Female Basketball Program (Offseason)
Female Basketball Program (Offseason)
Female Basketball Program (Offseason)
Jessica Burger
Thesis Advisor
Tanya Skalon
March 2015
May 2015
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High school basketball coaches are often times a teacher at that same school.
While there are many benefits to having a coach being employed as a school staff
member, many times these teachers do not have the proper education to train their
athletes at a high caliber level of performance. The coaches may not understand either
the physiological demands of a certain position on the court or the training needed for
specific physiologic adaptations in the athlete. Seeing as many high school athletes are
depending on a collegiate athletic scholarship in order to get the higher education they
need to be successful in their professional careers, basketball coaches must acquire
appropriate knowledge to train each player according to the needs demanded by the
position that athlete plays. A pre-season training program for basketball point guards
will equip coaches with a tool needed to jump-start their guards and increase the minds
and bodies of their players to not only orchestrate achievement in competition but also
to encourage success in life as well. Therefore, the following portfolio will outline a
twelve-week, pre-season training portfolio for high school basketball point guards.
I would like to thank "Professor" Tonya Skalon for all her support throughout my
college years, culminating with this final thesis. Her hard work and dedication given to
my college experience drove me to grow and excel as a professional beyond the
classroom and even beyond the borders of the United States.
I would also like to thank all of my friends who gave me a hard time for missing
social events in order to work on this project ... Love you guys :)
12-Week, Pre-Season Training Portfolio for High School Basketball Point Guards
Jessica Burger
Subject Profile
The following training regimen was designed for a sixteen year old, female, high
school basketball guard. She is five foot six inches and weighs one hundred and fifty
pounds. The athlete has played basketball her entire life, so she is fundamentally sound
and highly skilled. She stays active in the off-season by running and lifting three days a
week but will not be in 'basketball shape' once the competitive season begins. The
guard has no medical restrictions, though frequently rolls her ankles while playing .
When training she prefers to mostly practice at game intensity but does wish to
breakdown more difficult skills before performing them at game pace. She spends a
considerable amount of time involved with other school organizations and homework
but wishes to improve her basketball performance for the upcoming season .
cases, guards have shown a greater vertical jump than other positions (Abdelkrim et ai,
2010; Ostojic et aI., 2006) .
Therefore, this training program was designed to improve those qualities
demanded specifically of basketball guards, whether aerobically or anaerobically based .
Furthermore, the specific aims of this program are to obtain increases in agility, speed,
jumping, strength, and endurance. To do so , the following training program has been
proposed, and should be completed weekly over the 12-weeks remaining in the off
season .
Program Design
Periodization refers to manipulating specific training volumes and intensities to
elicit more strength gains and body improvements. Since the athlete will not be in peak
performance shape at the start of this program, the workload starts out with a moderate
frequency and intensity and gradually gets more strenuous by utilizing a periodized
program. Periodization has been shown to produce greater improvements in strength
and muscle gains than a nonperiodized program (Baker et al. 1994). The goal of a
periodized program is to apply the principal of overload (where the nervous and
muscular systems adapt to unfamiliar loads and stressors) by varying the intensity and
overload of a workout program . Overload will be applied to the variety of training
methods to elicit the desired physiological responses.
Table 1. 12-Week Training Program
Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5 Rest Intervals & Shooting Weights & Rest Intervals & Shooting
Circuits Plyometrics Circuits
6 Rest Weights & Shooting Intervals & Rest Weights & Shooting
Plyometrics Circuits Plyometrics
7 Rest Intervals & Shooting Weights & Rest Intervals & Shooting
Circuits Plyometrics Circuits
8 Rest Weights & Shooting Intervals & Rest Weights & Shooting
9 Rest Intervals & Shooting Weights & Rest Intervals & Shooting
Circuits Plyometrics Circuits
10 Rest Weights & Shooting Intervals & Rest Weights & Shooting
Plyometrics Circuits Plyometrics
11 Rest Intervals & Shooting Weights & Rest Intervals & Shooting
Circuits Plyometrics Circuits
12 Rest Weights & Shooting Intervals & Rest Weights & Shooting
Plyometrics Circuits Plyometrics
Skidmore et al. (2012) found that combining aerobic circuit training with interval
training produces an even greater improvement in aerobic capacity than either training
method used alone. Thus, the two are combined further in the program as the athlete
develops her motor skills within each type of exercise and her stress tolerance.
Likewise, weight training and plyometrics are combined further along in the training
program, as plyometrics has been found in a group of basketball players to be more
beneficial in improving motor performance skills when paired with resistance training
(Andrejic 2012).
'Shooting days' have been built in as active rest periods, as active rest periods
have been shown to more effectively recover the muscles (Mukaimoto et al. 2014) . This
strategy will also be implemented to minimize the risk of overtraining .
regular physical activity training . Taken together this research suggests that aerobic
circuit training would be more beneficial in improving the cardiovascular system and
increasing overall aerobic fitness. Circuit training also provides maximal benefits in a
limited amount of time (Skidmore 2012), which should appeal to the busy athlete for
whom this program was designed .
Plyometric Training
As defined by Voight and Draovitch (1991), plyometric exercises are quick
powerful contractions involving pre-stretching or countermovement of the muscle and
thereby activating the stretch shortening cycle of the muscle in order to excite the
neurological system and get the greatest response from the neuromuscular system.
Because this type of muscle exercise creates greater muscle tension than traditional
resistance training (Asmussen & Bonde-Peterson, 1974), plyometrics are widely used to
increase vertical jumps (Verkhoshanski, 1973), an area of improvement desired by the
individual for whom this study is designed.
Plyometric exercise has been incorporated into many basketball off-season
training regimens (Adkins et aI., 2007). Furthermore, Voight and Draovitch (1991) say
that plyometrics provide a functional form of exercise that should be used just before
sport-specific training . Incorporating plyometrics into this individual training program will
follow both of these recommendations. The ind ividual will be partaking in plyometric
training during the remaining 12 weeks of the off season and develop the necessary
neurological and neuromuscular adaptations needed before starting more sport specific
training once the season commences .
Resistance Training
According to the National Basketball Conditioning Coaches Association (2007),
strength is a key characteristic identified in high-performing basketball players, and
strength can be increased through strength training. Indeed, strength training has been
identified as an important part of basketball training programs in order to improve motor
performance (Micheli & Purcell 2007) and decrease muscle injury (McKeag 2003).
Given that guards frequently utilize strength in contact situations such as using their
non-dribbling arm to hold off defenders who are trying to steal the ball or holding their
ground in a trap situation, a strength aspect should be incorporated into the training
program . Guards are also generally the shorter players on the court, and given that
strength training has also been found to Significantly improve vertical jump performance
(Marzilli, 2008), strength training could benefit rebounding as well.
Timing and duration of the training must be considered to prevent an adverse
effect on performance . Training for improved strength has been used frequently in the
pre-season (Price 2006), and Fleck and Kramer (1997) found that hypertrophy, rather
than neural adaptations, occurs only after 10 weeks of training . Such research
correlates perfectly with the needs of the individual for which this program is designed
given that she has 12 weeks until the start of the competitive season.
to the opposite hand, crunching the stomach .
Alternate legs.
High Knees Jog in place, bringing the knee up as close to the Gluteus
chest as possible every step.
Step and Take a step and land on the heel with the ankle Gastrocnemius
Reach dorsiflexed. Simultaneously, reach the opposite
hand down to touch the toes. Alternate with every
Butterflies Lean slightly forward from the waist. Briskly cross Pectoral , Trapezius,
arms in front of chest and then extend them out Deltoids, Triceps,
behind the back. Biceps
Windmill Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Lean to one Abdominals,
Side Bends side, dropping that same hand towards the floor Latissimus Dorsi
and bringing the opposite hand over top of the
head. Lean the other way and reverse the hands.
Continue to alternate .
Table 3. Circuit Training
Station Activity Description
1 Arched ball dribble lay face down on floor, lift chest off ground while dribbling
a basketball
2 Shuttle run shuffle side to side across the paint, touch the line with
opposite hand, quickly as possible
3 Juggling sit ups sit ups while fingertip juggling the basketball held above
the forehead
4 Power shots get own rebound and alternate sides, don't let the ball
touch the floor, jump high on every shot, quickly as
5 Ball control (arms) use basketball to make figure eights through the legs,
circles around the back, waist, and ankles, quickly as
6 Dribbling player dribbles in and out through circle of cones,
switches dribbling hand at every cone, quickly as possible
(2001) found that cooling down after exercise enhances the recovery of the post
exercise heart rate, the player should finish her training session by cooling down with a
four minute walk, starting at a brisk pace and gradually slowing to a leisurely gate by the
end of the four minutes.
Table 4. High Intensity Interval Training Exercises
Interval Exercises
1 Sprint 35 meters, 10 pushups, repeat
2 15 squats, 15 jumping jacks, repeat
3 Jump rope 15 times, 15 mountain climbers, repeat
4 15 burpees, 15 jumping jacks, repeat
5 15 box jumps, 10 pushups, repeat
6 Sprint 35 meters, 10 burpees, repeat
7 Jump rope 15 times, 15 mummy kicks, repeat
Table 5. Resistance training for specific muscle groups
Bice~s Bicep Curls Abdominals Weighted Crunches
Trice~s Skull Crushers Quadrice~s Leg Extensions
Deltoids Dumbbell Lateral Raise Hamstrings Leg Curls
Pectoral Butterfly Gastrocnemius Calf Raises
TraQezius Shoulder Shrugs Latissimus Dorsi Lat Pull Downs
A fully justified twelve week portfolio based on underpinning scientific theory has
been described as a potential training program for a high school point guard . The
portfolio included an in-depth description of the individual and a complete sport analysis
evaluating the positional demands of point guards in basketball. Included was a
rationale for the overall program design and a description of the key features. Detailed
plans for three individual training sessions were also described, providing exercise
selection, exercise intensity, work to rest ratio, and suggested methods of progressing
the session in the future . All aspects of each session were supported through reference
to appropriate theoretical material.
During this 12-week training program , continual assessment in strength, speed,
and power should be utilized every three weeks to ensure the athlete is benefiting from
the proposed program. The aims of this program are to improve motor performances
that will lead to an increase in basketball performance . Therefore , improvement, rather
than maintenance, of agility, speed, jumping, strength, and endurance should be
developing .
Reference List
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