TNF Skews Monocyte Di Erentiation From Macrophages To Dendritic Cells
TNF Skews Monocyte Di Erentiation From Macrophages To Dendritic Cells
TNF Skews Monocyte Di Erentiation From Macrophages To Dendritic Cells
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M onocytes represent a large pool of circulating precur- as a major acute inflammation cytokine (9, 10), two other cyto-
sors that can differentiate into macrophages (M)5 or kines play a very important role in the inflammatory process, i.e.,
dendritic cells (DCs) (1– 4). M, scavengers of the IL-1 (11) and TNF (12, 13). Both cytokines are implicated in acute
immune system, are essential to eliminate the burden of pathogens. and chronic inflammation, likewise pathogen-mediated, for exam-
We have shown previously that in a resting stromal microenviron- ple sepsis, and autoimmune, for example rheumatoid arthritis (9,
ment, resembling a noninflammatory situation, monocytes differ- 14). They share several functional properties, as both are able to
entiate into M in a process regulated by fibroblast-derived IL-6 induce IL-6, up-regulate the expression of adhesion molecules, and
(5). IL-6 up-regulates expression of the M-CSF receptor and fa- increase the synthesis of acute phase proteins (12, 13, 15). Yet, we
cilitates M-CSF internalization, resulting in predominant M⌽ phe- show here that TNF, but not IL-1, is able to redirect the differen-
notype. However, M are not sufficient for the development of tiation of monocytes toward DCs by offsetting the IL-6/M-CSF
pathogen-specific protective immunity. This can only be initiated pathway. Therefore, TNF is essential for the induction of adaptive
by DCs, the inducers of the immune response. The inflammatory immunity.
reaction occurring upon pathogen invasion, “danger” signal, leads
to DC activation, migration, and maturation, culminating in the
Materials and Methods
induction of immunity and pathogen elimination (3, 4, 6).
Cell cultures
Tissue injury can cause dramatic changes throughout the micro-
environment (7), including release of inflammatory mediators (cy- Mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood of healthy volun-
tokines, chemokines) (8) and cellular infiltrates of activated leu- teers by Ficoll-Paque density gradient centrifugation. Monocytes were pu-
rified by depletion using mAbs and Dyna beads, routinely resulting in
kocytes, neutrophils, and mast cells. Therefore, by determining ⬎90% purity. Monocytes were seeded at 1 ⫻ 106 cells/well in six-well
precursor differentiation, the cytokines in the local environment plates in 3 ml of RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% FBS (Life
shape protective immune responses. It is thus important to under- Technologies, Rockville, MD), 2 mM L-glutamine, 200 IU/ml penicillin,
stand the regulation of monocyte differentiation. Whereas IL-6 acts and 200 g/ml streptomycin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Normal skin
fibroblasts (CD1074SK; American Type Culture Collection, Manassas,
VA) were added to the six-well plates at a density of 2.5 ⫻ 105 cells/well,
unless otherwise indicated. Cultures were fed with cytokines every 3 days.
Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dallas, TX 75204 Recombinant human cytokines (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) were as
Received for publication February 7, 2003. Accepted for publication June 25, 2003. follows: IL-1␣ (50 ng/ml), IL-1 (25 ng/ml), IL-6 (200 ng/ml) and TNF
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page (20 –100 ng/ml unless otherwise indicated, batch-related variability), IL-4
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance (25 ng/ml), and GM-CSF (100 ng/ml, Leukine; Immunex, Seattle, WA).
with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. Neutralizing TNF, IL-6, and IL-6R mAbs were purchased from R&D
1 Systems.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (Grant RO1 CA78846 to
J.B. and Grant RO1 CA89440 to A.K.P.). J.B. is the recipient of the Max & Gayle
Clampitt Chair for Immunology Research. Allogeneic MLR assay
P.C. and C.D. are equal contributors to this study.
After 5 days of culture, the CD1⫹ cells generated from unstimulated or
Current address: Institut de Recherche, SERVIER, 125 chemin de Ronde, 78290 TNF-treated monocyte/fibroblast cocultures were FACS sorted (FACS-
Croissy sur Seine, France. E-mail address: Vantage; BD Biosciences, Mountain View, CA) and used as stimulators for
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. A. Karolina Palucka (E-mail purified naive (CD45RA⫹CD45RO⫺) allogenic CD4⫹ T cells. Graded
address: or Dr. Jacques Banchereau (E-mail address: doses of stimulator cells were seeded with 1 ⫻ 105 naive CD4⫹ T cells in, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, 3434 Live round-bottom microtest tissue culture plates in complete RPMI 1640 with
Oak, Dallas, TX 75204 TX. 10% human AB serum (Gemini Bio-Products, Woodland, CA). After 4
Abbreviations used in this paper: M, macrophage; DC, dendritic cell; LC, Lang- days of incubation, cells were pulsed overnight with 1 Ci of [3H]thymi-
erhans cell; RA, rheumatoid arthritis. dine to determine T cell proliferation.
Cytokine detection 1/25; BioSource International). For the kinetic studies, cells were double
stained with PE-HLA-DR (BD Biosciences) to allow the analysis of M-
Cytokines were detected in cell-free culture supernatants using commercial CSF receptors on myeloid cells.
quantitative sandwich immunoassay kits: IL-6 (BD PharMingen, San Di-
ego, CA) and M-CSF (R&D Systems).
FIGURE 1. TNF skews monocyte differentiation toward DCs in fibroblast/monocyte cocultures. Monocytes were cultured for 5 days in GM-CSF and
IL-4 with or without stromal cells (ratio 4:1). a, IL-1␣ (50 ng/ml), IL-1 (25 ng/ml), and TNF (30 ng/ml) were added at the onset of the cultures and
differentiation was monitored using expression of CD1b/c and CD14. The percentages of each myeloid cell subset in the total cell population are indicated.
Double-negative cells are fibroblasts. b, Dose-response curve. TNF was added to cocultures at increasing concentrations. Percentages (vertical axis) of
CD14⫹CD1b/c⫺ (- - - -) and CD14⫺CD1b/c⫹ (—) cells gated on HLA-DR expression at day 5 of culture. DC differentiation was observed already at the
dose of 10 ng/ml. However, because of batch-to-batch variation TNF was used at 100 ng/ml in the majority of experiments unless otherwise indicated. c,
Skewing of monocyte differentiation toward DCs is dependent on added TNF. Monocytes are cultured without (upper left plot) or with (upper right plot)
TNF. TNF-neutralizing mAbs are added at day 0 (lower plots). Monocyte differentiation is determined by flow cytometry at day 5. d, Phenotypic
characterization. Day 5 HLA-DR⫹ cells are gated on forward scatter (FSC)/side scatter plots to distinguish monocytes from fibroblasts (left panel). Surface
expression of DC-SIGN (middle panel) and Langerin (CD207, right panel) by HLA-DR⫹ cells.
designed using the computer software Primer Express (Applied Biosys- Confocal analysis
tems). Duplicate target and endogenous control reactions were set up in
FIGURE 3. TNF skews monocyte differentiation toward partially mature DCs. a, MLR: day 5 DCs and monocyte/fibroblast cocultures treated or not with
TNF (100 ng/ml) were sorted using CD1b/c marker and incubated at graded doses with allogenic naive (CD45RA⫹CD45RO⫺) CD4⫹ T cells. Thymidine
incorporation is expressed as mean ⫾ SD of triplicates. Results are representative of three separate experiments. b, Monocytes were cultured for 5 days
with or without fibroblasts in GM-CSF and IL-4 in the presence or not of TNF. At day 5, the cells were stained with FITC-CD1b/c and PE-CD14 and then
sorted. CD14⫺CD1b/c⫹ cells were then restained with PE-CD83 and analyzed by flow cytometry. Each plot shows CD83 expression in cultures without
adding TNF (dotted line) and TNF-stimulated cultures (solid line). c, Flow cytometry plots of HLA-DR (ordinate) and CD83 (vertical axis) expression in
DCs generated by culturing monocytes with GM-CSF/IL-4 and TNF (day 5, left plot) and further exposed for 48 h to LPS 100 ng/ml (day 7, right plot).
The Journal of Immunology 2265
data not shown). Thus, TNF promotes monocyte differentiation the high levels of fibroblast- derived IL-6 found in day 3 cultures
toward partially mature DCs. may predominate over TNF and maintain the CD14high phenotype.
Thus, day 3 monocyte/fibroblast cocultures were pulsed daily (for
TNF converts activated monocytes/early M into DCs 3 days) with TNF along with Abs neutralizing IL-6/IL-6R until the
M generated by culturing monocytes with M-CSF can convert cells were analyzed at day 7. As shown in Fig. 4b, blocking IL-6
into DCs upon exposure to GM-CSF and IL-4, even at late stages reversed resistance to TNF as determined by the disappearance of
of differentiation (16). Furthermore, as shown above, monocyte/ CD14⫹ cells and the presence of CD14⫺CD1⫹ DCs that consti-
fibroblast cocultures made in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 tuted ⬎90% of the HLA-DR⫹ population in monocyte/fibroblast
yield CD14high cells displaying M morphology (Fig. 2). There- cultures. These results demonstrate the importance of the IL-6/
fore, we next determined whether delayed addition of TNF could TNF balance in determining the differentiation of monocytes into
lead to conversion of activated monocytes/early M into DCs. As either DCs or M.
shown in Fig. 4a, adding TNF to monocyte/fibroblast cultures at
day 1 or day 2 resulted in the generation of DCs. However, when TNF offsets the IL-6/M-CSF pathway that promotes M
TNF was added at day 3 or later, the cells retained CD14 expres- differentiation
sion and did not acquire CD1. This resistance to TNF was not due Since blocking IL-6 facilitated TNF-induced monocyte/M differ-
to a loss of TNFRs (data not shown). entiation into DCs, we surmised that TNF might interfere in the
We therefore wondered whether the resistance to TNF reflected monocyte response to IL-6/M-CSF. To this end, levels of IL-6 and
an irreversible commitment to M differentiation. Alternatively, M-CSF were measured in culture supernatants. As shown in Fig. 5,
The Journal of Immunology 2267
in three experiments, monocyte/fibroblast cocultures spiked with M-CSF receptors. Adding TNF, but not IL-1␣ or IL-1, at the
TNF contained high levels of IL-6 (average 4-fold increase as onset of monocyte/fibroblast cocultures made with GM-CSF/IL-4
compared with GM-CSF/IL-4 cocultures, p ⬍ 0.0001) and of M- resulted in down-regulation of M-CSFR protein expression (Fig.
CSF (average 8-fold increase, p ⬍ 0.0001; Fig. 5). Supernatants of 6a). Such down-regulation was independent of the presence of
cultures spiked with IL-1 contained very high levels of IL-6 (up to stromal cells (Fig. 6b). The analysis of the kinetics of M-CSFR
250 ng/ml, average 12-fold increase as compared with control cul- expression showed that moderate down-regulation of its expres-
tures, n ⫽ 3) but only low levels of M-CSF (Fig. 5). These results sion could be observed already at the early stages of culture (days
suggest that TNF-driven DC differentiation may result from the 1 and 2; Fig. 6b).
ability of TNF to prevent the utilization of IL-6 and/or M-CSF. The down-regulation of M-CSFR expression was confirmed at
Conversely, IL-1 may promote M differentiation by increasing the gene transcription level (Fig. 6c). In these experiments, M-
the levels of IL-6 and facilitating the utilization of M-CSF. CSFR mRNA expression (by real-time PCR) in monocytes was
Therefore, we investigated whether the apparent lack of cyto- analyzed either directly after isolation from blood or after 5 days
kine utilization in TNF cultures was due to down-regulation of of culture with GM-CSF and IL-4 with and without the addition of
IL-6 and/or TNF at the onset of culture (without fibroblasts). M- We have previously shown that monocytes yield DCs with
CSFR mRNA expression in cultured cells was normalized for com- Langerhans cell (LCs) properties when cultured with GM-CSF and
parison to the expression in resting, i.e., uncultured, monocytes. IL-15 (25). In this study, we show that in the presence of fibro-
Adding TNF to GM-CSF/IL-4 DC cultures resulted in ⬎2-fold blasts and TNF, monocytes yield CD1a⫹DC-SIGN⫹ cells as well
decrease in the M-CSFR mRNA expression (Fig. 6c), while the as a subset of cells expressing surface Langerin, a marker of LCs.
expression of IL-6-R␣ chain was not affected (data not shown). TNF has been shown to up-regulate Langerin expression on the
The effect of TNF was prevailing even in the presence of exoge- surface of immature LCs obtained by culturing monocytes with
nous IL-6 (Fig. 6c). These results suggest that TNF acts in the GM-CSF and IL-4 supplemented with TGF- (26). Whether the
early stages of monocyte differentiation and renders monocytes acquisition of Langerin expression in monocyte/fibroblast cocul-
unresponsive to IL-6/M-CSF via down-regulation of M-CSFR ex- tures represents a direct effect of TNF or whether it is mediated by
pression consistent with earlier observations in the mouse (17, 18). TNF-induced cytokines remains to be determined. Indeed, dermal
Furthermore, TNF down-regulates the expression of M-CSFR fibroblasts express cytoplasmic IL-15, which upon long-term (over
on already differentiated DCs (Fig. 6d). Indeed, when monocytes 3 days) exposure to TNF can be relocated to the cell surface (27).
cultured for 5 days with GM-CSF and IL-4 are exposed for 24 h to This membrane-bound form of IL-15, particularly when presented
TNF a considerable decrease of surface M-CSFR expression could to neighboring cells in the complex with IL-15R␣ (28), may dis-
be observed (Fig. 6d). Even though M-CSFR expression may be play a potent biological activity as demonstrated for example by
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