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vvp - Electronic News Magazine of IC Centre for Governance, for private circulation only

Ethics Integrity Excellence

Volume XII, No. 2 Feb 2024

# In olden days, there were only one pension fund – our children!
# When a thousand people believe in a particular made-up news, it’s fake news.
When a billion people believe in something for a thousand years, it’s religion!

1. ICCfG Happenings

Presentations During ICCfG’s weekly 1130am Thursday Core Group meetings:

1.1 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤-𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜e: February 01, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting Ms. Lakshmi
Subramanian, a Certified Life Coach, Mentor, and Corporate Trainer, who shared invaluable insights on
the topic of 'Work-Life Balance' with our Core Group members. Thank you, Ms. Subramanian, for such
an enlightening session!

(1.1) (1.2)
1.2 "Analysis of Budget 2024: On 8th Feb., during our CG meeting,(including members who joined
„On-line‟), our esteemed member, Prof. Anand P. Gupta made an interactive presentation inviting
discussions, while highlighting its Good, Better, or Best aspects!

(1.3) (1.4)
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1.3Thursday Feb. 15, celebrating the birthday ofour Sh. Shanti Narain, a man with a heart of gold, who
always goes above and beyond for the Centre. From the very beginning, he has devoted most of his time
and energy to our cause. We are incredibly fortunate to have him in our lives. Your unwavering
dedication and kind-hearted nature enriches us every day. Wishing you all the best and a long, joyous life
filled with happiness and fulfilment.]

1.4 'Sleep Management': During the CG meeting on 15th Feb.,we had the privilege of hosting Captain
Shiv Singh from the Indian Navy, who delivered an enlightening talk. He provided invaluable insights
into the importance of quality sleep and shared essential tips for achieving it. A big thank you to him for
his informative presentation! #SleepManagement

1.5'How to be Happy':During the CG weekly meeting on 22nd Feb. Dr. Prabhat Kumar our esteemed
member made an insightful presentation on Happiness, with active participation of many members,
including those who joined On-line.

1.6 “Viksit Bharat - India 2047:During the CG weekly meeting on 29thSh. Ramgopal
Agarwala,delivered an enlightening and powerful talk.Since retirement he has been working as
consultant for the World Bank and Asian Development Bank and is a Distinguished Fellow at Research
and Information System (RIS) for Developing Countries in New Delhi. He has been an active
participant on issues relating to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the national, regional and global
measures needed to minimize the adverse effects thereof. He is currently working on developing a
vision for India 2050.The theme is that for sustained growth to an affluent India in 2050, we need
„decent‟ capitalism which emphasizes not only efficiency but also inclusiveness and low-carbon lifestyle.
He highlighted the need for a paradigm shift towards the best of the West and our spirituality to evolve
a better idea of development!

(Sh. Prabhat presenting him Copy of his Book,Public Service Ethics - A Quest for Naitik Bharat).

1.7 Our esteemed member Sh. N.K Ambasht was the Chairman of the Jury (18th Dec, 23) and
distributed awards of Excellence for private schools of India at a function at the Claridges.

(1.5) (1.6) (1.7)

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2. Reflections
# We think we know a lot, though as Individuals, we know embarrassingly little about the modern complexities.
The good thing is, our ability and USP to treat knowledge with others, as if it were our own!

# The commandment, not to steal was given when stealing meant you stole something from me.
Today the global systems are structured in a way we’re blissfully unaware of who is stealing what!
I have no idea who all are involved in what I eat and what sins I am incurring!

# A Dollar Note is nothing but paper! It is only our Belief of its value that makes it Valuable.
Are Religious Beliefs fictional and fake news?

While there’s zero scientific evidence for most religious beliefs, for good or bad, humans have used Fiction and Belief as the
best way to bring and keep people together - both for killing or loving!

# „Peace of mind‟ is the Benchmark to judge our progress towards “Well-being”!

If we‟ve peace of mind and are at peace with our environment, we can know we‟re on the path to
progress! This is a simple check.

Similarly, if good thoughts occupy our mind and our mind expands and embraces others in a bond of
love, that too is a good indication of progress.

2.1 Khordeh Avesta (selected verses)of the oldest ZoroastrianScripture

„Khordeh Avesta‟, i.e., „Smaller (i.e. Selected) Avesta‟ is the Zoroastrians book of daily prayers, a
cherished possession of every devoted Zoroastrian household.

Mantra: Zoroastrians recite their prayers in Avesta which is a sacred language. Among several words for
“prayers” in Avesta, one is called “mānthra”, which means “thought (force), word, holy word”. It is like
the Sanskrit “mantra”, rendered as “mānthravāni” which is also significantly called „ādesha‟, „Divine

One of the collections of these „mānthras‟ is known as „Mānthra Spenta‟, meaning„Holy, beneficent
Word‟, and which is „effective, full of glory, and the soul of Ahura Mazda‟: -

“Righteousness is the best good, and it is happiness.

Happiness is to him who is righteous for the sake of the best righteousness” - Khordeh Avesta

Righteousness is to be understood as truth, holiness, and pristine purity. In Holy Avesta

“Righteousness” is highly praised. Staomiashem, i.e., I praise Righteousness: -

 Purity of the mind and the body is the most excellent wealth and happiness of this world.
 That happiness which is highest in the matter of truth is attained to that person.
 The foremost thing which mankind ought to acquire after having born in this world is Truth.

While getting up from sleep one should acquire truth-Righteousness, and holding fast to it should carry
on his daily affairs and business. It is futile to pray on one hand and to utter falsehood and deceive on
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the other hand. When a person at the end of life recites the prayer sincerely, he forsakes all wicked
thoughts from his mind.

3.What is it that Enlivens our Body& makes us Living-beings?

Isn‟t it surprising that we all, blissfully ignorethis issue!

What exactly is Life or „Something like it‟?
Religions say that a man who does not believe in God is an atheist.
Vedanta says a man who does not believe in Him-Self is an atheist!
Not believing in the glory of our own SELF within is what the Vedanta calls atheism.
Religions say we must pray to God sincerely; God would be pleased and shower his Grace!
However, when in crisis don‟twe pray, run, defend; ultimately depend on power of our own Self!

We need to explore, discover, believe in my-Self first!

‘If you can think that you are the Omnipotent Atman, you can be better - the emphasis is on the word ‘think’! Merely by
thinking that I am the Atman, the seat of infinite power, the quality of my entire life will change! Everything I do will be
coloured by this one thought. Isn’t that wonderful?
The vision of ‘Whole world as our Family’. Of ‘One World. One Family. One Future’; is based on this idea, Our
Oneness with our SELF, the SELF of all beings and of Creation.
As academia and as intelligent people during 10-20 years of education and growing up why not learn of SELF?

Only when I believe in my SELF will Istrive for Righteousness &prayers will be answered!
Only when we have developed sufficient strength to deal with this world, we would have developed a
strong character, a strong personality, a very strong will. That will qualify us to truly pray to God. When
such a strong personality prays, God listens and responds.

4. Vivekananda‟s first song to Ramakrishna!

Let us go back once more, O mind, to our proper home!

Here in this foreign land of earth Why should we wander aimlessly in stranger's guise?
These living beings round about, And the five elements, Are strangers to you, all of them.
none are your own. Why do you so forget yourself, In love with strangers, foolish mind?

Why do you so forget your own? Mount the path of truth, O mind!
Unflaggingly climb, with love as the lamp to light your way.
As your provision on the journey, take with you the virtues, hidden carefully;
For, like two highwaymen, Greed and delusion wait to rob you of your wealth.
And keep beside you constantly, as guards to shelter you from harm, Calmness of mind and self-control.
Companionship with holy men will be for you A welcome rest-house by the road;
If anything along the path should cause you fear, then loudly shout the name of God;
For He is ruler of that road, and even Death must bow to Him.

When the singing was over, Sri Ramakrishna suddenly grasped Narendra's hand and took him into the
northern porch. To Narendra's utter amazement, the Master said … I know you are the ancient sage
Nara born to remove the miseries of mankind.' The rationalist Naren regarded these words as the
meaningless jargon of an insane person!
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5.Work is Worship; Righteousness is highest Worship:

It is good to know that simply by fulfilling our Respective Duties, Kartavya-palan, and selflessly working
for good of all, we remain on the God-wards path.

Are we better than the masses? We need to judge people based on their attitudes towards work. For
the majority of common masses their daily work itself is worship; they‟re striving and toiling and giving
their best!Any activity performed with devotion, determination and firm discipline is Yoga and leads to
expansion of self-centered mindset towards the spirit of selflessness. Focus and single-mindedness are
the keys to attaining an acceptable level of expertise in any, and every form of work.

Thus, games or work or arts … any and every task becomes Yoga, if carried out with honesty of
purpose, undiluted sincerity and with the clear goal of attaining perfection, including of course the
ultimate goal of Freedom, Nirvana.

If we can make our daily work itself as worship, aka Karma Yoga, do we really need the paraphernalia of
Preachers, Scriptures, Rituals, Places of Worship etc.? Why then allow Politics and Preachers to divide
us and create „hatred‟ for the other?

Work Vs Work as Kartavya-palan: Work when done to our best, and selflessly for good of all, strictly
as our „obligatory duty‟, kartavya, becomes Yoga and the highest worship and religious practice,
irrespective of our work, status, religions, or beliefs. Righteous simple living is enough for the common
man and the masses!

Thus, all religious preachers could be brought together under the umbrella of academics to create an
action plan to inspire commitment to Righteousness, Selflessness and Kartavya-palan in work and life;
whatever may be our career, Vocation! There‟s no use fighting over My-vs Your God or keeping
Religions away from Academia!

We‟re the Problem!It is we the few, the educated, who are not really toiling but are working to enjoy
comforts and pleasures of life by exploiting the masses! We need religions and education and fear of
God to make us selfless!

We the educated become self-centered and so need lessons on Karma Yoga; on Worldview of
Oneness; on “vasudaiva kutumbukum”. Karma Yoga includes ideas of learning to focus only on action,
not on results. Yoga is Devotion, Duty, Faith, Judgment, Knowledge,
Liberation, Meditation, Renunciation, Self-control, self-Restraint, selfless service!

Crisis and distress also become yoga when we are forced to delve into oneself. Honest reflection; self-
enquiry to find life changing solutions is also yoga! Yoga is to always be intellectually conscious of the
reality that I am the unchanging SELF, Consciousness, though I now think I am this limited Body-mind

Vedantic wisdom of our Oneness as Consciousness is not religion. It is not a sacred, holy belief that
cannot be questioned. It is open to all questioning, debates, discussions to get an intellectual
appreciation of the idea. It is a reality that I have to experience.
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It is a reality that has been experienced and appreciated by every Sage, Godman, Prophet, Religious-
founder who then strove to spread the idea globally! And their universal message was to be good and do
good; love thy neighbour as thyself; seek first the kingdom of God and his RIGHTEOUSNESS (aka
Karma Yoga that GOI Mission KYi plans to train every govt. servant to become!!) and everything else
will be added unto you!

Why love each other? Because Consciousness alone is! So, the more we strive to be selfless thru'
Righteousness (kartavya-palan; commitment to duties! seva-bhava) the more our Mind expands to feel
oneness till we actually experience our Oneness with whole Creation! Thru Righteousness we re-gain /
re-unite (religion/ Yoga) Rtm, order, harmony, rythm, with Creation. All mankind is struggling towards

Thus, Vedanta isn't to be treated merely as an intellectual philosophical concept! It is not Belief but a
reality, Truth, that has to be experienced, realized and to Regain (Religion) Rtm, is the goal of work and
life, fruit of religions!

This is the need of the hour - to spread this worldview of 'vasudaiva kutumbukam'! Only Vedanta has
this wisdom to explain, discuss, analyze, debate and appreciate and spread the awareness through
modern schooling and technology to establish a Global Vision, a healthy world view of
Oneness. Fortunately, GOI presented this G20 Global Vision and the countries accepted the idea of
'One World. One Family. One Future.'

6. How many Questions do we ask each day?

Children ask many! As we grow older, one of the biggest obstacles to our growth and success is losing
our childhood curiosity.In our younger days, we were like fearless adventurers, constantly seeking new
experiences and asking endless “why” and “how” questions.But as we mature, our once wild and
inquisitive minds begin to fade. We start to avoid the unknown and stick to what‟s familiar. We live based
on beliefs.

We stop asking questions as we used to, thinking we already have all the answers. But as Confucius said,
“The one who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.”Curiosity is one of the secrets
to growth and success. Your ability to question things is critical to making changes and improving your
quality of life.

Asking questions changes your lives. The power to question is the basis of all human progress.If you
want to move forward, start asking more questions about yourself, about others, and about why things
are the way they are.

7. Find a Duty in keeping with your Inherent tendencies!

A young monk went into the forest, meditated, performed austerities for a long time. One day a crow‟s
droppings fell upon him from the tree above. He looked angrily at the bird, and it fell dead! The monk
realized he had developed mystical powers and was filled with pride. When he went for Bhiksha, the
housewife came to the door, and requested him to wait, since she was nursing her sick husband. This
angered the monk and he thought, „How dare she make me wait! She doesn‟t know my powers! Reading
his mind, the woman replied, “Do not look at me with such anger. I am not a crow to be burnt by your
glance.” The monk was shocked, and asked how she knew about the incident? The housewife said she
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did not practice any austerities, but just did her swadharma, duties, with devotion and dedication. By
virtue of it, she had been illumined and was able to read his mind.

She then asked him to meet a righteous butcher who lived in a village and said that he would answer his
questions on Dharma and swadharma. The monk went to meet the righteous butcher who explained to
him that we all have our respective Swadharma, based upon our past karmas and competence. If we
discharge our natural duties whatever they may be, high or low, renouncing the desire for personal gain
and rising above the fleeting happiness and misery, coming our way, we will purify ourselves and
graduate God-wards. In this manner, by doing our prescribed duties and not running away from them,
we gradually evolve from our present self-centered Body-mind personalities towards divine
Consciousness. The teachings of the butcher are in the Chapter „Vyadha Gita‟ of the Mahabharat.

Individual Freedom? We believe it is better to do one‟s own duties, kartavya, Swadharma, even though
imperfectly, than to do another‟s duties, even though perfectly. By doing one‟s „innate‟ duties, a person
expands his mind towards selflessness and remains on the path to Perfection. Thus, it is good to be
engaged in fulfilling those duties which are based on our inherent, innate, characteristics, mindset,

When we do our respective swadharma (prescribed occupational duties), there is a two-fold advantage. It
is in tune with our disposition. Hence, it is as natural to our personality as flying is to a bird and
swimming is to a fish. Secondly, since it is comfortable to the mind, it can almost be done involuntarily,
and the consciousness becomes free to be engaged in devotion.Instead, if we abandon our duties
thinking them to be of a lower status, and take up another‟s duties unsuitable for our nature, we struggle
against the innate inclination of our personality.

This was exactly Arjun‟s situation. His Kshatriya nature was inclined to military and administrative
activities. Events drove him to a situation where it was necessary to participate in a war of righteousness.
If he were to shirk from his duty and withdraw from the battlefield to practice austerities in the forest, it
would not help him spiritually, for even in the forest, he would not be able to get away from his inherent
nature. In all likelihood, he would gather the tribal people in the jungle and become their king. Instead, it
would be better for him to continue doing his duty born of his nature, and worship God by offering the
fruits of his works to him.

Can we follow Krishna‟s suggestions that Schooling and growing up may be a process of discovering
our innate, inherent Guna, quality and characteristics of our mind, so that we find an occupation, in
harmony with our character and competence, so as to earn and enjoy remaining on the path to

# If you are unable to find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?
# Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything is Zen.
# To accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of a cake on paper which you cannot eat.
# If you judge people, you have no time to love them -Mother Teresa

Please send your comments, suggestions and short articles containing your experiences for publication
through email at info.iccfg@gmail.com and Sunil Kumar can be contacted at kumar2sunil@yhoo.com

IC Centre for Governance, 3 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057
Tel: +91-11-4080 9939, +91-9315606289
Email: iccfg@yahoo.co.in, Website: www.iccfg.net

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