Article - 1: Class
Article - 1: Class
Article - 1: Class
Class - 1
By - Hemendar Goswami
Articles - Word fixers, Determiners
Articles are essentially adjectives that qualifies a noun.
He saw a book.
Indefinite = A / An
Definite = The
Indefinite = A/AN + S.C.N. – general sense/singular Sense.
Fit/Hit –
Bike/Like –
Circle –
Director –
Fine –
Head / Heat -
Class - 2
By - Hemendar Goswami
A – initial consonant sound of S.C.N – b, c, d, f,… etc. ( 24sounds )
Champion –
Chameleon -
Indefinite = A/AN + S.C.N. – general sense/singular Sense.
An – initial vowel sound of S.C.N – a, e, I, o, u. (20sounds)
Fit/Hit -
Bike/Like -
Circle -
Director –
Fine –
Head / Heat -
___hour ___hospital
_____ university
_____ umbrella
a. A b. An
___ experiment
___European citizen.
Class - 3
By - Hemendar Goswami
Uses of The
THE – 1. द – initial consonant sound. (The book, the mobile).
Example -
1.Once there was ____ teacher. ____ teacher had ____ son. ____ boy
next door was jealous of his son but his son trusted ____ boy.
THE – 1. द – initial consonant sound. (The book, the mobile).
Example -
2.Once there was _______ doctor. _______ doctor had ____ daughter.
_____ doctor from _____ next city wanted to marry ______ princess.
Use of “THE”
Article the is used with following categories
5.Places – The lok sabha, the Rajya Sabha, the Town Hall…etc.
Revolution – The Green rev., The White rev, The French rev, The Russian rev
Books – The Hard Times, The Tale of Two Cities, The Jataka Tales,…etc.
She is from_______ Southern state.
Name of Subjects { _______ + cs }
2.Public place. – market, bus stand, airport, garden, railway station, hospital…
Example –
1. It is advised (a)/ to drive slow, (b)/ as the laborers (c)/ are at the
work (d)/ No error (e)
1) d
2) a
3) b
4) c
5) e
It is advised (a)/ to drive slow, (b)/ as the laborers (c)/ are at the work (d)/ No
error (e)
1) d
2) a
3) b Correct Option - 1
4) c The correct answer is option 1) i.e. d
5) e 1. The phrase ,'The work' does not appropriately portrays the
use of the article.
2. The preposition itself suggest the situation, therefore the
article can be omitted from the sentence.
2. The Sun (a)/ is a (b)/ greatest source (c)/ of energy (d)/ No error (e)
1) a
2) b
3) c
4) d
5) e
The Sun (a)/ is a (b)/ greatest source (c)/ of energy (d)/ No error (e)
1) a
2) b
3) c Correct Option - 2
4) d The correct answer is option 2) i.e b
5) e Explanation :
While expressing the comparative degree of adjective, article 'The'
is used.
The presence of the article defines the fact that no other source of
energy is greater than the Sun.
The correct sentence is: The Sun is the greatest source of energy.
A sentence is divided into four segments marked A, B, C, D. Select the
segment of the sentence that contains a grammatical error and mark the
segment. If there is no error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
3. The red (a)/ is a (b)/ very bright (c)/ color (d)/ No error (e)
1) c
2) a
3) d
4) e
5) b
The red (a)/ is a (b)/ very bright (c)/ color (d)/ No error (e)
1) c
2) a Correct Option - 2
3) d The correct answer is option 2) i.e a
4) e 1. Red is a common singular noun, name of a color, which is sufficient
5) b for its identity.
2. 'The' omission of the article in the beginning of the sentence is required
because it refers to one of the properties of the color, red.
In sentence as this, the color specifies something related to it, the noun
'dress'. I like the blue color of her dress.
The correct sentence is : Red is a very bright color
A sentence is divided into four segments marked A, B, C, D. Select the
segment of the sentence that contains a grammatical error and mark the
segment. If there is no error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.
I work (a)/ at the (b)/ Kalkaji branch (c)/ of State Bank of India (d)/ No error
1) d
2) a
3) b
4) c
5) e
I work (a)/ at the (b)/ Kalkaji branch (c)/ of State Bank of India (d)/ No error
Correct Option - 1
1. Article 'the' gives recognition to the names of any
1) d organisation, countries, proper nouns.
2) a 2. The organisation has a specific name and while
3) b addressing it 'The' article must be used.
4) c
5) e Proper nouns for example names of any individual does
not begin with 'The',
The Ravi is going is school
There (a)/ was(b)/ urgent call (c)/ from Goa (d)/ No error (e)
1) a
2) b
3) e
4) d
5) c
There (a)/ was(b)/ urgent call (c)/ from Goa (d)/ No error (e)
Correct Option - 5
1) a 'Urgent' as an adjective is defined in the pretext of the
2) b sentence.
3) e The lack of article before the adjective makes the sentence
4) d incoherent
5) c 'An urgent call' is the correct phrase as it ensures the
completeness of the sentence
The article follows the verb as per the rule of the words
beginning with a vowel sound.
I had (a)/ brought (b)/dozen eggs(c)/ from New Market (d)/ No error (e)
1) d
2) a
3) c
4) b
5) e
I had (a)/ brought (b)/dozen eggs(c)/ from New Market (d)/ No error (e)
Correct Option - 3
1) d One dozen is a collection of 12 eggs, according to the sentence.
2) a The collective noun, has a singular context so it it preceded by
3) c an indefinite article.
4) b The absence of any article before the phrase 'dozen eggs'
5) e makes it incomplete.
A dog (a)/ is a (b)/faithful and (c)/ intelligent animal (d)/ No error (e)
1) b
2) d
3) a
4) e
5) c
A dog (a)/ is a (b)/faithful and (c)/ intelligent animal (d)/ No error (e)
Correct Option - 3
1) b Explanation:
2) d 1. When 'a dog' is referred, the article gives a specification of that
3) a individual species.
4) e 2. It does not do justice to the meaning of the sentence.
5) c 3. 'The' dog is the preferred choice as the article refers to the
general statement about all the breeds of dogs.
It didn't send (A)/ a positive message to the investors (B)/ when the President
and the Chairman was(C)/ absent from yesterday's meeting. (D)
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) No error
It didn't send (A)/ a positive message to the investors (B)/ when the President
and the Chairman was(C)/ absent from yesterday's meeting. (D)
Correct Option - 3
The error lies in the wrong usage of the Definite Article ‘the’
1) A before ‘Chairman’ in Part C.
2) B The Definite Article ‘the’ should be removed before the word
3) C ‘Chairman’ because when two or more nouns that are connected
4) D indicate the same thing or person, the Definite Article ‘the’ is
5) No error usually used before the first ‘noun’.
For example - The actor and singer has declined the offer.
The article is used before each of the two or more nouns that are
connected when they indicate different things or persons-
For example -
The director and the actor of any soap-opera get the maximum
Directions. In the sentence identify the segment that contains the
grammatical error.
Stefan is going to Japan to look after the company's overseas project in the
1) to look after
2) Stefan is
3) in the January.
4) going to Japan
5) the company's overseas project
Stefan is going to Japan to look after the company's overseas project in the
Correct Option - 3
1) to look after Explanation:
2) Stefan is The error lies in the wrong usage of the Definite Article ‘the’
3) in the January. before the word ‘January’.
4) going to Japan The Definite article ‘the’ should be removed before ‘January’
the company’s because the articles, both Indefinite and Definite, are omitted
overseas project before the names of any of the twelve months of the year.
For example - John's birthday is in November.
Therefore, the Definite Article ‘the’ should be omitted.
So, the correct sentence is:
“Stefan is going to Japan to look after the company's overseas
project in January.”
Directions. In the sentence identify the segment that contains the grammatical
The India is not only the largest democracy but also the home of one of the
most ancient civilizations of the world.
The Mumbai, the financial capital of India, is also known as the city that never
1) to invade Britain
2) which, sealed the hopes
3) The British defeated French
4) in the Battle of Trafalgar
5) of Napoleon Bonaparte
Correct Option - 3
The British defeated French in
the Battle of Trafalgar which,
The error lies in the omission of the
sealed the hopes of Napoleon
Definite Article ‘the’ before the word
Bonaparte to invade Britain.
‘The’ should be used before ‘French’
1) to invade Britain
because before the names of any races or
2) which, sealed the hopes
nations the Definite article is used.
3) The British defeated French
For example - The Ganges is considered
4) in the Battle of Trafalgar
holy by the Hindus.
5) of Napoleon Bonaparte
In the given sentence, the word 'French'
refers to the people of France.
So, the correct sentence is:
“The British defeated the French in the
Battle of Trafalgar which, sealed the
hopes of Napoleon Bonaparte to invade
Directions. In the sentence identify the segment that contains the
grammatical error.
1) on a vacation
2) Last year
3) in a Andamans.
4) I went
5) along with my family
Last year I went on a Correct Option - 3
vacation along with my Explanation:
family in a Andamans. The error lies in the wrong usage of the
Indefinite Article ‘a’ in before the word
1) on a vacation ‘Andamans’.
2) Last year The Indefinite Article ‘a’ should be
3) in a Andamans. replaced by the Definite Article ‘the’
4) I went because the Definite Article ‘the’ is used
5) along with my before the names of group of islands, rivers,
family etc.
For example - The Ganges is a sacred river.
So, the correct sentence is:
“Last year I went on a vacation along with
my family in the Andamans.”
Directions. In the sentence identify the segment that contains the
grammatical error.
My father reads Times of India every day, and it has one of the
biggest circulations in the country.
1) in the country
2) it has
3) My father reads Times of India
4) one of the biggest circulations
5) every day, and
Correct Option - 3
My father reads Times of Explanation:
India every day, and it The Definite article ‘the’ should be used before ‘Times of
has one of the biggest India’ because before the names of any newspapers, the
circulations in the Definite Article ‘the’ is used.
country. For example - Reading the Statesman has helped me a lot to
enrich my vocabulary.
1) in the country Mistake Points:
2) it has It is important to remember that the Definite article ‘the’ is
3) My father reads used before the names of any newspaper or journal.
Times of India For example-
4) one of the biggest ♦I red the Tribune every day.
circulations ♦I read Tribune every day.
5) every day, and The Definite article ‘the’ is used before the names of holy
For example-
‘The Ramayana’, ‘The Mahabharata’, ‘The Bible’, ‘The
Puranas’, ‘The Vedas’, ‘The Quran’, etc.
Directions. In the sentence identify the segment that contains the
grammatical error.
1) to enquire about it
2) so I couldn't take his call,
3) when I was in the school
4) Rohan called me
5) but I called him later
Rohan called me when Correct Option - 3
I was in the school so I Explanation:
couldn't take his call, The error lies in the wrong usage of the Definite
but I called him later to Article ‘the’ before ‘school’.
enquire about it. The Definite article ‘the’ should be removed before
the noun ‘school’ because the articles, both Indefinite
1) to enquire about it and Definite, are omitted before the common nouns
2) so I couldn't take ‘school’, ‘college’, 'university', ‘hospital’, ‘bed’,
his call, ‘prison’ when they are used for their main objective.
3) when I was in the For example- The pick-pocketer is still in prison.
school In the given sentence, the common noun ‘school’ is
4) Rohan called me used to indicate its primary purpose of studying.
5) but I called him Therefore, the Definite Article ‘the’ should be omitted.