Influence of Sky On Sleep Quality

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Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220


The Influence of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga on Sleep Quality in Indian

Adults: An Open Trial Pilot Study
Divya Kanchibhotla1 · Sheel Galada Parekh1 · Prateek Harsora1 · Shashank Kulkarni1

Received: 19 December 2020 / Revised: 14 April 2021 / Accepted: 17 May 2021 / Published online: 30 May 2021
© The Author(s) 2021

Purpose Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) is an advanced yogic breathing technique with a demonstrated impact on human
physical and mental health. Even so, very few studies have observed its effect on sleep. This is the first study evaluating the
impact of SKY as an intervention on sleep quality among Indian population. This study assessed both the immediate and
prolonged effect of SKY on sleep quality. The secondary objective of the study was to evaluate the association between
frequency of SKY practice and sleep quality.
Methods This was a single arm open-trial study, which included 473 participants. All participants underwent a 3-day SKY
workshop offered by the Art of Living, and were assessed for sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
questionnaire, administered to the participants before the program (pre-intervention), immediately after the program (post-
intervention), and at Day 40 (D40) after the program. Responses were grouped according to age, gender, and frequency of
practice. The impact of the frequency of SKY practice on sleep quality was also investigated.
Results The quality of sleep improved with SKY practice across the study population. Women recorded inferior quality of
sleep at the beginning of the study, but experienced a greater improvement in sleep quality after the SKY practice, as com-
pared to men. The younger population seemed to benefit over the long-term, while the older population had an immediate
improvement in sleep quality, however, they were not able to sustain it. The effect size varied with the frequency of practice.
Sleep quality improved markedly among those who practiced SKY daily, indicating an association between the frequency
of SKY practice and its efficiency in improving sleep quality.
Conclusion The results demonstrate the efficacy of SKY in improving sleep quality across populations, irrespective of gender
or age. This is indicative of the beneficial role of SKY in treating psychological disorders such as insomnia. The effect varies
with the frequency of practice, with more frequent practice yielding better quality of sleep.

Keywords Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) · Yogic breathing · Sleep quality · Insomnia

1 Introduction the development of various medical and psychiatric disor-

ders, the same disorders in turn, result in poor sleep qual-
Sleep is one of the important self-regulatory functions of ity [2–4]. The problems associated with sleep disturbance
the body, vital in clearing brain waste, maintaining brain and sleep deprivation are many, including not just anxiety
function, energy conservation and modulating the body’s and depression, but also the risk of obesity, hypertension,
immune response. It was found that sleep is regulated glob- diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, res-
ally, regionally, and locally, by means of both molecular and piratory disorders, insomnia, sleep apnea, chronic pain, and
cellular mechanisms [1]. There is a bidirectional relationship even cancer [4, 5]. The prevalence of insomnia and sleep
between sleep and health. While sleep disturbances lead to apnea increases with age and poor sleep quality is a common
problem found amongst older adults [3, 4].
Just like sleep, breathing is also a vital physiologi-
* Divya Kanchibhotla cal function, and crucial to our existence. There has been
an increased interest in breathing techniques as a way to
Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research, 21st Km enhance emotional regulation, mental well-being and
Kanakapura Rd, Udayapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560082, physical health. Several research studies demonstrate that

214 Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220

different breathing patterns are connected with unique study design allows for further investigation into the long-
emotions and physiological conditions. Breathing patterns term effects of SKY on sleep, and the association between
change in response to emotional or physiological conditions: the frequency of SKY practice with sleep quality. To our
for example when experiencing anger, or during exercise, knowledge, this is one of the first study that associates the
breathing rate increases. Respiration is key in maintaining long-term efficacy of a yoga-based intervention with the fre-
physiological homeostasis and co-exists with emotions [6]. quency of its practice.
In a systematic review, evidence was found to substantiate a SKY is an advanced breathing practice. It is a compos-
link between parasympathetic activities, CNS (Central Nerv- ite technique with three pranayamas and unique rhythmic
ous System) activities related to emotional control and psy- breathing patterns involving fast, medium and slow breaths.
chological well-being, in healthy subjects during the practice It is widely popular and numerous research studies have
of a slow breathing technique [7]. demonstrated its efficacy, hence we found it crucial to study
One breathing technique that is demonstrably efficacious the impact of this highly replicable and widely used tech-
in improving psychological states and physiological condi- nique on sleep. Regular practice of SKY can bring solace to
tions in adults is an advanced breathing technique known as millions looking for improved sleep quality.
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY). The universal effect of SKY
is to promote calm and a sense of well-being. Research on
SKY technique demonstrates its efficacy in decreasing stress, 2 Methods
anxiety and depression [8–14], while mitigating the effect of
negative experiences [15, 16]. It increases emotional regula- 2.1 Study Design
tion [17], decreases impulsiveness while increasing mental
focus [18, 19], provides a sense of calm and enhances well- An open-trial single arm pre-post study design was adopted
being [8, 20, 21]. It is known to improve cardiac metrics [20, for this study. The data were collected using a self-report
22, 23] and vagal tone [21, 24–28]. questionnaire from the participants enrolled for the Happi-
Several studies have documented the benefits of SKY on ness Program (SKY workshop) at The Art of Living Interna-
physical and mental health, however, little is known about tional Center, Bangalore. A standardized questionnaire that
its effects on sleep specifically. Previously, a cross sectional measured the quality of sleep for an individual was used for
study examined the effect of SKY on sleep quality among assessment. The assessment was conducted at three different
experienced practitioners, and another study assessed its time points: before the intervention, i.e., at the beginning of
impact on sleep architecture. The study on sleep architec- the first day of the workshop (Pre), immediately after the
ture found that although the sleep architecture was com- workshop (Post), and lastly after the recommended 40-day
parable among the younger control and yoga groups, slow daily practice of the Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (Day 40).
wave sleep [non-REM (rapid eye movement) S3 and S4]
had reduced in the middle aged control group. Participants 2.2 Population
of the middle-aged SKY group showed no such decline in
slow wave sleep states [29]. The study was conducted at The Art of Living International
There are several mind–body practices and interventions Center Bangalore, India, between August 2018 and August
such as yoga [30, 31] and cognitive behavioral therapies 2019. The Happiness Program (SKY workshop) was con-
(CBT) [32], which improve the quality and duration of sleep. ducted at the center each weekend from Friday to Sunday.
A large body of research has been devoted to investigat- Participants included adults above 18 years of age. Both
ing the effects of meditation techniques like mindfulness genders were included in this study. The educational and
meditation or transcendental meditation on sleep [33–35]. economic backgrounds varied among the study population,
The immediate beneficial role that SKY might have on as did dietary habits. All those who had registered for the
sleep is understudied. This research study is a step towards Happiness Program, were notified about the study in detail
addressing this gap in the available literature. This is the on the very first day, before the first session of the program.
first study on SKY which investigates its immediate and Participation was sought only from those who had no previ-
prolonged effect on sleep quality through an open-trial ous experience of SKY. Those who agreed to participate
pre-post study design. Our hypothesis being that the SKY in this study were recruited with their informed consent.
practice will improve the sleep quality and its effect will The Institutional Review Board of the Sri Sri Institute for
last for longer duration with practice. This study explores Advanced Research in India approved this study.
the changes in sleep quality among general adult population Participants were trained in SKY over 3-days. During the
with SKY, using a self-report questionnaire at three differ- program, all the participants were provided “Home Going
ent time points, prior to the intervention (Pre), just after the instructions” which enabled them to practice SKY inde-
intervention (Post), and after 40 days of practice (D40). The pendently at home. On the last day of the program, they

Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220 215

practiced SKY on their own with the instructor on site, to rhythmic breathing at three different paces—slow breaths
ensure that they were practicing the technique correctly. (15–20 bpm), medium (40–50 bpm), and fast (60–80 bpm).
In addition, daily follow-up sessions were conducted and The entire sequence is done in a seated posture, with eyes
weekly follow-up sessions were provided, where participants closed. The aim is to elicit a mind–body response of quiet,
practiced along with the teacher and could clarify any ques- calm alertness, experienced as a tranquil state in the rest
tions or doubts. During these sessions, instructors were also period immediately following the practice.
able to guide them and ensure they were practicing correctly.
Participants were encouraged to attend the daily and weekly
2.4 Study Measure
sessions. Attendance logs were maintained. Online sup-
port tools and an app was also provided to the participants
The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to col-
with instructions for the pranayamas and SKY to facilitate
lect data for the study. It is a standardized self-report sleep
their practice. Weekly phone calls were made to enhance
questionnaire that has been used across multiple populations
in many languages. Consisting of 19 individual questions,
The study questionnaire was filled by the participants
it is a broad subjective measure that attempts to assess and
before the commencement of the program. Their personal
measure seven components of sleep, including sleep qual-
details were kept confidential. On the last day of the pro-
ity, sleep latency (the time taken to fall asleep), duration of
gram, the same set of questionnaires were once again com-
sleep, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of
pleted by them. After 40 days of the completion of the pro-
sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction. Each component
gram, subjects were requested through email and phone to
is based on a 0–3 Likert scale, and the component scores are
complete the last stage of the study assessment. During the
aggregated to get a global PSQI score. A global PSQI score
40 day assessment, subjects were asked the following ques-
of 5 or more indicates poor sleep quality.
tion “How frequently have you been practicing Sudarshan
PSQI is one of the oldest scales, widely used in studies
Kriya? They could respond as: Daily; 2–3 times a week
on yoga in India, with good reliability and sensitivity. Most
or Once a week. Based on their response and maintained
of the items of PSQI are organized as multiple choice ques-
attendance logs, the long term effect of SKY practice on
tions and are brief and easy to understand and answer. PSQI
sleep was calculated.
scale takes only 5–10 min to complete, and hence, was found
A total of 473 people participated in the Pre and Post
appropriate for this study (Fig. 1).
evaluation, while 112 subjects participated in Day 40
2.5 Data Analysis
2.3 Intervention
Participants were assessed at three-time points Pre, Post, and
The Happiness Program is a 3-day life-skills workshop Day 40. The data were matched using their email addresses
focusing on body, breath, and mental wellness. The core and phone number. The responses were then grouped by age,
of the program includes a yogic breathing technique called gender, and frequency of SKY practice. The mean score and
the Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY), along with interpersonal Standard Deviation (SD) were calculated for each combina-
processes and activities. Trained teachers of The Art of Liv- tion. The paired-sample t-test was used to compare differ-
ing facilitate the workshop, guiding participants through the ences between Pre and Post assessments, and Pre and Day 40
SKY process, which takes an hour and 15 min. A shorter assessment. Validated software MS Excel 2007 (which has
form of SKY, 35 min, is also taught to the participants for required statistical tests/functions) and IBM SPSS V25 were
daily home practice. For the study, participants were encour- used for statistical analysis. In addition, Cronbach’s alpha
aged to practice the shorter version individually for 40 days was calculated to measure the internal consistency and reli-
after the commencement of the workshop. ability of the data. Cohen’s d value was calculated to deter-
A typical SKY session consists of four stages, each with mine the effect size. Difference in mean value and pair-wise
its own distinct yogic breathing pattern, done while sitting comparison was calculated using one-way ANOVA test, at
in various postures (Ujjayi, Bhastrika, Om, and Sudarshan 0.05 significance level. Since the data collected were on an
Kriya), interspersed with normal breathing. The first type, ordinal scale, the following formula was used to calculate
Ujjayi, involves deep, long breaths with attention to the sen- maximum sample size for a given % of error of estimate.
sation of the breath touching the throat. The pace is slow, at n = 0.25 × Z2/E2 where Z = 1.96 for confidence level of
the rate of 2–4 breaths per minute (bpm). The second, Bhas- 95% and E is error of estimate.
trika, involves rapid and forceful exhalation at the rate of To reduce the effect of Type 1 error due to multiple
25–30 bpm. This is followed by saying Om thrice, with pro- comparisons, Bonferroni correction was applied wherever
longed expiration. The last stage, Sudarshan Kriya, involves possible.

216 Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220

Fig. 1  Schematic presentation

Informed Consent
Obtained (N=500)

SKY Practitioners
(N=27) were

Enrolled (N=473)

Post Assessment (N=473)

pouts (N=0)
Follow Up

Participants (N=361)
Drop out

Statistical Analysis was

performed in Groups (Age,
Gender & Frequency of Day 40 Assessment (N=112)
Practice) (N=473)

Statistical Analysis was

performed in Groups (Age,
Gender & Frequency of
Practice) (N=112)

Table 1  Demographic details of participants 36.4 years. Internal reliability was tested using Cronbach’s
Participants characteristics (N = 473)
alpha which was found to be 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6, respectively,
for all three time points.
Characteristics Type All participants Table 2 depicts a detailed distribution of global PSQI
Gender n (%) Male 266 (56.24) mean scores along with standard deviation and p values,
Female 207 (43.76) at three assessment time points, Pre, Post, and Day 40. For
Age Mean (SD) 36.4 (14.22) the overall population, the global PSQI mean score reduced
significantly from 6.48 to 4.52 post the SKY workshop
(p < 0.001). It increased slightly to 4.96 after 40 days of
3 Results practice, but still remained significantly lower than the pre-
intervention values.
Table 1 depicts the demographic characteristics of all Both genders experienced improved quality of sleep with
participants at baseline. Of the 473 participants, 56.24% the SKY practice. Women in the study had inferior quality
were male and 43.76% were female, with average age of of sleep to begin with and experienced a very significant
improvement with SKY practice. The younger population

Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220 217

Table 2  Mean scores and standard deviation for global PSQI with p values at three different time points of assessment
Population Pre mean (SD) Post mean (SD) Day 40 mean (SD) p value (pre–post) p value (pre–day 40)

Overall 6.48 (3.84) 4.52 (2.94) 4.96 (2.76) < 0.001** < 0.001**
Male 5.98 (3.8) 4.22 (2.73) 4.37 (2.33) < 0.001** 0.006
Female 7.13 (3.82) 4.92 (3.17) 5.83 (3.15) < 0.001** 0.001*
Age 18–35 yrs 6.76 (3.83) 4.33 (2.71) 4.55 (2.57) 0.006 < 0.001**
Age 36 + 6.09 (3.83) 4.81 (3.23) 6.05 (3.11) < 0.001** 0.077

p values are based on one way ANOVA test at the significance level of 0.05, *p values < 0.005 and **p value < 0.001, PSQI is Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index. A global PSQI score < 5 is the indicator for good sleep quality. Pre: before SKY practice, Post: immediately after SKY practice,
Day 40: after 40 days of SKY practice

Table 3  Percentage of population with good sleep quality (global To further understand the results, and to investigate
PSQI score < 5) an association between frequency of practice and sleep
Population Pre (%) Post (%) Day 40 (%) quality, the population was divided in three categories:
those who practiced SKY daily, those who practiced 2–3
Overall 30.44 55.39 52.94 times a week, and those who practiced only once a week.
Male 34.96 59.4 66.67 Table 4 depicts the Global PSQI values and percentage of
Female 24.64 50.24 37.5
population with PSQI scores < 5 at pre-intervention and
Age—18–35 yrs 27.01 56.57 55.88
Day 40 for total population and divided by the frequency
Age—36 + yrs 35.18 53.27 47.06
of practice. As can be seen from the table, the group that
PSQI is Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. A PSQI global score < 5 is practiced SKY daily outperformed all the other groups
the benchmark for good sleep quality. Pre: before SKY practice, Post: (total population, other frequencies of practices) for the
immediately after SKY practice, Day 40: after 40 days of SKY prac- Global PSQI scores and the percentage of population with
good sleep quality.
Effect size was calculated using Cohen’s d value. The
seemed to benefit with long-term practice of SKY while the effect size of the intervention was 0.68 for pre–post and
older population had an immediate improvement in quality 0.61 for pre–day 40. This indicated a medium to large
of sleep but was not able to sustain it. effect size. According to Coe et al. such an effect size sig-
Table 3 provides details of the percentage of study popu- nifies that 76% of the population experienced significant
lation with good sleep quality (PSQI < 5) at the three differ- improvement in their sleep quality with the SKY inter-
ent time points—Pre, Post, and Day 40. Both genders and vention immediately, and 73% after 40 days of practice,
both age-groups showed an increase in the percentage of respectively. As seen in Table 5, the effect size varied with
population experiencing good sleep quality. The percent- the frequency of practice, decreasing as the frequency of
age of the overall population with global PSQI scores < 5 practice went down. Table 5 lists the effect size.
jumped from 30.44 (Pre) to 55.39 (Post) and showed a slight
decrease at the Day 40 assessment.

Table 4  Association of frequency of SKY practice with global PSQI scores—[mean (SD) and p values] and good sleep quality
Global PSQI scores p value (pre–day 40 global % of popula-
mean (SD) PSQI values) tion with PSQI
score < 5

Total population—pre assessment 6.48 (3.84) NA 30.44

Total population—day 40 assessment 4.96 (2.76) < 0.001** 52.94
Frequency of SKY practice: daily—day 40 assessment 4.60 (2.57) < 0.001** 56
Frequency of SKY practice: 2–3 times/week—day 40 assessment 5.08 (2.61) 0.049 50
Frequency of SKY practice: once/week—day 40 assessment 5.86 (3.42) 0.066 28.57

p values are based on paired-t test at the significance level of 0.05, *p values < 0.005 and **p value < 0.001, PSQI is Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
Index. A PSQI global score < 5 is the indicator for good sleep quality. pre: before SKY practice, post: immediately after SKY practice, day 40:
after 40 days of SKY practice

218 Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220

Table 5  Effect size between different time points and for different fre- that this restorative sleep pattern persists over an extended
quency of practice of SKY period of time across populations, especially with frequency
Population d value of practice, particularly in the younger population.
Review of existing research on the impact of meditation
Pre–post 0.68
and related techniques on sleep issues [5, 36] indicate that
Pre–day 40 (overall) 0.61
meditation has a regulatory role on sleep, and even at 5- to
Pre–day 40—daily 0.65
12-month follow-up, the effect of mindfulness meditation
Pre–day 40—2–3/week 0.60
is not different from evidence-based sleep treatments, and
Pre–day 40—once/week 0.50
sleep quality improves appreciably compared to control
Pre: before SKY practice, post: after SKY practice, day 40 (overall): group [33]. The current study, while focusing on the specific
after 40-days practice of SKY including all subjects with any number technique (SKY), adds to the existing research by demon-
of days SKY practice, day 40-daily: daily SKY practice for 40 days strating that a positive impact on sleep can also be achieved
after commencement of workshop, day 40—2–3/week: practiced
SKY 2–3 times weekly for 40 days after commencement of work-
by using breathing based practices. This study is a valuable
shop, day 40-once/week: practicing SKY once a week for 40 days addition to prior research on SKY and mind body interven-
after commencement of workshop tions in general, which reveal that the technique can benefit
a variety of populations in multiple positive ways [8–23,
29, 37]. A recent study compared SKY with a university
4 Discussion course called Foundations in Emotional Intelligence (EI) and
a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program on
SKY is a yogic technique which enhances subjective feelings a student population, found that SKY had a better impact the
of well-being, while reducing anxiety and depression, as well EI or MBSR. The comprehensive, multi-component nature
as creating a positive impact on various other physiological of SKY practice makes it a valuable practice: one aspect
and psychological conditions. A study that investigated the that, according to the researchers, warranted further study
impact of SKY on sleep, suggested that REM onset latency was its impact on sleep [19].
in a middle-aged group of regular SKY practitioners is short, As observed in our study, regular practice of SKY is
while slow-wave sleep is similar to that of a younger control important to acquire sustainable and improved sleep qual-
group [29]. There are only a few studies that have origi- ity. Reduction in mental stress and improvement in cognitive
nated from India on Yoga and Sleep, especially on healthy performance after SKY was observed with the help of EEG
adults, and even fewer studies have tracked long term effects. (Electroencephalograph), ECG (Electrocardiogram) and DT
This is the first study to observe effects of SKY on sleep, (Determination Test) [26]. A single session of SKY gener-
including the association between the frequency of practice ates global brain rhythm dominantly with high-frequency
and effect on sleep. We hypothesized that SKY might have cerebral activation and initiates appropriate inter hemi-
positive impact on sleep quality, and focused exclusively on spheric synchronization in brain rhythms as state effects.
examining the immediate and residual long-term effects of This suggests that SKY leads to better attention, memory,
this distinctive breathing technique in a healthy population. emotional and autonomic control along with enhanced cog-
Our results indicate a significant improvement in the sleep nitive functions, which further improve physical and mental
quality of study population with SKY. SKY practice appears well-being [24]. SKY can improve working memory capac-
to benefit both male and female populations significantly. ity by changing the brain rhythms so that energy is utilized
Women appeared to have a poorer quality of sleep to begin efficiently in performing a task [27]. Research also indicates
with, and there was a significant improvement at the end of that prolonged meditation training improves parietal-occipi-
day 3. The younger age group, who mostly reported poor tal EEG gamma activity during sleep. This change in gamma
quality of sleep before the intervention, seemed to benefit activity is required for NREM sleep indicating a better qual-
more from the practice. The restorative sleep pattern per- ity [38]. Though the brain structure was not studied here
sists with frequency of practice, particularly in the younger among SKY practitioners, the effect is similar resulting in
population. better sleep quality after prolonged SKY practice.
The results show that immediately after the Happiness Vagal nerve stimulation and parasympathetic activity
Program, the percentage of overall population with good regulation post SKY are key factors for improving sleep
quality of sleep (PSQI < 5) almost doubled, which is a sub- quality among individuals [21]. A two-way correlation is
stantial difference. At day 40, although the percentage of noticed between sleep and psychiatric disorders. Therapeutic
people reporting good sleep quality fell slightly, there con- potential of SKY in treating mild to moderate depression and
tinued to be a substantial impact, with global PSQI scores anxiety has been studied in the past with a positive impact
remaining significantly lesser than pre-intervention scores. experienced by 74.6% of the population. Improvement in
Based on the gender and age analysis, it can be inferred mental morbidities can lead to improvement of sleep quality

Sleep and Vigilance (2021) 5:213–220 219

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Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri- 2008.​14204.
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tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long Dayalan H. Role of sudarshan kriya and pranayam on lipid
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provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes omized controlled trial. Int J Yoga. 2012;5:21–7. https://​doi.​org/​
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are 10.​4103/​0973-​6131.​91702 (PMCID: PMC3276928 PubMed:
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated 22346062).
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in 14. Hamilton-West K, Pellatt-Higgins T, Sharief F. Evaluation of
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