GLP 1 and The Renin– Angiotensin– Aldo
GLP 1 and The Renin– Angiotensin– Aldo
GLP 1 and The Renin– Angiotensin– Aldo
Fresenius, Gilead, and Merck. JC reports grants that glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) possible that this effect is amplified
from NFK and the US National Institutes of Health receptor agonists inhibit both by the local effect on the production
(NIH). LAI reports grants from NIH and NKF;
funding from NIH, NKF, Retrophin, Omeros, and angiotensin II and renin. We agree of angiotensin II that is generated by
Reata Pharmaceuticals (research and contracts with the authors about the activation the activation of the tubuloglomerular
[Tufts Medical Center]); and consulting of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone feedback. However, the full mechanism
agreements with Tricida and Omeros. LAI also
reports a provisional patent (filed Aug 15, 2014; system (RAAS) by sodium-glucose has not been clearly shown in studies
precise estimation of glomerular filtration rate co-transporter-2 inhibitors through because there are variations in renin
from multiple biomarkers, patent no PCT/ volume depletion, shown in figure 2. concentration and activity. More
US2015/044567), and Tufts Medical Center, John
Hopkins University, and Metabolon have a
However, although it has been shown studies are needed to investigate
collaboration agreement to develop a product to that GLP-1 receptor agonists inhibit the the effect of GLP-1 on the RAAS that
estimate glomerular filtration rate from a panel of formation of angiotensin II,2,3 inhibition differentiate the activity of plasma
markers. RTG reports no competing interests.
of renin by these drugs is not supported renin from plasma renin concentration.
Hiddo J L Heerspink, Josef Coresh, by clear evidence. We declare no competing interests.
Ron T Gansevoort, *Lesley A Inker GLP-1 receptor agonists inhibit angiotensin II through two possible *David León Jiménez,
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology mechanisms. First, angiotensin Miguel Camafort Babkowski,
(HJLH) and Department of Nephrology (RTG), inhibition could be a result of a José Pablo Miramontes González
University of Groningen, University Medical Center
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands; Department of
decrease in renin secretion through
the macula densa after activation Vascular Risk Unit, Internal Medicine Department,
Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Virgen Rocio University Hospital, Sevilla 41013,
Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA (JC); and Division of tubuloglomerular feedback, Spain (DLJ); Internal Medicine Department, School
of Nephrology, Tufts Medical Center, Boston,
MA 02111, USA (LAI)
because of the natriuresis produced of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona,
by inhibiting sodium–hydrogen Spain (MCB); and Internal Medicine Department,
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GLP-1 and the renin– dose of liraglutide compared with
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other components of the RAAS were
We read with interest Muskiet observed (although plasma renin Published Online
and colleagues’ Review 1 on new activity was not measured). March 7, 2019
pharmacological strategies for Although studies show evidence S2213-8587(19)30065-8
protecting kidney function in type 2 of a decrease in angiotensin II caused
diabetes. In the Review—and specifically by GLP-1 receptor agonists via the
in figure 2—it is taken for granted mechanisms described above, it is