Em-1 Cia-I Set-B
Em-1 Cia-I Set-B
Em-1 Cia-I Set-B
[Regulation-2021 UG]
Instructions to QP Setters:
1. Use “Century Schoolbook” font with font size: 12 pts.
2. Must use Bloom’s Taxonomy action verbs for QP setting
3. Kindly ensure each “Either or Choice Questions” are in same BT Level.
4. Fill Marks and BT Level against each question without fail.
Table of Specification
Register Number:____________________
PART B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)
Answer Any FIVE Questions
11. a) Explain the concept of singly excited machine and derive the expression for (13) CO1 UN
electromagnetic torque
b) Derive an expression for co energy in multiply excited magnetic field systems . (13) CO1 AP
12. a) Explain the mmf pattern of distributed winding of a machine. (13) CO1 UN
b) The field winding of the electromagnets is wound with 800turns and has a (13) CO1 AP
resistance of 40Ω when exciting voltage is 230V, magnetic flux around the coil
is 0.004.Calculate self-inductance and energy in magnetic field.
13. a) Discuss statically induced emf and dynamically induced emf. (13) CO1 UN
b) Draw and explain the internal and external characteristics of DC generator. (13) CO2 UN
14. a) Demonstrate the working principles of different types of DC generators (13) CO2 UN
b) Illustrate the parallel operation of DC compound and DC series generator. (13) CO2 UN
15. a) Explain the construction of DC generator with neat diagram (13) CO2 UN
b) Discuss the process of commutation in a DC generator with neat sketch. (13) CO2 UN
b) Derive voltage and power equation of a DC motor. (15) CO3 AP