The document discusses training, including the need for training, importance and advantages of training, and the training process. It covers assessing training needs, setting objectives, designing training policies and programs, and selecting trainees and training methods. Preparation of training and the roles of management are also examined.
The document discusses training, including the need for training, importance and advantages of training, and the training process. It covers assessing training needs, setting objectives, designing training policies and programs, and selecting trainees and training methods. Preparation of training and the roles of management are also examined.
The document discusses training, including the need for training, importance and advantages of training, and the training process. It covers assessing training needs, setting objectives, designing training policies and programs, and selecting trainees and training methods. Preparation of training and the roles of management are also examined.
The document discusses training, including the need for training, importance and advantages of training, and the training process. It covers assessing training needs, setting objectives, designing training policies and programs, and selecting trainees and training methods. Preparation of training and the roles of management are also examined.
TRAINING Training offers the following benefits to
Training is teaching, or developing in oneself employee. or others, any skills and knowledge that relate to 1. It helps to enhance self confidence specific useful competencies. Training has among employees. specific goals of improving one's capability, 2. A trsained employee can perform their capacity, productivity and performance. It forms job in a better way compared with others. the core of apprenticeships and provides the 3. An employee can handle machines backbone of content at institutes of technology safely. He is also able to adopt a number (also known as technical colleges or of safety measures. polytechnics). In addition to the basic training 4. Training enables a worker to adopt a new required for a trade, occupation or profession, assignment. observers of the labor- market recognize as of 5. It helps him to obtain promotion quickly. 2008 the need to continue training beyond 6. Training helps to acquire new initial qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and sophisticated techologies which are update skills throughout working life. People helpful to perform duties scientifically. within many professions and occupations may 7. It helps an employee handle stress, refer to this sort of training as professional tension, frustration and conflict. development 8. It helps the employee in making better NEED FOR TRAINING decisions and solving problem Training of employees is essential because work effectively. force is invaluable Asset to an organisation. It is necessary to provide training both for existing and new employees. It increases the skill of the employees. Training is required on account of the following reasons. 1. Newly appointed persons. 2. Existing experienced employees. 3. Technological changes. 4. Environmental changes. 5. Internal mobility. 6. Problems related with production.
TRAINING 1. Increase in efficiency and productivity. 2. Elimination of wastage. 3. Less learning costs and period. 4. Less supervision. 5. Higher employee morale. 6. Reduction in employee grievances. 7. Reduction in labour turnover absenteeism etc. 8. Reduction in accidents and breakdown. 9. Personnel development. 10. Better organisational climate. 11. Future requirement. CHAPTER-2 v. Remuneration to be paid to employees THE TRAINING PROCESS- AN on training. OVERVIEW vi. The outside agencies to be associated The training process involves the following with training. steps 1. Assessment of training needs: the needs are identified through an analysis of the 4. Designing training programme: entire organisation, its operation and human experts believe that training design resources available. Training needs are should focus on the following aspects. identified through the following types of i. Instructional objectives: the analysis. instructional objective describes the skill i. Organisational analysis: it involves a or knowledge to be achieved or the study of the entire organisation in terms attitude to be changed. of its objectives, its resources, resource ii. Trainee readiness and motivation: allocation and utilisation, growth trainee readiness refers to the maturity potential and its environment. and experience of trainees. ii. Operations analysis: it is a systematic iii. Principles of learning: the following are and deailed analysis of jobs. It is the important principles. conducted mainly to assess job contents, Setting of objective skills and aptitude required to perform Meaningful presentation. jobs. Modelling iii. Man analysis: the persons to be trained, Individual difference. changes required in the knowledge, skills Active practice and aptitudes of the employee are to be Part learning determined. Any change in the Distributed learning organisation strategy necessitates training Feedback to employees. vii. Characteristics of trainers: the success 2. Training and development objectives: of any training effort will depend upon a once training needs are assessed, training and large part on the characteristics of development goals or objectives must be trainer and his teaching skills. established. The main objectives of training are: i. To provide basic knowledge and skills 5. Fixing the responsibility of training; required to perform a specific task. The whole organisation is involved to conduct ii. To provide latest concepts, information and training programme as stated below. techniques to emploees for performing 1. The top management frames the basic efficiently in the present position. training policy and approves the training iii. To build a second line officers by giving plan programmes and budgets. training to occupy responsible position in 2. Instructional programmes are planned and future. evaluated by personnel department. 3. Designing training policy: it consists 3. The various development plans are of rules and procedures concerned with training. implemented by line supervisors. A training policy should disclose the following: 4. The participants are required to provide i. The results expected. feedback, revision and suggestions for ii. The type of training needed. improvement of programmes. iii. The time and place of training. iv. The training priorities. 6. Selection of trainees: various types of 3. To establish training objectives. training should be designed according to the 4. To determine reguired training type of persons trained. facilities, personal, equipment 5. To select efficient instructional PREPARATION OF TRAINING strategies. Preparation of training consists of two stages. 6. To individualise training. a) Preparation of the trainer: The success 7. Selling training to training. of a training programme depends to a 8. Selling training to trainee’s immediate great extend upon the instructors or boss. resources person’s capability and 9. To utilise training. experience in handling training sessions. 10. To determine the value of training. b) Preparation of trainees: training must recognise individual difference in SKILLS OF TRAINING MANAGER abilities, interest, learning speed and a) Technical skill: the technical skill other significant personnel means an understanding of and characteristics. proficiency in a specific activity, particularly one that comprises methods, processes, procedures or SELECTION OF TRAINING METHOD techniques. Suitable training method be ascertained with the b) Human skill: a training manager advice of personnel manager and top executive. should work closely with his Designing the training courses: it include the subordinates, his upper classes, his following aspects. superiors, with staff personnel. a) Deciding the contents of training. c) Conceptual skill: it involves the b) Designing the support materials for ability of the manager to coordinate training like study notes, case studies, and integrate all the activities interests pamphlets, charts etc. and perception of the individuals and c) Preparation of budgets for alternative groups that make up an organisation. training package.
Rules For Conducting Training
The following rules should be observed while imparting training. a) Time table: Trainers must prepare a time table of the training. b) Personal attention: Trainee should br personally cared. c) Work: work should be clearly defined. d) Timing: work should be clearly and slowly taught. e) Employment: workers should be allowed to work. Training managers face a number of challenges today. They are: 1. Selling training to top management. 2. To identify the training needs and establish priorities. CHAPTER-3 BENEFITS OF LESSON PLANS LESSON PLANNING 1. Lesson plan help the trainer prepare in A lesson plan is a plan of action. Lesson plan advance. involves defining the objectives, selecting and 2. Lesson plan remind the trainer of key arranging the subject matter and determining the points to make during the session. method and the procedure. The following are 3. Lesson plan provide the trainer with a its specific needs. written record of the lesson which can be 1. To give a definite direction to the critiqued. instructor for each day’s work. 4. Lesson plans provide materials for future 2. To make the trainer thorough with the use by other trainers. content and enable him to develop confidence. 3. To specify well defined objectives to be realised in the course of the lesson. 4. To prevent waste of time due to lack of pre planning. 5. To decide upon suitable learning experiences and use of instructional materials. 6. To decide upon procedures for gathering feedback and for providing reinforcement. 7. To anticipate probable difficulties and plan remedial measures. 8. To plan evaluation procedures both formative and summative. CREATION OF LESSON PLAN The following steps will provide guidance as for the preparation of the lesson plan. 1. Priortize the content of the lesson. 2. Limit the amount of information to a manageable amount. 3. Arrange the content into logical order. 4. Select resources. 5. Select the technique. 6. Estimate the time needed for each segment. Lesson plan for training course: the following are the steps required to write a lesson plan: 1. Write the objectives for the lesson. 2. Based on the objectives list the content areas in the order. 3. Indicate how much time should be used for each content area of the lesson. 4. State the training methods to be used. CHAPTER-4 CHAPTER-5 TRAINING CLIMATE AND PEDAGOGY PEDAGOGY Pedagogy is the art or profession of teaching FACTORS AFFECTING TRAINING and preparatory training or instruction. There CLIMATE are two notions involved in pedagogy as given 1. Top to bottom effort. below. 2. Motivator role of manager and 1. Pedagogy As A Process: processes are supervisor. made up of various related tasks and activities. 3. Faith upon employees. I. Establish rapport: 4. Free expression of feelings. II. Choose a learning focus: 5. Feedback. III. Check on prior learning: 6. Helpful nature of employees. IV. Design learning task and make 7. Supportive personnel management. provision: 8. Encouraging and risk taking V. Undertake learning task: experimentation. VI. Check on learning: 9. Discouraging sterotypes and VII. Explore transference of learning. favouritism. 10.Team spirit. 2. Pedagogy As A System: Developing training modules COMPONENTS OF HRD CLIMATE Training modules are the heart and soul of a The organisational climate consists of the structure on the job training program. The following. training modules have several purposes: 1. Organisational structure. I. To serve as a guide for the 2. Organisational culture. trainer. 3. HR processes. II. To serve as a guide and later reference for trainees. IMPORTANCE OF ORGANISATIONAL III. To document procedures and best CLIMATE. practices. 1. It gives HR professionals time to IV. To provide ready made check anticipate opportunities in HR area and time to lists for performance evaluation. plan optional responses to these opportunities. V. To shorten the time to 2. It helps HR professionals to develop competency. an early warning system to prevent threats VI. To standardize task emerging out from HR scenario. accomplishment. 3. It forms a basis of aligning the VII. To represent employee imput and organisation strength to the changes in the ownership. environment. VIII. To provide content for e-learning 4. It enables the entry of the latest applications. Ideally the team should consist of , national/international HR developments. a) The employees who are subject matter experts. MEASURING HRD CLIMATE b) The workers who are knowledgeable in 1. Economic condition. the job but not experts yet. 2. Leadership style. c) Trainees or newcomers who do not know 3. Managerial assumption about human the job. nature. 4. Managerial values and ethos. 5. Organisation size. INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS 5. They convey with certainty the same data to a All learning is through senses. The more senses number of people. are brought into use the more effective is the 6. They appeal to sense of sight. learning. Trainers should use training aids to supplement their training rather than to replace OVERHEAD TRANSPARENCES all or part of it. All material for use on an overhead projector CLASSIFICATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL needs to be reproduced on to transparencies AIDS. using either special pens or printers with either Instructional aids can be broadly classified into non-permanent or permanent ink. two types: DESIGN OF OVERHEAD a) Projective aids. TRANSPARENCIES. 1. Motion picture. The following points are noted while designing 2. Videos overhead transparencies. 3. Colour slides. 1. Keep them simple. 4. Overhead projector transparencies. 2. Include only essentials. 5. Computer pallet. 3. Make sure lettering is of sufficient height. b) Non projective aids. 4. Use colours on colourless film. 1. Chalkboard. 5. Illustrations can be useful. 2. Whiteboard. COMPUTER PALLET 3. Charts and diagrams. The computer pallet is a device that replaces the 4. Models. computer screen. It is placed on the top of an 5. Exhibits. overhead projector allowing the instructor to 6. Handouts. project material that has been prepared and 7. Tape recorder. stored on a computer disk. The following factors are considered in the COLOUR SLIDES selection of right training aids. The following points need to be considered Practicability. when using slides. Attractiveness and interest. 1. Select slides that are relevant. Suitability. 2. Plan your presentation. Complexity. 3. Include an introduction and Clarity. conclusion. Portability. 4. Do not prolong the presentation. 5. Ensure the equipment is sound and Serviceability. well set up before the presentation. Availability. Location. Time factor. HANDOUTS Handouts are specially prepared sheets and notes. Handout is used for the following purposes: 1. They carry the stamp of authority. 2. They provide a record of important information. 3. They provide data to reflect the presentation. 4. They can be studied at the reader’s own pace. CHAPTER-6 3. There is a chance of making damage to TRAINING METHODS AND the valuable machines and equipments. TECHNIQUES 2. Off the job training The success of any training program depends This type of training is conducted by the upon operational commitments, policies and organisation with in the premises or by external directives from higher authorities. The agencies. Off the job training includes following factors are considered while selecting methods like : a suitable method. 1. Special courses: special courses are 1. Skill required. conducted by an organisation with the help 2. Qualification of candidates. of experts. 3. Cost of training. 2. Conferences: the conference training 4. Period of time available. method is a good problem- solving 5. Depth of knowledge required. approach. 6. Purpose of training. 3. Case study: a case study is a description 7. Back ground of training. of a real or imagined situation which 8. Nature and size of the group to be trained. contains information that trainees can use to 9. Nature of the job. analyse what has occurred and why. The 10. Type of employees. trainees recommend solutions based on the content provided. The following techniques or methods are 4. Seminars: seminars often combine employed for training. several group methods, lectures, 1. On the job training- OJT: Under this discussions, conferences, demonstrations. method one person helps another to learn the 5. Role-playing: the trainees assume roles trade and that person’s experience is passed on and act out situations connected to the to others. The following are the important on learning concepts. It is good for customer the job training methods. services and sales training. a) Coaching. 6. Sensitivity training: b) Under study. 7. Lectures: c) Job or position rotation. 8. Demonstration: MERITS OF THE ON THE JOB TRAINING. 9. Audio visuals: 1. This method is economical. 10. Simulation: 2. The trainee applies rules, regulations and 11. Laboratory training: procedure while doing work. 12. Projects: 3. Short period is enough for learning. 4. It can be used for unskilled and semi-skilled 3. VESTIBULE TRAINING: It is jobs. adopted when large numbers of person are to be 5. This is the most widely used method for trained within a short span of time. teaching knowledge and skills which can be 4. APPRENTICE TRAINING: the acquired through personal observation. selected persons work under the experienced 6. The trainee learns on the actual machine and worker or supervisors who give guidance and in the real work environment. help while doing the jobs. DEMERITS 5. CLASS ROOM TRAINING: 1. The employee is trained at the work 6. LEARNER TRAINING: learners are place. He is not able to concentrate and learn those persons who are selected for semi-skilled due to noises and interruptions. job and they lack even the basic knowledge of 2. It is an unorganised and haphazard industrial engineering. method. 7. INTERNSHIP TRAINING: It is a joint programme of training conducted by educational institutions and business firm. 8. PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION: It is mainly related to knowledge acquisition. 9. COMPUTER BASED TRAINING (CBT): The concept behind CBT is that it allows individuals to participate in training when and where it is needed. TYPES OF TRAINING The following are the important types of training. 1. ORIENTATION TRAINING: This type of training is provided to new entrants or employees. 2. JOB TRAINING: This type of training is provided to increase the knowledge and skills of employee for improving the performance on the job. 3. CRAFT TRAINING: 4. SAFETY TRAINING: This type of training is provided to minimize accidents and damage to machinery. 5. PROMOTIONAL TRAINING: 6. REFRESHER TRAINING: It is designed to revive and refresh knowledge and to update the skills of existing employees. 7. REMEDIAL TRAINING: this type of training is arranged to overcome the shortcoming in the behaviour and performance of employees. 8. TECHNICAL TRAINING: Generally the training process consists of five steps. Needs, analysis, instructional design, validation implementaton and evaluation. CHAPTER-7 participants. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ADVANTAGES OF ATTITUDINAL Total Quality management can be defined as a TRAINING cooperative form of doing business that relies 1. Training at the entry level. on the talents and capabilities of both labour and 2. Job experience. management to continually improve the quality 3. Develops right attitudes and confidence. and productivity. The elements of TQM are. 4. Develops good relationship and trust. 1.) CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: TQM 5. Powerful traits. aims at satisfying the customer’s requirements LIMITATIONS OF ATTITUDINAL which never remains constant but keeps on TRAINING changing with the change in time, 1. Attitudinal training is not the most environments, circumstances, need, fashion etc. effective or appropriate response of behavioural 2.) EMPLOYEE’S INVOLVEMENT: TQM change. requires a continuous improvement of quality 2. Behavior change based on attitude of the products. shifts is a complex, long term process. 3.) QUALITY CIRCLE: A quality circle is a 3. Even successful attitudinal training small group of employees doing similar or deals with only one of the many determinants of related work who meet regularly to identify, leadership diversity. analyze and solve product- quality problems and 4. Employee’s attitudes outside work are to improve general operations. mot part of that relationship. 4.) BENCHMARKING: Benchmarking is the TRAINING FOR PRODUCTIVITY practice of identifying, studying and building To be successful in the current rapidly changing upon the best practices in the industry or in the world the business organisations need to world. maximise the productivity of all resources that 5.) JUST IN TERM TECHNIQUE: It is is physical, financial, information and human. defined as a philosophy that focuses attention To be competitive and profitable an on eliminating waste by purchasing or organisation needs to: manufacturing just enough of the right items 1. Improve the calibre of potential just in time. employees. 6.) TRAINING FOR TQM: It incorporates the 2. Increase the productivity of existing concepts of product quality, process control, employees. quality assurance and quality improvement. 3. Reduce the costs of poor hiring ATTITUDINAL TRAINING decisions and turnover. 1. Punctuality. The productivity training programme should 2. Spirit of cooperation. have certain objectives. 3. Ability to take constructive criticism. 1. To increase productivity in all fields of An attitudinal training programme should human endeavour. consider the following aspects. 2. To stimulate and promote productivity 1. The structure and content of attitudinal consciousness in the minds of the people. training programmes. 3. To encourage and assist in 2. Individual attention: The training implementation programmes relating to the programme is planned in such a way that each objective of increasing productivity. participant is able to focus on his or her 4. To seek and to promote the establishment respective strengths and weaknesses. of cordial relationship between employers and 3. Trusting relationships: The training employees. program is to be planned for promoting a 5. To provide advisory services for relationship of trust between trainers and industries to facilitate introduction of productivity techniques. sequence is to evaluate the effectiveness of the TRAINING METHODS FOR solution. PRODUCTIVITY A training programme should help the 1. On the job training: the main feature of on participants in the following: the job training is to increase productivity of the 1. To focus on the true problem. employees to work while performing their 2. To establish accurate goals for problem dutie. solving. 2. Time management training: time 3. To priortize problems and decide which management training can increase employee problems should get attention. morale, increase productivity and decrease 4. To generate ideas quickly. turnover. 5. To break through barriers and mental blocks. 3. Team training: proper training is critical to 6. To find viable solutions. developing and supporting effective work 7. To sort through lots of ideas. teams. 8. To evaluate alternative courses of action. 4. Management change training: poorly 9. To make good decisions so all team members managed change can account for a huge amount are satisfied. of lost productivity. 10. To consider both risk and benefits in a TRAINING FOR CREATIVITY choice. Creativity training is an integral element in the 1To analyse what needs to be accomplished. process of production. Creativity can be defined 12.To ensure acceptance of the solution. as the mental phenomena skills and tools 13.To develop and use action plans. capable of originating , innovation ,inspiration TRAINING FOR LEADERSHIP or insight. The training programme for Leadership qualities and laedership skills can be enhancement of creativity should aim at. developed with leadership training. 1. To understand their personal role in OBJECTIVES creativity and innovation. 1. Create a reliable robust and attractive vision 2. To understand key elements of the of future so that people will respect and believe environment relating to creativity and in a leader. innovation. 2. Communicate his vision and see the benefits 3. To learn and use a range of powrful as people work to the best of their abilities. techniques for creative problem solving. 3. Grow his self-confidence becoming a calm 4. To solve some of the participants and self-confident leader. problems. 4. Build a reputation for expertise and track 5. To be more effective participants record of achievement. and leaders in group decision making. 5. Make good decisions under pressure with TRAINING FOR PROBLEM SOLVING the confidence. Problem solving is the process of taking 6. Build a strong flexible and highly effective corrective action in order to meet objectives, team expanding his ability. some of the more effective decisions involve 7. Learn to build the empathic mutually creativity. trusting relationships needed for maximum team The problem solving which can be applied to performances. many situations involves the following steps. 8. Enjoy mutually rewarding co-operative 1. To define the problem. working relationships with team members. 2. To look for the root causes of the problem. 9. Keep people on target and performing well 3. To identify a variety of potential solutions together in a “firm but fair way”. and select the best out of it to implement. 10. Learn to inspire and motivate team 4. The final step in the problem solving members. BENEFITS 1. Motivate employees for heigher levels of productivity. 2. Inspire employee trust respect and loyalty. 3. Acquire presentation skills to influence and persuade. 4. Manage conflict constructively. 5. Help people to think in new and innovative ways. 6. Manage performance using the most current updated tools and systems. 7. Develop win-win agreements with internal and external customers. 8. Manage differences including but not limited to gender, age. A training programme for leadership should be designed in such a way that it will help to develop the following; 1. Developing leadership skills. 2. Corporate team building. 3. Presentation skills. 4. Coaching. 5. Change management. 6. Creativity. 7. Performance management. 8. Communication skills. 9. Influencing skills. 10. Think on your feet. 11. Negotiation skills. 12. Conflict resolution.
The trainer who is enthusiastic, energetic and genuinely interested in both the subject and getting his message across will evoke the greatest response from the trainees. CHAPTER-8 CHAPTER-9 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT METHODS OF MANAGEMENT Management development is the overall DEVELOPMENT concepts that describes the many ways in which On the Job Training organizations help employees develop their 1. Employees appreciate the chance to personal and organizational skills, either as develop knowledge and skills without ever managers in a management job or with an leaving work. eventual management job in mind. Mentoring Importance A mentoring relationship is a win-win for all 1. Limited number of trained managers. parties: the employee who seeks a mentor, the 2. Complex nature of management jobs. mentor, and organizations that employ the 3. Social and technological changes. mentoring pair. 4. Social responsibility of management. Periodic In-House Training From 5. Never ending process. Internal or External Resources. OBJECTIVES Employee development, offered in brief 1. To impart basic knowledge and skills to sessions, internally, on a regular basis, allows new employees. you to do job training with a consultant or 2. To provide recent information, latest internal provider who knows your goals, concepts techniques, and developments to the language, culture, and workplace norms. existing personnel. Promotion 3. To keep a list of trained personnel who A promotion forces an employee to grow - or are capable of managing the work force. sink. 4. To stimulate creative thinking among Transfer employees. A transfer is an approach to employee 5. To understand the problems of human development that also helps employees create relations and improve the human relarions skill. a career path. 6. To acquaint with latest management Lateral Move system instead of traditional system. In a lateral move, an employee moves to an 7. Customer’s delight is the main aim of equivalent role in an organization for job every firm today. So customer education should training and career development. be imparted to managerial personnel. Coaching Management Development Content Coaching is also a different delivery system for These are the areas of content that management training, since training, especially with long development training, either internal or external, term managers and people who are further along should contain for your organization to function in their careers, is not working. effectively. Job rotation Powerful Management Training It is a technique used by employers that would In addition to skill development, management use this method on their employees to rotate development is also an opportunity to teach their assigned jobs throughout their your organization culture. employment. OFF THE JOB TECHNIQUES Executive can be trained by using off the job techniques. It consist of 1. Conference: It is a formal meeting of several people convened to discuss a subject of common interest. 2. Lectures: It is a simple way of imparting knowledge to a large number of persons within a short span of time. 3. Group discussion: One trainee presents a paper on a specific topic. A discussion is conducted in the concerned topic. The chairman of the conference summarises the contents of the papers and the discussions. 4. Simulation: Traineers are provided specific situations of varying complexities which they encounter in real life. 5. Role playing: A conflict situation is created and two or more trainees are assigned different parts to play. 6. In basket: The trainee is provided a tray of papers related to his functional area. 7. Management games: These games are intended to teach trainees how to take managerial decision in an integrated manner. 8. Special courses: The executives are required to attend special courses formally organized by the enterprise with the help of experts from educational institutions. 9. Sensitivity training ( T- group training and laboratory training): A group of 10 to 15 persone are brought together and they discuss themselves.