21b Spiritism in The Bible and Church Franz Schumi

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Great spiritual enlightenment for every Christian
and spiritualist about religion

As dictated to
Franz Schumi

Nr. 21b


Translated from German to English in 2020

1. The big difference between prayer-spiritism and
experimental spiritism
1. All interaction with spirits is called spiritism in Latin, but there must be a big dividing wall
between prayer-spiritism and experimental spiritism. Prayer-spiritism merely interacts with
heaven, but the experimental spiritism of today's spiritists usually interacts with lower spirits
from below and so up to the second paradise or summer-land of the spiritists; Heavenly spirits
never communicate in spiritism, although even very low spirits pretend to be high, heavenly
spirits in order to have greater appeal and adherence.

2. Spirits quote all spiritists and some also summon them (!), and this is an abomination in My
eyes; for the law of Moses concerning necromancy, quoting of spirits and questioning them, I
have given Myself and never revoked it.

2. Education about the term Spiritism

I want to refute the claims of the priests, teachers of religion and other ignorant Bible readers,
who are trying to make you believe that Christian Theosophy or the teaching of Divine wisdom
is spiritism. I want to give you a revelation which you will need very much not to judge the dust
in your neighbour's house instead of sweeping up the large piles of rubbish in your own house.
After this brief introduction, let us get down to business.

3. What is Spiritism?
1. Spiritism is any interaction of people with spirits, be it with one or with several. But the
proof that the Christian faith is a faith in which spiritism is practiced continually, is demonstrated
in the following by facts from the Bible, the Church and the ordinary everyday life of Christians.

2. The name Spiritism comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning "spirit", and the word appendix
"ismus", which means the inner core contained in the word spiritus, hence the belief in spirit, the
essence of spirit and the interaction with spirit and spirits.

3. The term spiritist again refers to the person who believes in spirits, addresses them with
words or prayer or consorts with them in any other way, because the appendix "is" (Latin "ista")
means the person who interacts with the spirit or ghost, whatever it may be.

4. There is no faith at all that is not spiritism, because every faith is based on invisible,
spiritual beings that act or intervene in the destinies of believers in an all- or much-knowing,
helping, deciding, protecting or damaging way. Just look into the faith and the religious cult of
all peoples of the earth from once and now, and you will everywhere find this trail of
supersensoric faith in the invisible power and effect of the spiritual being.

5. As the many religious beliefs of the old and new covenant show, the belief in spirits was
always present, man prayed to invisible beings - that is, spirits in stones, the other in carved
and sculpted figures, the third in living animals, the fourth to the sun, the moon, the fifth to other
imaginary creatures, to which he attributed supernatural powers and forces as influences on his
well-being or woe, and with which he affiliate with in a friendly manner through sacrifices and try
to pray to.

6. That was pure spiritism in the pagan sense; but doesn't today's Christian do the same?! Yes,
he certainly does, only the name is different. Even the cult of the tree still exists in Christianity,
which is the belief in the miraculous multiplication of the Cross of Christ in Rome, that one can
cut off as much as one wants, it always replaces itself, like once the loaves and fishes at the
feeding of the 5000 men by Me, Jesus, on a mountain near the Sea of Galilee. Mark the
following fact:

7. All angels were once piously living people; all angels are spirits.

8. All spirits, whether good or evil, were once people living in the flesh.

9. You cannot go to heaven or paradise until you become spirits.

10. Therefore, all religious teaching is also a spiritual teaching because it comes from the King
of Spirits, Jesus Jehovah - since I, Jesus, am a chief Spirit of all spirits.

11. As you know from the letters of Paul, God dwells as Spirit in the heart of your soul, and your
soul is also a spirit, otherwise you would see it with your carnal eyes; the visible flesh-body is a
tool and dwelling animated by the soul, with which the spirit of your soul materially manifests
itself, otherwise the flesh-body is a corpse when the soul leaves it.

12. In the dream you see yourself, but you do not see your flesh-body lying in bed as if dead,
but the thought-body of your soul - hence a spirit - and this spirit communicates with spirits of
living and dead people. Therefore your dreams are interactions with spirits, because hardly
does man fall asleep, when the soul is already among the spirits - otherwise man could not fall
asleep at all if the soul, as the life in man, would not leave him. But as soon as it is outside the
body, it already lives and communicates with the spirit-world and that is the case with all sleep.
Therefore, you humans are all spirits.

4. Spiritualism
From this short preliminary instruction as introduction to the understanding of the now following
explanations, you see that your whole life is an interaction with spirits because God is spirit, the
angels are spirits, the blessed are good spirits, the devils are evil spirits; You are spirits in the
flesh by day, but in sleep, you are spirits like the dead, as your dreams teach you. Your faith is
spiritualism or the faith in all invisible beings and states of the spirit realm, because if this were
not so, you would see God, the angels, the blessed and the devils, but they are all spirits and
therefore you do not see them with the eyes of flesh.

5. Proof of the Truth

1. Since the colossal heresies of both Roman and Bible-Christians have already been widely
discussed and explained in various books of Christian Theosophy, it is not appropriate to repeat
the former here, but rather to read the books in question, and one will find the truth from a
myriad of explanations that today's Christians are stuck in a swamp of sins because they no
longer know the true teachings of Christ.

2. Happy is the Christian who takes matters into his own hands and strives to live a good, moral
life pleasing to God, and eagerly searches where the true doctrine is and whether it agrees with
the love of God.

6. Spiritism in the Bible

1. Because Christian Theosophy is even so much suspected of being spiritism, one must
therefore prove to the false converts from the Bible that Christianity is the interaction with
spirits, because - as already said above:

2. All angels are the spirits of deceased people.

3. All spirits were once people, and is nothing other than souls of the deceased, and …

4. I, Jesus, am Spirit Myself, as the deceased Messiah, Who once travelled Palestine and the
bordering countries as a man and taught the people.

5. No message was received by the prophets from their own point of view, but they were either
visions or messages from the angel spirit "Jehovah", who once lived as a human being, or they
were manifestations of the spirits under the name of angels.

6. Every contact with one or more spirits is called spiritismus in Latin, and God is just as much
Spirit as an angel or any other spirit, whether he is good or evil, because the father is always
formed like his child, so the spirit cannot be another formed spirit in persona than I, Jesus, your
God and Father Himself am. The difference is only in the constitution, but not in the person.

7. A main teacher of the spirit-faith was I, Jesus Myself, by teaching: God is a ghost or spirit -
and whoever wants to worship Him must worship Him in spirit "spiritu" and in truth. (1 John

8. When you associate with God through prayer, your spirit or soul associates with the Spirit of
God; therefore you practice spiritismus, because your spiritus speaks to the Spiritus Sanctus or
to the Holy Spirit, praises Him and recites your petition to Him in prayer.

7. Spiritism in the Church

1. Like the spiritists go to a circle meeting, so the Christians come to the church for the meeting.

2. Christians come to the assembly because where there are two or three in My name, I, Jesus,
am the third or fourth in the covenant of the assembly. In the church there is prayer, singing,
music and preaching; it is the same in the circle assembly, because the links that close the
chain must be brought into a united, devotional mood through prayer, singing or music; the
same happens in the church. In the church a Spirit in the flesh preaches; in the circle meeting,
the spirit must also enter the flesh and speak or materialize through the trance medium. That
is, through human fluid, a material-spiritual flesh is formed in order to appear as man and
preach entirely as a human in the flesh.

3. In the circle session, if it is formed by pious people, if it is done correctly, and if a divine
writing-medium or divine trance-medium is present, then I dictate and the medium writes
consciously, or I speak through the trance medium. So this is much higher and holier than in
your churches.

4. For in your churches sinful spirits preache in the flesh, and this is tantamount to lowly,
spiritistic circle-meetings, wherever the spirits step into the flesh of the medium and write with
its hand; or they speak through a spirit-trance medium. But the preaching of spiritism is often
higher and closer to the truth than that of your priests as spirits in the flesh, because the spirits
often preach from their experience, but the priests preach from their regulations and false
human statutes. That this also happens in spiritistic sermons is self-evident, because the spirit
of the deceased takes the religious knowledge of earthly life with it and does not know any
others there at first. The own experience and the enlightenment by other spirits, civilizes the
arrival in the spirit realm.

5. Therefore, do not judge colours like the blind man, neither spiritism nor Christian Theosophy.
Spiritism is in many doctrines higher than the church doctrine; but Christian Theosophy is
directly from Me, Jesus Christ, your God, Redeemer and Saviour - therefore incomparable with
your churchly human rules, which do not lead to Me in heaven, because they are wrong
interpretations of the Bible, [created] out of selfishness for the purpose of earning money and
the lust for honour and lordship finely forged together rules of man.

6. The claims of your priests that the spirits in the spiritistic circles are devils from the followers
of fallen Satan and not souls of deceased people, come from the boundless spiritual darkness
and ignorance in the spiritual equivalent of the Bible, so you hear nothing but human ignorance
in your churches.

7. You are as firmly established in your church statutes as once the heathen were in their
doctrine of the gods. Darkness and nonsense was with the idolatrous heathens, darkness from
the wrong interpretation of the Bible is with the churches and sects. Just as the pagans raged
against Christianity, so then the Roman Pontiffs raged against poor Christians through their
Inquisition, which also the Protestant nominal Christians imitated for as long as they could. But
now they preach and write against something they do not understand, so they judge colours like
the blind.

8. Spiritual Correspondence Language

1. All the letters of the prophets, from Moses to the last Old Testament prophet, are not written
in human language, but in spiritual correspondence or in spiritual language, so today's material
world does not understand them and infers completely wrong literal concepts.

2. The New Covenant also has many spiritual correspondences; the Revelation of John is
especially incomprehensible among them. The language of the Bible is therefore written in the
spirit-language correspondences, and therefore so many contradictions in their interpretations,
because the Spirit of Truth is not involved in the interpretations. It is the same as with dreams,
which are also spiritual correspondences, which you do not know how to interpret. Hence
spiritism: By day you read spiritualistic records of the Bible or the doctrine of faith; but at night
you commune with spirits of the deceased who frighten and torment you as horses, dogs and
other evil animals.

3. Here at last you have the letters of the prophets and the revelation of John explained, and
there you see what a darkness the priests and teachers of the faith once taught you as Divine

9. God as Spirit
Because I, Jehovah, had no personal body of My own in Christ before the incarnation, I always
showed Myself in the form of an angel through whom I spoke; therefore, the Israelites said: We
have seen the angel of Jehovah speaking, the angel of Jehovah coming, etc. And this angel,
who represented Me, Jehovah, through his body, both on Mount Sinai and elsewhere, was once
a human being in the primordial central sun Urka, which is called Regulus on earth. Thus, I let
the spirit of a deceased person represent and made Me visible as Jehovah.



10. Clarification of the meaning of the word angel

The term angel does not mean the person himself, it is just a term: An-gelus, which means
"servant of God" in Celtic-Greek, in Latin it is "servus Dei". Now the priests also call
themselves servants of God and yet they are not angels. An angel is, according to the usual
assumption, a spirit who has lived and died as a human being on some world before. That is
the fact or truth. All the patriarchs, prophets, apostles and pious people who distinguished
themselves on this side or beyond the grave, have been and still are servants of God and
therefore, angels. The name an-gelus is translated as 'God's messenger', but this meaning
does not lie in the word gelus, which is the same as the Celtic gila, which means a servant, for
example gila na neb "servant of heaven". Messenger of God or God's messenger means: A-
post-olus. Every angel is therefore the spirit of a deceased person.

11. The angel of Jehovah speaks in clairvoyance and in a

dream to Abraham . . .
... through which the son Isaac was promised to Abraham. On that day, I made a covenant with
Abraham and promised him for his seed (descendants) the land from the Nile River of Egypt to
the Euphrates River in Babylon as a possession. (Genesis 15)
12. The angel of Jehovah speaks with Hagar
When the maid Hagar escaped from Sarah, Abraham's wife, I spoke to her visibly through the
angel, commanding her to return and humble herself under Sarah, and call the son she
received from Abraham, Ishmael. (Gen 16:1-13)

13. The visible angelic spirits

1. In the year 2077 after Adam's creation, 3 men appeared to Abraham - he did not know them
at first, but he offered, according to Oriental custom, to wash their feet and eat and drink, what
they accepted. It was only when one of the three men said: "Certainly nothing is impossible for
Jehovah," that Abraham realized that Jehovah was speaking to him through His angel, about
the pregnancy of Sarah, 89 years old. (Gen. Chap. 18)

2. Here were 3 angels, that is 3 spirits (but not materialized) present, the food and drink was not
of human kind, because once ingested, it was transformed into spiritual substance - that is, it
was transformed into spiritual matter. From this can be seen that this was the purest interaction
with spirits of three deceased people who had to fulfill their mission here.

14. God visible through the angel

2 Moses 24:10,11,12,17 - Then they saw the God of Israel, and under His feet something as
bright as sapphire and pure as the heavens themselves. and they looked at God .... and
Jehovah said to Moses, "Climb up to Me on the mountain” ... and the appearance of the glory of
Jehovah was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the sons of Israel.

15. Jehovah speaks personally through the angelic spirit

2 Moses 9:12,13 - But the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart that he would not listen to what
Jehovah said to Moses. Then the LORD said to Moses, "Arise early in the morning and stand
before Pharaoh and say to him, 'This is what the God of the Hebrews said: "Release My people
so that they may serve Me.”

16. The Spirit of Jehovah speaks to Daniel through the

person of the angel
The prophet Daniel asks Me for information about the fate of the people of Israel in the future.
Then I, Jehovah, appeared to him and gave him the same information that is written in Daniel,
chapters 10-12.
17. Jehovah's appearance in the form of an angelic spirit
As I have said before, in the old covenant I always appeared speaking through the figure of an
angel. This angel was My name-bearer, and through him, the Israelites saw Me interacting with
people, so I always communicated as a spirit through the spirit of another man. The same thing
happened with Melchizedek, king of Salem: for Melchizedek was I, Jehovah, in the likeness of
the angel of Urka and not another worldly king. (Read Hebrews 7:1-8)

18. Appearance of the angel of Jehovah in the burning bush

1. Moses tended the sheep of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest in Midian, and drove the
sheep behind the desert and came to the mountain of God, Horeb.

2. Then the angel of Jehovah appeared to him in a fiery flame from the bush. And Moses saw
that the bush was burning with fire and yet was not consumed.

3. Then Moses said, "I will go and see this great appearance, why the bush does not burn."

4. But when he went to see, I cried out to him, "Take off your shoes from your feet, for the place
on which you stand is holy ground. (Then I gave him the commission to lead the people of
Israel out of Egypt into Canaan. (2 Moses chapter 3; Acts 7:30-37))

19. Vision of Daniel, who sees the angel of Jehovah in

human form
Daniel 10, 5-8: And I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, there was a man clothed in
linen, and his loins were girded with gold of Uphas; and his body was like chrysolite (or topaz),
and his face like the appearance of lightning, and his eyes like torches of fire, and his arms and
feet like the sight of bright ores; and the voice of his words was like the voice of a multitude
(voices). And I, Daniel alone saw the vision; but the men who were with me did not see the
vision, but a great terror fell upon them, and they fled and hid themselves. And I was left alone,
and saw this great vision; and there remained no power in me; and the colour of my face was
changed on me to disfigurement, and I retained no power.

20. Jehovah's clouds of glory

1. The ark of the covenant of Jehovah was in the tabernacle of the congregation, and the cloud
of Jehovah was on the tabernacle by day, and by night the cloud was all fiery, like an
appearance of fire before the eyes of the whole house of Israel as long as they travelled.
(Exodus 40; Numbers 4:9,15). Compare the appearance of this cloud of Jehovah's light on the
great ocean in 1904: Love 1904, page 170, chapter 176.

2. 4 Moses 22 - Jehovah opened Balaam's eyes to see the angel of Jehovah standing in the
way and a bared sword in his hand, and Balaam bowed and bent down with his face.
3. Judges 6:11 - And the angel of Jehovah came and sat down under a terebinth [oak] in Ophra,
which was with Jehoash the Albarian, and his son Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress to
keep it from the Midianites. Then the angel of Jehovah appeared to him and said to him,
"Jehovah with you, you mighty man of war!" But Gideon said to him, "My lord, is Jehovah with
us? Why has all this happened to us? And where are all his miracles that our fathers told and
spoke? Jehovah brought us out of Egypt! But now Jehovah has forsaken us and given us into
the hands of the Midianites. But Jehovah turned to him and said, "Go in this thy strength, and
thou shalt deliver Israel out of the Midianite hands. Behold, I have sent you".

4. Judges 13:6-7 - And Manova's wife came and told her husband, saying: "A man of God
came unto me, and his countenance was like an angel of God, even terrible, that I asked him
not whence he was, or whither; and he told me not his name. And he said unto me, Behold,
thou shalt conceive, and bear a son, Samson. Now therefore drink not wine, nor strong drink,
nor eat any unclean thing: for the boy shall be a betrothed of God from his mother's womb unto
his death.”

5. 2 Kings 1:3 - But the angel of Jehovah spake unto Elijah the Tishbite, saying: "Go up, and
meet the messengers of the king in Samaria, and speak unto them: Is there no God in Israel,
that you go and ask Baalzebub the god of Ekron?”

6. 1 Moses 15:1 - After these stories it came to pass that the word of Jehovah came to Abram in
a vision (of a light) and said, "Fear not, Abram; I am your shield and its very great reward. And
Abram said, "Lord Jehovah, what will you give me? I am leaving here without children; and
Eliezer of Damascus will own my house."

7. 1 Moses 46:1 - Israel went with all that he had. And when he was come to Beer-sheba, he
offered sacrifices unto the God of Isaac his father. [2] And God said unto him by night in his
vision, " Jacob, Jacob!" And he said, "Here I am." And he said: "I am God, the God of your
father: fear not to go down into Egypt: for there will I make thee a great nation."

21. Jehovah as a fire

1. 2 Moses 3:1 - But Moses tended the sheep of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest in Midian,
and drove the sheep behind the desert, and came to Mount Horeb. And the angel of Jehovah
appeared to him in a fiery flame from the bush. And he saw that the bush burned with fire, and
was not consumed: [3] I will go and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.

2. 5 Moses 4:12 - Moses speaks to Israel: Jehovah spoke to you at Mount Sinai in the middle of
the fire; you heard the sound of the words, but you did not see a figure, only the sound.

3. Job 33:14 - For God spoke in one way and in another, but they did not respect it. In dreams,
in the night vision, when sleep falls on people, when they sleep on the bed, he opens the ear of
people and frightens them and chastises them.

4. Ezekiel 8:1-4 - And it came to pass in the sixth year, on the fifth day of the sixth month, that I
sat in my house, and the old men of Judah sat before me: and there the hand of the Lord
Jehovah fell upon me. And behold, I saw that it was like fire from His loins; but above His loins
it was bright as light; and He reached out like a hand and seized me by the hair of my head.
Then a wind brought me between heaven and earth, and brought me to Jerusalem in a vision of
God to the gate of the inner court, which is at midnight, and behold, there was an image to
displease the master of the house. And behold, there was the glory of the God of Israel, as I
had seen it before in the field.

5. Daniel 2:18-1 - That they might ask the God of heaven for mercy, that they might have this
hidden thing, that Daniel and his companions might not perish at Babylon with the other wise
men. Then was this hidden thing revealed to Daniel through a vision by night.

22. The Spirit of God as a white dove

John 1:32-33 - John said at the Jordan baptism, which took place on June 1 of the year 30: "I
saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and dwelling on Him. I did not know the
Messiah, but He sent me to baptize with water, He said to me, 'Upon whom you will see the
Spirit descending and dwelling over Him, He it is Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit'."

23. God's transfiguration as man

Matthew 17:1-2 - On October 17, year 31 - I, Jesus, took Peter, Jacob and his brother John with
Me and led them up to the high mountain Tabor. Then I was transfigured in the Spirit before
them, and My face shone like the sun and My clothes became white as snow.

24. The spirits of angels as humans

1. Matthew 28:1 - And when the sabbath was ended, and the first day of the week was come,
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great
earthquake. For the angel of Jehovah came down from heaven and came and rolled the stone
from the door and sat on it. And his countenance was as lightning, and his raiment white as
snow. The keepers were frightened out of their wits, and became as if dead. But the angel
answered and said to the women, "Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus

2. Luke 1:11-13 - But the angel of Jehovah appeared to Zachariah and stood at the altar of
incense with his right hand. And when Zachariah saw him, he was startled, and a fear came
over him. And the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zachariah; for your prayer is heard; and your
wife Elisabeth shall bear you a son, whose name you shall call John.

3. Luke 1:19 - The angel answered and said to him, "I am Gabriel, who stands before God, and
I have been sent to speak with you, that I may tell you these things.”

4. Luke 1:26-35 - And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city in Galilee
called Nazareth. To a virgin, who was entrusted to a man named Joseph, of the house of
David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came to her and said, "You are greeted,
you are blessed. The Lord is with you, blessed among women." And when she saw him, she
was astonished at his words, and thought: 'What greeting is this?' And the angel said unto her:
"Fear not Mary, for thou hast found favour with God. Behold, you shalt conceive and bear a
son, and you shalt call his name Jesus. He will be called great and a son of the Most High; and
God Jehovah will give Him the throne of His father David. And he will be king over the house of
Jacob forever, and there will be no end to his kingdom.” Then Mary said to the angel, "How is
this to be, since I know of no man?" The angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will
come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you."

5. Luke 2:9-11 - And behold, the angel of Jehovah came to them, and the clarity of the Lord
shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. And the angel spoke to them: Fear not,
behold, I declare unto you great joy, which shall be unto all the people: for unto you this day is
born the Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, in the city of David.

6. Luke 24:1-6 - But on the first day of the week very early, they came to the tomb, and the
spices they had prepared, and some with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the
sepulchre, and went in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. And when they were
troubled about it, behold, two men with shining clothes came to them. And they were afraid,
and smote their faces to the ground. And they said to them, "Why do you seek the living among
the dead? He's not here. He's risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in

7. John 20:11-12 - But Mary stood before the tomb and wept outside. As she wept, she looked
into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet,
because they had put the body of Jesus inside.

25. The Spirit of God in the form of fiery tongues

Acts 2:1-4 - On the day of Pentecost (17 May) they were all together in one accord. Then
suddenly there came down from heaven a sound like the sound of a great storm wind, and it
filled the whole house where they were sitting together. And there appeared over them tongues
like fire, and it descended upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and
began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit prompted them to speak.

26. The spiritual voice of the angel of Jehovah without

seeing the person of the angel
1 Moses 22:10-12 - And Abraham stretched out his hand and took hold of the knife, that he
might slay his son. And the angel of the Lord called unto him from heaven, and said, Abraham!
Abraham! He answered: Here I am. And he said, Lay not your hand upon the lad, and hurt him
not: for now I know that you fear God, and hast not spared your only son for My sake.

27. Jehovah calls Samuel (without him seeing Jehovah)

1 Samuel 3 - I, Jehovah, called Samuel four times, telling him the punishment over the house of
Eli, because Eli did not punish the shamefulness of his sons.
28. The voice of Jehovah through the angel
The prophet Ezekiel (1:28) writes: Just as the rainbow looks like on the clouds when it has
rained, so it shone around and around (in the firmament). Such was the sight of the glory of
Jehovah, and when I saw this, I fell on my face, and there I heard the voice of one speaking,

29. Voice of Jehovah in the Temple on the Palm Festival

1. John 12:28-31 - When I, Jesus, was in the temple on the Palm Festival Day, I said in My grief
at the obduracy of the Jews:

2. Father, glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven: “I have glorified Him, and will
glorify Him again.” But this voice was heard in the heart of every man, though it was heard as if
it had come down from heaven.

3. Then the people who stood and listened said, "It thundered." Others said, "An angel spoke
to Him."

4. I answered and said, "This voice was not for my sake, but for yours.”

5. “Now is the judgement of the world, now will the prince of this world be cast out.”

30. Spiritual voice of the invisible Saviour Jesus

Acts 9:1-5 - At the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus, Saul heard the voice: "Saul,
Saul, why do you persecute Me?" - Now ask Saul: "Lord, who are you?" And the answer was: "I
am Jesus, whom you persecute!"

31. Spiritual voice of God (in the year 43)

Acts 11:5-17 -

[5] I was in the city of Joppa in prayer and saw in rapture an apparition, a vessel, like
a great linen cloth with four corners, descending from heaven and coming towards
[6] Then I heard a voice saying to me, Get up, Peter, slaughter and eat.
[7] And I said, “Oh Lord, nothing forbidden or unclean has ever come into my mouth.”
[8] But the voice from heaven came again and said, "What God declares clean, you
do not consider unclean.”
[9] This happened three times, then everything was pulled up again.
[10] And behold, at that very moment three men stood outside the house where I
was, sent to me from Caesarea.
[11] But the spirit spoke to me that I should go with them and not doubt. But these six
brothers came with me and we went into the man's house.
[12] And he told us how he had seen an angel standing in his house, saying to him,
"Send men to Joppa and let Simon, whose given is Peter, come to you.

[13] He will tell you words that will bring you and your whole house bliss.
[14] Now when I began to speak, the Holy Spirit appeared upon them as He
appeared upon us in the first beginning (at Pentecost).
[15] Then I remembered the words of the Lord when He said, "John baptized with
water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
[16] If God has given them (as pious Gentiles who believe in Him) the same gifts as
He gave us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in the beginning, who was I that
I could have defended God or allowed Him to do so?
[17] When the rest of the apostles and brethren heard this, they calmed themselves,
thanked God, and said, "Thus God also gave repentance to the Gentiles for life."

32. The voice of Jehovah

ChtS. IX, 6-8: When Mary came to her aunt Elizabeth in Gabatha, the child John, who was
already over 5 months old and later became the Baptist at the Jordan, was jumping in the
womb of the mother, and there the Spirit of Jehovah spoke softly in the child as the voice of the
child: Mother, go, go hastily, for it is the mother of my God and your Lord, my God and your
God, who knocks at the door and visits you in peace!1

33. Jehovah's own voice as Jesus

1. Matthew 17:4-5 - While Peter was still speaking at the transfiguration on Mount Tabor,
behold, a bright cloud surrounded them, and out of the cloud, a voice spoke: This is My dear
son, in whom I am well pleased, whom you shall hear.

2. Since I Myself testified, "The Father or Jehovah is in Me," so it will be obvious to you from
where the voice came, though it came from the cloud.

34. Jesus as spirit

Because God is spirit and therefore your religious teaching is spiritual teaching, therefore I,
Jesus, said: My words are spirit and life, but because God is spirit, My word cannot be anything
else than Spirit of God, and this Spirit is the Creator and the Life of the universe, it is the Spirit
of the Love and Wisdom of God stepped into the flesh in Me, Christ.
35. Jesus as King of spirits
John 18:37 - I said before Pilate: I am king, but My kingdom is not of this world (but of the spirit
and the spirits).

36. Jesus as Spirit after the Resurrection

After the resurrection, My body was a spirit - a spirit, because I was only seen then when I
opened the spiritual eyes of men. Therefore My interaction with men after My resurrection was
bodily spiritism.

37. Jesus went as a spirit along with the two disciples to

Luke 24:15-31 - When I went with the two disciples to Emmaus, I went as a spirit, for I died on
the cross and was laid in the grave as a corpse. And when the two disciples recognized Me, I
closed their spiritual eyes, and therefore I disappeared before their fleshly eyes, although I still
stood with them spiritually.

38. The Spirit of the deceased Messiah appeared

John 20:19-29 - I came as a spirit in the evening after the resurrection from the dead, because
when the doors were closed, I was suddenly found standing among the apostles and had to
eat, in order to diminish their fear and terror. So it also happened eight days later, when
Thomas was also among them.

39. The Spirit of Jesus appear at the sea of Tiberias

John 21:1-13 - When I appeared to the fishing disciples on April 27th, after the resurrection that
took place on March 27th at the lake of Tiberias, and said to Peter: "Feed My lambs and
sheep”, this only happened in spiritual form, since My body was not flesh - therefore I had to
open the spiritual eyes and ears of the disciples so that they could see and hear Me.

40. Jesus as Spirit on the day of ascension

At the ascension, 670 believers present saw Me, but only with the spiritual eyes, because I was
a ghost, or spirit; - so at that time they saw Moses, who was the deceased father of Elijah,
namely the high priest Zachariah, son of Barachias, and so also Elijah, who was the deceased
John the Baptist at the Jordan.
41. Christ as God and Spirit
Luke 9:28-32 - At the transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the three apostles John, Jacob and Peter
saw Me in radiant light as the Spirit of God, and of course that they only saw with opened
spiritual eyes the spirits of the deceased, Moses and Elijah, who spoke to Me at that time.

42. God's radiance and words to Saul

1. Acts 9:1-5 - On the journey to Damascus, when Saul wanted to capture the Christ confessors
and bring them to Jerusalem for the temple judgement, suddenly a light from heaven shone
around him, so that he became blind and I told him that it was Me, Jesus, Whom he was

2. The light that made him blind was My Divine light-ray, which he could not bear with fleshly
eyes, and the voice was the natural voice of God, which can be heard both in and outside of

3. Acts 22:11- But the next day, in the night, the Lord stood with him, saying: Be of good cheer,
Paul, for as you have borne witness of Me in Jerusalem, so must you bear witness in Rome.

43. The Holy Spirit

Every man knows that God is a spirit, and so the Father, the Son and the One who goes forth
from Father and Son, is a spirit. As all three attributes are spirits in God, God can therefore be
nothing else but a spirit, which is called "Holy Spirit", and Who is the outpouring of grace and
the effect of power from Father and Son, or from Love and Wisdom in God.

44. Conscience as the Spirit of God

On Ascension Day I said to My disciples the truth of the world:” I am with you (as Spirit, since
no-one sees Me) until the end of the world.”


45. The Ten Commandments
2 Moses 19:13-19 - But when I, Jehovah, gave the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel,
Moses and the people saw Me speaking only through the body of a medium, the angel of
46. The Angel of Jehovah - Urkanus
All of Jehovah's interaction with the people of the Old Covenant took place through the body of
the archangel from the primordial central sun Urka, because God had no body of His own until
the incarnation in Christ; therefore, the angel named Urkanus was the medium or mediator
through whom I made Myself known to men.

47. Enoch as verbal medium

1. Household of God I, ch 138, 4: I, Jehovah, called (in 919) Enoch as My interpreter or
speaking medium, because My Spirit spoke through him to Adam and his children in the awake

2. All the angels who sent a message in My name were direct media as messengers of My will
to men.

3. And all prophets were mediums of God through which I spoke and gave them orders and
teachings for kings and the people.

4. The apostles are also mediums, for through them, the original Christians received My
teaching, as I said at the last supper: "The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send
in My name, is to teach you everything and remind you of everything I have told you. (John

48. Gabriel as verbal medium

1. Daniel 8:16 - The archangel Gabriel explained Daniel's vision about the four great kingdoms
of the world, so Gabriel was the medium between God and Daniel.

2. Luke 1:19-26 - The same Gabriel spoke to the high priest Zachariah, to whom he announced
the birth of the son John, the later Baptist at the Jordan, and after 5 months, the same Gabriel
brought the message to Mary that she would become the bearer and mother of the body of

49. The apostle John as verbal medium

The Revelation of John came through the Spirit of Christ, and John was the medium to whom I,
God, revealed Myself.
50. Christian-Theosophical writing-mediums
As the angels, arch-fathers, prophets and apostles were My media and mediators between Me,
Jehovah in Jesus and mankind, so today's writers of the Father are My mediums or mediators
between Me, Jehovah Jesus, and mankind.



51. Every human is a spirit and interact with spirits

1. Man is a spirit in the flesh. Every man experiences this fact through dreams, for when man
dreams, with few exceptions, he never sees his sleeping flesh-body lying in bed as if dead, but
sees himself as the same person as in day-consciousness, and he interacts with known living
people and with known and unknown deceased.

2. Since the deceased are spirits - and spirits cannot be seen with fleshly eyes, therefore -
because the sleeping flesh-body is not active and one does not see the spirits with fleshly eyes
- the proof that while dreaming, man is a spirit that lives, moves, thinks, sees, hears and speaks
as a soul with others like him - who must be spirits, otherwise they could not associate with
people who sleep, far away somewhere and so not even with people who have already died.

52. Human interaction with angelic spirits

1. Interaction with angels in the Old Covenant is surely interaction with spirits, because there
are no other angels than the spirits of the deceased.

2. The Roman Church teaches to pray to protective spirits and guardian angels.

3. They have canonised the deceased, that is, spirits or ghosts in myriads, and prays and
teaches praying to them. Thus the Roman Church teaches a continuous spiritism with the

4. The archangel Gabriel, who brought the message to Mary, was the spirit of the deceased
arch-father Jared from the time of Adam.

53. Protecting spirits are deceased people

1. Plutarch, in his conversation between Lamprius and Ammonius, remarks: "If the demons or
guardian spirits who watch over men are disembodied souls, we must not doubt that those
spirits possessed - even at the time of their life in the flesh - the properties which now belong to
them, for we have no reason to suppose that they acquired new qualities when they were
separated from the flesh.
2. Father Jesus: These abilities had already been given to them in the flesh, although they were
temporarily darkened by sin and only occasionally showed themselves to be present.


54. The angel of Jehovah as a materialised spirit

As often as the archangel Urkanus appeared as Jehovah's medium and became visible to the
Israelites, this happened through the consolidation of the spiritual body, a spiritual
materialization that could be seen with the flesh-eyes, which often occurred in the Old

55. The Spirit of Jehovah called the archangel Gabriel to

explain a vision to Daniel
Daniel 8:1-26 - Daniel saw a face he did not understand, so I, Jehovah, commanded the
archangel Gabriel to explain it, which encompasses the conditions of the last time before My
return. In order to do this, Gabriel had to make himself visible and consolidate this form.

56. The archangel Raphael as the spirit of a deceased man

At the time of Tobias, the spirit of the archangel Raphael appeared and led the young Tobias to
Rages and back to his parents. But this Raphael was the spirit of the deceased son Azariah of
the great Ananja, i.e. the spirit of an earthly deceased whom they knew well, so this was a
spiritualistic act. Raphael, materialized as the deceased Azariah and appeared like the
materialized spirits in spiritistic circles, but only on a much larger scale, because in spiritistic
circles, the materialization lasts only a short time, but here a full 45 days. Let's take it any way
you like, Raphael was the spirit of a well-known deceased, and therefore he seemed to be
spiritistic; it was a spiritualistic interaction, and as the spirits in spiritualistic circles announce
remedies for various diseases, so did the spirit of Raphael with the bile of a fish, healing the
eyes of blind Tobias and then disappearing again. (Book of Tobias)

57. The spirit of the archangel Gabriel

When the archangel Gabriel brought the message to Zachariah and then to Mary, he was both
times so solidified, that he was seen with material eyes.

58. The Spirit of Christ as solidified Spirit

Also I, Jesus, was materially solidified several times after the resurrection, because I allowed
My flesh and bones to be touched, as can be read with John in chapters 20 and 21.

59. Direct spiritual writing

The Ten Commandments of God, which Moses received at Mount Sinai, were written by the
spiritual fingers of the Spirit of God. (2 Moses 24:12; - 31:18; -32:16; -34:1; 5 Moses 22; -9:10)

60. The vision of the writing spirit-hand (Jehovah) in

Daniel 5:5,25 - At that moment, the fingers of a man's hand appeared and wrote on the
whitewashed wall of the royal hall opposite the lampstand, "Mene, mene tekel, upharsin," and
the king of Belshazzar saw the hand that wrote.

61. The possessed

1. These are possessed by deceased, evil people who are now evil spirits or devils. I, Jesus,
also once cast out such evil spirits from the possessed ones brought to Me.

2. Today's possessed are among these madmen, epileptics and some hysterical ones.

3. After I have illuminated the matter to you that all your life is spiritism because your body is
not a man, but is only a dwelling and an instrument of a spirit and therefore everything you do is
a spiritual life, striving, thinking, speaking, doing and letting go, we want to move from the highly
spiritual spiritism, which consists in interaction with God, to that of the lower spiritism, which is
interaction mostly with the hellish spirits of sinfully deceased people, and only with one small
exception, with the better spirits.
Father Jesus explains the falsity of this interaction, which in His eyes is an
abomination - and anyone who knowingly engages in this interaction despite
the prohibition by Moses, will be punished with hell, since he usually
communicates with the spirits of hell.

62. The religion of the spiritists

The American psychic Jackson Davis, the father of modern spiritism - misled by his lying spirits
- denied Me, Christ as God and declared Me to be an ordinary man; and according to their
father, most spiritists have changed their Christian faith. - Therefore, let yourselves be taught
what spiritism is indeed like.

63. The Spiritist Confession

1. We believe nothing and do not want to believe anything, but know everything, and as
spiritists we know what is enough for the happiness and well-being of every human being: 1.
that a just God exists, 2. that we are immortal. (From the original letter of a spiritually sound

2. How do the spiritualists know that a just God exists? They know it from the communications
with the spirits described in spiritist books. But because these spirits as men said the same
thing and God can neither be proved experimentally by spirits nor by men, therefore the
spiritists are half dogmatist, because they believe in words and half intellectually, because they
proceed experimentally.

3. Furthermore, spiritualists recognize only one just God, but if there were only one just God,
and not an infinitely patient and loving God, He would have long ago declared the whole Italian
people, young and old, man and woman, extremely blasphemously, "p. Dio", "p. Madonna", to
be a herd of swine. Now think if someone were to speak to a gentleman and the king or
sovereign stood beside him, and the speaker would boldly say: I - your "king", would that not be
the greatest insult to his majesty? And what is a king against God, the almighty and most holy
Creator of the heavenly worlds and the earth? And look, the Croatian has the swinish and
ungodly word "j. - Boga" and the Hungarian has the "b. - Kristusad" or "b. - Istenem" in his
godforsaken mouth. These are the curses. If God were not all-merciful, then where Hungary
and Croatia with Slavonia and Dalmatia lie, would have been the same for a long time already,
what is above the city of the flooded Hanoch in the Caspian Sea. From this the spiritists can
see that their faith is an incorrect one. Woe unto you! If only I, God, were a just God. But such
wrong views and disregard only come from atheistic teachings that teach that everything arises
out of itself and therefore rob Me, God, first of all of all nimbus and finally of existence. But the
great time of times has already arrived, there will be light - I, God, will no longer let Myself be
blasphemed. Look at the so-called natural events and misfortunes of this or that kind, then it
becomes clear to you how high the world-time hour-hand points.
64. God's Word regarding interaction with spirits
1. 2 Moses 20:1-7 - And God said all these words: I am Jehovah your God, Who brought you
out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of service. Thou shalt have no other gods besides
Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, nor any likeness of what is above in
heaven, nor of what is below on earth, nor of what is in the water under the earth; worship them
not, nor serve them; for I, Jehovah your God, am a zealous God, who afflicts the iniquity of the
fathers to the children to the third and fourth generation [of those] who hate Me. (Jer 31:29,30;
Ezek 18:2,3,20) And show mercy to many thousands who love Me and keep My
commandments. You must not misuse the name of Jehovah your God, for Jehovah will not let
go unpunished the one who misuses His name! (3 Moses 24:16)

2. Matthew 6:24 - No-one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other,
or he will cling to the one and despise the other.

3. 3 Moses 19:31 - You should not turn to the necromancers and the soothsayers; you should
not seek them to defile you with them. I am Jehovah, your God.

4. 3 Moses 20:6 - And everyone who turns to the necromancers and soothsayers and fornicates
with them (i.e., makes friends with them), against these I, Jehovah, will judge My face and cut
them off from My people.

5. 3 Moses 20:27 - And if any man or woman among you (whom you shall consecrate, verse
26) is a necromancer or a soothsayer, they shall be put to death; they shall be stoned, their
blood is on them.

6. 5 Moses 18:10 - Israel, My chosen people, that there should not be found among you a
conjurer, for he who does this is an abomination to Jehovah, and for such an abomination,
Jehovah your God drives them out from before you.

7. Among the spiritists there are those (as it is printed in books) who conjure up spirits before
God that they must tell them the pure truth.

8. A high spirit would not wait at all for an invocation but remove itself as quick as lightning; but
the spirits of hell remain standing and still say what they want because they have no fear of Me.

9. Soothsayers are spirits, through whose revelation - be it through the Scriptures or through
the trance-terms - people give themselves as mediators, so they are nothing better than the
spirits to whom they give themselves as helpers.

10. 5 Moses 18:10 - Israel, My chosen people, let no-one be found among you who ask the
dead, for whoever does this is an abomination to Jehovah, and for such an abomination,
Jehovah your God drives them out before you.

11. Psalm 97:1-12 - (Jesus) Jehovah is king; for him rejoice the earth and be glad the isles (i.e.,
nations), as many as they are. Clouds and darkness are not about Him. Justice and
judgement is His throne's fortress. Fire goes before Him, and set alight His enemies round
about. His lightning bolts shine on the ground, the earth sees it and is startled. Mountains melt
like wax before Jehovah, before the ruler of the whole earth. The heavens proclaim His
righteousness, and all nations see His glory. Shame must be on all those who serve the
images (or creatures) and (those who) boast of the idols (of spiritism). Worship Him, all angels
of God (or gods) (Rom 8:29). Zion hears it and is glad, and the daughters of Judah are glad,
Jehovah, about Your regiment. For you, Jehovah, are the highest in all lands. You are exalted
above all gods. Those who love Jehovah hate the wicked! Jehovah preserves the souls of His
devout ones; from the ungodly hand He will save them. Light must always shine on the
righteous and joy on the pious hearts. You righteous, rejoice in Jehovah and thank Him and
praise His holiness.

12. 1 Timothy 4:1 - The Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will leave the faith and
follow the seductive spirits and teachings of devils.

13. 1 Corinthians 10:7,20-22 - Neither be ye idolaters, as some were, when it was written, the
people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. But I say that what the Gentiles sacrifice,
they sacrifice to the devils and not to God. Now I do not want that you should be in fellowship
with the devil; you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of the devil at the same time;
you cannot be at the same time part of the table of the Lord and the table of the devils. Or shall
we defy the Lord? are we stronger than He? (Idolatrous are all those who do not give glory to
Me, God, by following My words, but walk their wrong ways)

14. 2 John verses 7-11 - For many deceivers have come into the world who do not confess
Jesus (or our God Jehovah as Messiah) that He has come in the flesh. This is the deceiver and
the Antichrist. Be careful that we do not lose what we have worked for, but receive full reward.
Whoever transgresses and does not remain in the teaching of the Messiah, has no God. He
who remains in the teaching of the Messiah, has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes
to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, nor greet him. For
he who greets him, makes himself partaker of his evil works.

15. Philippians 2:10-11 - In the name of Jesus, let all the knees of those who are in heaven and
on earth and under the earth bow. And all tongues shall confess that Jesus Messiah, the Lord,
is for the glory of God the Father.

16. Matthew 11:27-28 - All things have been handed over to Me by My Father. And no-one
knows the Son except the Father; and no-one knows the Father except the Son, and to whom
the Son wills to reveal it. Come to Me all you who are toilsome and burdened. I want to refresh

17. Whoever seeks information from the spirits and asks them, he acts against My
commandment and My love.

65. Manifesting spirits
1. In table-turning, spirits are usually from the first and second hell. If the persons giving the
fluid are spiritually advanced and they pray for good spirits before the table is moved, then
spirits from the middle Paradise come. Higher spirits don't bother with the back of the table. If
the persons have lower qualities when they move the table, then lower infernal spirits will come,
because like attracts like.

2. Spirits from the lower and middle paradises materialize, higher ones do not, because matter
is too ordinary for them. Spirits from hell do not materialize because they are ashamed to
appear as devils, because they are downright too ugly.

3. Established spirits. In the future, as in the time of Jesus, these will come down to earth from
the second and third heaven, like Raphael (or youths: Archangel Gabriel, Zuriel in Ostracine),
and will interact with earthlings like men, because men will have the spiritual gifts.

66. The power of belief of spirits

1. The spirit of a deceased is creative, yes, it must be, because his faith is his judge for good or

2. The spirit, as soon as it enters the spirit realm, is absolute - and what it thinks and desires,
becomes reality to it. But the thoughts of the spirits are directed exactly according to their state
of mind, and everyone will be in the spirit realm where his thoughts, virtues or vices go. The
spirits can also accomplish various things that seem inexplicable to flesh-people, for example:

3. To make sounds of an organ or any musical instrument heard where they want, and so the
living hear the music sounding in another area. This is only done by the full-believing willpower,
which leads the sounds to where they should go.

4. Some let different items come among the circle members and distribute them. See, these
items have been taken or stolen somewhere and transported in a flash. The best way to thank
such spirits is to call them "thieves"! Because the spirits cannot produce material things, they
have not bought anything from living people, therefore, they "stole". Any item may not have
been stolen but taken out of the earth, but things that are new or have been lost - are always a
theft, so give thanks in this way for the returns, which are of suspicious origin, as one gives
thanks to thieves. But if you take pleasure in it, you encourage the spirits to steal and you are
thieves like them. I tell you this, I who am God and know what the spirits do! You did not know
this until now, now you know where the apports come from, so do not make yourselves
complicit in the theft of the spirits!

67. Spiritual apporteurs

1. Many of My children look forward to the apport of the spiritistic spirits and think that they
come from the spirit realm. But this view is completely wrong: They are things stolen in various
shops and houses, which the spirits dematerialize, i.e. they pick up the material, transfer it as
spiritual goods and materialize it again and so give it as a gift to their delighted friends.

2. My dear children, I ask you: Is the one who steals a greater thief than the other who thinks
the sack is stolen or who takes the goods from the thieves? - Leave such mean tricks with the
spirits, they will lead you to hell!

3. Remember: If you receive earthly fruits, merchandise, flowers, money, and such things as
are found on earth from the spirits, you have committed theft, for you are to reject such stolen
things with indignation, but not to accept them and rejoice and boast about them!

4. However, there are also cases in which My children receive apportments. Are such reports
not of earthly origin, that means that such things do not happen on earth, and are these children
staying with Me in love, then it can come from Me or through My approval, from high spirits.

5. But are the appeals from spiritists who are not in My love and yet not from earth, then they
have stolen in another part of the world and brought it to earth, it being therefore theft; because
the spiritistic spirits cannot create anything, hence they have to steal; but high or heavenly
spirits can create with My permission.

6. The fact that the spirits can give some tests of strength, is due to the fluid they accept from
people. Whether this happens in a circle meeting or in another place where you have no idea
of, is not important. The spirits see the spiritual (fluid) and can collect it at will and use it for
themselves, from which then their physical activity comes, which does not belong to the area of
faith and willpower.

7. The human fluidum is a spiritual force which the spirits acquire from their bodies, enabling
them to be physically active; but the rest belongs to the realm of faith and willpower, which is
the executor of spiritistic phenomena.

68. Blood spirits

1. The blood spirits are all lower, so-called hell-spirits, which are in the second hell.

2. If one consumes a bread or a schnitzel and the like over warm, still steaming blood of freshly
slaughtered goats, or alternatively over ox blood in the same way, one quite certainly obtains
the quality of a spirit medium; one just needs to be put into a trance by a magnetizer through
magic strokes. (or not, because the spirits also put their medium to sleep themselves)

3. This is the report of the discovery made in 1897 in the field of spiritism. There is no high
spirit to be found in the blood, but all the mean spirits of hell - that is, gross sinners and

4. Through the mediums, many can indeed reach the conviction of a survival after earthly
death, but therefore the mediums are all the more in danger, because the spirits - which one
has searched for and lured oneself - get attached to the medium and like to accompany it;
because they have found a being through which they can again announce themselves to the
incarnated spirits, and they hence cheerfully remain with the medium.

5. If such spirits are horny whoring spirits, they whisper to this medium to their vice and even
excite the sex life enormously. If the spiritual companion is a thief or robber, then everyone can
calculate how high the pointer is when foreign funds are entrusted to the medium. If the spirit is
a drunkard, then he wishes that his medium also drinks, so that he too can enjoy the spirituality
of the drink, etc.

6. When a man wants to become a medium in this way, and he gets into such lower blood
spirits, he becomes possessed by them without having thought about it and known about it
before. He gets a longing or repeats the desire for this or that vice, because the spirit with its
willpower acts on the soul of the medium. In this way, people become liquor brothers, and the
drunkards, namely, those who dwell in liquor stores, contemplate their victims, what pleasure
they have in these infernal drinks, and if it suits them, they remain their constant companions
and whisperers, how the liquor is good and abundant, - yes, you must taste a glass of it, etc.,
until they have made of the hitherto moral man, an unfortunate victim of drunkenness. See,
and so it is also with other spirits, which have an advantage; of course, a suicide is not
dangerous for you, but he who had pursued his vices in life with joy and greed, is. But how can
man know in advance what kind of spirit he will attract!

7. I have already forbidden Moses to eat blood (1 Moses 9:4; 3 Moses 3:17: -7:26; -17:10,12;
In the revelations of the Christian Theosophical Scriptures, I said that in the blood there is
anger, revenge and death and therefore one should not enjoy it; - The soul-spirit of the animal is
most strongly represented in the blood (not the soul itself, but it's animal nature), therefore, one
should not enjoy blood in order not to also take up the soul-spirit of the animal into your 'I'.

69. The cloud-spirits

Instruction of the Father Jesus on how to make dangerous storm spirits
harmless through the spirits of peace and thus prevent all elementary

1. When in hot summer days, large, dark masses of clouds threaten to come up and threaten to
destroy the belongings of the inhabitants of the earth, these are evil spirits of the first hell, which
dwell in the clouds. Such spirits roam in the clouds, and where they see an opposing party,
there the bickering and scolding begins, since each party, as on earth, wants to assert its
privilege, and this quarrelling goes on until it degenerates into violent fights, which you observe
with fear and dread as dark cloud masses from which lightning and thunderclaps follow, and
threaten impacts against you and your belongings from the firmament.

2. Against such uninvited guests, belongs a full faith in Me and My rule in nature - and that I am
the supplication of My children when they come to Me in love, ask Me for help and full of faith
expect it from Me.

3. Whoever is among such My children of a full-fledged faith is to stretch out his hand against
the clouds in love and say: Dear spirits of peace! In the name of Jesus I beseech you:
Separate the cloud spirits who are fighting and make peace. Truly, in the name of Jesus, let it
be done! - And the spirits of peace, which dwell in the white clouds above the thunderclouds, go
among the fighters as fast as lightning, separate them, press them into a corner and thus chase
them out of the area bit by bit.

4. Behold, this is the remedy which, when applied in due time, will save you from hail,
cloudbursts, downpours, and thunderous crashes. But do not forget, to then humbly thank Me,
Who helps to accomplish all this.

70. The spirits of the second hell

1. The spirits of the second hell dwell on earth among men. Hence the bad dreams, hence the
many passions and vices among men, since they are possessed by hell-spirits loving these;
hence the epileptic, the hysterical and three-quarters of the insane; hence the many crimes
committed by men; hence the pronounced lusts, desires, vices and evil qualities among men,
because all such are possessed by spirits of hell without having a clue.
2. At the time when I Myself walked on earth, people knew and believed in such possessions as
My exorcisms teach you; today, as your teachers and formators are mostly false prophets, they
teach you the opposite of the truth, - but godlessness, forgetfulness of God and carelessness
against everything I taught or am teaching now, proves the falseness of your education in the
family, in the church, in school, especially college, and in public life - because the spirits that
dwell within you instill in you reluctance, carelessness, contempt, mockery, and all manner of
things against the truth. Because if you would live according to My true teaching as I present it
to you Myself, that would not be a life for the wicked devils that have settled down in you and
they would have to move out and so lose their warm and pleasant home of their lust and joy.
Therefore they use all their strength to instill doubt, fear and aversion in you against the truth of
Christian Theosophy.

3. Believe me: I, your God and Saviour, tell you this, that is why it is truth, because I know how
it is with you spiritually, because I dwell in your hearts and see and observe everything what
goes on in you and around you.

71. The spirit can make itself visible and audible through
its own will without materialization
Graz, March 1, 1901

1. The spirit that is higher than its surroundings in the spirit realm, is invisible to its
surroundings, because the sight of the spirits does not reach higher than their own level of
development; but the higher developed spirit can make itself visible and audible to the lower
spirits when it wants to - this depends on its will.

2. But a spirit from the highest paradise and from the heavens can also make itself visible and
audible to people in the flesh when it wants to; but spirits, which once are that high, do not like
to associate with men, because these are too evil and because the spirit would then have to
accept a very low fluid-cover, and as the spirits, when they are high, know well that their
approach to sinful men hinders their progress, yes even would be harmful to them, hence they
refrain from it.

3. According to his faith and his willpower, a high spirit has the power to dispose of the material
man and thus to open his spiritual eyes and ears. But he does not do it because material man
would be too strongly frightened by it and because it is also in My order that men are not
instructed, converted and influenced through violent means - this therefore, does not happen.
But it happens in the spirit-world because both are spirits and the inferior one does not know
who the appearing one is, because he looks just like himself, so as not to frighten him. See, in
the flesh-body, there are angelically good and devilishly evil men and yet both look the same,
so it must also be without compulsion in the spirit realm, so that the lower one is not spiritually
overwhelmed by the shine of the higher.
72. What kind of necromancy is allowed?
Graz, 24 February 1898

1. The love of the eternal Father guides the universe and thus also the kingdom of spirits,
because I, Jesus, am after all King and Lord over all spirits, and they bow to My holy word in all
spheres of heaven and hell.

2. Dear children, when you are plagued by spirits in you or in your homes, remember Me, your
Father Jesus, who gives you these words of blessing and salvation.

3. So when you are troubled by spooky, playful and jesting spirits, then teach them about the
goal they are pursuing, teach them about My mission of love as Jesus to earth, that I am love
and forgive everyone who takes refuge in love with Me with a contrite heart and remorse for his
sins, lamenting and weeping and puts himself completely trustingly into My all-loving mercy,
and that I, as I exclaimed on the cross: 'Father, forgive them, because they do not know what
they do', still do the same to all sinners, who have gotten into the darkness of matter through
the wrong education of the present time.

4. But teach them that they must forgive their adversaries just as they forgive them in the Lord's
Prayer: 'Forgive us our sins, as we also forgive all who have offended us'; for if they do not do
this to their enemies, then they cannot be forgiven by Me either, because the Lord's Prayer has
been given for all men and all times. Tell them My virtues when I still walked in the flesh, which
are: the greatest love and surrender to God, the most perfect love of neighbour, humility,
gentleness, chastity, love of peace and unlimited unselfishness. They are to strive to acquire
these virtues and to avoid and flee everything what draws them to matter and sin out of love for
Me and seek salvation only with Me and nowhere else, because I have created them, I have
suffered for their former sins and bought them for Me through My blood and life and I alone will
give them the happiness of heaven when they will follow My words.

5. Now tell them in love and not roughly: "Dear brothers and sisters in the spirit realm! You
have come to us to frighten us and thereby make us ill; so we are obliged to send you away,
therefore: Dear Father Jesus, I give these spirits to You and humbly ask You to take them away
where they belong – Amen." Then pray for them and thank Me for the grace of salvation from
the plagues. So, dear children, act in full trust in Me and My omnipotence and I will redeem you
from the spirits and protect you, - Amen.

6. Angry or horny spirits who do not want to leave the body, are driven out of the body through
prayer, fasting and great love for God - in that on the one hand they do not receive the food
they like (anger, revenge, lechery, fornication) because of humiliation, patience and a chaste life
- and on the other hand, they become unwilling to pray and love God so much - and since this
burns them, they leave the body.

7. This shall be your incantation of the spirits, any other is strictly forbidden to you, if you do not
want to become devils yourselves.

Lower spiritism in the spiritistic sessions

1. Florence Marryat, who plays an authoritative role in the spiritist literature, said the following
about the Bible in her book "The Spirit World" (pages 49-50)
2. "I know that many of My readers do not take a conclusive view of the words of the Bible, that they
consider Holy Scripture to be a very ambiguous history of those times, which was written down only a very
long time after the events described, and moreover in the fantastic, pictorial language of the Orient, where it
is very difficult to decide what the author actually meant or did not mean. Now the interpretation of these for
us has not been carried out by God, not even by Daniel, but by men who considered themselves called to
explain them in one way or another, but in any case in such a way that they agreed with their own

3. The mere fact that the New Testament - which we were taught from childhood to regard as founded on
the teachings of a Saviour sent into the world for the redemption of Christians - is merely the imprint of a
book by Buddha, who lived 560 years before Christ's birth, is enough in itself to "shake the faith in the
statements of the Bible".

4. I remember being deeply aroused by reading Arthur Lillie's 'Buddha and Early Buddhism' and when this
book was unjustly banned and confiscated. What does the church say about the contents of this book (The
Spirit World)? Does it reject it? Can it prove it untrue?

5. Yes, the book "The Spirit World" by Marryat is a stupid book by a half-mad spiritist possessed
by evil spirits, say I - Jesus Christ, Who destroys spiritist literature! For in this literature, there is
little that is Christian, but much that is anti-Christian, Buddhist, lying and ignorant, and is
therefore worthless.

73. Moses and Aaron with the spiritists

Moses and Aaron, the first priests to be reported, devoted themselves to every kind of
mediumship before being called to lead the Israelites. But as soon as they had laws to give to
them, they forbade all men and women to communicate with family spirits. It remained the
same then and now. Moses was raised in Egypt and the Egyptians were known from ancient
times as masters of magic and necromancy. So he was also a magician, as he admitted when
led before Pharaoh, but when he became a priest, he forbade his congregation to imitate him.
He wished to keep everything connected with magic for Aaron and himself, so that they would
appear all the more wonderful in the eyes of their believers. (He forbade this because people
preferred to receive the answer from willing spirits - instead of God) Moses with his "familiar
spirits" and the church with its "devil's teaching". Can anyone indicate the difference? Both
wish to assert their power under the spell of their own authority. Inside of it is the inspiration of
God, what is outside, is called dealing with the devil. Isn't the matter completely clear? Taught
by spirits, we are taught by God, as Joel and Ezekiel were taught. If you read the Bible, you will
find that in the beginning there were no priests at all. The people were taught by their heavenly
Father, by His angel. But when a church was founded, a temple was built and a priesthood was
created, one heard less and less of messages from spirits. The same applies for now. The
purer and easier life is, the greater the faith in God and the ministry of His guardian angels.

I know of a country priest in a mining district of northern England who cannot influence the inhabitants
of his district because they are all spiritists. Those raw miners who spend part of their lives in
darkness are too enlightened spiritually to listen to his old-fashioned theories.

74. Christ with the spiritists

I suppose that most of my readers consider the History of Christ to be a reliable account of the events
of that time. The Christian world has been taught to regard it as the Word inspired by God, written
down for our edification. How this theory coincides with the story of Buddha, which I mentioned
earlier, a story that goes back 560 years, I leave to my readers to decide. But one thing is certain:
neither the miracles of Christ nor the Buddhas have found a satisfactory explanation until spiritism
brought one. Anyone who has ever seen relatives or friends reappear in materialized form after their
death, can also find the resurrection of Christ comprehensible - otherwise, not! And because others
cannot understand it, they call it a miracle. Christ was the greatest medium the world has ever seen.
I say this in reverence and not with the intention of belittling His extraordinary powers. But why are
we so eager to attribute everything He did to a supernatural influence? If He had introduced the
telephone, the phonograph or the electric light, it would have been considered as a miracle as great
as any other thing He did at that time. Add to this (the lie of Marryat, who understood nothing of the
spiritual language of the Bible) that consistently denied that Christ had higher powers than any of His
followers, who would only have the same faith - a fact that theologians, in my opinion, either
systematically overlooked or deliberately hushed up. I will here pass over the miraculous birth of
Christ. The same or something very similar is reported about the birth of Buddha. If it was true of the
one, it could also be true of the other, although it always struck me that the God who forbade His
children to commit adultery and immoral intercourse, could have wanted or favoured such a birth. I
would rather try to prove that Christ was a medium, and when He Himself was God, then His miracles
were still not greater than those, which were performed since His time, as He himself had actually
announced it before.

75. He was a healing medium

1. "He cured all sorts of diseases and plagues among the people. "And His rumour spread
throughout all Syria. And they brought to Him all kinds of sick people, afflicted with all kinds of
plagues and tortures, the possessed, the moonstruck, the gout-ridden, and He healed them all.
(Matt 4:23,24)

2. "And behold, a leper came and worshipped Him, saying, Lord, if You want, You may cleanse
me." (Matt 8:2)

3. "And Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him and said: I will do it, be purified! And so
he was clean from his leprosy." (Matt 8:3)

4. "And Jesus came into Peter's house and saw that his daughter-in-law was sick and had a
fever. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her." (Matt 8:14 and 15)

5. "And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed Him, crying and speaking: Oh son
of David, have mercy on us! And Christ spoke to them: Do you believe that I can do this to
you? Then they said to Him, Lord, yes! Then He touched their eyes and said: "May it be done
to you according to your faith". (Matt 9:27-29)

6. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Christ, when He performed His healing, always had
to touch the sick person, so He could not exercise His healing mediumship without losing His own life
force or natural power. What did He say when the woman with the blood issue followed Him in the
crowd and touched the hem of His garment? - "And Jesus soon felt in Himself the power that had gone
out from Him, and turned to the people and said, 'Who has touched My clothes? (Mark 5:30) When He
called His twelve apostles or disciples together, He gifted them with the power that He Himself
possessed. But how could they have inherited what belonged to God alone, if it was not a natural
power that could indwell every man. - "Heal the sick," said Christ, "cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out devils." - No-one had ever ascribed miraculous powers to the disciples. They were just a
society of illiterate fishermen. Jesus had undoubtedly chosen them because of their mediumistic
powers - powers which we all possess to a greater or lesser degree - but they could not perform
miracles without the control of spiritistic agents. And He also saw what was in store for them because
of mediumism, and added: "If they have called the Lord of the house Beelzebub, will they not call
those of his household all the more?" (English Wesley'anic Bible).

Has this prophecy not been fulfilled today? Do not all the enemies of spiritism claim that it
exists only through the cooperation of the devil (Father Jesus: Yes, of course!) Most spiritualist
spirits are hell-devils!) and don't try to give that text a lot of different interpretations instead of
just admitting that it refers to the mediumship of the present? And when the Pharisees said that
Christ cast out devils through Beelzebub, He answered them: "But if I cast out devils through
the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God has come to you".

76. Christ was a physical medium

He turned water into wine. He sated a large crowd with seven loaves of bread and two fish. He
walked on water. He made that money was found in the mouth of a fish. But He did not always have
these abilities. They were, just like today, dependent on certain times and circumstances.

What else would the meaning of the text be: "He did not do many miracles there because of
their unbelief", (i.e. their skepticism). And when the disciples asked Him why they could not cast
out a certain devil, He answered: "For the sake of your unbelief" (Matt 17:20), a proof that
spiritualistic powers are of no use to those who do not believe in them.

77. Christ was a materialising medium

1. He raised dead people. A white dove materialized over His head. Through him one could hear
direct voices. He called Moses and Elijah to materialize, that they were talking to Him. Here I would
like to point out that the cloud overshadowed Him before the direct voice was heard. He could not
resurrect the daughter of Jairus until He had sent them all out, i.e. He had removed all adverse
influences (Matt 9:24,25). Of certain devils He said: "This kind does not yield except through prayer
and fasting," by which He admits to being subject to natural laws just as much as our media today.
When the Pharisees said that He casts out devils only through the devils' superiors, what was His
answer? If one Satan casts out another, he must be at odds with himself". (Matt 12:26) Even though
the devil, falsely in the guise of our remote friends, haunts us today and calls upon us to live a more
worthy and holy life, he denies the purpose, for the sake of which he is supposed to exist. Did Christ
consider the practice of medium fellowship a sin? He said: "Whoever receives a prophet in the name
of a prophet, will receive the reward of a prophet". (Matt 10:41) And further: "For there is no-one who
does a deed in My name, and will speak evil of Me soon." (Mark 9:39) This is what He said when the
disciples had stopped a man from casting out devils. "The works that I do, he will also do, and greater
works than these, he will also do". Have miracles greater than His own been performed since the time
of Christ? The miracles of the apostles did not reach the people. And yet He expressly said that such
should be performed. All men who have lived and died since then, and those who paid for their faith
with their blood, and those who were devilish enough to shed the blood of their fellow men to force
them to accept their own faith - the martyrs as well as the executioners - have never performed a
miracle. And yet Christ declared emphatically that such things would happen. And this will also
happen when we have shed our carnality more and developed our spiritual being more; when our
teachers go ahead of us like the shepherds of their flock and show us how it has to happen, when
they stop thinking too much about the loaves and fishes for themselves, about the temporal power
and the earthly advantage and help us to open the door for the spirits to come in and help us instead
of slamming it shut in front of them as they do now because more miracles are to happen on this earth
and God wants to walk with man as once in ancient times. Do you remember the detailed account of
the resurrection of Christ? Do you remember that it took place at night? It was the greatest miracle of
all, destined to destroy the unbelieving world, and yet it took place in darkness, so that the Jews could
say that the disciples came in the night and stole the dead body. The resurrection would certainly
have been more convincing if it had happened during the day and in front of everyone. Why didn't
that happen? Simply because it was impossible. Darkness was necessary to create the Earth.
Darkness was necessary for God to come down and speak to Moses. And darkness was necessary
for Christ to rise again physically. But when we declare the darkness to be necessary for a
materialization seance, we are told that it is absolutely only a shell, a shield for all kinds of deceit and
deception. Mary Magdalene, when it was still dark, had come specially to the tomb to see Christ.
When she turned around, she saw Him standing beside her, but did not recognize that it was Jesus.
Jesus says to her: "Woman, why are you weeping? Who are you looking for? - She thought it was the
gardener and said to him, "Lord, did you carry Him away, tell me, where did you put Him, I will take
Him? Jesus said to her, "Mary! Then she turned around and said to him: Rabbuni, that is, Master.
Jesus says to her, "Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father. But go to My brothers
and tell them I ascend to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God" (John 20:15-17).

2. Now I ask you to put on all earthly prejudices and think about it, why should Mary Magdalene have
thought Christ was the gardener? Christ was a Jew of the higher class and, if one can trust the
reports of that time, a beautiful man. Publius Lentulus writes of Him: "His hair is the colour of a fully
ripe hazelnut, plain up to the ears, from these downwards but somewhat curled and in a splendid
colour, nestling around His shoulders, His forehead is smooth and even, His face, nose and mouth so
shaped that nothing is to be criticised, His beard somewhat strongly matching the colour of the main
hair, His eyes are blue-grey, clear and bright". The gardener, on the other hand, was most likely an
ordinary, dark-skinned, Oriental coolie, which belonged to the lowest type of people. The
"woodcutters and water carriers" were chosen from the lowest castes at that time, and for the good
reason that no-one else wanted to stoop to this work. In addition, the Jews wore long white or
coloured robes that reached down to their feet, - the gardener probably only wore a rag girded around
his loins, possibly not that either. How could the two men have resembled each other even for a few
moments if the gardener was not the medium Christ used for His reappearance?7 The partial
similarity that most materialized spirits show with their media has been the subject of much
negotiation and disbelief among the thinking followers of spiritism. The explanation that has been
given to me for this, I will list in another chapter. But here is the direct proof that the fact is not only
valid for the present. When Jesus spoke to Mary, she immediately recognized His voice and hurried
towards Him with joy to touch His garment. What were His first words? "Do not touch me!” And yet
the sceptics complain that one should not touch a materialized spirit and press it into their arms.

3. What happened after Christ died on the cross? "The spirits of many who were sleeping rose and
came out of their graves and went into the city and were seen by many"; and Christ Himself went
twice through closed doors to visit His disciples, and appeared on the shore of the lake and to the
disciples of Emmaus. - Various have told me that it is "too ridiculous" to think that spirits eat and drink,
as we "naturally" do nothing of the sort when we have left this earth - further proof to the many I could
provide that the vast majority read their Bible without understanding that for them it is only "a ringing
bell and a clinking ore". Did not Jesus say to His disciples at the last supper that he would not drink
wine again until He would again drink such with them in His Father's kingdom? When He came to
them on the lake-shore, did He not eat fried fish and honey with them? And when He sat down at
table with the disciples from Emmaus, did He not break bread before He disappeared from them?

4. A trusted friend of mine, who calls herself a "Biblical Christian" and indeed is, spoke to me about
some of the descriptions that appear in my book "There is no death" and openly rebuked the way I
had written about the circumstances of the hereafter.

5. "My dear," she said, "this is all very interesting and wonderful, but there are things in it that I cannot
understand. You write as if we continue to live in that world in much the same way we do here. They
speak of food and drink and houses, but it is impossible to believe that we should continue to live in
houses, sit down, and so on.

6. In reply I asked her another question: "Have you ever read your Bible?"

7. My girlfriend paused to answer that question. With her hands up, she replied, "You know, my
dearest, that the Bible is my constant companion."

8. "Now, and is not heaven therein described as a city paved with gold and gates of pearls?"

9. “Certainly”

10. "When people on earth build a house," I continued, "don't they first dig up the ground, then build
houses, then make roads to them, and finally cover them with solid ceilings, and what for? To protect
pedestrians from and in the traffic. What good would the golden pavement be if there were no houses
and no roads. What good would the pearly gates be if there were no walls and gates. Do you think
they would open and let you step into a gold-paved wilderness?"

11. She pondered for a moment and then said: "Yes, it seems strange, but I have never seen it in this
light before. I thought it was all just a figurative image - typical of the glory that awaits us, but your
view of it seems to me to be really acceptable now.”

12. In the same way, most Christians see the Bible as a kind of miraculous writing or collection of
fables that they can interpret as they please. I am not saying that it is not a miraculous writing, but if
we acknowledge it at all, we must take it as it is written (that is, according to the dead sense of the

13. Christ materialized twice when the disciples sat together in an upper room, explicitly mentioning
that "the doors were closed", and on these occasions He touched them and spoke to them, after
which His apostles began to prophesy and speak in different tongues; they also sent the cloths from
their bodies to the sick, and they healed them. What was that other than healing mediumship as it is
practiced today? Do you not think of the "strong, rushing wind" that filled all the houses on the day of
Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the apostles? This "wind" is still the sure sign of a
successful seance, whether the Holy Spirit visits the participants or not.

14. You must have recognized from the Biblical passages quoted that if spiritism is devilish in nature,
then the actions of the servants of God in the Old Testament must also have been devilish, (really!?)
for the laws of nature do not change even over centuries, and if it is sinful for you and for me to have
interaction with previously separated relatives and friends, so it must have been for those as well.
And since we cannot examine the justification of what God does or approves, we must conclude that
He grants us the same privilege that He once granted to them as an outflow of special grace.

15. Just one more quote, and I'll conclude. The apostle Paul said: "There are many gifts, but it is one
spirit. One is given to speak of wisdom through the Spirit, another is given to speak of knowledge
according to the same Spirit, another is given to believe by the same Spirit, another to do miracles,
another to prophesy, to distinguish between different spirits, to interpret some languages to another, to
interpret languages, to another. But all these things are done by the same Spirit, and He gives each
one of them to one according to His will. (1 Cor 12:4,8-11) "Therefore, brethren, strive to prophesy."
(English Bible)

16. Strive - that is, to do what hundreds of clairvoyants around the world are doing today: to predict
the future so that we are prepared for it.

17. There is no other interpretation of all these text words for unprejudiced readers. Theologians may
deny this, but theologians are known to interpret Scripture to their advantage. I have yet to find
anyone who has had a straightforward, simple judgement, or two who have judged equally. But, as I
said, if you acknowledge the Bible at all, you must accept it as it is written. If we do not, who would
then be able, after such a long time and with the poor translation of it, to decide what may be true in it,
what may not? In any case, I hope I have made it clear that - whatever the Church may say -
spiritualism was neither forbidden by God nor discouraged by Him. And I also hope that what I have
written here will cause some of my readers to open up their Bibles again and read them in a light that
will convert them to a different view of their revelation.

18. See, this is the performance of a spiritist possessed by evil spirits. She now dwells in deep
darkness in the third hell and studies her fate, which may be why she is so unhappy. She, who
helped spread the light, now has none. But it did not occur to her before that she had written
gross lies about God and His Word, the Holy Scripture.

19. On the other hand you can see from this distortion of spiritual truth what spiritism is, since
such and similar enlightenments, and now and then even worse, can be read in spiritist books
and magazines. If spiritism would be a spiritual science that would lead upwards, then I let it be
valid - but like this, I want to destroy it once and for all, because the false prophethood that
consists of the teachings of the hell-spirits, does not lead to heaven. Through Moses I have
forbidden the interaction with the spirit-world and have never revoked this ban, and that is also
to be a sufficiently clear answer. Amen.

20. Contributions to the knowledge of Spiritism ...

78. Spiritismus
Graz, 17 January 1904. Father Jesus explains that, the spiritists' belief in the
spirits, but criticism of His Divine teaching, is a virtue that leads to hell.

1. It is not an easy thing to associate with spirits and to ascertain the identity or personality of
the spirits one calls to come and manifest as parents, siblings, blood relatives or friends.

2. The spirits seek entertainment and because they are still strongly material, they still find great
desire to again come into contact with people. Some of them are inspired to give the living
knowledge of the existence of the hereafter and the survival after death. Others feel unhappy in
the spirit-world and seek reconnection with the living in the world. Others again want to teach
and educate the people that in the religions, this or that is not right, and others again have other
concerns which they want to address.

3. In spiritistic circles, there are spirits from the first and second paradises (Summerland), then
from the first and second hell, depending on the quality of the people in the circle meeting or
chain formation, but they are mostly spirits of lower virtues!

4. When there are all good people together, then also higher spirits are present, but when there
are circle-seer people among them who pay homage to different vices, passions, habits or even
the criminals, then similar but unbridled hell-spirits come along, because they are of one mind
with people according to their spiritual, and there are stormy scenes that are sometimes
horrifying and frightening.

5. In such sessions, spirits appear who pretend to be this or that well-known person. Circle-
members also summon people they are interested in, and it does not take long before they are
there. They say that they are the same people who have been called, although it is often the
barest lie; and that because men are gullible, considering those who arrived, to be high spirits
and to be omniscient. Because most spiritists have nowhere before trained in this subject how
to proceed in circle meetings, they cling with childlike confidence to the statements of the spirits
without considering that there is no proof whether the separated friends, as they often call them,
are really what they claim to be and whether what they tell them, is really based on truth.

6. But this childlike faith and trust is not the best virtue towards the spirits, because when I as
your Father and King of spirits speak the eternal truth as God to you, then one criticizes from
the darkness or false prophethood that what I say is not true, because the still half-civilized
spirits from the Summerland have different and of course wrong opinions and assumptions. But
when the spirits teach something, then they do not inquire as to whether this is right with My
teaching. This is your verse in full validity: "Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur," that is, "men
want to be deceived, therefore they shall be deceived!” But with this unloving verse alone, you
are not helped, you are very much to be pitied, because you let yourselves be thoughtlessly led
into the delusion of the spirits and so distracted from the truth of My holy word, and then it
happens to you when you step into the hereafter that you - instead of to bright heights - you
must descend to lower regions where the spirits dwell, afflicted with vices and living according
to your mistaken beliefs! But enough of those who cannot be counselled - they cannot be
helped either.

79. Protecting spirits

1. Because many Theosophists also deal with spiritism, so they also have their guardian spirits,
that is, the spirits say that they are called so and so and are the guardian spirits of the person
concerned. Such spirits are mostly, lured by your virtue or vice qualities - lower spirits - which
in this way force themselves upon you, also possess you and then rule your will-power and
flatter you by giving themselves high names of angels, archangels or apostles, to deceive you
and to have such a warm dwelling with you.

2. Remember what I, your Father Jesus, tell you: They are lying spirits, therefore lower spirits,
because a true protecting spirit, admitted by Me, only fulfills his duty, but never announces
himself, and finally a high spirit does not bother with writing or scriptoscope, he only dictates -
like Me.

3. When such a spirit calls itself a protective spirit and dictates through My writing medium -
then immediately give him the run for his money, because he is the lying spirit or your flesh-
spirit Satana! - I, Jesus, am a protecting Spirit Myself to My writing mediums.
80. Protecting spirits as hell-spirits
Children! Drive out such spirits from among you who dare to play the role of counsellors of
ignorant gods to you, to whom they bring news, make you aware of the work of men, and such
more nonsense!

81. Love-letters from hell

1. Because the spirits know that men - but especially the Theosophists - are easily deceived by
love, love, love, so they swindle their spiritualistic writings so skilfully, that most people take to
this bait like flies to sweet flypaper. However, caution is necessary, one must know the
otherworldly conditions in order to distinguish whether one does not read infernal lying spirits'

2. Remember! Heavenly spirits do not write with the hand of the medium - that should be the
first sign of recognition for you, just as little typographically - but they dictate like I, your Father
Jesus. Spirits who advise you to practice love can also be good spirits, but always be careful
what they say - that is, you control them.

82. The name of God, Jesus Christ, Father Jesus

Hell-spirits also use ghost-writing mediums to deceive and make the media obedient and
submissive, so be careful! Satan does the same thing.

83. Christ does not write with the hand of the medium
1. My dear children, some of My children come to call themselves Father's writing tools, while
they are not.

2. You have already been told that neither I, your Father Jesus, nor high spirits write with the
hand of the medium, but dictate as I do (Love 1905, page 44, 39), and this is to be your
distinguishing mark between heaven and non-heaven.

3. The most beautiful writings, given in My name and not dictated but written by the hand of the
medium, are lies written by spirits of hell, because a high spirit will never dare to desecrate My
holy name through abuse. Therefore, you mediums, remember what I say here!

84. Spiritism in the light of the truth "Messiah"

1. Those who are versed in spiritism, know that those people who are too fond of spiritism are
no longer alone, because they are inhabited by those they love and for whom they rave and
make propaganda.

2. One recognizes such persons by their speeches, by their body movements, by their grimaces
while talking, that evil spirits dwell in them. They are unusually quick-witted in their speeches,
they know everything better, they defend spiritism as the light of the world and are full of life and
striving for this science.

3. "You should only believe in one God, worship and adore Him and have no other gods
besides Me," I, Jehovah (or Father) Jesus, said to the people of Israel. The people of Israel
were called the chosen people, and today the children of Christian Theosophy are that chosen
people, as I made known to you through Lorber and others.

4. But how will you be My chosen people Israel if you act against My commandments!? I said:
"Asking the dead or practicing spiritualism is an abomination before Me, and I will cut off from
My Israel those who do this. How will you - if you trample My Commandments underfoot -
become My chosen children of My New Kingdom!?

5. You cannot serve two masters, I said; and I tell you today that it is not possible. If you want
to be My children, you have to fulfill My rules and serve only Me and give up all spiritualistic
circles and spiritual writings. For I am Jehovah your God in Christ, and before Him you must
bow down and serve Him alone!

6. I have already called the spiritistic spirits false prophets through Lorber. I ask you: Why do
you - who call yourselves children of God - go with the false prophets, and why do you call them
together and question them and praise their speeches and teachings?

7. Leave the deceased alone! They have their task in the spirit realm like you on earth to move
forward. I have told the Pharisees that because of their hypocrisy they will not enter heaven
and that they will not let those who want to enter, enter. Look around a little bit in the matter,
whether this is not also applicable to you. My commandments are transgressed or trampled
underfoot because you practice an abomination before Me with spiritism and you want to enter
heaven or the new kingdom with your abomination!? And you keep the deceased from their
task that they cannot progress, therefore chapter 23, verse 13 of Matthew is also suitable for
you, because you have joy in the abomination against God!

8. That is why all spiritualist literature is disappearing as false prophecy. I, Jehovah Jesus, am
telling you this, and you should therefore stop spiritualism if you want to become My children.

9. Jesus opened the spiritual vision to the disciples that they might see Him.

10. Father Jesus, as the resurrected Messiah, went to Emmaus with the two disciples and
opened their spiritual eyes, since He was a Spirit, so that they might see Him as long as it was
expedient, and so also to Peter, Jacob and Paul in his time.

85. Opening of the spiritual vision to the disciples going to

Luke 24:13-34 - And behold, two disciples went that same day to a place called Emmaus, which
was sixty furlongs from Jerusalem. And they talked to each other about all these stories. And it
came to pass, as they talked and questioned one another, I, Jesus, drew near to them and
walked with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing Me. But I spoke to them: What
are these sayings that ye do between you, that ye walk and are sad? Then one of them,
named Cleophas, answered and said to me, "Are you alone among the strangers in Jerusalem,
who do not know what has happened there in these days? And I spoke to them: What did you
say? And they said to Me, "About Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet, mighty in deed and
word before God and all the people; as our chief priests and rulers delivered Him to the
condemnation of death and crucified Him. But we hoped that He would redeem Israel. And
above all this, today is the third day that such things have happened. Also we were frightened
by some of our women, who went early to the tomb, did not find His body, and came back and
said that they saw the face of the angels who said: 'He lives'. And some of us went to the tomb
and found it as the women said, but they did not see Him. And I said to them, "Oh fools and
people slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Should not Messiah suffer
such things and enter into His glory?” And He began from Moses and all the prophets, and
interpreted to them all the Scriptures that were spoken of Me. (Genesis 18:15; Ps 22:53) And
we came close to the spot where they were going; and I pretended to go further. And they
urged Me and said: Stay with us, for it is evening and the day has come to an end. And I went
inside to stay with them. And it came to pass, as I sat at the table with them, I took the bread,
gave thanks, and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they
recognized Me and I disappeared from them. And they said among themselves, "Did not our
heart burn within us when He spoke to us on the way when He opened the Scriptures to us?
And they arose in the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered
together, and them that were with them that said: 'The Lord is risen indeed'!

86. Opening of spiritual sight for Cephas, Jacob and Paul

1. 1 Corinthians 15:5,7,8 - Jesus was seen after His resurrection - with the exception of the two
disciples who went to Emmaus, by Cephas, by Jacob and Paul. (but - as I said - not
materialized, but only by opening their spiritual vision)

2. Materialisation of Jesus as Spirit: Father Jesus reveals that on the day of His resurrection,
He came among them in the evening as a spirit, so that they would have no fear of Him,
strengthened by His will-power, as if He had been a man of earthly flesh and bone, as He did in
the morning before Mary of Magdala.

87. Materialisation before Mary of Magdala

John, 20:11-18 - But Mary stood before the tomb and wept outside. As she wept, she looked
into the tomb and saw two angels in white clothes sitting, one at the head and the other at the
feet where they had laid the body. And they said to her, "Woman, why are you crying? She
said to them, "They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.
And when she said this, she turned back and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it
was Jesus. And Jesus said unto her, Woman, why do you weep? Who are you looking for?
She thought it was the gardener and said to him: "Lord, did you carry Him away, tell me, where
did you put Him? Jesus said to her, "Mary!” Then she turned and said to Him: Rabbuni (that is,
Master)! Jesus says to her: "Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father (that is,
I have not yet ascended into love as a Father). But go to My brothers and tell them I go up to
My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God.” Mary Magdalene comes and
announces to the disciples "I have seen the Lord, and these things He has said to me.

88. The materialisation of Jesus on 27 March and the

evening of 4 April
John 20:19-29 - In the evening of the same first day of the week, when the disciples were
gathered together and the doors were shut for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their
midst and said, "Peace be with you. And when He said this, He showed them His hands and
His side. Then the disciples were glad that they saw Him, the Lord. But Thomas, the twelfth,
one called Twin, was not with them when He came. And the other disciples said unto him, We
have seen the Lord. He said to them: Unless I see in His hands the marks of the nails, and put
my finger into the marks of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it. And
after eight days His disciples were again inside and Thomas with them. When the doors were
shut, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said, "Peace be with you. Then He said to
Thomas, "Reach out your finger and see My hands, and reach out your hand and put it in My
side, and do not be unbelieving, but believing. Thomas answered and said to Him: My Lord
and My God! Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, Thomas, you believe. Blessed
are they that see not, and yet believe.

89. Jesus' materialisation at the seashore of Tiberias, 27

John 21:1-14 - After this, Jesus revealed Himself again to the disciples by the sea near Tiberias:
Simon Peter and Thomas, who is called Twin, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons
of Zebedee and two other disciples of His. Simon Peter said to them: I am going fishing. And
they said unto him, we will go with you. They went out and boarded the ship immediately; and
that night they caught nothing. And when it was morning, Jesus stood on the shore; but the
disciples knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them: Children, have you nothing to eat?
They answered Him, "No." But He spoke to them: "Cast the net on the right side of the ship
and you shall find. Then they threw it and could not pull it due to the amount of fish. Then the
disciple (John) who loved Jesus, said to Peter, "It is the Lord.” When Simon Peter heard that it
was the Lord, he girded his shirt around him (for he was naked) and threw himself into the sea.
But the other disciples came on the ship (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred
cubits) and drew the net with the fishes. And when they came out on the land, they saw coals
laid, and fish laid thereon, and bread. Then Jesus spoke to them: "Bring me of the fish you
have just caught. Simon Peter went in and drew the net on the land full of great fishes, one
hundred and fifty and three. And though they were so many, the net did not break. Says Jesus
to them: Come and have supper. But no-one among the disciples dared to ask Him: Who are
You? For they knew that it was the Lord. Then Jesus comes and takes the bread and gives it
to them, and likewise also the fish. This is now the third time that Jesus was revealed to His
disciples after He rose from the dead.
90. The materialization of Jesus and the prophets Moses
and Elijah on ascension day (May 7) in front of 670
Acts 1:2-11 - Luke tells us: Until the day He was received, after He had commanded the
apostles (whom He had mentioned) by the Holy Spirit (what they were to do) and whom He had
shown Himself alive after His suffering. He had shown them various proofs by being seen
among them for forty days and by speaking to them of the kingdom of God. And when He had
gathered them together, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the
promise of the Father, which you have heard (He said) from Me, for John baptized with water,
but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not long after these days. But those who had
come together, asked Him and said: Lord, will you restore the kingdom of Israel in this time?
And he said to them: It is not for you to know the time or hour which the Father has reserved for
His power, but you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit who will come upon you and you will
be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. And
when He had said these things, He was visibly lifted up, and a cloud took Him away from their
sight. And while they looked on Him Who went up to heaven, behold, there were with them two
men in white clothing, saying, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This
Jesus, who is taken up from you into heaven, will come again as you have seen Him go into

91. God's law against black magic

Father Jesus gives various explanations against the black magic of the
churches, as it exists today, but is not noticed in the great spiritual eclipse of
the faithful.

1. 5 Moses 18:10-13 - There is no-one to be found with you who will give his son and daughter

1. to go through the fire

2. or to practice cloud-interpreting
3. or an observer of times
4. or a snake charmer
5. or an interpreter of bird calls
6. or a sorcerer

2. also not:

7. curser
8. necromancer (spirit banners)
9. fortune teller
10. sign readers
11. who asks the dead
12. a prophet

3. For whoever does this is an abomination to Jehovah, and because of these abominations I,
Jesus Jehovah, will expel them (at My return) from their homes.
4. You are to abide fully with Me, Jehovah in Jesus, your only God and Father, and nothing

92. Passing through the fire

1. Moses said: "There is no-one to be found with you who will let his son and daughter pass
through the fire.

2. This prohibition is still in force, because in the old covenant, going through fire meant going
through the sin-consuming flame, as one lit a pyre in honour of the god Moloch and jumped
over it in order to purify oneself spiritually from sins, similar to what they did with chalk fire,
Slavic circle and Celtic Beltain.

3. Walking through the fire is now the Roman Catholic confession, where even some innocent
girls get the fire of shame in their faces as a result of the shameless fornication of the
Liguorians. And so the young men are also questioned about common lewdness and thus led
to fornication.

4. The difference between the past and the present is therefore that at that time, the purification
and blessing by fire was performed in good moral order. Now, however, one goes to confession
in order to be introduced into the fire of fornication through enlightenment about the most
horrible horny lechery.

93. Cloud-interpreters
1. I said before Caiaphas that I would one day come back in the "clouds of heaven". To
understand this, one must know what the clouds and the heaven mean.

2. Heaven is not just any place in the air region, but it is the heart of man, because nowhere
else can man enjoy heavenly joys and bliss but in his heart, and because I, your God and
Father, dwell in your heart; so heaven will indeed be found there.

3. Since there are places where heaven is supposed to be behind the stars, and just as there
are no clouds of water in the heart, it is then self-evident that heavenly clouds mean something
different from what the dead Bible-letter interpreters find in there. The heavenly clouds are
Divine words of love of the spiritual teaching, and in these I have already appeared since the
year 1840 (through Jakob Lorber) and still speak from these to all men who already have a
mature heart for the Divine truth.

4. But here you will meet the false cloud-interpreters in priests and their believers who
hereticate My holy word, blaspheme, drag My word through the dung, call Me a madman and
the like.

5. Should I not warn you against such cloud-interpreters?! Yes, certainly, they are incomparably
more annoying than the former stupid cloud-interpreters were, for they are a true abomination
to Me because of their insolence and audacity against My holy Person since they know that the
Word of God and God are one and the same. They will know in whom they have stabbed with
their snake's tongue when their time of passing away will come.

94. The interpreters of days

1. Just as in the old covenant the only seventh day or the Sabbath was considered holy and
only on this day all work was suspended, so it is with the Christian Sunday. Sunday must be
kept, and on that day, man must come to church to prove his reverence to God, and therefore
all and every work must rest on Sunday.

2. But the Sabbath only means the rest, and that of the heart for worldly desires and lusts, thus
against the committing of sins. But this is to happen all days and forever and not only on a
Sunday, because I let the sun rise for you daily and not only on a Sunday. So I, God, have to
be active daily and constantly, which the whole creation proves to you.

95. Snake charmers

1. One would hardly think that there are snake charmers also among the Christians, and yet
this genus of black magicians is represented as abundantly as hardly any other.

2. The question is: What is the serpent in spiritual correspondence? The serpent is man's
selfishness and self-love, and is the same serpent that led you to sin when you were the first

3. Nowadays, almost the whole human race is a breed of snakes and vipers, a lie of
materialism and selfishness; this multi-headed snake dominates it.

4. This serpent is continually summoned to perform services in all directions and must always
be ready to enter into service at the summoner's command. Yes, if you would see yourselves
spiritually, you would mostly only notice snakes and dragons, which are the equivalent of your
doing and omitting.

5. Let go of your snake-incantation, because I have never created a snake-heaven, so are you
also do not enter it as long as you have not freed yourselves from this hellish snake poison
through the virtue of love, mercy and selflessness. Amen.

96. Interpreters of bird-calls

1. The pagan augurs interpreted the flight and cries of birds; the Christian augurs interpret the
cries of preachers.

2. Others interpret from the writings of the darkness of the philosophical night owls of the denial
of God. So you see that all the people, with very few exceptions, belong to the class of night
birds, which in their spiritual darkness hereticize, blaspheme and brand everything that does not
smell of their human statutes.
97. Sorcerers
1. There are a lot of magicians these days. For example, the Catholic priests are above all: no
true Catholic may read a book that is not approved or permitted to be read by the bishop. My
own Divine dictations have been put on the index as forbidden to read in Rome.

2. This is very easy to grasp: The Pope bears the Divine title "Holy Father", that is: God and
Creator of the worlds, of angels, spirits and men. How then can one demand that a Catholic
acknowledges yet another God and reads His Divine teaching?

3. So all the Roman popes have bewitched all obedient believers that they are not allowed to
read any book by Me, Jesus Christ Jehovah of hosts! But that is why I will, as I said in the
magazine "Love" II, page 31, throw their world-divine pride into ruins.

4. Atrocious magicians are also the hypnotists, who, with black magic, maltreat or rape the
human soul. That's all I am going to say about that, because it's too mean.

5. Magicians are all false prophets, thus all priests and teachers of sects, because they conjure
up their false interpretations for the people in such a way that almost no conversion to the
Christian truth is possible without the use of force, that is, without working miracles.

6. Wizards of black magic can be found at universities, in offices and everywhere where the
decision between worldliness and the true doctrine of Christ is formed and developed, of course
always to the disadvantage of Christian truth, otherwise I would not call it black magic or
Satanism, - Amen.

98. The Popes as God-cursers in His children

A sin that a man commits and of which he does not know that it is sin, is either completely
overlooked by Me, or according to circumstances, very mildly punished, for example: Once the
prophets and apostles cursed, but they did not know that this is a sin because I only let it be
clearly stated through the apostle Paul that I, Jesus, as the God and Creator of the world, dwell
in every man. When now since this time, where the teaching of My personal presence is well
known in every man, still the guardians and chief teachers of the Divine word, popes and their
priesthood curse My children and therefore Myself - because I am the Spirit of life and of the
five senses in man, then such a sin is inexcusable, because highly sacrilegious in My eyes.

99. The curser

1. Moses (5 Moses 18:11) said to the people of Israel: "There should be no exorcist be found
among you. - One would think that these criminals were only to be sought and found among the
godless people. But the history of the Roman Catholic Church teaches the opposite: They, the
Church, that is, its supreme rulers, were for many centuries up to the days of the present, the
greatest cursers, and their curses was the great iniquity of the Spirit of God who dwells in every
human being and of His bride, who is the soul of man, and of the instrument of God and His
bride, the human body, which is called a living temple of God by the Apostle Paul in the letters
to the Corinthians.

2. In order to clarify what horrible curses and maledictions the Roman popes often pronounced
against the Spirit of God, His bride and His temple, since every human being is in his innermost
being God the Father or Love, after the soul the wisdom and after the body, the instrument of
the activity of the two outwardly - patterns of the spiritual representation of the Roman Catholic
Babylon shall follow here.

100. Papal Curses

1. According to the laws of the Roman Church which are presented here and which are in force
- because they have never been revoked - all persons who live and act in accordance with the
laws of God, which do not conform to the laws of the church, are subject to judgement, curse,
banishment and eternal damnation!

2. But since God did not send His Son into the world to condemn, curse and damn the world (as
the Roman priests do), but that the world would be saved through Him (Matt 18:11; Gal 1:4),
therefore all Romans that were set up by priests for the purpose of earning money, honour and
lust for power, human church statutes, but proceed according to the pure teachings of Jesus as
they are contained in the Bible, are relieved, of course, of all the above-mentioned hell-
punishments and torments of the Roman priesthood, by not wanting to follow Roman dogmas
or human statutes established by popes for their selfish purposes, they have separated
themselves from the Roman Church.

101. Bans and curses unto destruction for the heretics

1. In the general church assembly held in 1215, it was stated literally: "We put a ban on and
curse all heretics, whatever their name may be. But the worldly authorities of every kind are to be
admonished and exhorted, and - where necessary - forced by ecclesiastical penalties, to swear
publicly an oath in defense of the faith, that they will endeavour to exterminate in all faithfulness and
to the best of their ability from the territories under their jurisdiction, all heretics denounced by the
Church... If, however, a secular lord, at the admonition and request of the Church, fails to rid his
country of the heretical abomination, the archbishop and the other bishops of the archdiocese shall
have him excommunicated; and if, within a year, he fails to do his duty, he shall be brought to the
notice of the Pope, who shall relieve his vassals of their fiefdom and offer the land to the Catholics,
who, after the extermination of all heretics, may possess it without any objection and preserve it in
pure faith.”

2. If this commandment, which still exists in full force - on parchment, of course - were to
acquire its legal force, then no-one would remain alive - from the Pope to the last "Reverend",
because there are no greater heretics than the Roman priesthood: The Pope has declared
himself to be an infallible God, i.e. "holy father", the bishops are gods ("most reverend" like the
one in the tabernacle), all other priests are demigods (compared to "most reverend" as "high
reverend"), and the "holy" canons, bulls, etc. contain the most horrible dogmas or human
statutes, which contain war, murder, robbery, perjury, breach of faith, fornication, etc. etc., while
My, Jesus', teaching, teaches only love, humility, peace, chastity, benevolence towards

102. The priests excommunicating and cursing the sovereign

princes because of tax payments
1. According to the "holy" law of the Church, all those are "cursed" who demand taxes from
spiritual persons without the permission of the Pope. (see C. Exkommunicamus, de religiosis
domibus in 7).

2. In this graceful product of "Holy Spirit", it literally says: "We excommunicate and curse all
those who impose duties and burdens on the clergy and their goods or income without special
and explicit permission from the Pope, even if they are of imperial or royal majesty.

3. I, Christ, told the priests: "Give to God what is God's and to the emperor what is the
emperor's!" (Matt 22:21)

4. Jesus teaches in Luke 6:37 - "Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned." - According
to this Divine saying, priests curse and condemn themselves, but not others.

5. Because the Roman canons are "holy" and "eternally valid", therefore by the above "holy
law" you will learn how the Roman Curia regards the ruling princes of Europe, who demand
taxes from all church goods.

103. Boundless arrogance and ecclesiastical megalomania of

the priests. Examples of how the popes curse horribly
1. I, Jesus taught: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for your
persecutors and slanderers (that they may convert and enter into the light of truth - Matt 5:44) -
Now hear how the Popes follow these My commandments:

2. In 1346, the "infallible" Pope Clement VI "cursed" and "banished" the German Emperor
Ludwig, the 'Bavarian', with the following words:

"Cursed be he when he enters and when he leaves, the Lord strike him with madness, blindness and
spiritual fury, the heavens send their lightnings upon him, the wrath of the Almighty God and of the
holy Peter and Paul, whose Church he did his best to confuse and still confuses, flares up against him
in this and the future world. Let the world rise up against him in battle, let the earth open up and
swallow him alive; in a generation his name will be destroyed and his memory will disappear from the
earth. All the elements shall rise up against him, his dwelling place shall be desolate, and his sons
shall be cast out of their dwellings and fall into the hands of the enemies under his eyes, who shall
destroy them. (Similar curses also occur in Pius IX's encyclical of November 21, 1873
(Deutscher Merkur, Munich 1873, p. 386 - Leo XIII and Satan cult, p. 58).
3. To understand why this terrible bull of excommunication came into the world and into the
public eye, listen to the cause: Clemens was at odds with Emperor Ludwig. But Emperor
Ludwig wanted peace and demanded that Clemens himself should give a formula of
submission. In the hope that it would not be accepted, the Pope proposed the most disgraceful
conditions in it:

4. The Emperor should confess guilt to all heresies and errors of which he is ever accused (i.e.
those which correspond to the selfish human statutes of the Popes), renounce his rights to the
Empire and rule only "by the grace of the Pope" and place his states, his children, his own
person at the Emperor's disposal (i.e., become a papal imperial slave)!

5. The Emperor forgot himself so far as to accept these conditions, and when his envoys came
to Avignon (then the Pope's residence) to explain this and took the oath in the name of Louis,
the Pope drove his excessive insolence so far as to demand that the Emperor should revoke
everything he had ordered as King of the Germans and should promise not to take any further
action in public affairs that had not been previously approved by the Pope. The Imperial
parliament declared itself to be against this - and the Pope hurled the above excommunication
curse against the Emperor. (Patuzzi 200, p. 796; Rieks Leo XIII; Satan cult 58)

6. (Schumi): And if the priests still had to give orders today, they would use the same arrogant
language. I was convinced of this, Schumi, in 1896 by a priest who, in response to my
objection that a clergyman is not considered more by God as any other human being, answered
me in all seriousness that a priest is higher before God than all of humanity put together(1)!
Thus, such arrogance oppresses almost 1600 million people. - And it is precisely pride that is
the greatest sin with God, because it brought down the greatest spirit that God created, Lucifer-
Satana. (ChtS. I: - ChtS. 21, 40)

104. The Russian God-curser

1. The Russian popes also curse, damn and cast spells, as in the following report on Leo

2. Countess Sophie Tolstoj to Popedonoscew († 1907). With regard to the excommunication of

Count Leo Tolstoj, his wife, Countess Sophie Tolstoj, wrote the following letter to the Chief
Procurator of the Holy Synod, K.P. Pobedonoscew and the Metropolitans who issued the

3. Moscow, 26 February (11 March?) 1901

I have read in the newspapers the synodal judgement which the excommunication munikaion
pronounces on my husband, Count Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. This excommunication, which bears the
signatures of priests of the Church, has not failed to touch me sensitively. My indignation and my pain
is great. Not as if I believe that this saying will result in the eternal damnation of my husband; that is
God's, not man's, business. The soul-life of a man remains an impenetrable mystery to everyone else
in his relations with his religious beliefs, and this inner life of man is, thank heaven, independent of
any worldly power. But I can and I never will grasp how the Church, of which I Myself am a member
and from which I will never let go, has been able to pronounce this ban - the same Church which
Christ founded so that, in the name of God, it might consecrate with His blessing, the most solemn
events in man's life: birth, marriage, death, - the same Church which has the task of proclaiming the
commandments of mercy and grace, the same Church which instructs us to love our enemies and
those who hate us, the same Church which should include all men in her prayers!

4. This excommunication will not cause approval but indignation of all people. For Leo Nikolaevich, it
means an increase in the love and sympathy shown to him. We receive daily manifestations of these
feelings from all countries of the world, and they will continue to reach us for a long time to come.
How could I not also briefly mention the pain that another recently issued decree has aroused in me,
namely the secret order by which the Holy Synod instructed the priests to deny Leo Nikolaevich an
ecclesiastical burial in case of his death. Who is to be hit with this? The dead man, his mortal shell,
insensitive to pain, or those who are closest to him in life, those who believe in him? If this is a threat,
against whom is it directed, what is the intention? Does anyone really believe that if my husband
should die, I will not be able to find a good priest who would hold the funeral ceremony for my
husband without fear of man, imbued with true Divine love? But that would not even be necessary.
For me, the church is an abstract concept, and as its servant, I recognize only those who grasp the
inner essence of the church.

5. If one had to believe that the Church is nothing but a community of people who have no qualms about
violating in their wickedness the supreme commandment of Christ, the commandment of love, we,
who are her faithful disciples and the guardians of the law, would have left the Church long ago. Not
those who seek the truth are the apostates, but those who in their arrogance stand at the head of the
Church and have turned away from the laws of love, humility, mercy and who do the work of spiritual
hangmen. God will be merciful to those who have lived a humble life even outside the church
federation, renounced the pleasures of this world and practiced the duties of love and selflessness;
God's forgiveness is more certain for them than for those whose fellow men and jewels shine in the
splendour of precious stones and who, as evil shepherds, drive out of the church those who are
appointed to guard them. Hypocrisy will easily distort my words, but good will reveals the true
intentions of the people. Countess Sophie Tolstoj

105. The Roman society of the God-curser in its children

Instead of a preface, the inclined reader would like to read the following 21 canons, the first
work of the ecumenical council held in Rome in 1870, in which Pius IX was declared to be an
infallible God:

I. He who says that the religion of Christ does not exist and is not expressed in any special
established community and expressed by Christ Himself, but that it can be correctly held and
practiced by the individuals for themselves, without regard to any community which is Christ's true
church, he is cursed!

II. He who says that the Church has not received from the Lord Christ a definite and unchangeable
constitutional form, but that she, like other human communities, has been or can be subjected to
changes and transformations according to the diversity of times, he is cursed!

III. He who says that the Church of the Divine promises is not an external and visible community, but
a wholly internal and invisible one, he is cursed!

IV. He who says that the true Church is not a body that is uniform in itself, but is made up of the
various scattered communities of the Christian name and is poured out over them, or the various
communities that differ from one another in their confession of faith and are separate from the united
form, as it were, as members or parts of the one and universal Church of Christ, he is accursed!
V. He who says that the Church is not a community that is absolutely necessary for the attainment
of eternal bliss - or, people can become blessed through the practice of any religion, let him be

VI. He who says that the intolerance with which the Catholic Church outlaws and condemns all
religious sects that are separated from their community is not prescribed by Divine law - or can only
have opinions but can certainty not rule over the truth of religion, and therefore all religious sects are
to be tolerated by the Church, he is cursed!

VII. He who says that this very Church of Christ can sink into darkness or be infected by abuses by
which it strays from the beatifying truth of faith and morals, deviates from its original institution or -
degenerate and corrupt - ceases to be finite, he is cursed!

VIII. He who says that the present Church of Christ is not the last and highest institution for the
attainment of salvation, but another is to be expected through a new and fuller outpouring of the Holy
Spirit, he is cursed!

IX. He who says that the infallibility of the Church is limited only to that (lat: ea) which is contained in
the Divine revelation (or is to be read eas? - to those truths which...?) and does not extend also to
other truths which are per defenition necessary, so that the treasure of revelation may be completely
preserved, he is cursed!

X. He who says that the Church is not a perfect community, but an association (collegium), or that
she stands in civil society or in the state in such a way that she is subject to worldly rule, he is cursed !

XI. He who says that the Church appointed by God is, as it were, a community of equals; but the
bishops, although they have a ministry and a service, do not have their own power of government,
which they are entitled to by Divine appointment and which of them may be freely exercised, he is

XII. He who says that according to our Lord and Saviour Christ, His Church has only been given the
power to lead by advice and persuasion, but not also to command by law, and to chastise and force
the erring and the stubborn by external judgement and salutary punishment, he is cursed!

XIII. He who says that the true Church of Christ, outside of which no-one can be saved, is different
from the one, holy, Catholic and Roman-Apostolic Church, he is cursed!

XIV. He who says that the holy apostle Peter was not appointed by the Lord Christ as the first apostle
and as the visible head of the whole contending church, or that he only received the primacy of
honour, but not the primacy of true and own power, he is cursed!

XV. He who says that it is not according to the Lord Christ's self-appointment that the holy Peter has
permanent successors in the primacy over the whole Church - or, the Roman Pope is not by Divine
right the successor of Peter in this very primacy, he is cursed!

XVI. He who says that the Roman Pope has only the office of supervision or leadership, but not the full
and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole Church - or, that his power is not a regular and
direct one over all and any churches, he is cursed!

XVII. He who says that an independent ecclesiastical authority, such as that granted by Christ
according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, and a supreme civil authority cannot coexist in such
a way that the rights of both are preserved, he is cursed!
XVIII. He who says that the violence necessary for the government of the bourgeois state is not from
God, or, according to God's own law, one is not guilty of non-submission – or that it is contrary to the
natural freedom of man, he is cursed!

XIX. He who says that all the rights existing between human beings derive from the political state - or
that there is no authority except the authority communicated by the one, he is cursed!

XX. He who says that in the laws of the political state or in the public opinion of the people is the
supreme norm of conscience for public and social actions - or, the claims of the church do not extend
to these actions, by which it expresses itself about what is permitted and what is not permitted - or,
something is permitted by civil law, what is not permitted by Divine or church law, he is cursed!

XXI. He who says that the laws of the Church have no binding force unless they are confirmed by the
sanction of civil authority - or, that civil authority, by virtue of its supreme authority, is entitled to give
judgement and decision in matters of religion, he is cursed!

106. The Satanic excommunication of Pope Leo XIII against

Leo Taxil in 1897
1. No-one has ever disgraced the priesthood like the famous Leo Taxil, the man who painted
the devil Bitru with Miss Diana Vaughan, even got his signature and proved the connection of
the devil with the Masons. For twelve years he served the priestly superstition and acquired the
love of numerous high clergymen - yes, he was the favourite of Pope Leo XIII. Among the
pious, the devilsih writer Taxil was almost considered a saint. Then this devilish man called a
meeting in Paris and declared there everything he said and wrote to be a hoax by which he had
made fools of the priests and the pious.

2. One can imagine the shame and anger of the clergy that such a revelation must have
caused. But the matter seems to have been the most serious thing to the Pope Leo XIII,
because he hurled a spell against Leo Taxil with the following curse:

3. "In the name of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, of the holy laws and the holy ones,
Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and all the heavenly virtues, angels, archangels, thrones,
powers, cherubim, seraphim and all holy patriarchs, prophets and evangelists, the holy innocents who in
the face of the Lamb of God alone are worthy to sing a new song, and also in the name of the holy
martyrs, of the holy confessors16 and of all saints together with all others chosen by God.

We pronounce the ban and the Anathema against this transgressor, who calls himself Leo Taxil, and
we expel him from the threshold of the holy Church of God,

... that God the Father, who created man, curse him; that God the Son of God, who suffered for man,
curse him; that the Holy Spirit, by whom he was born again through baptism, curse him; that the Holy
Cross, on which Christ ascended for our health and triumphed over his enemies, curse him;

... that the Holy and Eternal Virgin Mary, Mother of God, curse him; that St. Michael, the Advocate of
souls, curse him; that all angels and archangels and all heavenly hosts curse him;
... that the holy multitude of the patriarchs and prophets curse him; that the holy John, who baptized
Christ, curse him; that St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Andreas, all the apostles and all the other disciples of
Christ and the four evangelists, whose preaching converted the universe, curse him;

... that the holy and marvellous multitude of martyrs and confessors, who have found grace before
God through their good works, curse him; that the holy choir of virgins, who have despised the world
for the glory of God, curse him; that all the saints who have been loved by God from the beginning of
the world until the end of the centuries curse him; that heaven and earth and all the holy things
enclosed therein curse him;

... that he is cursed wherever he may be, in his house, in the field, on the road, on the paths, in the
wilderness and also when he enters a church; that he is cursed in life and at the hour of death; that he
will be cursed in every one of his actions, when he will drink and eat, when he will be hungry and
thirsty or fast, when he will sleep, slumber or wake, when he will walk or stand still, sit or lie down,
when he will work or rest, when he will satisfy his natural needs, when he will give in to lust or bleed
from wounds;

... that he is cursed in all parts of his body; that he is cursed in all that makes up his ego, inwardly and
outwardly; that he is cursed in his hair and brains; that he is cursed in his skull, temples, forehead,
ears, brows, eyes, cheeks, jaw, nose, teeth, lips, throat, shoulders, flesh, arms, hands, fingers, breast,
heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, thighs, genitals, hips, knees, feet, nails; that he is cursed in all the
joints and joints of his limbs; that sickness devours him from the crown to the sole;

... that Christ, Son of the living God, may curse him with His omnipotence and His majesty, and may
heaven and all working forces rise up against him to condemn him - provided that he does not repent
and grant us all the satisfaction we demand. Amen; so be it, so be it, - Amen!"

4. With this certainly very extensive and detailed curse one compares what I, Jesus Christ,
have said according to the Bible with regard to enemies: "Love your enemies, do good to those
who hate you, pray for those who insult and persecute you!"


107. The Necromancer

Moses (5 Moses 18:11) writes for Israel: "There shall be no-one with you who is a
necromancer." The incantation is done, fully believing the words of a known deceased or spirit,
because the incantation is always done with the full belief that it has the power to move the
deceased or spirit to do what is asked of it. Now look into the Roman and Russian churches
and you will hear millions of necromancers every day how they call upon Mary and thousands
of other spirits through faithful prayer-calls to fulfill their wishes. Because a confident,
unshakeable prayer is like a magic formula that resounds from the earthly to the spiritual
kingdom and draws the spirits by force to fulfill the desire of the full believer as under an
108. The invocation of the Spirit of God
Every Christian who, in full-believing prayer to God, fills his heart with all the power of full faith
and expects his wishes to be fulfilled out of this faith, works in the same way as an invocator of
the omnipotence of God to fulfill his desires unyieldingly. Such a full faith is fulfilled when it is
itself against the will of God - because it works like an incantation.

109. The priestly exorcists

Every Roman Catholic priest has a Latin book that teaches how to summon and banish the
dead or the spirits. In this way the priests prove that they themselves actually practice what
they accuse the spiritists of, because exorcism means devil incantation, ghost banning, and the
dark priest uses this to drive away the ghost-spirits, instead of praying for them in community,
that I, Jesus, give them an enlightenment and instruction how they can free themselves from
their sad situation and put them into happier conditions.
110. The Fortune teller
1. The fortune tellers in Christianity are the card readers and card interpreters, of whom there
are many, and even among the priests some can be found.

2. No man can prophesy if he is not God's medium, where information is given to him through
the direct word; but this is only possible by asking and praying for it.

3. A person who is born again can also prophesy, because he has been given the spiritual
vision and the grace to look into the future. Such persons are baptized with the baptism of fire
of the Holy Spirit and therefore lead the lives of the chosen children of God on earth.

4. But those who prophesy from the cards, are possessed by spirits that were once card-
readers themselves, or by some other spirit that inspires the card-reader to say what he should
say. From this you can see that every card-reader is possessed by spirits.

5. But the certainty in the statement proves to what degree of advancement or darkness the
spirit itself is. But in all cases it is an abomination in My eyes because man as My child is only
to seek the information from Me and not from the card-players possessed by the dead - or

6. The priests did not care about the extermination of this kind of black magic, although they
claim to be servants of God, Who forbade this kind of divination.

111. The Soothsayer, or interpreter of signs

1. John writes (Rev 13): And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two
horns like a lamb, but he spoke as a dragon. Two horns mean the love of the manufacturers
for themselves and for their workers, and talking like a dragon-spirit, means the great power of
capital, under which all things must bow.
2. He also exercised all the authority of the first beast before his eyes, and caused the earth
and its inhabitants to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed.

3. Meaning: The first beast means the scholarly world, which also conducts the leading
language of the state; thus the rule of capital connected itself with the scholarly world and the
artists helped them out of their inferiority through capital to power and dominion, in that these
two great factors of the state reached out their hand to exploit all power and dominion in the
state. Therefore, the whole people, including the working class, came under their ruling power.

4. It does great signs, so that it even makes fire come down from heaven before the eyes of

Meaning: He does great signs of disaster, even such that he destroys all the love of men for
God and thus makes the people godless.

And it deceives the inhabitants of the earth by the miraculous signs which it is permitted to do
before the beast, and it tells the inhabitants of the earth to make an image to the beast which
had the wound of the sword and had come to life.

Meaning: And blinds the people by the power of the development of capital in such a way that
the people regard industry as their nourishing god, although it inflicted on them a wound like a
sword and yet was brought to life by the working participation of the people.

5. And it was given to him that he should give the Spirit to the image of the beast, that the
image of the beast should speak, and make those who did not worship the image of the beast,
to be killed.

Meaning: And it happened that the industry grew in power and began to rule, so that the poor
people were forced to lend their labour to the capital rulers if they did not want to starve and

6. And it makes that all, small and great, rich and poor, free and servant, wear the sign on their
right hand or on their foreheads.

Meaning: And industry makes everyone, small and large, rich and poor, free and servant, wear
the sign on their right hand, that they are capable workers, craftsmen, artists, mechanics, or
wear the badge on their foreheads, that they are officials, scholars, or otherwise educated
people who have or earn a secure living.

This explanation had to precede in order to make you understand who the interpreters of the
signs are today: It is the parents who, when a man is courting their daughter, ask: What is he,
what can he do, what position does he hold in the factory, in the office, at school, in the shop,
etc.? These signs are used to research and interpret whether one should and can give him the

Once the scales of love tipped, now the signs of the right hand or the learned or scientific
education, is the sign on the forehead. Yes, it has come to the point that nowadays nobody can
and will acquire or give away a daughter, unless the identity and the name of the family are
proven, or one's status, or ability to provide bread, or one's office. - Read the interpretation of
the 18th verse with the number 666 in the book "Christian Theosophy", chapter 251:5.
112. Interrogators of the dead
1. Among these are the spiritists and all those who seek information about this and that from
the spirits.

2. Every man is a spirit, the difference between this world and the hereafter consists only in the
fact that you are still in the flesh, but the ones who have fallen asleep are only in spirit, therefore
they live without flesh.

3. Interaction with the spirit-world in the way it is done today, is an abomination in My eyes
because curiosity and having fun are the focus. Through this, the spirits are pulled down to the
dark earth from their actual assignment to work themselves spiritually up and higher and into
brighter regions to finally become mature, to be accepted into My kingdom of children, so that
they there again become worldly and darkened themselves.

4. Because, in order to materialize with you through knocking, table-turning, materializing, risky
manifestations etc., they have to use a sinful fluid to achieve this - but through this they
desecrate themselves, become worldly again and miss their goal of ennoblement and
deification and you are to blame for this, because you give them the means through the
spiritualistic circle, to be formed as you are.

5. All human beings are carnal-sensual, all have this or that vice, characteristic or passion in
them. But all this is contained in the fluid which you lend to the spirit for its material revelation.
Through this, the spirits are infected or contaminated and something always sticks to them, like
the bad luck with which one has been dealing.

6. So see that you are evildoers against your dearly departed ones when you practice spiritism
in this way as it is now in practice. For the spirits whom you have attracted through spiritism,
usually stay with you, and you are partly possessed by them, partly accompanied by them
wherever you go.

7. The spirits accept your virtues and vices and live with you in your spirit; there are exceptions,
but not many, because every society only sticks together when it has similar attitudes, and this
is also the case with the spiritistic spirits.

8. The spirits who participate in the spiritistic sessions are recruited from the spheres of the first
and second hell - hence so many lies, deceptions and infernal scenes during the sessions; and
from the first paradise (Middle Kingdom) and from the second paradise (called Summerland),
hence better spirits and of nobler disposition. But one do not believe that it is always high
spirits who speak in an anointing way! It is often infernal spirits who accept the vile mask of
deception and talk about God, heaven and all sorts of things, and how beautiful it is, etc., etc.
But the one who knows the truth about the heavenly conditions, will soon discover their mean
lies. But how many spiritists want to read the truth from God and believe it? Rarely any; to
others, the Divine truth is a lie - but the lie of the hell-spirits with whom they communcate, is
truth [to them]!

9. So it is with spiritism. Higher spirits from upper paradise or from the heavens do not take
part in spiritism because they do not want to contaminate and desecrate their spiritual purity
with the sinful fluid of people. It is believed that the trembling of the floor signifies the arrival of
the high spirits. - Oh no, the spirit-bodies consist of electricity and therefore they have the
power to carry out many things by force what is impossible for man, and it would be terrible in
the world if I Myself would not keep their power and strength in check. - And their high
speeches! Do you not know that often the greatest deniers of God, crooks, deceivers, law-
abiding men, and even religious preachers who do not believe in God and Christ, make the
most beautiful speeches? And that this art of speaking is only doubled there because they no
longer have any pressing fleshly worries, you know that man enters the spirit kingdom as he
was here - and yet you let yourselves be so childishly lied to and faithfully deceived.

10. They know how to ingratiate themselves with you, what you like to hear and so you become
the prey of their deceitful lies and deceptions.

11. I have herewith illuminated to you in a few words how you are made a fool of and [become]
possessed by spirits of the deceased, overheard and also incited to all kinds of sinful acts when
you as friends of spiritism need this for your spiritual sustenance and mercy.

113. The Catholic priests as fortune tellers
1. In the fifth book of Moses, 18th chapter and 10th verse, interaction with fortune-tellers is
forbidden; but now every Catholic as well as Protestant priest is a fortune-teller, because both
promise the sick person at the deathbed that he will go to paradise or heaven.

2. The Catholic promises him paradise on the basis of a penitential confession and communion.
This promise is often based on truth, because it is the same case here as it was with the thief
on the cross; The thief recognized his crime and repented of it before the whole multitude,
saying that the punishment of crucifixion which he had to endure was a just one, and since he
openly confessed this, and since he was also tired of the past life, what he had done wrong,
and since he atoned for the punishment by suffering and dying on the cross, he has atoned for
his evil deeds, and had a good will to become an orderly man if he would have been granted to
remain still alive; the paradise promised by Me - because every spirit who once has a full
repentance about his committed sins and makes a fully earnest resolution to no longer sin,
gains the grace to come to the first or lower paradise - where he now has the task of turning his
resolution into action, so that, little by little, he can reach the Middle Paradise or the
Summerland by training in good virtues, and from there progress ever higher and higher.

114. The Protestant priests as fortune tellers

1. You have seen that the Catholic priest often tells the truth to the repentant sinner without
being convinced of it himself; for the attainment of grace for a sinner to go to Paradise, depends
only on his insight and knowledge that he has indeed led a sinful life, which he now wants to
renounce and begin to lead a life prescribed by the commandment of God. When he has
awakened the true remorse of a contrite heart about what he has committed, has asked Me for
forgiveness of his sins and has made the fullest serious intention to no longer live against My
Divine order, then the way into lower paradise will certainly be opened for him and also will the
instructive protective spirit be sent to him.
2. The situation is quite different with the Bible-fixed priests as prophets. Unfortunately, these
are, almost without exception, false prophets and evildoers against humanity, because their
misinterpretations of the Bible make them, on average, the destroyers of the salvation of the
souls of their faithful, since no-one can enter Paradise with a false doctrine of God. Of course,
there are also Protestants who have a better insight into the facts than their priests have, but
they are the minority.

3. Now the false teachings of some Protestant priests and sect-teachers are to follow, so that it
can be seen how false prophecies concerning their sins are made to the poor Protestant
people. However, it is not said that this kind of faith is believed everywhere, so only those who
have been attached to the sacrilegious teachings below, should be converted.

4. Peter writes in Hebrews 10:17 (God speaks): "I will remember their sins and their
unrighteousness no more. And on the basis of this passage - which only concerns redemption
from Adam's original sin - is taught: "What precious assurance from the mouth of God himself
for every believing heart! God speaks here of all those who, in need of salvation and in faith,
have taken refuge in the dear blood of Christ, in His accomplished sacrifice at Golgotha. They
all may be convinced that their sins will never again come into the presence of God. God will
never again concern Himself with them, nor remember them; for God once dealt with all the
sins of the faithful in a judicial way when He laid the whole punishment for them on Christ on
the cross. There the question of all your sins has been dealt with in the most thorough and
comprehensive way and has been put in order forever, believing reader, so that God now says
of you and all fellow believers: "I will never again remember your sins and your lawlessness!"
Do you rejoice in this blessed fact, or do you still sigh in bondage of fear of God even though
you believe in Christ? Do it no longer. Let the perfect love that God revealed for you on the
cross dispel all fear from your heart, and let your conscience rest on the clear, unconditional
word of God: The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, makes us clean from all sin. (as per 1 John

5. Oh you poor Protestant people under the directive to soul-death and subsequent hell!

115. Major evidence of gross deception

1. A prominent pastor, whose name is kept secret, writes about the sins that people commit
today, that the firm belief in the substitutionary sacrificial death of Christ sanctifies people,
because Christ, by dying on the cross, also broke the power of the sins committed now, and
that therefore the sins committed today, can do no harm to people! He says:

We may praise to non-converts and converts that not only all guilt of sin, but also all power of sin is
broken in our members at the cross, that there is no longer any chain of sin, no matter how terrible,
that has not been torn apart by Christ's power of the cross (if you believe in Him, as I tell you).
Therefore this truth is not only right for the converted, but also for the unconverted, so that we may
freely and courageously proclaim to slaves of sin bound by drunkenness, unchastity, lying, anger,
thievery, etc.: "Christ is your Redeemer, now present to you in the word, not only of your sins, but also
of your fetters of sin".

2. From the contents of the whole booklet, the conclusion is: With the mere belief that Jesus
suffered and died on the cross for your sins now committed, you are free from all sins, hence an
3. And so one hears many times among the Protestant people speaking and writing, as the
following proofs show:

4. In another place of such tracts, it is taught:

"God shows us in the Epistle to the Hebrews how much more glorious and greater Christ is than all
examples, yes, than anything that could be compared to Him. To God, He is the Son and the
reflection of His glory and the expression of His being". - But as great and sublime as His person is, so
glorious and perfectly natural is His work on the cross. He has become "the Author of eternal
salvation" for all who believe in Him. (Hebr 5:9) He brought them "an eternal redemption" (9:12).
They are made "perfect forever" by the one sacrifice of Golgotha, and God never remembers their
sins. (10:14,17)

5. Remember, believing reader, who believes in the Son of God, according to your position you are
"perfect forever", you are not only now and today, but continuously and eternally. - And at the same
time, God will never, never, never in eternity, remember your sins to bring them to judgement.
"Forever" and "never"! How gloriously these two opposites are united here for the salvation of faith!
Oh, let us reflect on God's love and salvation and consecrate our whole lives to Him.

6. Dear Christian, read the following tracts to see how to lead people into the lie, as you silently
ignore the contradictions that illuminate the following passages, how to understand them:

7. (Year 1905) A missionary asked an old, recently educated woman who was nearing death whether she
was not afraid to appear before God. "No," she replied, "I have the justification." "What is the
justification?" asked the missionary. Surprised by this question, the woman looked at her teacher,
then replied: "Well, you know that. When I come before God, Christ is there. I stand behind Him, so
that God sees only Him, not me. And anything God asks me, I just keep quiet. Christ answers for

8. My reader, as childlike as this account is, as wonderful is the truth on which it is based. The believer
stands before God in Christ. With His blood, Christ has answered for him before God to all questions
about his sins. He carried them to the cross and put them away from God. God no longer sees them,
no longer sees the believer in his own ego and value. He sees him in Christ, only in his perfection.

- Truly, if this is so, the believer can flow here every day in God's blessed peace and, when He
calls him, come before Him. (One can add to this: he may be a robber and mass murderer, but
he is sinless). Oh, boundless deception!

116. Serious questions answered by God

1. Do you want to be reconciled with God? He loved us and sent His Son to atone for our sins.
(1 John 4:10)

2. Do your sins make you miserable? "Come then and let us be right with one another," says
Jehovah. If your sins are like scarlet fever, they shall be as white as snow". (Isaiah 1:18)

3. Because these passages are evident to the reader of the doctrine of justification in Luther's
book as complete heresy, only the passage from Isaiah 1:18 shall be illuminated, how the truth
was hidden and to raise the lie to the truth.
4. Actually, it is written there: “Come, then, and let us judge with one another, says Jehovah. If
your sins are like scarlet, they shall become white like snow; if they are red like crimson, they
shall become (white) like wool.” - But they conceal the assignment through which this can
happen, and therefore this teaching is highly heretical, because they make the believer ripe for
hell through lies, distortions of facts and concealment of Divine truth. Therefore the matter is to
be examined on what the passage in Isaiah 1:18 is based, namely in Isaiah 1:15-17.

5. While you are still spreading out your hands, I am hiding My Divine Eyes from you; even if
you are still praying much, for your hands are full of blood (that is, full of sins against My
Commandments). Wash, cleanse yourselves. Do away with your evil ways from before My
eyes, leave evil; learn to do good, seek justice, help the oppressed, bring justice to the orphan,
lead the widow's cause. Then only verse 18 begins, and this is the true teaching: If you want to
enter heaven as a righteous man, fulfill all the commandments, regulations and teachings of

6. For what I suffered and died, says Moses I in chapter 3, Peter in Hebrews 9:15 and Paul in
Romans 3:25. All these 3 main witnesses say that this was done for the original sin of Adam,
committed in the old covenant, and which passed on to all Adam's descendants, because they
have also sinned in the spirit of the original parents. The teaching that I suffered and died for
the former transgressions that occurred before death on the cross, is the complete denial of the
false teaching that I also suffered and died for the subsequent ones or for the sins of the new

7. But the Protestant preachers and teachers of religion leave Moses, the Epistle to the
Hebrews and the Epistle to the Romans untouched, as if these three main witnesses of what I,
Jesus Christ, suffered and died for, were not in the Bible at all - or they distort the truth by
imputing a different, false meaning to the fact.

117. Moses, Peter and Paul

By concealing the real reason why I, Christ, came into the world, suffered and died on the
cross, the Protestant religion teachers make and declare these three great men of the Christian
religion to be false prophets. But especially by presenting their false interpretations of the Bible
as truth to the people. But the kingdom of lies is hell and not heaven, for this is what the
prophets of the old and new covenant teach you.

118. Blessed by grace

1. The apostle Paul was the greatest and most zealous propagator of the Christian religion; but
if you compare his teachings with the teachings of the other apostles, you will find that in some
passages of the Bible, he taught the opposite of the truth. He is not to be dismissed for this.
Where you find the truth with other apostles, but the opposite with Paul, keep to the truth,
because the truth is I, Christ (John 14:6), being God.* But Paul was only a man who could also

2. So Paul says in the Epistle to Ephesians 2:5: "Since we were dead in sin, God has made us
alive together with Christ, (for by grace you have been saved).
3. This passage, if understood in a Protestant way, is a false doctrine. But if it is understood
according to the truth of Bible evidence, it becomes the truth when, according to Moses I,
chapter 3, Hebrews 9:15 and Romans 3:25, redemption on the cross is related to the sin you
once committed in the spirit of Adam and Eve, because only for this sin the Saviour was
promised, and only for this sin have mankind been delivered through grace by Me, because I,
Christ, suffered and died by grace for all men on earth, but not for today's sins and also not only
for those who believed and still believe in Me.

4. Matthew (11:12) writes: The kingdom of God needs violence, and whoever does not seize it
with violence, will not enter it. These My words teach you that no-one will go to heaven by
grace, but only by own and great effort and labour, therefore it is a great error when they teach
that you go to heaven with mere faith in Me, Christ, as this does not cost any effort at all and is
just as untrue as the assertion that man has no sins and that after death he will immediately be
fetched by Me and taken up in heaven. This is nowhere in the Bible, but it is a false doctrine
directed against the salvation of souls - against My holy words, which are in the new and in the
old covenant. This so highly important passage in Matthew 11:12, is tacitly omitted by these
Protestant teachers of religion of the Christian teaching, and in return they teach their human

5. Dear Christian, not even one of your sins is in your power to eradicate. Only firmly believe in the
redemptive work of Christ on Golgotha, and you will be justified before God, you will be sinless,
because the Son of God, with the sacrifice on Golgotha, has made you free from all sin once and for
all. So, false interpretations are attributed to the Bible, the truth is concealed and the Protestant
believer is made the prey of Satan if he does not pull himself together and do the will of God.

6. The question is, does that mean, "Believe in Jesus Christ and you will be saved", to take the
kingdom of God by force? Does not Jacob say that devils in hell also believe in God and
tremble before Him, but they remain devils and in hell?

7. Why do we keep this secret from the faithful and teach human statutes instead of the
teachings of God? Matthew and Jacob are declared to be false prophets, because their
teachings are not considered authoritative and a foreign false teaching is taught as the truth!

8. Have I not said at the Last Supper that I Myself will come as the Holy Spirit of Truth and
remind them of all that I have taught them in earthly life and that the Spirit of Truth will reveal
future things to them? But the Bible interpreters do not see and understand all this; and so I,
Christ, is stamped as a false prophet with My apostles through false interpretations of the Bible!

9. If you want to know Me, Christ, who I am, namely the only God who exists in infinity, then
read books no. 71 and 78. Every other faith is - according to the proofs from the Bible, which
are sun-clear in these books - a false prophethood!

10. Read My own Explanations of the Bible! I, Jesus Jehovah Zebaoth, your Saviour and
Redeemer of Golgotha, will not teach you false prophecy!

119. Belief in Christ

1. Nowhere in the Bible is it written that I, Christ, came into the world simply to preach faith in
Me, but I said to Myself that I did not come to abolish Moses and the prophets, but to fulfill
them, and I Myself gave many more explanations of these commandments.

2. What an enormous lie, then, is the teaching that man is justified and saved by mere faith in
Christ! If I, Jehovah, fulfilled in Christ Himself the commandments that I once gave through My
prophets to set an example to men as a faithful example of how to fulfill My commandments,
how can one be so presumptuous as to trample God's Word underfoot and teach just the
opposite of what I, Christ, have set as an example, to imitate Christ, by declaring them sinless
(hence angels in the flesh) instead of urging people to fulfill the Divine commandments, who do
not need to sow anything in order to reap there. So Christ, Paul and the other apostles are
declared to be false prophets by presenting quite different teachings from those contained in
the Bible, if we consider all the passages of the moral doctrine in it and examine them
according to their content.

3. Read book 78, where you will clearly see that faith in Me, Christ, means nothing other than
the words of the Bible: Fulfil all the commandments of the Old and New Covenant and live
according to My 7 virtues as the Son of Man, otherwise you will never go to heaven.

120. The Our Father Prayer

1. By praying the Lord's Prayer, man confesses that he is a sinner. So, it was My intention to
leave a prayer to man by which he confesses before God daily that he is a sinner and that God
should deal with him in the same way as he deals with his neighbour.

2. And how do men deal with their neighbour who is a child of God and their brother after flesh,
soul and spirit - because all men consist of the same substance and matter and all have the
same Creator as their spiritual Father?

3. They lie, cheat, rob, steal, murder, sue, throw into dungeons, cause bodily suffering, rob
spiritually the purity of the soul through speeches and deeds and thus murder the souls,
plunging them into the death of sin, and thus do evil to their neighbour in countless ways. And
yet they carelessly pray the Lord's Prayer: Do to us, then, as we do to our neighbour, judge and
measure us, as we have done to our neighbour as our brother; cast us into hell for our audacity,
since we do evil, and speak to You as if to mock Your teaching: Forgive us as we forgive! So
cast us into hell, that we may reap what we have sown in the world! So that the apostle Paul's
teaching, which You, eternally righteous Judge, gave for us through him, may become the truth
through the fulfillment of Your holy Word to us. - Read book 78.

4. Hebrews 10:26 - Peter wrote this letter in the year 48 at Joseph of Arimathea, and he tells us
the following in the passage quoted: "If we deliberately sin after we have received the
knowledge of the truth (that one must not sin, but live according to Divine commandments and
teachings - and yet we sin), we have no other sacrifice by Christ for our sins.

5. This passage clearly says that - if one nevertheless sins, after having already been taught by
one's parents and at school that one must not commit sins, one can then no longer rely on any
sacrifice of Christ, but that one will either be condemned to eternal damnation, or repent
himself. And what is the penance? Penance is initiated by the repentance of a deeply contrite
heart for having offended God by sin and having broken His holy commandment, by a great
apology for the forgiveness of sins, and by a firm resolution not to sin any more, but to live from
now on according to Divine will.
6. If God sees that the sinner is serious about keeping his promises, his sins will be forgiven. If
one falls again, he will quickly pull himself together, ask for forgiveness of sins committed and
renew his firm resolution to fulfill the will of God. Because I, God, am the most perfect,
therefore the most wise man and Father of man. I know the cause why man fell, but I also
know if he is completely serious to avoid sin from now on and therefore I act the same way as I
taught through Peter, namely to forgive 77 times. (Matt 18:22)

7. Behold: This passage of the Epistle to the Hebrews (10:26), your prophets do not want to
know, because they keep it completely secret and merely quote the Biblical passages that they
misinterpret - that man is sinless and by grace becomes blessed, and more of the same
heresies, in whose misinterpretation Satan and his devils have the greatest joy, because many
of these souls are like flies on honey, thinking: 'no sin can defile me, because the pastor says
that I have been cleansed of sin once and for all'.
Table of Contents
1. The big difference between prayer spiritism and experimental spiritism.................................................................2
2. Education about the term Spiritism......................................................................................................................... 2
3. What is Spiritism?................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Spiritualism............................................................................................................................................................. 3
5. Proof of the Truth.................................................................................................................................................... 3
6. Spiritism in the Bible............................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Spiritism in the Church........................................................................................................................................... 4
8. Spiritual Correspondence Language...................................................................................................................... 5
9. God as Spirit........................................................................................................................................................... 6
10. Clarification of the meaning of the word angel...................................................................................................... 6
11. The angel of Jehovah speaks in clairvoyance and in a dream to Abraham..........................................................6
12. The angel of Jehova speaks with Hagar............................................................................................................... 7
13. The visible angelic spirits...................................................................................................................................... 7
14. God visible through the angel............................................................................................................................... 7
15. Jehova speaks personally through the angelic spirit............................................................................................7
16. The Spirit of Jehovah speaks to Daniel through the person of the angel..............................................................7
17. Jehovah's appearance in the form of an angelic spirit..........................................................................................8
18. Appearance of the angel of Jehova in the burning bush.......................................................................................8
19. Vision of Daniel, who sees the angel of Jehovah in human form.........................................................................8
20. Jehova's clouds of glory....................................................................................................................................... 8
21. Jehova as a fire.................................................................................................................................................... 9
22. The Spirit of God as a white dove...................................................................................................................... 10
23. God's transfiguration as man.............................................................................................................................. 10
24. The spirits of angels as humans......................................................................................................................... 10
25. The Spirit of God in the form of fiery tongues..................................................................................................... 11
26. The spiritual voice of the angel of Jehovah without seeing the person of the angel...........................................11
27. Jehovah calls Samuel (without him seeing Jehovah).........................................................................................11
28. The voice of Jehova through the angel............................................................................................................... 12
29. Voice of Jehovah in the Temple on the Palm Festival Day.................................................................................12
30. Spiritual voice of the invisible Saviour Jesus...................................................................................................... 12
31. Spiritual voice of God (in the year 43)................................................................................................................ 12
32. The voice of Jehova........................................................................................................................................... 13
33. Jehovah's own voice as Jesus........................................................................................................................... 13
34. Jesus as spirit..................................................................................................................................................... 13
35. Jesus as King of spirits....................................................................................................................................... 14
36. Jesus as Spirit after the Resurrection................................................................................................................. 14
37. Jesus went as a spirit along with the two disciples to Emmaus..........................................................................14
38. The Spirit of the deceased Messiah appeared................................................................................................... 14
39. The Spirit of Jesus appear at the sea of Tiberias............................................................................................... 14
40. Jesus as Spirit on the day of ascension............................................................................................................. 14
41. Christ as God and Spirit..................................................................................................................................... 15
42. God's radiance and words to Saul...................................................................................................................... 15
43. The Holy Spirit.................................................................................................................................................... 15
44. Conscience as the Spirit of God......................................................................................................................... 15
COMMUNICATION THROUGH MEDIUMS.............................................................................................................. 15
45. The Ten Commandments................................................................................................................................... 15
46. The Angel of Jehovah - Urkanus........................................................................................................................ 16
47. Henoch as verbal medium.................................................................................................................................. 16
48. Gabriel as verbal medium................................................................................................................................... 16
49. The apostle John as verbal medium................................................................................................................... 16
50. Christian-Theosophical writing-mediums............................................................................................................ 17
SPIRITUAL APPARITIONS, SEEN BY OPENING THE SPIRITUAL EYES..............................................................17
51. Every human is a spirit and interact with spirits.................................................................................................. 17
52. Human interaction with angelic spirits................................................................................................................ 17
53. Protecting spirits are deceased people.............................................................................................................. 17
MATERIALISING...................................................................................................................................................... 18
54. The angel of Jehova as a materialised spirit...................................................................................................... 18
55. The spirit of Jehovah is called the archangel Gabriel to explain a vision to Daniel.............................................18
56. The arch-angel Raphael as the spirit of a deceased man..................................................................................18
57. The spirit of the arch-angel Gabriel.................................................................................................................... 18
58. The Spirit of Christ as solidified Spirit................................................................................................................. 19
59. Direct spiritual writing......................................................................................................................................... 19
60. The vision of the writing spirit-hand (Jehovah) in Babylon..................................................................................19
61. The possessed................................................................................................................................................... 19
SPIRITUAL INTERACTION WITH DECEASED PEOPLE........................................................................................20
62. The religion of the spiritists................................................................................................................................. 20
63. The Spiritist Confession...................................................................................................................................... 20
64. God's Word regarding interaction with spirits..................................................................................................... 21
SPIRITS................................................................................................................................................................... 22
65. Manifesting spirits............................................................................................................................................... 22
66. The power of belief of spirits............................................................................................................................... 23
67. Spiritual apporteurs............................................................................................................................................ 23
68. Blood spirits........................................................................................................................................................ 24
69. The cloud-spirits................................................................................................................................................. 25
70. The spirits of the second hell.............................................................................................................................. 25
71. The spirit can make itself visible and audible through its own will without materialization..................................26
72. What kind of necromancy is allowed?................................................................................................................ 27
73. Moses and Aaron with the spiritists.................................................................................................................... 28
74. Christ with the spiritists....................................................................................................................................... 29
75. He was a healing medium.................................................................................................................................. 29
76. Christ was a physical medium............................................................................................................................ 30
77. Christ was a materialising medium..................................................................................................................... 30
78. Spiritismus.......................................................................................................................................................... 34
79. Protecting spirits................................................................................................................................................. 35
80. Protecting spirits as hell-spirits........................................................................................................................... 35
81. Love letters from hell.......................................................................................................................................... 35
82. The name of God, Jesus Christ, Father Jesus................................................................................................... 35
83. Christ does not write with the hand of the medium............................................................................................. 36
84. Spiritism in the light of the truth "Messiah"......................................................................................................... 36
85. Opening of the spiritual vision to the disciples going to Emmaus.......................................................................37
86. Opening of spiritual sight for Cephas, Jacob and Paul.......................................................................................37
87. Materialisation before Mary of Magdalon........................................................................................................... 38
88. The materialisation of Jesus on 27 March and the evening of 4 April.................................................................38
89. Jesus' materialisation at the seashore of Tiberias, 27 April................................................................................38
90. The materialization of Jesus and the prophets Moses and Elijah on ascension day (May 7) in front of 670
people...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
91. God's law against black magic........................................................................................................................... 39
92. Passing through the fire..................................................................................................................................... 40
93. Cloud-interpreters............................................................................................................................................... 40
94. The interpreters of days...................................................................................................................................... 41
95. Snake charmers................................................................................................................................................. 41
96. Interpreters of bird calls...................................................................................................................................... 42
97. Sorcerers............................................................................................................................................................ 42
98. The Popes as God-cursers in His children......................................................................................................... 43
99. The curser.......................................................................................................................................................... 43
100. Papal Curses.................................................................................................................................................... 43
101. Bans and curses unto destruction for the heretics............................................................................................ 44
102. The priests excommunicating and cursing the sovereign princes because of tax payments............................44
103. Boundless arrogance and ecclesiastical megalomania of the priests. Examples of how the popes swear
horribly..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
104. The Russian God-curser.................................................................................................................................. 46
105. The Roman society of the God-curser in its children........................................................................................47
106. The Satanic excommunication of Pope Leo XIII against Leo Taxil in 1897.......................................................49
NECROMANCY....................................................................................................................................................... 50
107. The Necromancer............................................................................................................................................. 50
108. The invocation of the Spirit of God................................................................................................................... 50
109. The priestly exorcists ....................................................................................................................................... 50
110. The Fortune teller............................................................................................................................................. 51
111. The Soothsayer, or interpreter of signs............................................................................................................. 51
112. Interrogators of the dead.................................................................................................................................. 52
THE FORTUNE-TELLER......................................................................................................................................... 54
113. The Catholic priests as fortune tellers............................................................................................................... 54
114. The Protestant priests as fortune tellers........................................................................................................... 54
115. Major evidence of gross deception................................................................................................................... 55
116. Serious questions answered by God................................................................................................................ 56
117. Moses, Peter and Paul..................................................................................................................................... 57
118. Blessed by grace.............................................................................................................................................. 57
119. Belief in Christ.................................................................................................................................................. 58
120. The Our Father Prayer..................................................................................................................................... 59

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