Math Meth-Lec01
Math Meth-Lec01
Math Meth-Lec01
Mathematical Methods
Quintin Odendaal
Lecture 01
Lectures: 30 hours, 15 double lectures, 20 February – 5 April 2023
Check the published calendar for lecture days; 08:30 – 10:30R
Natural Sciences 1 Room 5-31
Test: 3 hour paper : 28 March 2023
Examination: 3 hour paper : 26 April 2023
Final mark: 50% test + 50% exam = (test + exam)/2
Recommended books:
• Mary L. Boas
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
John Wiley & Sons (any available edition)
• G. B. Arfken, H. J. Weber
Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Elsevier Academic Press (any available edition)
Preliminary Calculus
I am sure, all of you are familiar with the basic concepts of calculus, such as the
derivatives and integrals. However, in order to have a complete picture, I will
remind you the basic definitions.
First of all, we define a mathematical set as a collection of elements, for example,
numbers. If an element x belongs to the set A, we write
otherwise it is written as
An empty set that does not contain any elements is denoted as Ø
A–A = Ø
Sequences A sequence is a mathematical set such that its elements
are given in certain order. In other words, there is the first element, second,
third, and so on. In most cases, when we speak about sequences, we mean
infinite sequences having infinitely many elements.
An infinite sequence of numbers
When we use this definition to prove the convergence of a sequence, we usually do not
know the value L of the limit, and therefore have to guess this value. There is a way to
avoid such a guessing. For that, we can use the so called Cauchy criterion.
criterion It states that:
A sequence converges if and only if the difference among its elements tends to zero
There are special class of sequences consisting of real numbers: the so called
monotone sequences,
sequences which can be either increasing or decreasing
It can be rigorously proved that a bounded monotone sequence is
converging We are not concerned here with mathematical subtleties, and can
be satisfied with the intuitive reasoning. If, for example, an increasing sequence
is bounded from above, i.e.
then there is no way this sequence can diverge. Indeed, for a divergent
sequence the Cauchy criterion is not valid, which means that the difference
remains nonzero and positive for any m and n, but this implies that at some
stage can go above the bound A. This contradicts the condition that the
sequence is bound. Similarly a decreasing sequence converges if it is bounded
from below.
Suppose that (a n ) and (b n ) are convergent sequences with limits A and B
respectively; then the following rules apply:
Sum rule
(a n +bn )→ A+B
Product rule
(a n b n )→ AB
Quotient rule
(a n / bn )→ A /B, if B≠0
domain co-domain11
The x is called independent variable and y is the dependent variable or the
function. The interval within which the independent variable varies, is called the
domain and the interval of the function values is called the codomain.
We are not mathematicians and for us it is pretty obvious what the continuity
means. There is, however, a rigorous definition of a continuous function.
A function is continuous at certain point if an infinite shrinking of an interval
around this point results in zero difference between the function values at the
end-points of the interval.
Differentiation The derivative of a function is defined as the limit
where θ is the angle of the slope of the line touching the function curve at
the given point.
Suppose you find a stationary point where To find out what
kind of point it is, you need an additional information. In many cases you know
from the very beginning that it must be a minimum or a maximum there. But if you
have no such information, then you need to calculate the second derivative.
As you see, when you move near a maximum from the left, the first derivative is
positive, then becomes zero, and after that becomes negative. This means that
the first derivative is a decreasing function and therefore the second derivative is
negative. Similarly, at a minimum the second derivative is positive.
At an inflection point, the first derivative is positive or negative on both sides of the
point where it is zero. This means that at this point there is either the maximum
or the minimum of the first derivative and therefore the second derivative is zero.
Useful theorems
In principle, the definition of the derivative allows us to calculate it for any function.
Actually, this is how the derivatives are numerically calculated by computers. This,
however, may become a very lengthy and tedious derivation. Instead, there are
tables of the derivatives for all elementary functions and simple rules for
differentiating their combinations
We are not mathematicians. For us these statements become obvious when we
look at the figures. So, we skip formal proofs. 18
Multiple integrals
For the two- and three-dimensional integrals in the Cartesian coordinates, the
products dS = dxdy and dV = dxdydz are the surface and volume elements.
When we use the polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates, these elements look
differently and are not the same everywhere in the space.
These special coordinates are usually used when there is certain symmetry of
the physical system under consideration. In many cases the function you need to
integrate depends only on the radius, which means that the integration over the
angles gives a simple factor.
Methods of integration
with practically any accuracy we need. This however will give us just an
accurate number. If f(x) depends on some parameters, we will not see that
dependence in that number. For each new choice of the parameters, we will
have to repeat the calculations.
Variable change
Integration by parts
Few non-standard tricks
In this way, we can obtain similar integrals with any even power of r in front of
the exponential function. What about the odd powers? They can be found in a
similar way. In order to do that, let us consider an integral of this kind with the
lowest power of r
Infinite integrals
Therefore an infinite integral can converge if the function vanishes at infinity fast
enough. Dividing the integration interval in a finite and infinite parts, we see that to
answer the question if the integral converges, we can ignore any finite part and
consider only the asymptotic tail of the function
It does not matter how the function behaves at finite distances. It is however crucial
how it behaves when x → ∞ .
As we see, the
converges only
if the function
vanishes at
infinity faster
than 1/x 38
Improper integrals
Similarly to the infinite integrals, the improper integrals may converge or not. Let
us consider an important particular case when the singularity is at x = 0 and this
is the lower limit of the integration. Similarly to the infinite integrals, we can split
the integration in two intervals: one which is problematic (near the singularity)
and the other which is finite
The crucial is how the function behaves near x = 0. Let us assume that
Relation between the infinite and improper integrals
Some applications of integration
Integrals are ubiquitous in physics. Let us refresh our memory about few basic,
simple applications of integration.
Length of a curve
Surfaces of
Complex numbers
Such a representation of the complex
numbers is called the Argand diagram.
Now, with the help of complex numbers, we can solve any polynomial equation
Arithmetic operations with complex numbers
we notice that the real and imaginary
components of the numbers are added
separately. This is the same as with the
addition of two vectors. So, the complex
numbers may be viewed as vectors directed
from the origin of the plane towards the
points represented by these numbers. Then
the addition of complex numbers can be
done using the triangular or parallelogram
rule which we know from vector algebra.
we can use its polar representation