Check in DigCompEdu Self Reflection Tool

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Self-reflection Tool
for translation and localisation

1. Introduction
1.1 Background

In November 2017 the European Competence Framework for the Digital Competence of
Educators (DigCompEdu) 1 was published. The framework is directed towards educators at all
levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and
vocational education and training, special needs education and non-formal learning contexts.
DigCompEdu details 22 competences organised in 6 Areas. The focus of the framework is not
on technical skills. Rather, it explains how educators can use digital technologies to enhance
and innovate their practices.

This document proposes a questionnaire for self-reflection, based on DigCompEdu. The main
aim of the questionnaire and the corresponding online tool is to introduce educators to the key
concepts of the DigCompEdu framework; to give them a first idea of their level of competence;
and to provide them with detailed feedback on how to further enhance their digital competence,
considering their current level.

The questionnaire has been developed in collaboration with experts all across Europe,
organised in the DigCompEdu community. In spring 2018, a first version of this instrument
was peer-reviewed by the community members and spontaneously tried out by some of them,
with 157 English language teachers in Morocco, with 126 educators in Brazil and 22 teachers
in Germany. The findings of these trials were discussed at an expert workshop in mid-May
2018, the conclusions of which led to a thorough revision of the instrument, which was then
subjected again to online stakeholder consultation via the DigCompEdu community.

The result of these deliberations is presented in this document.

1.2 Proficiency levels in DigCompEdu and DigCompEdu CheckIn

The DigCompEdu framework distinguishes 6 different, progressively advancing competence

levels, aligned with the European CEFR language competence levels (see Figure 1): Newcomers
(A1), Explorers (A2), Integrators (B1), Experts (B2), Leaders (C1) and Pioneers (C2). Within
the framework these levels are designed to describe typical stages and roles educators pass
through when integrating digital technologies into their professional practices.

Fi toDithe
C next
Ed stage typically
i d l requires a set of actions characteristic for this step. For
example, to move from the second stage, Explorer (A2) to the third stage, Integrator (B1),

educators typically need to amplify their repertoire of digital strategies. However, to move from
the Integrator (B1) to the Expert (B2) stage, instead of an increase in variety, a more strategic
and systematic approach is needed.

DigCompEdu emphasizes that for educators it is not important to aim for mastery at C2 level.
It makes clear that only very few teachers will be competent at C2-level and that those
competent at C1 level are already leaders in their field. What is important for educators,
however, is to continuously work on their competences and aim to further expand them to, at
least, become and then remain, an Expert (B2).

The DigCompEdu CheckIn instrument operationalises and contextualises the DigCompEdu

framework by presenting participants with one concrete action statement per DigCompEdu
competence, i.e. 22 statements in total. For each of these statements participants are asked
to indicate to which extent this statement reflects their own practice by selecting one of five
options. The five answer options are organised progressively, reflecting the overall progression
logic of DigCompEdu and the specific progression typical for each competence. For the majority
of items this progression follows the structure of (0) no engagement – (1) partial appropriation
– (2) occasional use – (3) increasing variety/intensity – (4) systematic/comprehensive use. In
some cases of more mainstream digital practice, e.g. digital communication or searching for
digital resources, the two initial answer options were combined and the more advanced
category of reflection, representative of the Leader (C1) level, was added as additional option.

When comparing this progression with the DigCompEdu model, it becomes apparent that, in
the majority of cases, the wording of the answer options is representative of the first four
proficiency levels with the first two answer options representing A1 level and the last answer
B2 level. Activities typical for the C1 level are only explicitly included as answer options in
Areas 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) and 2 (2.1, 2.2). This decision to target mainly proficiency levels A1 to
B2 was based on the initial trials with teachers. These trials indicated that many teachers at
the lower competence spectrum lost self-confidence and disengaged with the instrument early
on in the questionnaire. They questioned the validity and usefulness of a tool that "forced"
them to choose low answer options in areas where they felt that circumstances did not allow
them to score higher. Teachers who can currently be classified "Leaders" in the field, typically
excel by having a systematic approach to using digital technologies, choosing with meaningful
(pedagogic) criteria from a wide range of options. As a consequence, the two lower answer
options were rephrased to allude more explicitly to external factors as key constraints to
expressing and developing one's competence, whereas the highest level was rephrased to
capture the characteristics of current leaders.

The scoring rule for the instrument allocates 0 points to the lowest answer option, 1 to the
second lowest and so on, so that the maximum number of points per question is 4. The
maximum total number of points is 88. For the calculation of the DigCompEdu competence
level a rough rule was developed and confirmed as valid by the initial trials, taking as a starting
point the observation that a person whose competence would centre around the "Occasional
use" answer option, i.e. obtaining a score of 44, would have to be considered and Integrator
(B1); a person consistently choosing the simple "Yes" option, e.g. scoring 66, would be at the
point of moving from Expert (B2) to Leader (C1). Hence it was decided, subject to further
testing and confirmation, to attribute the Newcomer (A1) category to scores below 20, the
Explorer category (A1) to scores between 20 and 33 (this upper limit corresponding to half of
the items selected being "partial appropriation" and the other half "occasional use"); scores
between 34 and 49 are mapped on the Integrator category; scores between 50 and 65 on the
Expert (B2) category, thus splitting in equal halves the distance between the upper limit of the
Explorer (A2) category and the lower limit of the Leader (C1) category. Scores between 66 and
80 are attributed to the Leader (C1) level and only those selecting the highest option for at
least two thirds of the 22 competences would be qualified Pioneers (C2). It is expected and

intended that in actual practice the lowest and the highest competence levels, Newcomer (A1)
and Pioneer (C2), will not be obtained by participants.

2. Translation and localisation

This document provides a synoptic view of the up to six different base versions of the
DigCompEdu self-reflection instrument. One of the most important insights that emerged from
the consultations on preliminary versions of the instrument was that the initial assumption that
substantially different versions would be needed for primary, secondary, VET, higher and adult
education was contradicted. As concerns the content, direction and focus of the questions, it
became apparent that the very same items can be used for educators at all levels.

However, it has to be acknowledged that there are differences in terminology between different
educational contexts. It also became apparent in stakeholder consultation that, in the feedback
provided, for some competences, specific issues associated with the age of the learners
targeted should be mentioned.

Hence, when translating or localising the questionnaire it is necessary to adapt the language
and possibly also the examples to the specificities of different educational settings - which may
be different in different countries. In particular the word "educator”, which is at the core of the
DigCompEdu framework needs to be converted into the most commonly used equivalent that
addresses both male and female educators in all different staff categories applicable to the
concrete implementation context (teacher, instructor, lecturer, academic, educator,
organiser,…). Similarly, the term [educational organisation] should be replaced by the
institutional unit in question (school, faculty, department, …).

Before translating the questionnaire, translators should consider which terminology is

applicable to their context and replace the terms [educator(s)], [educational organisation],
[student(s)] by the corresponding term. If several sectors are addressed in parallel,
alternatives should be listed using the following colour scheme and format:

Colour Key

sectors pre-primary primary secondary VET higher Adult

colours pink red Orange purple Blue Green


sectors [pre-primary & primary / secondary & VET / higher / adult]

colours pink Orange Blue

any other combination reflecting national terminological cultures,
duly labelled and assigned
using the colour of the lowest subcategory for the joint category, e.g.

sectors [pre-primary / primary / secondary / VET / higher / adult]

colours pink Red Blue Green

Example: For the German translation, three versions are proposed: a “school” version
(primary, secondary, VET) a “higher education” version and an “adult education” version. Pre-
primary education is not considered. The following translation grid and colour code apply:

Example: German translation

sectors primary / higher Adult

secondary / VET

colours red Blue Green

[educator] die Lehrkraft der oder die Lehrende

[educators] die Lehrkräfte die Lehrenden

[student] die Schülerin und der oder die der oder die
der Schüler Studierende Teilnehmende

learners die Schülerinnen die Studierenden die Teilnehmenden

und Schüler

[educational die Schule der Fachbereich der Bildungsträger


[class] Unterricht Lehre / Veranstaltung


[course] Klasse Lehrveranstaltung Veranstaltung

[To level up] Nächster Schritt

While for the key terms [educator(s)], [educational organisation], [student(s)] a placeholder
in square brackets is used, for the feedback text the colour code itself applies. Since the
feedback currently proposed has not been validated for educators in pre-primary education,
the following partitioning is used within this base questionnaire:

English Master: Colour code for feedback

sectors [pre-primary / primary / secondary / VET / higher / adult]

colours not (yet) Red main colour: blue

applied green where the adult
version differs

In practical terms, this means that all text in dark font is invariably valid across teaching
contexts. All text in [square brackets] should be replaced by the appropriate term(s) used for
the sector at hand. To note sector specificities, please use the format [pre-primary / primary
/ secondary / VET / higher / adult]. For example, in the German translation “learners” is
translated as “[Schülerinnen und Schüler / Studierende / Teilnehmende]”

In the feedback, text marked in a certain colour should be deleted for a sector version not
referred to by this colour or not addressed in the national context in which the translation takes

Example: “To get started, you can use an internet search engine, consult links provided
by the education ministry or or or ask your colleagues how they find material to use
for course content online.”

Version for all but higher and adult education: To get started, you can use an
internet search engine, consult links provided by the education ministry or or
or ask your colleagues how they find material online.

Version for higher and adult education: To get started, you can use an internet
search engine or ask your colleagues how they find educational material online.

Additionally, some terms refer to theoretical or legal concepts or conditions. These terms are
marked with asterisk in the text and explained in the glossary. These terms should not be
translated literally, but with reference to the corresponding theoretical or legal concept in the
specific national context.

3. Glossary for translation and localisation

Specific terms marked *

*learning needs and This term was chosen to avoid the controversy around the term "learning
preferences styles". The concept refers to the fact that teaching is more effective if the
learning experience resonates with learners' pre-conceptions, experiences
and interests ("preferences") and adjusts to their cognitive, sensory and
affective way of assimilating and conceptualising new knowledge
("needs"). More practically, it alludes to the fact that teaching strategies
tend to be more successful if different sensory channels are combined;
different angles and perspectives to a problem are facilitated; and if
learners can link new concepts easily to their existing body of knowledge.

*specific learning need This term is used as an umbrella term for any condition legally recognised
as giving rise to special educational attention. It includes educational
requirements resulting from learning difficulties, physical disability or
emotional and behavioural difficulties, i.e. documented disabilities that
may be medical, mental or psychological (US: "special needs"). In this
respect it refers to e.g. autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, blindness,
cystic fibrosis, but also ADHD and dyslexia. By extension, the concept
used in this questionnaire, also refers to other specific learning needs
individual learners may have, e.g. intellectual giftedness or language
barriers in the case of migrant or international learners.

*Student Services This term refers to the unit in charge of providing support to learners with
*specific learning needs.

Other terms
Data Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information
or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better
usage or processing. Data is measured, collected, reported and analysed,
whereupon it can be visualized using graphs, images or other analysis
tools (Wikipedia).

Digital content Any type of content that exists in the form of digital data that are encoded
in a machine-readable format can be created, viewed, distributed,
modified and stored using digital technologies. Examples of digital content
include: web pages and websites, social media, data and databases,
digital audio, such as mp3s e-books, digital imagery, digital video, video
games, computer programmes and software. For the DigCompEdu
framework, digital content is divided into digital resources and data.

Digital environment A context or a "place", that is enabled by technology and digital devices,
often transmitted over the internet or by other digital means, e.g. mobile
phone network. Digital environments are usually used for interaction with
other users and for accessing and publishing user-created content.
Records and evidence of an individual's interaction with a digital
environment constitute their digital footprint.

The term usually refers to any content published in computer-readable

Digital resources
format. For the purposes of DigCompEdu, a distinction is made between
digital resources and data. Digital resources in this respect comprise any
kind of digital content that is immediately understandable to a human
user, whereas data need to be analysed, treated and/or interpreted to be
of use for educators.

Any product or service that can be used to create, view, distribute,

Digital technology
modify, store, retrieve, transmit and receive information electronically in a
digital form. In DigCompEdu, the term "digital technologies" is used as the
most general concept, comprising
● computer networks (e.g. the internet) and any online service
supported by these (e.g. websites, social networks, online
libraries, etc.),

● any kind of software (e.g. programmes, apps, virtual
environments, games), whether networked or installed locally;
● any kind of hardware or "device" (e.g. personal computers, mobile
devices, digital whiteboards); and
● any kind of digital content, e.g. files, information, data.
Alternative terms for translation: Digital media, ICT

Digital technologies used for a given purpose or for carrying out a

Digital tools
particular function of e.g. information processing, communication, content
creation, safety or problem solving.
Alternative terms for translation: Digital media, ICT

Educator In the context of DigCompEdu, the term "educator" is used to generically

refer to any person involved in the process of teaching or transmitting
knowledge. In particular, it refers to teachers at all levels of formal
education, ranging from pre-primary, primary and secondary, to further
and higher education (e.g. university lecturers), to vocational and adult
education including initial training and continuous professional
development. It may, by analogy, also be used to describe people
involved in providing training in non-formal and informal settings, e.g.
social workers, library staff, parents providing home schooling, etc.

Collections of (students') work that can advance learning by providing a

way for them to organize, archive, display and reflect on their work. E-
portfolios are both demonstrations of users’ abilities and platforms for
their self-expression.

This term is used provisionally to refer to educators in higher and adult


Peer-assessment Peer assessment is a process whereby learners grade each other's

assignments or tests, based on a teacher’s benchmarks. The practice is
employed to save teachers time and improve learners' understanding of
course materials and to improve their metacognitive skills. Peer
assessment can empower learners to take responsibility for the
management of their own learning; enable learners to learn to assess and
to develop life-long assessment skills; enhance learners' learning through
knowledge diffusion and exchange of ideas; motivate learners to engage
with course material more deeply. Source: Adapted from Wikipedia;
Cornell University Centre for Teaching Excellence,

Self-assessment Self-assessment involves the ability to be a realistic judge of one’s own

performance. Proponents of self-assessment suggest it has many
advantages, for example, it: provides timely and effective feedback and
allows learners to assess their own learning quickly; allows educators to
understand and provide quick feedback on learning; promotes academic
integrity through [student] self-reporting of learning progress; promotes
the skills of reflective practice and self-monitoring; develops self-
regulated learning; increases [student] motivation; improves satisfaction
from participating in a collaborative learning environment; helps learners
develop a range of personal, transferrable skills to meet the expectations
of future employers. Source: Cornell University Centre for Teaching

Student Learner in formal education, irrespective of level or sector

A teacher, i.e. a person who provides education for learners in formal

education, i.e. within an educational institution. Since the term “teacher”
is often taken to only refer to school education (i.e. ISCED1-3), withing
the DigCompEdu framework the wider term "educator" is used.

4. The DigCompEdu CheckIn Self-reflection tool

DigCompEdu CheckIn
17 October 2018

Welcome to the DigCompEdu CheckIn

Learn more about your personal strengths and the areas where you can enhance the ways in
which you use digital technologies for teaching and learning. Answer the 22 questions of this self-
assessment to receive detailed feedback with useful tips and the key milestones on your
personal roadmap to innovating teaching.
This tool will help you to reflect on your digital competence as an [educator] in [education sector

If you work [in education sector 2], we recommend that you use the following version of the tool:
[to be filled in at a later stage]
If you work [in education sector 6], we recommend that you use the following version of the tool:
[to be filled in at a later stage]

Please note that, by using this tool, you agree to EUsurvey’s rules on data protection.

About DigCompEdu
[Figure 1]

This self-assessment tool is based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators
(DigCompEdu). DigCompEdu sets out 22 competences organised in six Areas. The competences
are explained at six different levels of proficiency (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). DigCompEdu

addresses educators at all levels of education, from pre-primary to vocational, higher and adult
education. The focus of the framework is to support and encourage [educators] in using digital
tools to enhance and innovate education.

This tool aims to allow you to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in using digital
technologies in education. We invite you to self-assess yourself against 22 items that are
representative for the 22 competences in DigCompEdu. For each of these items, choose one of
five answer options.

Start by entering your participation code:

If you do not have a participation code, please enter "guest" if you are an [educator] and "test" if
you are using the tool with a more scientific interest.

Additional question during piloting:

How do you currently assess your digital competence as teacher?

Assign a level of competence from A1 to C2, where A1 is the lowest and C2 the highest level.
I am probably a(n)
A1: Newcomer
A2: Explorer
B1: Integrator
B2: Expert
C1: Leader
C2: Pioneer

Feedback Report
Thank you for your contribution.
Below you will find your overall score.

If your score is below 20 you are a Newcomer (A1)

This means: You have an opportunity to begin enhancing your skills with digital technology. The
feedback you get from this survey has identified a number of actions you can try. Select one or
two to start off with over the next learning period, focusing on meaningfully enhancing your
teaching strategies. As you do so, you’ll find yourself moving to the next step of digital
competence, the Explorer level.

If your score is between 20 and 33, you are an Explorer (A2)

This means: You are aware of the potential of digital technologies and are interested in exploring
them to enhance pedagogical and professional practice. You have started using digital
technologies in some areas and will benefit from more consistent practice. You can increase your
competence by collaborating and exchanging with colleagues and by further amplifying your
repertoire of digital practices and skills. This will move you to the next step of digital competence,
the Integrator level.

If your score is between 34 and 49, you are an Integrator (B1)

This means: You experiment with digital technologies in a variety of contexts and for a range of
purposes, integrating them into many of your practices. You creatively use them to enhance
diverse aspects of your professional engagement. You are eager to expand your repertoire of
practices. You will benefit by increasing your understanding about which tools work best in which
situations and on fitting digital technologies to pedagogic strategies and methods. Try to give
yourself some more time for reflection and adaptation, complemented by collaborative
encouragement and knowledge exchange, to reach the next step, Expert (B2).

If your score is between 50 and 65, you are an Expert (B2)

This means: You use a range of digital technologies confidently, creatively and critically to
enhance your professional activities. You purposefully select digital technologies for particular
situations and try to understand the benefits and drawbacks of different digital strategies. You are
curious and open to new ideas, knowing that there are many things you have not tried out yet.
You use experimentation as a means of expanding, structuring and consolidating your repertoire
of strategies. Share your expertise with other [educators] and continue critically developing your
digital strategies to reach the Leader (C1) level.

If your score is between 66 and 80, you are a Leader (C1)

This means: You have a consistent and comprehensive approach to using digital technologies to
enhance pedagogic and professional practices. You rely on a broad repertoire of digital strategies
from which you know how to choose the most appropriate for any given situation. You
continuously reflect on and further develop your practices. Exchanging with peers, you keep
updated on new developments and ideas and help other [educators] seize the potential of digital
technologies for enhancing teaching and learning. If you are ready to experiment a bit more,
you’ll be able to reach the last stage of competence, as a Pioneer.

If your score is above 80 you are a Pioneer (C2)

This means: You question the adequacy of contemporary digital and pedagogical practices, in
which you are a Leader. You are concerned about the constraints or drawbacks of these practices
and driven by the impulse to innovate education even further. You experiment with highly
innovative and complex digital technologies and/or develop novel pedagogical approaches. You
lead innovation and are a role model for other [educators].

To better understand your personal competence profile, you should look at your performance by
area. Due to the limited number of items used in this tool, it is unfortunately impossible to
calculate a reliable score by area. However, to give you a first idea that can help you
determine your relative weaknesses and strengths, the following rules of thumb apply:

In Areas 1 and 3:
Newcomer (A1): 4 points;
Explorer (A2): 5-7 points;
Integrator (B1): 8-10 points;
Expert (B2): 11-13 points;
Leader (C1): 14-15 points;
Pioneer (C2): 16 points

In Areas 2, 4, 5:
Newcomer (A1): 3 points;
Explorer (A2): 4-5 points;
Integrator (B1): 6-7 points;
Expert (B2): 8-9 points;
Leader (C1): 10-11 points;
Pioneer (C2):12 points

In Area 6:
Newcomer (A1): 5-6 points;
Explorer (A2): 7-8 points;
Integrator (B1): 9-12 points;
Expert (B2): 13-16 points;
Leader (C1): 17-19 points;
Pioneer (C2): 20 points

Please give us feedback!

If you have read your feedback, we would be grateful if you could help us improve this tool by
completing 3 short questions: [link to feedback questionnaire]

Area 1: Professional Engagement

[Figure p. 34]

[Educators]' digital competence is expressed in their ability to use digital technologies not only to
enhance teaching, but also for their professional interactions with colleagues, learners, the
scientific community and other interested parties, for their individual professional development
and for the collective good and continuous innovation in the organisation. This is the focus of Area

Please consider where you stand in view of the following long-term goals.

The answer options are organised by increasing level of engagement with digital technologies. Please choose
the option that best reflects your current practice.

I use different digital channels to communicate with learners and colleagues whenever
(e.g. emails, blogs, educational organisation’s website, LMS, Apps)
Using digital communication channels can help you streamline
your contacts with learners and colleagues. Start with writing e-
I do not use digital mails or set up a [course] blog for information exchange.
communication channels
[To level up]: Try e-mail communication or an instant
messaging system
It is good to agree with your communication partners on a main
communication channel that works for all of you (e.g. email,
instant messaging). However, sometimes a different format or
channel is more appropriate. Try to be more flexible and adapt
I use basic digital
your choice of communication channel to your audience and
communication channels,
communication purpose. 1
e.g. e-mail, instant
messaging system
[To level up]: You can create a group using an instant
messaging system of your choice to communicate with
learners and share not only materials but also
organizational information
The next step for you is to address communication and pre-empt
communication problems, by strategically choosing and
I combine different
combining communication channels. Try to identify the most
communication channels,
typical communication needs you have and select and combine
e.g. e-mail, instant
digital communication channels to meet your needs. Such a
messaging, or the 3
digital communication strategy can help you save time and make
education organisation’s
communication more effective and transparent.
(BDT: applying) level 3
[To level up]: Make communication more efficient and
The next step for you is to critically reflect on your strategy and
continue improving it. Consider and anticipate colleagues' and
learners’ communication needs and problems. Keep adjusting
your strategy and don't be afraid to discard a promising idea if it
does not work for your communication partners.
I identify different
digital solutions to
You may also want to work with colleagues on developing a
communicate 2
common digital communication strategy for the whole
[educational organisation]. A transparent but flexible strategy
that addresses [educators]' and learners’ communication needs
can foster organisational innovation.

[To level up]: Anticipate your partners' communication

needs and strategically employ digital solutions

To seize the full potential of your digital competence in this area
you should focus on continuously adapting your strategies and
I reflect on, programme exploring new options. As new technological solutions keep
and adapt my emerging, you will always find ways to even better address and
communication strategies accommodate your own and, most importantly, your partners'
communication needs.

[To level up]: Continue exploring new solutions

You are a confident user of digital technologies to communicate
I confidently plan my
with learners and colleagues. You are able to plan your
digital communication
communication needs using a variety of technologies, taking into 6
strategy using a variety
account the different contexts and the expected communication
of digital technologies
outcomes derived from each type of technology chosen.
I analyse and assess the
You are able to communicate efficiently with all stakeholders
communication channels
using different channels.
to choose the ones I
[To level up] you should consider not only your immediate 4
consider most effective
communication purpose but also your overall communication
for my communication

I use digital technologies whenever appropriate to work together with colleagues inside
and outside my educational organisation
If there is not yet a culture of collaboration at your institution, it
could be an option for you to try to kick it off, for example, by
offering to share your materials and ideas with colleagues and by
asking them to share their materials with you. Furthermore,
joining an online professional community allows you to get
I do not collaborate inspired by the materials of other educators in your country,
with other colleagues across Europe and around the world have created. If you share
your course syllabi and materials with them, you can get their
feedback and ideas on how to adapt them to different situations
or how to make them even better. Such an exchange is often an
enriching experience, on a personal and professional level.

[To level up]: Share with colleagues and join an online

Once you work together more often, you will probably realise
that a common file system online or a group on a social
network may be a better environment for your collaboration.
Try out different options to find the one that works best for you
and your colleagues. Furthermore, joining an online professional
I sometimes exchange
community allows you to get inspired by the materials other
materials and ideas with
[educators] in your country or across Europe have created. If you
colleagues, e.g. via e-
share your course syllabi and materials with them, you can get 1
mail or videoconference
their feedback and ideas on how to adapt them to different
situations or how to make them even better. Such an exchange is
often an enriching experience, on a personal and professional

[To level up]: Create a common space for exchange with

colleagues and join an online professional community
Among colleagues, we Joining an online professional community as a next step will allow
work together in you to get inspired by the materials other colleagues in your
collaborative country, across Europe and around the world have created. If
environments or use you share your course syllabi and materials with them, you can
shared drives get their feedback and ideas on how to adapt them to different
situations or how to make them even better. Such an exchange is
often an enriching experience, on a personal and professional

[To level up]: Join an online professional community

Reflect on how you can best benefit from this exchange. Are you
learning from your peers and are you bringing in your expertise
I exchange ideas,
so that they can learn from you? A way of gaining added benefits
experiences and
could be to engage with some of your online peers in the joint
materials, also with
production of teaching resources that each of you can refine for
colleagues outside my
their purposes thus learn from each other. Another option for 3
organisation, e.g. in an
realising added benefits from online collaboration could also be to
online professional
implement a joint project, linking your learners with learners
from other [educational organisations], in other areas.

[To level up]: Intensify collaboration and joint production

Think of all the different tools you can use for online collaboration
I experiment with new and choose the most effective ones for you. This way you can
tools for online collaborate with colleagues from inside and outside your
collaboration with institution, thus expanding your networks and the quality of the 4
colleagues inside and educational materials you produce
outside my institution. [To level up: Co-create educational materials with your
fellow colleagues)
Reflect on whether you are making the most of this exchange.
I jointly create Are you learning from your peers and are you bringing in your
materials with other expertise so that they can learn from you? One option for
[educators] in an online realising added benefits from online collaboration could also be to
network implement a joint project, linking your learners and with learners
from other institutions, in other areas.

[To level up]: Expand collaboration to learners

I jointly create, reuse
You nor only create new educational materials jointly with other
and share materials
colleagues online but also share your own materials and reuse 6
with other educators in
materials they have shared with you.
an online network.
I actively develop my digital competence for teaching
Many educators find that they lack sufficient time and support for
professional development. However, there are ways in which you
can work on improving your digital teaching skills without
investing a lot of extra time. A first step could be to engage in
reflective practice and ask yourself after every lesson: Did I use
I do not work on my
digital technologies with an added value? What did I achieve with
digital competence for
them that I could not have achieved in traditional ways? What
teaching 0
can I change to improve the match between the technology I
selected and the learning objectives? Try to identify which factors
have contributed to good and bad matches between digital tools
and learning outcomes and think how to improve this match.

[To level up]: Reflect about your digital teaching as a daily

In many cases reflection is all you need to improve your skills.
I improve my digital However, in some instances you will find that it is beyond your
competence for teaching abilities to improve your digital teaching strategies yourself. This
through reflection and is when you should not be afraid to ask for help and look out for
experimentation other ways of improving your competences. Whether you will
most benefit from your colleagues' advice, from good practices,
research insights, online resources or face-to-face training
interventions, will depend on the situation and on your concrete
development needs. What is important is that you understand
these needs and actively seek to address them.

[To level up]: Seek training and advice

Make sure that you use the insights gained to the benefit of your
learners. Remember that technology is changing all the time and
make sure to keep yourself updated on new tools or
improvements to the ones you are already using. Also share your
I use a range of expertise with colleagues and enter into a discussion with them
resources to develop my on how to jointly improve learning across the [educational 2
digital competence for organisation].
[To level up]: Together with colleagues discuss how you
can improve teaching and learning by using digital
You should always seek staying in contact with colleagues of your
I validate my online field area and at work. This will enable the validation of your
teaching practices with teaching practices.
the support of a network [To level up]: Collaborate with your colleagues in order to
of colleagues exchange teaching practices and improve your own
It is important to join forces with colleagues to jointly drive
innovation in teaching across the organisation. To ensure that
your discourse leads to changes, one avenue could be to organise
joint projects, special days or additional activities that can lever
I discuss with the potential of digital technologies for learning. Another strategy
colleagues how to use could be to make proposals to the institution’s leadership on an
digital technologies to innovation strategy for the whole institution. Do not be
innovate and improve my discouraged if not all your proposals are successful. What is 4
educational practice important is that the institution as a whole becomes aware of the
potential it has in you and your colleagues and seizes it, in one
way or another, to innovate teaching and learning across the

[To level up]: Drive innovation and change across the

I register and attend
You seek to keep yourself updated in terms of digital
different digital
technologies for teaching; hence, you look formal and non-formal
competence development
ways to learn via continuous professional development courses. 5
courses, online or face-
[To level up]: You should have advanced competences and
to-face, for improving my
be able to foster innovation at the organisational level
teaching practices
You have advanced competences in the use of digital
technologies for teaching and due to that you foster innovation at
the organisational level. While it is important for you and your
colleagues to continue working on your individual strengths and
weaknesses and to learn from each other, it is equally important
I lead in teaching to discuss how the whole organisation can benefit from your
innovation using digital innovative teaching strategies and to make concrete proposals
technologies in my for an innovation strategy at the institutional level. It does not
institution matter if not all your proposals are successful. What is important
is that the institution as a whole becomes aware of the potential
it has in you and seizes it to innovate teaching and learning
across the organisation.

I am aware of and participate in online training opportunities

e.g. online courses, MOOCs, webinars, virtual conferences...
The many resources available on the internet can make it easier
for you to update your skills independent of location and time,
especially if you do not have enough time to engage in more
formal continuous professional development. An option to get
started could be to think of a buzz word in contemporary
pedagogic theory (like "flipped classroom") or some approach
This is something that I that a colleague of your is very fond of and that you know very
have not yet considered little about. An internet search will supply you with a number of
videos, discussions, blogs to look at which will provide you with
further threads and links to follow up. Following up these threads
and links you will learn a lot about this concept and will realise
where to dig deeper, in case you want to. Without realising it you
have "participated in online training opportunities".

[To level up]: Search the internet for a teaching strategy

you would like to learn more about
You are probably already using "online training opportunities"
without realising it. Each time you search the internet for new
Not yet, but I am methods and materials for your teaching, you indirectly also
interested in enhance your teaching skills. Now the idea would be to actively
undertaking some shape this way of improving your teaching through searching the
training internet. Think of a pedagogic concept that you would like to
learn more about and see if you can find a video or blog post or 1
‘Interested’ is not in similar to explain it to you. You may also find tutorials on this
BDT, but is level 0 in subject or a MOOC (online course), simply expand your search by
my view, before level 1 the respective term, eg. "MOOC" and choose the source most
which is ‘remembering’ suitable for you.
[To level up]: Try out an online tutorial or a MOOC for
teaching and learning with digital media
Consider why you have not used this format of training more
often. What did you like about it? What did not convince you? If
there is a specific training provider or website that you liked,
check out what else they offer and what other users recommend.
If the format did not convince you or you haven't found a good
website with links to training offers, start your search again.
I have participated in Settle on a topic that really interests you and widen the scope of
online training once or your search, including also communities devoted to the topic and
twice asking others for recommendations. The most important thing for
you is to better understand what is available and what mode of
training works best for you. That way, whenever you have a
concrete training need, you can easily identify an online training
opportunity that will work for you.

[To level up]: Understand your preferences and seek

targeted solutions
This means that you know what is available and which mode of
training works best for you. This knowledge will help you to
identify quickly and effectively a suitable online training
opportunity, whenever you have a concrete training need. If you
I have tried out various keep up this consistent focus on ongoing self-led professional
online training development you can make sure to continuously advance your 3
opportunities teaching skills and enhance the quality of education you provide
to learners.

[To level up]: Systematically use online training to

continuously improve your teaching skills

Make sure that you use the insights gained to the benefit of the
learners. If you realise that in some areas the training offer is
I participate in all kinds
inadequate for your needs, you could consider providing online
of online training that
training yourself, thus helping your colleagues enhance their 4
could help me improve
skills as well.
my teaching skills
[To level up]: Offer your own online training for educators
I design and offer This means that you manage well different applications and
online training for my online environments. You can also teach others how to use digital
colleagues in my technologies for teaching.
institution [To level up: Get professional certification
I am professionally
This means that you cannot only use different technologies and
certified in the use of
teach others, but you have also been through a professional 6
different technologies for
certification of your digital skills.
teaching and learning.
Area 2: Digital Resources

[Figure p. 48]

One of the key competences any lecturer needs to develop is to identify good educational
resources; and to modify, create and share digital resources that fit their learning objectives,
learners’ group and teaching style. At the same time they need to be aware of how to responsibly
use and manage digital content, respecting copyright rules and protecting personal data. These
issues are at the heart of Area 2.

Please consider where you stand in view of the following long-term goals.

The answer options are organised by increasing level of engagement with digital resources. Please choose
the option that best reflects your current practice.

I use different internet sites and search strategies to find and select a range of different
digital resources
I do not know how to use Although you think the Internet may be useful for you to find
the internet to search for new teaching resources, you have not yet developed the 0
useful resources. necessary skills to use search mechanisms online.
Using different internet sites and search strategies can help you
find new digital educational resources and in designing your
lesson. To get started, you can use an internet search engine, or
ask your colleagues how they find material online to use as
course content. To find suitable resources via search engines or
resource platforms, use a number of different key terms relevant
I am able to use the for the course you will teach next. Sift through the results to
internet to search for identify different resources for different purposes, e.g. as
useful resources illustrations, applications or extensions of the core content or as
materials for group work, formative or summative assessments
or for learner’s independent study. You can even create a
collection of useful educational resources. Compare and select
resources to integrate into your teaching or for your learners to
consult to complement what they learn in class.

[To level up]: Search online for suitable digital resources

Now it’s time to expand out your strategy. Ask your colleagues
I use search engines
about their search strategies and how they select material. Join
an online professional community to learn about or even jointly
educational/resource 2
create collections of useful materials. Once you have built up a
platforms to find
portfolio of good resources, you can compare them and choose
relevant resources
the ones that best meet your [course]'s learning objectives. Also

consider which resources are engaging and appealing to learners.
If such a resource can't be found, well, maybe it can be created…

[To level up]: Amplify and evaluate the resources

Focus on making sure that you have access to a variety of
diverse educational resources to be able to choose the best for
any given purpose. Look around as widely as you can. Ask
around among colleagues or join online professional communities
I evaluate and select
to learn about or even jointly create collections of useful
resources on the basis of
materials. Once you have a good inventory of resources,
their suitability for my
concentrate on comparing options to find a resource that does 3
learners’ group
not only fit, but is also accurate, reliable, engaging and appealing
to learners. Don't limit yourself to what is available. Rather look
BDT: ‘evaluate’ is level 5
out for new sites and resources and re-mix what is available to
suit your needs.

[To level up]: Amplify, compare and re-mix

It is important to have access to a variety of diverse educational
resources to be able to choose the best for any given purpose.
Considering your expertise in this area, you should start sharing
I compare resources your knowledge and insights with your colleagues. This can be
using a range of relevant done, e.g. by compiling an information sheet or a website with
criteria, e.g. reliability, useful resources, by jointly setting up a resource repository
quality, fit, design, among the colleagues at your institution or using existing 4
interactivity, appeal repositories and sharing your resources with them or or or by
inviting your colleagues to online networks you find useful, etc.
Try to make your knowledge valuable for improving teaching
across the whole institution.

[To level up]: Share your knowledge with colleagues

Make sure that this collaboration goes both ways, so that you
also benefit from the knowledge they share and include as many
colleagues as possible in your network. With your knowledge on
digital resources you are in a prime position to join forces with
I collaborate with
other digitally engaged educators to foster innovation at the
colleagues on the
organisational level. You will soon be able to identify interested
sharing of suitable 5
colleagues and together you can make your knowledge valuable
resources and search
for improving teaching across the whole [educational

[To level up]: Foster digital resource use across the

I take the lead on This means you can not only create and use digital resources, but
fostering the use of you also take an active role in your institution in helping others
digital resources in my benefit from and use digital resources.
institution. [To level up]: Retrieve and use digital resources
I create my own digital resources and modify existing ones to adapt them to my needs
You feel you lack some skills to create your own digital resources,
I do not create my own so you prefer to reuse your colleagues’ ones.
digital resources [To level up]: Experiment with creating your own digital
You may have done this several times, when you created an
exam or a worksheet on a computer or built a course site on a
I create different types learning management platform.
of digital resources [To level up] You share these resources with others using
collaborative platforms or repositories.

The next step would be to make these resources available via e-
mail or on the institution’s website, so that learners can
download them anytime. Eventually, depending on the learners’
access to computers, they may want to fill some of them in
online. This is when you should consider using an online quiz. Ask
I search in the Internet
your colleagues for websites, apps or programmes that they use
and use different types of 1
to identify the best one for your purposes. Just start exploring
educational resources
and you will see how much easier it will be for you to provide
learners with interesting learning resources.

[To level up]: Explore creating basic resources, such as


You already have the technical skills to make much more out of
your teaching. The next step would be to explore more
interactive and engaging formats that can be realised within the
constraints of your educational setting. One option could be to
consider online quizzes for learners to do in class with your help
or at home with the help of their parents. / as a self-assessment
activity outside the classroom. You will find that there are many
I create digital
different tools available, often for free, that make it easy to set
presentations, but do
up a quiz and provide targeted feedback on wrong answers. If 2
not know how to do much
you are in doubt, ask your colleagues for recommendations to
more than that
identify the best resource for your purposes. If you have an
interactive whiteboard available in class, another idea could be to
identify and set up suitable whiteboard activities for learners,
that they can take in turns or groups to revise or amplify their
learning in a playful way.

[To level up]: Explore modifying existing resources

What is important for you, at this level, is to remember that
technology is a means and not an end. When you are creating or
modifying digital resources, make sure not only to focus on the
learning goals, but also on the learners' needs and preferences.
I test and validate
At the same time, you should continue trying out new digital
different types of
solutions to further enhance your practices, for example, digital
resources 3
resources or environments that are more engaging, more
interactive or more collaborative.

[To level up]: Explore more interactive formats and

collaborative environments
I adapt digital resources You are comfortable with adapting resources to your own needs
and share them with and see the value in sharing them with others.
others using content [To level up]: Create and share complex and interactive
distribution platforms. resources
I, adapt, use, share and What is important for you, at this high level, is to remember that
even create more technology is a means and not an end. When juggling with the
complex, interactive different features of the many different digital tools, programmes
resources, such as and apps you use, keep your focus firmly on the concrete 6
videos, online multiple learning objective and learners’ needs and preferences.
choice tests, virtual
reality apps etc.

I effectively protect personal data, e.g. exams, learners’ grades, learners' personal
Most institutions have data protection policies in place. However,
you need to do your part for them to be effective: Make sure to
use passwords that cannot easily be guessed and avoid others
watching you use them. Change your passwords regularly and
I do not need to do that, delete data you no longer need, e.g. personal data of past
because the institution leaners. Make sure to protect your personal devices if you store 0
takes care of this personal data on them. Use encryption when sharing files with
personal data with other colleagues.

[To level up]: Critically review how you share files and
protect personal devices
It is advisable not to collect personal data that is not needed.
However, in education it is unavoidable that, for example,
leaners’ names and grades are recorded. Paper records and
I avoid storing personal exams are as susceptible to fraud as electronic records. Check if
data electronically there are specific rules or recommendations issued by your
educational organisation. If not, follow the general rules on data
protection and start by using passwords that cannot easily be
guessed to protect your digital devices and personal data.

[To level up]: Start with password-protected digital records

Data protection is a responsibility of all educators. This protection
becomes easier for you if you approach it systematically. For
example: Protect your computer with a password that cannot
easily be guessed and change it every month. Keep your firewalls
I protect personal data
and anti-virus programmes updated. Protect personal data, such
but rarely change
as exams, learners’ grades and reports with different passwords. 2
Check if there are special rules or recommendations in place at
your educational institution that will help you protect personal
data systematically and effectively.

[To level up]: Protect personal data

Don't forget to also password protect your personal computers
and other devices you may store personal data on. Frequently
update anti-virus programs and firewalls. Remember to
use strong passwords that cannot easily be guessed, frequently
I password protect change them and avoid others watching you use them. Use
personal data and encryption when sharing files with personal data with other
occasionally change [educators]. Regularly review the effectiveness of the measures
passwords. and consult the rules and recommendations in place at your
educational organisation.

[To level up]: Develop a comprehensive approach to data

Don't forget to also password protect the device(s) you store
personal data on, frequently updating anti-virus programs and
I protect personal data,
firewalls. Regularly review the effectiveness of the measures you
by combining hard-to-
have taken and remain updated on data protection rules and
guess passwords with
recommendations. Do not forget the human factor, e.g. others 4
frequent password
watching you when you type in your password.
changes and software
[To level up]: Routinely review the effectiveness of your
data protection strategies and knowledge

I review my practices of
You understand the importance of not only protecting the
personal data protection
personal digital data you collect but also to keep track of the
from time to time, by
most innovative and secure ways to keep the data safe. 5
checking their efficacy
[To level up]: Comply with the GDPR of the European Union
and replacing them
(General Data Protection Regulation).
whenever necessary.
I protect digital data and
You not only use digital data protection techniques, but you also
apply the GDPR when it
seek to remain up-to-date with the latest regulations on data
comes to identifiable 6
protection, thus understanding the GDPR and applying it when it
subjects, such as data
comes to data in which subjects can be identified.
related to my students.
Area 3: Teaching and Learning

[Figure p. 54]

The most fundamental competence of the whole DigCompEdu framework is to design, plan and
implement the use of digital technologies in the different stages of the teaching and learning
process. However, when doing this, the aim must be to shift the focus from educator-led to
student-centred processes. This is the real power of digital technologies and the focus of Area 3.

Please consider where you stand in view of the following long-term goals.

The answer options are organised by increasing level of engagement with digital technologies in teaching and
learning. Please choose the option that best reflects your current practice.

I carefully consider how, when and why to use digital technologies in classroom with
my learners, so that they are used with added value

There are a number of ways for you to get started here. Most
likely all of your learners will may have a digital device with
them, even if it is only a mobile phone. If your institution allows
classroom use of mobile devices you can diversify your teaching
with practical tasks for them to do, e.g. things to look up or to
I do not or only rarely
calculate, little polls and quizzes, etc. The advantage of this is
use technology in the 0
that you can more actively involve leaners in class, which
increases their learning. Furthermore, it allows you to collect
evidence on which aspects of your teaching are well understood
by the learners and which you may have to revise again.

[To level up]: Ask learners to use their digital device for
short activities in the classroom
The next step for you would be to involve learners in digital
activities in class, thus amplifying your repertoire of teaching

Most likely all of your learners will have a digital device with
I make basic use of
them, even if it is only a mobile phone. If your institution allows
available equipment, e.g.
classroom use of digital devices you can intersperse your
digital whiteboards,
teaching with practical tasks for them to do, e.g. things to look 1
projectors or virtual
up or to calculate, little polls and quizzes to complete on the go,
learning environments if
etc. For some of these activities, e.g. quizzes, you can project the
teaching online.
overall results on the big screen and go over them as needed.
Try to accompany every lecture or seminar with at least one
digital activity that requires learners to apply the concepts
learned. This will learners to better grasp the concepts learned
and to identify concepts they do not yet master well.

Furthermore, it allows you to collect evidence on which aspects of
your teaching are well understood by learners and which you
may have to revise again.

[To level up]: Involve learners in digital activities

Your next step would be to use your technical know-how to
enhance your pedagogic strategies. Consider the following
questions: Is the digital activity I am using here really of added
value? Do the different digital activities I employ form a
consistent set? Are they designed to progressively lead to
building up learners’ competence and confidence?
I use a variety of digital
resources and tools in my 2
Variety is important. However, if digital tools are not used
meaningfully, there is a risk that they cause chaos and confusion.
The best way to address this is to focus on the learning
objectives first and then match all strategies, digital or not, to
learning activities and examinations relevant for these objectives.

[To level up]: Focus on enhancing pedagogy

The next step for you would be to think a bit ‘outside the box’.
Think of one of your favourite topics and what you find
fascinating about it. Then consider how you, as a learner, would
like to make first contact with this topic and engage with it.
Imagine there are no institutional or curricular/course plan
restrictions, no dedicated lessons, no rooms with tables and
chairs, whiteboards and books. Imagine an open field in which
anything is possible and everything is allowed. In this ideal
scenario, how would you as a learner want to engage with the
I try out different topic? Which questions would drive the process? Which activities
teaching methods would accompany them?
depending on the digital
technologies I choose Consider how the ‘wide-open field’ approach can be adapted so
that the learning process can come closer to the ideal. Forget
about what is usually done and about the obstacles you may
face. Remember: you know how to make use of digital
technologies to enhance teaching and learning. You will make it

[To level up]: Select and test different teaching approaches

for each type of technology used aiming to find the ones
that work best for you.
I select and test different You do not randomly try new teaching methods but also try to
teaching approaches aiming identify the best ones for each type of technology you choose.
to find the ones that work [To level up]: Design your own tested portfolio of activities,
best for me technologies and teaching methods.
You tried out different technologies and teaching methods for
I developed my own each of them and have reached a conclusion as to which work
tested portfolio of best for you and your learners. You developed a portfolio of
activities, technologies activities in which to easily browse through thus facilitating the
and teaching methods. teaching process.
[To level up: Look for ways to innovate pedagogies]
Do not forget to continuously reflect on the appropriateness of
I use digital tools to your teaching strategies. Do not get carried away with innovative
implement innovative approaches, if, upon critical inspection, your evaluation shows
pedagogic strategies that your learners are not ready for the format you propose or 6
cannot benefit from it. There may also be practical constraints
that will stop you from doing everything you know you can do.
There is no one size fits all solution. Remain flexible, continue
refining your repertoire of digital and pedagogical strategies and
tailor your teaching to your learners' needs.

I follow learners’ activities and interactions in the collaborative online environments we

To learn more about learners and their learning needs, consider
engaging them in group work assignments. Group work can
promote learning and if digital environments are used, it is much
easier for you to provide the support learners need.

Online collaborative environments can help you channel you

learner’s communication (e.g. on problems and questions they
I do not use digital
have) and collaboration (e.g. on projects they work on in
environments with my 0
groups). There are many different self-standing or integrated
services addressing these two goals jointly or separately. Many of
them are open-source or available for free. To get started, ask
your colleagues if they can recommend a concrete solution
or search the internet for recommendations. Try out which
solution works best for you.

[To level up]: Try out an online collaborative environment

It is good to encourage learners to organize their group work so
that they manage their cooperation themselves. However, your
relationship with your learners and their learning is improved
when you are present. Let learners see that you are reviewing
their work, not to control or bully them, but to help when
I do not follow
learners’ activities in the
online environments we
Make sure to use what you learn about learners’ difficulties,
interests and preferences for improving the effectiveness of your
teaching, i.e. re-arrange, re-focus or re-teach course content to
address apparent learning needs.

[To level up]: Establish greater presence

As a next step, you should consider not only to monitor your
learners' discussions, but to also offer guidance when needed,
without undermining learners' ownership and engagement. You
could, for example, start with comments offering help and
directing their work, e.g. additional information or links. Or you
alert attention to a good proposal that has not been taken up. Be
positive and motivating, emphasizing what has already been
I follow learners’ achieved. Also try out subtle ways of introducing responsible
activities in the online communication principles into the discussion, such as: respecting
environments we use and others and their opinions, basing decisions on arguments,
their discussions searching for consensus and doing your share of the work.

Make sure to use what you learn about your learners' difficulties,
interests and preferences for improving the effectiveness of your
teaching also in face-to-face settings/, i.e. re-arrange, re-focus
or re-teach course content to address apparent learning needs.

[To level up]: Provide guidance when needed

You know that one of the advantages of using
I analyse my learners'
collaborative digital environments is that you can understand
online activity using
individual learners better and adapt your teaching accordingly.
appropriate methods and 3
Now, try to offer guidance when needed, without, however,
tools, but do not
undermining learners' ownership and engagement.

Whenever you see that your learners are at a loss, help them, for
example by offering additional resources, e.g. information or
links. Be positive and motivating, emphasizing what has already
been achieved. Also try out subtle ways of introducing
responsible communication principles into the discussion, such
as: respecting others and their opinions, basing decisions on
arguments, searching for consensus and doing your share of the

Make sure to use what you learn about your learners' difficulties,
interests and preferences for improving the effectiveness of your
teaching also in face-to-face settings/, i.e. re-arrange, re-focus
or re-teach course content to address apparent learning needs.

[To level up]: Provide guidance when needed

You know that one of the advantages of using collaborative
digital environments is that you can understand individual
learners better and adapt your teaching accordingly. You
also know that sometimes they need to be motivated a bit by the
[educator] to reap the benefits of collaboration.

Remember to only offer guidance when really needed, without

undermining learners' ownership of and engagement in the
I analyse and intervene
collaboration and in their performance.
on my learners’ online
activities (e.g.
Introduce mechanisms or incentives for learners to establish and 4
discussions) with
enforce their own rules for collaboration, such as: respecting
motivating or corrective
others and their opinions, basing decisions on arguments,
searching for consensus and doing your share of the work.

Make sure to use what you learn about your learners' difficulties,
interests and preferences for improving the effectiveness of your
teaching also in face-to-face settings/, i.e. re-arrange, re-focus
or re-teach course content to address apparent learning needs.
[To level up]: Encourage the participation of learners in online
You propose online activities to your learners’ and follow their
I redirect the online
interactions closely. When you see the activity is not working well
activity of the learners’
or the learners’ interactions are not as you expected, you are
whenever I sense it is not 6
able to redirect the activity to make the most of the proposed
working or I foresee

I encourage the
You follow the learners’ participation in online activities at the
participation of the
same time encouraging them to further engage by prompting
learners in online 5
questions whenever appropriate.
activities by prompting
[To level up]: Anticipate problems
When learners work in groups, they use digital technologies to help them learn and
effectively accomplish course tasks

Nowadays, work and research are essentially based on

I do not know how to collaborative processes. In order to prepare learners for this
integrate digital reality, it is important to integrate collaborative processes into
technologies into their studies. For this reason, group work should be an integral 0
collaborative learning part of higher education. A collaborative digital learning
activities environment, such as a learning management system, a wiki or
blog can, whenever appropriate, help learners work in groups to
structure their collaboration and effectively accomplish course
tasks and learning goals. As an educator, you should aim to be
able to identify the collaborative learning situations which would
benefit from technology use.

[To level up]: Implement collaborative learning activities

with the support of digital technologies whenever
You are aware of how important it is for learners to be able to
learn collaboratively. It is equally important for learners to learn
how to research and investigate a topic, as well as present and
I integrate digital
share their findings in a digital format. This is why you try and
technologies into
integrate the use of digital technologies whenever you design a 1
collaborative learning
collaborative activity for your learners.
[To level up]: Integrate Internet-based research or
multimedia production
The next step for you would be to use digital strategies more
systematically to enhance collaboration. Consider the problems
and limits of how you are currently implementing teamwork. Are
there problems based, for example, on differences in working
patterns between members on teams; inefficient communication
I identify opportunities processes, unequal participation, lack of discipline and-or a high
and implement tasks workload in assignments that impacts group work?
for learners to work
collaboratively in order A collaborative digital environment, like a wiki or discussion
to search for information thread, can help learners to focus in classroom learning and to 2
online or to present their more efficiently finalise group assignments at home. Moreover,
results in digital formats. digital environments allow you to structure the group discussion
and to interfere when needed. The input by different team
members becomes transparent to you and their peers.
Furthermore, you can also choose to use the environment for
learners to document and showcase the results achieved.

[To level up]: Try out a digital environment to scaffold

You are aware of how important it is for your learners to learn to
collaborate and of how important it is to gather information,
discuss it and jointly transform it into knowledge.

The next step for you would be to use digital strategies more
purposefully to enhance collaboration. Consider the problems and
limits of how you are currently implementing collaborative
I structure course
teamwork. Are there problems based on differences in working
activities that require
patterns between members of the teams; inefficient
learners to work
communication processes, unequal participation, lack of discipline
collaboratively in
and-or a high workload in assignments that impact collaborative
groups, using the 3
Internet to find
information and
A digital environment such as a wiki, a collaborative document
presenting their results in
or even social media discussion can help learners more efficiently
digital formats
finalise group assignments at home. The input by different team
members becomes transparent to you and their peers.
Furthermore, you can also choose to use the environment for
learners to showcase the results achieved.

[To level up]: Design activities that encourage your learners

to debate and share their knowledge with others

You know how to make most of digital technologies for learning.
At the same time you are mirroring collaborative knowledge
I design course tasks that creation strategies that have become an important part of life
require learners to use and work in the digital age.
collaborative online
environments to However, what is important now is to remain reflective on the 4
exchange evidence and benefits and drawbacks of technology. Take care to use variety in
debate. digital and non-digital activities and interaction modes, so as to
serve all learners and address different interests.

[To level up]: Balance and focus on learners' needs

You know how to make most of digital technologies for learning.
At the same time, you are mirroring collaborative knowledge
I design course tasks that creation strategies that have become an important part of life
require learners to use and work in the digital age.
collaborative online
environments to co- You not only design tasks that require learners to engage in
create and share debate but also co-create and share knowledge with others.
[To level up]: Embed the use of digital technologies for peer
collaboration at a curriculum level

I design curriculum
activities that require the If you are able to include the use of digital technologies for
use of digital technologies learners at a curriculum level, you make sure that learners in
to enhance collaborative your institution will have the opportunity to experience learning 6
learning and the co- activities enhanced with the use of technologies. This will make
creation and sharing of them develop their own digital technology skills overtime.

I use digital technologies to allow learners to plan, document and monitor their learning
E.g. quizzes for self-assessment, ePortfolios for documentation and showcasing, online
diaries/blogs for reflection...

To start with using digital tools for assessment consider

integrating a short quiz or poll in your online courses, or, in a
physical classroom, as an activity at the end of each lesson or
Not possible in my work unit. Another option could be to introduce an online learning
environment diary, e.g. in form of a blog, where learners document and reflect
on their achievements and learning needs.

[To level up]: You could start with a quick poll at the end of
every lesson
If your learners have access to digital devices at home, try out
some digital tools to reinforce your strategies. Instead of
worksheets for self-assessment, you could, for example, use
online quizzes. Instead of learning diaries, you could try out
personal blogs, etc. You will see that digital solutions help in
I encourage learners to involving learners even more in the management of their own
reflect on their learning, learning and also make their progress more transparent to them.
but not with digital Experiment with different solutions and options and settle on the
technologies one that that is most beneficial to you and your learners.

If your learners do not have access to digital devices, you can

complement their individual reflections with a course blog in
which you record samples of the work displayed in their
individual (physical) portfolios or a post daily video, audio or
photo summaries of what they have learned. You can also
encourage learners to take turns in documenting key findings
themselves. This joint activity can reinforce and enhance their
individual reflection efforts.

[To level up]: Experiment with different digital solutions

You can use digital solutions to more holistically promote the
self-directed learning of learners. Think about how you can
creatively use the features of the common digital tools you use to
help learners plan, supervise and self-assess learning. Also try
I use, for example, out digital tools that you have not used before. For example, if
quizzes for self- you want to develop a competence that you believe cannot be
assessment or a course assessed using a quiz, try a different format. Maybe online
blog learning journals or blogs are more suitable. Before trying out a
new tool, review its appropriateness and adjust it if necessary to
ensure that it supports learners' self-directed learning.
[To level up]: Creatively adapt digital solutions to your
The next step for you would be to self-critically check if you are
using and combining digital tools for planning, reflection and self-
assessment meaningfully and with added value. Also reflect on
concrete problems you or your learners encounter when using
the tools and try to solve them. To go a step further, investigate
I use a variety of digital if it is possible to use the data that are automatically generated
tools to allow learners to in a structured way, to give you and your learners a more
plan, document or reflect detailed understanding of their learning pathway. Do not forget
on their learning to use the information you and your learners generate this way
to re-align your teaching interventions with learners' learning

[To level up]: Systematically use tools to foster [student]

The next step for you would be to investigate if it is possible to
use the data that are automatically generated in a structured
way, to give you and your students a more detailed
I integrate different
understanding of their learning pathway and learning needs.
digital tools to allow
learners to plan, monitor
What is also important for you is to focus on the actions taken on
and reflect on their 4
the basis of the feedback generated. Along with encouraging
learners' ownership of the learning process it is important for you
to continuously re-align your teaching interventions with the
learners' learning needs.

[To level up]: Holistically integrate your digital strategies

I develop apps or digital
You can code thus make the best use of your skills to integrate
games to engage
the use of technology into your teaching, in ways that are 6
learners in their own
personalised to your learners and subject areas.
You are not only able to integrate digital tools into your teaching
I selectively choose the
but also to test them to check if they are fit for purpose. For
best digital tools to
doing so, you create different tasks and analyse the engagement
integrate in my teaching,
and interactions of your learners with the tool. You can develop 5
after testing them with
your own portfolio of digital tools and their associated learning
different learning tasks
and cohorts of learners
[To level up]: Develop your own digital tools
Area 4: Assessment

[Figure p. 64]

Digital technologies can enhance existing assessment strategies and give rise to new and better
assessment methods. Additionally, by analysing the wealth of (digital) data available on individual
[student]'s (inter-)actions, [educators] can offer more targeted feedback and support. Area 4
addresses this shift in assessment strategies.

Please consider where you stand in view of the following long-term goals.

The answer options are organised by increasing level of engagement with digital assessment. Please choose
the option that best reflects your current practice.

I use digital assessment tools to monitor [student] progress

To understand what your learners have learned and what they
have not yet understood well, you should continuously monitor
their progress – whether or not this is common practice in your
work environment. The easiest way of doing this is to have a
I do not follow learners’ little quiz or game every unit or as a homework activity, so that
progress you and your learners can stock of what needs to be revised and
what learners have understood. And then you can adapt your
teaching to this.

[To level up]: Explore digital quizzes

If you wish to incorporate digital technologies to help you follow
the learners’ progress, you should be able to find a digital
solution to reinforce your current non-digital strategies. If your
students have personal digital devices available in the classroom
this is very easy. There are a range of easy to use digital tools
available that allow you to set up tests and quizzes. Or, you can
convert the quiz into a homework activity or, if a small number of
devices are available in class, into a group task or with taking
I do follow the learners turns.
progress regularly, but 1
not with digital means Another option can be to create a digital environment in which
learners post their ideas and showcase samples of their work.
Here you can combine assessment with self-reflection or self-
and peer-assessment. You can experiment with using different
formats for assessment, e.g. assessment rubrics, symbolic
feedback (stars or "likes"), written or audio/video feedback etc.

[To level up]: Explore digital solutions to reinforce your

Reflect on why you are not using digital assessment approaches
more often. If you are not happy with the features of the digital
tool(s) you use, it can be an option to identify similar tools that
offer better functionalities. If you find it time-consuming to set up
quizzes, a solution could be to ask your learners to set up quizzes
for each other. After all, the best way of learning is to teach.
I use a digital tool, e.g. a
quiz/blog/activity delivery
If quizzes do not capture what is at stake in your current
records, to review the
teaching, consider a different digital tool or format. Maybe a 2
learners’ progress
digital portfolio or a blog learners post samples of their work is
more appropriate. Here you can combine assessment with self-
and peer-assessment. You can also experiment with different
ways of providing feedback, e.g. assessment rubrics, symbolic
feedback (stars or "likes"), written or audio/video feedback etc.

Try out different formats or solutions or expand the basic solution

that works well for you.
[To level up]: Explore and adapt digital assessment tools
The next step for you would be to make assessment more
efficient and at the same time more meaningful for learners.

Ask your students to set up quizzes for each other. After all, a
good way of learning is to teach. If you are using digital portfolios
or students' blogs you can combine your assessment with self-
reflection or self- and peer-assessment. This saves you time and
empowers your learners. To increase variety and adequacy of
feedback, experiment with different formats, e.g. assessment
I use a variety of digital rubrics, symbolic feedback (stars, happy faces
tools to review learners’ Or "likes"), written or audio/video feedback etc. Also investigate 3
progress if it is possible to use the data generated by the tools and
environments you use in a more structured way, to give you and
your learners a more detailed understanding of their learning.

Investigate different options and implementation scenarios to

systematically develop an approach that works for you, your
subject and your students.

[To level up]: Holistically integrate digital and pedagogic

The next step for you would be to revise, adapt and enhance
your assessment strategies. Critically reflect on problems you
encounter and try to solve them. Check if it is possible to use the
I integrate the use of a data generated by the digital environments you use in a more
variety of digital tools to structured way, to give you and your learners a more detailed
monitor the learners’ understanding of their learning pathway. Also consider if 4
progress strategies for providing feedback on the basis of the data
generated are appreciated by the learners and ensure that your
assessment strategies are aligned with your teaching strategies.

[To level up]: Critically revise and enhance your strategies

You are not only able to integrate digital tools into your teaching
I selectively choose the
but also to test them to check if they are fit for purpose. For
best digital tools and test
doing so, you select and analyse them for assessment and
them to use with 5
progress monitoring purposes. You can develop your own
learners, for assessment,
portfolio of digital tools and their associated learning tasks.
to monitor progress
[To level up]: Develop your own digital tools
I develop my own apps
and digital tools for You can programme thus makes the best use of your skills to
progress monitoring integrate the use of technology into your assessment practices, 6
and/or assessment in ways that are personalised to your learners and subject areas.
I analyse all data (information) available to me to identify learners who need additional
"Data" includes: personal information, learners' engagement activities, performance information,
grades, attendance; and social interactions in (online) environments;
"Students who need additional support" are: learners who are at risk of dropping out or
underperforming; learners who have learning disorders or *specific learning needs, learners who
lack transversal skills, e.g. social, verbal or study skills.

These types of learners’

It’s important to create a learning environment where learners
information are not
who have special learning needs or require additional support, 0
available to me and/or it
will feel comfortable sharing this information with you. Learners
is analysed by
who have been disconnected with formal education are often

someone else in my overwhelmed by the pace and format of study, especially in
institution. online courses. Watching out for signs of disengagement will help
you identify learners at risk and to support them to get back on

[To level up]: Examine available data to identify learners

who are having difficulties
The next step for you would be to enrich your understanding of
each student’s *learning needs and preferences. Do not just look
at academic performance, cognitive problems and established
learning disorders. Consider the learners holistically, including
their emotions and attitudes. Try to identify patterns in
their behaviour and watch out for changes in these patterns. This
will allow you to quickly react when, e.g. signs of disengagement,
underperformance or stress are accumulating.
I analyse academically
relevant information, Furthermore, you will occasionally be confronted with learners 1
e.g. learners’ grades who have problems requiring more support that you can give. It’s
important to know the contact information for your program’s
learner advisers. Learners who arrive at the university are
unaware that they qualify for extra support. So it’s especially
important that you make sure learners know how *Student
Services addresses this issue.

[To level up]: Holistically address learners' problems and

The next step for you would be to review students’ learning
needs over the course of the learning process and intervene
I also consider
when needed. This will allow you to effectively react when, e.g.
information on learner
signs of disengagement, social conflict or emotional stress are
activity and behaviour,
accumulating. Seeing learners holistically can also help you 2
to identify the learners
identify the ones who would benefit from referral to *Student
who need additional
[To level up]: Analyse information to timely intervene
The next step for you would be to combine data sets to enrich
your understanding of each [student]'s individual learning
needs. Consider your learners holistically, including their
I screen all available emotions and attitudes.
evidence to identify You may also find it helpful to look at overall indicators for each
learners who need year group in a specific program, comparing pass-fail rates at the
additional support course level, along with looking at individual performance

[To level up]: Analyse information to timely intervene

If you have reached this category, you are looking at individual

performances over time, at group performances over time and
comparing performances between courses for specific learners
I analyse learners’
and groups. You’re looking at course evaluations and making
information and
changes based on this feedback, and you have set up your own
intervene in a timely
evaluation system to allow you to continuously improve on your 4
course design. You are monitoring leaners’ behaviour and react in
a timely and effective manner when you notice that something is
off. The next step for you would be to ensure that you are using
this evidence to effectively support learners.

[To level up]: Empowering learners
I help learners analyse
their own performance I share with learners the responsibility to analyse performance in
information and other order to create in them the skills of independent learning.
data in order to seek help [To level up: Encourage your learners to set their own
whenever they feel they learning goals]
need it
I encourage learners to
not only analyse their I encourage learners to be independent learners thus being able
own performance data to set their own learning goals and continuously assess their own 6
but also to set their own performance, seeking help whenever needed.
learning goals
I use digital technologies to provide effective feedback
One of the main purposes of assessment is to indicate to learners
areas in which they need to improve. Feedback is essential for
Feedback is not
learners to be able to understand how they can improve.
necessary in my work 0
[To level up]: Provide learners with feedback on their
learning process and outcomes
You know how important it is for your students to understand
their individual weaknesses and strengths, problems and

The next step for you would be to reflect on the constraints you
encounter in offering even more effective and personalised
feedback. If you find it difficult to devote enough time to all
learners individually, a standardised way of direct feedback
provision, like the feedback you are getting in this quiz, can help.
I do provide feedback to Moreover, many online assessment tools allow you to track and
learners, but not in visualise progress over time. These visualisations can be a 1
digital format powerful way of motivating learners to celebrate their
achievements and to concentrate their efforts on the more
problematic areas.

Experiment with different possible solutions to better understand

which tools offer the most personalised and actionable feedback
for you, your subject and your learners.

[To level up]: Explore digital tools to make feedback

provision more effective
The next step for you would be to amplify your strategies.
One way of doing this is to check out the functionalities of the
digital tools and environments you already use. Many online
assessment tools allow you to provide feedback on wrong answer
I assess the benefit of
options and positive reinforcement when learners answer
using digital ways to
correctly. Online assessments with feedback will also allow you to
provide feedback and do
track and visualise progress over time. Charts visualising
it whenever appropriate
progress can be a powerful way of motivating learners to
(e.g. automatic scores in
celebrate their achievements. 2
online quizzes,
comments or "likes" in
Investigate different digital solutions to understand which tools
online environments)
offer the most personalised and actionable feedback for you, your
subject and your learners. There may not be the perfect fix, but if
you are a bit innovative, you will be able to pool together a set of
resources and approaches that you can customize to fit your

[To level up]: Integrate and systematically use digital
strategies for providing feedback
The next step for you would be to integrate your strategies, to
discuss this feedback with learners and to agree together with
them on concrete steps for re-aligning their learning.

First verify that the feedback learners are provided with is

understandable to them. If it is not, adjust the way it is relayed,
choose a different digital environment or mode of data
visualisation or implement a dedicated learning activity on
I use a variety of digital interpreting these data. Combine and integrate different feedback
ways of providing strategies to give learners a more complete picture of their
feedback to enhance my performance and problems. 3
non-digital feedback
practices Then, enable learners, in discussion with you or their peers, to
identify weaknesses and strengths and to draw concrete
conclusions for their learning needs from the digital feedback
received. Encourage them to document these and provide them
with suitable and targeted learning activities. Slowly convert
these discussions into self-monitoring activities, thus allowing
you to devote more time to the more critical cases.

[To level up]: Combine strategies and empower learners

What is important for you now is to progressively enable learners
to assess and interpret the feedback provided to them
themselves and to draw appropriate conclusions for their

First verify that the feedback learners are provided with is

understandable to them. If it is not, adjust the way it is relayed,
choose a different digital environment or mode of data
visualisation or implement a dedicated learning activity on
I combine digital
interpreting this data.
approaches to provide 4
Then, enable learners, in discussion with you or their peers, to
identify weaknesses and strengths and to draw concrete
conclusions for their learning needs from the digital feedback
received. Encourage them to document these and provide them
with suitable and targeted learning activities. Slowly convert
these discussions into self-monitoring activities, thus allowing
you to devote more time to the more critical cases.

[To level up]: Empowering learners

I develop my own apps or You can programme thus makes the best use of your skills to
digital tools to provide integrate the use of technology into your feedback practices, in 6
feedback to learners ways that are personalised to your learners and subject areas.
I selectively choose the You are not only able to integrate digital tools into your feedback
best digital tools for practices but also to test them to check if they are fit for
feedback, after testing purpose. You can develop your own portfolio of digital feedback 5
them with different tools.
cohorts of learners [To level up]: Develop your own digital tools
Area 5: Empowering Learners

[Figure p. 74]

One of the key strengths of digital technologies in education is their potential for boosting the
active involvement of learners in the learning process and their ownership of it. Digital
technologies can furthermore be used to offer learning activities adapted to each individual
[student]'s level of competence, their interests and learning needs. At the same time, however,
care must be taken not to exacerbate existing inequalities (e.g. in access to digital technologies)
and to ensure accessibility for all learners, including those with disabilities. Area 5 tackles these

Please consider where you stand in view of the following long-term goals.

The answer options are organised by increasing focus on learners' individual learning needs. Please choose
the option that best reflects your current practice.

When I create digital assignments for learners I take into account and address potential
practical or technical difficulties
E.g. equal access to digital devices and resources; interoperability and conversion problems; lack
of digital skills
To try out digital assignments, consider asking learners to search
for information relevant to the topic of study online and to
present their findings in a digital format. Ask them about the
I do not create digital problems they had with this task and adjust the rules
assignments (e.g. deadlines, format of presentation) to allow all learners to
participate in digital assignments.

[To level up]: Explore digital assignments

Your learners seem to have a very high level of access to digital
technologies. This is, of course, ideal. However, even highly
digital competent learners sometimes struggle with technical or
operational issues. The more complex the tasks you set and more
My learners do not have varied the environments you use, the more likely are they to face
problems with using more advanced technical problems, e.g. on how to change 1
digital technology settings. It is important to discuss these issues when they occur
and to advice on how to solve them.

[To level up]: Openly discuss practical or technical

difficulties with learners
The next step for you would be to evaluate which obstacles
learners are (still) facing. Maybe they face less severe problems
than you were expecting and you can use a greater variety of
digital formats than you thought. Maybe there are other
obstacles, e.g. learners' digital skills, which you have
I adapt the task so as to
not addressed sufficiently. Try out a more advanced digital task 2
minimize difficulties
or assignment. Ask your learners about their experiences and
problems and adapt the task if needed.

[To level up]: Openly discuss practical or technical

difficulties with learners
Now consider to what extent the solutions outlined by you are
possibly restrictive. Discuss with your pupils / learners further
I discuss possible solutions for possible difficulties. See how you can introduce new
obstacles with learners formats and activities or allow more diversity without leaving 3
and outline solutions anyone behind.

[To level up]: Allow for variety, expand digital strategies

You involve learners in developing an overall digital learning
approach that will leave nobody behind. At the same time
I adapt the task, discuss
however, you allow the majority of learners to benefit also from a
solutions and provide
greater range of digital activities. 4
alternative ways for
completing the task
The only thing you need to watch out for is that, in the long run,
all learners have the same learning opportunities. If some

learners are systematically disadvantaged, take action to allow
them to benefit from the same learning opportunities, e.g. by
making [educational organisation] equipment or assistive
technologies available.

[To level up]: Support disadvantaged learners

I select and choose tools You take into account the fact that some learners may be
that are inclusive and disadvantaged or have certain needs that only accessible tools
take into account the are able to cover (e.g. bigger fonts) 5
accessibility needs of [To level up]: Use open source tools for greater
certain learners customisation to your learners
I select and choose tools
that are accessible and
You know the importance of accessible and open source tools for
inclusive, as well as in
customising the learners’ experience.
open source formats to 6
allow for greater
customisation for your
I use digital technologies to offer learners personalised learning opportunities
e.g. I give different learners different digital tasks to address individual learning needs, preferences and interests

Although all learners are required to do the same activities, you

should consider which learners need additional support and which
need to be more challenged.

Treating learners equally does not mean to offer them all the
In my work environment, same treatment, but to offer each of them the treatment they
all learners are required need, especially if they are all required to reach the same
to do the same learning objective in the end. 0
activities, irrespective of
their level Combining different learning and teaching strategies and
implementing a variety of different learning activities can result
in more effective and deeper, learning for all learners.

[To level up]: Offer digital learning activities to learners

who need additional support
You know which kinds of resources are more accessible or
appealing for which of your learners. The next step for you would
be to apply this knowledge to your own teaching and to address
I provide learners with different *learning needs and preferences in the way you present
recommendations of information and select examples or design worksheets and in- 1
additional resources class activities.

[To level up]: Address different *learning needs and

preferences when teaching
You know which learners need additional support and which kinds
of activities can help them. The next step for you would be to
apply this knowledge to your own teaching and to address
different *learning needs and preferences in the way you present
information and select examples or design work sheets and in-
I provide optional class activities. Tailor and vary classroom activities to your
digital activities for learners' *learning needs and preferences, e.g. by purposefully
those who are advanced bringing learners together in group work who can learn from each
or lagging behind other. This way you allow all learners to work on their
weaknesses and to build upon their strengths.

Vary the format of activities and the examples used to illustrate

course content to address the different experiences your learners
bring in.
[To level up]: Embed personalisation in your teaching
You know how to address different *learning needs and
preferences to make learning easier for all learners. The next
step for you would be to holistically consider learners'
experiences, interests and preconceptions and to link the
curricular content closely to these. The next step for you would
be to holistically consider learners' professional and personal
background and to identify the challenges each one of them is
Whenever possible, I
faced with and the experiences they bring in.
use digital technologies to
Value their experiences and try to relate your teaching to their 3
offer differentiated
different pre-conceptions, e.g. by illustrating concepts with
learning opportunities
examples and metaphors that are meaningful to them.

Consider their practical and time constraints and try to allow for
these in the assignments you set them.

[To level up]: Address learners' experiences and interests

/ Address learners' (life) experiences and constraints
Personalised learning is important, but clarity on course content
and standards is equally important. Your learners should realise
that and how the content relates to their experiences and
responds to their *learning needs and preferences. However,
they should also be enabled to perform well at standardised
I adapt my teaching to assessments and prescribed assignments, whether or not these
link to learners' individual are in a format and style that they appreciate. It is therefore
learning needs, important to counterbalance and reconcile the two aspects of
preferences and interests personalised instruction: respecting, addressing and allowing for
differences when teaching and supporting learners in
individualised ways to attain a set learning objective.

[To level up]: Counterbalance individualisation with

I counterbalance
personalisation with You seek to develop both personalised learning opportunities as
collaborative learning well as collaborative learning. 5
techniques to enhance [To level up] Help learners to be independent learners
the learning process
I help learners to set
goals and plan the You understand the need to help learners to self-assess their
activities they feel they progress and being able to set goals by planning their own 6
need to improve their activities for development.
I use digital technologies for learners to actively participate in class or online learning
Even if your classroom is not digitally equipped/campus based,
most of your learners probably do have access to a digital device
with internet access. Start with asking learners to search the
internet for information as a homework task. Or ask them to take
It is not possible to photos or videos exemplifying the subject of study. In class
actively involve learners learners can then bring the information they found together,
in class or with online discuss it in small groups and convert it into a presentation or
learning artefact.

If you think that this kind of work is not what is expected of your
learners by the curriculum, Carefully re-read the curricular
requirements in your course plan and discuss with your advisors.

You will find that there is more room for creativity than you

[To level up]: Get started and get your learners involved
Reflect on how you can use digital tools to involve learners even
more actively, in all phases of the lesson. Let them produce and
show a presentation, let them experiment with the interactive
whiteboard. Encourage them to investigate a topic combining
internet research with taking photos or documenting their
findings in the form of a video.

Also reflect on how digital strategies can help you address the
I do involve learners
problems and limits you are currently facing. For example, if
actively in class, but not 1
learners' group discussions are time-intensive and not to the
with digital technologies
point, maybe offering them a blog or wiki environment can help
them focus and speed up work in class. Consider also working
with the flipped classroom approach, where learners review
learning material online and then come to the classroom ready to
discuss what they have learned.

[To level up]: Explore digital solutions to enhance your

Your next step would be to allow learners to not only enjoy, but
also engage. Help them to be responsible for their own learning,
acknowledging their leadership in the learning process. Let them
produce and show a presentation. Encourage them to investigate
a topic combining internet research with taking photos or
When teaching, I use
documenting their findings in form of a video or presentation.
motivating stimuli, e.g. 2
Make sure that you are there to guide them in this work, without
videos, animations
undermining their ownership of the process. Carefully consider
for each topic at hand which digital tools and which social
settings and interaction modes are most appropriate.

[To level up]: Implement [student]-led digital activities

Your next step would be further increase learners' autonomy and
leadership for their own learning process. One way of doing this
could be to reverse the supply chain: Instead of you setting up
the task for them, ask them to create to create a task fot each
My learners engage with other using digital media. Ask them to review each otehrs’
digital media, e.g. perfomances. Encourage them to share these tasks with other
electronic worksheets, learners and networks. 3
games, collaborative
networks Another option could be to let learners choose their own topic for
investigation, using digital technologies to find information,
create artefacts and showcase their work.

[To level up]: Empower learners

What is important for you, at this high level of engagement, is to
keep improving your strategies. Continuously reflect on the
suitability of your strategies; the balance between learner
My learners use digital autonomy and guidance; the mechanisms you implement to allow
technologies to learners to follow their own rhythm while at the same time
investigate, discuss ensuring that *learners with specific needs and other struggling
and create knowledge learners are supported and all learners are given enough food for
thought. Consider how you can help all learners to develop their
strengths and work on their weaknesses; how they can learn
from each other and from their mistakes; and how their

collaborative effort can be turned into a joint product that goes
beyond their expectations.

[To level up]: Critically reflect on and continuously enhance

your strategies
Once learners know how to create knowledge collaborative you
I help learners not only to help them to be able to structure, present and share this
create but also present knowledge.
and share the knowledge
they create [To level up]: teach learners how to use open licenses to
share the knowledge they create
I help learners to not only
Apart from helping learners to structure, present and share the
create but also present
knowledge they create, you introduce them to the concept of the
and share the knowledge 6
‘commons’ and teach them how to use open licenses to release
they create using
their work.
appropriate open licenses
Area 6: Facilitating Learners' Digital Competence

[Figure p. 84]

The ability to facilitate learners' digital competence is an integral part of [educators]' digital
competence and at the heart of Area 6.

Please consider where you stand in view of the following long-term goals.

The answer options are organised by increasing level of engagement in fostering learners' digital
competence. Please choose the option that best reflects your current practice.

I teach learners how to assess the reliability of information

It is true that information literacy is more relevant for some
subjects than for others. However, even if your subject is, say,
mathematics, you should enable your learners to search for
information and learning materials online and to be able to judge
good from bad and accurate from flawed information.
This is not possible in
To meaningfully address information literacy into you subject,
my subject or work 0
you can, for example, embed it in a revision activity: Present
learners with a website or audio-visual content taken from the
internet on a topic they have just studied and ask them to
identify inaccuracies, missing information or bias.

[To level up]: Use a flawed information source in a revision

activity to encourage evaluation of information
The next step for you would be to include reflection on the
reliability of information retrieved online in an assignment task,
for example in a revision activity: Present your learners with a
website or audio-visual content taken from the internet on a topic
I remind them that not all they have just studied and ask them to identify
online information is inaccuracies, missing information or bias. Also consider 1
reliable collaborating with colleagues on this issue, as discernment is built
through repeated education.

[To level up]: Use a flawed information source in a revision

The next step for you would be to consider how you can enable
I teach them how to
your learners to judge the quality of information found online,
discern reliable and 2
independent of its source. You can, for example, present your
unreliable sources
learners as part of a revision activity with a website or audio-
visual content taken from the internet on a topic they have just
studied and ask them to identify inaccuracies, missing
information or bias. This way you can, step by step, build up their
capacity to assess information and opinion, to make informed
choices and to value evidence and sound arguments. Also
consider collaborating with colleagues on this issue, as
discernment is built through repeated education.

[To level up]: Implement activities requiring learners to

compare the accuracy of sources
The next step for you and your learners would be to discuss how
information is generated and can be distorted. Then focus on
teaching your learners how to draw valid conclusions and how to
use information effectively in arguments and debates. If you are
teaching social sciences, arts or humanities, you can do this by
I discuss with learners staging a debate where learners groups represent opposing
how to verify the schools of thought or simply contrasting opinions. If you are 3
accuracy of information teaching natural sciences, technology or mathematics, you could,
for example, present learners with flawed arguments, asking
them to find the mistake.

[To level up]: Implement activities fostering learners logical

reasoning skills
The next step for you and your learners would be to discuss how
to draw valid conclusions and how to use information effectively
in arguments and debates. If you are teaching social sciences,
arts or humanities, you can do this by staging a debate where
I discuss with learners
learners groups represent opposing schools of thought or simply
how information is
contrasting opinions. If you are teaching natural sciences, 4
generated and can be
technology or mathematics, you could, for example, present
learners with flawed arguments, asking them to find the mistake.

[To level up]: Implement activities fostering learners logical

reasoning skills
I discuss with learners how
can they adapt and produce You are able to help learners to develop logical reasoning skills
information that is free of by discussing how information is generated and sometimes
misinformation, bias and
distorted, leading to misinformation.
manipulation [To level up: Help learners identify bias]

We discuss how
information is generated, You help learners to identify information distortion and
how it can be distorted misinformation, at the same identifying bias. This makes learners
and identify critical of what they read and see, thus completely able to assess
misinformation and information.
I set up course tasks which require learners to use digital means to communicate and
collaborate with each other or with an outside audience
Digital communication is an important basic skill in our societies.
It is the responsibility of all educational institutions, at all levels,
to develop this skill in learners.
This is not possible in
To encourage learners to communicate among each other, it can
my subject or work 0
help to create a community or group in an online collaborative
environment and to set learners a concrete collaborative task to
solve using this environment. To encourage learners to
communicate with an outside audience an interview activity can
serve as a starting point.
Whatever the concrete task at hand, encourage learners to
discover and collaboratively develop effective rules for
communication and collaboration. Motivate them to document
their rules and to reinforce them among themselves. Challenge
their rules by integrating tasks or variations that require different
collaboration strategies or norms for communication.

[To level up]: Set incentives for communication and

The next step would be to encourage learners more often to
communicate and collaborate. A good starting point is to set up a
community or group for them to use on a concrete collaborative
task. This way they get accustomed to the main principles of
online collaboration in a closed social setting they are
accustomed to.
Learners are occasionally
Whatever the concrete task at hand, encourage learners to
required to communicate 1
discover and collaboratively develop effective rules for
or collaborate online
communication and collaboration. Motivate them to document
their rules and to reinforce them among themselves. Challenge
their rules by integrating tasks or variations that require different
collaboration strategies or norms for communication.

[To level up]: Set incentives for communication and

Your learners are confident and competent in communicating
with their peers in an effective and responsible way. Now you can
start slowly expanding their world.

You can ask your learners to interview a person of authority or to

I encourage learners to participate in an online debate or webinar, to join a professional
use digital communication online community of practitioners or to contact a research centre
and cooperation among or national authority with a question that emerged in your
each other course. This way you encourage them to expand their
communication skills beyond the circle of contacts they are
comfortable with.

[To level up]: Encourage learners to communicate with an

external audience
What is important for you is to systematically set assignments
that allow learners to slowly expand their skills. Empower your
learners to communicate in a professional manner, to argue their
I encourage learners to point while being polite and respectful towards others and their
use digital ways to opinions. Your learners themselves should realise, through their
communicate and to involvement in increasingly complex communication contexts,
cooperate with each other that oral and written communication follow different rules and
and with an external that communication between friends and with people they do not
audience know requires different communication skills. Let them share
their (maybe funny) experiences.

[To level up]: learners discover rules for communication

I structure and set What is important for you is to empower your learners to
course tasks and autonomously apply and develop their communication skills. They
assignments that allow must be able to state their point clearly, have an opinion and
learners to slowly expand argue for it. However, they must also communicate in a
their skills professional manner, be polite and respectful, towards others and
their opinions. This is nothing you should teach them directly.

learners can develop their online communication skills with each
other. Your learners themselves should realise, through practice,
that oral and written communication follow different rules, even if
these rule-sets tend to converge in the era of chatting. It is
equally important for them to realise how communication
between friends and with people they do not know follows
different registers. Let them share their experiences and laugh
about the little mistakes they make. Encourage them to come up
with their own plans to address the mistakes they initially make.

[To level up]: learners discover rules for communication and

I set up course tasks and
assignments that enable
You are able to help learners not only communicate with one
learners to co-create
another using digital tools but also to set rules for this
knowledge with their
communication. 5
colleagues at the same
[To level up]: Help learners co-create knowledge with an
time helping them set
external audience
rules for communication
and cooperation
I encourage learners to
further develop their
You can help learners to communicate beyond their immediate
communication skills by
group of colleagues to tap into the knowledge of an external 6
involving an external
audience and co-create knowledge with them.
audience as co-creators
of knowledge
I set up assignments which require learners to create digital content
e.g. videos, audios, photos, digital presentations, blogs, wikis...
It is true that in some subjects it is easier than in others to
embed digital activities for learners. However, when you think
about it, you will find a study unit in which learners could
themselves create content, e.g. conduct an interview and film it,
take photos of examples for study, write a text and post it
I do not know how to do
online, design a digital artefact with a software you use... 0
This way you motivate your learners for your subject, increase
their active involvement in the learning process - and also foster
their skills in creating digital content.

[To level up]: Integrate digital activities

Your learners lack the necessary digital equipment or skills? This
means that you have to be more innovative.

Taking photos is an activity which all learners are capable of and

I do not implement this
which can be linked to any subject. Just try it out. Ask your
type of activity with my
learners about their opinion and the problems they faced and
learners because they do 1
take them into account for your next experiment. You will see
not have enough digital
that this is not a waste of time, but that it will boost your
learners' interest in your subject - and in many cases also their
understanding of it.

[To level up]: Integrate digital activities

Try to identify the contextual barriers that have so far hindered
you from integrating these activities more firmly into your
Sometimes, for fun and
teaching. Is it because you don't feel you have the time to do this
motivation 2
more often? Is it because you find it difficult to link it to the core
subject knowledge your learners need to acquire? Is it because
this is not usually done? Reflect about what your learners did

learn when they created digital content in optional activities and
what they could have learned with respect to the core subject
knowledge they need to obtain, had you implemented the task in
a slightly different way.

These thoughts will help you understand what the specific

strengths of learners' content creation are in your subject
teaching and which contextual barriers you are faced with. They
will also help you identify many more opportunities for engaging
learners in creating digital content that is relevant for their
learning and contribute to them attaining the learning objectives.

[To level up]: Integrate digital content creation activities

into core learning and teaching
For you the next step would be to consider different activities and
formats of digital content creation for your learners. The aim
should be to enable learners to use many different digital means
- visual, audio, video, text-based ... - and combine
My learners create digital
them effectively. This will not only enhance their digital
content as an integral 3
competence, but also their competence to communicate their
part of their study
subject knowledge, to connect their findings or weigh arguments
and to comprehensively demonstrate their understanding.

[To level up]: Increase variety

For you the next step would be to enable learners to select and
combine different digital formats to effectively present their
knowledge and understanding. Encourage your learners to try out
new methods and digital formats; to introduce effects
that surprise their audience or make them laugh;
This is an integral part of
to use mistakes, misunderstandings, conflicts or different
their learning and I
opinions as an incentive for study...
structure the course
tasks and assignments
In sum, encourage them to look at their digital product from an
in order to increase 4
artistic point of view, reflecting on how interesting, coherent,
the level of difficulty to
accurate and complete it is. This will not only enhance their
further develop their skills
digital competence, but also their competence to communicate
their subject knowledge, to connect their findings or weigh
arguments and to comprehensively demonstrate their

[To level up]: Professionalize the media production

together with the learners
I encourage learners to
You not only create tasks and activities that require learners to
create digital content at
create digital content but help identify content they can reuse
the same time to
because it is openly licensed. 5
identify openly
[To level up: Teach learners how to open license their own
licensed content which
content for sharing]
can be reused
I encourage learners to
create digital content,
identify openly You encourage learners to create, adapt and reuse content at the
licensed content which same time making sharing it to a wider audience with an open 6
can be reused and license.
apply licenses to share
their own content
I teach learners how to use digital technology safely and responsibly

Even if you do not foresee any learning activities that require
learners to use the internet, learners often use online information
and communication strategies to complement their learning. They
need to understand their digital footprint, how to protect their
digital identity and how to avoid disclosing personal information.
This is not possible in
my subject or work 0
To ensure that learners are aware of existing data protection
rules, it can be useful to summarize rules in form of a course

[To level up]: Discuss online communication rules with

It is important that learners are aware of the pitfalls of online
communication, such as spamming, phishing, stalking and know
how to manage their digital footprint and protect their digital
data. However, you should also consider the social and cultural
norms for communication. Discuss with learners the practical
application of these rules in the collaborative environments they
use and to the online activities they engage in. Consider with
I inform them that they them concrete communication situations and how the rules
have to be careful with agreed on need to be refined or modified to fit their
relaying personal communication. Discuss together with them which partially
information online personal data they make available through the programmes and
apps they use and to whom. Let them also explore how to
manage their online identity so that they feel comfortable with
the way they present themselves to the world and with the
information they share online.

[To level up]: Set a digital activity suitable for discussing

rules for online behaviour
Discuss together with learners which partially personal data they
make available through the programmes and apps they use and
to whom. Let them explore how to manage their online identity
I explain the basic rules
so that they feel comfortable with the way they present
for safely and responsibly
themselves to the world and with the information they share 2
acting in online
[To level up]: Set a digital activity suitable for discussing
rules of conduct
You are aware of the importance of learners' ownership of the
rules employed in their online communication, with each other
and the outside world.

The next step for you would be to discuss with learners the
practical application of these rules in the collaborative
environments they use and to the online activities they engage
in. Discuss concrete communication situations and how the rules
We discuss and agree on
agreed on need to be refined or modified to fit their 3
rules of conduct
communication. Discover together with them which partially
personal data they make available through the programmes and
apps they use and to whom. Let them explore how to manage
their online identity so that they feel comfortable with the way
they present themselves to the world and with the information
they share online.

[To level up]: Fostering learners' autonomy

What you need to do now is to enhance learners' ownership of
the rules they obey - and their right to adapt and modify these as
they see fit. Discuss concrete communication situations and how
the rules agreed on need to be refined or modified to fit their
I facilitate learners’ use communication. Discover together with them which information
of social rules in the they make available through the programmes and apps they use
different digital and to whom. Make sure that your learners are aware of existing
environments we use data protection rules and know how to apply them to their own
learning environments. Let them explore how to manage their
BDT: ‘facilitate’ is level 6 online identity so that they feel comfortable with the way they
present themselves to the world and with the information they
share online.

[To level up]: Fostering learners' autonomy

I help learners to spot Besides helping learner be critical of their own practices, you help
and assess misconduct them to analyse the practices of others to identify misconduct or
in digital environments offensive behaviour.
so that they can be
critical of the online [To level up: Teach learners how to report misconduct or
environments offensive behaviour online]
I teach learners how to
spot and assess
misconduct online and You teach your learners how to confidently behave online and to
routes for reporting it spot and identify misconduct as well as how to report it should 6
should they feel they feel personally offended.
personally offended or
I encourage learners to use digital technologies creatively to solve concrete problems
e.g. to overcome obstacles or challenges emerging in the learning process

It is important to enable learners to formulate their problems in

planning their learning, communicating their ideas or
understanding course content; to identify the concrete
barriers encountered; and to encourage them to
think themselves about ways of overcoming them. For you as an
[educator] this means that you must be open to the different
This is not possible with ways in which learners overcome obstacles. And it means that
my learners, in my work you must try to encourage this way of coming up with solutions 0
environment that to you may seem inefficient, arbitrary, scientifically dubious
or in other respects unorthodox. You can and should, encourage
learners to work on the flaws of their appropriation strategies,
while appreciating that they took the first step to overcome an
important obstacle to their learning.

[To level up]: Encourage learners to creatively overcome

communication challenges
Problem-solving is a transversal and universally required
21st century skill. Authentic problem solving occurs when
learners encounter a real challenge in their learning or in their
lives. For learners, challenges like these occur all the time. It is
just a question of anticipating them and providing the necessary
I create opportunities to
resources for learners to be able to creatively design an
foster learners' digital 1
individual solution. Digital technologies can, in many cases, help
problem solving
learners design a solution that they can experience as innovative.

The next step for you would be to better anticipate potential

challenges and even actively trigger challenging learning
situations. Watch out for situations where learners voice that
there is something impossible to be known or asserted or
something too difficult to achieve - something desirable that they
believe goes beyond their capacities or possibilities. Convert it
into a challenge to be overcome - collectively by all learners, by
a small group of learners or by individual learners. Ask them to
identify how this desirable goal could be obtained and design a
plan to reach it, thinking about how technology can assist in the

You will see that there are many opportunities for integrating
digital problem-solving into your teaching than you thought.

[To level up]: Trigger challenges and provide resources

You know how important it is to encourage learners to overcome
challenges and you also know that digital technologies can, in
many cases, help learners design a solution that they can
experience as innovative.

The next step for you would be to actively trigger such

situations. Think about how you can embed a challenge into your
subject teaching. Watch out for situations where learners voice
that there is something impossible to be known or asserted or
something too difficult to achieve - something desirable that they
believe goes beyond their capacities or possibilities. Convert it
I do it whenever an
into a challenge to be overcome - collectively by all learners, by a 2
opportunity arises
small group of learners or by individual learners. Ask them to
identify how this desirable goal could be obtained and design a
plan to reach it, thinking about how technology can assist in the
process. You will see that there are many opportunities for
integrating digital problem-solving into your teaching and will
slowly understand in which situations you can offer this approach
to which [student] groups. This way you can ensure that all
learners are offered opportunities for developing their digital
problem solving skills in your subject.

[To level up]: Trigger challenges and provide resources

The next step for you would be to understand how you can
systematically integrate opportunities for digital problem-solving
into your teaching, so as to make it an integral and natural part
of your teaching and to ensure that all learners benefit.

For each unit or module of study, identify aspects where you

expect learners to experience something as impossible to be
known or asserted or too difficult to achieve - something
desirable that they believe goes beyond their capacities or
possibilities. Convert it into a challenge to be overcome -
I create opportunities
collectively by all learners or by a small group of learners or by
for them to experiment
individual learners. Ask them to identify how this desirable goal 3
with technological
could be obtained and design a plan to reach it, thinking about
solutions to problems
how technology can assist in the process.

You will see that there are many opportunities for integrating
digital problem-solving into your teaching. In some cases
the challenges encountered will be different for different ability
groups. Hence, you will need to work on various projects in
parallel, allowing each [student] or group of learners to work on
what they can experience as a challenge. This way you can
ensure that all learners are offered opportunities for developing
their digital problem solving skills in your subject.

[To level up]: Integrate digital problem-solving
You know how important it is to encourage them to overcome
challenges and you also know that digital technologies can, in
many cases, help learners design a solution that they can
experience as innovative.

The next step for you would be to ensure that all learners benefit.
Critically reflect on your current strategies: Are you also ensuring
that all learners have opportunities for developing their digital
I integrate opportunities
problem-solving skills? Think about the kinds of digital problem-
for creative digital 4
solving activities that you usually implement and consider how
problem solving
you can adapt or re-focus them to account for different abilities
and interests. Think about the help and guidance you can offer to
learners without jeopardizing their ownership of the design of a
solution to the problem. This is the tricky part of the whole
process: Empowering learners, all learners, to experience
themselves as being capable of achieving the unthinkable.

[To level up]: Ensure that all learners benefit

I encourage learners with all levels of digital skills to practice
I make sure to create
digital problem solving and increasingly improve and benefit from
inclusive opportunities
these practices.
for digital problem 5
solving, so all learners
[To level up]: Let learners spot opportunities to use their
can benefit
digital problem-solving skills
Apart from creating
opportunities for learners
to use their digital You know the importance of helping leaners being independent
problem-solving skills, I and self-critical, therefore you also let them spot opportunities to 6
let them spot these use their digital problem-solving skills.
opportunities arising
Area 7: Open Education (based on the OpenEdu framework):
Finding and using open licenses in digital resources

The understanding of open licenses is fundamental to be able to find, adapt and create
educational materials (written materials, videos, photos, designs etc.) which can be used, reused
and shared online without the infringement of copyright. Being able to identify such licenses and
create open educational resources (OER) is an integral part of educators' digital competence. It is
also a way to become an open educator, as per the guidelines of the Content Dimension of the
OpenEdu Framework (JRC, 2016, 2019).

This area links transversally with the following areas of the DigCompEdu Framework: Area 1
(professional engagement), area 2 (digital resources), area 3 (teaching and learning), area 5
(empowering learners).

Please consider where you stand in view of the following practices:

Please choose the option that best reflects your current practice.

I do not know what an You may have heard of open educational resources (OER)but are
open educational resource not sure of what it means. You may think that all resources 0
is available online are fine to be used and shared as long as they
are free of charge. Be aware that an educational resource without

an open license is not an open educational resource, even if the
resource is available online and is free of charge.

[To level up]: Get up-to-date with the definition of an open

educational resource by checking the ‘content dimension’ of the
OpenEdu Framework and Practical Guidelines on Open Education
for Academics (JRC 2016, 2019).

Educational resources are open when they have an open license

or are in the public domain. You know what an open license is
I can identify the license and look for it in the educational resources you find available
online in order to check how they can be reused. You know that
of an educational 1
resource. different types of licenses grant different permissions to users.

[To level up]: Apply open licenses in the resources you create or

If you are producing educational resources that you want to

release as an OER, you will need to choose an open license for it.
There are many different types of open licenses. There are many
I openly license the different types of open licenses and you can choose the ones that
educational materials I best correspond to the permissions you want to grant to users. 2
produce Make sure that the open license is visible in your educational

[To level up]: Learn how to reference OER.

Knowing how to properly reference OER is essential, particularly

if you have adapted, translated or remixed it. The main ethical
characteristic of the OER movement is that the original author
will always be referenced as such. When making and adaptation
or revision of an OER, always cite the original author(s) and the
I appropriately reference full reference source; then cite the revision author(s) and the
the OER I use (whether I remaining publication information. The same applies to revisions 3
change them or not) of revisions, thus generating a ‘cascade’ of authorship
information leading back to the original authors.

[To level up]: Learn how to tag OER.

Tags are keywords that help identify your OER. They indicate the
information that your content contains. Appropriate tagging will
I tag OER properly to make your content more relevant and will increase the potential
increase their findability for its use, since it will be easier to find. 4
and searchability
[To level up]: Learn how to share OER in different repositories,
websites and collaborative platforms

Sharing OER with others is an essential practice of the OER

movement. You know the best places to share your OER online,
I share the OER I create be it a website, a repository and/or a collaborative platform.
and adapt with others
[To level up]: Support your institution in the implementation of
OER practices.

I support my institution in You not only embrace OER in your own practice but also
the implementation of contribute towards an institutional policy that is OER-compliant.
OER as an open education You help your colleagues to understand OER principles and
practice. practices.

Area 7: Open Education (based on the OpenEdu framework):


Opening up access to education is about removing or lowering economic, technological,

geographical and institutional barriers that may obstruct the doorway to knowledge. It has to do
with creating the enabling conditions for anyone to study and learn, formally or non-formally.

This area links transversally with the following areas of the DigCompEdu Framework: Area 1
(professional engagement), area 2 (digital resources), area 3 (teaching and learning), area 5
(empowering learners), area 6: (facilitating learners’ digital competence)

Please consider where you stand in view of the following practices:

Please choose the option that best reflects your current practice.

Whether it is because you lack digital skills to create, reuse and

release educational materials as OER or because you have
insecurities with regards to reaching out to a diverse audience
beyond the institutional walls, you should know that you are not
alone and these are challenging practices to most academics.
However, once you start breaking through these barriers you will
I do not consider uptaking
see that the rewards are worthwhile. Consider how your
open educational 0
institution could back you up and ask for support of colleagues
practices in my teaching
who are already in this path.

[To level up]: Get up-to-date with the ways you can open up
access to your own teaching and research by checking the ‘access
dimension’ of the Practical Guidelines on Open Education for
Academics (JRC 2019).

You already understand the openness concept in higher education

and understand its benefits but feels you lack the skills and the
I understand the benefits support needed to become an open academic. In case you cannot
of releasing content as find support within your own institution via your colleagues or
OER and courses as free institutional programmes, consider reaching out to the external
and open online courses, world and joining open communities of practice that will help you
but my digital skills are level up.
too basic to do so.
[To level up]: Seek support within your institution and reach out
to external communities of practice.

Although you do not produce OER, free and open online courses
I use OER in my classes or massive open online courses (MOOCs), you understand their
benefit and incorporate the use of such resources into your own
and refer my learners to
teaching methodologies. You see the value in empowering
MOOCs and open online
learners to look for quality content outside their own institution
courses because I know 2
so that they become independent learners and benefit from
the value they can add to
different perspectives and learning communities.
my teaching and to the
learners themselves.
[To level up]: Learn about open formats and open source

You not only release the content you produce as OER but also
I make available
different learning design your content with different possible learning pathways in
mind, where the learners can have choices on how to build their
pathways in the OER I
learning programme. You understand that there are (open)
produce and release in 5
learners out there who will benefit greatly from this.
order to allow for the
personalisation of
[To level up]: Support your own institution in opening up
education for learners. access

You know the importance of not only using open licenses but also
I take into account
different open formats releasing content in open formats that can be accessed by
anyone who have internet access and is digitally literate, without
(e.g. LibreOffice) and
open source software being locked by commercial vendors. I also understand the 3
benefits of choosing open source software.
in order to produce the
educational materials I
[To level up]: Learn about accessibility measures for your
release as OER. content.

You are already doing your best to release your content as OER
I take into account to increase access to it, at the same time thinking of those
access and learners that need some further help such as the ones who have
accessibility in all the specific learning needs or disabilities and require the content to
digital materials that I be accessible. For example, in order to assist this cohort of open 4
produce, apart from using learners, you voice-record your texts and seek to make
open formats and open accessible websites for the visually impaired.
source software.
[To level up]: Learn about learning pathways.

You can encourage your institution to become more open by 1.

advocating adequate infrastructure for lecturers who aim to offer
OER, MOOCS and free and open online courses: 2. Making sure
you create and promote varied content and courses, such as in
I am an open educator less-used languages and for different user groups: 3. creating
and support my syllabi to your courses that can be completed in a modular way,
institution in opening up therefore enabling more flexibility and (open micro-credentials),
4. aligning the syllabi of your courses with the ones of other 6
access to content (OER)
and courses to all institutions offering similar courses in order to enable different
learners. learning pathways for open learners and the possibility for virtual

Area 7 : Open Education (based on the OpenEdu framework):

Research: open science, open access and open data

Openness in research is about removing barriers to accessing data and research outputs, and
also about widening participation in research processes, thus embracing the open science
approach. Open science is an approach to scientific processes based on cooperation and new ways
of disseminating knowledge by using digital technologies and collaborative tools. It includes open
access, open research processes and open science policies and tools. To know more about it refer
to the ‘research dimension’ of the OpenEdu framework as described in the publication ‘Practical
Guidelines on Open Education for Academics’(JRC, 2019).

This area links transversally with the following areas of the DigCompEdu Framework: Area 1
(professional engagement), area 2 (digital resources), area 5 (empowering learners),

Please consider where you stand in view of the following practices:

Please choose the option that best reflects your current practice.

You may have heard of open science practices but did not get
familiar with what they are. You do not know how it could apply
to the research you produce.

I am not familiar with the

concept of open science.
[To level up]: Get up-to-date with the ways you can open up
access to your own teaching and research by checking the
‘research dimension’ of the Practical Guidelines on Open
Education for Academics (JRC 2019).

I understand basic You understand the benefit of open sciences approaches to all
concepts of open science and although have not yet published in an open access journal
and increasingly use open you started using them to gather evidence to your own research. 1
access journals to gather
evidence for my research. [To level up]: Start publishing in open access journals.

You look for journals that give you the possibility to publish your
I publish my research in research with open access because you understand the benefit of
unlocking the knowledge you produce to all, beyond the academic
open access journals,
community. 2
whenever the journal
choice depends on me.
[To level up]: Consider making your research data
available as open data

You explore whether the data you collect and handle can be
made publicly available as open data. In order to do so you check
ethical guidelines, GDPR and other regulatory frameworks for
data protection and sensitivity awareness. If and when there is
I make my research data
clearance, you find the best mechanisms to make the data 3
available as open data
publicly available at the same time applying a strategy to
disseminate it to communities that may be interested.

[To level up]: Participate in open science communities.

I consider myself an open You have already fully embraced open science principles in your
research and actively participate in open science communities.
scientist and am involved
with open science
[To level up]: Support open science approaches within your own
communities. institution.

You act as an ambassador for open research practices in your

I support my institution in
the design of and institution. Leading by example, you provide guidance to
colleagues and bring your experience to the attention of
compliance with policies
that promote and/or institutional decision makers. You aim to help them provide 5
appropriate support for open research practices.
reward academics who
embrace open research
[To level up]: Aim for principles of open research and open
practices. collaboration in all your research projects.

You seek to engage your institution and colleagues in open
I aim for principles of
open research and research methods and collaboration in open data and citizens’
science. You keep track of the best technologies and communities
collaboration to be
for sharing research data and outputs, both during the research
applied in all research 6
period and after the project’s publication and finalisation, aiming
projects I am involved
to promote quality open science.
with, whenever
appropriate and feasible.


…some questions about you

To improve this questionnaire, we would like to ask you some questions about yourself. These
questions are only used by scientists to better understand for which group of users this
questionnaire makes sense - and for which perhaps not.

For any questions or uncertainties, please consult the EUSurvey privacy policy

Are you...
Male; Female; Prefer not to say
What is your age?
Under 25; 25-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60 or more; Prefer not to say

Which of these subjects do you regularly teach?

[Native language]
Foreign languages
Geography / Geology
Computer science
Social science
Political science
Visual arts / Design
Physical education
Religious studies
Philosophy / Ethics
Other (please specify)
I do not teach
I prefer not to say
In which of the following areas do you teach?
[list to be revised; drop-downs to be defined]
Health sciences

Mathematics/computer science
Natural sciences
Other (please specify)
I do not teach
I prefer not to say
Including this school/academic year, for how many years have you been teaching?
(1-5; 6-10; 11-15; 16-20; more than 20)
For what percentage of teaching time have you used digital technologies in [class] in the past
3 months? [drop-down menu with the answer options]
0-10; 11-25%; 26-50%; 51-75%; 76-100%; Prefer not to say

How long have you been using digital technologies in teaching?

I have not yet used digital technologies in teaching
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
4-5 years
6-9 years
10-14 years
15-19 years
20 years or more
Prefer not to say

Which digital tools have you or your learners already used for teaching and learning?
Watching videos / listening to audios
Creating videos / audios
Online learning environments
Digital quizzes or polls
Interactive apps or games
Digital posters, mindmaps, planning tools
Blogs or wikis
I have not yet used any digital tools in class
Prefer not to say

How old are the learners you teach? (multiple answers: under 18; 18-25; 26-30; 31-45; older
than 45)
What is the main profile of your learners?
- undergraduate learners with no previous professional career
- graduate learners with no previous professional career
- adult learners full-time
- adult learners part-time
- prefer not to say or do not know
What percentage of the courses you teach are online/distance courses
0-10; 11-25%; 26-50%; 51-75%; 76-100%;
(If 76-100%: Work environment 1; If < 26% Work environment 2; If 26-75% Work environment 3)

How would you describe yourself and your private use of digital technologies? (Strongly disagree –
strongly agree)
● I find it easy to work with computers and other technical equipment
● I use the Internet extensively and competently
● I am open and curious about new apps, programs, resources
● I am a member of various social networks

How well does your work environment meet the following criteria? (Strongly disagree – strongly

● The institution promotes the integration of digital technologies in teaching.
● The institution invests in updating and improving the technical infrastructure.
● The institution provides the necessary technical support.
● learners have access to digital devices
● The internet connection of the [educational organisation] is reliable and fast.
● The [educational organisation] supports the development of my digital competence, e.g.
through continuous professional development activities.
(in addition if at least 25% of classes are face to face)
● Interactive whiteboards, projectors or similar presentation media are available in the
rooms in which I teach.
● Many of my colleagues use digital media in their courses. How well does your work
environment meet the following criteria?
Additional question during piloting:

How do you now, after responding to the questionnaire, assess your digital competence as
Assign a level of competence from A1 to C2, where A1 is the lowest and C2 the highest level.

I am probably a(n)
A1: Newcomer
A2: Explorer
B1: Integrator
B2: Expert
C1: Leader
C2: Pioneer

Feedback questionnaire
Thank you for participating in DigCompEdu CheckIn!

We would like to improve the self-assessment tool and appreciate your feedback.
● To what extent do the following statements reflect your experience with the DigCompEdu
CheckIn Tool? (Strongly disagree – strongly agree)

● The questions were relevant

● The answer options were relevant
● There were too many questions
● I feel fairly assessed
● I am disappointed with my result
● I would recommend the CheckIn tool

2. To what extent do the following statements apply to the feedback report?

● I read the complete feedback report
● The feedback was helpful
● The feedback was too detailed
● I feel encouraged by the feedback to use digital media in teaching
● The feedback provided me with suggestions and ideas
3. What will you do in terms of the further development of your digital competence in the future?
● Nothing at all
● Do some research online
● Join an online professional community
● Attend training courses
● Participate in online courses (e.g., webinars, MOOCs)

● Exchange with my colleagues

4. Further comments and suggestions: ________________________

Thank you for your feedback!


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