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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2023

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level

In Further Pure Mathematics F1 (WFM01)
Paper 01
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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Summer 2023
Question Paper Log Number 73486
Publications Code WFM01_01_2306_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark
the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.

• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded

for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for

• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to

their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should

be used appropriately.

• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners
should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the
mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark

• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the

principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be

• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it
with an alternative response.
General Instructions for Marking

The total number of marks for the paper is 75.

Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

‘M’ marks
These are marks given for a correct method or an attempt at a correct method. In
Mechanics they are usually awarded for the application of some mechanical principle
to produce an equation, e.g. resolving in a particular direction; taking moments about
a point; applying a suvat equation; applying the conservation of momentum principle;

The following criteria are usually applied to the equation.

To earn the M mark, the equation

(i) should have the correct number of terms
(ii) each term needs to be dimensionally correct

For example, in a moments equation, every term must be a ‘force x distance’ term or
‘mass x distance’, if we allow them to cancel ‘g’ s.

For a resolution, all terms that need to be resolved (multiplied by sin or cos) must be
resolved to earn the M mark.

‘M’ marks are sometimes dependent (DM) on previous M marks having been earned,
e.g. when two simultaneous equations have been set up by, for example, resolving in
two directions and there is then an M mark for solving the equations to find a particular
quantity – this M mark is often dependent on the two previous M marks having been

‘A’ marks
These are dependent accuracy (or sometimes answer) marks and can only be awarded
if the previous M mark has been earned. e.g. M0 A1 is impossible.

‘B’ marks
These are independent accuracy marks where there is no method (e.g. often given for
a comment or for a graph).

A and B marks may be f.t. – follow through – marks.

General Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the
mark schemes:
• bod means benefit of doubt
• ft means follow through
o the symbol will be used for correct ft
• cao means correct answer only
• cso means correct solution only, i.e. there must be no errors in this part of
the question to obtain this mark
• isw means ignore subsequent working
• awrt means answers which round to
• SC means special case
• oe means or equivalent (and appropriate)
• dep means dependent
• indep means independent
• dp means decimal places
• sf means significant figures
• * means the answer is printed on the question paper
• means the second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark

All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft
to indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a
misread however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but
manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded A marks.

For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially
simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question

If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question:

• If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT
crossed out.
• If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all the
attempts and score the highest single attempt.

Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.

General Principles for Further Pure Mathematics Marking
(NB specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles)

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

• Factorisation
o ( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p)( x + q), where pq = c , leading to x = ...
o (ax2 + bx + c) = (mx + p)(nx + q), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to x = ...
• Formula
o Attempt to use the correct formula (with values for a, band c).
• Completing the square
 b
o Solving x + bx + c = 0 :  x    q  c = 0, q  0 , leading to x = ...

 2
Method marks for differentiation and integration:
• Differentiation
o Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x n → x n −1 )
• Integration
o Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x n → x n +1 )

Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given
in recent examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted first. Normal
marking procedure is as follows:
• Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even
if there are small errors in the substitution of values.
• Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by
implication from correct working with values but may be lost if there is
any mistake in the working.

Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer
is asked for, or working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be
lost if the candidate resorts to using rounded decimals.

Answers without working

The rubric says that these may not gain full credit. Individual mark schemes will
give details of what happens in particular cases. General policy is that if it could
be done “in your head”, detailed working would not be required. Most candidates
do show working, but there are occasional awkward cases and if the mark
scheme does not cover this, please contact your team leader for advice.
Scheme Notes Marks
1 Correct split with 2 summations.
n n n n n

 r ( r + 2) =  r
r =1

r =1
+ 2 r or
r =1
 r +  2r
r =1

r =1
2 Could be implied by correct work.
Condone missing or incorrect
summation limits.
Attempts to use both standard results
and obtains an expression of the form
pn 2 ( n + 1) + qn ( n + 1)( 2n + 1)
1 2 1
n ( n + 1) + 2  n ( n + 1)( 2n + 1)

4 6 M1
p, q  0
Could be implied by immediate
dM1: Attempts factorisation to obtain
n ( n + 1) ( an 2 + bn + c )
a, b, c  0 . Condone poor algebra.
1 Could follow cubic or quartic.
= n ( n + 1) 3n ( n + 1) + 4 ( 2n + 1)  Allow a consistent a = ..., b = ...,
12 dM1
c = ... if quadratic never seen simplified
= n ( n + 1) ( 3n 2 + 11n + 4 )
1 A1
Requires previous M mark.
12 A1: Correct expression or
a = 3, b = 11, c = 4
Allow e.g.,
1 n
n ( n + 1) written as ( n + 1)
12 12
Note: n ( n + 1) ( 3n 2 + 11n + 4 ) = 3n 4 + 14n3 + 15n 2 + 4n Total 4
Scheme Notes Marks
2 2 x 4 − 8 x3 + 29 x 2 − 12 x + 39 = 0, x = 2 + 3i
Condone work in e.g., z throughout
(a) 2–3i Correct conjugate B1
(b) Attempts to multiply the two correct
factors to obtain a 3 term quadratic with
( x − ( 2 − 3i ) ) ( x − ( 2 + 3i ) ) = ... real coefficients.
or ( x − 2 + 3i )( x − 2 − 3i )
x 2
− 4 x + 13
Could use ( x − 2 ) = ( 3i ) or
2 2

or x 2 − 2ax + a 2 + b 2 with a = 2, b = 3
sum = 4, product = 13 Or uses the correct sum and product of M1
 x 2  4 x  13 or x 2  13x  4 the roots to obtain an expression of the
form shown (must be some minimal
or x 2 − ( 2 + 3i + 2 − 3i ) x + ( 2 + 3i )( 2 − 3i ) working – but if just a quadratic is given
 ... x 2
− 4 x + 13 the next 2 marks are available) or
x 2 − ( +  ) x +  to obtain a 3 term
quadratic with real coefficients.
Uses their 2 or 3 term quadratic factor
with real coefficients to obtain a second
2 x 4 − 8 x 3 + 29 x 2 − 12 x + 39  ( x 2 − 4 x + 13 )( 2 x 2 + 3 )
2 or 3 term quadratic of the form 2x2 +...
by long division, equating coefficients
or inspection. Ignore any remainder
from long division. Can follow M0
dM1: Solves their second quadratic
2 x2 + 3 ( = 0)  factor = 0. If 2 term must get one
correct non-zero root. (Usual rules if
6 3 3
x= i or  i or  i or 1.5 i 3TQ and one correct root if no working) dM1
2 2 2 Could be inexact. A1
1.5i is M0 Requires previous method mark.
1.2247...i is M1 A0 A1: Both correct exact roots with “i”
Requires all previous marks.
Solving by calculator, sometimes followed by attempts to reconstruct factors. e.g.,
 3
f ( x) = ( x 2 − 4 x + 13)  x 2 +  is first M1 only and working for the 3TQ must be seen (4)
 2
(c) Allow ft on their answers to (b) if they
are of the form  ki or  k −1, k  0
regardless of how they were obtained
1st B1: One of the two pairs of roots in
correct positions
2nd B1: Both pairs of roots in correct B1
positions and correct relative to each B1
other for their k (ft on (b))
Allow any suitable indication of the roots
such as vectors. Ignore all labelling and
scaling but each pair should be reasonably
symmetric in x-axis for any marks (for each
pair -distance of one to x-axis not less than
2 of the other)
Total 7
Scheme Notes Marks
dy  9 
y = 9 x −1  = −9 x −2 = − 2
dx  ( 3t )  Any correct expression for
or dx
but allow e.g., = −9 y −2
dy dy y   3
dy B1
xy = 9  x + y =0 = − = −  t

dx dx x  3t  Calculus must be seen so there is no

or 1
−2 credit for just a statement e.g., mT = −
dx dy dy −3t t2
x = 3t , y = 3t −1  = 3, = −3t −2  =
dt dt dx 3
Uses the perpendicular gradient rule to
( 3t )
2 obtain the gradient of the normal in terms
e.g., mN =
3t −2
= t  2
of t correct for their mT M1
Implied by correct use of − ddyx

3 3 Applies straight line method correctly

y − = t 2 ( x − 3t ) or = t 2 ( 3t ) + c  c = ... with their normal (changed) gradient in
t t
terms of t. If using y = mx + c coordinates M1
 3 3
c = − 3t  must be correctly placed and c = ...
 t  reached
Correct equation or f(t).
ty − t 3 x = 3 − 3t 4 Must be seen in (a).
Intermediate step not required. Accept equivalents for f(t) e.g., A1
Allow recovery from a slip. 3 (1 − t ) , − 3 ( t − 1)
4 4

Allow work with xy = c 2 but the final mark requires use of c 2 = 9

No calculus scores a maximum of 0111 if mT is stated and 0011 if mN is stated
(b) Uses t = 2 in their ty − t x = f ( t )  0
xy = 9, 2 y − 8 x = 3 − 3 16
45 45 y and the equation of H to obtain an
e.g.,  y = 4 x − or x = + unsimplified three term quadratic
2 8 4 M1
equation in x or y (no variables in
 45   45 y 
 x  4 x −  = 9 or y  +  = 9 denominators). Only allow f ( t ) = 9t if
 2   8 4
stated first
8 x 2 − 45 x − 18 = 0 or 2 y 2 + 45 y − 72 = 0 Solves their 3TQ to find a value for x or y
– apply usual rules. One root correct if no
 (8x + 3)( x − 6) = 0 or ( 2 y − 3)( y + 24) = 0 working. Can award for P provided it has dM1
 x = ... − 3
8 , 6 or y = ...  3
2 , − 24 come from quadratic.
Requires previous method mark.
Correct exact coordinates in simplest
form from correct work. Allow x =..., y =
 3 
 − , − 24  or ( −0.375, − 24 ) ... A1
 8  Ignore ( 6, 2 ) but A0 for any other point

shown or incorrect x or y value.

Solving in terms of t: M1:  Unsimplified 3TQ e.g., t 2 x 2 + 3t − 3t 3 x − 9 = 0 M1 ( )
− 3t + 3t 3  ( − 3t )
3 2
+ 36t 2 (3)
 ( )

A1:t = 2  ( − , − 24 )
M1: Solves e.g, x =  − , − 3t 3
3 3
2t 2
Correct final answer with no incorrect work is 111 provided f(t) was correct Total 7
Scheme Notes Marks
4  −3 8   a −4   2 5 1
A=  B=  BC =  
 −3 k   2 3 1 4 2 
(i) det A = −3k − 8 ( −3) = −3k + 24 Attempts det A and obtains
Could be implied 3k  8 ( 3) or  3k  24 M1

−3k + 24 = 3 or − 3k + 24 = −3 Equates their det A of form

ak + b a, b  0 to 3 or –3 or
 k = ... M1
May see (−3k + 24) 2 = +9  9k 2 − 144k + 567 = 0  ...
equivalent work and solves for k (usual
rules if quadratic and must use +9)
k = 7, k = 9
1st A1: Either correct value of k from correct work. Allow e.g., −−213 or −327
2nd A1: Both correct values of k from correct work. 7 and 9 only. No extra
det B = 1 3a − ( −4 )  2 = 3a + 8 Correct unsimplified expression for det
B. Could be implied
Correct B with their det B. Adj(B) to
1  3 4 be correct but allow elements to have
B −1 =   M1
"3a + 8"  −2 a  their det B as denominators if
1  3 4  2 5 1  Multiplies BC by their B-1 (changed –
C = B-1BC =    = ... and not just by incorporation of their
3a + 8  −2 a  1 4 2  determinant) the correct way round.
Expect four correct elements for their M1
Access to this mark is allowed if there is no matrices if the method is unclear. The
determinant or if B-1 = det B  Adj(B) incorrect order scores M0 even if the
used correct result is obtained.
Correct C or equivalent with like terms
1  10 31 11  collected and single fractions if
C=   necessary. e.g.,
3a + 8  a − 4 4a − 10 2a − 2 
 10 31 11 
 3a + 8 3a + 8 3a + 8 
Ignore any reference to inapplicable values of a  
( a  − 83 )  a−4 2 ( 2a − 5 ) 2 ( a − 1) 
 
 3a + 8 3a + 8 3a + 8 
Alt  a −4  p q r   2 5 1  ap − 4s = 2 aq − 4t = 5 ar − 4u = 1
  = 
Sim.  2 3  s t u  1 4 2  2 p + 3s = 1 2q + 3t = 4 2r + 3u = 2 B1
equations Multiplies in the correct order to obtain at least three correct equations
( 3a + 8) p = 10 ( 3a + 8 ) q = 31 ( 3a + 8 ) r = 11
10 31 11
p= q= r=  10 31 11 
3a + 8 3a + 8 3a + 8  3a + 8 3a + 8 3a + 8 
1 20  1 62  1 22    
s = 1 −  t = 4−  u = 2−   a − 4 4a − 10 2a − 2  M1
3  3a + 8  3 3a + 8  3 3a + 8    M1
 3a + 8 3a + 8 3a + 8 
a−4 4a − 10 2a − 2 A1
s= t= u=
3a + 8 3a + 8 3a + 8
M1: Solves their equations to find expressions in terms of a for three elements
M1: Finds expressions in terms of a for all six elements
A1: Correct matrix – like terms collected and single fractions
Total 8
Scheme Notes Marks
5 Solutions that rely entirely on solving the equation are generally unlikely to score but
there may be attempts which include some of the work below which can receive
appropriate credit.
(a) Correct sum and product. Could be
 +  = 6  = 3 implied. B1
Allow 16 and 13
( )(
Multiplies  2 + 1  2 + 1 to obtain )
( 2
+ 1)(  2 + 1) =  2  2 +  2 +  2 + 1 3 or 4 terms with 3 correct.
 2 for ( )
Do not condone unless
implied later
=   + ( +  ) − 2 + 1 Uses  +  2 = ( +  ) − 2
2 2 2 2 2

= 3 2
+ 62 − 2  3 + 1 Correct answer from correct work.
Use of e.g.,  +  = −6 is A0
= 40
(b) ( )( )
Allow use of their  + 1  + 1 which could be from (a) or a first or reattempt in (b).
2 2

Numerator must be correct

Any correct expression with their

+ 2

( ) (   2 +1 +   2 +1 ) ( )(
 2 + 1  2 + 1 for the new sum as )
( + 1) (  + 1) " ( + 1)(  2 + 1) "
2 2
a single fraction (or two fractions both
with the common denominator)
Uses a correct expression with their
 (  +  ) + ( +  ) "3" "6"+ "6" ( )( )
 2 + 1  2 + 1 for the new sum to
= = = ...
" ( 2 + 1)(  2 + 1) " obtain a correct numerical expression M1
with their denominator,  +  & 
and achieves a value.
Uses a correct expression with their
"3" ( )( )
 2 + 1  2 + 1 for the new product
" ( + 1)(  + 1) " "40"
2 2 M1
to obtain a correct value with their
denominator and 
One value for new sum or new
24  3  3 product correct. Any equivalent
new sum = =  or new product = A1
40  5  40 fractions. Not ft. Requires
appropriate previous M mark.
Correctly uses
x 2 − ( sum of roots ) x + ( product of roots )
24 3
x2 − x+ = 0 or equivalent work with their new sum
and product. Condone use of a
40 40
different variable. Allow appropriate
values for p, q and r
Any correct equation with integer
coefficients and “= 0”.
40 x 2 − 24 x + 3 = 0 Condone use of a different variable. A1
Allow e.g., p = 40,
q = –24, r = 3. Requires all marks.
( )( )
Note that although  + 1  + 1 may be attempted or reattempted in (b) there is no
2 2
Total 10
credit for work in (a) that is only seen in (b)
Scheme Notes Marks
z1 + z2 = 3 + 2i +2 + 3i = 5 + 5i  = 52 + 52
6(a) Attempts the sum (allow one slip)
and uses Pythagoras correctly
50 or 5 2 Either correct exact answer A1
Answer only is no marks but working can be minimal e.g., 5 + 5i = 5 2 (2)
(b) Substitutes complex numbers and
z2 z3 ( 2 + 3i )( a + bi ) ( 2 + 3i )( a + bi ) ( 3 − 2i ) correct multiplier to rationalise the
= = 
z1 ( 3 + 2i ) ( 3 + 2i ) ( 3 − 2i ) denominator seen or implied. See
z 2 + 3i 3 − 2i z a + bi 3 − 2i note below
or 2 =  or 3 =  −3 + 2i
z1 3 + 2i 3 − 2i z1 3 + 2i 3 − 2i Could use 
−3 + 2i
13 obtained from ( 3 + 2i )( 3 − 2i )
( 3 + 2i )( 3 − 2i ) = 13 B1
Could be implied.
z2 z3 12a − 5b 5a + 12b
= + i dM1: Attempts to simplify the
z1 13 13 numerator and collects terms to
1 i obtain pa + qb + rai + sbi with at
or (12a − 5b ) + ( 5a + 12b ) least three of p, q, r and s non-zero.
13 13 dM1
Requires previous M mark.
12 5 5 12  A1
or a − b + i  a + b  etc. A1: Correct answer in any form with
13 13  13 13  a single “i”. Correct bracketing

(12a − 5b ) + ( 5a + 12b ) i where needed.
Allow x = ..., y = ...
Note: The following marks are accessible if complex numbers are substituted in the wrong places:
z2 as denominator max 1010, z3 as denominator max 1000
(c) 58
Equates their x to 134 and their y to 13
12a − 5b 4 5a + 12b 58
= , =  a = ..., b = ... to obtain 2 linear equations in both a
13 13 13 13
and b and solves to obtain values for
both a and b.
No need to check values but must be some working between equations and values. M1
12a − 5b 4 5a + 12b 58
" = , = 12a − 5b = 4, 5a + 12b = 58 a = 2, b = 4" is M0A0
13 13 13 13
Values can immediately follow if equations are produced with coefficients of a or b of
the same magnitude
a = 2 and b = 4 Correct values for a and b from
correct equations with working.
242 716 z z 12a + 5b 12b − 5a
SC: Allow access to both marks for the exact a = − and b = from using w = 1 3 = + i
169 169 z2 13 13 (2)
There are no marks in (c) if z3 was used as the denominator in (b) [leads to a = b = 0]
(d)  58  Either correct arctan or tan-1 seen or

arctan  134  = 1.5019... or 86.05... or  implied by a correct 2sf value
 13  (awrt 1.5, 86, 0.069/0.068, 3.9) M1
 134 

arctan  58  = 0.068856... or 3.945... 
Could use equivalent trig.
: tan 584 = −2.634 or 0.258
 13 
1.502 only (not awrt)
Mark final answer if 1.502 is
1.502  A1
followed by e.g., − 1.502 = 0.06880
Total 10
Scheme Notes Marks
7(a) 3
Calculates values for both f(1) and
f ( x) = x2 + x − 3 f(2) with one correct. Allow M1
f (1) = 1 + 1 − 3 = −1 f ( 2 ) = 8 + 2 − 3 = 1.828... e.g., f(2) = 2 2 − 1 or awrt 2
f is continuous and changes sign, so root or 
Correct values and sight of
in [1, 2]. Correct interval [1, 2] if given.
continuous, sign change and e.g., A1
Sign change can be implied by “negative,
positive”, “f(1) < 0, f(2) > 0” or “f(1)f(2) < 0”
(b) 3
Obtains a numerical expression or
f (1.5) = 1.5 + 1.5 − 3
= ...0.3371... value for f (1.5)
Work 3
Obtains a value for f(1.25). Requires
may be f (1.25) = 1.25 2 + 1.25 − 3 = ... −0.3524... previous M mark.
seen in a Correct values (awrt 0.3 and –0.3 or
table  root/  /x/it’s in/on/  [1.25, 1.5]
–0.4) and suitable conclusion. Allow A1
or “in [1.25, 1.5]” or 1.25  root/  /x 1.5
“between 54 and 32 inclusive”
Do not accept [1.5, 1.25]. Just “f(1.25) = ... followed by f(1.5) = ... so...” is 100 if no evidence of
interval bisection. There are no marks if it is a clear attempt at interpolation.
(c)(i) 3 12 Correct differentiation.
f ( x) = x +1 Any correct equivalent e.g.,1.5 x + 1
(ii) 3 Correctly applies the Newton-
1.375 2 +1.375 − 3 Raphson formula with 1.375 & their
  1.375 − = ...
3 1
f  ( x ) and obtains a value. Some
" 1.375 2 + 1"
2 working must be seen unless approx.
 −0.01266958256...  root is seen correct to 6 d.p. accuracy M1
= 1.375 − = 1.375 + 0.004592248875...
 2.75890591...  (1.379592) or better.
 = 1.379592249...  f (1.375)
Allow "... = 1.375 − "followed by value
f  (1.375)
 11 11 22 − 52 8 + 3 22  
exact values : −   but formula must be fully substituted if
 8 32 8  just followed by value unless “x0”defined
awrt 1.380 or “1.38” (Ignore further iterations) No clearly incorrect work. A1
NB Actual root is 1.379589808. Answer only is no marks. (3)
(d)  − 1.25 0.3524575141... Forms an equation in e.g.,  with
e.g., = their f(1.25) and f(1.5) allowing for
1.5 −  0.3371173071...
sign errors only but must be using M1
1.5 −  1.5 − 1.25
or e.g., = differences. Allow use of “f(1.25)”
0.337... 0.337... + 0.352... and “f(1.5)”- could recover sign error
dM1: Solves  value
 = 1.377780737... = 1.378 Requires previous M mark. dM1 A1
A1: awrt 1.378
May use a formula. Allow work in, e.g., x for all marks. No working required for 2nd M (3)
Alt 0.3371... − ( −0.3524...)
(Equation or y − ( −0.3524...or 0.3371...) = ( x −1.25 or1.5)
of line 1.5 − 1.25
0.3371... − ( −0.3524...)
or − 0.3524...or 0.3371... =
1.5 − 1.25
(1.25or1.5) + c  c = ... M1

A full method to determine the equation of the line using their f(1.25) and f(1.5)
allowing for sign errors only (but allow subsequent errors finding c if y = mx + c used)
dM1: Puts y = 0 and solves  value
 y = 2.758...x − 3.800... Requires previous M mark.
dM1 A1

 = 1.377780737... = 1.378 A1: awrt 1.378

May use a formula. Allow work in, e.g., x for all marks. No working required for 2nd M Total 11
Scheme Notes Marks
8  2 −4 
y 2 = 8x P ( 2 p2 , 4 p ) Q  2 , 
p p
Each part is marked separately. For example there is no credit in (c) for work seen in (b)
unless that work is referred to in (c)
(a) Substitutes both coordinates of Q
into the parabola equation, obtains
Subs. both   −4   16 16
 2  16
x and y LHS or y 2 =   = 2 RHS or 8 x = 8  2  = 2 e.g., twice and makes minimal
  p   p  p  p p2
So Q lies on the parabola* conclusion - e.g., B1*
y 2 = 8x 2 shown/QED/true/proven/
 −4   2  16 16
Allow e.g.,   = 8    2 = 2  true Sight of just " y = 8 x " is insufficient

 p  p2  p p
but allow
" yQ 2 = 8 xQ " 
Alt Substitutes one coordinate of Q into
the parabola equation to correctly
2 2 16 −4 4
Subs. x or x= 2
 y 2 = 8  2 or 2  y = or  find the other coordinate and makes
y to find y p p p p p minimal conclusion - e.g., - e.g.,
or x −4 16 2 shown/QED/true/proven/ B1*
or y =  2 = 8x  x = 2
p p p Sight of just " y 2 = 8 x " is insufficient
So Q lies on the parabola* but allow
" yQ 2 = 8 xQ " 
8(b) Correct focus seen or used.
Focus is (2, 0) or x = 2, y = 0
Condone (0, 2) if x = 2, y = 0 used B1
Could be seen on a diagram
but award final A0
4 4 Attempts the gradient of PQ
4p +
− −4p
gradient of PQ = p p condoning one term of incorrect sign.
or Allow this mark is they subsequently
2 2
2 p2 − 2 2
− 2 p2 attempt to convert it to a normal
p p M1
 4 p3 + 4 p 2 p3 + 2 p 2 p ( p + 1)
 2p 
 Note that m may be obtained from
 = = = = 2 
 2p −2
p −1
p −1
p − 1 4 p = 2mp 2 + c, − 4p = 2pm2 + c  m = ...
 
4 Any correct equation for PQ. May use Q.
4p + Allow this mark to be implied if their
e.g., y − 4 p =
( x − 2 p2 ) equation would have been correct but
2p − 2
errors were made simplifying a correct
p gradient. A1
If y = mx + c is used, one of the following expressions oe for c must be reached following
−4 2
correct gradient seen: c = 4 p − 2 p 2 ( gradient ) or c =
− ( gradient )
p p2
Examples with fully simplified gradient (see overleaf for a fuller list):
4 p − 4 p3 + 4 p3 − 4 p
x = 2  y −4p =
p −1
2 ( 2 − 2 p2 )  y =
p2 −1

or y − 4 p =
p2 −1
( 2 − 2 p2 )  y − 4 p = −4 p  y = 0 So PQ passes
through the
( x − 2 p 2 )  x = −4 p +24pp + 4 p = 2
3 3
y = 0  −4 p = 2 focus*
p −1

( 2, 0)  −4 p =
p2 −1
( 2 − 2 p2 )  −4 p = −4 p
Substitutes x = 2 and shows y = 0 or vice versa or substitutes both values and shows that
the equation is true. Must have minimal conclusion e.g., shown/QED/true/proven/ and
no incorrect work. Condone no conclusion if the mark in (a) was withheld for this reason
only. The examples indicate the minimum level of algebra acceptable. With the
exception of using (2, 0) with a fully simplified gradient, look for substitution into the
line followed by a further step which shows an expression that clearly leads to 0, 2 or
e.g., –4p or “1=1” followed by a minimal conclusion
Work in “a” can only access the accuracy marks when a = 2 is substituted (4)
Alt 1 Correct focus seen or used.
Focus is (2, 0) or x = 2, y = 0
Condone (0, 2) if x = 2, y = 0 used B1
Could be seen on a diagram
Grad PF = but award final A0
Grad QF gradient PF = 2 4 p −4 p
or M1: Obtains expressions for both
2p −2 2 − 2 p2
gradients condoning one term of
4 4 M1
− incorrect sign in either or both
and gradient QF p p A1
= or expressions
2 2
2− 2 2
−2 A1: Both correct expressions oe
p p
Shows that the gradients are the same
4p plus minimal conclusion e.g.,
Grad QF = = Grad PF
2 p2 − 2 shown/QED/true/proven/ with no A1*
So PQ passes through the focus* incorrect work. Condone no
conclusion if penalised in (a).
Note: A variation is to show grad PF or grad QF = grad PQ – marked as Alt (4)
Alt 2 Follows (similar triangles)
8(b) Examples of minimum amount of algebra required with different expressions for gradient:
4p +
y −4p =
( x − 2 p2 )
2 p2 − 2
4 8 8
4p + 8 p + − 8 p3 − 8 p + 8 p3 −
x = 2, y = ... x = 2  y −4p =
( 2 − 2 p2 )  y =
2p − 2
2p − 2

p p
4 8
4p + −8 p 3 + + 8 p 3 + 8 p
y = 0, x = ... y = 0  −4 p =
( x − 2 p2 )  x =
2p − 2
4p +
p p
4 8
4p + 8 p + − 8 p3 − 8 p
(2, 0)  ( 2, 0 )  −4 p =
( 2 − 2 p 2 )  −4 p =
 −4 p = −4 p
2 p2 − 2 2 p2 − 2
p p
4 p3 + 4 p
y −4p =
2p −2
4 ( x − 2 p2 )

4 p3 + 4 p 8 p3 + 8 p − 8 p5 − 8 p3 + 8 p5 − 8 p
x = 2  y −4p =
2 p4 − 2
( 2 − 2 p 2
)  y =
2 p4 − 2
x = 2, y = ...
4 p3 + 4 p −4 p 3 − 4 p + 4 p 3 + 4 p
or y − 4 p =
2 p4 − 2
( 2 − 2 p 2
)  y =
p2 + 1

4 p3 + 4 p −8 p 5 + 8 p + 8 p 5 + 8 p 3
y = 0, x = ... y = 0  −4 p =
2 p4 − 2
( x − 2 p 2
)  x =
4 p3 + 4 p
4 p3 + 4 p 8 p3 + 8 p − 8 p5 − 8 p3
(2, 0)  ( 2, 0 )  −4 p =
2 p4 − 2
( 2 − 2 p 2
)  −4 p =
2 p4 − 2
 −4 p = −4 p

y −4p =
p −1
2 ( x − 2 p2 )

4 p − 4 p3 + 4 p3 − 4 p
x = 2  y − 4 p = 2 (2 − 2 p )  y =
2p 2
x = 2, y = ...
p −1 p2 −1
or y − 4 p =
p −1
2 ( 2 − 2 p 2 )  y − 4 p = −4 p  y = 0

−4 p 3 + 4 p + 4 p 3
y = 0  −4 p = 2 ( x − 2 p )  x =
y = 0, x = ... 2
p −1 2p

(2, 0) 
( )
( 2, 0)  −4 p = 2 2 − 2 p 2  −4 p = −4 p
p −1
Note that this not an exhaustive list (for example there are all the corresponding y = mx + c approaches or those
using Q) and the precise choice of algebra will vary widely but with the exception of the last example above this
mark requires substitution into the line followed by a further step which shows an expression that clearly leads to 0,
2 or e.g., –4p or “1=1” followed by a minimal conclusion (unless B0 was given in (a) for that reason).
8(b) cont.  2 −4   −4   −4 
y 2 = 8x P ( 2 p2 , 4 p ) Q  2 ,  X  2,
 Y 2p , 
p p  p  p
Alt 2 Correct focus seen or used.
Focus is (2, 0) or x = 2, y = 0
Condone (0, 2) if x = 2, y = 0 used B1
Could be seen on a diagram
Similar but award final A0
triangles 4 2
2− M1: Obtains expressions for two ratios
XF p QX p2 condoning one term of incorrect sign in M1
= =
XP 4 p + 4 QY 2 p 2 − 2 either or both expressions A1
p p2 A1: Both correct expressions oe

XF 1 QX Shows that the ratios are the same, makes

= 2 = reference to similarity plus minimal
XP p + 1 QY
conclusion e.g., shown/QED/true/proven/ A1*
So s XFQ & YPQ aresimilar with no incorrect work. Condone no
 PQ passes through the focus* conclusion if penalised in (a).
8 cont.  2 −4 
y 2 = 8x P ( 2 p2 , 4 p ) Q  2 , 
p p
1 1
(c) dy 1 − Achieves an expression of the correct form
y = 8x 2  = 8x 2
dx 2 (sign/coefficient errors only) for the
or 2 y = 8 
dy 8
gradient. There is no requirement for
dx dx 2 y calculus so they may use e.g., mT = 1 . Must M1
dx dy dy 2a t
or x = at 2 , y = 2at  = 2at , = 2at  =
dt dt dx 2at go beyond dx
(They may use p for t and/or a = 2) dy
1 1 8 2 2  1
mT at P = 8 or or = 
2 2 p2 2 4 p 2 2 p  p 
1 1 8 2 −4 dx −4 dy 4 dy
or mT at Q = − 8 or or x = 2 , y =  = 3, = 2 = −p A1
2 2  −4  p p dp p dp p dx
2 
p2  p
Any correct unsimplified expression for the tangent gradient in terms of p at either point. If
awarding for Q via explicit differentiation must choose the negative root
M1: Correct straight line method for either
point with their tangent gradient in terms of
Eqn of tgt at P: y − 4 p =
( x − 2 p2 ) oe p (but allow if “a” also present)
Coordinates correctly placed.
or If y = mx + c is used must reach M1 A1
4  2  c = ... following correctly placed
Eqn of tgt at Q: y + = − p  x − 2  oe coordinates
p  p 
A1: Any correct unsimplified equation for
either tangent
1 2
Note: y = mx + c : At P, y = x + 2p At Q, y = − px −
p p
( x − 2 p2 ) + 4 p = − p  x − p22  − 4p  x = ... or 1p x + 2 p = − px − 2p  x = ...
p  
Eliminates y from their tangent equations and solves for x (See note below if eliminate x). M1
Gradients must be different and no clear evidence of conversion of any line to a normal.
Condone poor algebra.

1  2 − ( 2 p2 + 2)
x + p = − − 2p  x = = −2 x = −2 only
( p 2 + 1)
p  p

 2  4 1
( −2 − 2 p 2 ) + 4 p, − p  −2 − 2  − , ( −2 ) + 2 p, − p ( −2 ) −
p  p  p p p dM1
dM1: Substitutes their x (a constant or function of p) into one of their two tangent equations
to obtain an expression for y. Requires previous M mark.

 1 2 p 2 − 2 2 ( p + 1) ( p − 1)
e.g., y = 2 p −
, 2 p − , (
2 2
p − 1) , ,
p  p p p p
A1: Correct y in simplest form – two terms which could be factorised in any correct way A1
and/or written as a single fraction.
Note there is no requirement for coordinate notation.
Note it is obviously possible to eliminate x.
In this case, award the last 4 marks in this order:
M1: Eliminates x and solves for y A1: Any correct y in simplest form (8)
dM1: Substitutes their y (a constant or function of p) into one of their two tangent equations
to obtain an expression for x. Requires previous M mark. A1: x = −2
Working which involves “a” where a is never replaced by 2 can score the Ms Total 13
Scheme Notes Marks
9 f ( n ) = 4n + 6n − 10 n n 2
General guidance:
Apply the way that best fits the overall approach.
Condone work in e.g., n instead of k.
Attempts with no induction e.g., not using f(k) in an equation with f(k +1) score a max of 11000.
Using e.g., f(k + 2) – f(k + 1) requires a clear indication of assuming f(k + 1) is true to access the last three marks.
Alternative explanations are unlikely to access the last three marks unless there is a fully convincing justification of
divisibility, e.g., f ( k + 1) − f ( k ) = 3  4k + 6 followed by “Since 3  4k is a multiple of both 3 and 4 and hence 12,
3  4k + 6 is divisible by 18” is not a sound argument. Attempts that involve further induction on different
expressions must be complete methods to access the last 3 marks.
Allow use of –18 but if any different multiples of 18 are involved e.g., 36, the first A1 requires “36 is a multiple
of/divisible by (but not “factor of”) 18” oe for each case
B1: Any correct numerical expression that is not just “18” is sufficient for this mark
e.g., 16 + 12 –10, 28 – 10, 42 + 2. Starting with e.g., f(3) scores a max of 01110.
Ignore an extra evaluation of f (1) but a comment on f (1) ’s divisibility is final A0 since n 2
Final A1: There must be evidence that truefor n = k  truefor n = k + 1 but it could be minimal and be scored in
a conclusion or a narrative or via both. So if e.g., “Assume true for n = k ...” is seen in the work followed by “true
for n = k + 1 ” in a conclusion this is sufficient.
Condone “for all n  ”, “all n  n > 2”, “all  (or ) 2” but not n 
Way 1 f ( 2 ) = 42 + 6  2 − 10 = 18 Obtains f(2) = 18 with substitution B1
f (k + 1) − f (k )
f ( k + 1) = 4k +1 + 6 ( k + 1) − 10 Attempts f ( k + 1) M1
f ( k + 1) − f ( k ) = 4k +1 + 6 ( k + 1) − 10 − ( 4 k + 6k − 10 ) Attempts f ( k + 1) − f ( k ) , uses
k +1
=4 − 4 + 6 = 3 4 + 6
k k
4 k +1
= 4  4k & obtains pf ( k ) + g ( k ) M1
= 3 ( 4 + 6k − 10 ) − 18k + 36
with g(k) linear (allow constant  0 )
Correct factorised expression
Allow 4f ( k ) + 18  2 − 18  k
f ( k + 1) = 4f ( k ) + 18 ( 2 − k )
If f(k + 1) is not made the subject A1
f(k) may be written in full then e.g., “true for f(k + 1) – f(k)” is
also required
True for n = 2, if true for n = k then true for Full conclusion/narrative and no
n = k + 1 so true for all n  ( n 2) errors. All marks needed but allow if
B0 provided this mark was only
Minimum in bold. withheld for insufficient working.
Way 2 f ( 2 ) = 4 + 6  2 − 10 = 18
Obtains f(2) = 18 with substitution B1
f (k + 1) = ...
f ( k + 1) = 4k +1 + 6 ( k + 1) − 10 Attempts f ( k + 1) M1
k +1
= 4  4 k + 6k − 4 Uses 4 = 4  4 & obtains k

pf ( k ) + g ( k ) with g(k) linear (allow

( )
= 4 4k + 6k − 10 − 18k + 36
constant  0 )

= 4f ( k ) + 18 ( 2 − k ) Correct factorised expression

f(k) may be written in full Allow 4f ( k ) + 18  2 − 18  k A1

True for n = 2, if true for n = k then true for Full conclusion/narrative and no
n = k + 1 so true for all n  ( n 2) errors. All marks needed but allow if
B0 provided this mark was only
Minimum in bold. withheld for insufficient working.
Scheme Notes Marks
9 cont. f ( n ) = 4n + 6n − 10 n n 2
Way 3 f ( 2 ) = 42 + 6  2 − 10 = 18 Obtains f(2) = 18 with substitution B1
f (k + 1) − mf (k )
f ( k + 1) = 4k +1 + 6 ( k + 1) − 10 Attempts f ( k + 1) M1
f ( k + 1) − mf ( k ) = 4 k +1
+ 6 ( k + 1) − 10 − m ( 4 + 6k − 10 )

Attempts f ( k + 1) − mf ( k ) and
= ( 4 − m ) 4k + ( 6 − 6m ) k − 4 + 10m uses a value of m to obtain M1
e.g. m = −14  18  4 + 90k − 144 k
c  4k + ... where c is a multiple of
e.g. m = 4  −18k + 36 their 18 or uses m = 4
A correct factorised expression
e.g., f ( k + 1) = −14f ( k ) + 18 4 k + 5k − 8 ( ) Allow − 14f ( k ) + 18  4k + 18  5k − 18  8
f ( k + 1) = 4f ( k ) + 18 ( 2 − k ) If f(k + 1) is not made the subject A1
f(k) may be written in full then e.g., “true for f(k + 1) – mf(k)” is
also required
True for n = 2, if true for n = k then true for Full conclusion/narrative and no
n = k + 1 so true for all n  ( n 2) errors. All marks needed but allow if
B0 provided this mark was only
Minimum in bold. withheld for insufficient working.
Way 4 f ( 2 ) = 42 + 6  2 − 10 = 18 Obtains f(2) = 18 with substitution B1
f ( k ) = 18M
f ( k + 1) = 4k +1 + 6 ( k + 1) − 10 Attempts f ( k + 1) M1
Sets f ( k ) = 18M , uses 4k +1 = 4  4k
f ( k ) = 18M , f ( k + 1) = 4  4 + 6k − 4 k
& obtains pf ( k ) + g ( k ) with g(k) M1
= 4 18M − 18k + 36
linear (allow constant  0 )
f ( k + 1) = 18(4M + 2 − k ) A correct factorised expression
Allow 18  4M + 18  2 − 18  k A1

True for n = 2, if true for n = k then true for Full conclusion/narrative and no
n = k + 1 so true for all n  ( n 2) errors. All marks needed but allow if
B0 provided this mark was only
Minimum in bold. withheld for insufficient working.
Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom

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