 in incinerator gas (T/Y) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0%

Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)
312 Mahdy A. I. et al.

Table 3: Values of Optimized variables in base case and optimized case

Decision Variables Base Case Optimized Case Difference
Combustion Air Temperature °C 240 145 -95
Thermal WHE Temperature °C 338 300 -38
1 Sulfur Condenser Temperature °C 178 160 -18
1st Converter Temperature °C 240 200 -40
2 Sulfur Condenser Temperature °C 173 159 -14
2nd Converter Temperature °C 200 200 0
3rd Sulfur Condenser Temperature °C 165 171 6
Hydrogen Molar Flow Rate (Kgmole/hr) 20.7 10 -10.7
Hydrogenation Reactor Temperature °C 240 220 -20
TGTU WHE Temperature °C 170 145 -25

Conclusion: HPSc1r: High pressure steam consumed for heating

• SRU was optimized using Aspen HYSYS and process gas before first catalytic reactor.
MATLAB software, resulting in a 9 percent HPSc2r: High pressure steam consumed for heating
increase in net HPS production and a 2% process gas before Second catalytic reactor.
SHPSC: Total Super Heated high pressure steam
increase in sulfur recovery, but an 8 percent
consumed in SRU.
decrease in LPS production.
HPSchr: High pressure steam consumed for heating
• Adding TGTU to the optimization process tail gas before hydrogenation reactor.
resulted in a 52% reduction in makeup HPSN: Net high pressure steam produced form SRU.
hydrogen used in the hydrogenation reactor, LPSp: Total low pressure steam produced from SRU
as well as a 4 % reduction in cooling water and TGTU.
rate. LPSpfc: Low pressure steam produced from first sulfur
• When a calculation sheet model is added to a condenser.
simulated case instead of an adjust model, the LPSpsc: Low pressure steam produced from second
sulfur condenser.
time to conversion is reduced, allowing more
LPSptc: Low pressure steam produced from third
trials to be completed in an acceptable sulfur condenser.
amount of time. LPSptwhe: Low pressure steam produced from TGTU
• The proposed model might be utilized in waste heat exchanger.
practice to optimize SRU decision variables Sp: Total elemental sulfur produced from SRU.
when unit feed conditions change. Spfc: elemental sulfur produced from first sulfur
Spsc: elemental sulfur produced from second sulfur
Future Work: condenser.
Sptc: elemental sulfur produced from third sulfur
The recycle stream from the TGTU unit condenser.
is supposed to be a fixed stream to reduce H2Ssi: Amount of H2S produced in incinerator stream.
flowsheet conversion time, however in practice, SO2si: Amount of SO2 produced in incinerator stream.
the condition of this stream changes as SRU COSsi: Amount of COS produced in incinerator
operational variables change. However, adding a stream.
recycle block to the flow sheet significantly CS2si: Amount of COS produced in incinerator stream.
increases the time required to converge. CWC: Total Cooling water consumed in TGTU.
Spf: Sulfur price.
HPSpf: High pressure steam price.
Abbreviations definition: LPSpf: Low pressure steam price.
Ppf: Air pollutants price.
HPSC: Total pressure steam consumed in SRU.
CWpf: Cooling water price.
HPScah: High pressure steam consumed for heating
Hpf: Hydrogen Price.
combustion air stream.
Tcall: Lower limit temperature of Combustion air
Egypt. J. Chem. 66, No. 5 (2023)

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