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Transactional error a new norm of modi regime/Only aimen/DP

ransnational repression is a dangerous phenome non that is becoming
more and more common in today's globalized world. It occurs when states use violence, threats,
or intimidation against people who live outside of their boundaries. This devious strategy targets
a broad range of people, such as journalists, human rights activists, political dissidents, and
members of racial or religious minorities. Targeted killings, kid- nappings, and retaliation against
family members are some of the most severe examples of transna- tional persecution.
Particularly, India has been the subject of accusations of transnational per- secution recently, in
November 2023, the US Department of Justice unveiled an indictment. According to this
indictment, the Indian government planned an attempt on the life of a Sikh activist with the
intention of starting a string of such killings in the US and Canada.
Furthermore, Indian authori- ties have become more invasive than ever before, using sophisti
cated cyber tactics and internet harassment campaigns to threat- en foreign journalists and
activists who support the rights of religious minorities. Following Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s June 2023, State Visit to the United States, remarks made by Amit Malviya, the head of
the Indian Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) information and technolo gy department, sparked an
online campaign against Wall Street Journal journalist Sabrina Siddiqui in the United States. This
transnational repression was brought to light. After Siddiqui asked a question concerning the
state of religious freedom in India, a wave of targeted harass ment ensued. The state of affairs
highlights a worrying pattern in which concerted attempts are made to repress dissident voices,
even outside of India. Commissioner David Curry of the US. India’s use of harsh laws, such as
the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and anti-conver- sion laws, to repress religious
minorities, journalists, and activists inside its borders has been denounced by the Commission on
InternationalReligious Freedom (USCIRF). He highlighted the intimidation strategies used
against journal- ists and the risky extension of this repression to target Indian religious
communities abroad. Since 2000, USCIRF has repeat- edly advised the U.S. Department of State
to classify India as a Country of Particular Concer (CPC), citing concerns about breaches of
religious freedom. The USCIRF’s 2023 Annual Report reaffirmed this proposal and provided an
issue update on state-level anti-conversion laws in India. This report shed light on how the
government is using these laws to discriminate against religious minorities. In order to discuss
the state of reli- gious freedom in India and poten- tial areas of cooperation between the Indian
and American govern- ments in addressing these viola- tions, USCIRF convened a hear- ing in
September 2023, These events highlight how crucial it is to maintain worldwide attention and
involvement in order to defend the rights of religious minorities and preserve freedom of speech,
both inside and out- side of India.
The accusations that the Indian intelligence service was involved in two murder plots in the
United States and Canadahave raised severe concerns, which the White House has called “a
serious matter.” The Indian government, including senior-level officials, has been Implicated,
according to evi- dence produced by both American and Indian investiga- tions into the killing of
a Sikh leader in Canada and the attempted killing of Sikh leaders of Indian descent in the United
States. The Prime Minister of India, the Defense Minister, and other authorities have publicly
admitted that India targets peo- ple who are wanted within its borders. “Pakistan meinghuskar-
maaren gay” (We will intrude into Pakistan and kill them there) was the statement made by
Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in response to a report published in The Guardian’
regarding the death of twenty Pakistanis by India with- in Pakistan. PM Modi’s recent claims
during an election cam- paign of eliminating dissents inside Pakistan is another exam- ple of
India’s transnational poli- cy of terrorism. The frightening scope of state-sponsored vio- lence is
brought to light by these declarations and disclosures, underscoring the critical need for
openness, responsibility, and international oversight in orderto stop further escalation and
safeguard human rights.
The Khalistan Movement-aligned activists’ deaths provided insight into a more comprehensive
plan implemented by India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).This strategy includes sending
RAW agents to Indian embassies in Canada, the US, and Europe, all of which have substantial
Sikh popu- lations. After Gurpatwant Singh Pannun’s abortive attempt to assas sinate him in
New York, US intelli- gence services have linked RAW agents to the targeting of Sikh lead- ers
who support Khalistan. International censure of India’s covert efforts has resulted from the
prompt action of US and Canadian authorities, preventing additional attacks on Sikh leaders. The
Sikh community is deeply outraged by the assassinations of Hardeep Singh Nijjar and
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, two vocal supporters of Khalistan, underscoring their con- tinuous
fight for justice.
US intelligence agencies have reached a similar conclusion, highlighting the Indian govern-
ment’s hierarchical structure and AjitDoval’s significant influence. According to US sources,
CIA analysts have determined that Doval either knew about or approved of the schemes RAW
had developed to kill Sikhs con-sidered terrorists. Suspicions have been raised about RAW’s
possible role in the death of Sikh activist Avtar Singh Khanda, who died in Birmingham three
days before Hardeep Singh Nijjar was killed in Canada. Officials in Britain have declared that
Khanda died of leukemia and natural causes, but his family and sup- porters are still calling for
more investigations. Speaking to an enthusiastic assembly of support- ers, Narendra Modi said,
“Today, even India’s adversaries recog nize: This is Modi, this is the New India. He underlined
that in order to eradicate any dangers, this “New India” will do whatever it took, even breaking
into homes. International security, democra cy, and human rights are all directly threatened by
the increas ing occurrence of transnational repression. The latest accusations involving India
serve as a sober- ing reminder of how vital it is to confront this worldwide issue and bring those
responsible to justice.
9 May:Accountability of the Culprits/Faisal ahmad/DP
NO state can tolerate coordinated attacks on its writ. Civilized
Societies do not tolerate vio- lent undemocratic behaviors. Saner quarters of the society cannot
co-exist with the cults comprising blind followers who worship demagogues. Introspection is
needed to find out the reasons that why some quarters in our society are trying to justify the anar-
chist tendencies.
Existence of Pakistan as a functional stable state has always been in cross-hairs of hardcore
terrorists and anar- chists.
Undoubtedly, dislodgement of state is a vicious dream- flashing regularly in the minds of forces
inimical to the stability of Pakistan. Alarming unfolding of the May 9 targeted attacks on state
owned defense installa- tions previous year should not be confused with routine political
Certain unwise quarters are trying to downplay the severi- ty of synchronized vandalism across
the country. Surely, they are playing the role of devil’s advocate either wit- tingly or unwittingly.
Surprisingly, all extra-ordinar- ily vocal advocates of planned vandalism are seen relying mostly
on social media sensa- tionalismhaving no logical arguments. Universally acknowledged
fundamental right of protest is very much guaranteed in the constitution of Pakistan.
However, violent activities and vandalism against the state owned and private prop- erties fall in
the category of crime. Vicious role of master- minds gets more than usual importance due to
simultane- ous outbreak of riots across Pakistan.
Instead of finding the actual perpetrators hidden in PTI folds, some outspoken repre- sentatives
of former ruling party significantly tried to portray the vandalism as nor- mal political protest.
Efforts directed for
Downplaying the 9 May riots merit a dispassionate weigh- ing on the scales of law, con- stitution
and morality.
As the prevailing environ- ment is infected with social media propagation, itseems highly
difficult to take the reality out from the thick fog of rhetoric, populism and fab- ricated venomous
narratives. Those who are seeking leniency for the executioners of country wide anti-state
vandalism; should analyze the validity of their stance in the light of some relevant obser- vations
laid down in succeed- ing lines.
One; While the attacks of banned outfits on LEAs and armed forces are tackled as terrorism;how
come any vio- lent attack on state owned properties by the mob can be classified as peaceful
political protest? Two, Synchronized manifestation of attacks on garrisons and military instal-
lations in various cities indi- cated prior planning of the whole episode.
How this important aspect can be neglected during process of investigation. Three, post vote of
no confi- dence campaigns on social media and populist narratives of former ruling party were
undeniably revolving around dragging the armed forces in political controversies. Subsequent
May 9 attacks in the garb of protest appeared to be the well linked outcome of anti-army
brainwashing of the blind-followers.
Four, why did the top tier leadership of the PTI shifted the political battle from par- liament to
roads and streets? Former ruling party had not yet come up with any justifi- cation for ill-
conceived exit from national assembly and dissolution of two provincial governments.
Most obviously, this original sin was conceived to divert the attention from political failures to
armed forces. Five, jubilation in Indian media and digital platforms over anti- army riots is
another stamp on highly toxic nature of mis- leading rhetoric.Why did one of the major political
parties become a tool in the hands of anti-state forces? What happened on May 9, cannot be
justified in legal and moral domains. Oversimplification of anti- state violence with mislead- ing
justifications must be curbed foreseeing damaging effects on counter terrorism efforts.
After fighting nerve testing long war against terrorism, how can Pakistan act softly on the master
minds of coor- dinated attacks on military installations? Unfortunately, prevailing acceptability
in society for dirty foul play in political arena is being applied to reduce the severity of anti-army
violence. Responsibility of this toxic maneuvering flatly rests on the shoulders of the leaders
who relied, unwisely but pur- posefully, on fabricated nar- ratives to mislead the follow- ers.
No civilized nation can ever tolerate coordinated attacks on the writ of state. Such anarchic
violent criminal acts should not be defended with misfitting vague reasons revolving around
freedom of expression.
Sentencing of Capitol Hill rioters in USA is the most rel- evant example for those who continue
to portray the anti- state anarchy of a group as political protest. Riots were the vertex point of a
deliber- ately conceived campaign to destabilize the country by cre- ating a wedge between the
public and the armed forces. Neither the May 9 riots were peaceful protest nor broke out as
spontaneous reaction. In fact, garrisons, military installations and state-owned assets were
targeted with prior planning.
There should be no compro- mise on the accountability of master minds, perpetrators and
executors of May 9 pre- planned attacks on the state.

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