BSP75N Transistor Inhibodor Arranque

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60V self-protected low-side IntellifetTM MOSFET switch

Continuous drain source voltage VDS=60V
On-state resistance 500m⍀
Maximum nominal load current(a) 1.1A (VIN = 5V) SOT223

Minimum nominal load current(c) 0.7A (VIN = 5V)

Clamping energy 550mJ

Self-protected low side MOSFET. Monolithic over temperature, over
current, over voltage (active clamp) and ESD protected logic level
functionality. Intended as a general purpose switch. S D


Features Note:
The tab is connected to the source pin and must
• Short circuit protection with auto restart be electrically isolated from the drain pin.
• Over-voltage protection (active clamp) Connection of significant copper to the drain pin
is recommended for best thermal performance.
• Thermal shutdown with auto restart
• Over-current protection
• Input protection (ESD)
• High continuous current rating
• Load dump protection (actively protects load)
• Logic level input

Ordering information

Device Reel size Tape width Quantity per reel

(inches) (mm)

BSP75NTA 7 12mm embossed 1000

Device marking

Issue 4 - September 2006 1

© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

This datasheet has been downloaded from at this page


Functional block diagram

Over voltage


Over current
Human body
ESD protection Logic
Over temperature

• Especially suited for loads with a high in-rush current such as lamps and motors.
• All types of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads in switching applications.
• ␮C compatible power switch for 12V and 24V DC applications.
• Automotive rated.
• Replaces electromechanical relays and discrete circuits.
Linear mode capability - the current-limiting protection circuitry is designed to de-activate at low
Vds, in order not to compromise the load current during normal operation. The design maximum
DC operating current is therefore determined by the thermal capability of the package/board
combination, rather than by the protection circuitry. This does not compromise the products
ability to self protect itself at low VDS.

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© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

Absolute maximum ratings

Parameter Symbol Limit Unit

Continuous drain-source voltage VDS 60 V
Drain-source voltage for short circuit protection VIN = 5V VDS(SC) 36 V
Drain-source voltage for short circuit protection VIN = 10V VDS(SC) 20 V
Continuous input voltage VIN -0.2 ... +10 V
Peak input voltage VIN -0.2 ... +20 V
Operating temperature range T j, -40 to +150 °C
Storage temperature range Tstg -55 to +150 °C

Power dissipation at TA =25°C (a) PD 1.5 W

Power dissipation at TA =25°C (c) PD 0.6 W

Continuous drain current @ VIN=10V; TA=25°C (a) ID 1.3 A

Continuous drain current @ VIN=5V; TA=25°C (a) ID 1.1 A

Continuous drain current @ VIN=5V; TA=25°C (c) ID 0.7 A

Continuous source current (body diode) (a) IS 2.0 A

Pulsed source current (body diode) (b) IS 3.3 A

Unclamped single pulse inductive energy EAS 550 mJ
Load dump protection VLoadDump 80 V
Electrostatic discharge (human body model) VESD 4000 V
DIN humidity category, DIN 40 040 E
IEC climatic category, DIN IEC 68-1 40/150/56

Thermal resistance
Parameter Symbol Limit Unit
Junction to ambient (a) R⍜JA 83 °C/W

Junction to ambient (b) R⍜JA 45 °C/W

Junction to ambient (c) R⍜JA 208 °C/W

(a) For a device surface mounted on 25mm x 25mm x 1.6mm FR4 board with a high coverage of single sided 2oz weight
copper. Allocation of 6cm2 copper 33% to source tab and 66% to drain pin with tab and drain pin electrically isolated.
(b) For a device surface mounted on FR4 board as (a) and measured at t<=10s.
(c) For a device surface mounted on FR4 board with the minimum copper required for connections.

Issue 4 - September 2006 3

© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

Electrical characteristics (at TAMB = 25°C unless otherwise stated)

Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions
Static characteristics
Drain-source clamp voltage VDS(AZ) 60 70 75 V ID=10mA
Off-state drain current IDSS 0.1 3 ␮A VDS=12V, VIN=0V
Off-state drain current IDSS 3 15 ␮A VDS=32V, VIN=0V
Input threshold voltage (*) VIN(th) 1 2.1 V VDS=VGS, ID=1mA
Input current IIN 0.7 1.2 mA VIN=+5V
Input current IIN 1.5 2.7 mA VIN=+7V
Input current IIN 4 7 mA VIN=+10V
Static drain-source on-state RDS(on) 520 675 m⍀ VIN=+5V, ID=0.7A
Static drain-source on-state RDS(on) 385 550 m⍀ VIN=+10V, ID=0.7A
Current limit (†) ID(LIM) 0.7 1.0 1.5 A VIN=+5V, VDS>5V
Current limit(†) ID(LIM) 1.0 1.8 2.3 A VIN=+10V, VDS>5V
Dynamic characteristics
Turn-on time (VIN to 90% ID) ton 3.0 10 ␮s RL=22⍀, VDD=12V,
VIN=0 to +10V
Turn-off time (VIN to 90% ID) toff 13 20 ␮s RL=22⍀, VDD=12V,
VIN=+10V to 0V
Slew rate on (70 to 50% VDD) -dVDS/dton 8 20 V/␮s RL=22⍀, VDD=12V,
VIN=0 to +10V
Slew rate off (50 to 70% VDD) DVDS/dtoff 3.2 10 V/␮s RL=22⍀, VDD=12V,
VIN=+10V to 0V
Protection functions (‡)
Required input voltage for VPROT 4.5 V
over temperature protection
Thermal overload trip TJT 150 175 °C
Thermal hysteresis 1 °C
Unclamped single pulse EAS 550 mJ ID(ISO)=0.7A,
inductive energy Tj=25°C VDD=32V
Unclamped single pulse 200 mJ ID(ISO)=0.7A,
inductive energy Tj=150°C VDD=32V
Inverse diode
Source drain voltage VSD 1 V VIN=0V, -ID=1.4A

(*) The drain current is limited to a reduced value when VDS exceeds a safe level.
(†) Protection features may operate outside spec for VIN<4.5V.
(‡) Integrated protection functions are designed to prevent IC destruction under fault conditions described in the
datasheet. Fault conditions are considered as "outside" normal operating range. Protection functions are not designed
for continuous, repetitive operation.

Issue 4 - September 2006 4

© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

Application information
The current-limit protection circuitry is designed to de-activate at low VDS to prevent the load
current from being unnecessarily restricted during normal operation. The design max DC
operating current is therefore determined by the thermal capability of the package/board
combination, rather than by the protection circuitry (see graph on page 7 'Typical Output
Characteristic'). This does not compromise the products ability to self protect at low VDS.
The overtemperature protection circuit trips at a minimum of 150°C. So the available package
dissipation reduces as the maximum required ambient temperature increases. This leads to the
following maximum recommended continuous operating currents.

Minimum copper area characteristics

For minimum copper condition as described in note (c)

Max. ambient temperature Tamb Maximum continuous current

VIN = 5V VIN = 10V
25°C @ VIN = 5V 720 840
70°C @ VIN = 5V 575 670
85°C @ VIN = 5V 520 605
125°C @ VIN = 5V 320 375

Issue 4 - September 2006 5

© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

Large copper area characteristics

For large copper area as described in note (a)

Max. ambient temperature Tamb Maximum continuous current

VIN = 5V VIN = 10V

25°C @ VIN = 5V 1140 1325

70°C @ VIN = 5V 915 1060
85°C @ VIN = 5V 825 955
125°C @ VIN = 5V 510 590

Issue 4 - September 2006 6

© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

Typical characteristics

Issue 4 - September 2006 7

© Zetex Semiconductors plc 2006

Package outline - SOT223

Dim. Millimeters Inches Dim. Millimeters Inches

Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
A - 1.80 - 0.071 e 2.30 BSC 0.0905 BSC
A1 0.02 0.10 0.0008 0.004 e1 4.60 BSC 0.181 BSC
b 0.66 0.84 0.026 0.033 E 6.70 7.30 0.264 0.287
b2 2.90 3.10 0.114 0.122 E1 3.30 3.70 0.130 0.146
C 0.23 0.33 0.009 0.013 L 0.90 - 0.355 -
D 6.30 6.70 0.248 0.264 - - - - -
Note: Controlling dimensions are in millimeters. Approximate dimensions are provided in inches

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